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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

CelticSol said:
"Having me lead that specific charge might not be the best idea, as I'm going to be finding Mist and I'm going to kill him for being a traitor, a snitch, and for being a bitch. Maybe kill an Original, if I feel up to it after all that."
National said:
Lokri leans on his hammer, Xerxes still outside "I wanna kill the Originals, but I will follow my leaders orders. I'll take the position of any of the two teams
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Isabel nods her head trying to hold in her laugh. "That rhymed and it was funny." She mumbles to herself. "Can't let Julie lead. She kills anything that breathes if I'm not there. For now let me figure this out. I also need to think about who will be leaving with who. I guess I'll be leading the charge to the Originals. Bruce, to apologize about today. Do you mind being leader for the mortal realm division? Also where the hell is Royal?"

( @Afrobrony )
Charon's undead wolves stop as they smelled something and all howled loudly before trying to find the living creature nearby, though the humanoid undead still stood as still as a statue while the wolves searched. @Kalin Scarlet
It only took a moment for Kailain to realize that the wolves were changing course. What was worse , is that the undead beasts seemed to be coming for him.

'Damn it! That's no good...' he said, disappearing in a burst of speed as he he looked for a decent hiding place.

@Verdas, where are they, atm?))
(@Kalin Scarlet there are multiple small of packs of wolves scattered around the forest where Feimaan and Yggdrasil fought against Xerxes, Royal, and Itami.) The wolves continued following the scent, running as they did, pausing from time to time only tomato sure they were following what they were after and not some decoy or a regular animal.
After some time, Kailain got tired of being chased, and focused a ball of fire in his hands. As he dashed off once more, he launched the fireball back towards the wolves, hoping the resulting explosion would deal with them. He retreated to the treetops as he awaited their move

Some the wolves were completely destroyed while other were pushed back by the explosion, and their sense of smell dulled by the smoke and flames. The others continued chasing, leaving a trail of fire behind them before they were burnt and destroyed also. The humanoid undead began to stir, running surprising quickly towards the direction of the loud explosion, making loud rattling noises as it did so. @Kalin Scarlet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/205186-axe_warrior_by_aditya777_super.jpg.03c4809d1cb3dd2fd1d7ad8852e15474.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/205186-axe_warrior_by_aditya777_super.jpg.03c4809d1cb3dd2fd1d7ad8852e15474.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
Isabel nods her head trying to hold in her laugh. "That rhymed and it was funny." She mumbles to herself. "Can't let Julie lead. She kills anything that breathes if I'm not there. For now let me figure this out. I also need to think about who will be leaving with who. I guess I'll be leading the charge to the Originals. Bruce, to apologize about today. Do you mind being leader for the mortal realm division? Also where the hell is Royal?"
( @Afrobrony )
"Apology accepted, now, all if all I, and whoever's with me, have to do is cause a huge distraction then the answer is yes. I can do that no problem. Any specific way you want it done? Like something the Originals will care about?"
Kailain heard a strange noise approaching, and glanced out to find more undead coming for him.

'The hell? Where are these things coming from?' he thought, as he leapt down from his perch, and stepped out into the open. At this point, it was obvious he was going to have to face these guys head on, or have them chase him endlessly...unless he was willing to let them go. Whatever they were doing, it wasn't really his business, so...no, he couldn't think like that. Whatever had the gall to wake the dead from their rest was obviously not doing so to throw a party.

The humanoid undead (@Kalin Scarlet this is an NPC, so do whatever you please to it) soon reached the area where the explosion took place, observing the destroyed wolves, as well as some who were unable to track anymore. It followed the scorched trail left behind by the now burnt wolves that were no more than ashes, making loud and audible rattling as it ran, letting everything around it know it's every move.
Kailain dashed towards the creature hunting him, and grasped its throat in his hand. He made sure to only put enough strength to hold him still.

"Can you speak?" He asked simply.

The undead humanoid grabbed the wrist of the one holding him with it's left hand to keep them from escaping before it raised it's axe in the air to strike down, not answering the man's question. @Kalin Scarlet
The axe sliced straight through Kailain's torso, a spray of blood escaping him. He remained gripping the undead creature, however.

"Maybe you didn't hear me..." He said, before pulling off the creature's swinging arm, as well as its jaw; he didn't want the thing to bite him.

"I had asked you if you speak. Obviously, the answer is now no. So I have no use for you!"

Kailain proceeded to crush the undead soldier's neck, tearing it away, and tossing it some distance behind him.

he looked down, and saw the line of red across his chest, where a wound once existed.

"Damn it, he ruined my shirt..." Kailain said, as he moved on to look for another target.

The undead humanoid began getting up again, with great difficulty since it only had once arm now and it's skull threatened to fall off from the way it's jaw was ripped off but as it finally got on it's feet again, it was suddenly sucked into the ground, along with the remaining wolves that had not been destroyed in the explosion. "I expected this to happen, but for them to die without even finding the ones who banished Feimaan and Yggdrasil, they have proven to be utterly useless." Charon said as he came out of a portal from the Original realm. He felt that his wolves have been destroyed and thought they may have found something, though what they found were not what he expected. @Kalin Scarlet
Afrobrony said:
"Apology accepted, now, all if all I, and whoever's with me, have to do is cause a huge distraction then the answer is yes. I can do that no problem. Any specific way you want it done? Like something the Originals will care about?"
"Just get their attention and fight. If you feel like you're being overpowered, retreat. Don't accumulate too much though. Make sure you choose a good area where you and your team will have the advantage first." Isabel puts her hands in her pockets. She walks up to the fridge and opens it. She pulls out a soda. Isabel has her mana stir inside her to get Layla's attention. She knows Layla can feel what she does.

( @CelticSol )
@Light @National

"All right, no fight or die for us at this point." Bruce walks over to Lokri "I want you with me, if you want to be on the other team then so be it but I'd appreciate your help in this. The Bruce special task force is a thing now. I'd like at least one more member to this little group."
''I'm fine with either group...But, since the Mortal Realm group seems to be closer to peril, I'd like to join that one. I can provide buffs and healing if needed'' said Arius on a calm tone. He sat on a chair and carefully analyzed both Bruce and Lokri, his future ''brothers-in-arms''. Bruce seemed to be a human, no supernatural vibe coming from him. In other words the man would have beneficiated the most from Arius's divine empowerment.

"Then you're in, we can definitely use those skills if we're getting into a fight. And we might need those skills to use on civilians if we go with my current plan. However, I don't want you to give me any buffs, nothing personal, I just like to rely on my own strength and skills." Bruce extended his hand towards Arius "welcome to the Bruce special task force. And yes, that name is sticking."
Lokri nods "Aye. Working with Bruce and Arius would be a great honor indeed. I would gladly work with you two. I may be a dwarf, but never judge a book by its cover" Lokri picks up his hammer, determined "Oi, you still have that large Titan outside as well. He could go to the Originals realms"

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The woman grins as she watches Isabel, completely ignoring the conversation going on. Turning to Alpha, she smiled, her sharp fangs glinting. "Hey, Alpha-"


"You don't even know what I was going to ask!"

"Yes I do. And the answer is no."

The woman simply pouted, continuing to watch Isabel, hunger evident in her eyes.
Light said:
"Just get their attention and fight. If you feel like you're being overpowered, retreat. Don't accumulate too much though. Make sure you choose a good area where you and your team will have the advantage first." Isabel puts her hands in her pockets. She walks up to the fridge and opens it. She pulls out a soda. Isabel has her mana stir inside her to get Layla's attention. She knows Layla can feel what she does.
( @CelticSol )
Layla comes downstairs, walking past the others and going to Isabel's side. "Yes? What is it?"
@National @Azure Sky

"Here's my plan, since those Originals can't keep track of us they won't necessarily know where we are so we have to cause some noise in a populated area to make sure we affect the people. We do not kill or injure any of them in the process unless we have to. Once we get some attention we guide whoever we end up fighting to an nonpopulated area to minimize casualties. If either of you have better ideas, let's hear them."
Lokri shakes his head "That sounds like a good damn plan to ol' me"

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"Sounds good to me. No complaints on my side" said Arius, smiling. The paladin hadn't worked in a team for an extremely long time.

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@National @Azure Sky @Light

Bruce clapped his hands together "right then. Glad you guys agree. We'll wait for the other team to properly form before we head out to cause any distractions. Too early and we won't hold out long enough for them to get their job done."
"Fine by me. That just means more drink in me belly before we leave" Lokri opens a portal from the ground and pulls out a large keg of "Dwarf Gem Beer" and he sets it on the table, merrily refilling his cup and draining it

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