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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac races after Bruce, following him because he seem determined to get somewhere which meant it must have been pretty important. Isaac didn't say anything when he caught up to Bruce, he simply ran beside him.

Bruce looked over at him "Isaac, yes, that's who you are. You'd better stay out of my way when I confront Schniezel if you value your life."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce looked over at him "Isaac, yes, that's who you are. You'd better stay out of my way when I confront Schniezel if you value your life."
Isaac replied with "If you think i'm gonna let you fight him by yourself your wrong."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac replied with "If you think i'm gonna let you fight him by yourself your wrong."

(Bruce=Vegeta Isaac=Trunks Schniezel=Cell. More or less, I don't think Vegeta outright threatened Trunks' life. He did knee him in the stomach when he tried to stop him from fighting the androids though.)

Bruce suddenly came to a full halt and held out his arm, clotheslining Isaac. He charged up a blast and aimed it at Isaac "let's make something clear, I'm not the Bruce you know, I'm the Alpha Bruce. The Bruce that knows to look out for himself and only himself. I'm going to fight Schniezel on my own and prove my strength. If that requires me killing you then so be it."
Afrobrony said:
(Bruce=Vegeta Isaac=Trunks Schniezel=Cell. More or less, I don't think Vegeta outright threatened Trunks' life. He did knee him in the stomach when he tried to stop him from fighting the androids though.)
Bruce suddenly came to a full halt and held out his arm, clotheslining Isaac. He charged up a blast and aimed it at Isaac "let's make something clear, I'm not the Bruce you know, I'm the Alpha Bruce. The Bruce that knows to look out for himself and only himself. I'm going to fight Schniezel on my own and prove my strength. If that requires me killing you then so be it."
(As long as Isaac doesn't end up like Trunks)

Isaac looked at him for a few seconds in shock, Isaac then got up as slammed Bruce into the wall, completely ignoring the ball of key saying "I'm not the same Isaac you knew either, I'm the part he keeps under wraps so he doesn't end up going insane and attacking everything in sight. but as you can see i'm here now and I don't plan to back down."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord](As long as Isaac doesn't end up like Trunks)
Isaac looked at him for a few seconds in shock, Isaac then got up as slammed Bruce into the wall, completely ignoring the ball of key saying "I'm not the same Isaac you knew either, I'm the part he keeps under wraps so he doesn't end up going insane and attacking everything in sight. but as you can see i'm here now and I don't plan to back down."

Bruce grinned "it only took Isaac to keep you back? Pathetic. The only reason I never surfaced before was because of the originals. Damn them for holding me back for so long." He pressed the ball against Isaac's stomach and it shot away along with him then exploded.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce grinned "it only took Isaac to keep you back? Pathetic. The only reason I never surfaced before was because of the originals. Damn them for holding me back for so long." He pressed the ball against Isaac's stomach and it shot away along with him then exploded.
Isaac ran back up to Bruce saying "You're underestimating Isaac's abilities he's alot stronger than he looks, you should know that better than anyone since you trained him."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac ran back up to Bruce saying "You're underestimating Isaac's abilities he's alot stronger than he looks, you should know that better than anyone since you trained him."

"That's where you're wrong. You see, Isaac might have stood a chance against the weaker version of me. But don't confuse me with him. I almost killed everyone in the guild anyways, the only reason I didn't was because the other Bruce held me back and Isabel put me through a portal. By yourself, you're nothing to me." Bruce started walking away, brushing past Isaac.
((Seriously want H to just walk past those two, then walk back with Schneizel in a crumpled bloody heap, not saying a word to either of them, just shambling past.))
Airagog said:
((Seriously want H to just walk past those two, then walk back with Schneizel in a crumpled bloody heap, not saying a word to either of them, just shambling past.))
(I don't think it works like that since Schniezel is an original.)
Afrobrony said:
"That's where you're wrong. You see, Isaac might have stood a chance against the weaker version of me. But don't confuse me with him. I almost killed everyone in the guild anyways, the only reason I didn't was because the other Bruce held me back and Isabel put me through a portal. By yourself, you're nothing to me." Bruce started walking away, brushing past Isaac.
Isaac grabbed Bruce's shoulder as he walked by saying "Don't underestimate me." Isaac then threw Bruce back down the hall into the wall with enough force to crack it.
Airagog said:
(It could if you just believe)
(But I don't want to believe. I'll believe in Bruce.)

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac grabbed Bruce's shoulder as he walked by saying "Don't underestimate me." Isaac then threw Bruce back down the hall into the wall with enough force to crack it.

Bruce slid down the wall and landed on his feet. He looked up at Isaac with the same expression he'd had this whole time except with a hint of anger "you've sealed your fate." He dashed forward and elbowed Isaac right in the jaw, sending him back again.
Afrobrony said:
(But I don't want to believe. I'll believe in Bruce.)
Bruce slid down the wall and landed on his feet. He looked up at Isaac with the same expression he'd had this whole time except with a hint of anger "you've sealed your fate." He dashed forward and elbowed Isaac right in the jaw, sending him back again.
Isaac landed on the ground and rolled to his feat, he decided not to use his sword and fought with his fists saying "I make my own fate." And waited for Bruce to make the first move.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac landed on the ground and rolled to his feat, he decided not to use his sword and fought with his fists saying "I make my own fate." And waited for Bruce to make the first move.

"And you've made it so that you'll have an early death." Bruce concentrated compressed balls of ki just under his feet in the ground. He dashed at Isaac again but this time completely sidestepped him as the ki expanded just underneath him and started to go up and consume him.
Afrobrony said:
"And you've made it so that you'll have an early death." Bruce concentrated compressed balls of ki just under his feet in the ground. He dashed at Isaac again but this time completely sidestepped him as the ki expanded just underneath him and started to go up and consume him.
Isaac used his own ki to suppress the ki that was consuming him and cancelled it out saying "I can already tell you're stronger than me, but i'm not going to give up without giving you a fight." Isaac then ran up to Bruce uppercutting him, then he kicked him in the stomach while he was in the air to knock him back.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac used his own ki to suppress the ki that was consuming him and cancelled it out saying "I can already tell you're stronger than me, but i'm not going to give up without giving you a fight." Isaac then ran up to Bruce uppercutting him, then he kicked him in the stomach while he was in the air to knock him back.

Bruce took the uppercut and knew a follow up attack would follow. Again he took the blow but grabbed Isaac's leg before he could pull it back and pulled him an arc before smashing him to the ground.
CelticSol said:
"Oh," Jackie says, taking her hand away the minute she sees it makes him uncomfortable, "Well, uh... That whole memory thing? That really... That sucks," She finishes lamely, but continues walking down the hall at a slower rate so he can keep up.
Jackie pays no attention to the naked knight, but the snake-headed tendrils hiss and snarl at him in warning to back off.


Arcadia hears the thundering crash of all the scales and exoskeleton, and she makes sure the children are hidden before she phases through the walls to find the source of the sound, grabbing a bat from one of the rooms she passes in case it's an enemy. She finally reaches Dark, dropping her weapon as she gasps, immediately dropping to her knees by Dark, and inspects the lines over her body with a clinical eye, especially on the ones around her throat and face. She purses her lips, "Stay here, Isabel. Don't move."

She phases through the wall and heads to her clinic, grabbing pillows and a blanket, along with a handful of runes, herbs, and potions she's prepared prior, then returns to Isabel's side, propping Isabel's head on the pillows and covering her with the blanket. She struggles a bit with deciding what exactly to use to treat this, then decides on an emerald green potion, then presses the bottle to Isabel's lips, "Drink this. It will help stabilize your magic."


Layla rolls her blood red eyes, looking back at Grimm and snorting, blowing out a gust of air from her nose. She tries to make a gesture with her wing, but it comes sloppy enough that no one would be able to figure out the meaning. A flick of her tail throws an entire battalion of knights to the ground, and she lets out a barking laugh at Grimm's insistence on remarrying. She lifts her wing again, precariously balancing on her other 3 limbs, and makes a slashing motion across her throat a few times, which roughly translates into "I can't speak in this form."

She continues her slow walk - which actually isn't as slow as she makes it look, as she's crossing a large distance with each step - and makes it to the courtyard twice as fast as any other guild member made it. Instead of stepping over the courtyard walls, she simply crushes them underneath her. She lowers her head to the ground for Grimm to get off, then lets out a low croon. She points to the castle, then draws a shitty stick figure of a man in the dirt, then points to it, then to herself. "Bring the Original to me."


Layla picks up Julie's scent, causing her to lift her head up and peer into the castle. She lets out a growl that's low and deep to call Julie to her, and it makes the ground rumble.
Dark looks at her but wasn't able to speak. It was frustrating, she couldn't drink it. The most she could do with her mouth and throat now is breathe. Dark had an idea on how to let Arcadia know. She starts to blink in Morse code.

Grimm nods his head. "I'll take that as a yes and an I do." With that he flies off into the castle. He speeds past Bruce and Isaac. He ends up finding Schniezel and drags him into the air with much difficulty to Layla. "Oh honey!~ I've brought lunch! Does this earn me brownie points?" He drops Schniezel outside the castle. Suddenly a portal opens up behind Grimm. "Looks like they've caught me. No deities allowed. I'll see you later! I love you!" With that Grimm is sucked in.

Julie's ears twitch as she hears this. "She is calling me!" She grows excited and shifts into her dragon form. Running down anything in her way. She bursts out a castle wall and makes her way to Layla. She curls around one of her legs and let's out an apologetic rumble. Asking for her forgiveness for her earlier actions. She turns to Schniezel and snarls.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.932eaf76700b42f126632fabafdf1073.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.932eaf76700b42f126632fabafdf1073.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suddenly an android replica of Jackie approaches her from down the hall.



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Afrobrony said:
Bruce took the uppercut and knew a follow up attack would follow. Again he took the blow but grabbed Isaac's leg before he could pull it back and pulled him an arc before smashing him to the ground.
Isaac got up and felt some blood trickling down the side of his face and said "Nice counter, I can see how you took on the guild by yourself."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac got up and felt some blood trickling down the side of his face and said "Nice counter, I can see how you took on the guild by yourself."

"Oh it was just going to be a blast that would've completely wiped you all out. You're not too bad yourself but you should give it up while you still can. We'll both just end up dead." Bruce looked up into the air just in time to see Grimm grab Schniezel and fly away with him. "And now that happens. What is this bullshit? That's it! You lost your chance, you stalled me long enough to rid me of my chance to kill Schniezel. That'll be your last mistake you ever make."
Afrobrony said:
"Oh it was just going to be a blast that would've completely wiped you all out. You're not too bad yourself but you should give it up while you still can. We'll both just end up dead." Bruce looked up into the air just in time to see Grimm grab Schniezel and fly away with him. "And now that happens. What is this bullshit? That's it! You lost your chance, you stalled me long enough to rid me of my chance to kill Schniezel. That'll be your last mistake you ever make."
"He was going to die anyway, and besides there are probably originals that are stronger than him that you can beat to a pulp." Isaac said as he walked away, no longer interested in the fight saying "I'm going to go hunt the originals, join me if you want I don't care. Oh and just to clarify i'm on walking away because I'm bored not because you're not a worthy opponent."

"That's the exact same thing you dolt," Bruce said through gritted teeth "and while you may be right I still wanted to be the one to do it." He released his full power, the dark purple aura surrounding him to signal it and charged a blast to obliterate Isaac with. Of course, it never came as less evil Bruce wouldn't allow Nega-Bruce to do so. Instead all the energy fired off in different directions, destroying the castle and any who were in it.
Afrobrony said:
"That's the exact same thing you dolt," Bruce said through gritted teeth "and while you may be right I still wanted to be the one to do it." He released his full power, the dark purple aura surrounding him to signal it and charged a blast to obliterate Isaac with. Of course, it never came as less evil Bruce wouldn't allow Nega-Bruce to do so. Instead all the energy fired off in different directions, destroying the castle and any who were in it.
Isaac instantly morphed his arm into a sword and began to deflect the ki blasts that got to close saying "It's not the same thing because I know you would have beaten me, I like a challenge but it's no fun if there's no possible way to win."
Afrobrony said:
"That's the exact same thing you dolt," Bruce said through gritted teeth "and while you may be right I still wanted to be the one to do it." He released his full power, the dark purple aura surrounding him to signal it and charged a blast to obliterate Isaac with. Of course, it never came as less evil Bruce wouldn't allow Nega-Bruce to do so. Instead all the energy fired off in different directions, destroying the castle and any who were in it.
The castle was large but a good portion of it was destroyed. Leaving some originals exposed and their plants destroyed.

( @Daimao *Cough* Yig )
H suddenly perked up as he wrapped his arms around her, shielding her just in time as the blast hit them, his skin searing and being blast apart and regrow simultaneously as he evolved and adapted, his skin no longer being affected and shielding them both successfully as he let go, the castle around them now gone but H was completely and utterly fine. His skin was flawless, no broken bones, no signs of damage as he shuffled his feet muttering, "Sorry...."

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