Dragon Riders

She raised her eyebrown at his nickname. "wait...what do you mean? how could have mesed with you?" This truthfuly confuses her and she evrn ignores the fact that he flicked her nose.
He rolls his eyes, "You're just the type of person that is basically just begging to be messed with by everything you do." He crosses his arms, unknowingly flexing his muscles whenever he does so with a smirk on his face
Skylar twitches her nose. "So I am being messed with when all I did is live. Odd." She notices that he flexed his muscles and looked away slyly to face Eros and tries to ignore it. "Eros does that make sense?" She however doesn't wait for a response. "I don't think it does." She rolls her eyes and laughs."
He shakes his head at her still smiling a little, "Wow, you don't even wait for him to respond and you just assume he's going to agree with you? Wow."
She shrugs lightly. "It was more of a rhetorical question." She chuckles lightly. "I like asking them a lot. Try not to be bothered by it." She sticks her tongue out at him.
Elias rolls his eyes at her and chuckles lightly, "I'll try. So don't worry your little head, princess." He pats her on the head cheekily with a smirk on his face.
Skylar glares childishly at him and pulls him to the ground. She quickly moves away so he doesn't land on her. "I said stop touching my hair."
He stands back up and shrugs, "And I said it was funny to watch you squirm when I do. And if you find something funny, why stop?" He takes a step to counter her step back.
She looks at him slightly annoyed, "You stop because people ask you to. I can stop being nice about it ya know..." She realizes that she is going to have a hard time following through with being me but still tries.
Elias raises an eyebrow at her. "Oh really?" He chuckles a little "I would like to see you try to be mean. It just doesn't seem like it could be in your nature." He crosses his arms in a challenging way.
Skylar glares at him, "How do you know? You haven't even known me that long. Besides, everyone has the capability to be mean and I am no exception."

He leans back a little in skepticism at this. "Have you seen yourself lately? I bet you couldn't even hurt a fly. The meanest thing you've done was probably what, tell a classmate they couldn't play with you during school?"
Skylar rolls her eyes, "I was home schooled weirdo. The meanest thing I have ever done was assaulting an idiot who kept commenting on my height after I told him to shut up."
He looks at her, clearly not believing this. "Uhuh. Sure ya did, princess. And then the magical fairies came and made you queen of the elves." He rolls his eyes.
Skylar widens her eyes in disbelief. "How did you know that? Did the vampires tell you to get some leverage?" She narrows her eyes, "Those blood-suckers are just jealous because my people are much more elegant then them."
Elias pauses for a moment and just stares at her then starts cracking up. He hunches over with laughter, not being able to stop himself.
She smiles lightly and she lets out a brief laugh before she tackles him full force. "I don't see how ts funny! I have the capability to be mean!! Even if i'm not!!"
"Woah!" He shouts when she makes contact with him and they both fall down. Because of his instinct he automatically grabbed her and maneuvered them so she landed on top of him with him on his back and doesn't let go. "Was that really necessary, princess?" He lets out a short laugh and smirks.
Skylar blushed very lightly. "Well..umm..yeah! I had to prove that even though I am short I should be feared...even a little." She moves as if to get up.
Elias tightens his grip on her just a little so she can't get up and flips them over so he is above her with a smirk. "Oh yeah? Because right now you still don't seem very scary..." As he speaks, because of the distance they are at, his breath fans across her face very lightly.
Eros sighs lightly and looks at the sky. "I wonder where they went..."

Skylar doesn't look him in the eyes and she speaks quietly now. "I..I think you just have an objective view about it..." She is mentally freaking out due to their closeness.
Tatsuo sighs. "Who knows? They could be anywhere by now." He rolls his eyes, thinking about how changed his rider has become since he met this girl. He never would have left him before and now look at them. Elias wandered off leaving him to find them.

Elias raises an eyebrow at her. "Oh? And how is it that my view is objective?" He held back a smile at how uncomfortable she seemed about the situation. Her reactions never seemed to stop amusing him by their... cuteness. He couldn't believe he was thinking this because before he never would have called anyone's actions 'cute' and now that he's met Skylar... Everything has changed apparently.
Eros looks at Tatsuo but says. He just merely looks back at the sky.

Skylar still doesn't look at him. "Because...you are probably focusing on my height and the fact that I am a girl..." She then tries to move so she can get up.
Elias' voice gets quieter because of their distance and he too shifts but instead so she can't get up. "Well, physical attributes are what makes the difference between someone scary and... well anyone who's not. Like, have you ever heard of a scary rabbit?"

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