Dragon Riders

Star gave a soft giggle at the story "If that happened to me I would have probably plucked out a few handfuls of Lotus's feathers. I dont think he would like that very much." She talked normally without even realizing. Lotus looked somewhat dog like in his movement. He had a strong build and therefore was more stalky then a normal dragon. Lotus began flap his wings a few times and then took to the skies, hoping Colliander would follow his lead. Star looked at her dragon for a few moments before returning her gaze to Dmitri, "Anyways, I dont think I have any storys like that. But I do remember Lotus when he was only little, he was terriably scared of bunnies and other little forest creatures. Took him till he was bigger then them to get over that. You should've seen him back then, acting like a scared little puppy dog..." Only after a few moments she felt comfortable with this dragon rider, maybe it was due to his friendliness and engery that rubbed off on her a little bit.
Snow huffs and looks up to the sky. She is no longer talking to Soulcatcher and seems slightly upset. Snow looks down though when she sees movement and sees Bella approaching. She waves lightly at her.

Alexander is riding over the forest looking down and Nightshade is trying to track down where the feeling he felt earlier is coming from. "Sire...Are you sure we should have come alone?" Alexander sighed, "No...but the less of us put into danger at the moment the better...Besides I am a tactician in training. I have already thought about the possibilities that can happen." He sighs once again and continues looking over the ground.
Dmitri smiles and mentally congratulates himself for getting her to relax a little more around him, she was so scared before and he didn't like it- it wasn't like he was anything scary. He raises his eyebrows at Star when she tells of her dragon's old fear. He glances up at the large dragon soaring in the sky then back to her. "Really? He was scared of little forest creatures? Wow... I never would have guessed that one!"

Vanessa sighs and nods to Sogno the jumps onto her back and they fly off in the direction Alexander went. "Let's just hope it wasn't anything too bad..."
"You would be surprised if you got to know him. Though now he is like my older brother figure, being the calm one when im all stressed out. From your story, your dragon seems to be a very happy one, I only know you a little but he sort of reflects you." She crossed her arms over her chest, watching Lotus make a total fool of himself in the sky. "Sorry again for being so scared, Im just not use to talking to people..."
Flower and Alicia soon follow Vanessa. Flower looks at Vanessa and then sighs as Nick comes to. "Yeah well I'd still hurry." She said and then looked at Exile. "Come on girl." She said as Exile flew faster. (Sorry for the short posts.)
Colliander watches Lotus for a moment or two then suddenly shoots up and starts to playfully chase him.

Dmitri also watches the two dragons play with each other happily but then looks back at her with a lopsided smile. "It's fine, don't worry about it. You don't need to apologize so much either- you've done nothing wrong so far yet you've apologized multiple times."
Alexander has Nightshade land in a small area in the forest. Nightshade seems displeased. 'I am certain something was here...almost as if it was watching us...but now its gone.' Nightshade growls lightly in frustration and Alexander hops off his back and looks around carefully. "I highly doubt that it has left Nightshade...something still feels off." Alexander's eyes narrow and he walks into the forest with Nightshade following him
Vanessa and Sogno soar through the sky, trying to see where Alexander and Nightshade had gone. "Where are they? I don't see them anywhere in the sky... Do you see them on foot?" She asks the dragon. "Yes, I believe that is them up ahead walking. Shall I land?" Sogno asks warily. The majority of the darkness has passed but there is still something in the air... a lingering feeling of dread which will not fade. "Yes, land right over, in that opening ok?" The dragon nods and does as her rider asks. Vanessa then jumps down from her back and turns to face her friend. "Lead the way (since I have no idea where I'm going)!" She smiles as Sogno begins walking carefully in the direction of Alexander.
Alexander halts and listens closely, "Do you hear anything Nightshade?" The dragon slowed and listened carefully, 'There appears to be someone following us...' Alexander frowns slightly and turns to where they came from. "Hm....I wonder who it is...".Snow sits onto of Soulcatcher's back in the clearing. "Do you think we should have gone with them?" She waits a moment and then nods. "True...but I kind of wish I wasn't the one who chose to stay.." She chuckles lightly and cheeky grin appears on her face. "At least I can try to meditate for once!!!" She then falls silent and closes her eyes. Soulcatcher looks amused at the attempt Snow is trying to make at being quiet.
Deathwish walked out in front of Alexander. He turned to them his eyes cold, he looked exackly like Nick but he still was much different. He was scary almost. He looked at the dragon and then watched as his own slowly came out. He looked at the two. "Looking for something?" He asked and then looked around. He had sensed something to but nothing seemed to be around.
Nightshade eyed Deathwish's dragon and then looked at Deathwish. He didn't seem on edge like earlier so Alexander took this as a good sign. Alexander kept an impassive face and calm demeanor, "My dragon sensed something dark in this area. When we arrived we couldn't find it. I don't think it has left...whatever it may be." Alexander seemed completely serious and irritated. "I don't know how it could so easily slip away though."
Vanessa and Sogno finally make it to where Alexander has stopped and is speaking with Deathwish. She looks at him surprised, "Nick? I didn't know you came too..." She thought he had stayed behind but also, this Nick seemed.. different than before.
Bella smiled at Snow as she approached the group. At least that one was welcoming. She waved at the group. "Hi," she said in a sweet yet shy voice. She hoped these people would be interested. "I'm Bella."
Snow gave up on her meditating and hoped off Soulcatcher's back. "Hi! I'm Snow!" Snow grinned cheerfully. "This is my dragon Soulcatcher. Nice to meet you!"
Bella grinned at the dragon. "Wow! So beautiful." She complimented. "This is my water dragon, Umi." She motioned towards the crystal clear young dragon behind her. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something. I was just flying around and happened to see people. I love talking to people outside my clan. Talking to the same people all the time gets boring." She rubbed the back of her head and blushed, realizing too late that she was ranting.
Deathwish looks at vanessa. "I take it you met my brother..." He said and then watched as Nick landed. "Speaking of him...." He looked to see Flower had joined to. He looked at Night. "Night girl....keep an eye on Shadow....if he attackes Exile I want you to hose him down." he said and then Night walked over to Shadow. He looked at Nick.

Nick looked at Vanessa. He looked at Deathwish. "Ah there you are." he said and then looked at Vanessa. "Did I tell you I had a twin?" He said and then smirks at her. "Although excuse him...he is quite the mystery....hope he doesn't scare you my dear." He said and then looked as Deathwish stared coldly at him. Nick just smiles charmingly.

Deathwish rolls his eyes and then looks at Flower and Alicia. "You all following this mysterous dark thing?" He asked and Flower nodded. Deathwish put his hands into his pockets. He looked at Alexander and then at Nick. He went silent.
Snow smiled brightly, "thank you, your dragon is very beautiful too! Her name is also very lovely. By the way, no worries, meditation has never really been my thing. I can never manage to sit still or remain quiet." She chuckles sheepishly. "And besides I know what you mean, it drives me mad sometimes not getting to talk to new people. My problem is that every now and then though I just can't manage to stop talking!" She stops short when she realizes that she to may never stop and might begin rambling. Alexander sighs. "He," he points at Deathwish, "is not as scary as you." points at Nick. "He doesn't appear to be going around hitting on almost every girl. You are like a creeper..." Alexander keeps a completely straight face as he says this and hops onto Nightshade's back.
Vanessa looks between the two twins a couple times and then closes her eyes and puts her hand to her head tiredly then looks back up to Deathwish. "Sorry I mistook you for your brother... I just met you guys and I'm still getting used to all the new faces..." She apologizes, embarrassed.
Bella laughs. "Good, then I'm not the only one who talks too much! We should get along just fine in that case." She played with a strand of her brown hair. "So what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere land?" She asked. She realized Snow might have been doing the same thing as Bella was, but since she had been talking to other people earlier, it wasn't likely that she was randomly adventuring like Bella was.
Snow chuckles lightly, "I was asked to represent my clan for the mixed rider group. I kept complaining how I never get out and talk to anyone." She smiled once again.
Nick chuckles and then looks at her. He smiles charmingly. "No harm down beautiful." And with that little word he got a smack on the back of his head by Deathwish. He looked at Deathwish and then rubbed his head. "Well...someone is in a bad mood." He said and then looked at Vanessa and then back at Flower.

Flower sighed deeply. "Nothing to be embarrassed about....this seems a bit over welming for me too." She said and then crossed her arms. "Exile....what movment's do you sense?" she asked and Exile spred invisible light across the forest floor picking up ever step of a creature. Nothing much but forest animals. Exile looked at Flower. Flower sighed and then looked at Alexander. "Sorry....she doesn't feel anything." She said and then crossed her arms.
Alexander seems pleased that his comment was missed and has a light smile. He looks at Flower and nods. "Whatever it is has disappeared...or hidden its energy. However it might take advantage of the fact that we have split up a bit. We should return to the others and figure out our next move carefully." His smile slips from his face. "Whatever was here will be back."
Vanessa is still embarrassed but it fades and she listens to Alexander seriously. "Yeah, we should get going back, and I think it's getting late, it's already past noon." She speaks to the rest of the group but avoids the twins' eyes
Flower looks at Alexander and then nods. "I see. Are you sure it wasn't Deathwish...he tends to give even dragons the creeps." She said and then smiled at Deathwish as he glared at her. "Sorry Deathy." She said and then grabbed his arm before his could hit her. "Not happening Deathwish...." She said and then twisted his arm. "You should at least act more princely like Nick....just don't be a flirt." She said and then smiled a bit as he was clearly in pain.

Alicia giggles but when Flower looks at her she hides behind Nick. "Sorry." She said and then looked as Nick moved away. She put her hands on her hips. "You afraid of Flower?"

Nick looks at alicia. "Who isn't." He said and then smiled as Flower let Deathwish go. He looked at Alexander. "Well then....let's head off." he said and then looked at Vanessa. "You can ride with me." He said and then ducked before deathwish could hit him. "not this time Deathwish." he said and then chuckled.
Alexander chuckled quietly trying not to let anyone here and has Nightshade run and take off. "Hope they don't think I am going crazy..." He smiles and his eyes shone with mirth. Nightshade seemed content that Alexander was happy however and said nothing.

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