Dragon Riders

Eros who had been waiting tensely jumped up. "Bring her to me now." He sounded dead serious and like he already had a plan.
Elias doesn't move for a moment but quickly thinks better of it and nods then quickly goes over to him, carefully holding Skylar in his arms. He did not want to let Skylar go but knew he needed to. Eros has dealt with this before it seemed and giving her to him, even for a little while, was the smartest thing to do.
Eros quietly murmurs words in dragon tongue and her wound began glowing and slowly started healing. After a while it was gone and only blood could show that it had been there. Eros then looks at Elias. "You saw nothing unusual...got it?" He didn't seem angry just calm.

Skylar was now out cold but her face didn't show her pain as much anymore.
Elias watches this with veiled amazement. He quickly moves his balled up shirt from her previous wound but now there was no sign on the stab. Elias looks over her to be sure she was fully healed. He looks up at Eros. "How did you...?"
Eros looks at him and speaks calmly, "It's a secret. Don't mention it to anyone. Got it?" He looks at him waiting for a reply.
Elias looks at him burning with curiosity but he slowly nods. "Yes, all right. I won't tell anyone." He looks back down at Skylar softly and gently tucks some of her hair behind her ear, out of her face. "She's going to be all right now, right?"
Eros nodded and sighed, "Yes. She will be fine, she was lucky enough that it didn't scar...I swear..." He looked at Elias and spoke warily, "...don't hurt her..." He then moved away a bit and sighed, the dragon had a hard time allowing others to interact with his rider more than him. "oh...and don't gloat."
Elias releases a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in relief. "Oh thank god..." He turns to the large dragon in confusion as Eros finishes speaking. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" And what did that have to do with what was going on? He wondered. He wasn't thinking about their previous fight at all, his mind was solely focussed on the girl he was holding in his arms.
Eros rolls his eyes and thought 'the capacity of human minds'. "I am pretty sure you will figure it out eventually. So don't worry yourself."

Skylar stirred a little and let out a small sigh. Her eyes then opened slightly. "Wha' the heck...?"
Elias still looks a little confused and is about to ask furthur but stops when Skylar stirrs. He smiles a bit when she wakes up. "Hey princess. How do you feel?"
Skylar's sight focused a bit more and she looked at him. "I'm fine...feeling the pain though..." She closes her eyes once again. "You aren't worrying to much are you?"
Elias shrugs and looks away "Um, probably." He then looks Skylar in the eye seriously. "But it doesn't matter so long as you're fine now."
Skylar has a slight smile. "Like I was going to go and die...not very fun in my opinion." She chuckles very lightly. She looked up and saw Eros facing away and then looked at Elias. "What in the world...? I thought you two hated each other..."
Skylar looked at Eros again and muttered to herself. "no one makes sense..." Regardless she seemed happy that they were not enemies anymore. She looked back at Elias, "Hey...thanks..." She looked away trying to not look embarrassed. "You saved me..."
Elias shrugs, "Anytime, princess." He then smirks "But you do owe me a new shirt now." He motions toward his balled up, blood soaked shirt.
Skylar sees the blood soaked shirt and then blushes when she realizes he is shirtless. "o-oh! s-sorry..." She makes moves to get up quickly.
"Woah there, princess." Elias quickly moves to stop her from moving so quickly. "You may be healed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take it a little easy, ok?"
Skylar looked at him briefly. "I know. I just wanted to..umm..go talk to Eros really quick. I haven't talked to him since this morning." She then looks at Eros.
Elias looks at her skeptically and with a raised eyebrow. After a moment he lets her go "Ok then." he then leans back on a nearby tree, thinking.
Skylar walks over to Eros and sits near his feet and she is now hidden from sight. "Mad at me?" Eros looks at her seriously and sighs. 'You got hurt...again Sky. You haven't been very careful as of late.' Skylar frowns and looks at the ground. "I guess I stopped caring, I haven't died yet even though I have been through a lot." She looks up at Eros and grins. "Besides I haven't had to be as careful." Eros rolled her eyes and smiled at her.
Elias glances over at them, curious about what they were discussing then goes back to his previous thoughts. He was wondering what Tasuo was doing and we he did not come along with them to find Skylar. He knew his dragon noticed them go so why did he stay?
Eros looks at Skylar, "So...why are you sitting with me?" She chuckles nervously, "Why wouldn't I?" Eros looks skeptical and she cracks. "Okay fine...He isn't wearing a shirt." She was blushing furiously and dropped her head into her hands. At this Eros broke into deep and loud laughter.
Elias is broken out of his thought by Eros' laughter and looked over to him and Skylar. He hasn't heard the dragon laugh before now and wondered what they could be talking about that was so funny.
"It isn't funny Eros...you are so mean." Skylar lifts her head and glares at the dragon. Eros however is still laughing and spoke softly when he finished, "It is funny indeed because you aren't bothered by anything at all and now you are." She sighs and looks frustrated with the dragon, "Well what should I do then? Hmm?" Eros merely chuckled and said make it back to where his dragon is without making a fool of yourself?" She growled lightly at him. "Meanie!!"

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