Dragon's Heart RP Pre RN Update - OOC

The Jester is busy juggling and as such doesn't really have much to do at the moment, unless one wishes to talk with him.
RaikuKawisa said:
Lokir resisted the urge to moan. The jester wasn't even here longer than five minutes and he already had someone... something wanting to claw his eyes out. And Lokir had a sinking suspicion that it would not be the last time either. He hoped the guild would learn to ignore the Jester's antics. He did NOT want to report to the guard commander about why there was a bloodbath in the Guild Hall. "Don't worry about asking for food. If you are going to join the Guild, then I would want your focus to be on completing your task, not where your next meal was coming from. We have a large kitchen to take care of any meals you or your scaly friend needs." @C O I S E He was about to head to the back to grab the food stuffs when another walked in the door. He expected a good turn-out, but the amount of people in the Guild Hall brought a smile to his face. The new lady introduced herself "Hilda Aridotter, faithful servant of Kythor. I am most happy to be of assistance to your guild." She said with a slight nod of her head. Lokir never really found a need for religion. The only thing he put his faith in was his sword and the warrior standing beside him on the battlefield. However, he did not desire to find out the truth of the gods' existence by pissing one off. Thus he always made sure to pay the gods the proper respect and that honor extended to the servants of the gods.
"Welcome to the Guild. Let me grab something from the back for these two," he said gesturing to the knight and the lizard... thing, "And we can get started with introductions." @MechaGhoul He said before heading through a door behind the bar. There were places to place kegs of ale, but none of them were being used. Underneath the counter, although the other people in the Hall couldn't see, was brand new drinkware to serve drinks. One of the reasons the city council was willing to fund the Guild Hall was because if for some reason the guild failed to take off, they could easily convert it into a tavern. He grabbed one of these mugs and pulled one of the kegs of ale from storage. If he just got done with a long journey, he knew he would prefer some nice booze to melt away the stress of the journey. Once the drink was filled, he went into cold storage, a room dug out underground and kept cold by large ice blocks and freezing wards put in place by the court wizard, and found a decent sized chunk of cold raw meat for the lizard. He might have to wait a bit for it to thaw first, but it should suit what the lizard needs. He took the meat out of the cold storage, and grabbed the mug along the way before returning to the main room. He set the drink down in front of the knight and noticed that she was offering some bread to the girl for her lizard. It was nice to see that she was prepared for the journey, It spoke of even better things that she was willing to share what she had with someone she didn't even know. "I think the girl's lizard friend would enjoy something with a little more protein." He said kindly to the knight before setting the mug of ale in front of her. @Ellie the Knight He set the cold meat on the table before taking his place in front of the group once again. He noticed the rogue had pulled a guitar out from his pack. Music was always a welcome thing in the guard, it kept morale high and raised the spirits of the men.

He cleared his throat before beginning. "First I want to thank you all for responding to the notices that were sent out. I am Lokir of the House Vokan, the city council, along with the blessing of the King's Court, has placed me as the Founder of the Dragon's Heart Guild. I have been a Captain of the city guard for the past thirteen years. However, if you wish to hear of my decorations, go read a plaque in the guard barracks. I am here to assist the Guild in helping the people of Gerradon and beyond. Those who join will be offered room and board here at the Hall for as long as you remain an active member. Those with a criminal past will be offered a full pardon after a year of service to the Guild should such a thing be needed. Contracts are accepted on a personal basis." He gestured to a large wooden board that took up a majority of one wall. Currently it was barren of anything. "Once someone contacts me with a job they need completed, it will be posted on the board there. Feel free to take contracts with as many or as little comrades as you wish. The guild will take a quarter of the reward money to pay for the upkeep of the Guild Hall and other such expenses. The rest will be evenly divided among the members of the team who completed the contract." He looked around the room at the gathered people who wanted to join. "Are there any questions that you would like to ask of me?" He asked them.

@Loex Ibetink @Devious Dilbert @gogojojo331 @Rainy Hearty

C O I S E] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24435-ellie-the-knight/ said:
@Ellie the Knight[/URL]
I know that I can respond to your post, but I'm just waiting for the GM to post their own before I do anything. Just figured you should know.
No worries! :3
The Jester, four or three posts in, already angering others and found something to dislike. Also, happy fourth fellow Americans. Happy, uh day I guess for all who aren't American.
RaikuKawisa said:
Sweet! i look forward to it.
xD he said 'were-being' might not be a werewolf :3
@C O I S E BWAHAHA and that shall only be revealed in RP, well also in pm to GM to be polite. She ain't a were-woofer though I can tell you that
Rainy Hearty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26532-c-o-i-s-e/ said:
@C O I S E[/URL], does the lizard talk? Or is it only understood by the girl?
im pretty sure the lizard talks
Rainy Hearty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26532-c-o-i-s-e/ said:
@C O I S E[/URL], does the lizard talk? Or is it only understood by the girl?
Yeah, his speech is human English.
I'm also planning to introduce my other character later on, so that's why I haven't posted something for him yet ;p

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