Dragon Riders

Alicia grabbed Flower's arm and then raced toward the others. "Come on Flower." She said and then stopped seeing them and their dragons. She smiled and then watched as Exile and Draco arived behind them. "Hi....nice dragons." She said and then grabbed Flower as she tried to leave. "This is my friend Flower...and I'm Alicia." She said.

Flower looked at then and then waved. "hi..." She said and then looked at Alicia. She sighed and then straightened up, pushing her long white hair behind her ear. "As she said I am Flower, nice to meet you...this is my dragon Exile." She said petted the large, golden scaled dragon behind her.
Vanessa turns to look at them as they approach and smiles, standing up to greet them. "Hello, my name is Vanessa. That is my dragon Sogno." She motions toward Sogno. "It's nice to meet you." She holds her hand out for them to shake
Snow chuckles. "Come on Soul let's do this, we can't let him beat us this bad!" They speed up even more and try to make up for lost ground.

Alexander looks at them but stays seated. "Nice to finally meet you. I am Alexander and this is my dragon Nightshade." Nightshade nods at them in greeting.
Alicia looks at Vanessa and then shakes her hand with a smile. She then looked up to see a black screaching dragon flying over. Alicia looked at Flower who was glaring. "Warning.....death is in the air." She said as she watched Flower glare as the dragon lands. Nick's dragon Shadow hissed at Exile and Exile hissed at Shadow.

Flower petted Exile. "Down girl..." She said obveously wanting to kill as Nick jumped off his dragon. Flower looked at Vanessa and then rubbed the side of her head. She shakes her hand and then turns around as Nick approached.

Nick looked at Vanessa and then winked at her. "Hey." he said and then looked at Flower. "Flower....how nice to see such a beauty." he said and then stepped back as Flower glared at him. He cleared his throat. "Well...." He said and then looked at Alicia and nodded to her.
He laughs. "Good job Col., I think we can win this!" He looks back ahead of them and grins at the mountain they agreed to be the finish of the race growing speedily closer. "Actually, I think we are going to win this!" Knowing they were almost there and that Snow is gaining on them, Colliander speeds up just a little more and they quickly reach the mountain. Dmitri jumps down and runs a lap around the dragon who simply watches his rider's cheers in amusement.

Vanessa looks over to Alexander and rolls her eyes a little at him.

Vanessa blushes very slightly when he winks at her then quickly clears her throat. "So, um, what's your name? I'm Vanessa." Sogno growls lowly at her causing Vanessa to roll her eyes. "And that is Sogno, my dragon."
Snow and Soulcatcher finish after him and Snow is chuckling slightly. "Well we tried Soul." She grins and pats Soulcatcher on the neck and jumps off her back.

Alexander frowns a bit but stays silent. He is not yet willing to interrupt their conversation but rather looks back to his dragon Nightshade and whispers something to him quietly.

((Sorry all my internet was being a pain and I had to go fix it.)
Dmitri walks over to them, calming down a bit and smiles at her. "Good job! You guys are actually really fast!" He holds out his hand for her to shake.
Snow shakes his hand and smiles. "Thanks. You are much better than me though." She chuckles cheerfully and then looks back to where the other are. "Shall we head back? I want to meet the others."
Dmitri looks at her confusedly. "Others?" He didn't notice anyone else since he had been so focused on the race so he now looks back over to where they started out. "Can you see anything?" He asks Colliander because they are too far now to see them. Colliander looks over and sees the newcomers. "Yes, it seems to be that two girls and a boy have joined our group while we were racing." Dmitri nods. "Ok, yeah, let's get back then- do you think they'll like to race too?" He continues as he walks back over to Colliander and climbs onto his back.
Snow laughs lightly as she hops onto Soulcatchers back. "Maybe. You should ask them..." She seems slightly amused as she and Soul take off towards the group. She seems slightly lost in thought and looks distant as she returns to the group. "I wonder if any other came from home...I hope someone did..." She pauses in her speech as if listening to another. "I suppose that is true...." Snow sighs and continues in her thoughts.
Dmitri shrugs and nods. "Ok! So let's be off then!" Colliander then leaps into the air and starts flying over to the small group gathered in the clearing.
Nick looks at Vanessa and then nods. "Nick." He said and then petted his dragon. 'This is Shadow." He said and then looked at her. "So beautiful....I'm new around here...would you like to show me around?" he asked and got a smack from Flower as she pasted. He looks at her. "Aw You loves me already." He said and then flinched as she almost punched him.

Flower rolls her eyes and then looks at Alexander. She crossed her arms and then watched Exile and Shadow. Shadow and Exile hated each other. Exile was light and Shadow was darkness so they wanted to kill eachother.
Vanessa smiles a little then looks to Flower curiously. "So, I take it you all already know each other?" She wondered if they were all from the same clan, it was easily possible and seemed the most likely yet they seemed so different...
Flower rolled her eyes. "Yes we do..." she said and then petted Exile. "Though we are from different clans Nick traveled and well....I hated him at first sight that stupid flirt!" She yelled at Nick.
The dragon slayer wandered aimlessly across the horizon as he spotted three dragons. "Eh-? Kills so early already? I just got here, and I feel so welcomed!" He brushed his blue bangs to the side and stared at them with an icy-cold glance. He knew this would be enjoyable. But he realized he was on clan territories so he had a queasy feeling of guilt, remembered that he killed his very own dragon, Shimo on this land.
Vanessa watches them curiously then Sogno shivers subconsciously. Vanessa looks at her curiously. "What is it?" "I feel a dark presence somewhere near..."
Star rode her feathery, pearled colored dragon to this supposed meeting spot that the dragon riders were suppose to meet at. She didnt want to tire out her poor Lotus, so she kept him on the ground were he could easily just run the distance. She wasnt much of a rider compared to some others, but at least she reconized this fact. After coming about this meeting loctation, she spotted a few other people with their dragons. Star didnt want to get to close to them, new people made her feel uncomfortable, or more so, the unknown scared her. Lotus turned his head to the side, his blue eyes shimmering with reassurence to his human rider. Star gave a soft exhale and stroked his cloud soft feathers "I know Lotus... but what if they are threatening? The last thing I want is to get into a fight." Lotus responded with a huff and continued to advance forward without her permission till he came upon the small group. Once Lotus did such a act, Star sank down behind her dragon, obviously a sorry exuse for a hiding spot.
Dmitri then lands in the clearing a small distance away, behind Star and Lotus then jump down from Colliander and walks over to them, smiling. "Hello there, I'm Dmitri! And that guy is Colliander, my dragon." He grins and sticks his hand out for her to shake
"Ah!" Star ungracfully fell of her dragon out fo surprise from the man coming out of nowhere to her. Lotus whipped around and immediatley helped Star up, showing concern of her well being after she fell. Star rubbed the back of her head, leaning against her dragon for stability, she became imperceptibly dizzy after impact. "Im Star...and my dragon here is Lotus." Her voice was slightly shakey from talking to a new person. She rarley talked to other beings beside her dragon so this was somewhat of a new experiance. "Nice to meet you..." She extended her arm halfway, but decided to pull it back before shaking his hand. Lotus's head shot up after making sure star was alright, he seemed more intrested in the boys dragon then the boy, though they are two of the same general spiecies after all.
Dmitri quickly goes to help her once she falls but stops himself when he sees Lotus helping her up. Because he was not very used to people being so shy and scared around new people he thinks her voice is shaky and her reluctance to speak is because she was hurt when she fell and he immediately becomes concerned. "Are you ok? Are you hurt or something?" He looks her up and down to see if he can see an injury.

Colliander, once he feels Lotus' gaze on him looks over to him with veiled curiosity and matches his stare with one of his own.
Snow arrived back at the group and looked slightly irked. She was muttering to Soulcatcther. "You could have been nicer about it Soul...."

Alexander stood up and spoke quietly, "I will go take a look." He hops on Nightshade's back and takes off into the air.
Vanessa's head shoot up and after him. "Wait!" But it's too late, and he was too far to hear her but she continues nonetheless, except quieter; "What if it's too dangerous.." She sighs and looks back at Sogno, trying to decide what to do. "Think we should go after him?" Sogno sighs, unwilling to follow Alexander, the feeling of darkness now a haunting ghost of a feeling within her but she meets her rider's eyes and nods. "That would be wise, or his sake. That feeling... It was not one a single boy could take on alone, if it should attack."
Star shook her head rapidly "No! Not at all! Im fine..." her voice trailed away when she noticed Lotus's stare and smiled up to him, gingerly running her hand down his chest. "Um...Sorry Lotus is very friendly is all and im sure he wants to-" Lotus didnt wait for Star to ask permission, the young dragon sprinted off to meet Colliander. Once he was infront of the other dragon he spread his double wings wide out, of course in a playful motion than a threat. "Lotus!" Star glared at her dragon, "Im...Im sorry! Hes just really happy to see another dragon is all" she felt utterly embarassed, more then when she fell, this was pushing embarassment levels over the top.
Dmitri watches Lotus run over to Colliander who opens his wings to their full length also and gives almost a grin at Lotus' playfulness. Dmitri turns back to Star smiling. "It's fine! It seems Colliander wants to play also. You don't need to be embarrassed, something embarrassing would be like the time Cole first raced- that was embarrassing! We had finished the race first and he was so excited he swooped back down, nearly hitting everyone else off their dragons and hit the dragons' heads! Then, he started to do flips with me still on his back! I managed to hold on for the first one but then I slipped and I almost landed in a giant puddle of mud if he didn't notice sooner. Luckily he realized I fell off and managed to catch me before I hit the ground. After that you wouldn't believe the amount to teasing we got from the others! It was crazy." He tells her energetically and even used hand movements to show the actions of his then young and foolish dragon, grinning all the while at the memory.
Bella looks down and notices a rather large group formed in a nearby area. She smiled, happy to see someone, and swooped down closer on Umi. She didn't seem to recognize any of the group, but she hoped they were friendly at least. Umi landed a few yards away, tucking her translucent wings behind her. Bella slid down one of the lit-up wings and landed gracefully on the ground. She wandered over to the group, her small dragon close behind.

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