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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Aria could sense some sort of battle nearby so she floated up and above the battle, watching it all.

@Ninja God
Everywhere Spirit traveled, there was fire. Everywhere she touched, there was fire. She had never been able to create anything other than what radiated out of her in multi-dimensional waves of fiery red, this caused conflicts which could not be solved with just a few mumbled apologies and often she had destroyed beautiful monuments and forests in her desperation to assist others. She despised her element sometimes, loathed the existance of her being often but she could bring light when it was needed. It just never was, however.
[QUOTE="Blue Bluey Bluford]"Uh-huh. I see." Reaper's marble-like eyes follow the flying translucent girl as she drifts behind Z-O. "Aria, eh? Mighty nice name. Fitting for a mighty nice young lady like ya'self, now that I look." He crouches in front of Z-O's leg, not quite as much in hiding as he'd hoped. "How's about I call you Aria, and we keep our distance, and you don't mix up none a' them tornadoes, 'cause, uh, I gotta say, that doesn't sound fun at all."
He lifts his head back to look up at Z-O's face. "Zeo? Ain't never heard that one before. 'Zeo'." He feels the letters on his long weasel tongue. "The names you human folk come up with." His assumption of her species was likely not entirely correct, but he had no way of knowing this.

"Ya' know, where am I from? I don't really know. Last I checked, I come from Caleb's mind. Least, that's what his mum's always sayin'. 'Take ya' pills, Caleb, they'll help ya' get rid a' that damn weasel'." His fur stands on end and he shivers. "Nasty hulk of a woman, I tell ya'."

"Where's a pair like you from, anyway? Look at yous, face paint an' everythin'."

@Ninja God

...A almost blank slab of land lay before the fire elemental, nothing could burn, nothing could die. It was almost as if someone hadn't drawn this part of the world yet. However the very fabric of the land was teeming with energy that inspired the imagination, and had the potential to create other beings, structures, weather, powers, anything she could imagine, all she had to do was reach out and touch it with a calm mind and open imagination. This was her forge...


Annabella said:
Everywhere Spirit traveled, there was fire. Everywhere she touched, there was fire. She had never been able to create anything other than what radiated out of her in multi-dimensional waves of fiery red, this caused conflicts which could not be solved with just a few mumbled apologies and often she had destroyed beautiful monuments and forests in her desperation to assist others. She despised her element sometimes, loathed the existance of her being often but she could bring light when it was needed. It just never was, however.
Aria was bored with the battle and was heading back to Z-O when she saw a trail of fire, she followed it and came across a young girl, she approached her and spoke. "Hello, I'm Aria"
Reaper's ears twitch. Sounds like a fight. "Huh. My weasely senses are tellin' me-- No. No!" His lower body starts to vanish, starting with his tail.

He glares up at Aria. "Caleb's stopped imagining me. He must be in danger!"

His chest is turning to white noise and dissipating. "Fare ya' well, Zeo a' the stars! Later pa'tater, west wind! Adios, fiery intra'spective lady in the distance!" He twirls in the air. "I'll find ya later! I gotta gooo!"

His head starts to dematerialize, starting with his chin. "I'm comin', kiddo," he whispers to himself.

(( I'll be back later, guys, I gotta go swim with my friend. Reaper will be back too. He's not dead, just de-hallucinated for now. ))

@Annabella @Ninja God
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A girl. At least she believed so. Aria seemed to be a female name. Spirit glanced at Aria before deeming to speak. "Hello, I am Spirit." When she spoke her voice sounded of brimstone and crackling wood.

Xerxes was kneeling inspecting the body of one of the monsters as the others turned faced the open cave.

Zeno-"Would you look at that. Xerx i think we should head on there get this over with." Zeno said wiping his swords off

Xerxex stood noticeably taller then everyone else of the group "Not yet Zeno. Im afraid this might be a trick. But then again it might not be." Xerxes voice was deep and the voice of a leader. "Either way were gonna have to go in anyways, lets go." The group slowly emerged int to the cave
@Blue Bluey Bluford[/URL] (sounds good catch ya later)

...Z-O stared in surprise as she saw the little weasel twirl upwards disappearing so suddenly...

Huh... what a silly animal...

...Z-O looked around and her friend Aria had vanished, she stood up and brushed herself off. She took her cloak off and dropped it on the grass. She ran off into the forest to see what adventures lead ahead of her...

Fun! Fun! Fun!

...Z-O had a short attention span and so often more than not became bored of things.She loved everything but sometimes she like to run off and explore. As she stepped into the forest with bare feet dirt and leaves stuck themselves to the bottoms of her feet. She continued to walk through the forest where twigs and other things snapped. She wasn't sure where this would lead but she was excited none the less. She continued to press on until she came upon a large mound of leaves. She ran up to it happily and went to go jump into the pile of leaves. As her frail body made contact with the leaves they were surprisingly hard, and she felt a slight jolt of pain as she realized it wasn't a pile of leaves at all it was a giant sphere. It looked like a round rock, she touched it and it beamed brilliant colors before it faded due to her taking her hands off it. She kept touching it laughing and giggling as it kept pulsating light each time she touched it. This was funner than anything except the weasel...
[QUOTE="Ninja God]
Xerxes was kneeling inspecting the body of one of the monsters as the others turned faced the open cave.

Zeno-"Would you look at that. Xerx i think we should head on there get this over with." Zeno said wiping his swords off

Xerxex stood noticeably taller then everyone else of the group "Not yet Zeno. Im afraid this might be a trick. But then again it might not be." Xerxes voice was deep and the voice of a leader. "Either way were gonna have to go in anyways, lets go." The group slowly emerged int to the cave

@Ninja God

...As they entered the cave a slight click could be heard as one of the men stepped forward. The caves entrance was engulfed in what was called "greek fire" it could not be extinguished by normal means. And off in the shadows of the cave there were figures running deeper into the cave. Perhaps to escape, or maybe to lure them deeper inside. Either way the path would be treacherous, Xerxes may lose a few men in the process. This call was Xerxe's alone...
Aria had a tone which reminded Spirit of the breeze on a sunny afternoon, of the sudden rush of wind which slid across the land like an oncoming storm. "Correct me if I'm wrong but are you the element of Wind?"
Annabella said:
Aria had a tone which reminded Spirit of the breeze on a sunny afternoon, of the sudden rush of wind which slid across the land like an oncoming storm. "Correct me if I'm wrong but are you the element of Wind?"
((@Annabella just wanted to let you know theres a giant gleaming white land behind your Spirit, she can create anything her mind desires without fear of destruction))
Do they really think this will stop us. Even though it is strong it isnt invicible. There enemy merely wetten hide with vinegar and covered themselves with said hide to quickly passed through it." Xerxes said and chuckled

Achilles-"But Xerxes we dont have any hide and vineger. And even though our armor can withstand he fire none of us have full bodied armor so we will risk the chance of being burning."

"You are correct brother." Xerxes stood there wondering how they will get through this alive or unhurt. "We don have alot of time we must do this quickly. Everyone place your helmets on and they should protect your head and cover your faces with your gauntlets and pray to god no fire gets through,And without hesitation he placed his helmet on and ran instantly he could smell ] rotten flesh and hear the screaming of others. Luckily the fire was short and they reach the edge fast. One by one they emerge out of the fire. Xerxes neck was burnt black while the others necks were also burnt along with some hair and facial skin. Xerxes stood "Is everyone alright."

The others nodded theyve been through worse so they knew how to handle the pain for now but they would need to be healed soon

"Alright lets go." they continued through the cave after the Hun

Groaning the others stood running behind Xerxes trying there best to not think of the pain.

(Hah found away around it without god modding (8)))
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As Lucius slept he felt tormented by uknown ghosts from the past. He was unclear of his life as a child yet always felt that he could remember being one but when he focused only a blank plain lay before him.

The ghastly horrors muttered words to him but one that came up most was demon. He confrentated the meaning of this word as he felt as if he had a forced pride yet shame for it. The more he focused on the word the more he understood the feeling it had to him yet stretched further away from the meaning.

Suddenly the torment stopped as a figure in shadow walked over to him yet he felt as if he knew what would happen- maybe this wasnt all a dream.

He could not pin down who this was but he knew it was the woman, the person he held dear.

Just as the reality brightened he knew it would come to a close.

"It's ok"

He wispered as he awoke.

Seconds later those words were all that he remembered related to his slumber

Hrou Deloro

Vessel of Darkness

As Hrou drempt, he saw nothing but darkness. As being one of the few creatures that started around the same time as the world itself, and probably before then, Hrou has deticated himself to his abilities and powers, how to control them and not end life as everyone he has met today knows it. Yet something was off this time. His dream, his own mind, it was invaded with the thoughts of death and destruction; thoughts that were not his own. 'This world... shall be perfect. After all of you lowly peasants burn and the world is purified...' A voice in the dark corner of his mind said. The tone behind the voice dripped with vemon Just then two large white glowing circles opened competely, as if they were eyes themselves without any other color in them. The 'eyes' stared right at Hrou without movement as the voice continued to speak. 'I will then make this world... perfect.'

Soon after the voice finish speaking; Hrou's eyes opened slowly. Already his mind was rushed with questions. Who or what was that? Why did this creature invade his mind now? And how? Hrou continued to lie on the ground as he looked up at the sky, looking straight at the rift that sat there, mocking him, becoming the symbol of his own carelessness. He lifted his head up to see that mostly everyone who was here at one point had seemed to of moved. This did not bother Hrou one bit for he was use to being alone; yet he was not truly alone. The company of himself consisted of three. Himself, a light side, and a dark side.

Hrou stood up off the ground and looked around. He wasn't worried about losing the girl with no name, or anyone who was around her. Thanks to the mental bond he had created with her, her presence in this world will always be known to him. He started walking into the forest once more, into unventured lands. Learning was something Hrou enjoyed, and this land had lots to be told, and lots to be revealed. Many of places could be created upon, but Hrou never actually tried his hand in creation.

As he ventured forth, he found himself scaling a mountain that connected to the forest, and soon spotted a cave, and a group of creatures that seemed awfully similar. Were these what he had heard about many times before; Humans? Hrou stayed in hiding as he saw the entrance of the cave was engulfed in flames. Whatever events led to this obviously has power; powers higher than most. Hrou soon slowly moved away from the tree line and approached the group, yet not seeming to look at them and more towards the fire. This fire was clearly not natural. He was then close to the men before stopping, contemplating on how one would advance forward without the proper materials. As he did, he noticed that the other had already ran in once more, appearing to brave the fire. Courage; he had to admit that he has not seen many creatures display this much of it at once. Their target must of been of great importance.

Hrou became curious; very curious, but this fire truly prevented him from entering behind the men. That was until he looked around and saw a bush full of grapes. Smiling softly, Hrou walked over and took huge handfulls of grapes. Fresh made vinegar was obviously not available, however this would do as a close second. Hrou crushed the grapes, squeezing the juices out as he quickly rubbed it over himself till he was competely overed. "I need to find a river after this..." Hrou said quietly to himself as he faced the cave once more. Very quickly, he ran through the fire, feeling the quickly increasing heat as he passed the flames. Once he went through, he ducked into the darkness so that none of the men would notice him. He didn't know how they would react to spotting him. As he hid and checked his fur to see if it had caught on fire anywhere, he noticed that he had a sickly sweet smell all around him from the grapes. This might pose a problem, so he made a mental note to keep a good distance away while he watched. Staying in the shadows would be the best bet... in the shadows...

@Ninja God
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The Huns could be heard and they were getting even closer. Xerxes was ahead grunting as the pain form the fire began to get worse. Lucky them the Huns werent too big on running. Xerxes looked back and spotted that Cael had stopped grabbed her staff off her back. The blade at the edge was shining and she jumped amazingly high and quickly stabbed the caves ceiling. Xerxes watched as a cracked formed on the ceiling all the way ill it was above the Huns. and a loud snap was heard as the ceiling came crashing down in front of the Huns.

Cael- "Ouch," she said as she came back down

"Good job Cael." Xerxes said as he slowly walked up to the Huns. Xerxes could see that he other Aurea Warriors were ready for battle even though they were badly burnt.

Achilles- He could feel anothers presence it was weird and it wasn't the huns, he didnt let that misguide him front

the task at hand


Hrou Deloro

Vessel of Darkness

Hrou watched the woman's audacity as she took to the air and stabbed the ceiling of the cave, making it collapse in front of another force that was deeper in the cave. Apparently this woman was named Cael as he picked up her name from one of the men who complemented her. Hrou kept quiet as he followed the Aurea Warriors further into the cave. What did they want with these other humans? Was it a fight? A war? Did these humans not know how to negotiate peacefully? Only time would tell how this will end. Though he was not one that agreed on a life being taken short of it's time, he could not interfer with their affairs.

Inside his own mind, he began hearing a voice. It sounded like his own... yet colder. 'I say we kill them all! Rid this world of their petty problems!' He heard the voice roar in his head, but he didn't react and instead stayed quiet. The only signs he made to respond to the voice was speaking to it in his mind in return. 'Come now Darvic, this is not our fight, nor our concern...' He stated, which was only meet with a bashful tone. 'It became ours when you stepped foot into this cave!' Hrou closed his eyes as he did not wish to argue any longer and shut the dark voice out of his mind. Though he hated it, he had to agree with it in the long-run; he has put himself in this position by entering instead of staying away. Opening his eyes once more, he kept them glued to the advancing force.

@Ninja God
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Lucius trailed the wolf beast yet it did not seem to notice him but then he didn't want him to. He felt as if his cloak had something to do with this and recalled a slight defenition of its power:

though your physical presence is hidden Your mental presence stands as clear as day

This was useful infomation as his mind was only ever blank when he wanted it to be so. He didnt know why he feared the wolf being finding him He assumed he felt bad for stalking someone for no solid reason.

Lucius wandered why the being stared it to the flames insensantly, Lucius understood it was not natural but felt at ease with the burning.

Instead of going inside the cave he peered in from the side watching what was going down, Of course from he could see they were just going deeper in.

@Ninja God
Xerxea stopped almost halfway in front of the huns and pulled out his sword it began to glow. The sound if being unsheated rang theough the enemies bringing fear them accept for the on who stood in the middle. "This sword as brought not on retribution but light apon this world by destroying the darkness in it. You shall the might the Aurea warriors once. And you will be able to see the light and what we stand for before you die into eternal darkness." Raising the sword in the air with one hand the blade was surrounded by a blinding light

Zeno- "This is my favorite part." he said joking as the rest sat and watch

Xerxes brung the sword down with ease and the light followed ot looking like a Huge sword that reached to the Huns and as it made contact the whole cave was covered in the light and faint screams could be heard under the piercing noise of the impact from Xerxea sword of Redmption move. As the light let up the Huns were nothing but dust and Xerxes places his sword back in his sheath.

Aria was shocked that spirit had guessed correctly as quick as she did "Yes I am the west wind"

Her voice barely recognisable over the leaves and bushes rustling.
Spirit chuckled at the irony, a trail of fire seeping from her mouth as she tossed her head back. "It is ironic that wind can either blow out fire or amplify it, do you agree?"

"I don't concern myself with irony, but, yes I guess it is." Aria smiled to herself. "Anyway I better head back to the rock, you wanna come Spirit?"


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