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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

H looked past, sighing as he shambled on, walking towards Jackie as his footsteps made a wet smack against the ground as his bare feet marched on, towards whatever happened to lay before him now. He just got an original to accept the ineffable right? Or maybe he finally got the original to just take action on his acceptance. Either way, it's what he wanted, right? Yeah, it was what he wanted... In the end that's all he guess he could ask for. That's how things were supposed to be, it's the way that life must continue. Life and death in juxtapose necessity, not even Yggdrasil could avoid that, he supposed. He marched on towards Jackie, trying desperately to catch up with her as he let go of the few memories he was holding onto, letting the wave of his entire existence wash over him again, his mind constantly warring with itself to write memories and to stay the same, returning him to his feeble self, unsure of anything.
CelticSol said:
"Sure, as long as you're good with seeing a dead Original-" Jackie stops as Ancient Yggdrasil appears in front of her, and she stares up at him with wide eyes, her whole body tensing for a fight as he speaks. When he's done, withouteven meaning to, she nods her head at his words, "I will," She watches the leaves blow away with a sad expression, then it dawns on her that she has no idea what exactly just happened, and takes Little Yggdrasil off her shoulder to stare at her, "Did I just get forced to adopt you?"
Yggdrasil smiled, holding her hands up in the air. "Yup, me and my big brother!" she beamed.
Daimao said:
Yggdrasil smiled, holding her hands up in the air. "Yup, me and my big brother!" she beamed.
She remembers the fact that Brother Nature told her about another child, and looks blankly at the child in her arms, "So, since he doesn't have a human form, I'm guessing he looks like a tree?"
CelticSol said:
She remembers the fact that Brother Nature told her about another child, and looks blankly at the child in her arms, "So, since he doesn't have a human form, I'm guessing he looks like a tree?"
"Yup!" Little Yggdrasil replied happily. "Just like a tree!" As if on cue, the ground beneath the feet of the guild members rose up, large trees growing around them. As it turned out, they were standing on the back of a massive creature, that appeared to be formed of trees. "See?" Big Yggdrasil let out an earthshaking roar.

Daimao said:
"Yup!" Little Yggdrasil replied happily. "Just like a tree!" As if on cue, the ground beneath the feet of the guild members rose up, large trees growing around them. As it turned out, they were standing on the back of a massive creature, that appeared to be formed of trees. "See?" Big Yggdrasil let out an earthshaking roar.

Jackie covers her ears, trying to block out the deafening roar, then she sits down, leaning her back against one of the trees (back trees?). She leans her head one of her hands, "I'm in a magical guild, my best friend is a Cerberus, I'm possessed by some Satan motherfucker, and now I have two Deku Tree children. Of course. Of course this happens to me," She looks down at the rest of Big Yggdrasil, then to the girl before her, "Do you have a nickname? Calling you both Yggdrasil will drive me crazy."
CelticSol said:
Jackie covers her ears, trying to block out the deafening roar, then she sits down, leaning her back against one of the trees (back trees?). She leans her head one of her hands, "I'm in a magical guild, my best friend is a Cerberus, I'm possessed by some Satan motherfucker, and now I have two Deku Tree children. Of course. Of course this happens to me," She looks down at the rest of Big Yggdrasil, then to the girl before her, "Do you have a nickname? Calling you both Yggdrasil will drive me crazy."
Little Yggdrasil cocks her head to the side as she thinks. "We usually just call each other Yggdrasil and understand which one is being talked about, but you don't have the same psychic connection as we do, so you can't do that," she said, thinking a bit more. "Oh! I know! I'll be Yiggy and brother can be Yig!"
Daimao said:
Little Yggdrasil cocks her head to the side as she thinks. "We usually just call each other Yggdrasil and understand which one is being talked about, but you don't have the same psychic connection as we do, so you can't do that," she said, thinking a bit more. "Oh! I know! I'll be Yiggy and brother can be Yig!"
Jackie was about to comment on how those names were also very similar, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. She points at Little Yggdrasil, "Yiggy," Then she pats the 'ground', "and Yig. Works for me," A thought occurs to her, and she looks at Yiggy, "Wait, how am I supposed to take care of you? Do you guys even eat, or do you live on, like, sunshine and water? Or neither?"
Bruce sits his ass right on the ground with his legs crossed and an arm resting on one with his head pressed up against it. He'd been looking forward to getting to kill an original today but Schniezel was taken away from him and now Yggdrasil had just disappeared. He could try and kill the children but that would also result in having to kill Jackie which was an impossibility due to his weaker side stopping him from doing so and just letting him die. Yeah, today had been quite a disappointing day though at least he got kill plenty of knights along with a few executioners and some cannons. It seemed it was time to think about shit again, that was more of less evil Bruce's department.

Let's see, what was there to think about? Well he had to figure out some way to gain full control of the Nega-Bruce, as much as he loved the power it granted him it was just too much sometimes and would probably get him killed at some point. That was on the check list. He also needed to lynch a member of the KKK, that was very important and why hadn't he done it yet. Checklist. There was also his therapist career, fucking Gary had interrupted his thought process on that earlier. FUCK YOU GARY! He'd have to make his stay in the mortal realm since no one in the deity realm, including Dragon's Roar members, wanted his services. Bunch of wankers. If they ever came to him in the mortal realm he'd charge extra. As soon as he hit success then he'd publish a book and reveal that he didn't actually have a license. The book would play on this fact with its title "Who Needs a License?" and Bruce would be on the cover shrugging. Yeah... good plan great plan. He'd also have to erase away his past mercenary life, except to his patients so that he could relate to those that used to be criminals but had gotten too old to keep on moving and had betrayed their friends for a better life. No one gets the reference but that doesn't matter since it's all in his head.

Bruce looks up at Jackie and her new adopted tree children. It got him thinking about if he was ever going to have children of his own someday, hopefully not tree children. The money he'd make from being a therapist would certainly attract some gold diggers. Plus he was a hunk, at least one of them would want to stay around. Would he want to train them to be like him? He'd been shunned from the family so it really didn't fall on his shoulders to do so now. Quite a lot of thing to be thinking about, why hadn't he planned his future better when he was younger?
CelticSol said:
Layla grounds herself, and none of the spikes going towards Julie hit their mark, instead either turning the exact opposite direction, or hitting Layla's scales. She grunts a bit at some of the impacts hitting her side, her eyes narrowing as Schniezel puts distance between them. She grabs Julie by latching her teeth around the back of her neck, like a cat with her kitten, and takes off, since metal wouldn't be able to attack them from above. She flips Julie into the air and ducks her neck so Julie lands on her back as Layla opens her jaw and roars, spires rising up and slamming into Schniezel.

Arcadia puts her hand on Dark's sternum and firmly pushes her back down, "I don't think so. This damn fight and this godforsaken war isn't as important as your health is, despite your foolish insistence on dying. If you go back, this personality - you run the risk of being corrupted or ripped apart with how volatile your mana is right now," Arcadia rubs her badly bruised throat, frowning at Isabel, "Its hard to trust you as it is. If you get up, I can and will consider you a threat, so you will either stay down, or I will make you."

Not even waiting for Isabel to respond, she uses her fingers to open Isabel's mouth and pours the potion down her throat, which tastes worse than Buckley's, and massages along the front of her neck until Isabel swallows. Once the potion starts to take affect, shown in how the lines of her arms start to dim and dilute in colour, Arcadia activates her magic, the markings on her body turning pale blue. She takes one of Isabel's arms, and with soothing, repetive motions, runs her fingertips over the mana lines covering her arm. Slowly enough it's hard to notice, the mana starts to drain out of Isabel. As more and more drains out of Isabel, Arcadia becomes more and more uncomfortable, her face contorting in barely hidden pain. She lets out a small amount of her own mana into Isabel to heal damage caused by the overflow as she moves to the other arm, repeating the process of drawing out the mana, though Arcadia's hands are noticeably shaking.


Instead of attacking Yggdrasil. "You know what? This is bullshit. I'm not fighting brother nature over there because Isabel told me to. This dude has literally done absolutely nothing to me, so I've got no fight with him. If he wants to protect his plant bros, all the power to him," Jackie runs a hand through her hair, making her look a little wild, "I don't even see a purpose for this. Okay, most of us got a bad card in life, but killing them only means that whenever something bad happens, we're the ones responsible. Fuck the Originals. Fuck this. I'm out, guys. I'm finding Schniztel or whatever the hell his name is, I'm gonna kill him because I didn't finish the job the first time, then I'm out." Jackie starts to walk away, shaking her head.
Schniezel is knocked into a castle wall. He didn't have time for this, he knew other members would arrive soon and it would only get worse. "Cannons!" Several of the cannons roll out at his command. They start firing at Layla.

Dark doesn't want Arcadia to do this but she starts to remember what she said. Arcadia wanted to be a healing to help people, even at the cost of her own life. She sits back and allows Arcadia to do her work. She can move her hands now but didn't like the fact that Arcadia seemed like she was in pain. She gently places her other hand on that one as it continues to glide along the lines.
CelticSol said:
Jackie was about to comment on how those names were also very similar, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. She points at Little Yggdrasil, "Yiggy," Then she pats the 'ground', "and Yig. Works for me," A thought occurs to her, and she looks at Yiggy, "Wait, how am I supposed to take care of you? Do you guys even eat, or do you live on, like, sunshine and water? Or neither?"

CelticSol said:
Jackie was about to comment on how those names were also very similar, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. She points at Little Yggdrasil, "Yiggy," Then she pats the 'ground', "and Yig. Works for me," A thought occurs to her, and she looks at Yiggy, "Wait, how am I supposed to take care of you? Do you guys even eat, or do you live on, like, sunshine and water? Or neither?"
"Welllllll," Yiggy begins. "We don't necessarily need to eat anything, as we are immortal, but we looooooooooove human food," she says, twirling around. From below, Yig growled in agreement.
Suddenly the ground shakes underneath them all. A giant made out of the same material of the cannon rises at least 90 feet tall. Filled with Darks mana.
Light said:
Suddenly the ground shakes underneath them all. A giant made out of the same material of the cannon rises at least 90 feet tall. Filled with Darks mana.
Since Bruce had been sitting down on the ground, he was now sitting on the giant. "Huh? Oh shit... this happened to Jackie and she got a child. This had better not be my child, I ain't adopting quite yet I don't even have a house right now."
Afrobrony said:
Since Bruce had been sitting down on the ground, he was now sitting on the giant. "Huh? Oh shit... this happened to Jackie and she got a child. This had better not be my child, I ain't adopting quite yet I don't even have a house right now."
The metal giant was extremely hot. It raises its hand to flick him off.
Light said:
The metal giant was extremely hot. It raises its hand to flick him off.
Bruce jumps up as soon as he feels the heat. The metal suit was not good at keeping heat out as shown by Bruce tap dancing to keep his feet off the giant. He scolded the giant as soon as it got its hand close to him "no! Bad giant! Don't you fucking treat me like that or you're grounded!"
Afrobrony said:
Bruce jumps up as soon as he feels the heat. The metal suit was not good at keeping heat out as shown by Bruce tap dancing to keep his feet off the giant. He scolded the giant as soon as it got its hand close to him "no! Bad giant! Don't you fucking treat me like that or you're grounded!"
The giant grows angry as the generator inside starts to heat up. As if it's ready to expel a large bubble of mana from its body.
Light said:
The giant grows angry as the generator inside starts to heat up. As if it's ready to expel a large bubble of mana from its body.
Bruce finally jumps off from the giant, throwing off the knight's clothes as it was getting way too hot in them now. He craned back his head to look up at the giant. "How the fuck am I going to stop that?"
Light said:
The giant grows angry as the generator inside starts to heat up. As if it's ready to expel a large bubble of mana from its body.
"Well this um it's a um I've got nothing how on earth are we gonna stop this thing?!" Isaac yelled looking for a weak spot on the giant.
Light said:
The giant grows angry as the generator inside starts to heat up. As if it's ready to expel a large bubble of mana from its body.
Yiggy turns her head to look at the giant. "That's not fair!" she yells childlishly, stomping her small foot on Yig's back. "Just go away!" She says with a pout, as a massive hand, larger than the giant and made of vines, burst from the ground in front of the giant. Two more hands burst from the ground on either side of the giant, grabbing it by either arm to hold it in place. The first hand then proceeds to punch the shit out of it.
Daimao said:
Yiggy turns her head to look at the giant. "That's not fair!" she yells childlishly, stomping her small foot on Yig's back. "Just go away!" She says with a pout, as a massive hand, larger than the giant and made of vines, burst from the ground in front of the giant. Two more hands burst from the ground on either side of the giant, grabbing it by either arm to hold it in place. The first hand then proceeds to punch the shit out of it.
Bruce watched as the vines attacked the giant, they'd be burned through if they hung onto that giant for any amount of time. "I would not suggest direct contact with that thing. If touching it won't hurt those vines then the blast that'll be coming from it will."
Daimao said:
Yiggy turns her head to look at the giant. "That's not fair!" she yells childlishly, stomping her small foot on Yig's back. "Just go away!" She says with a pout, as a massive hand, larger than the giant and made of vines, burst from the ground in front of the giant. Two more hands burst from the ground on either side of the giant, grabbing it by either arm to hold it in place. The first hand then proceeds to punch the shit out of it.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce watched as the vines attacked the giant, they'd be burned through if they hung onto that giant for any amount of time. "I would not suggest direct contact with that thing. If touching it won't hurt those vines then the blast that'll be coming from it will."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Well this um it's a um I've got nothing how on earth are we gonna stop this thing?!" Isaac yelled looking for a weak spot on the giant.

The giant expels the bubble of mana and the vines disintegrate, as well as the rubble of the castle around it. The bubble continues to expand.
Light said:
The giant expels the bubble of mana and the vines disintegrate, as well as the rubble of the castle around it. The bubble continues to expand.
Bruce stares at the mana with wide eyes, "ha! No." He started running away, hoping the others would do the same. Even as Nega-Bruce he'd taken quite a bit of damage from destroying a cannon, he'd be completely obliterated now and had a career to look forward to.
Light said:
The giant expels the bubble of mana and the vines disintegrate, as well as the rubble of the castle around it. The bubble continues to expand.
Isaac ran away as fast as he possible could saying "Bye, please don't follow us." Isaac didn't have any idea where he was going to go, but he thought that maybe since it looked like a bubble that it could be popped by something.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce stares at the mana with wide eyes, "ha! No." He started running away, hoping the others would do the same. Even as Nega-Bruce he'd taken quite a bit of damage from destroying a cannon, he'd be completely obliterated now and had a career to look forward to.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac ran away as fast as he possible could saying "Bye, please don't follow us." Isaac didn't have any idea where he was going to go, but he thought that maybe since it looked like a bubble that it could be popped by something.

The bubble comes back to the giant. It needs a moment to cool down since the generator was overheating from such dense mana. The giant starts to move around while it takes a cool down.
Light said:
The bubble comes back to the giant. It needs a moment to cool down since the generator was overheating from such dense mana. The giant starts to move around while it takes a cool down.
Bruce judges that the best war to fight this thing was to attack it while the bubble was down He peppered the giant with ki balls that were more focused around piercing into it.

(Just saw a guy called Apex... first it made me think of Isabel but then I saw his profile pic which was of Superman... now I want to kill him.)
Light said:
The bubble comes back to the giant. It needs a moment to cool down since the generator was overheating from such dense mana. The giant starts to move around while it takes a cool down.
Isaac tried to think if anything that could hurt the giant, or at least could stop the mana, he knew that Dark could probably stop the mana attacks, but he couldn't think of anything that could actually harm the giant, so he followed Bruce's lead and threw ki blasts at the giant.

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