Dragon Riders

Vanessa watches all of their interactions with amusement then bites her lip and blushes a litte when Nick singles her out. "Um... Maybe not." She smiles a little then walks over to Sogno, hiding her slight blush the whole time with her hair.
Bella tilted her head to the side. "Mixed rider group?" She asked. "Never heard of it." She thought for a minute, but no, nothing came to mind. She probably just hadn't heard of it before because she'd never had interest in anything with the word 'group' in it. She was more of a loner type usually.
Snow smiles, "All of the clans sent riders to work together so that we can learn teamwork and learn how to use each others abilities so all of us can be more successful in a fight."
"Oh," she replied. "Interesting. I suppose something like that would be useful." She smiled a bit. "So your clan picked you? That's cool. I think?" She laughed a little.
Nick looks at her and then smiles. He looks at Flower. He walks over but Flower just gets back on Exile and flys off. He crosses his arms. "You girls are so harsh..." He said and then looks at Vanessa. He gets on Shadow. "Well shall we go then?" He said and then smiled charmingly. Deathwish got on Night and then flew off with Alicia. Nick chuckles. "Better hurry or we'll get left behind." he said and then winked at her taking off himself.
Alexander landed in the clearing and tried to reign in his amusement and laughter. "so unlike me..." He is still grinning. Snow smiles, "Yeah, it is cool because I wouldn't have met so many new people if I wasn't chosen."
Vanessa's blush deepens as she hastily climbs onto Sogno's back who seems to be laughing at her embarrassment. She sits on her back and they take off after the others. "Shut up..." she mumbles to her dragon, her blush simply deepening.
Nick smirks when no one was looking. He was enjoying Vanessa's embarrassment. He landed and then stretched out his arms. "Well Shadow old boy....you hungry?" he asked and Shadow looked at him. "What?" Nick asked and Shadow rolled his eyes.

Flower landed and then slid off of Exile. She looked at the others. "Well what now?" She asked and petted Exile's snout. She looked at Alicia who shrugged and Deathwish just didn't answer. "So helpful..." She said and then sighed.
Alexander at this point is once again meditating and appears to be in deep thought. He does not look as serious as he usually does however. Nightshade is watching over him carefully.
Sogno landed a small distance away from the others and Vanessa, whose blush had now almost completely vanished from her face slid down her side and walked over to the others with Sogno trailing behind lazily but with her eyes alight with amusement at her rider. Vanessa turns to Flower, obviously trying to ignore Nick. "What were you saying?" She asks since she was too far to hear her question the first time.
Flower glares at Nick. She looks at Vanessa. "I was wondering what to do now." She said and then looked at Nick and put her pointer fingure up. "Say one word and your dead." She said and Nick shut up. FLower smiled sweetly. "Although it seems Alexander is um....busy." she said and then raised an eyebrow a bit. She looked at Exile.
Alexander let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. "I swear...Nightshade I want to be wrong..." Nightshade seemed uncomfortable about his rider's conclusion. Alexander then stands up and walks over to the others, all merriment he had earlier has vanished and he appears serious. "I think I might know what was there earlier..."
Flower looks at him and then crosses her arms. "I see." She said and then looked as Alicia suddenly was beside her. Flower was use to Alicia's antics so she paid it no mind. She looked at Alexander and then to Nick and Deathwish who also seemed to be paying attention. Exile pawed the ground and hissed no liking the sound of it already.
Vanessa turns to him now concerned, "Really, you do? What do you think that was?" She earnestly wanted to know, whatever that... that thing had been, it freaked out Sogno who had been acting tense since she felt the dark presence which thus freaked her out, a lot. Sogno was not was not easily scared, by anything ​but this had really got to her.

Sogno too immediately went still and turned her full attention to the rider, whatever that presence had been, it would not be good, for anyone.
Alexander looked at them all and looked slightly calm. "We are most likely dealing with a dragon slayer..." He breaks and crinkles his nose a bit. "The energy felt dark to our dragons which meant that it was something that strives to go against the balance of dragons...I have thought over other creatures it could have been but this seems most likely. The way the feeling disappeared makes it seem like it is more than another magical creature. Anything else would have made at least some form of attack immediately. However it seemed like we were being evaluated..."
Flower shifted her weight and Exile suddenly was completely uncomfortable. Flower petted Exile. "Exile calm down...." there wax a scar down Exile's throat. "Sorry...she had been attacked by a dragon slayer before. When she was young....I took care of her but mentioning one just gets her unsettled." She said and then looked into Exile's eyes. Exile couldn't speak so Flower had learned to read her body language. She calmed Exile.

Alicia looks At Alexander. "I see...We'll have to be careful then." She said and then patted Draco's side. She looked at Deathwish who wasn't affected by the news. "Well no wonder most dragons didn't like you." SHe said but Deathwish just turned his head at her in a very freaky way. Alicia stepped closer to Draco.
Alexander nodded and looked grim. "I have already started thinking of some plans but they aren't done yet." He frowned lightly. "I need to know where you are all strong so I can come up with strategies that will work for us accordingly."
Vanessa's eyes widen in shock and fear. She had never felt the presence of a slayer before, and this new knowledge seemed to amplify the ball of fear ripping through her gut. She swallowed nervously and turned to face Sogno to see her reaction. Before now they had both simply thought of slayers as the villain in tales parents tell their children so they behave (for everyone had a dragon whom they loved and the thought of them being killed...)

Sogno remained stone-faced but looked upon her rider with concern, she was not taking the new information well she was afraid and this would not go well for her.

Vanessa then turned back to Alexander and cleared her throat. "Sogno and I have always scouted new lands well. I don't know if it's much of a help but that's all we've been allowed to do. She can also ride for much longer than the average dragon." She shrugged, unsure if this could help them at all.
Nick began going near Vanessa but Flower stopped him. "Have a heart...and leave her's alone." FLower said and then glared at Nick with her deathglare. Nick swallowed and then backed up. Flower nodded. "I'm best with a sword and hand to hand combat...if I can't see him then Exile does her light search. Not so good with long range and controling Exile's light power isn't ready to be tested." She said.

Alicia looks at Flower and then sighs. "I'm only useful in air attacks. My hand to hand combat needs work." She said and then looked at Flower who smirks. "You weren't raised by farmers." She said.

Flower looks at her. "Excuse me...i wasn't raised by anyone....my parents were killed." She said and then watched as Alicia looked away. "WIns every time." Flower said crossing her arms with a smirk.
"I understand...thank you." Alexander nods taking in all of the information and his eyes become distant as he starts planning things out in his mind. Nightshade just shakes his head at hid behavior.
Vanessa sighs tiredly at all this new knowledge and sinks down into a sitting position with her head in her hands, trying to soak this all in. Not only was she meeting a bunch of new people she would now be seeing a lot but now there was a dragon slayer 'evaluating' them. She lifts up her head a bit and simply watches Sogno, her eyes fading as she becomes deep in thought and her mind goes elsewhere.
Flower looks at Alicia. She looks back at Alexander. Flower turns and looks at Vanessa. "So what's your dragon's elelment?" she asked and then leaned on Exile. She looked at Deathwish and Nick as they talked to each other. She raised an eyebrow. The two were odd but something was bugging her. Nick looked strangely serious now. She shook it off.
Snow sights the group and walks over after excusing herself. "hello all." She sees that Alexander is in deep thought and that the twins look serious. "Did I miss something overwhelmingly important?" She raises an eyebrow.
Vanessa shakes her head, breaking her train of thought and turns to Flower. "Hm? Oh, Sogno's element is fire." She smiles. "What's your dragon's?" She asks her curiously
Flower looks at Nick and deathwish. "With them....who knows." She said and then looked at Snow. "Other then the fact that Alexander is thinking up a plan....not really." She said and then looked as Exile laid down. Flower sighes deeply, she looks over Exile's golden scales and then patted her head.

Flower turned back to Vanessa. "Exile's is light." She said and then smiled proudly. "Normaly a dragon's scales show their element but Light is made up of so many different colors....I got lucky to have a gold one." she said and then smiled as Exile rolled her eyes.

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