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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

H collapsed as the canon imploded, his skin being seared as shrapnel hit him, making a large hold in his chest and leftover mana burning most of his skin, his clothing having large holes in it as he lay on the ground, the unmistakable smell of burnt flesh in the air as he lay on the floor, the putrid smell of burnt hair, blood, and flesh stung the air as he twitched and slowly got up with a groan. His body was seemingly fine, as though the explosion had never happened as he stood another shambling step forward, undeterred by his death. "I had to... I had to do something... Help? Help how." He spoke to himself as his feet hit the ground with a small thud every time he trudged further along, going inside the castle gates. The first man inside the castle had not come as a brave conquering hero, not as one willing to charge into death, but as a shambling shell of a person, meandering his way through undeterred.
Light said:
( Perfect opportunity to show you how Isabel feels when she has a mana overflow. )
The mana threatens to rip Nopos's body apart. Dark's mana bursts off of his body at certain points. The mana made every nerve in his body feel like it was on fire. His mind felt like it was boiling. The mana was making Nopos's body want to go into a rampage. The mana obviously wasn't used to his body at all. Soon all of Darks mana expels itself from his body and fades away.

Mist stands up and follows her into the portal as well. He has his blood mist hurricanes defend him from incoming arrows.

Knights of the original realm were scattered all along her. Dark was clawing into the cannon. Trying to devour as much mana as she could from it. Dark suddenly turns around and faces Arcadia. She roars at her and stares her down. A low rumble coming from her.

Witch shakes her head, she wasn't into all this emotional talk. "Stop it." Witch hugs Layla back. "You know I'm not a fan of this." Witch was trying to keep herself from tearing up. Especially with what Layla said... knowing the way she was born. Witch releases Layla and turns away. "Okay, you go out there and do your thing. You come back to us okay?" Witch was trying to stand proud and not show her tears.

Royal, Simi, and Timor just happened to end up in the middle of an army. "Way to go with accuracy Witch. Attack!"

Suddenly an arrow flies by Bruce but misses. An archer seems extremely guilty. "I'm so sorry guys.... I really don't know what to say. I mean... He threatened us and my fingers slipped. I'm used to fighting long range.... I just..... sorry." The other archers sigh and roll their eyes. They pull out their daggers and charge towards Bruce.

Origin looks at H. "I think you could help us fight with the originals. Arcadia is perfectly capable with helping Dark."
Afrobrony said:
@Light @TheGodSnake @BarrelOfGunpowder @CelticSol
Bruce had put up his arms instinctively to block himself however his instincts also lead his body to let the Nega-Bruce out considering the blast would've killed them all if Nopos hadn't stepped in. Bruce would prefer not to let him out but it was already too late, he'd only get killed if he fought back. He turned his attention to Jackie simply saying "kill." Bruce looked up at the arrows, forming two balls of dark purple ki around his hands and jumping up to meet them head on. His fists were hardly even a blur at this point, deflecting the arrows away from him. He reached the top of the wall and said "hello boys. Can I interest you in an ass whooping? Again!"
Jackie shrugs, "Works for me!" A thin membrane covers over her body, every arrow that hits it disintegrating from corruption eating through it. She simply walks through the arrow-littered warzone, grinning wide like a maniac. Once she reaches the castle wall, the tendrils at her back hoist her up the obstacle, and the first archer that she sees tries to push her off, and is rewarded by her tendrils ripping him in half, using his legs like a wishbone. The next loses his legs at the hips to a well aimed strike, and as she heads to her next opponent, she crushes the leg less, screaming man's head under her boot.


Arcadia closes her eyes, standing strong against the roar in her face despite the fact her ears are ringing badly now. She holds her hand out to Isabel's snout, her hand hovering about a foot away for her to either move forward, or so she can take her hand away if Isabel snaps at her. She shakes her head, "I'm not afraid, Isabel," Taking a brave step forward, her fingertips brush the scales around Isabel's nose, "I would never be afraid of you, because I know how strong you are, but I also know you'd never hurt me intentionally. I know that you can overcome the mana overflow. You can do this, Isabel. I know you can."


Layla nods, taking Isabel's cheeks in her hands and kissing her quickly on the top of her head. "Of course I'll come back. I've killed Gods before; rulers of fate won't be much more of a problem," She separates from her, drawing her sword swiftly as she heads to the portal, grabbing Grimm to follow her through.

When they reach the other side, she stops him, her expression fierce and her words allowing no foolishness, "Grimm, before we fight, I need you to do something for me," She sighs, gearing up for a long explanation, "When Isabel was born, her body was not strong enough to bear the magic she held. So I bound her life to mine, just so she could live beyond infancy, and then I was going to break it so she could build her own strength..." she trails off, then shakes her head, "She was kidnapped before I could, and I never removed it after, since I figured it would protect her when I wasn't there."

She purses her lips, "I need you to bind her life to yours instead, and take the contract off of me and onto you until you can break it safely. This is most likely the final battle, and to kill every Original, Harbinger must die as well, and..." She hesitates, seeming like she was about to say something, then continues, more cautiously, "There's no telling what his demise might do to me. I'm not going to take a risk if Isabel is involved."


Timor lets out an ungodly roar and lunges into the soldiers, with many screaming and tumbling away from her claws and teeth, an aura causing intense fear rolling off her into the now scattered ranks. She grabs the closest to her and rips the head off his shoulder and tosses the torn corpse aside, and the next soldier dies screaming as her claws rip through his midsection.


Simi goes into action even more quickly, ripping apart a soldier with her bare hands like he's made of paper, and goes to the next and rips through his jugular with her teeth. She phases her hand through the chest of a soldier and rips his still beating heart right out of his chest, and forces it down the throat of the soldier next to him, suffocating him with it.
Airagog said:
H collapsed as the canon imploded, his skin being seared as shrapnel hit him, making a large hold in his chest and leftover mana burning most of his skin, his clothing having large holes in it as he lay on the ground, the unmistakable smell of burnt flesh in the air as he lay on the floor, the putrid smell of burnt hair, blood, and flesh stung the air as he twitched and slowly got up with a groan. His body was seemingly fine, as though the explosion had never happened as he stood another shambling step forward, undeterred by his death. "I had to... I had to do something... Help? Help how." He spoke to himself as his feet hit the ground with a small thud every time he trudged further along, going inside the castle gates. The first man inside the castle had not come as a brave conquering hero, not as one willing to charge into death, but as a shambling shell of a person, meandering his way through undeterred.
( @Afrobrony )

CelticSol said:
Jackie shrugs, "Works for me!" A thin membrane covers over her body, every arrow that hits it disintegrating from corruption eating through it. She simply walks through the arrow-littered warzone, grinning wide like a maniac. Once she reaches the castle wall, the tendrils at her back hoist her up the obstacle, and the first archer that she sees tries to push her off, and is rewarded by her tendrils ripping him in half, using his legs like a wishbone. The next loses his legs at the hips to a well aimed strike, and as she heads to her next opponent, she crushes the leg less, screaming man's head under her boot.

Arcadia closes her eyes, standing strong against the roar in her face despite the fact her ears are ringing badly now. She holds her hand out to Isabel's snout, her hand hovering about a foot away for her to either move forward, or so she can take her hand away if Isabel snaps at her. She shakes her head, "I'm not afraid, Isabel," Taking a brave step forward, her fingertips brush the scales around Isabel's nose, "I would never be afraid of you, because I know how strong you are, but I also know you'd never hurt me intentionally. I know that you can overcome the mana overflow. You can do this, Isabel. I know you can."


Layla nods, taking Isabel's cheeks in her hands and kissing her quickly on the top of her head. "Of course I'll come back. I've killed Gods before; rulers of fate won't be much more of a problem," She separates from her, drawing her sword swiftly as she heads to the portal, grabbing Grimm to follow her through.

When they reach the other side, she stops him, her expression fierce and her words allowing no foolishness, "Grimm, before we fight, I need you to do something for me," She sighs, gearing up for a long explanation, "When Isabel was born, her body was not strong enough to bear the magic she held. So I bound her life to mine, just so she could live beyond infancy, and then I was going to break it so she could build her own strength..." she trails off, then shakes her head, "She was kidnapped before I could, and I never removed it after, since I figured it would protect her when I wasn't there."

She purses her lips, "I need you to bind her life to yours instead, and take the contract off of me and onto you until you can break it safely. This is most likely the final battle, and to kill every Original, Harbinger must die as well, and..." She hesitates, seeming like she was about to say something, then continues, more cautiously, "There's no telling what his demise might do to me. I'm not going to take a risk if Isabel is involved."


Timor lets out an ungodly roar and lunges into the soldiers, with many screaming and tumbling away from her claws and teeth, an aura causing intense fear rolling off her into the now scattered ranks. She grabs the closest to her and rips the head off his shoulder and tosses the torn corpse aside, and the next soldier dies screaming as her claws rip through his midsection.


Simi goes into action even more quickly, ripping apart a soldier with her bare hands like he's made of paper, and goes to the next and rips through his jugular with her teeth. She phases her hand through the chest of a soldier and rips his still beating heart right out of his chest, and forces it down the throat of the soldier next to him, suffocating him with it.
Once the main gates to the castle were down. The doors to the castle open. Troops made out of steel toss explosives and spears. Mages behind them fire power nullifying blasts.

Dark was extremely conflicted. Every scale on her body literally started to vibrate from anticipation. She didn't know if she should rampage, choose Dark, choose Alice, or give into Arcadia. She only knew one thing, kill all knights. Most of the townspeople were killed by the knights. Dark only managed to save a small number of children whom were hiding underneath Dark's underbelly. Though the mana overflow coming up would soon make things bad.

Grimm slowly nods his head. He takes her hand ready to take up the contract. "I hope you know I won't let you die."

Royal was simply dodging attacks. She wasn't on the offensive, she wasn't really angry enough. She was setting the knights up to slay one another each time she dodged though. She sees something out of the corner of her eye. "Well isn't that something." Another cannon was rolling up. Already ready to fire Dark's mana.
H walked on, the explosions hitting him as he fell again, laying on the ground, his body being battered by more and more explosives as it lay there. Limbs were blown off as he looked like a mere traveler, harmless and dead on the ground. Then slowly, he got up again, this time his skin had hardened as his bones snapped back into place, limbs instantaneously grew back. The blasts were no longer stopping his slow and steady march, his shambling moved forward like a slow cold breeze. His skin was shiny now, his cells had adapted in the explosions. Simply put, he had used humanity's greatest power, evolution. He was harder than steel now, his body and cells had since adapted and mutated to accommodate the new environment as he shambled forwards towards the soldiers, undaunted. A meek yet terrifying soldier in his own right, undeterred by anything. As he winced and called out, "Why are you hurting me? Where am I? who are you? What are you doing? What is this place? Why am I here?" He said, his uncertainty filling the air.
Airagog said:
H walked on, the explosions hitting him as he fell again, laying on the ground, his body being battered by more and more explosives as it lay there. Limbs were blown off as he looked like a mere traveler, harmless and dead on the ground. Then slowly, he got up again, this time his skin had hardened as his bones snapped back into place, limbs instantaneously grew back. The blasts were no longer stopping his slow and steady march, his shambling moved forward like a slow cold breeze. His skin was shiny now, his cells had adapted in the explosions. Simply put, he had used humanity's greatest power, evolution. He was harder than steel now, his body and cells had since adapted and mutated to accommodate the new environment as he shambled forwards towards the soldiers, undaunted. A meek yet terrifying soldier in his own right, undeterred by anything. As he winced and called out, "Why are you hurting me? Where am I? who are you? What are you doing? What is this place? Why am I here?" He said, his uncertainty filling the air.
A troop let's out a battle cry and sends a spear through his heart. While the others pierce through his body as well.
H gave a gasp as his blood ran red down the spear and onto the ground, it evaporating as it hit only to have several more spears run through him as he cried out in pain, looking to the others as looked at the spear, his heart in ribbons as he grabbed the spear and pushed it through himself with a sickening schlock. His insides pulling and tugging at the spear as it slid further in until he pushed it out the other side, the hole in his chest completely gone with no trace of it ever appearing as the other spears that were embedded in his skin slowly begin to move out the way they came, his body pushing them out as the remaining hit his skin, but didn't pierce it as his glossy eyes looked up at the soldier and he gave a moan, "Why did you do that?" He asked putting his hands on the soldier, acting every bit like a phantom as he stepped forward, one, two, three steps. The spears bouncing off of his now hardened skin as he tried pressing on in front of the others. Head still full of questions and uncertainty. "Why did you hurt me? Why? Why?" He asked pushing the knight back with him as he kept stepping forward, "Why did you all hurt me?"
Light said:
The mages start working on chants to summon beasts. Each beast had their own weakness and resistance.

The Dragon seems to have powers with its mind. It has Oroborus levitate only to launch her away.

The war elephant seemed immune to attacks on its body from the outside.

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The knight starts to adapt to the conditions inside the cannon. It becomes mana resistant. But that ends up setting off the balance in the cannon. This making Dark's mana explode on the inside. Completely unstable.
Oroborus floats to a stop in mid-air after being thrown. Smiling sadistically, she walked across air towards the dragon, her hands moving as if she was conducting an orchestra. As she walked, the earth itself was bent by her magic, attacking the soldiers that she walked above. Rock spires shot up from the ground, impaling soldiers, chasms opened up and devoured large groups whole, lava burst from cracks that formed in the ground and melted the flesh and bone of soldiers caught in its spray. "You fools are tens of thousands of years too young to think that you can challenge us," she laughs, reaching a hand towards the dragon. As she does this, a massive, unseen claw wraps itself around the dragons neck. Oroborus clenches her hand into a fist, and the invisible claw crushes the dragon's throat. Meanwhile, Alpha grows to the size of the war elephant and tackled it, poison smog spewing from Gamma's mouth and enveloping them.
Light said:
( @Afrobrony )Once the main gates to the castle were down. The doors to the castle open. Troops made out of steel toss explosives and spears. Mages behind them fire power nullifying blasts.
Bruce rained destruction on the castle, smashing anything in his way, walls, statues, knights that had stayed inside. One of them was showering, which was awkward, Bruce shot a beam from his finger that castrated him.
Airagog said:
H gave a gasp as his blood ran red down the spear and onto the ground, it evaporating as it hit only to have several more spears run through him as he cried out in pain, looking to the others as looked at the spear, his heart in ribbons as he grabbed the spear and pushed it through himself with a sickening schlock. His insides pulling and tugging at the spear as it slid further in until he pushed it out the other side, the hole in his chest completely gone with no trace of it ever appearing as the other spears that were embedded in his skin slowly begin to move out the way they came, his body pushing them out as the remaining hit his skin, but didn't pierce it as his glossy eyes looked up at the soldier and he gave a moan, "Why did you do that?" He asked putting his hands on the soldier, acting every bit like a phantom as he stepped forward, one, two, three steps. The spears bouncing off of his now hardened skin as he tried pressing on in front of the others. Head still full of questions and uncertainty. "Why did you hurt me? Why? Why?" He asked pushing the knight back with him as he kept stepping forward, "Why did you all hurt me?"
The troops start to push him back with their shields.

Daimao said:
Oroborus floats to a stop in mid-air after being thrown. Smiling sadistically, she walked across air towards the dragon, her hands moving as if she was conducting an orchestra. As she walked, the earth itself was bent by her magic, attacking the soldiers that she walked above. Rock spires shot up from the ground, impaling soldiers, chasms opened up and devoured large groups whole, lava burst from cracks that formed in the ground and melted the flesh and bone of soldiers caught in its spray. "You fools are tens of thousands of years too young to think that you can challenge us," she laughs, reaching a hand towards the dragon. As she does this, a massive, unseen claw wraps itself around the dragons neck. Oroborus clenches her hand into a fist, and the invisible claw crushes the dragon's throat. Meanwhile, Alpha grows to the size of the war elephant and tackled it, poison smog spewing from Gamma's mouth and enveloping them.
The dragon's illusion fades away, Oroborus is once again flung. This time into the magma she's conjured. The dragon uses its power to hold her in it.

The elephant flaps it's wings to blow the poison gas away. It brings it's hands together in a clapping motion and slams Alpha's heads together. Next it drops kicks Alpha in the underbelly to push him off it.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce rained destruction on the castle, smashing anything in his way, walls, statues, knights that had stayed inside. One of them was showering, which was awkward, Bruce shot a beam from his finger that castrated him.
Many shower knights surround Bruce with bars of soap and towels ready to whip him with.
Light said:
Many shower knights surround Bruce with bars of soap and towels ready to whip him with.
"So we're playing it like this are we? Okay then!" Bruce stripped off his clothes and grabbed his own towels, one to wrap around himself and the other to twist and use as a whip.
Light said:
( Perfect opportunity to show you how Isabel feels when she has a mana overflow. )
The mana threatens to rip Nopos's body apart. Dark's mana bursts off of his body at certain points. The mana made every nerve in his body feel like it was on fire. His mind felt like it was boiling. The mana was making Nopos's body want to go into a rampage. The mana obviously wasn't used to his body at all. Soon all of Darks mana expels itself from his body and fades away.
(One small thing though, it's the sword that absorbs it, Nopos can absorb the mana from the sword but it doesn't flow directly to him, the sword just becomes heavier with the more mana it has stored, it's also possible for Nopos to release the mana from the sword in a ranged slash or blast.)
Light said:
The troops start to push him back with their shields.
The dragon's illusion fades away, Oroborus is once again flung. This time into the magma she's conjured. The dragon uses its power to hold her in it.

The elephant flaps it's wings to blow the poison gas away. It brings it's hands together in a clapping motion and slams Alpha's heads together. Next it drops kicks Alpha in the underbelly to push him off it.

Many shower knights surround Bruce with bars of soap and towels ready to whip him with.
Oroborus laughs hysterically as she is tossed into the lava, and continues to laugh even as her body is melted into nothingness. He haunting laugh echoes across the battlefield for a few moments more after she disappears, before fading away. When Alpha is kicked, his body transforms into black liquid, exploding with the force of the kick and splattering all over hundreds of soldiers. Those soldiers unfortunate enough to be caught in the splash zone began to scream in agony as the inky black substance melted through their armor, flesh, and bones, quickly turning hundreds of warriors into sizzling piles of gore. The inky black substance then all streamed towards each other, congealing into a large pool. Any soldiers caught in the liquid's path were melted like the rest. The pool began to grow upwards, turning into a massive, inky blob. Faces began to appear in the blob, hundreds, if not thousands, all screaming in pain and terror, wailing for loved ones and blubbering like babies, repenting all of their sins in a cacophony of tormented voices. Spasming arms and hands pushed out of the mass, grasping out for help, grabbing anything from armor, to weapons, to living soldiers, and pulling them into the blob, which absorbed them. More and more faces and limbs appeared, the mass of nightmares growing, as more and more souls were absorbed and devoured by Alpha, the Guardian of Hell, the Devourer of Souls, the Hound of Death, his true form grew and grew, consequently absorbing more and more soldiers, and thus devouring more and more souls. Pushing out from the inky mass, three canine heads appeared, growling and slavering, snapping up and eating more soldiers with their inky back jaws. The blob, now twice the size of the war elephant and still growing, finally began to take form; large, clawed limbs sprouting from the mass as it took the form of a giant, three-headed canine. With every step, soldiers were crushed and absorbed. All three heads roared in unison, a tremendous sound that sounded like billions of voices screaming in pain and fear at once.
H groaned as he put his hands against two of the shields as his fingers poked through them as he curled them, crumpling the shields as he tossed them aside two by two then grabbing the soldiers two by two as he removed their shields. His hardened fingers and skin digging into their armor and pushing into their chests with a sickening crunch as their skin gave way and he met their ribcages, bones cracking and splintering as he pushed them aside, leaving a gaping hole in each one as he worked, slowly methodically, horribly. He removed the shield, pushed hid hand into the soldier holding it, then pushed them aside. Working as a meek juggernaut, moving forward without pause in front of the others.
Light said:
( Not really my fault at all since this isn't even mentioned in his cs. So I guess you're just going to have to work with it? The manas gone anyways it's not like it's still torturing you. You typed that up as if you wanted to keep it around. Each cannon is stored up on mana from Dark when they collected it from her when she had a forced overflow. Isabel is made up of many different things. Yet she has so much mana building up in her it gets unstable. It literally tries to rip her body apart just as I've described it. I really don't think you want to put your sword through that. Kirito. )

The dragon starts to use its powers to move the knights away from the dog. While the war elephant approaches it with confidence. Seeing that attacks from the outside don't affect it.

( @Afrobrony )

The knights start to stroke Bruce with their towels.
Alpha rushes the elephant, hitting it like a tidal wave and completely enveloping it. The inky substance that makes up Alpha's body forces its way into the elephant's body through any opening available. It flooded the elephant's mouth and down it's throat, it pushed it's way into the elephants ears and nose, it even forced it's way in through the elephant's pores. At the same time, the ground rumbles, shakes, and cracks as a massive, rotting claw, bigger than the dragon, bursts out from the earth, grabbing the dragon in it's titanic clutches. The giant, rotting talons crushing the life out of it.
Daimao said:
Alpha rushes the elephant, hitting it like a tidal wave and completely enveloping it. The inky substance that makes up Alpha's body forces its way into the elephant's body through any opening available. It flooded the elephant's mouth and down it's throat, it pushed it's way into the elephants ears and nose, it even forced it's way in through the elephant's pores. At the same time, the ground rumbles, shakes, and cracks as a massive, rotting claw, bigger than the dragon, bursts out from the earth, grabbing the dragon in it's titanic clutches. The giant, rotting talons crushing the life out of it.
The war elephant disintegrates. While the Dragon tries to use its abilities to push the claw open.
Light said:
The war elephant disintegrates. While the Dragon tries to use its abilities to push the claw open.
The dragon's abilities were strong. However, compared to Oroborus, an undead dragon of untold age, one who had slain and devoured thousands of dragons that were stronger than this one, it was not strong enough. Oroborus's claw tightened, and the other dragon was crushed to a bloody pulp, its gore dripping out from between Oroborus's claws. With the dragon dead, the rest of Oroborus burst from the earth, raining a hail of dirt and stone down upon the soldiers who surrounded her. Stretching out her massive, tattered wings, she gave them a mighty flap, the force of which pushed many soldiers to the ground. Her titanic form hung there in the sky, the flaps of her wings preventing the soldiers from rising as Alpha began to flood over them, devouring them.
Light said:
( @Afrobrony )
The knights start to strike Bruce with their towels.
Bruce caught one of the towels in his own, jumping up and flipping the knight onto a couple of its colleagues. He then slide under one of them and tripped it with his towel.
Isaac got out of his seat and walked into the portal to the originals realm saying "Why did we have to go to war when there's still so much food I wanted to eat." Once in the originals realm Isaac saw that everybody had already began battling, so he morphed his arm into a sword and ran into battle attacking all the knights around him.
Daimao said:
The dragon's abilities were strong. However, compared to Oroborus, an undead dragon of untold age, one who had slain and devoured thousands of dragons that were stronger than this one, it was not strong enough. Oroborus's claw tightened, and the other dragon was crushed to a bloody pulp, its gore dripping out from between Oroborus's claws. With the dragon dead, the rest of Oroborus burst from the earth, raining a hail of dirt and stone down upon the soldiers who surrounded her. Stretching out her massive, tattered wings, she gave them a mighty flap, the force of which pushed many soldiers to the ground. Her titanic form hung there in the sky, the flaps of her wings preventing the soldiers from rising as Alpha began to flood over them, devouring them.
Apex walks through the portal. "It seems like you two were having your fun." Large groups of deities line up behind her. "I brought the Gods. Why don't we have a party?" Apex points at the army and the Gods behind her rush forward. Ready to take out any knight.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce caught one of the towels in his own, jumping up and flipping the knight onto a couple of its colleagues. He then slide under one of them and tripped it with his towel.
The knight whom was tripped slams his head into the ground. A loud crack comes out. The others seem to back away because of this.

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac got out of his seat and walked into the portal to the originals realm saying "Why did we have to go to war when there's still so much food I wanted to eat." Once in the originals realm Isaac saw that everybody had already began battling, so he morphed his arm into a sword and ran into battle attacking all the knights around him.

Most of the Dragon's Roar members were already in the castle. More archers fire at Isaac. While the knights try to keep him preoccupied.
Light said:
The knight whom was tripped slams his head into the ground. A loud crack comes out. The others seem to back away because of this.
Bruce faked a wince at the knight "poor fool. Whatever, you all should've known to run when I smashed into the building. The originals ain't got shit on me." He whipped the rest of the knights surrounding him right in the balls.

(Hurts to think about that. Ow.)
Afrobrony said:
Bruce faked a wince at the knight "poor fool. Whatever, you all should've known to run when I smashed into the building. The originals ain't got shit on me." He whipped the rest of the knights surrounding him right in the balls.
(Hurts to think about that. Ow.)
The knights lay on the ground, groaning in pain. That's when an executioner walks out the shower. A towel wrapped around it's body. It stops and looks at Bruce. Then at its axe not too far from it. Then back at Bruce. Then at the bar of soap it just dropped.
Light said:
Apex walks through the portal. "It seems like you two were having your fun." Large groups of deities line up behind her. "I brought the Gods. Why don't we have a party?" Apex points at the army and the Gods behind her rush forward. Ready to take out any knight.
The knight whom was tripped slams his head into the ground. A loud crack comes out. The others seem to back away because of this.

Most of the Dragon's Roar members were already in the castle. More archers fire at Isaac. While the knights try to keep him preoccupied.
Since Isaac didn't think of bringing a shield, whenever the archers shot at him he had to use a knight as a shield, but he began to slowly cut his way though the knights that stopped him from getting to the castle, and whenever he got a chance he used what Bruce taught him and threw a ki ball at the archers shooting at him and eventually he was within running distance of the castle.
Light said:
The knights lay on the ground, groaning in pain. That's when an executioner walks out the shower. A towel wrapped around it's body. It stops and looks at Bruce. Then at its axe not too far from it. Then back at Bruce. Then at the bar of soap it just dropped.
Then back to Bruce, sadly, he isn't Bruce but if he stopped using lady scented body wash and switched to Old West he could smell like he's Bruce. "Look down, back up," Bruce quickly smashed a wall apart "where are you? You're in the middle of war against the man you wish to smell like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's your axe (FUCK AXE!!) you know, that thing you love." He swung the axe and sliced the executioner's head right off. "Look again, you have now been decapitated. Anything is possible when you smell like Bruce West and not like a lady. I'm on a horse." Bruce really was on a horse and a small, familiar jingle played in the background.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Since Isaac didn't think of bringing a shield, whenever the archers shot at him he had to use a knight as a shield, but he began to slowly cut his way though the knights that stopped him from getting to the castle, and whenever he got a chance he used what Bruce taught him and threw a ki ball at the archers shooting at him and eventually he was within running distance of the castle.

The castle seemed empty in some parts. Maybe too empty.

Afrobrony said:
Then back to Bruce, sadly, he isn't Bruce but if he stopped using lady scented body wash and switched to Old West he could smell like he's Bruce. "Look down, back up," Bruce quickly smashed a wall apart "where are you? You're in the middle of war against the man you wish to smell like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's your axe (FUCK AXE!!) you know, that thing you love." He swung the axe and sliced the executioner's head right off. "Look again, you have now been decapitated. Anything is possible when you smell like Bruce West and not like a lady. I'm on a horse." Bruce really was on a horse and a small, familiar jingle played in the background.
The showers were completely cleared out now.

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