Dragon Riders

Elias mentally sighs in relief by her reaction. He may have acted upon his emotions without really thinking but that didn't mean he didn't feel a tinge of fear at the possible reactions she might have to him. He bends over a bit further to deepen the kiss then become tired and picks her up so he no longer needs to lean down.
Eventually Skylar softly pulls away from the kiss and turns her head so that she is leaning against him but he cannot see her face.
He sets her back down so she is standing again but keeps his arms wrapped around her. He dips his head down and softly places a kiss on the top of her head then stays in that position, still processing what just happened.
Skylar thought about everything that had happened that day and closed her eyes. Life seemed to move pretty darn fast for her and honestly it was draining. She fought the urge to yawn and spoke quietly, "Eros is going to kill me if we don't go back soon..." She sounded a little tired but nothing major.
"Mm. Well we should go back. Our dragons might be worrying." He rolled his eyes at the thought of what Tatsuo might be doing right now and what he will do when he finds out what had just happened... Elias ducks down and kisses the top of Skylar's head once more before scooping her up into his arms and starts walking back to where they left Tatsuo and Eros.
Skylar is taken by surprise. "Woah..." She looks at him slightly embarrassed, "thanks..." She slowly leans her head against him and slowly falls asleep.

(Meanwhile!!! :o ) Eros was laying down with his eyes closed, however, he could still hear everything near by. He lifted his head ever so slightly when he heard something.
He glances down at her softly, "Anytime." He smiles a little and the small girl he is carrying who has somehow captured his heart in the short time he's known her. He sighs and looks forward once again, retracing their steps to where the dragons now lay.

Tatsuo also hears them approach but made no sign to acknowledge it. Well, it took them long enough he thought. He listened closer and became slightly confused as to why he could only hear Elias' footsteps.
Eros looked at Elias and stood up immediately. Then he suddenly realized that he was carrying Skylar and she was not injured, she was just asleep. Eros sighed lightly and sat down. He would not rush into any foul judgments and remained quiet. However, Eros seemed slightly annoyed that Elias was carrying Skylar.
Elias raises an eyebrow at Eros challengingly. He noticed how annoyed the dragon was and did not appreciate the lack of trust he had for him. He walked closer to the two dragons and as he did so Tatsuo stood. "Why are you carrying her?" Elias turns to him and speaks quietly so as to not wake Skylar. "She fell asleep, today was an... eventful day for her." He smirked. His dragon looked at him questioningly but he ignored the look and spoke to both of the dragons. "We need to set up a sort of campt for the night. Skylar is already asleep and we cannot travel much longer tonight."
Eros seemed vexed at the boy but followed his orders knowing that his rider would have had him do the same. However, Eros felt anger at the way Elias smirked after saying she had an eventful day. He then glanced at him, "Are you going to return my rider to me?"
Elias turns toward the dragon. "She's asleep. All that would accomplish right now is waking her up. And she needs to rest so why would I want to do that?" He also did not wish to let go of her just yet. Keeping contact with her made him feel... calmer somehow. Tatsuo internally grinned, he had the old Elias back. The Elias who did not care what people thought nor simply about others. He still had not let go of the girl but he would not bother with that just now. At least his rider was mostly acting like normal again.
Eros growled slightly and turned away. He knew it was best not to lose his temper for his rider would not be able to put him in check. "Fine." He then walked away from them and sat near the stream and stared at the stars while muttering dragon curses.

Skylar moves slightly as if disturbed by something near her. A slight frown is on her face.
Elias rolls his eyes at Eros and turns to face Tatsuo muttering, "What's his problem?" Once Skylar moves however he looks at her with curiosity. Then, figuring it was just nothing he looks back up to his dragon's annoyed expression. "What?" Tatsuo sighs and shakes his head at his rider. "You have not know this girl long yet she rules your movement. It's not wise..." Elias rolls his eyes and sighs in annoyance at this. "Not everything someone does must be wise."
Tatsuo says nothing and lays down, simply watches his rider. Elias gently lays Skylar down she is leaning on Tatsuo as she sleeps then he pulls a blanket out from one of his bags and drapes it over her. He then lays down next to her and wraps his arms around her once more so she is leaning on both the dragon and he. When Elias does this he glances over to Eros, knowing this is probably annoying him and smirks spitefully at the dragon.
Eros glares at him anf growls quietly when Skylar seems to lean on him comfortably. He turns away and flicks his tail. "Brat..."
A deep chuckle reverberates through Elias' chest at the dragon's obvious anger at him. He may like and care about Skylar but that didn't mean he automatically liked Eros. She won't change his opinion on people in general, just his opinion on her. Tatsuo just smirks at them, glad Elias was back to his normal state when it came to most people. He curled his body a little so his tail and head completed most of a circle around the two young riders and lay his head down.
After sometime Skylar moved a bit and opened her eyes a little. She only moved her eyes and looked at where she was, a light blush crossed her when she noticed that she was leaning against Elias.
Elias shifts slightly when he feels her move. "Mm..." He doesn't wake up however and simply adjusts/slightly tightens his grip around her.
Skylar blushes even more and tries to loosen his grip just a bit. She sighs quietly when she realizes it is no use and stops moving. However, she glances around wondering where Eros was, she then she sees him asleep near the stream and is slightly confused.
Elias shift again, stirred by her movements then he slowly opens his eyes as he wakes up. He stifles a yawn and turns to face Skylar. "G'morning, princess." He speaks quietly, his voice still laced with sleep.
Skylar looks at him and speaks softly, "Good morning. Why is Eros over there?" She didn't seem upset just a tad confused.
Elias looks over to Eros and shrugs. He holds back a smirk at what he did the previous night to spite him and looked back to Skylar. "...I don't think Eros likes me very much..." He sits up straighter against Tatsuo, bringing Skylar with him.

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