Dragon Riders

"Thanks..." Snow sighed and then climbed into a nearby tree and said quietly. "I should work on my timing more and I won't be left out." She stares at Soulcatcher who is sleeping in the clearing peacefully and sighs.
(Holy crap xD The last time I saw, there was only like 10 pages ha.)

Layla's long brown hair blew gently in the wind as Faren soared just underneath the clouds. Reaching up, she ran her hand along the white fog, watching as water ran down her hand. Grinning to herself, she pulled her hand back down and set it on the golden reins. She flicked the reins, indicating that Faren should go downwards.

He let out a long huff, suddenly diving straight down at a high speed. He folded his wings like a falcon diving down for its prey. and shot down at a speed of 270 MPH.

Layla hung on tight, leaning forward a little bit so Faren caught more speed. He let out a fierce roar, spreading his long wings again and pulling up from his downward fall. He flew straight forward, flapping his green wings quickly. He swerved to the right, avoiding a tree in a quick movement.

"Careful." Layla murmured, petting his scaly neck gently. He grunted a little bit, and continued to fly.

(Hey can someone give me an update please? xD I have no idea what is going on..)
Vanessa smiles at Exile and Flower "Well she is very beautiful. The gold is a marvelous color."

Dmitri looks over at them all talking tensely and curiously takes a step closer then stops himself and turns back to Star. "Come on, let's go see what's going on." He then walks over to everyone, smiling. "Hey!" He catches sight of Nick, Deathwish, Alicia and Flower. "I see new people I have not met yet!" He holds his hand out for them to shake. "I'm Dmitri." He grins at them all
Alexander is now sitting onto of Nightshade in deep thought. (So what has happened is that everyone has met each other and then we discovered that someone was watching us. We have just reached the conclusion that it was a dragon slayer. Sorry...I am a little bad at summaries... >.
Flower looks at Vanessa and then smiles. "Yep." She said and then looked as Dmitri came up. She blinked. "Oh Hi...I'm Flower." She said and then shook his hand. She looked at Exile who set her head on the ground. Exile was tired. "Well...this is Exile...but I think she's tired..." Flower said petting Exile's head.

Alicia looked at Dmitri and smiles. "I'm Alicia...this is my dragon Draco." She said and then looked as Nick turned his head. "The twin that turned his head is Nick and the other one is Deathwish." She said and then leaned on Draco.
Dmitri smiles at them both and nods to Nick and Deathwish. "It's nice to meet you all! That's Colliander over there, he's my dragon." He points behind him to his dragon, still playing with Lotus. He looks at all of them. "So.. what's going on? Why the serious faces?"
Dmitri seems taken aback by this and his normally ever-present smile vanishes, he just looks between all of their faces trying to figure out if they're joking or not. He finds no hint that what she said was false and looks shocked. "Seriously? Wow.. so, have you figured out a game plan or are we thinking of that now?"
Layla flicked the reins again, making the large green dragon fly lower. In three quick swerves, the dragon avoided three trees at once, still flying at a high speed. She spotted a clearing with a few others with dragons, and she became slightly suspicion. She debated with herself whether to land or not, and eventually, she decided just to do it any way.

Faren soared over the group for a moment, blocking out the sun with his huge wings. He landed swiftly, letting Layla slid off his back. The large dragon let out a long, frustrated sigh as he noticed that other dragons were here. He was always very aggressive near other dragons.

"Dragon Slayer?" She asked, accidentally listening in on there conversation.

She began rubbing Faren's snout, who seemed to be getting angry.
"Mostly everyone is already thinking about it..." She sighs, "I don't know how Soulcatcher is going to take it yet. She hates dragon slayers with a burning passion." She frowns and tries to think of ways to tell her loyal friend. Soulcatcher actually moves slightly because she senses someone nearby and lifts her head as if tired. Snow looks to where Soulcatcher looked and sees Layla.
( everyone met each other and then we found out that a dragon slayer was staring at us do to a dragon's slayer senses. and now we are trying to figure out what to do.)
Layla chuckled a little bit, flicking her brown hair behind her shoulders.

"How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Layla, and this is my dragon, Faren. It's nice to meet all of you." She said, blinking her bright blue eyes and smiling. She surprised herself a bit. She wasn't usually this nice to people she didn't know.

Faren growled irritably when Layla said his name, and he stared towards the sky. She giggled at him, patting his neck.

"Ignore him. He's not in a very good mood today."
Snow smiled kindly, "I'm Snow and that is my dragon Soulcatcher." She motions to where soulcatcher is starting to get up and walk over to Snow.
Dmitri smiles, but not as big as before and turns to her. "I'm Dmitri, that's Colliander." He points to his dragon who is now resting on the field.

Vanessa waves slightly to her. "My name is Vanessa, and that is my dragon Sogno." She nods toward Sogno who is laying down, asleep it seems yet still alert behind her
The blunette realized he was being stared at, so he instantly casted his gaze to the caves where he could plan. Gray waked to the caves and sat in one. He realized in his absence, the dragons have becomed stronger, as well as his trainers. He pushed his hand on the floor as an icicle appeared as his hand moved upward. He was upset, but didn't like to lose his temper about such silly matters. Gray kicked the icicle out of the way, and figured, If I wanted to kill someone, I could! I am a dragon slayer! One of the only people with magic! He nodded agreeably to his thoughts and came up with a plan. Watch over them til dawn then attack.
"Nice to meet you." She said in a friendly tone to Snow, Dmitri, and Vanessa. Faren huffed out again, lashing his long green tail impatiently.

"Stop it." She mumbled to him. He gave her a glare, but sighed, straightening up his posture and sticking his head high. He was very stubborn, and only listened to Layla. If anybody else told him what to do, he would surely threaten them with a deathly roar. He wasn't the type to be messed around with.

"So, about this Dragon Slayer.. Where did you see him exactly?"
Sogno lifts her head and turns toward the riders. "I sensed the darkness coming from the middle of the woods, but it soon faded and the source was gone." Vanessa continues; "Then, when we went to go investigate, whatever it was, was gone. No trace except the lingering feeling of darkness everywhere..."
Skylar was walking down a path near a stream. "clearing...clearing..." She lets out a sigh. "Eros I think we are lost!" She looks at her dragon with a sad face. "We are not near a clearing at all...."
Gray's figure hopped onto a tree as he left his feet on a overhang, he was aprox. a mile away from the crowd, but could see them clearly. He bit his lip, there was a couple of aqua clan members there.

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