Dragon Riders

Layla sighed to herself, rubbing Faren's neck slowly.

"Well, wherever the Dragon Slayer is, he better not show his face now." She muttered, imagining Faren flying up and ripping the Dragon Slayer to pieces. The huge green dragon nudged her with his snout, suddenly in a good mood. She smiled at him, petting his neck.

"Is everyone here from different clans?" She asked, looking around the group.
((omg five new pages since I was last on :C All I did was go to bedddd. Now I don't know what to do with my character.))
Deathwish suddenly sensed something. He looked at Night and then over to where the dragon slayer was. His eyes were cold and he only looked darker then normal. He was really starting to get scarry. He looked back to the others.

Nick looked at Deathwish and then walked over to venessa. "Well beautiful...think we should be moving on now?" He said and then looked at Layla. "Me and Deathwish....well since we are twins as you can see are from the same clan, FLower and Alicia over there are from the same clan." He said with a smile. He winked at Layla. "What's your clan?" he asked.
Ellias Walks through the forest with his hand in his pockets and his dragon Tatsuo flying above him. This part of the woods was too thick for them both to be walking in and he did not want to fly at the moment so he simply observed all the nature around him. Suddenly Tatsuo became more tense and flew lower to the ground and his rider, "We are approaching a clearing, with a group of other dragons and their riders." Elias nods and rolls his eyes, "Well this will be interesting." he sighs and reaches a break in the trees where a stream lies. "Come land for a moment so I can ride, alright, Tat?" Tatsuo did not very much appreciate this nickname but he was ok with it as long as his rider and his rider alone was the person who addressed him by that. He then circles a couple times and lands next to the stream, lapping up some water while his rider climbed on top of him.

When Nick starts talking to her she tries to hold back a blush and not look over at him because she knows if she does, her blush will just shine 2 shades darker than it is now.
Skylar finally gives up and sits near the stream. She stays off to the side though and actually steps back into the forest a bit. "Eros? What's wrong?" Eros looks at her and then looks back into the clearing unwillingly. "Hey everything will be fine no worries." She smiles gently at her dragon and lets him stop for a while. She lets out a small sigh and sits against so rocks. Eros hears something and lifts his head a bit. 'Sky...did you hear that?' She looks at him confused. "Hear what...?" The dragon dismisses it as it disappears. 'Never mind my lady.'

Alexander opens his eyes and looks very tense. He looks around to the others and notices that only Deathwish has noticed the odd presence.
Tatsuo stops just before he takes off and Elias notices his hesitation, "What is it? Is there someone near?" He looks around, trying to see anyone. "Yes, there are two up ahead, a human and dragon. Should we ignore them?" Elias thinks for a moment then shakes his head, "No, why don't we approach, but on foot." Tatsuo nods and begins walking forward toward them.
Flower looks as Exile nudged her and she looks at Alexander and then at Deathwish. She pulls out her sword and stick it in the ground trying to feel vibrations. She didn't feel any so she put her sword away and petted Exile trying to calm her. She looked at Nick and then rolled her eyes.

Nick sensed it to but he wasn't showing it. He looks at Deathwish. "Deathwish your ora is going killer." He said and Deathwish slightly calmed himself. Nick looks at Shadow and then nods to him. Shadow slowly sinks into the ground becoming a shadow himself and becomming appart of Nick's shadow. He'd keep an eye out and surprise who ever decided to show up.

Flower looked at Exile and then continued to pet her. "Maybe we should move along." She said and then looked at Alexander. He seemed to know what he was doing not to mention he seemed to have a great military type mind. She looked at Alicia who nodded at Flower.
Skylar is now sitting and staring at the sky and she appears to be dwelling in past memories. 'Skylar someone is approaching...' She turns her eyes to Eros briefly, "How many? and do they seem dangerous?" Eros stopped for a second, 'No more than two, most likely a rider and their dragon. They don't seem to be dangerous but...' Skylar interrupts him "Then they will just pass by, no harm shall be done." She smiles brightly at Eros before going back to her happy thoughts.

Alexander nods, "Make sure everyone is gathered here and we will proceed to our next location." He hops onto Nightshade's back and Nightshade stands. "If we stay here any longer we will may pay the price." He seems displeased and looks off to where they felt the presence and mutters to himself. "So it never really left...but where did it go..."
Elias and Tatsuo soon reach Skylar and Eros and stop a short distance away. Elias calls over from atop his dragon lazily, as if he does not want to be there right now and talking to anyone. "Who are you and what is your business here?"He has not yet seen Skylar, her form being so small it is hard to see next to the large dragon.

Vanessa nods and climbs aboard Sogno then looks up to the sky longingly, flying was her escape from her problems and this was diffinately one of her bigger problems
Skylar realized that whoever it was were not merely passing by. She sighed and climbed onto Eros' back so that she could be seen. "My name is Skylar Grayhaven and this is my dragon Eros. And although I am pleased to meet you my business is of my own." She kept a cheery smile and a laid-back demeanor the whole time and Eros followed suit. He trusted that his master knew what she was doing and decided not to interfere. Yet..
Bella eyes the group from the edge of the woods. They all seemed to be good friends, but something seemed off. They all seemed really uneasy about something. She looked over to Umi, sending the dragon her thoughts. "What's wrong?" She asked, noticing that the dragon was acting strangely as well. Umi replied that there was a dragon slayer in the area. "Well then, we should either stay close to this group and hope they can help hold him off, or we should get out of here..." She replied, then looked back to the bunch of Dragon Riders. "I don't think we really fit in with them, maybe we should just go."
Snow looked up and saw Bella. She quickly ran over to her. "Bella my group has found a dragon slayer near by...and I haven't asked them yet but...You should come with us!!" She smiled. "It would be safer and really fun to! I mean as much fun as we can have while fighting a dragon slayer of course." She looked at her wanting to know her reply.
Elias looked taken aback for a moment at the small girl who replied, he wasn't sure who we was expecting to own that dragon but that girl was so small... He quickly shook off his surprise and went back to his uncaring mood as before. "My name is Elias, and I do respect your secrecy but you can't blame me for being curious as to why a small girl is out here all alone with her dragon." Tatsuo turned his head toward the direction the clearing and the others they are to meet are. "We should get going, it seems they are preparing to leave..." The dragon rumbles to his rider who simply nods.
Star watched her new friend leave to join the group of other riders. She didnt feel comfortable yet with greeting them, it only made her stomach flutter like a butterfly. Lotus caught sight of his master who was by herself now. He shot ot the gound, gracfully making his land right next to her. Lotus glared at her and then nodded his head to the group of people. Star only shook her head, "You know im not friendly Lotus...Do you wanna go for a ride instead?" Lotus only huffed at the suggestion, she was letting her fears get in the way of her. So, to fix her problem he laid down, showing no signs of getting up anytime soon. Star rested her hands on her hips, "Lotus, come on! I only want to go out for a short ride." She pulled on his paw, though obviously it didnt work, he was more then 30x her size. Lotus simply rolled his eyes and laid there, acting dead or more like a lump build into the ground below him.
The blunette crossed his legs, they noticed him, maybe it would be better to attack now? Gray hopped off of the tree with an almost inaudible 'thump'. He brushed his sapphire bangs to the side and crossed his arms. Bella, wasn't that the girl that was born in the same month as I was? Isn't she in the same clan as I was in? He shrugged it off and decided to reveal himself. He would try to manipulate the crew, of course probably failing, because these were more advanced riders. He came near them and knocked on wood.

"Knock, knock?" Gray smiled, almost looking innocent.
Flower turned her head to see Gray. She blinked and then watched as Exile snuggled her snout under Flower's arm. Flower petted her and then looked at the new commer. She looked at Alicia who seemed surprisingly antisocial. Flower looked again at Gray. She didn't aproach Exile holding her back. Flower pushed her white hair behind her ear and looked at Exile.

Nick and Deathwish narrow their eyes at him. They were from the same clan and they both thought he was fimilar. Deathwish walked straight up to him looking at him. Deathwish being the misunderstood type people often mistake him as a killer or something worse a demon....hence his name. He raised an eyebrow and then suddenly was grabbed on the sholder and tugged back by Flower. Flower looks at Deathwish with a stern look and Deathwish backed off almost in fear himself.
Bella smiled at Snow. "That would be great," she said. "Thank you!" She smiled over at the rest of the group as well. Just a moment later, she heard someone else speaking. She turned to see someone who looked really familiar. Was this the dragon slayer? Wait, she knew this person! He was from the same clan as her. What was his name..... Grey? Bella stood protectively beside Umi, knowing full well that the dragon could protect herself but still wanting to shield her. She waited for one of the people in the group to speak while she examined the dragon slayer. She DEFINITELY knew him. He was born the same month as she was, and they had practically grown up together.
Gray smiled and waved the denial off. "Oh, same faces from...seven years ago... was it?" He looked at Bella, he was sure that he knew her. The silver eyes laid his eyes upon Deathwish, Flower, and Nick. "I'm not here to kill them, I could to so, but I rather not." The blunette clenched one fist as he put his hand to his forehead. "Why does everyone have to be afraid of me? It's not like I've done anything wrong!"
Star finally gave up and collapse onto Lotus, face first. "You annoy me sometimes..." Her voice was muffled from her face being smothered in feathers. Lotus only gave her smirk, though that soon faded when he turned his head to the others, narrowing his bright blue eyes at Grey in particular, something about his aura disturbed him. Star lifted her head and turned her head to where her dragon was looking. "What? Its just another person...nothing new. Right?" Lotus shook the thought off and turned his head back to Star, nuzziling her, though he pushed her to the ground due to his size against her.
Flower looks at him and then walks up. "I could snap your neck....but you don't see me going around do that either...." She said and then patted his head. "What ever helps you sleep at night your little murd- I mean boy." She said and then grabbed Alicia putting a hand over her mouth. "Don't even think about it Alicia..." Flower said smirking evily. Deathwish and Nick suddenly just backed away.

Alicia looks at Nick and Deathwish. She turned to the trador. "Oh that's your hint that you should run." She said and then pointed at flower.
Gray smiled and leaned over to Flower and whispered into her ear, "I could easily freeze you and sink you at the depth of the ocean where they throw the dead dragon bones." He walked back and faced Alicia and shook his head briefly, "Why would I need to run?"
Alicia looks at Flower. "What did he say?" She asked and then Flower chuckled. "That he would freeze me." Flower answered and Alicia giggled. 'You couldn't freeze that fire if she was in the south pole." Alicia said and then walked away from Gray. She leaned on her dragon wanting to see this.

Flower smiles at Gray. "Try me boy, I scare them all off." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked at Alicia and then at Gray. She seemed so calm around him, maybe it was because she's fought dragon hunters before, or maybe she just hoped he'd walk away, wither way Flower could easily grabbed her sword at any moment within seconds of a sign that he was going to attack.
Skylar seems slightly shocked. "Short...?" Eros looks amused at his rider's embarrassment. Skylar huffs and jumps off of Eros' back and out of sight. "well then..." Her voice can still be heard clearly but she sounds a bit amused now.
The blunette adjusted the bow-tie on his shirt and opened a capsule on his neck as he threw a bunch of letters on the ground. The letters came out from the capsule floating onto the floor, forming a pattern.

קרבת העת

עצום את עיניך

כי זה הסוף

Gray looked at the words and adjusted them accordingly to his skills and said, "I really don't want to hurt you, because you are one of my former clan members. But since you insist, I will my magic to no extent." The silvery eyes were lightened as he proceeded Flower, "So you want to fight?"


Flower looks at Gray and then sighs. "Oh god he really is going to freeze me....oh well I always do better in life or death situations." She said grabbing her sword. "Come on, don't be easy because you'll be dead by the time you figure out it won't work." She said and then looked at him with a serious look. She pushed her white hair behind her ears and then swung her sword in her hand.

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