Dragon Riders

Eros notices Tatsuo's movement out of the corner of his eye but says nothing. Skylar can tell that something is bothering Eros but merely shoots him a inquisitive glance over her shoulder before looking back at the road. "So out of curiosity...what clan are you from?" She seems rather calm and cheery despite Eros' mood.
He glances over and raises an eyebrow at her then looks forward again, weaving between the trees. "I'm from the Terra clan. What about you?" He looks back over this time showing no emotion.
Skylar twitches her nose like a rabbit. "I am part of the Aqua clan. They can be an odd bunch." She chuckles fondly. "My mum use to say that they never really sit still. Seems fitting in a way, because you know you never step in the same river twice." Eros glanced at Skylar a little worried when she mentioned her mother.
Elias nods and looks forward once again to dodge a rock. "My clan is quite the opposite, we usually stay the same throughout our lives, except there are a few cases of people changing only years after making a mistake..." He finishes with a tone tinged with bitterness causing Tatsuo nudges him with his head causing Elias to shake his head, clearing his thoughts and continuing, this time staying level. "So.. what is your mother like?" He had seen Eros look at her when she mentioned her and was curious as to why this was so he decided to simply ask about her.
Skylar's smile seems to become a little tense. "Oh. Um...spunky, kind, independent, doesn't take orders from others, pretty defiant." She forces a slight chuckle. Eros casts his gaze away and wishes his rider would just say the truth.
He looks at her with a raised eyebrow, she seemed so tense when she spoke of her mother yet the words she was saying seemed so kind. There was something else that happened, something she won't say. "Oh, really?"
Skylar nodded but remained quiet for once. Eros was staring to become worried by how she was acting and was wondering if should speak up for his master and friend.
His curiosity soon gives way to his slight concern for her. He doesn't know why this girl is making in feel like being so kind but he just went with it. "What is it? What's wrong?" HE looks at her with thickly veiled care about her.
Skylar sighs and realizes he isn't going to drop it. "My mother died when I was younger...I have been alone since then because my dad died prior to my mum's death." She looks ahead and won't look at him due to the fact that she is refusing to let her tears fall. Eros sighs and wishes he had interrupted so that she wouldn't be so sad.
((All humans need sleep, I went to sleep and had a dream about Flower and Gray's fight... *shudders* God, why?! GUESS DIS WILL MAKE A GOOD STORY THOUGH.))

Gray bent his fingers in a pecuiliar form and pivoted one foot. He raised one of his arms as the clock's minute and hour hands became arms, mimcing his. The clock hovered in place as the blunette stepped forward, it copying his moves. He pushed his arms back and then thrusted them forward as the clock went hurling towards Flower and he murmured, "Ice Time of Death, it's only a one in a million of a chance that I did the spell correctly, damn it! Why didn't I do something easier?" He used his pivot as a bead of sweat went down his neck to twist around to block the sword. All he could hope was for the clock to succed, or all of his magic powers to be drained.
Flower jumped back as he blocked and then jumped up twisting around and aimed the sword to peirce the top of his head. She was fast....very fast. She wanted to kill him and it was clear in her eyes, using all the hurt and anger she felt in her life and used that to fight of course still keeping her head not wanting to blindly battle or else she'd die.
Elias didn't know what he thought her reaction would be but this was not what he expected. He started to open his mouth to say something, to comfort her, then realized what he had been about to do and quickly snapped it shut. He wasn't very good when it came do dealing with other people's emotions so his simply continued to walk forward. After a moment he couldn't help himself, "That must be tough, but at least you know they died loving you." Tatsuo looks at him from the corner of his eyes with a glare.
Nick looks at her and then chuckles. "On a dragon of course." He said teasing and then sat up looking rather serious. "Well Deathwish and I got our dragons when we were little. Our parents were riders so we took on the challange. Of course we love riding so it's not like it was forced upon us. Although Deathwish was a little bit more pushed then I was. All the dragons he got were afraid of him. Deathwish use to be called gthe demon of our clan. Really he's nothing like one but still he's so mysterous even to me." He looked at Vanessa and then chuckled. "We just sort of found our way here you could say. Deathwish found his dragon and that's when I agreed to all this." He said and then looked up at the water.
She nods, looking saddened at the way Deathwish was treated but she understood their reasons, just his presence was pretty scary to her. "Well I'm glad you were both able to find your dragons and get here. The bigger our group is, the stronger we can be." And it's nice just having you here she added mentally but would never say it aloud.
Skylar nods lightly, "Sorry, I didn't want to bring this up...You shouldn't have to deal with my sadness. 'Tis not right." She they goes silent and keeps moving forward.
Elias shakes his head and walks closer to her as his version of comforting. "No.. No, it's ok. You shouldn't bottle yourself up all the time." Tatsuo watches his rider with curiosity at this new side of him, he has never acted like this before yet he has started now.
Nick looks at her and then smiles lightly. "Well before we run out of air let's go out for another speed run." he said and then sat down corretly on shadow and had him speed up through the water and back into the sky. He flew fast once again domating the sky. Shadow let out a loud roar when Nick yelled out in excitement.
She gasps when they get back above water and quickly grabs onto him from behind tightly from fear of falling off. Once she gets used to being above water once again she laughs in joy but keeps her tight grip around him despite her regaining her balance. "A little warning would have been nice." she laughs out.
Skylar sighed lightly "It's counter productive from trying to move on. I try to forget or ignore it so I can move on...That's how its always been." Eros seems confused as to why she is telling him but shakes it off a bit.
He stares straight forward, offering no emotions except a hard look. "Ignoring it won't help, trust me. If something bothers you and is as great as this is, it will only get worse. Trust me." His voice shows no inflection or emotions, not revealing his thoughts at all.
Skylar looked at him from the corner of her eye, its the first time she looked at him since the conversation had started. "While that may be true I have a right to learn on my own." She has a slight hard edge to her saddened voice.
Elias becomes slightly angered by this which is shown by his clenching his fists tightly, he was just trying to save her the trouble of going through the realization that ignoring something does not make it better but only makes it worse which is something he has not done before yet she simply ignored him. "Listen, I'm just trying to help you out here all right?"
Skylar sees that his fists are slowly clenching and stops. "Eros..." Eros lets her jump on his back. She looks at the river. "I'm going...I need to think." Her voice sounds strained as of she doesn't want to be snappy or cry. With that Eros darts off down the river and they disappear from sight.
His eyes widen almost unnoticeably, he was not thinking she might run off if he seemed to be angry. He knew he shouldn't care and normally wouldn't but this time he did. "No, wait!" He calls out but she's already gone. He growls slightly to himself and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. Tatsuo simply watched his rider in annoyance. Once the girl was gone he glared at Elias and growled lowly. Elias looks over at him in confusion at his dragon's anger with him along with frustration at this distraction to his thought process. "What is it now?" He asks. The dragon rolls his eyes at his obliviousness. "What are you doing?" the creature asks. "What do you mean? I was walking with Skylar to the meeting point where we're supposed to meet the other riders." He states obviously. Tatsuo simply shakes his head at him, "I meant, what are you doing with that girl? You're acting strange around her and you just met her." Elias looks at him with confusion "What are talking about? I'm just acting the same as I always do!" He states almost defensively. "That girl is changing you, making you act on your emotions too much and it's going to harm you in the end! "That girl's name is Skylar. You should start using it!" Elias yells at him. Tatsuo walks faster and cuts him off, making him stop walking and look at him. "See, even now you're defending her! You just met her and no, you never act like this. If it were anyone else you would have ignored them in the first place and not even bothered with talking to them. We would have just continued on our way and have arrived at the clearing by now!" Elias growls at him and clenches his fists, glaring at his dragon. "Listen, I have no idea what you're talking about but I don't want to deal with this right now!" The dragon growls back at him rumbling the ground beneath them the slightest bit "Well, you're going to have to deal with it sooner or later because this is definitely going to come back and bite you in the butt." Tatsuo then turns and continues walking ahead of Elias angrily while Elias is at a loss for words, he is about to retort but thinks better of it and stays quiet, he was right, he did need to think about what was going on and why he had acted that way around her. Yes, he knew he was acting... differently around Skylar but wouldn't admit it. Not yet at least.
Eros runs and runs until they are pretty far away. Skylar jumps off and runs to be by herself, she starts crying silently. Eros walks over to her and sighs, 'Sky...you'll be fine.' He sits next to her and she hides under his wing. "It's too much...I should never have agreed to come out here. We're lost, I brought up my past, and I left someone behind because I was selfish." She drops her head into her hands and leans against Eros. "I am so stupid. So, so stupid... I should have just stayed home." Eros interrupts her softly, 'You cannot run forever my friend, and you cannot hide either. In the end this was best for you.' She grumbles lightly, "I think there are many ways that this could have played out that would have been better...I wouldn't have needed to hurt another's feelings or ignite useless anger." Eros sighed and thought to himself that she was missing the point just a bit...well maybe a lot but technicalities.

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