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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
Schniezel thinks for a moment. "I-I dunno.... something about manipulating her. I think he still wants some form of control over her since he was controlling her fate until she was freed. He'll most likely make her incredibly powerful and use her as his weapon, blindly leading her along. We also plan to just wage war upon several realms until we find Dragon's.... Dragon's Roar, yeah that's the one." Schniezel raises his hand and a chair scoots up to her. "Do you have someone special in mind?"
She keeps her poker face up, giving nothing away, "No, I don't. I did, but..." She sighs, making herself seem sad and withdrawn, "You don't want to hear about all. I want to hear about you," She takes the chair, putting her hand on her chin, elbow on knee. "I don't understand though. Why is Dragon's Roar such a big problem for the Originals? I mean, we're just a bunch of mortals."
CelticSol said:
She keeps her poker face up, giving nothing away, "No, I don't. I did, but..." She sighs, making herself seem sad and withdrawn, "You don't want to hear about all. I want to hear about you," She takes the chair, putting her hand on her chin, elbow on knee. "I don't understand though. Why is Dragon's Roar such a big problem for the Originals? I mean, we're just a bunch of mortals."
Schniezel tilts his head as if he's never thought of that before. "I don't know... I guess you could say we feel threatened. Since we're encountering some group that could kill us... a group we can't see. I guess we just like the feeling of security when in control."


[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"For what i did to deserve this.." she pulls up the bottom of her shirt to reveal steam powered mechanical devices going through her entire body

Isabel stares for a moment. "What did you do? Are you under some spell?" Isabel had never seen something like this happen to someone before. "I'm guessing if you were sent here, I think you're here to help us defeat the Originals as redemption."
"Lets say.. I was an evil child... and an there is an oath.... But if defeating the originals will give me redemption" She says clenching her fists "count me in"
Light said:
Schniezel tilts his head as if he's never thought of that before. "I don't know... I guess you could say we feel threatened. Since we're encountering some group that could kill us... a group we can't see. I guess we just like the feeling of security when in control."
"Threatened?" She repeats, then shakes her head. "I guess I get it. I'd feel the same, I think," She thinks a minute, looking at him carefully, and speaks just as cautiously, "Earlier, you were upset that Mist hurt me. Why?"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Lets say.. I was an evil child... and an there is an oath.... But if defeating the originals will give me redemption" She says clenching her fists "count me in"

"Alright, go upstairs and find a room to stay in." Isabel points to the stairs.
CelticSol said:
"Threatened?" She repeats, then shakes her head. "I guess I get it. I'd feel the same, I think," She thinks a minute, looking at him carefully, and speaks just as cautiously, "Earlier, you were upset that Mist hurt me. Why?"
"Oh that? That's because I controlled your fate moment you were born. Honestly if it were up to me you shouldn't be in this position, you shouldn't even be with Sanctum. You would be a very successful mortal. But some other asshole of an original just had to keep crossing their people and plans up with you and I had to adjust and look where we are now. Like that gun fight the day Sanctum possessed you? Completely unexpected so I decided to have Sanctum use you as a host to try and fix things but gradually it got worse and shit crashed and burned. So I decided to use all the deaths of your loved ones happening all around you as a way to become ah..... stronger, emotionally. If someone you loved died, I made sure you were there to see it."
Charon summons his last group of undead as he was too tired to summon any more of them now and would need a quick rest before he could begin reanimating the dead in large numbers like before. The undead were a group of dead Ziz, a bird-like creature very similar to a griffin but are larger and often stronger than griffins. Some of them seemed to have been a mix of dragons and birds while others were mixed of tigers. They were massive in size and flew up to reach the platform and stay out of reach from melee attacks as circled around the platform of ash at great speeds. @Light @Pumpkakun @Afrobrony @CelticSol
Verdas said:
Charon summons his last group of undead as he was too tired to summon any more of them now and would need a quick rest before he could begin reanimating the dead in large numbers like before. The undead were a group of dead Ziz, a bird-like creature very similar to a griffin but are larger and often stronger than griffins. Some of them seemed to have been a mix of dragons and birds while others were mixed of tigers. They were massive in size and flew up to reach the platform and stay out of reach from melee attacks as circled around the platform of ash at great speeds. @Light @Pumpkakun @Afrobrony @CelticSol
( Shiiiit.... things just got really hard. I'll reply when I wake up. I won't be able make a fully awake post now. )
@Light @Pumpkakun @CelticSol @Verdas

Bruce looked between his teammates, Charon's minions, and Charon himself. He judged that they needed end this Charon guy fast. He quickly thought up a plan that, if done right, could possibly end this fight. "Listen up, guys, Bruce has a plan that could quite possibly work. I'd need Royal to distract Charon for a while while I charge up an attack. Killing him yourself would work just as well but distracting him would be enough. Ashton, I'd need you to get me a clear shot when I'm ready with my attack. And you! Weird beastly thing with an eating disorder that I shall now call Pac-Man, you'd need to fight off all those flying things. Any objections from anyone?"
Charon was quickly regaining his energy as he sat on the ground without needing to worry about attacks as Feimaan was dealing with the witch while his undead were distracting the other mortals. He decided to change his world and turn it into a more favorable place for him and Feimaan and make it a disadvantage for the mortals when he regained his energy, but for now he was thinking of how to change it. He would need to rest again after doing so but it may proof to be worth it. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
Ashton looks at Bruce with some doubt in his eyes. He stands back up feeling a little less tired. "I can try and get you a clear shot, but you have to trust me. I can help you in your plan but does everyone else agree?" Ashton asks as his platforms edges began to be shifty. The platform seemed to be ready for whatever the Ziz were about to do.

@Light @Afrobrony @CelticSol @Verdas
@Light[/URL] @Pumpkakun @CelticSol @Verdas
Bruce looked between his teammates, Charon's minions, and Charon himself. He judged that they needed end this Charon guy fast. He quickly thought up a plan that, if done right, could possibly end this fight. "Listen up, guys, Bruce has a plan that could quite possibly work. I'd need Royal to distract Charon for a while while I charge up an attack. Killing him yourself would work just as well but distracting him would be enough. Ashton, I'd need you to get me a clear shot when I'm ready with my attack. And you! Weird beastly thing with an eating disorder that I shall now call Pac-Man, you'd need to fight off all those flying things. Any objections from anyone?"
Verdas said:
Charon was quickly regaining his energy as he sat on the ground without needing to worry about attacks as Feimaan was dealing with the witch while his undead were distracting the other mortals. He decided to change his world and turn it into a more favorable place for him and Feimaan and make it a disadvantage for the mortals when he regained his energy, but for now he was thinking of how to change it. He would need to rest again after doing so but it may proof to be worth it. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
Royal nods her head and rushes toward Charon. She dives at him as explosive orbs appear along her tail. She turns mid-dive and slams her tail into the ground In front of him.

Witch was growing furious with these black orbs. She roars in anger as witch mana envelops her. Taking Dragon form, her scales being covered in witch mana. Her large dragon body kept growing and expanding to it's size, until she was touching most of the black orbs around her, which were being devoured by the witch mana on her scales. She roars and flies towards Feimaan. Not even hesitating to fire a blast of witch mana from her mouth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c31e79a85_download(3).jpg.a37b7843ee66f74e46f827feea74d6de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c31e79a85_download(3).jpg.a37b7843ee66f74e46f827feea74d6de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Feimaan dodges the blast and changes into his 'human' form, quickly getting near Charon as he was still levitating. He creates more of the barriers that were able to resist the witch mana as one of the Ziz, a very large one with a dragon's head, fore-legs, tail, and wings, and a bird's body rams into Royal, and was unaffected by the witch mana since it was protected by it's feather's. Though now extinct, the Ziz were hunted on sight for their valuable feathers as it granted those holding them more powerful magic and magic resistance, and was often sold for high prices (this Ziz is based off of a Ziz character I made in another medieval/fantasy RP). It breathed fire at Royal soon after it rammed into her, trying to keep her away from Charon as he rested. The other Ziz who were still surrounding the ash platforms created multiple small tornados which they sent towards Ashton and the rest while those unable to create these small tornados cast magic or breathed fire and several other elements. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
@Light @CelticSol @Pumpkakun @Verdas

Bruce starts to concentrate ki into his hand, a sharp pitch coming from it. "Ashton, Pac-Man keep up defenses, these things look vicious and I don't want to be eviscerated." The energy in his hand began to build up, become stronger and stronger. When it was done it would be able to rip a hole through Charon. Bruce only had enough juice left in him for one blast so they had to make it count.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce looked between his teammates, Charon's minions, and Charon himself. He judged that they needed end this Charon guy fast. He quickly thought up a plan that, if done right, could possibly end this fight. "Listen up, guys, Bruce has a plan that could quite possibly work. I'd need Royal to distract Charon for a while while I charge up an attack. Killing him yourself would work just as well but distracting him would be enough. Ashton, I'd need you to get me a clear shot when I'm ready with my attack. And you! Weird beastly thing with an eating disorder that I shall now call Pac-Man, you'd need to fight off all those flying things. Any objections from anyone?"
Simi tilts her head to the side, staring at Bruce with wide, almost owlish eyes, then nods slowly, accepting the order, and looks to the Ziz with newly focused eyes. She holds back nothing, leaping into the air and trying to phase her hands through the Ziz, though it's feather deactivate her ability. She narrows her eyes, her translator buzzing static as she hisses under her breath, unable to keep up with her words. She leaps on the back of one, planting her feet in between it's shoulder blades and wrapping her hands underneath it's jaw, then she pulls her hands back fast and hard, the entire heading flying off the beast. She jumps off the crash landing Ziz and onto another, using her teeth to rip into it's wing. She stays on the back of this one as it crashes into the ground, grinding it's face into the floor as they skid across the floor. She picks up the dead Ziz by it's hind legs and throws it at another, knocking the latter straight out of the air.
Verdas said:
Feimaan dodges the blast and changes into his 'human' form, quickly getting near Charon as he was still levitating. He creates more of the barriers that were able to resist the witch mana as one of the Ziz, a very large one with a dragon's head, fore-legs, tail, and wings, and a bird's body rams into Royal, and was unaffected by the witch mana since it was protected by it's feather's. Though now extinct, the Ziz were hunted on sight for their valuable feathers as it granted those holding them more powerful magic and magic resistance, and was often sold for high prices (this Ziz is based off of a Ziz character I made in another medieval/fantasy RP). It breathed fire at Royal soon after it rammed into her, trying to keep her away from Charon as he rested. The other Ziz who were still surrounding the ash platforms created multiple small tornados which they sent towards Ashton and the rest while those unable to create these small tornados cast magic or breathed fire and several other elements. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
Royal growls at the Ziz and holds up her hand to blast hell flame back to resist the flames. She dives to the left and runs back at the Ziz, adding a spin as she jumps to slam her ice covered black bone tail into it's jaw.

Witch lands on top of a Ziz, crushing it as she roars in Feimaan and Charon's direction. She reaches out to crush them.


[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Kio walks to the door and opens it. "Yes Isabel?" She asks kindly

"It seems we have a battle against the Originals going on.... I think we should go help. You ready?"
The Ziz smacks Royal hard on the head with it's fore-paws while simultaneously lashing at her with it's tail, strengthening itself with magic so as to not get crushed and make it's attacks more powerful. It stopped for a moment to breath fire at Royal again, though the fire also came out from where it's jaw was. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Kios arm turns to a gun as she smiles "More than ever..." she said

Isabel nods her head and opens a portal. She walks in but leaves it open for Kios, the portal leads to the battle against Charon and Feimaan.
Verdas said:
The Ziz smacks Royal hard on the head with it's fore-paws while simultaneously lashing at her with it's tail, strengthening itself with magic so as to not get crushed and make it's attacks more powerful. It stopped for a moment to breath fire at Royal again, though the fire also came out from where it's jaw was. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
The ice on the skull of Royals exoskeleton chips away from the smack. This time Royal dodges the tail and rushes straight into the fire. She punches her fist into the Ziz mouth and rips out it's tongue. She pulls her arm out and kicks upward, breaking off its upper snout, she brings her leg down to peg off its jaw. Witch then takes that opportunity to have witch mana flow into it's mouth and devour its magical energy from the inside.

Royal's ice was melting away. She immediately left the Ziz and went straight for Feimaan. Hell flame surrounds her body as she attacks.
Ashton nodded as Bruce gave the signal. The area Bruce and Ashton was on split off and covered them in ash. It took the form of Ashton's ball and shredded through Ziz's caught in the way. Inside the ball Ashton out his hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Whatever happens just fire straight ahead. I'll take care of everything else." The ball flies towards Charon with speed. At the same time a cloud of ash appears behind him as Ashton and Bruce form from the ash. Ashton looked exhausted but he looked to Bruce ."Now!" The ball of ash was made to be a distraction, Ashton's plan was to move behind him so that Bruce could land his shot.

@Afrobrony @Verdas

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