Dragon's Heart RP Pre RN Update - OOC

Drakerus said:
Hmmm. Should I post now or wait for more posts?
Definately wait for more posts.

Alterius said:
Cool, I'm was gonna make a Mage anyways. Looks like I'm in luck. I'll shoot Jim that pm though just in case.
And like i said in the PM, you good to go
[QUOTE="C O I S E]holy inactivity batman where'd everybody GO?

Probably backing up their stuff, as they wait for the update to come.
[QUOTE="Rainy Hearty]Probably backing up their stuff, as they wait for the update to come.

Wait what.
RaikuKawisa said:
If at least two peeps want me to post I'll get one up tonight.
If you are still around, go for it. If not I might try to get a post up tonight. I have been working on a post, but I am not getting anything done so a transition would be nice.
Hey, @RaikuKawisa, since RPN's getting an update soon, d'ya think it may be a good idea for me to hold off making the RP I've been thinking of creating until the update's finished?

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