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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

slytheringduck said:
"I.....Have no idea" he mumbled.
It made him flood with sorrow because he felt it was so important yet he didn't know why and he knew this would be happening a lot.

He wasn't sure if he had no more memories, if ha forgotten or the most frightening yet anger of them all ; if someone had taken them from him.

The last idea of his made him shiver then look own at the floor because he knew if someone had taken his memory they could also take the memory of who they way and if they stole it meaning he could never had any lead if someone did.

He looked at the girl and asked " what's your name?"

as he wanted to get off the other topic so he didn't have to over think all of it and he didn't just want to be calling her 'girl'.

...She smiled and closed her eyes after he asked...

My name's Z-O... Z-O Z-O Z-O

...She swayed back and forth enjoying the grass touching the back of her legs no matter which way she twisted...

So Lucius! Whatcha' gonna do!?

...She was wondering what all of these creatures plans were. She wanted to know why the all collected here of all places, she loved the company. But she also wanted to entertain them, she felt like it was her duty for some reason. There was a feeling in the back of her head, a feeling they would undergo an adventure that none of them would soon forget...

(Aaaaand that concludes my posting for a few hours. I need to catch some sleep it's 7:44am here where I am. I will switch my status to asleep and turn everyones statuses to grey)

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(( This character comes from a story I've been writing, so he has some backstory already. However, even in his story of origin, he is in fact an element already, so I saw this as a lovely opportunity to play him. If anyone's already taken the element of death, please let me know and I'll make his element something else. ))

Skitter skitter. From deep in the forest, the foliage rustles. Out of sight, a mature black weasel races across the ground, passing under the shadows of branches and leaves, and leaving a trail of dead grass in its wake. Its whiskers bob in the wind.

"Caleb!" it squeals. "Caleb, ya've gon' too far! Time ta' go back home!" Its tiny pleas echo through the trees. They do not echo very far.

"Ya' gotta' be kiddin' me. Caleb! Ya' mum's gonna be steamin'! Kiddo, come back! Come back!" Its hind paw catches on a low hanging branch of a eucalyptus shrub. As it loses balance, it begins to soar ahead. Its eyes widen. Hissing, it grips its claws tightly around the branch, but the branch immediately shrivels up and falls off the bush.

The weasel is sent tumbling forward in a ball, and lands unfurled, sprawled out on its belly at the mouth of a clearing in the forest. Its tail sinks, and it lays its chin down. "Oh, I really gone done it now." It winces and hiccups a few times, as if crying, but because it happens to be a weasel, no tears come. "God bless ya', Caleb. Ya' was a good kid."

It leaps to its feet and arches its back. "I can't give up now! He's gotta be 'round here somewhere! I knows he's alive! I can sense it! I can--wha--huuuuhhh??"

The weasel looks onward, dumbfounded. Farther into the clearing, five human-ish things, some moreso than others, are reclined in the grass:

- A rather colorfully decorated youth with a divine smile about her;

- A pale, windswept young woman;

- A man with a chaotic flair to his form;

- An oddly shaped black fox on hind legs;

- And a cloaked boy with a stance of subdued pride.

"What's I come in on?" it asks itself. "What is this, a parade?" It sniffs the air, as if for an answer, and then, on its hind legs, begins to approach.

"Ey. Ey 'scuse me!" It projects its voice as far as it can, which is not very far, and raises a paw in the air. "Ey! Pardon d'interruptin', any a' you'z seen a kid? Real not-so-healthy lookin' kid, bald, way too skinny, kinda 'bout the height a' you there." It waves frantically at Z-O.
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Aria hears the creature and turns,

"He hasn't come by here I'm afraid, but we could help you find him"

She turns to Z-O and asks her to repeat the sentence since her voice is only a wind making sound.

@ArachneGlycon @Blue Bluey Bluford


ArachneGlycon said:
...She nodded a little...
W-west wind? What does West Wind do?

...she put her hands into the soft green grass still wearing her cloak made of grass. She yawned from her long nap...

Aria Pondered over this odd questions. What does she do?

"Well, I control the wind that leads from west to east."

She told Z-O
...Her ears twitch a little at some high pitched squeaks coming from a descent ways away. Her body language changes and she stands up squinting and looking around...

Wheres that sound coming from...?

...She continued to look around until she saw a small black furry animal approaching on hind legs. Her head tilted curiously and she knelt down waiting for it to approach closer for her to hear...

@Blue Bluey Bluford

...Z-O then gave her attention to the girl for only a moment...

Oh... I didn't know there was Wind that traveled from West to East, that sounds very mystical...

...Her attention was held by the black little animal approaching...
...Z-O stared with a smile on her face...

It'sa weasel!

...Again another word she didn't know. She observed the creatures affect on the environment and noticed the trail of dead grass behind it as it approached. The people around the rock were all froze in-time almost transparent they stood motionless with eyes closed. Z-O had the huge urge to reach out and pet the Weasel but she held back due to the dead grass behind it, she didn't know what it meant...

@Blue Bluey Bluford

Aria flew up 2 metres and sat on a cloud till it would go away

"There is no way I'm going anywhere near that thing!"
ArachneGlycon said:
...She continued to look around until she saw a small black furry animal approaching on hind legs. Her head tilted curiously and she knelt down waiting for it to approach closer for her to hear...
Musicomar4 said:
"WHAT IS THAT THING!" She screamed. Frightened of the little thing for reasons unknown.
(( Musicomar4, is Aria visible to everyone or only to Z-O? For now, I'll work off the assumption that she's visible to everyone, but only Z-O can understand what she's saying. ))

"Ey, whoa whoa whoa, easy, Miss Breezy." Nervously, it slowly tiptoes backward, its tail standing straight up. "No need to, ah, do whatever ya's doin'." (It can't hear her scream (( I assume )), so it only sees her sitting there in her cloud with an open mouth and a terrified posture.) "I know I got big fangs, but we's more afraid a' you than... ya know."

It takes a tiny bow toward Z-O. "Name's Reaper. Pleased ta' make yer acquaintance! And yer, uh, friend there." It shrinks away from the cloud apprehensively.

@ArachneGlycon @Musicomar4

(( ugh sorry I'm not used to trying not to write much, I'll improve with the speed ))
@ArachneGlycon[/URL] @Musicomar4

(( ugh sorry I'm not used to trying not to write much, I'll improve with the speed ))
(No please take your time, we post so quickly because it's more comfortable to us, I loved reading your starter. @Blue Bluey Bluford)

...Z-O was a little overwhelmed with the girl who had just jumped up into the sky, and a fuzzy animal who bowed to her and was speaking she began shaking with excitement...

Mmmm...mmm Reaper?

...She asked eagerly almost unable to contain her excitement...

@Blue Bluey Bluford

Musicomar4 said:
((All can see her but her voice is only the wind making sound so few understand her))
(( Oh, I see. Noted for future reference, thanks ))

ArachneGlycon said:
(No please take your time, we post so quickly because it's more comfortable to us, I loved reading your starter. @Blue Bluey Bluford)
...Z-O was a little overwhelmed with the girl who had just jumped up into the sky, and a fuzzy animal who bowed to her and was speaking she began shaking with excitement...

Mmmm...mmm Reaper?

...She asked eagerly almost unable to contain her excitement...
(( Ah, I'm glad, thanks ^^' ))

"'Samatter, kid? You seem a li'l shaken up." He rests a paw on her ankle in a conciliatory gesture, but immediately withdraws it. "Yeowch!" He nibbles his paw, turned half away. It's smoking. "And a li'l full a' creative jujus."

He gazes up into the clouds cloud. "My charge -- 'scuse me, my friend -- my friend Caleb might'a come through here. I'm real worried about 'im. Think you might'a seen 'im? Either a' you?" He reaches a paw up. "Scary wind lady? Yea? No? Never mind." He turns back to Z-O. "Say, I don't think I caught ya' name."

@ArachneGlycon @Musicomar4
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@ArachneGlycon[/URL] @Musicomar4
...She giggles uncontrollably when the weasel touches her ankle. She sits down and leans in close to examine the weasels face...

My names Z-O nice uh' meet ya'

...She cupped her hands over her mouth. She had accidentally picked up his way of talking for just a moment. She let her hands rest in her lap. Before looking up at the girl in the sky, she waved from all the way down on the grass. Then looked at the Weasel...

Don't worry she's my friend. she's just a little shy is all. I haven't seen your Caleb Mr.Weasel... Where do you come from Reaper?


@Blue Bluey Bluford
"Uh-huh. I see." Reaper's marble-like eyes follow the flying translucent girl as she drifts behind Z-O. "Aria, eh? Mighty nice name. Fitting for a mighty nice young lady like ya'self, now that I look." He crouches in front of Z-O's leg, not quite as much in hiding as he'd hoped. "How's about I call you Aria, and we keep our distance, and you don't mix up none a' them tornadoes, 'cause, uh, I gotta say, that doesn't sound fun at all."

He lifts his head back to look up at Z-O's face. "Zeo? Ain't never heard that one before. 'Zeo'." He feels the letters on his long weasel tongue. "The names you human folk come up with." His assumption of her species was likely not entirely correct, but he had no way of knowing this.

"Ya' know, where am I from? I don't really know. Last I checked, I come from Caleb's mind. Least, that's what his mum's always sayin'. 'Take ya' pills, Caleb, they'll help ya' get rid a' that damn weasel'." His fur stands on end and he shivers. "Nasty hulk of a woman, I tell ya'."

"Where's a pair like you from, anyway? Look at yous, face paint an' everythin'."

@ArachneGlycon @Musicomar4
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Xerxes stood looking onto the multicolored sky that stood above them motionless and quiet. No birds flew no planes whizzed threw the sky. The land was barren. The plants were lifeless. But standing above was the shining colorful sky. Without hesitation Xerxes jumped off of the towering mountain he stood on and so did the rest of the Aurea Warriors. Each holding there unique weapons as they descended the mountain they were reaching the ground faster and faster and a minute before hitting what seem like thousands of slying beast emerged from under the ground. The warriors flew into the cluster of monsters without hesiation and they were engulfed byt the flying beast. the whole scene looked hectic but if you look close enoough you see each Aurea warrior shining with each passing second brighter and brighter until finally the beasts could no longer keep them surround. and with a sudden burst the thousand of monster exploded leaving the warriors standing in the middle of the battlefield still glowing each of there weapons bloodied and the looks of true warriors in there eyes

(Ps read slowly gives more purpose to the music)


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