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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

National said:
"Aye Bruce, 'ave the rest of me beer. I'm gonna check out the forge see?" Lokri trundles down to the forge, his hand flickering with fire, as he readies to start repairing any broke weapons and armor
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"Gladly, you are the coolest, and most likely only, dwarf I've ever met." Bruce chugged it all down in one gulp, nothing could possibly ruin this day for him.
Afrobrony said:
"Gladly, you are the coolest, and most likely only, dwarf I've ever met." Bruce chugged it all down in one gulp, nothing could possibly ruin this day for him.
Isabel puts a hand on his shoulder and flashes him a nice smile. She also keeps eye contact with him as she stands in front of him. "Hey Bruce.~" She chimes.
Light said:
Isabel puts a hand on his shoulder and flashes him a nice smile. She also keeps eye contact with him as she stands in front of him. "Hey Bruce.~" She chimes.
Bruce started thinking to himself "oh shit, did I speak too soon?" He kept his state of mind from showing up as body language. "Oh, hey there. Sorry if you wanted some of that beer, got caught up in the moment and everything."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce started thinking to himself "oh shit, did I speak too soon?" He kept his state of mind from showing up as body language. "Oh, hey there. Sorry if you wanted some of that beer, got caught up in the moment and everything."
"Oh that's not it, you're fine Bruce. Relax." She puts her hand on his chest and stares directly into his eyes. "Are you okay? You look a little tired. You didn't get any sleep did you?" She displays a face of concern, it even shows in her eyes.
Light said:
"Oh that's not it, you're fine Bruce. Relax." She puts her hand on his chest and stares directly into his eyes. "Are you okay? You look a little tired. You didn't get any sleep did you?" She displays a face of concern, it even shows in her eyes.
"What? No, I got plenty of sleep, thanks to some guy coming into my room and putting some sort of spell on me." Bruce looked around a bit before looking back at Isabel "the question is, are you okay? I mean, you've never acted like this towards me before."
Afrobrony said:
"What? No, I got plenty of sleep, thanks to some guy coming into my room and putting some sort of spell on me." Bruce looked around a bit before looking back at Isabel "the question is, are you okay? I mean, you've never acted like this towards me before."
Isabel raises and eyebrow and giggles. "You're being silly Bruce. Relax, everything is just fine." Isabel puts a finger to her chin and taps it as if she were thinking. "You know.... have you ever danced the night away with someone?" She turns around and wraps his arms around her as she sways side to side. She turns her head to look at him and show him an expression of delight.

Right at that moment they could both feel a high sense of malice from behind them. Itami stood there with his scythe in hand. Death flame dancing on his body. Isabel had done what she wanted, Itami walked in on the right moment. Isabel walks out of Bruce's arms and turns to him. "Well, it looks like my father is going to enact my revenge for walking into my room. As planned. Have fun Bruce!"

Itami grabs Bruce's shoulder and uses replacement magic to send them to the arena.
You could hear Lokris laughs bellowing through the house as he heard everything "Poor Brucey! That's one team mate down I Suppose" He cackles as he finishes repairing all the broken swords, and moves on with the axes and maces

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Light said:
Isabel raises and eyebrow and giggles. "You're being silly Bruce. Relax, everything is just fine." Isabel puts a finger to her chin and taps it as if she were thinking. "You know.... have you ever danced the night away with someone?" She turns around and wraps his arms around her as she sways side to side. She turns her head to look at him and show him an expression of delight.
Right at that moment they could both feel a high sense of malice from behind them. Itami stood there with his scythe in hand. Death flame dancing on his body. Isabel had done what she wanted, Itami walked in on the right moment. Isabel walks out of Bruce's arms and turns to him. "Well, it looks like my father is going to enact my revenge for walking into my room. As planned. Have fun Bruce!"

Itami grabs Bruce's shoulder and uses replacement magic to send them to the arena.
Bruce had actually started to fully relax, even though he was still quite confused, when Isabel had grabbed his arms and wrapped them around herself. When he felt Itami appear behind them he immediately thought "oh, you damned trickster..." He turns to face Itami after appearing in the arena, jumping a bit at the death flame on his body. "Well then, I assume this isn't a friendly chat we're going to have here is it? You could've at least just skipped the whole 'give poor Bruce a false sense of security thing'. That ain't cool."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce had actually started to fully relax, even though he was still quite confused, when Isabel had grabbed his arms and wrapped them around herself. When he felt Itami appear behind them he immediately thought "oh, you damned trickster..." He turns to face Itami after appearing in the arena, jumping a bit at the death flame on his body. "Well then, I assume this isn't a friendly chat we're going to have here is it? You could've at least just skipped the whole 'give poor Bruce a false sense of security thing'. That ain't cool."
Itami doesn't say a word. He spins his scythe, ready to fight.
Light said:
Itami doesn't say a word. He spins his scythe, ready to fight.
Bruce's face turns serious as he reaches for his sword, forgetting that neither of his weapons were with him at the moment. Within his thoughts "I'll have to be ready for anything, even that replacement magic, this time around. He seems like he wants to actually kill me this time." Bruce launches a barrage of jabs at Itami, all incredibly fast, not causing much damage whenever one would hit.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce's face turns serious as he reaches for his sword, forgetting that neither of his weapons were with him at the moment. Within his thoughts "I'll have to be ready for anything, even that replacement magic, this time around. He seems like he wants to actually kill me this time." Bruce launches a barrage of jabs at Itami, all incredibly fast, not causing much damage whenever one would hit.
Itami erupts in death flame. Which would have engulfed Bruce due to his extremely close range, which would have burned his soul. If not for the witch mana surrounding Itami before it makes contact with Bruce.

Witch had been passing by when she saw the fight. She new Origin must have caused it. The witch mana drains Itami and drags him to her. Witch merely walks off.
Klang! Klang! Klang! Lokri breathes in relief as he wipes his forehead from the sweat. He finished fixing all the weapons and armor, and he goes back up to the kitchen. He sits down and looks at Isabel "What was that all aboot?"

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Light said:
Itami erupts in death flame. Which would have engulfed Bruce due to his extremely close range, which would have burned his soul. If not for the witch mana surrounding Itami before it makes contact with Bruce.
Witch had been passing by when she saw the fight. She new Origin must have caused it. The witch mana drains Itami and drags him to her. Witch merely walks off.
Bruce had stopped in mid-punch when Witch had pulled Itami away. He lowered his fist and called out to her "I had that under control! Even if it looked like I was going to die."
National said:
Klang! Klang! Klang! Lokri breathes in relief as he wipes his forehead from the sweat. He finished fixing all the weapons and armor, and he goes back up to the kitchen. He sits down and looks at Isabel "What was that all aboot?"
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Isabel laughs to herself. "I'm evil that's what happened."

Afrobrony said:
Bruce had stopped in mid-punch when Witch had pulled Itami away. He lowered his fist and called out to her "I had that under control! Even if it looked like I was going to die."
Witch had already turned the corner and left. She wasn't as social as the rest.
Lokri laughs "Women are an evil bunch. Specially on the time of the month. Little She devils" Lokri swings around his hammer.

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Light said:
Isabel laughs to herself. "I'm evil that's what happened."
Witch had already turned the corner and left. She wasn't as social as the rest.
Bruce makes his way back up the stairs and flips off Isabel "that's a little extreme for just coming into your room."

(Goodnight guys.)

''So...when the time comes, are we going to fight these Originals the strategic way or the classic way?'' asked Arius. He was basically asking if they were going to fight them with a plan or without a plan. He was ok with both, but just wanted to be sure. Once again, seeing the events before him, he realised that his allies were very...unique.
Azure Sky] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
''So...when the time comes, are we going to fight these Originals the strategic way or the classic way?'' asked Arius. He was basically asking if they were going to fight them with a plan or without a plan. He was ok with both, but just wanted to be sure. Once again, seeing the events before him, he realised that his allies were very...unique.
Isabel turns to him. "Question is what do you think we're doing?" Isabel leans on the counter. She looks at Arius. "Who's asking the questions now?" Isabel just felt like messing around this morning.
"Ere is my strategy for ya. Its to shove my hammer straight up the originals arse as far as it goes" He cackles as he continues to play around with his hammer

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Light said:
Itami doesn't say a word. He spins his scythe, ready to fight.
Light said:
Isabel laughs to herself. "I'm evil that's what happened."
Witch had already turned the corner and left. She wasn't as social as the rest.
Jackie points at where Itami disappeared with her spoon, speaking to Origin. "Yeah, that whole 'super-protective-dad-is endearing' thing doesn't sit well with me. Fucking creepy? If you ask me. Kidnap or not, the dude needs to give you some god damn space, and/or freedom. You're old enough to make your own choices, and he should act like that," She narrows her eyes at Origin, "Also, that was a dick move. Didn't think you'd stoop that low just because he went into your room. Stop being a bitch so early in the morning."
Light said:
Isabel turns to him. "Question is what do you think we're doing?" Isabel leans on the counter. She looks at Arius. "Who's asking the questions now?" Isabel just felt like messing around this morning.
Arius was a man who lived for many centuries, so at the very least knew when someone was messing with him. Two could play this game. ''I firmly belive that you are fighting in the same way that a doctor who specializes in in heart diseases will dream he has fallen asleep in front of the fireplace. Later he'll wake up in front of the fireplace, but not remember his dream'' he said.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce makes his way back up the stairs and flips off Isabel "that's a little extreme for just coming into your room."
(Goodnight guys.)
CelticSol said:
Jackie points at where Itami disappeared with her spoon, speaking to Origin. "Yeah, that whole 'super-protective-dad-is endearing' thing doesn't sit well with me. Fucking creepy? If you ask me. Kidnap or not, the dude needs to give you some god damn space, and/or freedom. You're old enough to make your own choices, and he should act like that," She narrows her eyes at Origin, "Also, that was a dick move. Didn't think you'd stoop that low just because he went into your room. Stop being a bitch so early in the morning."
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Arius was a man who lived for many centuries, so at the very least knew when someone was messing with him. Two could play this game. ''I firmly belive that you are fighting in the same way that a doctor who specializes in in heart diseases will dream he has fallen asleep in front of the fireplace. Later he'll wake up in front of the fireplace, but not remember his dream'' he said.

National said:
Lokri looks at the two, thinking that they are both lunatics
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Isabel sighs. "Okay, fine. Bruce, I'm sorry about that. I imagine Witch stopped him, he's out of the building right now. To answer your question, we're splitting up into two teams. One will hit up the mortal realm while the other goes to the Originals Realm after the team going to the mortal realm draws their attention. We also need to find Mist. He's been giving them information. Jackie here will be leading the squad going to the Originals realm."
Light said:
Isabel sighs. "Okay, fine. Bruce, I'm sorry about that. I imagine Witch stopped him, he's out of the building right now. To answer your question, we're splitting up into two teams. One will hit up the mortal realm while the other goes to the Originals Realm after the team going to the mortal realm draws their attention. We also need to find Mist. He's been giving them information. Jackie here will be leading the squad going to the Originals realm."
"Having me lead that specific charge might not be the best idea, as I'm going to be finding Mist and I'm going to kill him for being a traitor, a snitch, and for being a bitch. Maybe kill an Original, if I feel up to it after all that."
Lokri leans on his hammer, Xerxes still outside "I wanna kill the Originals, but I will follow my leaders orders. I'll take the position of any of the two teams

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