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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Uruqai The Dragon "The dragon showed his acknowledgement and moved it's head to the dragon sitting to his right. This one had a lot brighter markings, and more around the crown of it's head than he did."

You will be riding with my mate. She has a structure on her back that is equipped to hold numerous amounts of people. Although you and your warriors will be the only passengers. We will be headed to the mountainous encampment.

@Ninja God (sorry for late post, collecting a few things before the journey)
Xerxes attempted to bow again and Achilles took him back to were the others stood. He told them all the details and they were heading to the back of the dragon two flying whiel holding the other two and Sable running up the tail of the dragon. They entered the structure through what they guess was the door and sat down in the chairs that were inside. The place was hige as was expected if it was suppose to fit thousands. Cael flew up and old the Dragons that they were ready and then she flew inside the massive structure on the women dragons back. "Who ever thought we were gonna fight a dragon and then end up riding on ones back to there kingdom."Xerxes exclaimed The group laughed and Zeno pretended to fainted again making them laugh harder

Ninja God] [FONT='Courier New']Xerxes attempted to bow again and Achilles took him back to were the others stood. He told them all the details and they were heading to the back of the dragon two flying whiel holding the other two and Sable running up the tail of the dragon. They entered the structure through what they guess was the door and sat down in the chairs that were inside. The place was hige as was expected if it was suppose to fit thousands. Cael flew up and old the Dragons that they were ready and then she flew inside the massive structure on the women dragons back. "Who ever thought we were gonna fight a dragon and then end up riding on ones back to there kingdom."Xerxes exclaimed The group laughed and Zeno pretended to fainted again making them laugh harder[/FONT] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20273-arachneglycon/ said:
Uraqai The Dragon "The dragon stood up and turned leading the way to the kingdom hidden through the mountain. They had a 10 minute walk ahead of them, even though it was thousands of miles away. Uraqai spoke in dragon tongue to his mate."

Let's go

Sozion The Dragon "She stood following him out of companionship."
Lucius awoke after a long slumber, the travel must've knocked him unconcious which seemed normal to him. He got to his feet and stood up but he could not see a vast open space, only mamoth beasts towering over himself. He searched around for a gap he could escape through but alast there wasn't.

Glakkl looked down at the tincy being, confused at how it had got here in a way that wasn't through the main gates. He was suspisious so Glakkl ordered his men to smash him till hes as flat as a pancake.

A swipe from one of the beasts quickly approached him. Unintentionly, he jumped out the way then jumped on to its hand. Another monster was rasing his fist ready to smash him but he knew what to do. In the last moments he rolled away to let the fist smash the hand in. Then from there on a brawl started up between them yet one did not get involved. He looked more important than the others as instead of being murky green and wearing week and poorly crafted armour, he was pale red with black dashes covering him and he wore stronger and much nicer looking armour. He also looked like he was the only one who wanted to fight with him.

@ArachneGlycon (yes and i left the picture behind in case anyone else wanted to come)
Urius nodded towards Aria and awaited Zeo's next move


Xerxes and the others could feel that they were moving now. Xerxes was thinking about the wierd events that happened throughout the day. This thing was kind of normal though being who they are, But by far this was the strangest. But he liked it, being an Aurea Warriors there is never a dull moment in life. He looked back and everyone looked deep in thought like he was instead of Zeno of course he had his face pressed against the glass gawking at everything they paced. Xerxes stood up and walked over to were he was and placed a hand on hi shoulder "It is pretty different isnt.

Zeno-"This is just like what i use to read in books. Xerxes i think joinging you guys was the best decision i ever mad."

"Yes i believe it is." He said taking his hand off Zeno shoulder and continued looking out of the window

(( bluh sorry, medical emergency, everyone's fine though so it's good ))

Caleb wandered aimlessly across a rocky landscape. The sun bore down upon his bald head, and he was all but certain his legs would give out. The mountain from which he'd escaped was, by this point, several miles away, but still visible in the distance on account of its enormity. Other mountains of various heights, coated in various species of foliage, stood around it.

Reaper scampered from stone to stone, motioning with his tail for Caleb to follow. "Caleb, it's here! Over here, I tells ya'!" But the ground ahead was as barren as the ground behind.

Caleb groaned weakly. "Reaper, if this is another joke, I swear..."

"'Ey, whaddaya mean 'joke'? Look, bein' navigator's harder than it looks, you hear?" Reaper puffed up his chest and set his fore-paws on his hips. If weasels could pout, he surely would. "You wanna take da lead?"

"Point taken. Lead on."

Reaper's keen little whiskers picked up on a gentle breeze from the East. His eyes lit up, and, after a hard listen, he darted off ahead. "Keep up if ya' can!" he called back. Caleb stumbled after him. The wind that had happened across Reaper's face was a wind he knew by name, and by his weaselly calculations, she was headed this way.

@Musicomar4 @ArachneGlycon
Aria was heading overhead to find spirit. But she saw a small bald child instead. 'CALEB.' The realisation hit her. She had found the lost child, but , oh, wait, no. There was reaper. She floated down behind a corner and counted down. @Blue Bluey Bluford


Harbinger of the Void

A whisper in the air, a sweet sounding lullaby that danced around in the far corner in the land of creation. There was no rhyme or reason behind the soft noises, even as soothing as it was. Since the reveal of the Blade of Guaiwu by the Huns, and reclaimed by the astral warriors; the lullaby had since grown weaker, and weaker. In the center of the noise, a child-like female lied on the ground, dressed in black. She wore a black fox mask that slightly resembled the one who opened the rift high in the sky. As the melody finally died, the female began to move; at first raising a hand up to the mask, and moving it out of the way. Her face was revealed, soft, smooth, perfect. She continued to lie there as if she was still alseep; that was until her eyes slowly opened, revealing the large lavender pupils.

The girl finally sat up, looking upon the blank land that was all around her. She didn't speak; only thought about where she was, and why. The why was clear as soon as she awoken; to change the world. For her, she was wanting to change it for the better. As she continued to stare out at the big emptyness of this white land, she knelt down and brought one of her hands out in front of her, and her other near the palm of that hand. In seconds, black energy began to swril around her unopened hand, soon shaping itself into a knife just as it became solid. She then proceeded to press the tip of the knife into her skin, piercing it and causing her hand to bleed; except the blood wasn't a dark crimson like a normal human. Instead it was black, more so than the night sky. She then removed the blade from her palm and let the blood seep out more as it dropped onto the ground. As soon as the blood touched the ground, it reacted; expanding and forming quickly. It was from here that the black blood turned into stone, metal, wood; all coming together to create buildings, trees, rivers, mountains, even the land and dirt changed.

Though as expansive as these changes were, it still only took up a fraction of the land of Creation. The female looked out upon her own makings, happy with the results, but not competely satisfied. She looked behind her and noticed that there was a big plot of land that had nothing. This land of darkness would need a capital, a place of power, for her to reside in and plan. Without hesitiation, he placed her bleeding hand on the ground and kept it there as the ground began to rumble, shaking the entire land as a structure began to manifest and build itself. By the end of it all, the structure came up and seemingly touched the skies themselves. This was a true monument to herself, and a signal to the rest of the world.

Evil has been born.

@Blue Bluey Bluford[/URL]. She stood up straight and began waving at the tiny black weasel. Her heart felt a tinge of happiness as she saw the small black critter...


Uraqai The Dragon "The monstrous dragon stopped just outside of a crevice between two mountains it revealed a kingdom unlike any that had been seen before hanging in the balance of nature"

End of the line, trips over... come on out boys and gals.

Sozion The Dragon "She had stopped slowly lowering her hind legs. She stared at the kingdom and licked her dry lips remaining silent at her mate's side"

The monsters were now flat on the ground yet Lucius still stared at him. He wasn't even sure if the beast wanted to fight any more but Lucius enjoyed the violence even if he didn't get very involved in the matter. They were locked in a deep stare connecting them both but both could tell that the latter was thinking about something other than the unbroken gaze. Lucius switched to a more relaxed posture as he had got bored of standing and staring so firmly to the giant. He dropped to the floor and sat keeping his gaze loosely locked to the opposite but was only doing to see how long the monster would keep fixed on.

Glakkl Kept his eyes locked but had not noticed that the human had moved, in fact Glakkl wasn't thinking about the situation at all he was thinking of ways he could punish his troops or a new form of torture for the evil souls that had made their way here. After he had finished brainstorming he looked back at the boy and saw he was on the ground and only slightly paying attention to him. This annoyed Glakkl but then he followed and loosened his posture too. " why and how are you in hell ?" he belched " did you come through the main gates and wonder up here? ". Glakkl only said the wonder up bit because he knew that it was impossible to escape the paths to the torture centres from the main gates and wanted to see if he'd lie.

Lucius stood up and decided what to say. " no I touched some seal on the back of of a picture and I was transported here" . Lucius thought it was a better option to tell the truth than say he walked through the main gates because if he did say the main gates they would take him to a torture chamber and he was certain its worse if you're still alive. He had gathered from what the thing said that he was in hell which meant he must've been to hell before with that man, though why would anyone go to hell whilst they were still living ? He wondered.
(Sorry i got home yesterday and just sorta passed out. But im back now.)

There i was a agin another shockwave the one that brought him here. but this one was different it wasnt pure. "Evil..." He said to himself but loud enough for everyone to hear. "No matter were i travel there will always be evil." He continued walking along side Zeo until she stopped and spoke to someone named Reaper who appeared to be a small black weasel.


Xerxes and the others exited off the dragon and faced the kingdom it was hug the biggest kingdom theyve ever seen seeing that it was home for dragons that was expected. "This is beautiful." Xerxes placed his hands on his hips and gazed at the kingdom

Achilles- "Wow" He said nodding his head inspecting the outskirts of the kingdom

Cael- "I know right." she said taking her helmet off and fixing her hair and putting her helmet back on.

Sable- SHe had ran up the female dragon and sat on top of her head to get a better view of the kingdom. She knocked on the drgons head "Excuse me do you know if they would let me adopted a baby dragon." She said once again no expression so you couldnt tell if she was kidding or not.

Zeno- "What if this was a tap and they were planning on killing us once we entered the kingdom."

Achilles-"I pretty sure Xerxes already took that into account before he agreed to come here. Dont worry Zeno even if they try anything well be prepared."

Xerxes stretched and motioned his team to gather around him. Then he faced the dragon and yelled hoping he could hear him. "SO WHERE WE HEADED BUDDY."

(waiting to see what everyone else will post. I'm a part of a few other role-plays and my excitement has gone down hill, affecting the amount of energy I want to exert on role-play so I'm sorry that's affecting this one, because I want this one to continue and I hope all of you do too. It's just frustrating when it takes people a week to post something, in other role-plays. Thanks for being so active guys! I will reply to this when I see what everyone else has done)
As soon as the boy spoke those words he knew exactly who he was and was frightened. He grabbed the boy and started running without hesitation. He was told that one day his blood would return and all of hell had been dreading when that time came and unfortunately it just did. Everyone had already contemplated whether or not to kill him but assured them self that they either wouldn't be able to and would be tortured to death, or if they did he would come and wipe them completely out, so it was decided that they would not kill him and treat him as they treated the former whilst hoping he wouldn't slaughter them for fun. They were starting to approach a very regal gargantuan building but it looked neither palace nor castle just a posh mansion. Glakkl dreaded this place and most of his kind avoided it all the time because of what had happened in a place just like it long ago. That was in the past now and no one would speak of it any more, all that is said is it was the day he came.

Lucius, in immense shock, just stared up at the beast with a blank look. He had no idea of what had triggered this reaction but must have been something to do with what he said yet nothing seemed to stick out to him although everything seemed a bit bland after what had happened previously. He went a bit off track and started reminiscing the beasts fighting in front of him all because of his actions which, unlike most, made him joyful. After he finished recalling previous events He focused on the matter at hand and studied the look on the monster's face,

He looked scared beyond belief yet adamant that he had to do this but mainly scared. Lucius devised from this that he would let the situation unfold and if he needed to he could fight his way out of a bad situation because he recently found out that he was surprisingly nimble and enjoyed it.

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