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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
"You'll be going to the originals. I hope you've prepared a lot of food." Witch gets comfortable in her seat.
"Yes you will be in the mortal realm." Apex turns to the stairs. "Vramiel, we're going to eat together. Come on." Apex walks down the stairs to the kitchen.

Isabel stands up and sighs. "You'll get to rest. We're all eating dinner together. I just got the mental notification from Witch." She looks towards Mist. Her eyes calculating some things. "You may join us as well."
"Okay, and don't worry I made alot of food it should be enough for everybody." Isaac started laying out the food, he'd made alot of different food though it wasn't really fancy because he didn't have a lot of time to make it. He just took the base of a thanksgiving dinner and made it big enough to feed the guild. Not many people knew but Isaac was actually a really good cook.
CelticSol said:
She crosses her arms, sighing, "It's not something that can be healed or removed. They're designed specifically for that reason," She pauses, then continues, though her tone is more cautious, "They're slave brands, if you didn't know."
Laughter, loud and malevolent, echoes in his mind, " Perfect! I agree to your terms, meat sack! " Maverick gets the cell open as Sanctum took full control of Sonter's body, the chains holding his wrists and ankles snapping like they were made of plastic. Sonter feels intoxicating, almost impossible power, both physical and magical, flood his body. Maverick follows closely behind Sanctum as he pushes their now shared body down the hall, a portal opening into the kitchen in the Capital. It closes hastily behind him as Sanctum throws himself at Isabel, sharpening his fingers into beast-like claws as pins her to the floor, Corruption slashing across her skin.

Jackie stands, throwing herself over the table, hands reaching for Sonter, "Sanctum, NO!" Sanctum switches focus and catches her by the throat, pinning her to the floor, Corruption flowing into her body. Jackie suffocates as Corruption burns through her body, her fingers clawing his arm desperately to try and get him to remove it.
Isabel looks up at Sonter and glares. Sanctum was inside him, she couldn't harm the body too much. Meaning she couldn't use witch mana, or any form of dangerous magic. Isabel closes her hand into a fist and slams it into Sonter's face to send him off of herself and Jackie.


[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Okay, and don't worry I made alot of food it should be enough for everybody." Isaac started laying out the food, he'd made alot of different food though it wasn't really fancy because he didn't have a lot of time to make it. He just took the base of a thanksgiving dinner and made it big enough to feed the guild. Not many people knew but Isaac was actually a really good cook.

Isabel turns to Isaac. "We could use a little help. Try not to harm the body too badly."
Light said:
Isabel looks up at Sonter and glares. Sanctum was inside him, she couldn't harm the body too much. Meaning she couldn't use witch mana, or any form of dangerous magic. Isabel closes her hand into a fist and slams it into Sonter's face to send him off of herself and Jackie.

Isabel turns to Isaac. "We could use a little help. Try not to harm the body too badly."
Isaac looked at the fight that was happening and said "So I guess dinners on hold." He the said to Isabel "Yeah let's just get this over with quick i'm starving."
Light said:
Isabel looks up at Sonter and glares. Sanctum was inside him, she couldn't harm the body too much. Meaning she couldn't use witch mana, or any form of dangerous magic. Isabel closes her hand into a fist and slams it into Sonter's face to send him off of herself and Jackie.

Isabel turns to Isaac. "We could use a little help. Try not to harm the body too badly."
Oroborus, who had literally done pretty much nothing until this point, and who had been looking forward to eating every bite of the food that had just been lain out, glared at the disturbance that was interrupting her snack, murder in her eyes. Alpha, seeing the look in her eyes, merely backed away slowly. He knew what was coming next, and it wouldn't be good.

"Oi, would y'all just shut the FUCK up? I'm trying to eat a nice fucking meal here!" She growled, her tremendous voice booming and shaking the very walls.
Daimao said:
Oroborus, who had literally done pretty much nothing until this point, and who had been looking forward to eating every bite of the food that had just been lain out, glared at the disturbance that was interrupting her snack, murder in her eyes. Alpha, seeing the look in her eyes, merely backed away slowly. He knew what was coming next, and it wouldn't be good.
"Oi, would y'all just shut the FUCK up? I'm trying to eat a nice fucking meal here!" She growled, her tremendous voice booming and shaking the very walls.
"Hey i'm angry too ya know! I put alot of effort in to making that food and i'm starving but we just have to knock Sonter out and then make sure that thing that's controlling him is gone and then we can eat." Isaac said in return adding "And can you please not scream I don't want to go deaf."
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Hey i'm angry too ya know! I put alot of effort in to making that food and i'm starving but we just have to knock Sonter out and then make sure that thing that's controlling him is gone and then we can eat." Isaac said in return adding "And can you please not scream I don't want to go deaf."

Oroborus's lips twisted into a sinister smile. "Oh I know a way to make sure he's not being possessed anymore," she hissed, her eyes narrowing. As she said this, all present could literally feel the magical energy in the room rise monumentally. Bolts of black lightning began to crackle along Oroborus's body as she stepped forwards. She smiled, revealing a mouth full of fangs as her eyes began to glow.
Daimao said:
Oroborus's lips twisted into a sinister smile. "Oh I know a way to make sure he's not being possessed anymore," she hissed, her eyes narrowing. As she said this, all present could literally feel the magical energy in the room rise monumentally. Bolts of black lightning began to crackle along Oroborus's body as she stepped forwards. She smiled, revealing a mouth full of fangs as her eyes began to glow.
"I don't care what you do as long as you don't kill Sonter." Isaac felt the magical energy rise as she stepped forward and he had to admit it was a little frighting he knew he should get out of her way, but he wouldn't let her kill Sonter even if he was a threat to them. Isaac then moved out of the way to see what she was going to do, still being cautious in case she tried to kill Sonter
CelticSol said:
She crosses her arms, sighing, "It's not something that can be healed or removed. They're designed specifically for that reason," She pauses, then continues, though her tone is more cautious, "They're slave brands, if you didn't know."
Laughter, loud and malevolent, echoes in his mind, " Perfect! I agree to your terms, meat sack! " Maverick gets the cell open as Sanctum took full control of Sonter's body, the chains holding his wrists and ankles snapping like they were made of plastic. Sonter feels intoxicating, almost impossible power, both physical and magical, flood his body. Maverick follows closely behind Sanctum as he pushes their now shared body down the hall, a portal opening into the kitchen in the Capital. It closes hastily behind him as Sanctum throws himself at Isabel, sharpening his fingers into beast-like claws as pins her to the floor, Corruption slashing across her skin.

Jackie stands, throwing herself over the table, hands reaching for Sonter, "Sanctum, NO!" Sanctum switches focus and catches her by the throat, pinning her to the floor, Corruption flowing into her body. Jackie suffocates as Corruption burns through her body, her fingers clawing his arm desperately to try and get him to remove it.
Nopos nods, "I know, but I can still help, at least with the mana charge through them, and if I do it right, it wont hurt much and itll at least return your mana to its original state, possibly stop the glowing." he tapped his sword and continued to speak quietly, "Madsairina, my sword, absorbs mana."

"damnit!! I'm sorry guys, I fucked up"" Sonter shouted, "Why do you insist on destroying everything?" Sonter spoke internally, "even with Jackie, why attack her?" as sonter waited for an answer, he started to meditate within his own mind, knowing that he would need an extremely powerful mental blast to regain control. he had studied a small amount on the nature of possession and figured he could pull himself to a stop. "Why must you attack my friends? furthermore, why do you choose to destroy everything?" he asked internally again, hoping to get an answer.
Vramiel looked at bit surprised at Apex but followed knowing better than to say anything once Apex has made a decision in most cases. Following her down the stairs Vramiel heard steps behind him and looked up to see Zan.

"Hey, smelled the food figured it was time to come down." Despite the fact that he clearly wasn't coming from the arena Zan still had that same look as when he had just finished a good workout, which he did. After making pacts with multiple gods he had been practicing with them in a closed dimension honing his skills under the radar.

Polémos rode his mare through the barren wastelands of the mortal world, a part of the map rarely drawn never spoken off. It was a place forgotten by time and man where the dread rider had spent centuries biding his time. Now he was active his horse going full gallop leaving a blazing trail as it flew along the ground. Feeling himself called to a massive conflict.

Napping at the base of a large redwood tree Altiera laid back in a blissful quiet free from her usual dreams, well she had stopped calling them night,ares finding them to be more common than what would normally be considered a dream. For once there was peace in her mind where she got actual rest....Her peace was torn asunder as her ears picked up a rumbling then soon the clatter of armor was picked up, 'bad' was the message her relaxed and lazy mind put together, but worse was the fact the the noise was getting closer, and louder. Finally it stopped but just when Altiera thought she could get back to sleep something...sharp was pressed against her throat. Lazily opening an eye she shot a crimson glare at the perpetrator, an otherworldly soldier clad in equally foreign armor, "And just who the fuck are you?" The soldier let out a exasperated sigh and pulled his spear back readying himself to thrust before the impulse was sent from his brain to his arm he was dead. Altiera stood beside him holding the decapitated head, the helmet dented by her grip the body promptly fell over. "Look you clearly don't know what the fuck you're doing, scurry home if you value your soul if not I will begin collecting." Cracking her knuckles she waited a moment for their decision, when the soldiers simultaneously advanced she sighed and the bloodshed began.
Light said:
Isabel looks up at Sonter and glares. Sanctum was inside him, she couldn't harm the body too much. Meaning she couldn't use witch mana, or any form of dangerous magic. Isabel closes her hand into a fist and slams it into Sonter's face to send him off of herself and Jackie.
Daimao said:
Oroborus's lips twisted into a sinister smile. "Oh I know a way to make sure he's not being possessed anymore," she hissed, her eyes narrowing. As she said this, all present could literally feel the magical energy in the room rise monumentally. Bolts of black lightning began to crackle along Oroborus's body as she stepped forwards. She smiled, revealing a mouth full of fangs as her eyes began to glow.
Sanctum barely even acknowledges Oroborus' as he lets go of Jackie to catch Isabel's fist, spurring Jackie to get out of the way as he lets go, and she stands back against one of the walls, catching her breath and trying to work the Corruption out of her system, though it doesn't seem to be working very well. Sanctum, on the other hand, didn't let up, grabbing Isabel around her throat and jaw and pulling her out from under him, slamming her into one of the cabinets, pushing corruption into her neck to constrict her airways even further.

TheGodSnake said:
"damnit!! I'm sorry guys, I fucked up"" Sonter shouted, "Why do you insist on destroying everything?" Sonter spoke internally, "even with Jackie, why attack her?" as sonter waited for an answer, he started to meditate within his own mind, knowing that he would need an extremely powerful mental blast to regain control. he had studied a small amount on the nature of possession and figured he could pull himself to a stop. "Why must you attack my friends? furthermore, why do you choose to destroy everything?" he asked internally again, hoping to get an answer.
Instead of Sanctum, Maverick answers, "You're the one who made the terms, monkey number two. And Jackie doesn't give him full reign of her body, unlike what you agreed to, and since she tried to stop him, he's... for lack of a better way to say this, is shutting down her magic for now."

TheGodSnake said:
Nopos nods, "I know, but I can still help, at least with the mana charge through them, and if I do it right, it wont hurt much and itll at least return your mana to its original state, possibly stop the glowing." he tapped his sword and continued to speak quietly, "Madsairina, my sword, absorbs mana."
"I appreciate the thought, but I can imagine that taking out the mana would hurt twice as much as it hurt to receive it, since it's so deeply embeddedinto my skin. It's better off left alone," She smiles, though she seems to be a bit sarcastic, "Being a walking light isn't that much of an issue."
CelticSol said:
Sanctum barely even acknowledges Oroborus' as he lets go of Jackie to catch Isabel's fist, spurring Jackie to get out of the way as he lets go, and she stands back against one of the walls, catching her breath and trying to work the Corruption out of her system, though it doesn't seem to be working very well. Sanctum, on the other hand, didn't let up, grabbing Isabel around her throat and jaw and pulling her out from under him, slamming her into one of the cabinets, pushing corruption into her neck to constrict her airways even further.
Instead of Sanctum, Maverick answers, "You're the one who made the terms, monkey number two. And Jackie doesn't give him full reign of her body, unlike what you agreed to, and since she tried to stop him, he's... for lack of a better way to say this, is shutting down her magic for now."

"I appreciate the thought, but I can imagine that taking out the mana would hurt twice as much as it hurt to receive it, since it's so deeply embeddedinto my skin. It's better off left alone," She smiles, though she seems to be a bit sarcastic, "Being a walking light isn't that much of an issue."
Isabel was struggling to breathe until she remembered her training. Witch jumps into her body. She relaxed and closed her eyes trying her best to breathe. The less she struggled the longer she could last, hopefully. This entire time she was having an internal battle with her witch mana. Trying to coax it into assisting her, which it didn't seem to want. The witch mana seemed to want nothing to do with Sanctum due to it's terrible taste. Her internal battle seemed like it took forever but it really took a few seconds. The witch mana devours the corruption flowing inside of Isabel since it is at its strongest inside. The witch mana then tries to pull Sanctum into Isabels body and out of Sonter through tug of war, since it already has a grip on it. If the witch mana were to lose it would be pulled inside and cause damage to Sonter before it fades away. If it succeeds they could free Sonter and hopefully get this part of Sanctum back into Jackie before anything else goes wrong.

"I've lived for thousands of years. Going from witch, to witch. Only to be passed down to a girl who's using me for tug of war. To allow Sanctum into the same body as I? This is a terrible idea, Sanctum is a formidable foe. You do not know what you are playing with Morgana." The witch mana speaks in Isabel's mind.

( Yes Celtic, I really do like the name. )
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CelticSol said:
"I appreciate the thought, but I can imagine that taking out the mana would hurt twice as much as it hurt to receive it, since it's so deeply embeddedinto my skin. It's better off left alone," She smiles, though she seems to be a bit sarcastic, "Being a walking light isn't that much of an issue."
Nopos nods, a small smile on his face. Suddenly, it becomes a panicked expression, "Sonter, he needs help"

CelticSol said:
Instead of Sanctum, Maverick answers, "You're the one who made the terms, monkey number two. And Jackie doesn't give him full reign of her body, unlike what you agreed to, and since she tried to stop him, he's... for lack of a better way to say this, is shutting down her magic for now."
"Dont do it isabel" sonter warned, figuring out what she was planning "give me a minute longer, then dont hold back, kill me if you have to" he called out to everyone. he then concentrated on himself, internally and released a blast of mental energy, "Its time for me to have control back"
TheGodSnake said:
Nopos nods, a small smile on his face. Suddenly, it becomes a panicked expression, "Sonter, he needs help"
"Dont do it isabel" sonter warned, figuring out what she was planning "give me a minute longer, then dont hold back, kill me if you have to" he called out to everyone. he then concentrated on himself, internally and released a blast of mental energy, "Its time for me to have control back"
"No! I'm your guild leader and this is getting out of control! You're attacking guild members so I will handle you." Her witch mana continues to tug on Sanctum. Isabel senses a high amount of malice rushing towards her direction. "No!" She holds out her hand towards what seems to be Julie rushing towards Sonter with the intent to kill. Suddenly from the side Apex fires a blast of concentrated deity slaying magic at Julie. It wasn't lethal, just enough to stun her.
TheGodSnake said:
Nopos nods, a small smile on his face. Suddenly, it becomes a panicked expression, "Sonter, he needs help"
"Dont do it isabel" sonter warned, figuring out what she was planning "give me a minute longer, then dont hold back, kill me if you have to" he called out to everyone. he then concentrated on himself, internally and released a blast of mental energy, "Its time for me to have control back"
"Like hell we'd kill you!" Isaac shouts. "If there's even the smallest chance we could save you then we'd take that risk no matter what! You can't just ask us to kill you unless there's absolutely no other option!" Isaac couldn't believe he'd ask them to kill him, Sonter should have know they'd put all their effort into saving him no matter what the cost.

Light said:
"No! I'm your guild leader and this is getting out of control! You're attacking guild members so I will handle you." Her witch mana continues to tug on Sanctum. Isabel senses a high amount of malice rushing towards her direction. "No!" She holds out her hand towards what seems to be Julie rushing towards Sonter with the intent to kill. Suddenly from the side Apex fires a blast of concentrated deity slaying magic at Julie. It wasn't lethal, just enough to stun her.
"Apex tell me how I can help, there's got to be something I can do!?" Isaac asked a little to loudly, but he couldn't just watch this happen anymore.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Like hell we'd kill you!" Isaac shouts. "If there's even the smallest chance we could save you then we'd take that risk no matter what! You can't just ask us to kill you unless there's absolutely no other option!" Isaac couldn't believe he'd ask them to kill him, Sonter should have know they'd put all their effort into saving him no matter what the cost.
"Apex tell me how I can help, there's got to be something I can do!?" Isaac asked a little to loudly, but he couldn't just watch this happen anymore.

Apex looks towards Julie whom is getting up sooner than expected. "Fend off Julie!"
Light said:
Apex looks towards Julie whom is getting up sooner than expected. "Fend off Julie!"
"Okay." Isaac said rushing over to Julie and pinning her back to the ground saying "There's no need to kill him, Isabel will handle this and Sonter is fighting it too so there's no need to kill him, and you ever think about what you were planning on doing? That's one of are guild mates you were gonna kill did you really think we wouldn't try to stop you?" Isaac asked as he held her on the ground.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Okay." Isaac said rushing over to Julie and pinning her back to the ground saying "There's no need to kill him, Isabel will handle this and Sonter is fighting it too so there's no need to kill him, and you ever think about what you were planning on doing? That's one of are guild mates you were gonna kill did you really think we wouldn't try to stop you?" Isaac asked as he held her on the ground.

Apex calls out the Isaac. "By the way, she's not apart of the guild. She's also kind of psychotic she's very possessive. Not to mention she's a trained killer so don't get close to her." Apex didn't notice Isaac was in a close distance with Julie since she was no longer looking.

Julie glares at Isaac. She makes her body phase through Isaac. Making him fall into the ground while she rises up through him. She immediately puts her hand into his chest, threatening to make her body physical again to rip out his heart. "Why do you have the scent of Apex all over you?" She growls at him, she didn't seem to have the patience to even wait for his answer.
Light said:
Apex calls out the Isaac. "By the way, she's not apart of the guild. She's also kind of psychotic she's very possessive. Not to mention she's a trained killer so don't get close to her." Apex didn't notice Isaac was in a close distance with Julie since she was no longer looking.
Julie glares at Isaac. She makes her body phase through Isaac. Making him fall into the ground while she rises up through him. She immediately puts her hand into his chest, threatening to make her body physical again to rip out his heart. "Why do you have the scent of Apex all over you?" She growls at him, she didn't seem to have the patience to even wait for his answer.
"I was just over there talking to her, and there was that other thing too but that was along time ago I doubt her scent would still be on me from that." Isaac said back adding "And if you're gonna kill me i'd like to ask one thing, Why do you care if Apex's sent is on me?"
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[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"I was just over there talking to her." Isaac said back adding "And if you're gonna kill me i'd like to ask one thing, Why do you care if Apex's sent is on me?"

"She is my sister, I don't like it when others cluster around her or talk to her. Now her scent is mixed in with yours, which irritates my nose. If I had things my way I'd kill guild member in this building but sister won't allow it. But him.... he must die." Julie looks over at Sonter, a crazed look fills her eyes. "As for you.... as much as I would love to kill you. Sister will not allow me to but I must get you out of my way!" Julie uses a dimensional rift grab a freshly crafted mace from the past. A mace Lokri had made a day ago. Her body becomes physical as she gets ready to swing it towards a certain area to keep him down and out and possibly not kill him. At this moment, Apex fires another blast of magic at Julie, catching her attention so Isaac so hit her while she's distracted deflecting the blast.
Light said:
"She is my sister, I don't like it when others cluster around her or talk to her. Now her scent is mixed in with yours, which irritates my nose. If I had things my way I'd kill guild member in this building but sister won't allow it. But him.... he must die." Julie looks over at Sonter, a crazed look fills her eyes. "As for you.... as much as I would love to kill you. Sister will not allow me to but I must get you out of my way!" Julie uses a dimensional rift grab a freshly crafted mace from the past. A mace Lokri had made a day ago. Her body becomes physical as she gets ready to swing it towards a certain area to keep him down and out and possibly not kill him. At this moment, Apex fires another blast of magic at Julie, catching her attention so Isaac so hit her while she's distracted deflecting the blast.
Isaac takes the opportunity to punch Julie in the face with all his strength and then back away from Julie saying "So what if she's your sister she can do whatever she wants right? And besides she doesn't seem to mind me talking to her or any others talking to her either." Isaac then pauses and morphs his arm into a sword saying "I won't let you kill Sonter even if it costs me my life." Isaac then waited for a response ready in case she went after him or Sonter.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac takes the opportunity to punch Julie in the face with all his strength and then back away from Julie saying "So what if she's your sister she can do whatever she wants right? And besides she doesn't seem to mind me talking to her or any others talking to her either." Isaac then pauses and morphs his arm into a sword saying "I won't let you kill Sonter even if it costs me my life." Isaac then waited for a response ready in case she went after him or Sonter.

Julie checks her face for a second and then looks back at Isaac. She could kill him in one stroke but not with Apex watching. She decided to cripple both of them instead if she had to. Julie closes her eyes and concentrates so she can looks 2 minutes into her future so she can see all the possible outcomes and counters. She opens her eyes ready to attack. She'd had to finish this in two minutes while her knowledge of outcomes are guaranteed.
Light said:
Julie checks her face for a second and then looks back at Isaac. She could kill him in one stroke but not with Apex watching. She decided to cripple both of them instead if she had to. Julie closes her eyes and concentrates so she can looks 2 minutes into her future so she can see all the possible outcomes and counters. She opens her eyes ready to attack. She'd had to finish this in two minutes while her knowledge of outcomes are guaranteed.
Isaac watches her carefully trying to figure out what she was doing when she closed her eyes, unable to figure out what she was doing he waited for her to strike first. Isaac then asks "Apex you got my back right?"

Light said:
Julie seemed to be losing control of her sanity. Ready to attack even Apex since she doesn't have the main body just to kill Sonter.
"Shit... She's lost control of herself. Isaac, I don't think you should be here any longer. Julie isn't built to fight she's made for quick killing. I was hoping you could calm her down before she got this far but..." Apex prepares to transport herself, Julie, and Layla out of the building.

( @CelticSol )
"I'm not going anywhere if there's a chance you or anybody could get hurt I wanna be there to help." Isaac said adding "Besides everybody seems to have forgotten there's a part of me that I can't control, the part of me that trades my sanity for strength and speed, and if it comes down to that I can let that side of me out to help. I know it wouldn't attack you because it'd focus on the main threat, but I don't know what will happen after we beat her if i'm not in control." Isaac said pausing then adding "But you'll stop me if it comes to that, right?" Isaac asked with a hint of fear in his voice, he hadn't let out his demon since he came back from the dead because he could sense that it was stronger than before and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to control it. "But no matter what i'm going with you."
Light said:
Isabel was struggling to breathe until she remembered her training. Witch jumps into her body. She relaxed and closed her eyes trying her best to breathe. The less she struggled the longer she could last, hopefully. This entire time she was having an internal battle with her witch mana. Trying to coax it into assisting her, which it didn't seem to want. The witch mana seemed to want nothing to do with Sanctum due to it's terrible taste. Her internal battle seemed like it took forever but it really took a few seconds. The witch mana devours the corruption flowing inside of Isabel since it is at its strongest inside. The witch mana then tries to pull Sanctum into Isabels body and out of Sonter through tug of war, since it already has a grip on it. If the witch mana were to lose it would be pulled inside and cause damage to Sonter before it fades away. If it succeeds they could free Sonter and hopefully get this part of Sanctum back into Jackie before anything else goes wrong.
"I've lived for thousands of years. Going from witch, to witch. Only to be passed down to a girl who's using me for tug of war. To allow Sanctum into the same body as I? This is a terrible idea, Sanctum is a formidable foe. You do not know what you are playing with Morgana." The witch mana speaks in Isabel's mind.

( Yes Celtic, I really do like the name. )
TheGodSnake said:
"Dont do it isabel" sonter warned, figuring out what she was planning "give me a minute longer, then dont hold back, kill me if you have to" he called out to everyone. he then concentrated on himself, internally and released a blast of mental energy, "Its time for me to have control back"
The mental push disorients Sanctum, more from surprise than actually being effective, and the Witch mana takes a large portion of Sanctum from Sonter. Sanctum then screams in rage, " NO, THIS BODY IS MINE! YOUR WILL IS MINE-

Jackie, finally getting some scrap of control over herself, rushes over and digs her fingers into the back of Sonter's neck, drawing the rest out while Sanctum is otherwise distracted. She falls back, holding her forehead as her mind reels, her jaw clenched tight. "Shut up!" She growls, her eyes closing, "Stop- I-" she pauses, having her own mental conversation, then she glares forward, "Shut up. I won't let you out for a while if you keep this shit up," Jackie turns to Sonter, her entire posture and expression furious, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Light said:
Julie seemed to be losing control of her sanity. Ready to attack even Apex since she doesn't have the main body just to kill Sonter.
"Shit... She's lost control of herself. Isaac, I don't think you should be here any longer. Julie isn't built to fight she's made for quick killing. I was hoping you could calm her down before she got this far but..." Apex prepares to transport herself, Julie, and Layla out of the building.

( @CelticSol )
"No need for panic, Isabel," Layla says, calm and stoic, except for the frown on her face. Without a scrap of hesitation or mercy, she slams the heel of her hand in between Julie's shoulder blades, a seal burning into her skin and sealing away her ability to phase. She reaches around and grabs Julie from under her jaw, holding her neck up and her mouth closed, and grabs both of the girl's wrists in one hand. "Julie, get a hold of yourself. Whether or not I put you down like the rabid dog you're behaving like depends on your next actions and/or words. Choose carefully."

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