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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

National said:
Lokri laughs at Bruce's joke "What a name" he looks at the girl "Ahh hallo! I am here to join Dragons Roar!" He gets up, extending his hand
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"Oh I'm sorry. I can't help you that. You'll have to ask the guild leader." Isabel shakes his hand anyways. She hopes Bruce will catch on and play along with it. She wants to test this guy.
Light said:
Isabel leaves the room after Bruce and closes the door behind her. She turns the corner, and faces Bruce with some new guy. "Uuhhh hello?"
National said:
Lokri laughs at Bruce's joke "What a name" he looks at the girl "Ahh hallo! I am here to join Dragons Roar!" He gets up, extending his hand
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"Accept this guy, he shared his alcoholic beverage with me without even questioning it. We don't even know each other's names."


Light said:
"Oh I'm sorry. I can't help you that. You'll have to ask the guild leader." Isabel shakes his hand anyways. She hopes Bruce will catch on and play along with it. She wants to test this guy.
"The name is Lokri. Lokri White-Hammer. I am a king of my people and one of the twelve original Dwarves." Lokri stretches his back "Do you know when the master will be ere?" He looks at Isabel

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National said:
"The name is Lokri. Lokri White-Hammer. I am a king of my people and one of the twelve original Dwarves." Lokri stretches his back "Do you know when the master will be ere?" He looks at Isabel
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"No. I don't. Sorry I wasn't able to help out much." She goes to the counter to make cereal. "So what brings you here?"
"I came ere to learn more about this world, so I can be a better king. As of now, my kingdom is doing well for now. But the defenses are weak. I left so i could kill the Originals as they have been trying to kill my race off ever since "He puts down his mug, not even a tad drunk

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National said:
"I came ere to learn more about this world, so I can be a better king. As of now, my kingdom is doing well for now. But the defenses are weak. I left so i could kill the Originals as they have been trying to kill my race off ever since "He puts down his mug, not even a tad drunk
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Isabel nods her head in agreement. "Yeah I think the guild leader would accept you. Right Apex?" Suddenly one of her split personalities splits from her body.

"I don't know... what do you think Royal?" Another one split from her. This one immediately pulls out her phone and walks out the building. ( @CelticSol )

Another one splits from Isabel. One with white hair and purple eyes. "I think he should join. What do you think Origin?" She turns back to Isabel whom is eating cereal.

She looks up at Lokri with her deep blue eyes. "Sure. You can join. By the way, I lied. I'm the leader."
Light said:
Itami walks back to his scythe. "Don't know, we'll see." With that Itami brings them to the Deity realm in a flash. In front of the doors to the Capitol building. He notices someone else is standing at the doors. Itami merely shrugs and walks in.
( @Azure Sky )
Arius watches as Itami and the dwarf enter the building. He wishes to ask them a few questions but seeing that they went past him without giving much thought to his presence, they were probably busy. He followed them silently, didn't enter the kitchen , but followed them into the room where Isabel was in. They all seemed like peculiar people but Arius didn't care. At some point he heared Lokri talk about Originals. ''Excuse me, is this guild against the Originals?'' he asked, being very direct. To everyone in the room it may have seemed like he came from nowhere.
@Light[/URL] @National
Bruce clapped a little and patted Lokri on the back. "Welcome to the guild, bro. It's good to have you."
"Yeah. My little sister will probably be a cold jerk to you for a minute but that's because." Isabel starts to laugh. "She's actually insane in the obsession department and thinks everyone here is trying to kill me. I'm laughing but it's not funny! So just be chill around her, don't give her the wrong idea."
Light said:
( They were supposed to wait in the kitchen. Isabel is in the Kitchen now. So that means you literally went up several floors in the building and walked into her room. )
Julie turns around and rushes the door, slamming it shut. "How did he get in and why the hell is he just walking into my room?" Itami looked like he was going to say something. "Dad, just don't because I feel like whatever you're going to say is gonna make me want to hit you." Julie turns to the door and phases her head through it. "Hello? Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you walking into my room probably looking for Isabel whom is most likely downstairs eating cereal? Answer my questions, I don't play games like Isabel does when it comes to shit like this."


"Yeah. My little sister will probably be a cold jerk to you for a minute but that's because." Isabel starts to laugh. "She's actually insane in the obsession department and thinks everyone here is trying to kill me. I'm laughing but it's not funny! So just be chill around her, don't give her the wrong idea."
Arius was surprised by Julie's reaction, but realised he might have been rude. ''I am sorry for entering without permission, but seeing as my presence went unnoticed I simply acted on my own. I also don't know anything about this building's structure or members. I am Arius Lightbringer, metahuman. I came here in hope of finding allies against the Originals'' he said.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Arius was surprised by Julie's reaction, but realised he might have been rude. ''I am sorry for entering without permission, but seeing as my presence went unnoticed I simply acted on my own. I also don't know anything about this building's structure or members. I am Arius Lightbringer, metahuman. I came here in hope of finding allies against the Originals'' he said.

"Isabel is in the kitchen. Don't come up here like this again. Ask her about Dragon's Roar, I'm not in the guild so I wouldn't know." With that Julie phases her head back into the room.
(I was so tired I crashed sorry) Lokri grins "Aye, thank ya very much! I'm honored to be a part! This is a real honor it is, ever since I was crowned" Lokri stands up "So what am I to do now?" (Talking like a dwarf with spell correct on is an evil mix) @Light

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''Ok, thank you'' said Arius and with that he went downstairs in the kitchen. There were quite a few people there. ''Greetings. Sorry to disturb, I am searching for a certain Isabel. I wish to join Dragon's Roar and fight against the Originals'' he said.

@Light @Afrobrony @National
Lokri nods "I literally just joined ere lad. If you get accepted, I hope we can become good comrades" He says to Arius as he extends his hand "Me name is Lokri White-Hammer. Yours youngun?" @Azure Sky

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"Arius Lightbringer, a pleasure to meet you Lokri" said Arius as he took the dwarf's hand for the handshake. He would usually be careful not to put much strength in his grip, but considering Lokri was a dwarf with inhuman strength, he considered it was ok. Not even once did he lose composure, keeping a calm attitude.

Lokri grins and returns the handshake. "So what're you here fer? Came ere to just slay the Originals?" Lokri looked up at Arius, since Lokri isn't tall at all

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National said:
Lokri grins and returns the handshake. "So what're you here fer? Came ere to just slay the Originals?" Lokri looked up at Arius, since Lokri isn't tall at all
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"Julie stop, go back upstairs." Isabel didn't even look up from her cereal to know her Sister had used a dimensional rift to be able to phase her hand into Arius's chest to pull out his heart without being detected. Julie pulls her hand out and it goes back into the dimensional rift. Julie was at the other end of the portal elsewhere.

"I apologize for that. My sister tries to kill a lot of people that I don't know that come near me. You weren't here when we explained she has obsession problems." Isabels split personalities jump from her body.
Lokri looks at Isabel "Ayy different personalities. I aven't seen a being like you before, and I'm one of de oldest dawrves ere!" Lokri laughs "Then again, I mighta just forgotten I'm so old"

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National said:
Lokri looks at Isabel "Ayy different personalities. I aven't seen a being like you before, and I'm one of de oldest dawrves ere!" Lokri laughs "Then again, I mighta just forgotten I'm so old"
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"Yeah, I'm made up of a lot things. So you both want to fight originals?" Isabel goes back to eating.
Lokri nods as he munches on the boar leg "Course! I remember em far long ago. I was one of my first race you see, and they've always hated us Dwarfs. Were the children of the Titans, we were originally made as slaves to kill the originals. However, I and 11 other dwarves fell into a lava pit that freed our slave bonds and made us our own emotions! We fought,our creator, Galgamesh, and killed him. We thought this would show the origials we mean no harm, but they tried to kill us. So I took Galgamesh's soul and bounded it to my hammer, and I slammed my hammer on one of the Originals, and they let us go. Until now. They have attacked my people again, so I came here to join the group that can help me save my own people by killing the Originals"

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"Yes to both questions. Yours, Miss Isabel, and Lokri's'' said Arius. He didn't lose composure even when Isabel made him realise that her sister would have killed him. He was very calm, exagerately so. Or maybe it was the fact that he didn't fear death.

@Light @National
National said:
Lokri nods as he munches on the boar leg "Course! I remember em far long ago. I was one of my first race you see, and they've always hated us Dwarfs. Were the children of the Titans, we were originally made as slaves to kill the originals. However, I and 11 other dwarves fell into a lava pit that freed our slave bonds and made us our own emotions! We fought,our creator, Galgamesh, and killed him. We thought this would show the origials we mean no harm, but they tried to kill us. So I took Galgamesh's soul and bounded it to my hammer, and I slammed my hammer on one of the Originals, and they let us go. Until now. They have attacked my people again, so I came here to join the group that can help me save my own people by killing the Originals"
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( He says as Death is literally several floors above the kitchen. )

Isabel nods her head. "Yo, Apex. You can do your ruler stuff now. We'll see you after the meeting." Apex, one of her split personalities nods her head and walks through a portal.

Witch walks off into another room. "So you want to join us?" Isabel speaks up again.

''Indeed, I wish to join'' replied Arius. A little smile could be seen through his beard and mustache.

(got to go...goood night)

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