Dragon Riders

Skylar looks at Eros and frowns lightly, "He is usually stubborn." She sighed lightly, "I suppose I will have to talk to him..." She makes moves to get up and leave.
Elias smirks a little, "Yes, I know. I found that out last night." His arms instinctually tighten a bit around her so she can't get up. "Going somewhere?" He says teasingly.
Skylar looks at him blushing slightly, "What do you mean you found out last night? Oh and yes, I was going to go talk to him..."
Elias sighs and looks at Eros out of the corner of his eye. "Let's just say that Eros didn't really like the fact that I carried you back after..." He trails off and hides a smirk as he remembers their kiss. He also decided to leave out his taunting the dragon because that might not be the best thing for him to say at the moment.
Skylar realizes how Eros would have reacted. "Oh my...I need to go talk to him indefinetly. You didn't say anything to upset a lot did you?" She looked at Elias curiously.
Elias turns thoughtful. "Um... no, no I didn't say anything to upset him." He may have done some things to upset Eros but he didn't say anything. That was what she was asking after all.
Skylar looks at him worriedly, "You did something though...didn't you?" She let out a sigh. "I am going to talk to him and I will back." She gets up and walks over to Eros.

Eros meanwhile lifts his head lightly when he hears her approach. He looks at her and looks annoyed. She looks at him and sighs, "Eros...let me explain what is going on." She then started talking to him and they sat near the stream whispering in hushed voices.
Elias looks after her, wondering what they are talking about. Tatsuo chuckles at him causing Elias to looks over to him curiously. "What are laughing about?" Tatsuo looks down at the rider with amusement. "You are going to get into trouble with your new girl." Elias shakes his head at him. "She's not my girl," He adds air-quotes around the words 'my girl' "she's a girl I really like." The dragon shrugs, "Either way, you're going to be in trouble." Elias smirks and gives a short laugh, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I probably shouldn't have taunted him like that, huh?" Tatsuo shakes his head at him, "No, I think it's fine that you did that but then you lie to her... That won't go over well." Elias looks at him in exasperation "I did not lie to Skylar! I just... found a loophole in her question." Tatsuo laughs at him.
Skylar's face is marred by a frown and she drops her head into he hands. "Seriously Eros? Gah! I feel like I can't leave anyone alone at all!" She walks away from Eros and sit farther down the stream. "DISAPPOINTED IN YOU ALL!" She doesn't sound upset but rather void of emotion.
Elias' eyes widen at her outburst and he quickly turns to her. "What the heck...?" He mutters and Tatsuo looks down at him with an expression of 'I told you so' Elias simply ignores him then runs over to Skylar with concern and crouches down next to her. "Hey, what's wrong, princess?"
Skylar looks at him skeptically. "You said you didn't provoke him and he stated you did. Either way you both acted poorly." She crinkles her nose and goes to sit by the stream.
Elias follows her to the stream and crouches in front of her. "No, you see you asked if I said anything and I didn't." He puts his hand on her shoulder.
Skylar glances at him and rolls her eyes. "That is just a loop hole, it was pretty obvious what I meant." She looks to the stream. "You better find a bloody way of how to fix it. Just letting you know, he pretty much hates you right now."
Elias opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it, thinking better of what he was going to say. He just studies her face for a moment, thinking. So now he apparently need to go make nice with the dragon he was having so much fun annoying. "How am I supposed to do that?" He asks, exasperated.
Skylar looks at him, "Honestly...? I would apologize to him in some way, he feels challenged. Teasing him is okay...trying to say you are above him...well...that is dangerous." She sighs, "That all I can say to you...sorry."
"Wait, what? I never said I was above him! I may have done some things to annoy him but that was all!" Elias becomes angered by this and clenches his fists. He honestly did not try to do anything which would seem like that.
She closed her eyes, "Keeping me with you while he didn't have an explanation challenged him. To a dragon it is an insult of his capability of guarding someone."
Elias looks away and glares at the ground, clenching and unclenching his fists. His anger was starting to get the better of him and his muscles were already tensing with the need to punch something. "Well he didn't really ask for an explanation, now did he?"
Skylar sighs and drops her head into her hands, she begins mumbling, "..don't get anywhere 'cause no one will compromise..." She looks at him. "Fine. Don't apologize." She then drops her head back into her hands.

Eros meanwhile is glaring at the stream thinking about what Skylar told him. He was angry at what she had done in a way, but even more so that he just now received an explanation about it all.
Elias looks back over to her with his lips pinched together in anger. He simply studies her for a moment then closes his eyes and sighs heavily, stands up. "Fine, I'll do it. But remember, I'm doing it for you, not him, got it princess?" His voice is still filled with anger but he is obviously holding most of it back, his muscles are still tensed and his fists clenched.
She lifts her head up and looked at him. "Thank you..." Skylar looked at him with a small forced smile. "It means a lot..."
Elias glances at her bitterly and nods his head, "Yeah, it better." He mutter quietly to himself then takes a deep breath and walks over Eros unwillingly and crosses his arms.
Skylar sighs at his response and looks back at the stream. She rolls her eyes lightly, "I swear...I get flack for a lot of things I do."

Eros looks up from his thoughts when he hears footsteps. When he sees Elias her glares and releases a slight growl. "What do you want?'
Elias' muscles flex as he holds back his anger and glares at the ground. "I heard your feeling were hurt last night, apparently." He spits out through clenched teeth. He obviously did not enjoy doing this at all and would destroy a couple trees afterward with all the anger he is bottling up.

Tatsuo watches their interaction carefully. He did not want Elias to get into any unneeded fights with this dragon. That would definitely not end well, for any one. He assessed his riders posture and tried to decide if he should step in to stop anything just yet.
Eros flicks his tail and speaks quietly. His anger is quite clear, "I don't like you being around SKYLAR. I don't trust you and have no reason to, the truth has not been told to me at all by you." Eros thrashed his tail but stayed still. "You do not bring anything good for my rider!" His eyes were already narrowed and he seemed very aggravated.

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