Dragon's Heart RP Pre RN Update - OOC

[QUOTE="Aithen the Kindled]Dibs on the post that follows Raiku's~~~ Read this so it's verified.

I am probably going to slip a post in there beforehand, as my character still has not reacted xD , but otherwise seems reasonable
RaikuKawisa said:
The dragon in my profile image is my OC. Stil haven't decided if and how I would add him to this RP.
Post soonish
oh also does mountainbreaker have any holy traits?
I literally just paced my room speaking in Korn's voice as she told the story of how the Necroshade (The Forest Kingdom, AKA the supposedly uninhabitable forest she's from) came to be. :L

Had something to do with a horse-like creature called a Pequiline that was a god-like beast that was turned into a normal monster that just went around spreading chaos and shiz by eating anything that moved and breathed. It was pretty dope, actually.

On a second point, I'm going to be making a spellsword kinda guy later who uses water magic (familiar?) but I'm going to wait until you feel like we don't need more members, @RaikuKawisa, since he's not exactly a 'guild' kind of guy. I imagine him more as a main contractor that pops up from time and time again. Just so you know, he works the human trafficking business and while he himself isn't known as its owner, the business itself is infamous.

He basically uses the guild to clear his trading paths so his caravans or boats can get from place to place without a hitch, and without losing its cargo. :L

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Well I got 2/3s of the way through Adrianna's reaction, but now I need to sleep will return 7-12hours From now
[QUOTE="Aithen the Kindled]That actually makes sense Abber, sorry haha :P You post first cuz that's smarter.

Ok I am back, and awake xD . I will have that post up shortly.
[QUOTE="Aithen the Kindled]So... who's gonna post now????

I am probably going to post once more and then wait till raiku
I think you're the only person on right now who's currently thinking of posting anyways so that's fine :P
So much stuff, but I still think I don't need to post. LOL
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Ok TBH it is three am and I wrote most of that last post in the last hour. I may wind up editing if the RP does not progress much while I sleep but I wanted to get that post up before Raiku's next one since I thought that may be the show on the road one. Sorry about the very rough quality.

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