Once Fahy puts the card back into the deck Justin shuffles the deck once again. "Alright, was this your card?" Justin pulls out a 9 of spades. He was trying to hold in a laugh. "I guess you owe me something of value." Isaac was his first victim, now Fahy was his second.Drumonkey said:Dru glanced up from his book at Bruce not liking that chuckle but he didn't know the joke was going to be on Justin.
Fahy grabbed a card it was the 9 of spades and Fahy quickly made sure not to let Justin see it.
"Yes, my name is Hekate." She starts pace around. "I hope he's still alive. It will be hard to find him ourselves if the Dark Arts can't find him."Afrobrony said:"Well then, I guess I'll take your word for it and hope that this will have managed to survive all these years. And I'm sorry for calling you Hentai, I mix up names a lot. Now it was Hekate right?"