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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
The castle seemed empty in some parts. Maybe too empty.
The showers were completely cleared out now.
"Hello! Anybody in here!" Isaac yelled hoping on of the Dragon's roar members would respond, but he was ready in case someone decided to attack him.
Light said:
Apex walks through the portal. "It seems like you two were having your fun." Large groups of deities line up behind her. "I brought the Gods. Why don't we have a party?" Apex points at the army and the Gods behind her rush forward. Ready to take out any knight.
The knight whom was tripped slams his head into the ground. A loud crack comes out. The others seem to back away because of this.

Most of the Dragon's Roar members were already in the castle. More archers fire at Isaac. While the knights try to keep him preoccupied.
"Took you long enough," Alpha said, his voice growling out from the mouths of the tormented soul's whose faces were on Alpha's ink-like body. Oroborus lets out a tremendous roar in agreement.
Afrobrony said:
"That's the power of Bruce West, baby." Bruce continues to smash his way through the castle. Who needs hallways? Not Bruce.
Suddenly two of the cannons roll up to Bruce.

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Hello! Anybody in here!" Isaac yelled hoping on of the Dragon's roar members would respond, but he was ready in case someone decided to attack him.

The hall was extremely silent. Mainly because what was followed him lingered in the shadows.

Daimao said:
"Took you long enough," Alpha said, his voice growling out from the mouths of the tormented soul's whose faces were on Alpha's ink-like body. Oroborus lets out a tremendous roar in agreement.
"Well I had to call reinforcements." Apex slightly shrugs her shoulders. Apex fires a blast of her mana in the form of a sphere at a catapult. The small ball of condensed mana starts to slack. So it expands and becomes less condensed. It envelops many objects and knights. Apex closes her hand and the mana starts to condense again. Crushing everything within it until it's the size of a tennis ball. She finishes it off by snapping her finger, making it explode. With slightly the same affect as the cannons have. Vaporizing everything in its path.
Light said:
Suddenly two of the cannons roll up to Bruce.
"Well... that's a step up from the shower knights." Bruce keeps himself moving so that he's not an easy target for the cannons. He fires ki blasts that damage the cannons more than he was able to before back in the mortal realm.
Light said:
Suddenly two of the cannons roll up to Bruce.
The hall was extremely silent. Mainly because what was followed him lingered in the shadows.

"Well I had to call reinforcements." Apex slightly shrugs her shoulders. Apex fires a blast of her mana in the form of a sphere at a catapult. The small ball of condensed mana starts to slack. So it expands and becomes less condensed. It envelops many objects and knights. Apex closes her hand and the mana starts to condense again. Crushing everything within it until it's the size of a tennis ball. She finishes it off by snapping her finger, making it explode. With slightly the same affect as the cannons have. Vaporizing everything in its path.
Isaac began to wonder the halls of the castle looking for someone from Dragon's roar, but he began to feel uneasy, like someone was watching him so he began to walk faster.
Light said:
( @Afrobrony )
Once the main gates to the castle were down. The doors to the castle open. Troops made out of steel toss explosives and spears. Mages behind them fire power nullifying blasts.

Dark was extremely conflicted. Every scale on her body literally started to vibrate from anticipation. She didn't know if she should rampage, choose Dark, choose Alice, or give into Arcadia. She only knew one thing, kill all knights. Most of the townspeople were killed by the knights. Dark only managed to save a small number of children whom were hiding underneath Dark's underbelly. Though the mana overflow coming up would soon make things bad.

Grimm slowly nods his head. He takes her hand ready to take up the contract. "I hope you know I won't let you die."

Royal was simply dodging attacks. She wasn't on the offensive, she wasn't really angry enough. She was setting the knights up to slay one another each time she dodged though. She sees something out of the corner of her eye. "Well isn't that something." Another cannon was rolling up. Already ready to fire Dark's mana.
Jackie throws more archers to their deaths, watching some plummet to the ground with a near serene smile on her face. She lowers herself down the other side and into the castle's front courtyard, grabbing the closest head in arms and melting the helmet to their head with corruption. Her tendrils twitch and writhe around her, snapping out and killing any who dare get too close. She makes her way through the crowd this way, trying to get to the main castle.


Arcadia notices how close she is to an overflow, but she remains calm and remains statue still, not bothering to move her fingertips from where they're touching Isabel's snout. She is very aware of her immediate danger, but doesn't give any hints she intends to run. Some calming aura flows through her fingers, "Come on, Isabel. We should go, the others need us."


Layla smiles, emptily, but doesn't reply. She takes his wrist and directs it to rest a bit above her diaphragm, her hand moving to the back of his hand to hold it still as her thumb carresses the back of his fingers, her eyes closing as she focuses on doing the contract right. He feels a flood of magic enter him abruptly, seeking through his until it latches to his heart. A part of his magic, maybe an eighth, is sapped away from him instantly, but he feels a not insignificant amount of physical strength transferred over to him. Through every realm and through every personality, they feel a portion of their physical strength vanish, but it is replaced by a raw surge of magic, though it remains stable in their system and doesn't tip them into an overflow.

She opens her eyes, and something in them seems less tired, a burden lifted off of her. There is also something about her that seems more powerful and more youthful than its been in a very long time. "You have taken on my greatest joy, but also my greatest responsibility. Though the more tiring effects will fade and become easier to handle with time and practice, until the contract is broken, you will never regain the magic you have given away to her. With this bond, every hurt she will ever experience - every wound or illness or heartbreak or loss - will be felt by you as well, but not vice versa because of my own precautions. She will live at this level of power until you break the contract or die."

She takes his hand in both of her's, kissing the back of his hand, then holding their hands to her chest, "The only lie I've ever told her was my promise that I will come back alive. I am not an Original, but I cannot live if they do not. This will be my final fight," She looks to him, dropping his hand to grab his face in her hands gently, "I need you to help me shift. If I have to die, I'm going to do it in my proper form."


Timor looks up at Alpha's towering mass, her Wendigo form shivering and growing into a Cerberus form about the size of a house built very similarly to his, except the heads seem to all be different, and one has molten lava drip from it's open jaws, another breathing out poison gas identical to Gamma's, the last seeming to have no powers at all until it rears back into a pose similar to a wolf preparing to howl, and instead comes out as a shrill, piercing shriek of murderous rage, which causes many soldiers head's to either explode, or for their eardrums to blow and knock off ther equillibrium, or to simply be deafened and distracted. Tall, shrouded women appear on the battle field as Timor lets out a howl more horrible than the last, and they in turn let out screams of unbearable sorrow. The women, when they stop screaming, whisper in rasping voices worse than nails on a chalk board, their screams and their voices so horrible they could only be banshees. Timor separates from the Cerberus, and some human intelligence disappears as she looks to the small hoard of banshees standing before them. She looks through the crowd, pointing to Alpha's blob, then to Simi, and Royal. "Do not harm them. Otherwise..." She waves her hand dismissively, voice uncaring, "Kill them all. Leave none alive to report to their pathetic, cowardly masters."

The banshees let out cries of bloodlust as they lunge into the crowd, some using their powers to summon forth wraiths, while others simply rip into the soldiers with their elongated, unnatural claws. Timor stays at a distance, removing her blindfold slowly, and sitting down amidst the blood, holding her hands palms up on her knees and pushing her mana to cause fear to sweep the entire battlefield, throwing any organization the soldiers once held into complete chaos, throwing in illusions that made the panicked soldiers attack their own, while she manipulated the fear to push more soldiers towards Alpha so he can absorb them. However, this required every bit of her concentration and every scrap of power she could pull from herself, while she also drew some left over mana from Dark's cannon.

She speaks lowly, to the point and almost curt as she tries to keep for us. "Myself and the others of your guild will handle the armies. Get rid of the cannon with Simi and protect my body from harm."

Simi stops from where she's elbow deep in a man intestines, her mouth coated in blood and some scraps of organs around her lips as she looks at Royal expectantly.
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Light said:
Suddenly two of the cannons roll up to Bruce.
The hall was extremely silent. Mainly because what was followed him lingered in the shadows.

"Well I had to call reinforcements." Apex slightly shrugs her shoulders. Apex fires a blast of her mana in the form of a sphere at a catapult. The small ball of condensed mana starts to slack. So it expands and becomes less condensed. It envelops many objects and knights. Apex closes her hand and the mana starts to condense again. Crushing everything within it until it's the size of a tennis ball. She finishes it off by snapping her finger, making it explode. With slightly the same affect as the cannons have. Vaporizing everything in its path.
Oroborus began to shrink and change with the sound of snapping and grinding bones and the sound of tearing flesh until she had finally reverted back to her human form. "So what next?" she asked as Alpha reverted back to his human form as well. "I'm still pretty damn hungry," she said with a sadistic grin.
The courtyard had bodies piled high, blood pooling and soaking the ground, surrounding H as he grabbed the mage by the face, his hands unable to reach around their heads as his fingers pierced their skulls, cracking and squishing under his grip as they let out cries of immense pain as he crushed the fronts of their skulls, leaving behind screaming faceless bodies, bleeding heavily as they collapsed, grey matter spilling onto the ground as their vocal chords gave their last chilling notes as he looked back to Jackie beyond the sea of bodies he accidentally slaughtered, leaving none in the courtyard alive. "Who.... are you?"

(Gruesome enough or needs work?)
CelticSol said:
Jackie throws more archers to their deaths, watching some plummet to the ground with a near serene smile on her face. She lowers herself down the other side and into the castle's front courtyard, grabbing the closest head in arms and melting the helmet to their head with corruption. Her tendrils twitch and writhe around her, snapping out and killing any who dare get too close. She makes her way through the crowd this way, trying to get to the main castle.

Arcadia notices how close she is to an overflow, but she remains calm and remains statue still, not bothering to move her fingertips from where they're touching Isabel's snout. She is very aware of her immediate danger, but doesn't give any hints she intends to run. Some calming aura flows through her fingers, "Come on, Isabel. We should go, the others need us."


Layla smiles, emptily, but doesn't reply. She takes his wrist and directs it to rest a bit above her diaphragm, her hand moving to the back of his hand to hold it still as her thumb carresses the back of his fingers, her eyes closing as she focuses on doing the contract right. He feels a flood of magic enter him abruptly, seeking through his until it latches to his heart. A part of his magic, maybe an eighth, is sapped away from him instantly, but he feels a not insignificant amount of physical strength transferred over to him. Through every realm and through every personality, they feel a portion of their physical strength vanish, but it is replaced by a raw surge of magic, though it remains stable in their system and doesn't tip them into an overflow.

She opens her eyes, and something in them seems less tired, a burden lifted off of her. There is also something about her that seems more powerful and more youthful than its been in a very long time. "You have taken on my greatest joy, but also my greatest responsibility. Though the more tiring effects will fade and become easier to handle with time and practice, until the contract is broken, you will never regain the magic you have given away to her. With this bond, every hurt she will ever experience - every wound or illness or heartbreak or loss - will be felt by you as well, but not vice versa because of my own precautions. She will live at this level of power until you break the contract or die."

She takes his hand in both of her's, kissing the back of his hand, then holding their hands to her chest, "The only lie I've ever told her was my promise that I will come back alive. I am not an Original, but I cannot live if they do not. This will be my final fight," She looks to him, dropping his hand to grab his face in her hands gently, "I need you to help me shift. If I have to die, I'm going to do it in my proper form."


Timor looks up at Alpha's towering mass, her Wendigo form shivering and growing into a Cerberus form about the size of a house built very similarly to his, except the heads seem to all be different, and one has molten lava drip from it's open jaws, another breathing out poison gas identical to Gamma's, the last seeming to have no powers at all until it rears back into a pose similar to a wolf preparing to howl, and instead comes out as a shrill, piercing shriek of murderous rage, which causes many soldiers head's to either explode, or for their eardrums to blow and knock off ther equillibrium, or to simply be deafened and distracted. Tall, shrouded women appear on the battle field as Timor lets out a howl more horrible than the last, and they in turn let out screams of unbearable sorrow. The women, when they stop screaming, whisper in rasping voices worse than nails on a chalk board, their screams and their voices so horrible they could only be banshees. Timor separates from the Cerberus, and some human intelligence disappears as she looks to the small hoard of banshees standing before them. She looks through the crowd, pointing to Alpha's blob, then to Simi, and Royal. "Do not harm them. Otherwise..." She waves her hand dismissively, voice uncaring, "Kill them all. Leave none alive to report to their pathetic, cowardly masters."

The banshees let out cries of bloodlust as they lunge into the crowd, some using their powers to summon forth wraiths, while others simply rip into the soldiers with their elongated, unnatural claws. Timor stays at a distance, removing her blindfold slowly, and sitting down amidst the blood, holding her hands palms up on her knees and pushing her mana to cause fear to sweep the entire battlefield, throwing any organization the soldiers once held into complete chaos, throwing in illusions that made the panicked soldiers attack their own, while she manipulated the fear to push more soldiers towards Alpha so he can absorb them. However, this required every bit of her concentration and every scrap of power she could pull from herself, while she also drew some left over mana from Dark's cannon.

She speaks lowly, to the point and almost curt as she tries to keep for us. "Myself and the others of your guild will handle the armies. Get rid of the cannon with Simi and protect my body from harm."

Simi stops from where she's elbow deep in a man intestines, her mouth coated in blood and some scraps of organs around her lips as she looks at Royal expectantly.
Daimao said:
Oroborus began to shrink and change with the sound of snapping and grinding bones and the sound of tearing flesh until she had finally reverted back to her human form. "So what next?" she asked as Alpha reverted back to his human form as well. "I'm still pretty damn hungry," she said with a sadistic grin.
Apex was busy blasting the summons of Timor away. Her Gods were fighting them as well. "You didn't point to me Timor! You had one job!" Instead of more reinforcements coming more cannons started to arrive. It broke her heart knowing how many mana overflows they had to put Dark through to get this much power.

Royal feels this same emotion from Apex. "Simi.... we're going to destroy these cannons." Royal looked them. There were 3 of them rolling up and positioning themselves. Royal starts to walk forward to one of the cannons and shifts into the dragon form with a rush of water flowing behind her. Royal was taking anything in her path with her, friend or foe. The water pressure starts to crush the dead knights caught up in the wave. Royal was angry but not completely furious just yet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3e332d80_images(6).jpg.54340024ec2d449e68d6ac2731688d2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3e332d80_images(6).jpg.54340024ec2d449e68d6ac2731688d2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Grimm didn't approve of the way she was talking. He didn't care where they were or how she'd react afterwards. He sets his hands on each side of her face and proceeds to kiss her. He's made many mistakes in his past and many of them involved her. He wasn't serious about many things in life. This moment between them meant the world to him though. She did and he would make sure nothing happens to her. He was tempted to take out every Dragon's Roar member just to aid the originals to keep her alive. He put everything he had into this one kiss.

Arcadia could feel a pressure as Dark attempts to expel mana from her body. After she finishes and slightly stabilizes herself, she exits her Dragon form. At least two kids were hiding behind her. Dark was still slightly conflicted.

@Afrobrony[/URL] )

The first cannon fires a blast down the hall after its hit by the ki blast. The mana was unstable since it fired early.



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Light said:
Apex was busy blasting the summons of Timor away. Her Gods were fighting them as well. "You didn't point to me Timor! You had one job!" Instead of more reinforcements coming more cannons started to arrive. It broke her heart knowing how many mana overflows they had to put Dark through to get this much power.
Royal feels this same emotion from Apex. "Simi.... we're going to destroy these cannons." Royal looked them. There were 3 of them rolling up and positioning themselves. Royal starts to walk forward to one of the cannons and shifts into the dragon form with a rush of water flowing behind her. Royal was taking anything in her path with her, friend or foe. The water pressure starts to crush the dead knights caught up in the wave. Royal was angry but not completely furious just yet.

View attachment 154319

Grimm didn't approve of the way she was talking. He didn't care where they were or how she'd react afterwards. He sets his hands on each side of her face and proceeds to kiss her. He's made many mistakes in his past and many of them involved her. He wasn't serious about many things in life. This moment between them meant the world to him though. She did and he would make sure nothing happens to her. He was tempted to take out every Dragon's Roar member just to aid the originals to keep her alive. He put everything he had into this one kiss.

Arcadia could feel a pressure as Dark attempts to expel mana from her body. After she finishes and slightly stabilizes herself, she exits her Dragon form. At least two kids were hiding behind her. Dark was still slightly conflicted.

The stalker starts to pick up the pace as well. Isaac can hear shaky impatient breaths.

( @Afrobrony )

The first cannon fires a blast down the hall after its hit by the ki blast. The mana was unstable since it fired early.
Isaac then realized that he had a sword, and that he was not in a cliche horror movie so once he turned around stood his ground and said "Whoever you are come out and face me!" (gtg for an hour or so sorry)
Light said:
( @Afrobrony )
The first cannon fires a blast down the hall after its hit by the ki blast. The mana was unstable since it fired early.
Since he was already moving it was easy for Bruce to get out of the way of the mana. The cannon wouldn't have anymore charged up at the moment so he went straight into the barrel and charged an attack that was just like the one he was going to use on Arcadia, only weaker. Due to its weaker power level it was ready in a couple of seconds and he let it expand and destroy the cannon.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac then realized that he had a sword, and that he was not in a cliche horror movie so once he turned around stood his ground and said "Whoever you are come out and face me!" (gtg for an hour or so sorry)

Isaac could feel hot breaths on the back of his neck. He could then feel an icy cold tongue slide up his neck.

Afrobrony said:
Since he was already moving it was easy for Bruce to get out of the way of the mana. The cannon wouldn't have anymore charged up at the moment so he went straight into the barrel and charged an attack that was just like the one he was going to use on Arcadia, only weaker. Due to its weaker power level it was ready in a couple of seconds and he let it expand and destroy the cannon.
The first cannon explodes from the inside but the second cannon fires at Bruce.
Light said:
The first cannon explodes from the inside but the second cannon fires at Bruce.
A dark purple aura surrounds him as Bruce starts to use his full power and holds his hands out against the mana blast. He gathers even more energy and fires it out against the cannon's attack, pushing it back ever so slowly.
Afrobrony said:
A dark purple aura surrounds him as Bruce starts to use his full power and holds his hands out against the mana blast. He gathers even more energy and fires it out against the cannon's attack, pushing it back ever so slowly.
The cannon stops firing soon to cool down. The blast hits the cannon and destroys it. Though the explosion makes the hall collapse.
Light said:
The cannon stops firing soon to cool down. The blast hits the cannon and destroys it. Though the explosion makes the hall collapse.
At first Bruce is buried in the rubble, anybody seeing it would've thought he was dead. But it wasn't so, as a single hand popped out through the debris in a super dramatic and badass fashion. He dragged himself out into the open, blood seeping from a wound in his head. In a voice mimicking Duke Nukem to a tee Bruce said "now I'm really pissed off."
Afrobrony said:
At first Bruce is buried in the rubble, anybody seeing it would've thought he was dead. But it wasn't so, as a single hand popped out through the debris in a super dramatic and badass fashion. He dragged himself out into the open, blood seeping from a wound in his head. In a voice mimicking Duke Nukem to a tee Bruce said "now I'm really pissed off."
Suddenly a large beast comes down the hall and stares Bruce down. It fires flames out of its mouth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/binazorous_territorry_by_lordeeas.jpg.78c0bdcac66188880ff4f6dd13f0e93f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/binazorous_territorry_by_lordeeas.jpg.78c0bdcac66188880ff4f6dd13f0e93f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • binazorous_territorry_by_lordeeas.jpg
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Light said:
Isaac could feel hot breaths on the back of his neck. He could then feel an icy cold tongue slide up his neck.
The first cannon explodes from the inside but the second cannon fires at Bruce.
Isaac instantly slices behind him to try and hit whoever or whatever licked him, Isaac then wiped the back of his neck and said "Gross." Then he wiped his hand on his shirt.
Light said:
Suddenly a large beast comes down the hall and stares Bruce down. It fires flames out of its mouth.
View attachment 154350
(Are those Jedi and Sith fighting atop a T-rex? That is awesome! And don't correct me on the actual name, I never claimed to know Star Wars lore.)

Bruce rushed the beast through its flames with his arms up to protect his beautiful face. His voice was still that the Duke's. "I'm not gonna fight you," he jumped into an uppercut into the beasts jaw "I'm gonna kick your ass."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac instantly slices behind him to try and hit whoever or whatever licked him, Isaac then wiped the back of his neck and said "Gross." Then he wiped his hand on his shirt.

Isaac can hear scurrying and he could suddenly feel something bite on his leg. Whatever did it ran away afterwards.

Afrobrony said:
(Are those Jedi and Sith fighting atop a T-rex? That is awesome! And don't correct me on the actual name, I never claimed to know Star Wars lore.)
Bruce rushed the beast through its flames with his arms up to protect his beautiful face. His voice was still that the Duke's. "I'm not gonna fight you," he jumped into an uppercut into the beasts jaw "I'm gonna kick your ass."
The beasts head hits the ceiling. More of it starts to collapse on it and Bruce. Though the beast shoots is way out of it.
Light said:
Isaac can hear scurrying and he could suddenly feel something bite on his leg. Whatever did it ran away afterwards.
The beasts head hits the ceiling. More of it starts to collapse on it and Bruce. Though the beast shoots is way out of it.
"Will you just show yourself already!?" Isaac yelled looking around for what bit him while moving forward slowly.
Light said:
The beasts head hits the ceiling. More of it starts to collapse on it and Bruce. Though the beast shoots is way out of it.
Bruce crouches, for no good reason other than his next line, "crouching mutant" underneath the beast, charging a ki ball and leaving it just underneath the beast. He jumped back when the debris had stopped falling. "Hidden pipe bomb." The ki ball exploded and sent dust from the debris everywhere. Bruce couldn't see if it had done anything to the beast.
Airagog said:
The courtyard had bodies piled high, blood pooling and soaking the ground, surrounding H as he grabbed the mage by the face, his hands unable to reach around their heads as his fingers pierced their skulls, cracking and squishing under his grip as they let out cries of immense pain as he crushed the fronts of their skulls, leaving behind screaming faceless bodies, bleeding heavily as they collapsed, grey matter spilling onto the ground as their vocal chords gave their last chilling notes as he looked back to Jackie beyond the sea of bodies he accidentally slaughtered, leaving none in the courtyard alive. "Who.... are you?"
(Gruesome enough or needs work?)
(It's perfect. )

Jackie looks back at H from where she is skewering a soldier with one of the tendrils coming out of her lower back, blood pouring from his mouth as he chokes, the tendrils writhing from where they are piercing the bottom of one of his lungs. They rip out of the guard immediately as she turns to the newcomer, some organs spilling out the sizeable hole in his chest. One tendril goes to grab H, but she brushes her fingertips against it to make it stop.

She rolls her weight on to one leg, putting one of her bloodied hands on her hip and staining her shirt, which charmingly says, 'Fuck Off' in big, bold lettering. She looks him up and down, arching a brow at him. "Well, fuck me sideways. We've got a new recruit," She wipes her hand off on her jeans, but doesn't hold her hand out to shake it in case he tries to eat it or something. "I'm Jackie, resident bitch of Dragon's Roar. Good work out there, newbie, but our fight is in that castle, and Bruce is God-knows-knows, so it's gonna be you and I for a bit," She turns to the doors about 5 yards from where she's standing and starts to pry open the door with the combined strength of her arms, the tendrils, and the serpentine heads. She pulls until the giant doors rips off their hinges and fall with a deafening BANG. She looks very satisfied as she gestures to the now open entrance, "After you."


Light said:
Apex was busy blasting the summons of Timor away. Her Gods were fighting them as well. "You didn't point to me Timor! You had one job!" Instead of more reinforcements coming more cannons started to arrive. It broke her heart knowing how many mana overflows they had to put Dark through to get this much power.
Royal feels this same emotion from Apex. "Simi.... we're going to destroy these cannons." Royal looked them. There were 3 of them rolling up and positioning themselves. Royal starts to walk forward to one of the cannons and shifts into the dragon form with a rush of water flowing behind her. Royal was taking anything in her path with her, friend or foe. The water pressure starts to crush the dead knights caught up in the wave. Royal was angry but not completely furious just yet.

View attachment 154319

Grimm didn't approve of the way she was talking. He didn't care where they were or how she'd react afterwards. He sets his hands on each side of her face and proceeds to kiss her. He's made many mistakes in his past and many of them involved her. He wasn't serious about many things in life. This moment between them meant the world to him though. She did and he would make sure nothing happens to her. He was tempted to take out every Dragon's Roar member just to aid the originals to keep her alive. He put everything he had into this one kiss.

Arcadia could feel a pressure as Dark attempts to expel mana from her body. After she finishes and slightly stabilizes herself, she exits her Dragon form. At least two kids were hiding behind her. Dark was still slightly conflicted.

The stalker starts to pick up the pace as well. Isaac can hear shaky impatient breaths.

( @Afrobrony )

The first cannon fires a blast down the hall after its hit by the ki blast. The mana was unstable since it fired early.
Timor glares directly at Isabel, which causes a massive wave of fear to envelope Isabel, and points to where the Banshees are looking at the deities, then backing off when they realize they are like Timor. She whistles sharply for the attention of the banshees are attacking Isabel, "She is ours. Leave her and focus on your tasks," After the order, they abandon their efforts on Isabel and throw themselves into the armies, ripping into them with ruthless vigor.


Simi follows Royal, but very quickly jumps on her back to avoid the water. She runs along her back to hiss in Royal's ear, "Domina, Simi can't swim!" Hoping Isabel will stop the flow of water so she can help, she jumps down to one of the cannons and snaps one of the operator's neck so badly that her head lies at a 90 degree angle. She kicks the other powerfully enough to cause internal bleeding in the abdomen, then crushes their windpipe for good measure. She moves to try and deactivate the cannon by the controls, her fingers swiping across the control keys, but after about a minute, she punches a hole through the machine in a frustrated, childish tantrum. She proceeds to grabs the actual cannon, and rips it off the rest of the machine and throws it at a squadron of soldiers, who are bowled over like bowling pins.


Unlike usual, where she'd push him away and pretend to be angry about inappropriate PDA to hide her embarrassment, she fully engages into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him to hold him closer despite the fact her armour was undoubtably uncomfortable. She shifts her hold on him after a solid minute so she can separate them from each other, and she stares at him, her flat boots allowing them be exactly the same height. She stares into his eyes, saying nothing for a few minutes, pressing her forehead to his despite the fact they have a war to get to. "I need your help to shift. I can't let the pain hold me back while I do this."


Arcadia still moves slowly to avoid startling her, her hands lowering to invite the children towards her. "I will protect them," She promises, "But we all need you. You can control the mana being used in those cannons, and we'd be able to focus on the troops."
CelticSol said:
Bruce is God-knows-knows
(Bruce is busy making Old West commercials and being Bruce Nukem... and soon probably the Brucinator because his towel has come off by now. I mean, usually when a naked and muscular man shows up it's a terminator so that's my logic with it. But don't worry, he's destroying plenty of the castle and the knights.)
CelticSol said:
(It's perfect. )
Jackie looks back at H from where she is skewering a soldier with one of the tendrils coming out of her lower back, blood pouring from his mouth as he chokes, the tendrils writhing from where they are piercing the bottom of one of his lungs. They rip out of the guard immediately as she turns to the newcomer, some organs spilling out the sizeable hole in his chest. One tendril goes to grab H, but she brushes her fingertips against it to make it stop.

She rolls her weight on to one leg, putting one of her bloodied hands on her hip and staining her shirt, which charmingly says, 'Fuck Off' in big, bold lettering. She looks him up and down, arching a brow at him. "Well, fuck me sideways. We've got a new recruit," She wipes her hand off on her jeans, but doesn't hold her hand out to shake it in case he tries to eat it or something. "I'm Jackie, resident bitch of Dragon's Roar. Good work out there, newbie, but our fight is in that castle, and Bruce is God-knows-knows, so it's gonna be you and I for a bit," She turns to the doors about 5 yards from where she's standing and starts to pry open the door with the combined strength of her arms, the tendrils, and the serpentine heads. She pulls until the giant doors rips off their hinges and fall with a deafening BANG. She looks very satisfied as she gestures to the now open entrance, "After you."


Timor glares directly at Isabel, which causes a massive wave of fear to envelope Isabel, and points to where the Banshees are looking at the deities, then backing off when they realize they are like Timor. She whistles sharply for the attention of the banshees are attacking Isabel, "She is ours. Leave her and focus on your tasks," After the order, they abandon their efforts on Isabel and throw themselves into the armies, ripping into them with ruthless vigor.


Simi follows Royal, but very quickly jumps on her back to avoid the water. She runs along her back to hiss in Royal's ear, "Domina, Simi can't swim!" Hoping Isabel will stop the flow of water so she can help, she jumps down to one of the cannons and snaps one of the operator's neck so badly that her head lies at a 90 degree angle. She kicks the other powerfully enough to cause internal bleeding in the abdomen, then crushes their windpipe for good measure. She moves to try and deactivate the cannon by the controls, her fingers swiping across the control keys, but after about a minute, she punches a hole through the machine in a frustrated, childish tantrum. She proceeds to grabs the actual cannon, and rips it off the rest of the machine and throws it at a squadron of soldiers, who are bowled over like bowling pins.


Unlike usual, where she'd push him away and pretend to be angry about inappropriate PDA to hide her embarrassment, she fully engages into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him to hold him closer despite the fact her armour was undoubtably uncomfortable. She shifts her hold on him after a solid minute so she can separate them from each other, and she stares at him, her flat boots allowing them be exactly the same height. She stares into his eyes, saying nothing for a few minutes, pressing her forehead to his despite the fact they have a war to get to. "I need your help to shift. I can't let the pain hold me back while I do this."


Arcadia still moves slowly to avoid startling her, her hands lowering to invite the children towards her. "I will protect them," She promises, "But we all need you. You can control the mana being used in those cannons, and we'd be able to focus on the troops."
H looks at her, cowering a bit as he sighs and nods, "O-Okay..Who are they? what are they doing here?" He says slowly shambling in, his legs shaking as he steps slowly, almost shaking as his foot steps on a guard then slides completely through his chest as though it wasn't there, his foot meeting no resistance as it shattered his ribcage, bone getting stuck in his leg only to pop out a moment later as he walked on. Every step seeming to take a massive amount of effort on the small human's part. He shivered as he rubbed himself, his clothing in tatters and rags, though still covering his face for the most part, though his entire body was soaked in blood. He shuffled along passing Jackie as he walked inside, looking around him and then continuing forward, as though being led by some force. "I.. What is dragon's roar? I don't like it.. It sounds scary." He said meekly looking out from under his hood. "Why did those men try to hurt me? It really hurt... all those spears.. all those arrows. My heart... It all hurt." He whispered as he shambled like an undead, not even sure where he was going or why.

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