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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Charon transported them all to his realm, excluding the witch mana, making him safe once more. His realm was vast and full of space, seeming nearly endless. It was rather dark and gloomy however, and there were bones and ash and dust everywhere, making it nearly impossible to completely avoid stepping on the bones littered on the ground, some being half buried. The sky was grey and so was the grass, yet there was a light that appeared to be a sun lighting up this world, though it made it no less gloomy and the light it provided was rather dim. The weather was a strange mix of both hot and cold, changing between them from time to time though it was mostly cool and windy. The ashes, dust, and bones were from the dead that died a second time, belonging to those destroyed after being summoned by Charon. @Light @Afrobrony @National @CelticSol
Verdas said:
Charon transported them all to his realm, excluding the witch mana, making him safe once more. His realm was vast and full of space, seeming nearly endless. It was rather dark and gloomy however, and there were bones and ash and dust everywhere, making it nearly impossible to completely avoid stepping on the bones littered on the ground, some being half buried. The sky was grey and so was the grass, yet there was a light that appeared to be a sun lighting up this world, though it made it no less gloomy and the light it provided was rather dim. The weather was a strange mix of both hot and cold, changing between them from time to time though it was mostly cool and windy. The ashes, dust, and bones were from the dead that died a second time, belonging to those destroyed after being summoned by Charon. @Light @Afrobrony @National @CelticSol
Witch rushes Charon. A pack of wolves made out of witch mana charge beside her as well. She makes sure a dome of witch mana surrounds them all as she fires a blast of it out of her palm at Charon.
Charon's scythe turns into a very long sword as he slices everything around, cutting through the dome and getting close to cutting Witch. He looks up as another portal opens up in the sky and a large, black, ghostly creature comes out of it, raining down bolts and shards and fireballs, nearly any projectile that can be summoned or created by magic as Feimaan looked for the one who banished him, and realised that they weren't there. Instead, there were some mortals free from the strings of fate who had obtained a deity's blessing, including the Titan Xerxes who he fought earlier. "I won't be holding back as much this time. Charon, you don't mind if I wreck this place a bit do you?" He asks Charon, who had stopped slicing through the dome to shake his head before turning his attention back to the witch. @Light
Verdas said:
Charon's scythe turns into a very long sword as he slices everything around, cutting through the dome and getting close to cutting Witch. He looks up as another portal opens up in the sky and a large, black, ghostly creature comes out of it, raining down bolts and shards and fireballs, nearly any projectile that can be summoned or created by magic as Feimaan looked for the one who banished him, and realised that they weren't there. Instead, there were some mortals free from the strings of fate who had obtained a deity's blessing, including the Titan Xerxes who he fought earlier. "I won't be holding back as much this time. Charon, you don't mind if I wreck this place a bit do you?" He asks Charon, who had stopped slicing through the dome to shake his head before turning his attention back to the witch. @Light
Bruce looks up at Feimaan in a sort of despair thinking to himself "jeez, we might not have been in such a great position before but now it just seems like we're flat out fucked." He holds up his gun and takes a shot at Feimaan, a look of total shock when it passed through him without doing any damage.
Feimaan begins to target Bruce as well after he tried to shoot him. The Titan already knew about his weakness but the others did not yet know. One of them seemed to be an expert in terms of magic however. "Your friend isn't here with you this time." He says, referring to Itami who banished him and Yggdrasil earlier. "Careful, Charon. These mortals are surprisingly strong." @Light @Afrobrony
Verdas said:
Charon's scythe turns into a very long sword as he slices everything around, cutting through the dome and getting close to cutting Witch. He looks up as another portal opens up in the sky and a large, black, ghostly creature comes out of it, raining down bolts and shards and fireballs, nearly any projectile that can be summoned or created by magic as Feimaan looked for the one who banished him, and realised that they weren't there. Instead, there were some mortals free from the strings of fate who had obtained a deity's blessing, including the Titan Xerxes who he fought earlier. "I won't be holding back as much this time. Charon, you don't mind if I wreck this place a bit do you?" He asks Charon, who had stopped slicing through the dome to shake his head before turning his attention back to the witch. @Light
Afrobrony said:
Bruce looks up at Feimaan in a sort of despair thinking to himself "jeez, we might not have been in such a great position before but now it just seems like we're flat out fucked." He holds up his gun and takes a shot at Feimaan, a look of total shock when it passed through him without doing any damage.
Verdas said:
Feimaan begins to target Bruce as well after he tried to shoot him. The Titan already knew about his weakness but the others did not yet know. One of them seemed to be an expert in terms of magic however. "Your friend isn't here with you this time." He says, referring to Itami who banished him and Yggdrasil earlier. "Careful, Charon. These mortals are surprisingly strong." @Light @Afrobrony
( Feimaan is the wrong Original to go up against Witch. Since magic can only hit him, if her mana even touches him that body part is devoured and it will start to absorb him. )

Witch looks up at Feimaan. "Do you mean my Father? Itami? My split personality Royal faced off against you with my father and Xerxes." Royal splits from Witch, she waves and smiles at Feimaan. "Hey, Witch... if I remember correctly.... he's on the astral level. Physical attacks can't harm him.... but magic can." Both of them have a mischievous grin.

Witch sends large birds made of witch mana at Feimaan.

While Royal erupts in hellflame, turning to Charon. "Wow... I just noticed we forgot we have a flame ability inherited from our Father. It's been a while since we've used a fire storm."
@Light @Verdas

After hearing Royal say the thing about Feimaan Bruce says "I get it, so me to him is like a fighting type versus a ghost type. Which means I'll have no chance against him so..." Bruce holsters his gun and takes a charge at Charon, swinging his sword as hard fast as he could muster up at this point.
Feimaan creates a barrier which pushes the birds made of witch mana away, surprisingly enough the barrier held as it did so, not being devoured by the witch mana birds, or at least not quickly. It was being devoured by the witch mana birds but very slowly. "You underestimate me, young ones." He creates a large ball of fire and threw it at Witch. "Do you really think there's be no Mage out there that could make something like this? Fortunately I killed her with the strings of fate before it was shared. The barriers are already nearing it's limits however. You young ones are certainly strong."

Charon was caught off guard as he saw Bruce coming towards him while he was in the middle of slicing through the dome to make space for him to teleport out as he couldn't do so with something like the witch mana dome surrounding him since his teleportation was really a transforming into wind and extremely swift movement to a chosen location. He summoned up several random and weak undead to stall Bruce as he didn't have the time to carefully pick. @Afrobrony @Light
Verdas said:
Feimaan creates a barrier which pushes the birds made of witch mana away, surprisingly enough the barrier held as it did so, not being devoured by the witch mana birds, or at least not quickly. It was being devoured by the witch mana birds but very slowly. "You underestimate me, young ones." He creates a large ball of fire and threw it at Witch. "Do you really think there's be no Mage out there that could make something like this? Fortunately I killed her with the strings of fate before it was shared. The barriers are already nearing it's limits however. You young ones are certainly strong."
Charon was caught off guard as he saw Bruce coming towards him while he was in the middle of slicing through the dome to make space for him to teleport out as he couldn't do so with something like the witch mana dome surrounding him since his teleportation was really a transforming into wind and extremely swift movement to a chosen location. He summoned up several random and weak undead to stall Bruce as he didn't have the time to carefully pick. @Afrobrony @Light
Bruce stepped back as the undead came at him, slicing one straight down the middle instantly and engaging the others, his white aura showing that he was at his full power. He made quick work of them by jumping up into the air, forming his hands into a triangle, and blasting them with a huge shot of ki. When he landed he took a deep breath "probably not the best time for me to be using that right now."
Verdas said:
Feimaan creates a barrier which pushes the birds made of witch mana away, surprisingly enough the barrier held as it did so, not being devoured by the witch mana birds, or at least not quickly. It was being devoured by the witch mana birds but very slowly. "You underestimate me, young ones." He creates a large ball of fire and threw it at Witch. "Do you really think there's be no Mage out there that could make something like this? Fortunately I killed her with the strings of fate before it was shared. The barriers are already nearing it's limits however. You young ones are certainly strong."
Charon was caught off guard as he saw Bruce coming towards him while he was in the middle of slicing through the dome to make space for him to teleport out as he couldn't do so with something like the witch mana dome surrounding him since his teleportation was really a transforming into wind and extremely swift movement to a chosen location. He summoned up several random and weak undead to stall Bruce as he didn't have the time to carefully pick. @Afrobrony @Light
Afrobrony said:
Bruce stepped back as the undead came at him, slicing one straight down the middle instantly and engaging the others, his white aura showing that he was at his full power. He made quick work of them by jumping up into the air, forming his hands into a triangle, and blasting them with a huge shot of ki. When he landed he took a deep breath "probably not the best time for me to be using that right now."
Witch erupts in Witch mana, which devours the ball of fire. "Wow.... I can't believe you still haven't noticed. That I am your worst enemy. Your living fatal weakness. For your sake Charon is better off fighting me with his scythe. Looks like I have what Bruce would call.... type advantage."

Royal sends a vortex of hell flame in Charon's direction.
Light said:
Witch erupts in Witch mana, which devours the ball of fire. "Wow.... I can't believe you still haven't noticed. That I am your worst enemy. Your living fatal weakness. For your sake Charon is better off fighting me with his scythe. Looks like I have what Bruce would call.... type advantage."
Royal sends a vortex of hell flame in Charon's direction.
"Like a fairy type versus a dark type," Bruce chimes in.
Ashton who was watching from afar decided now would be a good time to jump into the fray. He disliked fighting but decided it would be safer to have more people fight now that another Original appeared. Ashton half forms into a cloud of ash and ascends into the air. He flies in circles around Charon's area and created a large circle of ash to assist Bruce. He continued to fly in circles mustering up determination and getting ready to face his enemy.

@Afrobrony @Verdas

(Sorry if my appearance seems sudden. Ashton has actually been in the fight since the beginning but i got busy and didn't get a chance to post. Sorry)
Pumpkakun said:
Ashton who was watching from afar decided now would be a good time to jump into the fray. He disliked fighting but decided it would be safer to have more people fight now that another Original appeared. Ashton half forms into a cloud of ash and ascends into the air. He flies in circles around Charon's area and created a large circle of ash to assist Bruce. He continued to fly in circles mustering up determination and getting ready to face his enemy.
@Afrobrony @Verdas

(Sorry if my appearance seems sudden. Ashton has actually been in the fight since the beginning but i got busy and didn't get a chance to post. Sorry)
Royal watches Ashton and nods her head in thanks. They had a high amount in numbers, at least 7 people. Still, they had to be ready for any sudden attacks.
CelticSol said:
"Good!" Jackie spits his blood on to his arm, which makes the entire area feeling like its corroding, then reaches up and grabs him by the back of his shirt and by the hair on the back of his head. Using her grip, she flips him over her shoulder, slamming him into the floor with a grunt. She crouches down and punches him with all her strength straight in the face, breaking his nose on contact. She quickly covers his nose and mouth with her hand, suffocating him as corruption flows through her fingers. The pain in his hand has receded to point where he can't feel it, but if he checked, he's also be able to see that he couldn't feel it at all.
Light said:
Mist has his hurricanes slash into Jackie's back and sides. One leaves a good one on the back of her neck.
Sonter decided it would be a good time to intervene. "cover His tail, remember what I told you about him" the two dashed forward an suddenly Jackie and Mist were thrown apart, Sonter standing between them, swords drawn and one pointed at each. Nopos was behind Mist, his sword at the ready. Sonter shook his head and spoke "Both of you, calm yourselves. Jackie, Still your power for just a moment. Brother, dont even think about attaking one of us with a hurricane, it will only result in bad things for you. now tell me Brother, Why did you betray your friends, whom you fought so hard to gain. Also, I would avoid running, Nopos is getting quite fast, and you wouldnt want to sustain injury from him."
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter decided it would be a good time to intervene. "cover His tail, remember what I told you about him" the two dashed forward an suddenly Jackie and Mist were thrown apart, Sonter standing between them, swords drawn and one pointed at each. Nopos was behind Mist, his sword at the ready. Sonter shook his head and spoke "Both of you, calm yourselves. Jackie, Still your power for just a moment. Brother, dont even think about attaking one of us with a hurricane, it will only result in bad things for you. now tell me Brother, Why did you betray your friends, whom you fought so hard to gain. Also, I would avoid running, Nopos is getting quite fast, and you wouldnt want to sustain injury from him."
Jackie shrieks in rage as she thrown from Mist, and corruption immediately lines from the corners of her eyes to across her temples and cheeks. She doesn't step around the sword, spitting at Sonter's feet, "Fuck you! This is my fight!" Her voice has degraded from anything bordering civility, degrading into a near animalistic howl of rage, and she knocks the sword from her by hitting the flat of the blade.
CelticSol said:
Jackie shrieks in rage as she thrown from Mist, and corruption immediately lines from the corners of her eyes to across her temples and cheeks. She doesn't step around the sword, spitting at Sonter's feet, "Fuck you! This is my fight!" Her voice has degraded from anything bordering civility, degrading into a near animalistic howl of rage, and she knocks the sword from her by hitting the flat of the blade.
In a flash, the diamond sharp blade of the Katana is pressed against Jackie's neck, "Move even a little bit and youll lose your head. This my be your fight, but hes my family, I want to hear why before he dies."
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter decided it would be a good time to intervene. "cover His tail, remember what I told you about him" the two dashed forward an suddenly Jackie and Mist were thrown apart, Sonter standing between them, swords drawn and one pointed at each. Nopos was behind Mist, his sword at the ready. Sonter shook his head and spoke "Both of you, calm yourselves. Jackie, Still your power for just a moment. Brother, dont even think about attaking one of us with a hurricane, it will only result in bad things for you. now tell me Brother, Why did you betray your friends, whom you fought so hard to gain. Also, I would avoid running, Nopos is getting quite fast, and you wouldnt want to sustain injury from him."
( ! ) The blood Mist hurricanes scatter and grow into large hurricanes. Most himself explodes into blood mist himself. Turning into a large blood mist hurricane which expands, thus trapping all of them. The razor sharp hurricane behind Jackie opens up to let her in. It throws her around violently cutting into her flesh as she's being tossed around in a large blood mist hurricane. Hardened blood crystals flies around in there as well. Puncturing and hitting Jackie. He would make sure she lives, he'll finish his fight with her later. The hurricanes close around Nopos and Sonter.
Sonter sighed, "Alright Nopos, he wont cooperate, go." Nopos spun, his sword outstretched. the sword helped him lift off the ground, every crystal that touched it turning into a drop of blood and falling to the ground, unable to be controlled by Mist. Sonter jumped up and boosted Nopos, sending him for the lerge center that was Mist. as he passed through the eye, Mist reformed and fell, Sonter caught him and set him to the ground as every other blood based creation that Mist controlled fell to the ground. Should mist attempt to use his powers, he will find that he cant. Sonter sighed, "I warned you, now you know why. Nopos carries a very expensive sword created by his elven ancestors, has the power of disenchantment, it can also render a mage helpless for as long as its wielder requires. now brother, tell me why."


TheGodSnake said:
Sonter sighed, "Alright Nopos, he wont cooperate, go." Nopos spun, his sword outstretched. the sword helped him lift off the ground, every crystal that touched it turning into a drop of blood and falling to the ground, unable to be controlled by Mist. Sonter jumped up and boosted Nopos, sending him for the lerge center that was Mist. as he passed through the eye, Mist reformed and fell, Sonter caught him and set him to the ground as every other blood based creation that Mist controlled fell to the ground. Should mist attempt to use his powers, he will find that he cant. Sonter sighed, "I warned you, now you know why. Nopos carries a very expensive sword created by his elven ancestors, has the power of disenchantment, it can also render a mage helpless for as long as its wielder requires. now brother, tell me why."

Mist raises an eyebrow. "Why I did it isn't any of your business. We may share the same blood but that doesn't mean at heart you are my brother. You have no right to call me your brother. You ran and left the rest of us to die. You do not threaten me brother."

Right on time, Schniezel walks in the room and has both Sonter and Nopos's blades fly over to him. "Hm? I wonder what happened to all the ruckus in my castle..." Schniezel simply wags his finger around in the air and all of their metallic weapons float over to him. "Oh, I'll have to confiscate these. Are these three your new prisoners?"

With that Mist has the blood all over the ground raise up and turn into sharp spiked balls, like sea urchins. They float all around the room only 2 inches apart from one another. If either Nopos or Sonter make a move it could mean trouble. "Yes.... They are."

( No! GS when you rate it Emotional it makes me feel bad making Mist say that! X.x )
Feimaan renews the barrier and begins sending wave after wave of projectiles around Charon as well as towards Witch, trying to assist Charon from the two attacking him. The mortal was right, she was his living weakness. However Charon severely disliked mages as he considered them to be very annoying and it would prove to be hard to convince the Original of death to switch places with him, even if it had a higher chance of victory, if not a guaranteed one. He tried calling Schniezel using telepathy magic. Yggdrasil was unpredictable, even for him, and he believed Yggdrasil may not bother himself with these Mortals unless they came to his realm or damaged his creations. For the first time in millennia he became frustrated due to his lack of good options and the fact that these cocky mortals had decided to come to their realm to attack. It would prove to be most humiliating to die in one's own realm.

Charon cut anything around him with a very long sword, appearing to be a black tornado as he rapidly spinned, creating strong winds around himself as he did so and clearing up the ashes that were limiting his sight. His glowing blue eyes would make him easy to spot, making this ash disadvantageous to him, putting him in a similar situation to Feimaan. @Afrobrony @Light @Pumpkakun
Light said:
( ! ) The blood Mist hurricanes scatter and grow into large hurricanes. Most himself explodes into blood mist himself. Turning into a large blood mist hurricane which expands, thus trapping all of them. The razor sharp hurricane behind Jackie opens up to let her in. It throws her around violently cutting into her flesh as she's being tossed around in a large blood mist hurricane. Hardened blood crystals flies around in there as well. Puncturing and hitting Jackie. He would make sure she lives, he'll finish his fight with her later. The hurricanes close around Nopos and Sonter.
Light said:
Mist raises an eyebrow. "Why I did it isn't any of your business. We may share the same blood but that doesn't mean at heart you are my brother. You have no right to call me your brother. You ran and left the rest of us to die. You do not threaten me brother."
Right on time, Schniezel walks in the room and has both Sonter and Nopos's blades fly over to him. "Hm? I wonder what happened to all the ruckus in my castle..." Schniezel simply wags his finger around in the air and all of their metallic weapons float over to him. "Oh, I'll have to confiscate these. Are these three your new prisoners?"

With that Mist has the blood all over the ground raise up and turn into sharp spiked balls, like sea urchins. They float all around the room only 2 inches apart from one another. If either Nopos or Sonter make a move it could mean trouble. "Yes.... They are."

( No! GS when you rate it Emotional it makes me feel bad making Mist say that! X.x )
Jackie shouts in pain, the hurricane slicing through her limbs as she curls into a ball to save her vital organs. A deep slash goes through her thigh, and she closes her eyes tighter as she tries to think of an out. Running out of options, time, and blood, Jackie throws her hand into the side, shredding it nearly entirely apart, then the entire hurricane falls apart from the huge pulse of corruption she put into it. Jackie falls to her knees, clutching her ruined hand and forearm to her chest, the limb unrecognizable as a bloodied mess of shredded flesh.

She looks up to Schniezel and Mist, her body shaking from exhaustion and blood loss, and maybe even from rage, "Traitorous bastard," she hisses, then looks to Sonter, "You know, I had thought that mate the situation with Arcadia had been a one time thing, but it looks like you don't even need to be paid to be disloyal. Guess it runs in the blood to be betrayers," Her eyes cut to Mist, the meaning not lost on him, "Maybe it's why everyone you interact with dies."

(@TheGodSnake )
Verdas said:
Feimaan renews the barrier and begins sending wave after wave of projectiles around Charon as well as towards Witch, trying to assist Charon from the two attacking him. The mortal was right, she was his living weakness. However Charon severely disliked mages as he considered them to be very annoying and it would prove to be hard to convince the Original of death to switch places with him, even if it had a higher chance of victory, if not a guaranteed one. He tried calling Schniezel using telepathy magic. Yggdrasil was unpredictable, even for him, and he believed Yggdrasil may not bother himself with these Mortals unless they came to his realm or damaged his creations. For the first time in millennia he became frustrated due to his lack of good options and the fact that these cocky mortals had decided to come to their realm to attack. It would prove to be most humiliating to die in one's own realm.
Charon cut anything around him with a very long sword, appearing to be a black tornado as he rapidly spinned, creating strong winds around himself as he did so and clearing up the ashes that were limiting his sight. His glowing blue eyes would make him easy to spot, making this ash disadvantageous to him, putting him in a similar situation to Feimaan. @Afrobrony @Light @Pumpkakun
Witch gets hit by a projectile she doesn't see and slams into Royal, knocking them both into the ground. Royal and Witch immediately get up, Royal looks at the wound Witch has from the blast and glares at Charon.

Red hot mana starts to flow out of her pores. This mana accumulates around her and onto her skin and turns into scales. In between these scales on her body, magma flows. Suddenly a draconic black bone exoskeleton forms around her in a humanoid figure as if she were wearing a dragon's bone structure as armour. The claws, feet, the tail, skull, and rib cage appear on her body. This time it's covered in what seems to extremely durable ice. Which obviously doesn't melt since it's in close contact with magma. Royal runs at Charon only to fade away, suddenly Charon feels a rough blow on his back. Due to Royal slamming her tail into him.

Witch takes the same form except there's witch mana where Royal had the magma and ice. The witch mana glows purple and moves as if it's fire. Witch spreads her wings and takes off after Feimaan, several shots of her mana flying after him from the tips of her wings.

CelticSol said:
Jackie shouts in pain, the hurricane slicing through her limbs as she curls into a ball to save her vital organs. A deep slash goes through her thigh, and she closes her eyes tighter as she tries to think of an out. Running out of options, time, and blood, Jackie throws her hand into the side, shredding it nearly entirely apart, then the entire hurricane falls apart from the huge pulse of corruption she put into it. Jackie falls to her knees, clutching her ruined hand and forearm to her chest, the limb unrecognizable as a bloodied mess of shredded flesh.
She looks up to Schniezel and Mist, her body shaking from exhaustion and blood loss, and maybe even from rage, "Traitorous bastard," she hisses, then looks to Sonter, "You know, I had thought that mate the situation with Arcadia had been a one time thing, but it looks like you don't even need to be paid to be disloyal. Guess it runs in the blood to be betrayers," Her eyes cut to Mist, the meaning not lost on him, "Maybe it's why everyone you interact with dies."

(@TheGodSnake )
Schniezel approaches her, looking down upon her while frowning. "Oh dear... look what you've done to her Mist..... I might have to punish you if you don't have a good enough reason for why she's in such a state."

Mist pales at this, he backs away and turns to Nopos and Sonter ready to put them in a cell. "I do Schniezel."
Ashton flew back as projectiles were flung down to assist Charon. Ashton lifts his right hand up with his palm facing upwards causing the ash Charon was blowing away to accumulate above him. Ashton then faced his palm downwards as the ash clumps together forming large shards. He then swings his arm down causing them to fall towards Charon at alarming speed. Ashton continues to emit ash from his lower body as he hovers around leaving it everywhere he goes.

Charon didn't have a chance to fight back as he was hit like a soccer ball by Royal then hit by the shards from Ashton. He began summoning an incredibly large number of undead, all of which were powerful and skilled fighters from the past, which included skilled mages and witches. His leaped up high into the air after recovering from the two blows he took and his scythe shifted into a large flail which he smashed down on Royal, creating a massive crater. It was very heavy and slow, however, especially with it's large size. The undead he summoned focused mainly on Ashton while the others went to attack Witch and assist Feimaan. Charon was showing signs of exhaustion as his eyes began blinking and were growing dim, though it was hard to notice since he was skeletal. The repeated summoning of multiple and strong undead as well as the blows he took were taking a toll on him, though he could still fight for a long time. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
Verdas said:
Charon didn't have a chance to fight back as he was hit like a soccer ball by Royal then hit by the shards from Ashton. He began summoning an incredibly large number of undead, all of which were powerful and skilled fighters from the past, which included skilled mages and witches. His leaped up high into the air after recovering from the two blows he took and his scythe shifted into a large flail which he smashed down on Royal, creating a massive crater. It was very heavy and slow, however, especially with it's large size. The undead he summoned focused mainly on Ashton while the others went to attack Witch and assist Feimaan. Charon was showing signs of exhaustion as his eyes began blinking and were growing dim, though it was hard to notice since he was skeletal. The repeated summoning of multiple and strong undead as well as the blows he took were taking a toll on him, though he could still fight for a long time. @Light @Afrobrony @Pumpkakun
Witch scoffs at the sight of Charon summoning those of the Witch. "Handle them." Her Witch mana takes the form of a snake and lands and the ground, targeting all the witches. The witch mana has a mind and will of its own and so far it seems to listen to Witch whenever she calls to it in it's raw form, not even turning it into a spell. To the mana these old Witches meant nothing since they were unable to control what Witch can.

Witch continues to fly after Feimaan, laughing to herself at the though of Charon even thinking he could control a witch with other witches. She fires a blast of her mana in Feimaan's direction out of her mouth.

Royal on the other hand was growing even more furious. She's the one whom inherited all the traits from Itami. She lays on the ground under the flail. Her body unharmed due to several layers of armour on her but some of it have chips and cracks in it. She gets up and pulls the flail, which Charon is holding onto and freezes it, along with him on it. She swings the flail around and slams him into ground, thus pulling him completely to her afterwards. The ice on the flail erupts into Hell flame, as Charon is standing before Royal. She also erupts in these flames, both of them being enveloped in an orb of Hell flame.

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