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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Will you just show yourself already!?" Isaac yelled looking around for what bit him while moving forward slowly.

Isaac could hear more scurrying. Whatever it was jumps on his back and starts slamming it's fists into his head. Biting him whenever it could.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce crouches, for no good reason other than his next line, "crouching mutant" underneath the beast, charging a ki ball and leaving it just underneath the beast. He jumped back when the debris had stopped falling. "Hidden pipe bomb." The ki ball exploded and sent dust from the debris everywhere. Bruce couldn't see if it had done anything to the beast.
The beast seemed to have retreated after that blast. Leaving the path down the hall open.

CelticSol said:
(It's perfect. )
Jackie looks back at H from where she is skewering a soldier with one of the tendrils coming out of her lower back, blood pouring from his mouth as he chokes, the tendrils writhing from where they are piercing the bottom of one of his lungs. They rip out of the guard immediately as she turns to the newcomer, some organs spilling out the sizeable hole in his chest. One tendril goes to grab H, but she brushes her fingertips against it to make it stop.

She rolls her weight on to one leg, putting one of her bloodied hands on her hip and staining her shirt, which charmingly says, 'Fuck Off' in big, bold lettering. She looks him up and down, arching a brow at him. "Well, fuck me sideways. We've got a new recruit," She wipes her hand off on her jeans, but doesn't hold her hand out to shake it in case he tries to eat it or something. "I'm Jackie, resident bitch of Dragon's Roar. Good work out there, newbie, but our fight is in that castle, and Bruce is God-knows-knows, so it's gonna be you and I for a bit," She turns to the doors about 5 yards from where she's standing and starts to pry open the door with the combined strength of her arms, the tendrils, and the serpentine heads. She pulls until the giant doors rips off their hinges and fall with a deafening BANG. She looks very satisfied as she gestures to the now open entrance, "After you."


Timor glares directly at Isabel, which causes a massive wave of fear to envelope Isabel, and points to where the Banshees are looking at the deities, then backing off when they realize they are like Timor. She whistles sharply for the attention of the banshees are attacking Isabel, "She is ours. Leave her and focus on your tasks," After the order, they abandon their efforts on Isabel and throw themselves into the armies, ripping into them with ruthless vigor.


Simi follows Royal, but very quickly jumps on her back to avoid the water. She runs along her back to hiss in Royal's ear, "Domina, Simi can't swim!" Hoping Isabel will stop the flow of water so she can help, she jumps down to one of the cannons and snaps one of the operator's neck so badly that her head lies at a 90 degree angle. She kicks the other powerfully enough to cause internal bleeding in the abdomen, then crushes their windpipe for good measure. She moves to try and deactivate the cannon by the controls, her fingers swiping across the control keys, but after about a minute, she punches a hole through the machine in a frustrated, childish tantrum. She proceeds to grabs the actual cannon, and rips it off the rest of the machine and throws it at a squadron of soldiers, who are bowled over like bowling pins.


Unlike usual, where she'd push him away and pretend to be angry about inappropriate PDA to hide her embarrassment, she fully engages into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him to hold him closer despite the fact her armour was undoubtably uncomfortable. She shifts her hold on him after a solid minute so she can separate them from each other, and she stares at him, her flat boots allowing them be exactly the same height. She stares into his eyes, saying nothing for a few minutes, pressing her forehead to his despite the fact they have a war to get to. "I need your help to shift. I can't let the pain hold me back while I do this."


Arcadia still moves slowly to avoid startling her, her hands lowering to invite the children towards her. "I will protect them," She promises, "But we all need you. You can control the mana being used in those cannons, and we'd be able to focus on the troops."
Apex has flash backs of the experimentation Isabel went through. How she was born out of trying to separate her mana from her body and implanting mana from a different species. She was two seconds from using her abilities on Timor. That was until she turned into pure mana and flew off in a certain direction.

Royal cuts off the water, thankfully but ends up turning into pure mana and flying in the same direction as Apex did.

Grimm nods his head and activates his ability to alter others pain. "Whenever you're ready."

Dark stood there. Suddenly, in the form of mana. Apex, Royal, Dark, and even Origin enter her body. Dark nods her head towards the kids and opens a portal behind Arcadia. "I'll get the cannons in the mortal realm first. That portal will take you to the guild. Take care of these kids." With that, Darks exoskeleton and scales grow along her body. She speeds off into the sky, heading towards the others.
Light said:
Isaac could hear more scurrying. Whatever it was jumps on his back and starts slamming it's fists into his head. Biting him whenever it could.
The beast seemed to have retreated after that blast. Leaving the path down the hall open.
(It's a Gremlin!)

Bruce nodded when the beast was gone, saying "now that's what I call reducing head count." He walked on forward, looking around to see if anything else would come after him. He then noticed that the towel he'd been wearing was gone now and he'd forgotten where his clothes were. Oh well, he'd stone face and walk on forward anyways. If he found one of the knights then he'd know what he'd ask from them.
Afrobrony said:
(It's a Gremlin!)
Bruce nodded when the beast was gone, saying "now that's what I call reducing head count." He walked on forward, looking around to see if anything else would come after him. He then noticed that the towel he'd been wearing was gone now and he'd forgotten where his clothes were. Oh well, he'd stone face and walk on forward anyways. If he found one of the knights then he'd know what he'd ask from them.
A knight runs into him and covers his eyes. "Somebody get him some clothes so we can kill him."
Light said:
A knight runs into him and covers his eyes. "Somebody get him some clothes so we can kill him."
Bruce stands there perfectly still even as the knight bumps into him, his voice changes again, this time into Arnold Schwarzenegger's (almost got that on the first try) to say in his perfectly stoic terminator voice. "Your clothes, give them to me, now."
Afrobrony said:
(It's a Gremlin!)
(I'm fucking laughing hysterically because instead of gremlin, I read it as Gemini, and I was like "wtf does this bitch have against geminis")

Light said:
Isaac could hear more scurrying. Whatever it was jumps on his back and starts slamming it's fists into his head. Biting him whenever it could.
The beast seemed to have retreated after that blast. Leaving the path down the hall open.

Apex has flash backs of the experimentation Isabel went through. How she was born out of trying to separate her mana from her body and implanting mana from a different species. She was two seconds from using her abilities on Timor. That was until she turned into pure mana and flew off in a certain direction.

Royal cuts off the water, thankfully but ends up turning into pure mana and flying in the same direction as Apex did.

Grimm nods his head and activates his ability to alter others pain. "Whenever you're ready."

Dark stood there. Suddenly, in the form of mana. Apex, Royal, Dark, and even Origin enter her body. Dark nods her head towards the kids and opens a portal behind Arcadia. "I'll get the cannons in the mortal realm first. That portal will take you to the guild. Take care of these kids." With that, Darks exoskeleton and scales grow along her body. She speeds off into the sky, heading towards the others.
Timor returns her focus to the battle, untroubled by the distress she's caused Isabl as she sees the Cerberus' form becoming slightly unsteady as it takes damage from soldiers throwing spears into its hide. The magma flowing from the left-side head wards off any close combat, and the middle head breathes poisonous gas that causes most of the soldiers surrounding it to drop dead.


Simi is in the middle of trying to dismantle the second cannon when Royal disappears, and she hisses a flurry of Latin words under her breath that no one her physical age should know. She punches a hole the control panel again in frustration, muttering about "dumb magic ladies" as she throws the main portion of the cannon at the approaching soldiers.


Arcadia picks up one of the kids and settles them on her hip, and after withdrawing a stone from her pocket, takes the hand of the other. They teleport to the deity realm's Captiol, where she tends to any injuries the children have and waits for the inevitable injuries of her guild mates.


Layla steps a bit further away from Grimm, and looks at him with a wry smile as she waves him away, "You might want to back up," She keeps walking towards the castle, starting to shake so acutely it looks like her whole body is vibrating, and then her skin starts to fracture and crack into scales, all of them turning black as night. She starts to grow much larger, and as she does, her legs start to bow into that of a dragon, a tail sprouting from the base of her spine as a webbing starts to connect her arms into her side, gradually shifting into wings. Eventually, as she walks, she falls on to all fours, her face elongating to accommodate a snout, and her other draconic features. By the time the full transformation is complete, she stands easily twice the size of the castle, and when she rears back on to hind legs and spreads her wings, she is much, much larger, and she lets out an absolutely deafening roar, challenging any Original to oppose her.


Airagog said:
H looks at her, cowering a bit as he sighs and nods, "O-Okay..Who are they? what are they doing here?" He says slowly shambling in, his legs shaking as he steps slowly, almost shaking as his foot steps on a guard then slides completely through his chest as though it wasn't there, his foot meeting no resistance as it shattered his ribcage, bone getting stuck in his leg only to pop out a moment later as he walked on. Every step seeming to take a massive amount of effort on the small human's part. He shivered as he rubbed himself, his clothing in tatters and rags, though still covering his face for the most part, though his entire body was soaked in blood. He shuffled along passing Jackie as he walked inside, looking around him and then continuing forward, as though being led by some force. "I.. What is dragon's roar? I don't like it.. It sounds scary." He said meekly looking out from under his hood. "Why did those men try to hurt me? It really hurt... all those spears.. all those arrows. My heart... It all hurt." He whispered as he shambled like an undead, not even sure where he was going or why.

Jackie raises her eyebrow at his peculiar speech patterns, but shrugs when she realizes that it's not that weird when she weighs in the rest of her life as comparison. "Well, I'm hoping you've gotten that talk already, but 'they' are the Originals. This castle belongs to one of them, and we're going to kill him. And technically, the better question is why we're here, since we're on their home turf," she stuffs her hands into her back pockets as she starts to lead them down the main hall, "And Dragon's Roar is probably named for a) the fact that Isabel occasionally turns into a dragon, or for the fact her grandma is a dragon-" An extremely loud roar sounds, loud enough to leave Jackie's ears ringing. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, trying to pop her ears, "Speaking of which, that must be her. Lovely woman. Broke a few of my ribs when I first met her," She looks back at H, tilting her head, "And you sure ask a lot of questions, kiddo. But, if you're hurt, we can take a short break."
CelticSol said:
(I'm fucking laughing hysterically because instead of gremlin, I read it as Gemini, and I was like "wtf does this bitch have against geminis")
(Maybe it's a Gemini Gremlin...)
CelticSol said:
(I'm fucking laughing hysterically because instead of gremlin, I read it as Gemini, and I was like "wtf does this bitch have against geminis")
Timor returns her focus to the battle, untroubled by the distress she's caused Isabl as she sees the Cerberus' form becoming slightly unsteady as it takes damage from soldiers throwing spears into its hide. The magma flowing from the left-side head wards off any close combat, and the middle head breathes poisonous gas that causes most of the soldiers surrounding it to drop dead.


Simi is in the middle of trying to dismantle the second cannon when Royal disappears, and she hisses a flurry of Latin words under her breath that no one her physical age should know. She punches a hole the control panel again in frustration, muttering about "dumb magic ladies" as she throws the main portion of the cannon at the approaching soldiers.


Arcadia picks up one of the kids and settles them on her hip, and after withdrawing a stone from her pocket, takes the hand of the other. They teleport to the deity realm's Captiol, where she tends to any injuries the children have and waits for the inevitable injuries of her guild mates.


Layla steps a bit further away from Grimm, and looks at him with a wry smile as she waves him away, "You might want to back up," She keeps walking towards the castle, starting to shake so acutely it looks like her whole body is vibrating, and then her skin starts to fracture and crack into scales, all of them turning black as night. She starts to grow much larger, and as she does, her legs start to bow into that of a dragon, a tail sprouting from the base of her spine as a webbing starts to connect her arms into her side, gradually shifting into wings. Eventually, as she walks, she falls on to all fours, her face elongating to accommodate a snout, and her other draconic features. By the time the full transformation is complete, she stands easily twice the size of the castle, and when she rears back on to hind legs and spreads her wings, she is much, much larger, and she lets out an absolutely deafening roar, challenging any Original to oppose her.



Jackie raises her eyebrow at his peculiar speech patterns, but shrugs when she realizes that it's not that weird when she weighs in the rest of her life as comparison. "Well, I'm hoping you've gotten that talk already, but 'they' are the Originals. This castle belongs to one of them, and we're going to kill him. And technically, the better question is why we're here, since we're on their home turf," she stuffs her hands into her back pockets as she starts to lead them down the main hall, "And Dragon's Roar is probably named for a) the fact that Isabel occasionally turns into a dragon, or for the fact her grandma is a dragon-" An extremely loud roar sounds, loud enough to leave Jackie's ears ringing. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, trying to pop her ears, "Speaking of which, that must be her. Lovely woman. Broke a few of my ribs when I first met her," She looks back at H, tilting her head, "And you sure ask a lot of questions, kiddo. But, if you're hurt, we can take a short break."
H cocks his head to the side as he shambles beside her, trying desperately hard to keep up with her, hearing the roar but seemingly paying no heed to it. "Hurt? I don't... I was hurt... But I'm fine." He said inspecting his body. "I... Originals.. I think I know them." He said quietly almost to himself. "Dragons do sound scary though... Are we going to face a dragon? I'm not a good fighter... Are you a good fighter? Maybe you can fight for me.. I can help you though... Maybe" He said as they walked along the halls. H having his back bent over majorly and shuffling along, keeping his head down and eyes to the floor, seemingly unaware of the danger they were in, being more terrified of this woman's confidence than the army that tried to kill him to no avail.
Afrobrony said:
(Maybe it's a Gemini Gremlin...)
(Good god, no... Anything but that...)

Airagog said:
H cocks his head to the side as he shambles beside her, trying desperately hard to keep up with her, hearing the roar but seemingly paying no heed to it. "Hurt? I don't... I was hurt... But I'm fine." He said inspecting his body. "I... Originals.. I think I know them." He said quietly almost to himself. "Dragons do sound scary though... Are we going to face a dragon? I'm not a good fighter... Are you a good fighter? Maybe you can fight for me.. I can help you though... Maybe" He said as they walked along the halls. H having his back bent over majorly and shuffling along, keeping his head down and eyes to the floor, seemingly unaware of the danger they were in, being more terrified of this woman's confidence than the army that tried to kill him to no avail.
"The dragon is on our side, and I incapacitated an Original by myself a little bit ago, so don't worry," Jackie stops walking when she notices how he's struggling to keep up, her brows knitting in concern, "Are you sure you're okay?" She puts her hand on his shoulder to help straighten his posture a bit.
CelticSol said:
(Good god, no... Anything but that...)
"The dragon is on our side, and I incapacitated an Original by myself a little bit ago, so don't worry," Jackie stops walking when she notices how he's struggling to keep up, her brows knitting in concern, "Are you sure you're okay?" She puts her hand on his shoulder to help straighten his posture a bit.
H noticeably flinched, backing away a small bit from her hand only to stop when he realized she wasn't going to hurt him. "Um.. I think I'm okay. I don't remember not being okay. So that means I'm okay... right? Or maybe I'm not okay and I just can't remember..." He said looking at the ground. "I can't remember a lot of things. My mind is always foggy. I can't remember why though."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce stands there perfectly still even as the knight bumps into him, his voice changes again, this time into Arnold Schwarzenegger's (almost got that on the first try) to say in his perfectly stoic terminator voice. "Your clothes, give them to me, now."
The knight trembles at this and starts to take his clothes off. Handing it to Bruce. Becoming eye candy to all whom may be passing by. Such as the beautiful Jackie. ( Wink wink. @CelticSol ) Four swift troops encircle Bruce. Each representing an element. One seemed to look like the dual bladed one from before.

CelticSol said:
(I'm fucking laughing hysterically because instead of gremlin, I read it as Gemini, and I was like "wtf does this bitch have against geminis")
Timor returns her focus to the battle, untroubled by the distress she's caused Isabl as she sees the Cerberus' form becoming slightly unsteady as it takes damage from soldiers throwing spears into its hide. The magma flowing from the left-side head wards off any close combat, and the middle head breathes poisonous gas that causes most of the soldiers surrounding it to drop dead.


Simi is in the middle of trying to dismantle the second cannon when Royal disappears, and she hisses a flurry of Latin words under her breath that no one her physical age should know. She punches a hole the control panel again in frustration, muttering about "dumb magic ladies" as she throws the main portion of the cannon at the approaching soldiers.


Arcadia picks up one of the kids and settles them on her hip, and after withdrawing a stone from her pocket, takes the hand of the other. They teleport to the deity realm's Captiol, where she tends to any injuries the children have and waits for the inevitable injuries of her guild mates.


Layla steps a bit further away from Grimm, and looks at him with a wry smile as she waves him away, "You might want to back up," She keeps walking towards the castle, starting to shake so acutely it looks like her whole body is vibrating, and then her skin starts to fracture and crack into scales, all of them turning black as night. She starts to grow much larger, and as she does, her legs start to bow into that of a dragon, a tail sprouting from the base of her spine as a webbing starts to connect her arms into her side, gradually shifting into wings. Eventually, as she walks, she falls on to all fours, her face elongating to accommodate a snout, and her other draconic features. By the time the full transformation is complete, she stands easily twice the size of the castle, and when she rears back on to hind legs and spreads her wings, she is much, much larger, and she lets out an absolutely deafening roar, challenging any Original to oppose her.



Jackie raises her eyebrow at his peculiar speech patterns, but shrugs when she realizes that it's not that weird when she weighs in the rest of her life as comparison. "Well, I'm hoping you've gotten that talk already, but 'they' are the Originals. This castle belongs to one of them, and we're going to kill him. And technically, the better question is why we're here, since we're on their home turf," she stuffs her hands into her back pockets as she starts to lead them down the main hall, "And Dragon's Roar is probably named for a) the fact that Isabel occasionally turns into a dragon, or for the fact her grandma is a dragon-" An extremely loud roar sounds, loud enough to leave Jackie's ears ringing. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, trying to pop her ears, "Speaking of which, that must be her. Lovely woman. Broke a few of my ribs when I first met her," She looks back at H, tilting her head, "And you sure ask a lot of questions, kiddo. But, if you're hurt, we can take a short break."
Reinforcements start to come by soon. They don't seem like the basic knights anymore. They each seemed skilled in different areas. Combat, magic, strategizing, defenses, many were opportunists as well. They were also working together as a unit rather than a mass army.

Dark flies above the battle. Unconcerned with the troops, she only had one goal. The mana in the cannons. Dark dives down and outstretched her arms. Two large serpents made out of witch mana spiral down and envelop the two broken cannons rolling knights over. The mana from within it could be seen traveling through the purple witch mana into her palms. It was so much mana and she couldn't handle it already but she had to make up for her mistake. Her hands beneath the exoskeleton and the scales start to have glowing cracks or lines. They spread each time she takes in mana. She moves on to the third cannon and flies inside it as it fires. She's knocked back but she has the jaw to the exoskeleton hang open. Suddenly the mana starts to flow into it and inside her mouth. The witch mana was also assisting her in eating it. She does end up flying into a group of enemies. Her face starts to develop the same glowing lines. Though it can't be seen due to the skull and the scales. She decides on releasing some mana by having it come out of her in a pulse. Knocking most of the troops down if they used an anti magic shield. The others whom didn't react fast enough died due to being vaporized. Dark pushes off the ground once again and takes flight. She was done here since the others could handle the army. She flies into a portal and ends up in one of the random rooms in the capital building. Even though she had the other split personalities to try and stabilize the mana this was just too much. Her body was literally breaking and she still had more work to do in the originals realm. She was just hoping Arcadia could do something before she goes back. She was also secretly hoping to at least get with Arcadia in her room even if it were for a short period before she goes back. That was just a stupid fantasy to take her mind off the pain. She didn't realize how painful it was since the other personalities were trying to distribute the pain as well. Dark tried calling out for Arcadia but her voice no longer worked. The cracks or at least glowing lines on her mouth had also spread along the throat since she devoured the mana. The exoskeleton and dragon scales break off her body. The sound of them hitting the floor should hopefully be enough. She wished she made an accurate portal. She walks to the door using the wall as support. But her arms give out too since they had the glowing lines as well. She collapses and hits the floor with a thud. She could feel the pain of the mana overflow possibly times two or three yet she couldn't let out a sound. Tears stream down her face as she lays there, hoping Arcadia had good ears. The glowing lines on her body were like the auroras in the north pole. She couldn't few l her hands or jaw anymore. Nor did they move for her.

Grimm has his black wings sprout from his back. He flies on to Layla's back. "Woah.. you got huge. I'm just going to sit up here and pretend to do something important. You might as well just sit on the entire castle and crush our enemies. Wait..... no.... you can only sit on me. I guess that plans out the window. Wow I love this talk. No, I love you and this marriage. We should get married again right now, I'll get one arranged immediately. I'm serious marry me. I swear if you say no I'm going to throw myself into a realm of nightmares. I'll be very upset." Grimm has chains wrap around the necks of the knights that try to charge up to Layla. The chains have spikes grow out of them. Piercing through the necks of knights. "Stop trying to interrupt this moment. Can't you see I'm trying to marry my wife?"
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Light said:
Isaac could hear more scurrying. Whatever it was jumps on his back and starts slamming it's fists into his head. Biting him whenever it could.
The beast seemed to have retreated after that blast. Leaving the path down the hall open.

Apex has flash backs of the experimentation Isabel went through. How she was born out of trying to separate her mana from her body and implanting mana from a different species. She was two seconds from using her abilities on Timor. That was until she turned into pure mana and flew off in a certain direction.

Royal cuts off the water, thankfully but ends up turning into pure mana and flying in the same direction as Apex did.

Grimm nods his head and activates his ability to alter others pain. "Whenever you're ready."

Dark stood there. Suddenly, in the form of mana. Apex, Royal, Dark, and even Origin enter her body. Dark nods her head towards the kids and opens a portal behind Arcadia. "I'll get the cannons in the mortal realm first. That portal will take you to the guild. Take care of these kids." With that, Darks exoskeleton and scales grow along her body. She speeds off into the sky, heading towards the others.
Isaac grabbed one of the fists that was hitting him and slams whatever was biting him into the ground with enough force to crack the ground, Isaac then pinned the thing to the ground and asked "Who the hell are you!"
CelticSol said:
(Good god, no... Anything but that...)
(Wait... how would that be any worse than a gremlin who's not a Gemini?)

Light said:
The knight trembles at this and starts to take his clothes off. Handing it to Bruce. Becoming eye candy to all whom may be passing by. Such as the beautiful Jackie. ( Wink wink. @CelticSol ) Four swift troops encircle Bruce. Each representing an element. One seemed to look like the dual bladed one from before.
Bruce rotates his head and body around after putting on the clothes from the knight that OBVIOUSLY didn't look nearly as good as Bruce did naked. He'd let the naked knight live, for now. He was done with his Brucinator phase and went back to being Bruce Nukem. "When you get to hell, tell em Bruce sent ya." The dark purple aura from before formed around him and he sent four ki blasts straight from his body and at the knights.
Afrobrony said:
(Wait... how would that be any worse than a gremlin who's not a Gemini?)
Bruce rotates his head and body around after putting on the clothes from the knight that OBVIOUSLY didn't look nearly as good as Bruce did naked. He'd let the naked knight live, for now. He was done with his Brucinator phase and went back to being Bruce Nukem. "When you get to hell, tell em Bruce sent ya." The dark purple aura from before formed around him and he sent four ki blasts straight from his body and at the knights.
Each knight keeps moving around him even faster and positions their blades in an X fashion. Blocking the ki blasts and holding them. Their blades adapted to it's destructive force. They push their blades forward and push the kitchen blasts back. They didn't fly straight towards him since they were in movement while doing this. They all curve around and go for him.


[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac grabbed one of the fists that was hitting him and slams whatever was biting him into the ground with enough force to crack the ground, Isaac then pinned the thing to the ground and asked "Who the hell are you!"

"I'm your stalker!" A hooded figure with a completely burned face and mangled teeth grins at him. It's long tongue bursts out of its mouth and tries to enter Isaac's mouth.
Light said:
Each knight keeps moving around him even faster and positions their blades in an X fashion. Blocking the ki blasts and holding them. Their blades adapted to it's destructive force. They push their blades forward and push the kitchen blasts back. They didn't fly straight towards him since they were in movement while doing this. They all curve around and go for him.
(Kitchen blasts, where you summon entire kitchens and launch them at your foes.)

As they came at him in their formation Bruce lunged forward to meet them, quickly jabbing around the first's crossed swords and knocking it down. He grabbed the next one's legs and threw him at the third and for the fourth he grabbed its arms and posted his legs against its chest. He pulled himself back until he ripped the knight's arms right off.
Afrobrony said:
(Kitchen blasts, where you summon entire kitchens and launch them at your foes.)
As they came at him in their formation Bruce lunged forward to meet them, quickly jabbing around the first's crossed swords and knocking it down. He grabbed the next one's legs and threw him at the third and for the fourth he grabbed its arms and posted his legs against its chest. He pulled himself back until he ripped the knight's arms right off.
( Phone takes it upon itself to turn ki into kitchen. )

The first one makes its armour harder. The second and third stand up once more and make sure their armour is covered in poison. The fourth stumbles and falls. It slowly gets up with one arm.
Light said:
( Phone takes it upon itself to turn ki into kitchen. )
The first one makes its armour harder. The second and third stand up once more and make sure their armour is covered in poison. The fourth stumbles and falls. It slowly gets up with one arm.
(I thought so, autocorrect makes things funnier sometimes.)

"You guys just absolutely refuse to stay down. Especially you," he points at the fourth one "that's tenacity right there but it end now." Bruce sends a blast right into its torso, blowing it apart and leaving only a head. He also threw a dog treat at it. "And now for you pricks. Come at me one more time."
Afrobrony said:
(I thought so, autocorrect makes things funnier sometimes.)
"You guys just absolutely refuse to stay down. Especially you," he points at the fourth one "that's tenacity right there but it end now." Bruce sends a blast right into its torso, blowing it apart and leaving only a head. He also threw a dog treat at it. "And now for you pricks. Come at me one more time."
The fourth head eats the dog treat with a smile on its face and rolls off. ( Kidding. )

The other three rush towards Bruce at all sides.
Light said:
Each knight keeps moving around him even faster and positions their blades in an X fashion. Blocking the ki blasts and holding them. Their blades adapted to it's destructive force. They push their blades forward and push the kitchen blasts back. They didn't fly straight towards him since they were in movement while doing this. They all curve around and go for him.

"I'm your stalker!" A hooded figure with a completely burned face and mangled teeth grins at him. It's long tongue bursts out of its mouth and tries to enter Isaac's mouth.
Isaac caught the tongue before it could get to his mouth saying "That's just creepy, I thought about making a 'cat got you tongue joke' but the time has passed, now why are you stalking me?"
Light said:
The fourth head eats the dog treat with a smile on its face and rolls off. ( Kidding. )
The other three rush towards Bruce at all sides.
(It's too bad that you don't get the reference, oh well, Cadin will get it.)

Bruce picks up the head and throws it at one of the poison covered ones. Bruce uses only kicks against the next two so that his attacks are strong enough to hurt the knight through its armor and so he keeps himself from touching the other poison coveredd one with exposed skin.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac caught the tongue before it could get to his mouth saying "That's just creepy, I thought about making a 'cat got you tongue joke' but the time has passed, now why are you stalking me?"

It's tongue detached and the stalker smiles at Isaac. "Because I want you!" A blast of thick dark red liquid comes from its mouth like vomit at him. The liquid was meant to slowly paralyze the target.


Afrobrony said:
(It's too bad that you don't get the reference, oh well, Cadin will get it.)
Bruce picks up the head and throws it at one of the poison covered ones. Bruce uses only kicks against the next two so that his attacks are strong enough to hurt the knight through its armor and so he keeps himself from touching the other poison coveredd one with exposed skin.
Each knight now has poison cover their blades. One knight throws one of theirs at Bruce.
Light said:
Each knight now has poison cover their blades. One knight throws one of theirs at Bruce.
Bruce starts to fight them while moving around his hands, not standing upright because that would be impractical, it was more like he was break dancing. He dodges the blade, spreading his legs enough to let it through then crossing them and breaking one other's neck.
Light said:
It's tongue detached and the stalker smiles at Isaac. "Because I want you!" A blast of thick dark red liquid comes from its mouth like vomit at him. The liquid was meant to slowly paralyze the target.

Each knight now has poison cover their blades. One knight throws one of theirs at Bruce.
"That's it gonna stab you now." Isaac stabbed both the stalkers legs and left wiping of what he assumed was vomit saying "Yep gonna pretend that never happened."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce starts to fight them while moving around his hands, not standing upright because that would be impractical, it was more like he was break dancing. He dodges the blade, spreading his legs enough to let it through then crossing them and breaking one other's neck.
( (:'() )

The last two decide on retreating. Leaving the naked knight behind.

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"That's it gonna stab you now." Isaac stabbed both the stalkers legs and left wiping of what he assumed was vomit saying "Yep gonna pretend that never happened."

Isaac can hear scurrying in the shadows.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac assumed it was the stalker again and yelled "Didn't I stab you!"

Isaac can hear the scurrying sounds go up the wall and into the ceiling. The stalker whom was crawling with its arms drops down on him. Biting into him even more. The paralysis vomit starts to take affect.

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