Dragon Riders

Elias looks at her showing a bit of curiosity. "What? Did you not know you were short or something?" He sounded as if he could laugh at that thought.

Dmitri and Vanessa break through the trees and re-enter the clearing seeming to be arguing about where to camp out. "I think we should go to that valley near the hills" Vanessa presses. "Well I think I better spot would be on the cliffs." Dmitri counters. "You're just saying that because you want to be high up so you can go race." Vanessa crosses her arms and rolls her eyes at him as she says this.
Skylar rolls her eyes but still remains where he can't see her. "No...it is just that most people's first comments don't mock someone's height. How could I not know i'm short. You can't even see me right now." She chuckles lightly. "Can you?" She has a grin on her face.

Alexander sighs and follows behind them. "Why did I agree to take you two with me?" He is rubbing his temples when they walk into the clearing.
Elias leans back slightly with an amused look on his face. "Well I'm not like most people. And just because I can't see you now doesn't mean I didn't see you before."

Vanessa looks at him with a smirk. "Because I'm awesome." She jokes and fake glares lightly at Dmitri. "I have no idea why you would bring him along though." She continues in slight disgust.

Dmitri looks at her in mock offense. "Hey! I'm plenty cool too." He jokes.
Star's expression became utterly horrified after seeing one of the members of the small ground draw her sword. "Lotus, we need to leave. Now!" Lotus seemed to agree by how fast he stood up. Star climbed upon her dragon and together her lifted into the sky, shooting above the clouds. "I hope everyone will be okay...do you think I should go back?" Lotus immediatley shook his head at her question. They were very passive together, not wanting to be even around a fight and watch. Its frightened both of them believe it or not.
A light frown mars her face temporarily. "Well obviously, I had to let you know that someone was here so you don't think you're crazy." She steps in front of Eros and Eros stands up. "I don't like to mess with people's minds. That would just be cruel." She left out a light chuckle.

Alexander looks at Vanessa with a raised eyebrow. "Not self-absorbed eh?" He looks a little amused.
Elias shakes his head at her and Tatsuo watches him curiously. "So why your reaction to when I called you short?"

Vanessa places her hand over her heart in mock innocence. "Me? Of course not! How could you ever say that?" Dmitri laughs at her comment and she glares at him.
Bella looked between Flower and Gray. The twins and Flower's friend Alicia had backed off, so Flower must be really good at what she does. Gray looked pretty experienced too, even though Bella wasn't close to him when she was back in the clan. She didn't like to see people fight, but she didn't want to run away from it either. So she just stepped back and got out of the way.
The blunette brushed the sapphire bangs out of his eye as he shook his head. "I don't think so, I really should give you a bit of advice. I am much more capable of freezing you on the spot, but I'd like to have a bit of fun first." The dragon slayer made a thumbs up sign as he pressed a flat palm of his other hand. He muttered some words as the letters were lifted up from the ground. "ANCIENT DRAGON SLAYER ARTS!" The eighteen year old said loudly as the words were frozen into a shape of a round clock. "I'm more of a puppeteer dragon slayer, a one of a kind." A clock that was to his usage. Gray bent his wrist and flicked it at Flower. "Destroy her..." he muttered.
Skylar looks at him and her eyes are shining with mirth. "Well if someone stated something overwhelmingly obviously..I don't know...like "You have a dragon." Wouldn't you be wondering why they chose to state the obvious?"

Alexander laughs lightly, "Point made." He looks down at Nightshade and whispers something to him.
Elias rolls his eyes, "Listen, are you going to answer my original question or should I just leave you here?"

Dmitri's head snaps over to where the others are then nudges Vanessa before she can reply and motions to the others worriedly. "What's going on?" Vanessa and Dmitri run over to them just in time to hear Grey's words. "No!" Dmitri runs over and pushes Flower out of the way.
Skylar looks at him kind of confused. "Oh..what i'm doing here? I believe I did answer earlier. But why should I tell you my reasoning?" She tries to look a little defiant.

Alexander skids to a halts before he runs into Vanessa. He mutters lightly to himself.
He looks at her deadpan, "Fine." He shrugs. "Come on, Tat. Let's go." Tatsuo rumbles and stands back up and starts walking in the direction they were originally going in, toward the clearing.

Vanessa stumbles forward and glances at him curiously.
Skylar realizes that if he leaves she will be alone for quite a while again. "Fine!!" she seems sad and says quietly. "I got ..." she mumbles the end. And is looking sideways to the stream. Eros looks at his master slightly amused at the situation.

Alexander looks at the dragon slayer and feels like he has seen him before. "He looks familiar..." He frowns.
Tatsuo stops walking and Elias turns to her "What was that? I didn't quite hear you." He mocks her.

Vanessa looks to him in confusion "How? Where woud you have seen him before?"
Skylar crosses her arms and still faces the river. " I said I got lost. Happy?" She turns to the river as to hide her embarrassment. "something threw me of course and now i'm lost."

Alexander looks upset. "That's the thing...I can't remember. I just have that feeling...."
He laughs at her embarrassment but soon it dies down and he looks at her, shaking his head slightly. "Wow, where were going anyway? Maybe I can tell you the way." Tatsuo looks at him in mild surprise at this offer but says nothing, for now.

Vanessa looks at him "Well you better figure it out."
"I was going to meet up with someone from my clan that came out here to the riders group. But I sensed something and got distracted." She looks back to him and no longer looks extremely embarrassed. "

Alexander looks at her and he seems stressed. "You don't think i'm trying?" He lets out a frustrated sigh and steps back so he is farther away from Gray.
He looks at her interest. "What you sensed... was it some sort of dark presence?" He and Tatsuo had sensed something which seemed to be a dark presence and almost made them leave their course but he had made them stay and not become distracted.

Vanessa rolls her eyes and turns to face him. "Then try harder."
Flower eyes narrowed. "I'll give you some advice....I don't like to be played with....and I am not a very good toy." She said and then Pointed at Exile. "Exile stay....Alicia you too." She said and then glanced at Alexander. "My fight and no one interferrs." She said and then charged at Gray. Her sword having the image of her face on it as it was tilted beside it.
Skylar hesitated slightly but then nodded. "I usually wouldn't have been distracted but it felt close but then it disappeared." She shudders as she remembers the feeling. "I didn't like it. Not one bit." She frowned. "Why?"

Her words are lost on him however as he has retreated deep into his mind trying to remember something about the person in front of him and how he knew him.
Elias nods to himself, "We also felt the same thing. We weren't sure what it was and ignored it; kept going on our way. We almost stopped to investigate but we had to keep going, we're supposed to meet some other riders too."
Skylar's eyes brighten a bit. "Really? I'm really sorry to ask but do you mind if I travel with you? It's okay if you'd like to go by yourself of course though." She talks a little fast and is a bit embarrassed about her question, but she would rather be embarrassed than travel alone. Eros listened also knowing the importance behind the question.
Tatsuo begins his automatic reply which he always says if someone ever asks to join them, "I'm sorry but my rider and I prefer to travel alone." But this time he was negated by Elias, "Actually, it's no trouble. You may come with us if you prefer." The dragon looks at him in surprise, this has never happened before, his rider had always preferred to travel alone 'others are just an annoyance and a hinderance- they make you take longer while annoying you all the way' is what he would say if anyone questioned his reasoning. But this time... this girl was different from everyone else.
Skylar did a slight bow. "Thank you." She smiled in gratitude and hoped onto Eros' back. "I greatly appreciate this."
Tatsuo snorts a laugh at this causing Elias to smack him "Shut up, Tat." He looks back up to Skylar, stony faced like usual. "It's no problem, we are both going the same way anyway, are we not?" His voice yield no emotion, like his face but his eyes just barely hold a small spark of compassion.

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