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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

TheGodSnake said:
Nopos realizes whats about to happen as the giant purple ball of mana flies at them. he jumps out in front of them and slashes down the middle of it, his sword absorbing the mana that would probably kill them, empowering Nopos, but becoming very heavy inthe process. nopos stops and lets the sword fall to rest on the ground, sweat covering his face. "shit"
( Perfect opportunity to show you how Isabel feels when she has a mana overflow. )

The mana threatens to rip Nopos's body apart. Dark's mana bursts off of his body at certain points. The mana made every nerve in his body feel like it was on fire. His mind felt like it was boiling. The mana was making Nopos's body want to go into a rampage. The mana obviously wasn't used to his body at all. Soon all of Darks mana expels itself from his body and fades away.

CelticSol said:
Jackie frowns, then sighs. "I'll take it and run," Her eyes start to change colour as corruption starts to take hold, and she turns to the portal to Schniezel's castle, stepping into it and turning her head to avoid an arrow to the face. She goes to stand by Bruce, the tendrils and serpentine heads extending from her back and defending her from the arrows that comes too close. "What've we got, Bruce?"
(@Afrobrony )


Arcadia steps through it with no hesitation, and she smiles up at Dark, though it's pained. It's obvious she's trying to ignore the destruction as she presses her palm to Isabel's back leg to catch her attention, "Hello, Isabel."


Layla rolls her eyes at the jab, rather than being angry, "I do actually care for your well being, believe it or not. But before I ask for orders, I figured I should still tell you what I want to say," She puts her gloved hands on Witch's shoulders and crouches down so she can look in her eyes. "I do want you to be careful. You're far more precious to me than you give yourself credit for, Isabela," Her hand goes to cradle Isabel's face as she smiles ruefully, "I've lost you before. I will not let it happen again so easily," She stands to her full height and envelopes Isabel into a warm, tight hug. "I'm proud of you, leanbh. More than you know."


Timor follows Royal, her form shivering and barely even solid. Her whole form suddenly falls apart like sand, then rebuilds into a creature that seems to be a cross between a Wendigo and a werewolf, standing at 8 feet and built lean but hulking at the same time. Her teeth are sharp, with claws that are even sharper, and she looks to Isabel with a snarl, and despite her animalistic appearance, her eyes remain intelligent and knowing - but also questioning. Waiting for an order from her. Simi is practically vibrating from the desire to fight, but she too waits for orders.
Mist stands up and follows her into the portal as well. He has his blood mist hurricanes defend him from incoming arrows.

Knights of the original realm were scattered all along her. Dark was clawing into the cannon. Trying to devour as much mana as she could from it. Dark suddenly turns around and faces Arcadia. She roars at her and stares her down. A low rumble coming from her.

Witch shakes her head, she wasn't into all this emotional talk. "Stop it." Witch hugs Layla back. "You know I'm not a fan of this." Witch was trying to keep herself from tearing up. Especially with what Layla said... knowing the way she was born. Witch releases Layla and turns away. "Okay, you go out there and do your thing. You come back to us okay?" Witch was trying to stand proud and not show her tears.

Royal, Simi, and Timor just happened to end up in the middle of an army. "Way to go with accuracy Witch. Attack!"

Afrobrony said:
@Light @TheGodSnake @BarrelOfGunpowder @CelticSol
Bruce had put up his arms instinctively to block himself however his instincts also lead his body to let the Nega-Bruce out considering the blast would've killed them all if Nopos hadn't stepped in. Bruce would prefer not to let him out but it was already too late, he'd only get killed if he fought back. He turned his attention to Jackie simply saying "kill." Bruce looked up at the arrows, forming two balls of dark purple ki around his hands and jumping up to meet them head on. His fists were hardly even a blur at this point, deflecting the arrows away from him. He reached the top of the wall and said "hello boys. Can I interest you in an ass whooping? Again!"
Suddenly an arrow flies by Bruce but misses. An archer seems extremely guilty. "I'm so sorry guys.... I really don't know what to say. I mean... He threatened us and my fingers slipped. I'm used to fighting long range.... I just..... sorry." The other archers sigh and roll their eyes. They pull out their daggers and charge towards Bruce.

Airagog said:
((Fucking.. good bye fourth wall))
H looked at the others, then heard about Dark and looked around, taking in the new sights and sounds that only served to deepen his confusion, "What do I... What do I do now? I want to help Dark, but I'm not sure what I need to do." He said looking down at his feet, "I.. I just don't want to be in the way. I think... I can either stay here and help or I can go to the originals.. Or I can talk to Dark... I think I can do any of those things... But I don't know if I can fight. Can I fight? I think I'm a bad fighter and can't do much." He said meekly.
Origin looks at H. "I think you could help us fight with the originals. Arcadia is perfectly capable with helping Dark."
Light said:
Suddenly an arrow flies by Bruce but misses. An archer seems extremely guilty. "I'm so sorry guys.... I really don't know what to say. I mean... He threatened us and my fingers slipped. I'm used to fighting long range.... I just..... sorry." The other archers sigh and roll their eyes. They pull out their daggers and charge towards Bruce.
The ki in one Bruce's hands disappears while the other changes to have a rougher shape to it, seeming unstable. "You chose the wrong side to be on." With one hand he'd deflect the arms holding the daggers and deliver a punch that exploded on impact and sent the poor knight flying back.

(I don't rate very much but that... that completely deserved it.)
Afrobrony said:
The ki in one Bruce's hands disappears while the other changes to have a rougher shape to it, seeming unstable. "You chose the wrong side to be on." With one hand he'd deflect the arms holding the daggers and deliver a punch that exploded on impact and sent the poor knight flying back.
(I don't rate very much but that... that completely deserved it.)
The knight lays dead. This time a knight with wings flies up to the wall. This one seemed like quite the one on one fighter. It had two blades. Both bathed in poison.
H cocked his head to the side unsure of where he was, who this person was, what was going on, then he looked to the portal. There? He was supposed to go there? "I don't know..." He said as he stepped forward mindlessly, his body trudging on as he moved into the portal, each step slow and uncertain, as if he wasn't quite able to walk but still was trying. Even as he protested verbally, his body continued on, shambling through the portal as he looked up at the men bearing down at them with arrows, his head slowly turning from side to side as he took in all the new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. "Am I here? What is here? I was... doing something.." He said as he stepped forward, eyes dulled, looking at Nopos. He looked heavy. Why was he heavy? What was going on? Did he need help? The frail looking man thought to himself as he shambled next to him, taking a few steps forward and looking up, squinting at the castle. This was strange, it didn't feel wrong though. It felt like there was something he should know. Something he should remember. Why did he have... What did he have? He couldn't remember. His body was bent over, a cloak over his head and a jacket around his body as his arms hung heavy and useless at his sides. "I'm here.. Have to.. Help?" He muttered as he walked slowly, taking two more steps past Nopos towards the castle.
Light said:
The knight lays dead. This time a knight with wings flies up to the wall. This one seemed like quite the one on one fighter. It had two blades. Both bathed in poison.
Bruce kept his fists up at the knight since he had left his sword back on the balcony in the guild hall. "Well well, it looked like we have someone who might prove to be a challenge. You'd better not disappoint." He tested the new knights reflexes by launching a small ki ball at him,
Afrobrony said:
Bruce kept his fists up at the knight since he had left his sword back on the balcony in the guild hall. "Well well, it looked like we have someone who might prove to be a challenge. You'd better not disappoint." He tested the new knights reflexes by launching a small ki ball at him,
The winged knight quickly moves up into the air and swings it's blade. Poison crescents fly towards Bruce.

Airagog said:
H cocked his head to the side unsure of where he was, who this person was, what was going on, then he looked to the portal. There? He was supposed to go there? "I don't know..." He said as he stepped forward mindlessly, his body trudging on as he moved into the portal, each step slow and uncertain, as if he wasn't quite able to walk but still was trying. Even as he protested verbally, his body continued on, shambling through the portal as he looked up at the men bearing down at them with arrows, his head slowly turning from side to side as he took in all the new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. "Am I here? What is here? I was... doing something.." He said as he stepped forward, eyes dulled, looking at Nopos. He looked heavy. Why was he heavy? What was going on? Did he need help? The frail looking man thought to himself as he shambled next to him, taking a few steps forward and looking up, squinting at the castle. This was strange, it didn't feel wrong though. It felt like there was something he should know. Something he should remember. Why did he have... What did he have? He couldn't remember. His body was bent over, a cloak over his head and a jacket around his body as his arms hung heavy and useless at his sides. "I'm here.. Have to.. Help?" He muttered as he walked slowly, taking two more steps past Nopos towards the castle.
The main gates were blown open and most of the outside guards were taken care of. Bruce was handling the dual blades poison knight. It seemed like the cannon was still there though, charging up. The cannon itself looked like it weighed several tons.
Light said:
The winged knight quickly moves up into the air and swings it's blade. Poison crescents fly towards Bruce.
Bruce hops out of the way of the crescents, making sure he didn't even let them close as he didn't want to be splashed with the stuff. "We've got a fucking anthro Zubat using poison sting. Do I have to worry about a Snorlax next?" His ki surrounded both his hand and let out a steady blast that made him fly around using the same method as Iron Man. The Nega-Bruce would be able to sustain and control flight through this method.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce hops out of the way of the crescents, making sure he didn't even let them close as he didn't want to be splashed with the stuff. "We've got a fucking anthro Zubat using poison sting. Do I have to worry about a Snorlax next?" His ki surrounded both his hand and let out a steady blast that made him fly around using the same method as Iron Man. The Nega-Bruce would be able to sustain and control flight through this method.
The knight puts its swords together and flies towards Bruce in a drill fashion.
Light said:
The knight puts its swords together and flies towards Bruce in a drill fashion.
Bruce launches a ki blast from his mouth ahead of to stun the knight before they clash. He forms the explosive ki attack into one of his feet to hit it when it was stunned.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce launches a ki blast from his mouth ahead of to stun the knight before they clash. He forms the explosive ki attack into one of his feet to hit it when it was stunned.
Once the ki blast hits the knight it explodes in a blast of acid. Melting away anything it touches.
Light said:
Once the ki blast hits the knight it explodes in a blast of acid. Melting away anything it touches.
Bruce flies down and then to the side away from the acid. Still floating in the air he says "hmph, all too easy."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce flies down and then to the side away from the acid. Still floating in the air he says "hmph, all too easy."
The acid starts to move back together to form the knight. The knight seems to be enhanced this time. Not using poison. It rushes towards Bruce and swings the hilt of its blade at him. Aiming for his eye.
Light said:
Witch starts to lightly bang her head on the table. "Alright, it's about time Dragon's Roar joined the fight. Alpha, Oroborus. I want you two to handle the armies scattered around the mortal realm. Vramiel I want you to go to the mortal realm as well. Zan you're going to the originals realm. Sonter and Nopos I want you two going to the originals realm. Bruce I need you in the originals realm. Apex you're staying in the mortals realm. Julie, you're going to the originals realm. Jackie you're going to the originals realm. Royal.... are you even fighting? Never mind just work on getting angry. You're going to the mortal realm with Apex and I. Isaac, you're going to the originals realm." Witch looks at the newcomer. "You... originals realm." Witch opens up a portal to go to the mortal realm on her left and a portal to go to the originals realm on her right. "Alright... I'm going to make this short. Most of us won't come back from this fight. Some won't be the same. Just know that this guild will always care for yo- aaannnnd. I'm done, this speech should have been Origins job. Apex before you go... can you at least stir up some deities to help down in the mortal realm. Since you are their leader."
Apex smirks at this and nods her head. "I can try." Apex floats off to the stairs. Getting to the top floor to access the realm wide intercom.

Witch turns back to the others and clears her throat. "Well.... go."

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @CelticSol @TheGodSnake @Cadin shadow lord @Daimao @BarrelOfGunpowder @Afrobrony )
Oroborus cracked her neck. "Sweet," she said with an evil grin, her one visible eye beginning to glow. "I was just getting hungry." Alpha nods in agreement, and they both step through a portal to the mortal realm.
Light said:
The acid starts to move back together to form the knight. The knight seems to be enhanced this time. Not using poison. It rushes towards Bruce and swings the hilt of its blade at him. Aiming for his eye.
Bruce is a bit surprised when the knight re-forms but it doesn't stop him from reacting to its attack. Just as the knight comes close he lets himself drop and latch on to the knight's legs. He pulls down the knight and throws it down towards the ground, though it might be able to recover.
Daimao said:
Oroborus cracked her neck. "Sweet," she said with an evil grin, her one visible eye beginning to glow. "I was just getting hungry." Alpha nods in agreement, and they both step through a portal to the mortal realm.
They seemed to be dropped off in the middle of an army of the originals troops. Hundreds of them. They seemed high in power, there were mages among them as well.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce is a bit surprised when the knight re-forms but it doesn't stop him from reacting to its attack. Just as the knight comes close he lets himself drop and latch on to the knight's legs. He pulls down the knight and throws it down towards the ground, though it might be able to recover.
The knight flies over Bruce and tackles him. Even though it has several broken bones. The knight starts to fly downward into the line of fire. Holding Bruce in place for the cannon to fire. The cannon itself was still charging.
Light said:
The knight flies over Bruce and tackles him. Even though it has several broken bones. The knight starts to fly downward into the line of fire. Holding Bruce in place for the cannon to fire. The cannon itself was still charging.
The Nega-Bruce could probably survive the blast from the cannon but he still knew it wasn't a good idea to get hit by it. He fired back ki and boosted him and the knight to the ground. He'd repeatedly head butt the knight until it was dead or it gave up and let go.
Light said:
They seemed to be dropped off in the middle of an army of the originals troops. Hundreds of them. They seemed high in power, there were mages among them as well.
The knight flies over Bruce and tackles him. Even though it has several broken bones. The knight starts to fly downward into the line of fire. Holding Bruce in place for the cannon to fire. The cannon itself was still charging.
"Oh, this should be fun," Oroborus grinned, snapping her fingers. At her snap, a ring of fire exploded outwards from her, passing over Alpha harmlessly. However, once it hit the soldiers, it melted their flesh, scorched their bones, and boiled their insides. As this was going on, Alpha transformed into his cerberus form, and Gamma exhaled and expanding cloud of poisonous gas.
Daimao said:
"Oh, this should be fun," Oroborus grinned, snapping her fingers. At her snap, a ring of fire exploded outwards from her, passing over Alpha harmlessly. However, once it hit the soldiers, it melted their flesh, scorched their bones, and boiled their insides. As this was going on, Alpha transformed into his cerberus form, and Gamma exhaled and expanding cloud of poisonous gas.
From far off magic blasts were fired. They were all about to rain down upon the two. They were completely surrounded by an army of hundreds. A volley of arrows fly in as well. Those whom were in the second row behind the ones whom got burned set their shields down to protect themselves from the gas. Some threw exploding spears.


Afrobrony said:
The Nega-Bruce could probably survive the blast from the cannon but he still knew it wasn't a good idea to get hit by it. He fired back ki and boosted him and the knight to the ground. He'd repeatedly head butt the knight until it was dead or it gave up and let go.
The knight seemed to stop moving. Only to heal quickly and smash the hilt of its sword into Bruce's head. It seemed to have regenerative abilities now.
Light said:
From far off magic blasts were fired. They were all about to rain down upon the two. They were completely surrounded by an army of hundreds. A volley of arrows fly in as well. Those whom were in the second row behind the ones whom got burned set their shields down to protect themselves from the gas. Some threw exploding spears.
Smiling, Oroborus raised her hand into the air and a massive vortex of magical energy swirled into existence around her and Alpha, absorbing the magical blasts and vaporizing the spears, along with the soldiers who were closest. Alpha leaped out from the vortex, and began tearing into the soldiers with tooth, claw, fire, and poisonous gas killing 30 before the others could even react.
Light said:
The knight seemed to stop moving. Only to heal quickly and smash the hilt of its sword into Bruce's head. It seemed to have regenerative abilities now.
Bruce's head simply snapped back for a split second before he smirked at the knight "that almost stung. You're not like the others it seems." He slams the knight into the ground and drags it through to the cannon. The energy stored in there would probably be enough to kill it before it would regenerate.
Daimao said:
Smiling, Oroborus raised her hand into the air and a massive vortex of magical energy swirled into existence around her and Alpha, absorbing the magical blasts and vaporizing the spears, along with the soldiers who were closest. Alpha leaped out from the vortex, and began tearing into the soldiers with tooth, claw, fire, and poisonous gas killing 30 before the others could even react.

The mages start working on chants to summon beasts. Each beast had their own weakness and resistance.

The Dragon seems to have powers with its mind. It has Oroborus levitate only to launch her away.

The war elephant seemed immune to attacks on its body from the outside.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/heroes_of_newerth_woolly_cthulhuphant_by_yinyuming-d77y1st.png.207054c5f938dc5be9b7c12a076d7e09.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/heroes_of_newerth_woolly_cthulhuphant_by_yinyuming-d77y1st.png.207054c5f938dc5be9b7c12a076d7e09.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/IMG_20150727_031818.jpg.6f64b535cdc7a3612123d1d22b529225.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/IMG_20150727_031818.jpg.6f64b535cdc7a3612123d1d22b529225.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Afrobrony said:
Bruce's head simply snapped back for a split second before he smirked at the knight "that almost stung. You're not like the others it seems." He slams the knight into the ground and drags it through to the cannon. The energy stored in there would probably be enough to kill it before it would regenerate.
The knight starts to adapt to the conditions inside the cannon. It becomes mana resistant. But that ends up setting off the balance in the cannon. This making Dark's mana explode on the inside. Completely unstable.



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H gives a huff with each step, his arms swaying as he slowly walks forward, coming up to the cannon, looking at it and sighing as he put his arms forward, pushing against it. His small frame and body being pushed backwards as his muscles tried desperately to move it as it stood firm. H panted, grunting as he heaved his weight against the canon, his muscles straining as they began mending themselves, going from being strained to relaxed in an instant as he kept pushing, his muscles growing as his body began healing the stress that was put on from him pushing over and over again as sweat formed on his brow. The sound of grinding pierced the air, an unbearable high pitched squeal as steel scraped stone, H's muscles working harder and harder as their strength grew more and more from his body healing itself as slowly the canon began to move. He was grunting and panting loudly now as he began to move it faster and faster eventually turning it around as he picked it up with a heavy grunt and slung it on his shoulder, giving a gasp of pain as the rest of his body felt the weight before strengthening itself, aiming back at the castle.
Light said:
The knight starts to adapt to the conditions inside the cannon. It becomes mana resistant. But that ends up setting off the balance in the cannon. This making Dark's mana explode on the inside. Completely unstable.
Bruce notices the cannon getting unstable and pins the knight against the wall of the cannon, now hoping he'll destroy it along with the knight. Even as the cannon was pointed at the castle he didn't care. It was better that the damned thing was destroyed.
Airagog said:
H gives a huff with each step, his arms swaying as he slowly walks forward, coming up to the cannon, looking at it and sighing as he put his arms forward, pushing against it. His small frame and body being pushed backwards as his muscles tried desperately to move it as it stood firm. H panted, grunting as he heaved his weight against the canon, his muscles straining as they began mending themselves, going from being strained to relaxed in an instant as he kept pushing, his muscles growing as his body began healing the stress that was put on from him pushing over and over again as sweat formed on his brow. The sound of grinding pierced the air, an unbearable high pitched squeal as steel scraped stone, H's muscles working harder and harder as their strength grew more and more from his body healing itself as slowly the canon began to move. He was grunting and panting loudly now as he began to move it faster and faster eventually turning it around as he picked it up with a heavy grunt and slung it on his shoulder, giving a gasp of pain as the rest of his body felt the weight before strengthening itself, aiming back at the castle.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce notices the cannon getting unstable and pins the knight against the wall of the cannon, now hoping he'll destroy it along with the knight. Even as the cannon was pointed at the castle he didn't care. It was better that the damned thing was destroyed.
Since Bruce had shoved a knight into the cannon and H was lifting it. The cannon was growing even more unstable to the point in which the cannon completely blew up from the inside.
Light said:
Since Bruce had shoved a knight into the cannon and H was lifting it. The cannon was growing even more unstable to the point in which the cannon completely blew up from the inside.
Bruce had increased the flow of ki all around his body to act as a shield, though he still flew out of the cannon and smashed through into the castle. "I'm gonna feel that in the morning... scratch that, I'm gonna feel that now." The shield hadn't done that well to defend him from the explosion except for not letting him be disintegrated.

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