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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Ashton crosses his arms across his chest causing all the ash he had made to come back to him. They shredded through some of the undead who were unlucky to be caugt by their trajectory. The ash surrounds him and begins to rotate and spin. Ashton turns his whole body into ash, expending mana to take the form of the ball. It flies around shredding undead. The warriors as skilled as they are couldn't stand against the ash as it engulfed them and lacerated them from every direction till the point they were too ash. Ashton continued to do this as support to keep the undead from interfering with the others. He'd rather deal with the minions so the others have an easier time with the Originals. Ashton continues to emit ash from his ball scattering it everywhere just in case.

@Light @Afrobrony @Verdas
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Pumpkakun said:
Ashton crosses his arms across his chest causing all the ash he had made to come back to him. They shredded through some of the undead who were unlucky to be caugt by their trajectory. The ash surrounds him and begins to rotate and spin. Ashton turns his whole body into ash, expending mana to take the form of the ball. It flies around shredding undead. The warriors as skilled as they are couldn't stand against the ash as it engulfed them and lacerated them from every direction till the point they were too ash. Ashton continued to do this as support to keep the undead from interfering with the others. He'd rather deal with the minions so the others have an easier time with the Originals. Ashton continues to emit ash from his ball scattering it everywhere just in case.
@Light @Afrobrony @Verdas
Witch looks back towards Ashton and nods her head. "Thanks!" Now that Ashton was dealing with them this became a lot easier.
@Light @Pumpkakun @Verdas

Bruce, seeing as how the others were taking care of the Originals pretty well, helped out Ashton with dispatching all these different undead creatures. Not dispatching them quite as fast due to his fatigue and the fact that he didn't have an all consuming cloud of ash but doing all right.
CelticSol said:
Jackie shouts in pain, the hurricane slicing through her limbs as she curls into a ball to save her vital organs. A deep slash goes through her thigh, and she closes her eyes tighter as she tries to think of an out. Running out of options, time, and blood, Jackie throws her hand into the side, shredding it nearly entirely apart, then the entire hurricane falls apart from the huge pulse of corruption she put into it. Jackie falls to her knees, clutching her ruined hand and forearm to her chest, the limb unrecognizable as a bloodied mess of shredded flesh.
She looks up to Schniezel and Mist, her body shaking from exhaustion and blood loss, and maybe even from rage, "Traitorous bastard," she hisses, then looks to Sonter, "You know, I had thought that mate the situation with Arcadia had been a one time thing, but it looks like you don't even need to be paid to be disloyal. Guess it runs in the blood to be betrayers," Her eyes cut to Mist, the meaning not lost on him, "Maybe it's why everyone you interact with dies."
Light said:
Schniezel approaches her, looking down upon her while frowning. "Oh dear... look what you've done to her Mist..... I might have to punish you if you don't have a good enough reason for why she's in such a state."
Mist pales at this, he backs away and turns to Nopos and Sonter ready to put them in a cell. "I do Schniezel."
Sonter Curses, " this was not my intention JAckie, believe me when I say that.ive changed, I'll right this." even without his weapons, Sonter was still pretty strong, besides, he had a trick that he had told no one, not even Nopos. as Mist readied to cage then, he grabbed Nopos and absorbed some of his power, moved in the blink of an eye and grabbed jackie, absorbing some of her ability. he then used her ability to transport, using his strength and then Nopos and Jackie were suddenly in front of the House again. Sonter had stayed behind to face his brother. "So, now that we're alone, what do you plan to do with me?

((I should add that I'm leaving tomorrow for a week long vacation, limited internet access
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter Curses, " this was not my intention JAckie, believe me when I say that.ive changed, I'll right this." even without his weapons, Sonter was still pretty strong, besides, he had a trick that he had told no one, not even Nopos. as Mist readied to cage then, he grabbed Nopos and absorbed some of his power, moved in the blink of an eye and grabbed jackie, absorbing some of her ability. he then used her ability to transport, using his strength and then Nopos and Jackie were suddenly in front of the House again. Sonter had stayed behind to face his brother. "So, now that we're alone, what do you plan to do with me?
((I should add that I'm leaving tomorrow for a week long vacation, limited internet access
Schniezel clears his throat. "I think I'm the one you should be asking. Mist currently has his own problems to deal with. I could honestly care less for you. Just give me what's rightfully mine, I want the girl back." Schniezel walks towards Sonter. The metal floors bend upward and hold onto his feet completely like shoes. Up to his ankles, if he even tries to move he'll either fall or break his ankles. "You know it's quite foolish to enter my castle and call the shots." Schniezel presses his foot on Sonter's chest and starts to lean forward on him. Making him bend backward with his feet being unable to move, as if Schniezel wanted to break his feet off his body. A spike rises from the ground and presses against his spine. Schniezel continues to push down on him, either the spike will sever his spine or his feet will break off. One of the two will happen. "So if you value your life give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you and I may consider sparing you."

( ! )
Light said:
Schniezel clears his throat. "I think I'm the one you should be asking. Mist currently has his own problems to deal with. I could honestly care less for you. Just give me what's rightfully mine, I want the girl back." Schniezel walks towards Sonter. The metal floors bend upward and hold onto his feet completely like shoes. Up to his ankles, if he even tries to move he'll either fall or break his ankles. "You know it's quite foolish to enter my castle and call the shots." Schniezel presses his foot on Sonter's chest and starts to lean forward on him. Making him bend backward with his feet being unable to move, as if Schniezel wanted to break his feet off his body. A spike rises from the ground and presses against his spine. Schniezel continues to push down on him, either the spike will sever his spine or his feet will break off. One of the two will happen. "So if you value your life give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you and I may consider sparing you."
( ! )
Sonter shook his head, "you originals all think youre so invincible dont you. I cant bring the girl back, but you will still spare me becasue of this." Sonter grabbed his leg and activated his power grab, using his ability to allow his feet to be unglued and one of his guns to fly at him where he caught it and fired a bullet at Schniezel where it grazed the side of his head. "Ive been free of strings for a long time, I can be invaluable, or a nightmare."
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter shook his head, "you originals all think youre so invincible dont you. I cant bring the girl back, but you will still spare me becasue of this." Sonter grabbed his leg and activated his power grab, using his ability to allow his feet to be unglued and one of his guns to fly at him where he caught it and fired a bullet at Schniezel where it grazed the side of his head. "Ive been free of strings for a long time, I can be invaluable, or a nightmare."
Schniezel merely stares, he holds out his hand and Sonter's gun flies towards him. He fires several times but not one bullet hits him. Suddenly from behind one bullet lodges itself in Sonters Achilles Tendon. The rest either graze or enter his arms and legs. The metal ground moves, wrapping itself around his arms and legs. Only leaving his torso free. Suddenly a drill raises up from the tool box in the far corner. Schniezel doesn't hesitate to turn it on and have it float over to Sonter and drill through his left shoulder. "You aren't in the right to tell me I claim invincibility." The drill pulls out of the shoulder. A nail gun levitates over and aims at his thigh. "You know it's quite funny when others storm my castle and think they can win. When my weapon is all around them, it's what they're walking on. Have fun in imprisonment. I'll make sure the medics clean you up." The gun doesn't fire the nail and moves out the way. Instead a metal beam rises out the ground and slams into his chest to push him into the cell behind him. But he's already being held in place. The beam puts a lot of pressure on his chest until the restraints break and pushes Sonter into the cell. The door closes and immediately the chains wrap around Sonter. These chains electrocute a prisoner when they move. It also negates all powers and physical strengths making you weaker than the average mortal. "The most your useful for is a couple questions. Then you can run back home to your friends. You're good at running aren't you?" The medics swing by after Schniezel leaves using magic to tend to Sonter's wounds.
Charon summons another undead, this one was far larger and seemed more powerful as well. It was surprisingly intact and did not seem as 'dead' as the others and it still retained it's ability to fly. The undead dragon's thick and durable scales protected it from the ashes as venomous gas spread out from it's mouth that was hard to see and continued to spread out.

Feimaan flew away from Witch to avoid her as he realized all of his attacks and defenses were futile against her. He created multiple black spheres near witch that looked indentical to the sphere he made while fighting against Royal, Itami, and Xerxes, though instead of pulling everything towards them like a magnet, there began pushing things away. @Light @Ashton @Afrobrony
Ashton's ash cloud flies up and hit the dragon with blunt force forcing it away from the other before it's poison could reach them. His ash did little to no damage to its scales however. The ashes fly over its head and began drilling into its eyes, nose and entering its mouth. Ashton disappears into the dragon still as a cloud. The dragon started to fall apart as the ash loud expanded and shredded it from the inside out where it has no defense. Ashton forms his upper body in the cloud tired. It took effort to keep his body in the ash state for long periods of time. He rode on his ash cloud as he moved closer to Charon ready to take down whatever he can dish out. @Verdas
Verdas said:
Charon summons another undead, this one was far larger and seemed more powerful as well. It was surprisingly intact and did not seem as 'dead' as the others and it still retained it's ability to fly. The undead dragon's thick and durable scales protected it from the ashes as venomous gas spread out from it's mouth that was hard to see and continued to spread out.
Feimaan flew away from Witch to avoid her as he realized all of his attacks and defenses were futile against her. He created multiple black spheres near witch that looked indentical to the sphere he made while fighting against Royal, Itami, and Xerxes, though instead of pulling everything towards them like a magnet, there began pushing things away. @Light @Ashton @Afrobrony
Royal continues to target Charon, she's not going to fight the endless numbers of the undead when she can just take out the root of their power. Royal moves in a zig zag motion while trying to reach Charon.

Witch flies away from the sphere into the air. She starts to fly down on it only to be repelled by it but she uses that push to fly in Feimaan's direction. Bouncing off the spheres like a pinball trying to reach Feimaan.
The dragon begins to glow a dark green after it fell apart, becoming brighter and brighter every second. Charon teleports away as he sees Royal coming towards him and away from the remains of the undead dragon as well as it was about to do something 'bad'. He began attacking Royal from afar by changing his weapon size repeatedly and to lure her closer to the dragon. @Pumpkakun @Afrobrony @Light
Verdas said:
The dragon begins to glow a dark green after it fell apart, becoming brighter and brighter every second. Charon teleports away as he sees Royal coming towards him and away from the remains of the undead dragon as well as it was about to do something 'bad'. He began attacking Royal from afar by changing his weapon size repeatedly and to lure her closer to the dragon. @Pumpkakun @Afrobrony @Light
Royal notices the distance he's putting between himself and the Dragon. He obviously wants her to get close... Which is exactly what she'll do. She raises her hand to have her armour take the hit from the scythe. She swiftly moves towards him, hellflame and ice shards surround her.
Charon teleports yet farther away as the dragon's remains seemed to disappear and a large amount of greenish liquid began to flood the area around it, venomous and melting the ground beneath it as it continuously spread endlessly. He summons yet more undead to try and push Royal towards the liquid by force, though these were weaker than the rest. @Light @Pumpkakun
Verdas said:
Charon teleports yet farther away as the dragon's remains seemed to disappear and a large amount of greenish liquid began to flood the area around it, venomous and melting the ground beneath it as it continuously spread endlessly. He summons yet more undead to try and push Royal towards the liquid by force, though these were weaker than the rest. @Light @Pumpkakun
Royal continues running towards Charon. She swings her tail around to cut through the undead trying to push her before they reach her. She dives down to run on all fours. The claws extended so she can get traction. She's now moving even faster. Firing blast after blast of fire and ice.
Ashton stops and turns around when he noticed the the remains of the dragon were starting to glow. His eyes widen as the area starts to fill with liquid goo. Using most of his ash he creates a large hole into the ground directing the flow of poison there. He makes several more attempts to stop the poison from spreading but there's too much. He floats above the goo on a large ash cloud. Using a large amount of mana Ashton creates large amounts of ash, clouds spew from his arms and he makes a giant platform to stand on. The platform flies down to scoop up allies from the poisons reach. Ashton made the platform big especially for the Titan Xerneas.

@Verdas @Afrobrony @Light and anyone else who I missed but are still in the battle.
Pumpkakun said:
Ashton stops and turns around when he noticed the the remains of the dragon were starting to glow. His eyes widen as the area starts to fill with liquid goo. Using most of his ash he creates a large hole into the ground directing the flow of poison there. He makes several more attempts to stop the poison from spreading but there's too much. He floats above the goo on a large ash cloud. Using a large amount of mana Ashton creates large amounts of ash, clouds spew from his arms and he makes a giant platform to stand on. The platform flies down to scoop up allies from the poisons reach. Ashton made the platform big especially for the Titan Xerneas.
@Verdas @Afrobrony @Light and anyone else who I missed but are still in the battle.
Royal jumps onto the platform. Ashton was performing major things here. Royal nods her head in respect towards him. "How long can you keep this up?"
Ashton looked exhausted. He was sitting on his knee's with sweat worked up and shallow breathing. "I can keep this up as long as I am conscious. It doesmt take me effort to move my ash, it takes me mana and effort to create it." he said in between breaths. "I don't usually create this much ash at once so its tiring." After a few minutes he holds out his hand and ash slowly starts to fall from it. "I still have mana left so I'm not done yet. I can still create constructs. The platform will move on its own to avoid attacks and help teammates. Need any other help with Charon?"

Pumpkakun said:
Ashton looked exhausted. He was sitting on his knee's with sweat worked up and shallow breathing. "I can keep this up as long as I am conscious. It doesmt take me effort to move my ash, it takes me mana and effort to create it." he said in between breaths. "I don't usually create this much ash at once so its tiring." After a few minutes he holds out his hand and ash slowly starts to fall from it. "I still have mana left so I'm not done yet. I can still create constructs. The platform will move on its own to avoid attacks and help teammates. Need any other help with Charon?"
Royal shakes her head. "No I'm fine. Do you need any mana?" Royal's tail stabs through an undead minion of Charon.
Light said:
Royal jumps onto the platform. Ashton was performing major things here. Royal nods her head in respect towards him. "How long can you keep this up?"
Verdas said:
Charon teleports yet farther away as the dragon's remains seemed to disappear and a large amount of greenish liquid began to flood the area around it, venomous and melting the ground beneath it as it continuously spread endlessly. He summons yet more undead to try and push Royal towards the liquid by force, though these were weaker than the rest. @Light @Pumpkakun
As the fight went on, Simi's head had been slowly but surely knitting back together with the skin of her neck, and she rises unsteadily, feeling the scarring line at her throat, then moves her head side to side, testing the strength of her healing. Her eyes lock on Royal and Ashton, and she leaps onto the platform, standing as a guard for Ashton. She opens her mouth wide, until her cheeks start to split. After they seemed to have split to the point that it's showing her jaw, her jaw drops even further with a snapping noise as she dislocates her own jaw. She lunges at the undead, tearing into one like paper, then actually bites off the head of another. She tackles one over, pressing her palms against each side of it's face and squeezing, causing it's skull to explode and splatter her with rotted blood.

TheGodSnake said:
Sonter Curses, " this was not my intention JAckie, believe me when I say that.ive changed, I'll right this." even without his weapons, Sonter was still pretty strong, besides, he had a trick that he had told no one, not even Nopos. as Mist readied to cage then, he grabbed Nopos and absorbed some of his power, moved in the blink of an eye and grabbed jackie, absorbing some of her ability. he then used her ability to transport, using his strength and then Nopos and Jackie were suddenly in front of the House again. Sonter had stayed behind to face his brother. "So, now that we're alone, what do you plan to do with me?
Jackie - once she realizes that she's in front of the Capital and the fact her hand is bleeding more profusely because he took some of her power and with it, a part of Sanctum - slams her unharmed hand into the stone wall by the door so hard her knuckle pops and the stone cracks, and shouts furiously, "That fucking idiot!" She charges into the house, ignoring the somewhat happy atmosphere of the Van Fenrirs, then grabs Isabel, and despite the fact her hands are in shambles, has a grip like steel, "Take me to the Original's realm! Now!"
CelticSol said:
As the fight went on, Simi's head had been slowly but surely knitting back together with the skin of her neck, and she rises unsteadily, feeling the scarring line at her throat, then moves her head side to side, testing the strength of her healing. Her eyes lock on Royal and Ashton, and she leaps onto the platform, standing as a guard for Ashton. She opens her mouth wide, until her cheeks start to split. After they seemed to have split to the point that it's showing her jaw, her jaw drops even further with a snapping noise as she dislocates her own jaw. She lunges at the undead, tearing into one like paper, then actually bites off the head of another. She tackles one over, pressing her palms against each side of it's face and squeezing, causing it's skull to explode and splatter her with rotted blood.
Jackie - once she realizes that she's in front of the Capital and the fact her hand is bleeding more profusely because he took some of her power and with it, a part of Sanctum - slams her unharmed hand into the stone wall by the door so hard her knuckle pops and the stone cracks, and shouts furiously, "That fucking idiot!" She charges into the house, ignoring the somewhat happy atmosphere of the Van Fenrirs, then grabs Isabel, and despite the fact her hands are in shambles, has a grip like steel, "Take me to the Original's realm! Now!"
Isabel looks at Jackie. "Uumm?" She sighs, she doesn't even care to know. Even though she didn't appreciate Jackie putting her hands on her like this and speaking to her like that she opens up a portal beside her.
@Light @Pumpkakun @Verdas

Bruce kept firing at all the undead with ki blasts, most making them able to spread and hit multiple at the same time. "Guys, I just want to say that this is the best guild ever. It's only with you guys that I can count on getting in fights this hairy. I was only in one fight this past year that could've resulted in my death. But with you guys, it could happen at any time, I love it."
Afrobrony said:
@Light @Pumpkakun @Verdas
Bruce kept firing at all the undead with ki blasts, most making them able to spread and hit multiple at the same time. "Guys, I just want to say that this is the best guild ever. It's only with you guys that I can count on getting in fights this hairy. I was only in one fight this past year that could've resulted in my death. But with you guys, it could happen at any time, I love it."
Royal looks towards Bruce. "What's with the sudden confession of feelings?"
Light said:
Royal looks towards Bruce. "What's with the sudden confession of feelings?"
"Oh you know, I just thought it'd be a good time to say it. Good a time as any, fighting truly like a team."
Afrobrony said:
"Oh you know, I just thought it'd be a good time to say it. Good a time as any, fighting truly like a team."
Royal nods her head and smiles. They needed to keep fighting. That gave her just enough inspiration.
Light said:
Isabel looks at Jackie. "Uumm?" She sighs, she doesn't even care to know. Even though she didn't appreciate Jackie putting her hands on her like this and speaking to her like that she opens up a portal beside her.
Jackie immediately drops Isabel onto the ground, stepping into the portal quickly, though it doesn't drop her off where she needs to be. "Shit!" She hisses, running off to where she knows Schniezel and Mist will be.


(@TheGodSnake )

Sonter hears voices start to whisper to him in the recesses of his mind, some in tones that sound like they're terrified for Sonter, others hissing insults. They are soon lost when one voice speaks over the others, sounding deep and demonic. " You have stolen part of me from my host. Why?"

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