Dragon Riders

Elias raises an eyebrow at him "Well maybe you should start because I'm the one who helped you guys out when you were lost. I would never do anything to hurt her, believe me." He ground out, trying not to yell at Eros.
Eros growled at him, "Not good enough you know. Being her dragon I have saved her life many times from people or creatures. I do not have to trust anyone other than Skylar. You don't know her well enough to say you will never hurt her, so I don't even believe you."
Elias glares at Eros "Well I don't know how to prove it to you so you're just going to have to trust and if you don't then... oh well. That's not why I came over here. I came here to say that..." He looks away and give the ground a death glare, clearly wishing to be anywhere but there. "Kf i somehow upset you before, I'm sorry." He obviously didn't mean this apology but he did say it which was pretty big for him to do.
Eros laughed sarcastically, "You don't even sound convincing." At this point Eros glances to where Skylar is and finds that she is no longer there and he jumps up.
Elias rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well it's not like I mean it." He might as well tell the truth. He looks to Eros with curiosity and interest when he jumps up. "What is it?" He instinctively looks over to where Skylar is to be sure she is ok. Once he notices she is gone he looks all around them with slight fear. "Where is Skylar?"
Eros looks at him. "I don't know, but I am going to find out." He makes move to go off to where she last was so he can see if there is any clue as to where she went.

Skylar was walking through the woods and talking to herself quietly, "Annoying people...I swear..." She looks up sharply wen she hears somethings rustling. "Hmm.." She narrows her eyes and takes a step back.
Elias runs ahead of him and looks around where Skylar last was and spots some footprints leading away into the woods. "I found some footprints!" He quickly forgot about his fight with Eros and only thought about what Skylar was doing wandering off alone in these woods. He follows the prints for a little while but soon can no longer see where they went because they were lost in a large patch of leaves.
Skylar eyes widen and she turns to run when she sees that what is behind the bush is a group of bandits. "They must have heard me talking..." As she is running she glances back a bit and realizes they are still following her so she picks up the speed but comes to a halt at a chasm in the ground. "Oh great..." She turns around to face them and looks at how many there are. They look at her smiling, "You really thought you could get away from us?" She grimaces at them, "I thought you might consider it unfair to have a 1 to 8 fight." They laugh and walk towards her and soon they are fighting.

Eros follows him and sniffs the ground. "She went that way..." He flicks his tail towards the core of the forest.
Elias nods, his face completely serious and showing no emotion- a surefire sign that a lot was going on beneath the surface. He runs toward where Eros motioned with his tail, determined to find Skylar. He weaves through the trees, trying to see her. "Skylar! Where did you go?" He calls out, hoping she's respond so he can find her soon.

Tatsuo had seen the girl arise and wander off but thought nothing of it and did nothing. He then noticed his rider and the girl's dragon notice her disappearance and go after her. He got up from his laying in the sun to go after them then thought better of it. Why should he go too when she had a dragon and his rider going after her? And it was not as if he cared much for the girl anyway.
Skylar had just knocked out another of the bandits but there were still 5 left. She pushed one away and turned to block another. "Not very nice to gang up on a girl...." She grits the phrase out through her teeth and punches him hard, however he just backs up after the blow. Skylar who was trying to keep track of her opponents did not notice one behind her until to late. She whirled around and tried to push him back but she was to slow. When she had turned around the knife he held was plunged into her stomach. She instantly felt it as blood rose to her mouth in a cough. She released a fierce cry and headbutted the man hard, she then tried to distance herself from them.
Elias barely hears the fight and runs as fast as he can toward them. "Skylar?" He arrives just in time to see Skylar stabbed by one of the bandits "Skylar!" He charges over to her and takes in the amount of blood pouring out of her stomach. "Oh man..." He puts his arms on her and slowly helps her to the ground, paying no attention to the bandits just yet.
Skylar looks at him briefly and her pain is only visible in her eyes. She shakes his hold off and sits up kicking throwing the knife at one of the bandits. She hit him dead on in the eye and her small frown seemed slightly wicked. "...serves him.." She stands weakly while putting pressure on her wound and looks at Elias. "I'll be fine...them first..."

Eros however cannot reach them because he got stopped by the thick and dense forestry. He tried to destroy it but it seemed to strong and stubborn to bend under his assault.
Elias studies her face for a moment before nodding and turns around to face the bandits, cracking his knuckles with a deadly look on his face. "All right then..." He charges at one of the remaining bandits then quickly and repeatedly punches him until he falls down; either unconscious or dead. Elias didn't bother finding out before moving on to fighting the next bandit.
Skylar despite her injury pushed herself and ran at one of the two unoccupied bandits. After trading of blows and deadly moves she had rendered him unconscious. She looked up and saw the last bandit was trying to get away after seeing his comrades fall, she took a step forward but was hit by a sharp pain. Skylar closed her eyes and dropped to the ground.
Elias swiftly finishes off the bandit he was facing and turns to fight the last one but freezes when he sees Skylar fall. He runs over and looks her over, trying to think of something he could do to help her. "Princess?" Her eyes were closed and he knew they could be for long or he would go crazy wondering if she was ok. "Princess you're going to need to keep your eyes open, ok?" He quickly applies as much pressure as he can without hurting her to try and slow the bleeding. He has now completely forgotten about the fleeing bandit, finding it an unneeded nuisance to go after.
Skylar's eyes opened slightly and she looked at him. "..fine...just a scratch.." She shut her eyes again and clenched her jaw due to the pain.
Elias looks at her like she's crazy and becomes slightly angered. "Just a scratch? This is not 'just a scratch', princess." he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "We need to get you bandaged up..." He glances around to see if there was anything he could use to soak up the blood. After he finds nothing he sighs and leans away from her and quickly pulls his shirt off then bunches it up and presses it against the wound. "Come on, you need to keep your eyes open... please...."
She opens her eyes slightly and blushes very slightly when she registers what he did. "I have been through worse...and scars to prove it...so this is a scratch.."
Elias sighs and moves her hands under his which are holding his shirt, which is soaking up the blood. "Keep this there, ok?" He looks her in the eye seriously. He choose to ignore what she said about being hurt before, because the thought of someone hurting her angered him and he decided it would be best to deal with that problem later.
Skylar applied a bit more pressure than Elias had and looked at him. "Alrighty...I will no worries..." She realized that now was probably not the best time to lose seriousness even though to her this wasn't bad. She sighed and closed her eyes finally feeling the after effects of her injury now that the adrenaline had worn off.
Elias looks at her and nods, his face as serious and unemotional as ever. He picks her up lightly then turns and runs back the way they came as quickly as he could without jostling her too much. He glances down at her worriedly but shows no evidence of this except the look in his eyes. "You're sure you're ok, princess?"
Elias looks down at her seriously. "Princess..." He speaks warningly to her. "Don't you lie to me." If he was going to be helping her he couldn't have her leave out the amount of pain she might be in.
Skylar sighs but instantly regrets it. "I give it... a 6... on a scale of 1 to 10...now if you don't mind....I am going to stop talking..." She grits out the last sentence and then falls silent.
Elias closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "Oh man..." This was not very good, not very good at all... He continues to run. He soon meets with Eros again. "Eros! Skylar's been hurt..." He looks down at the girl who lays, bleeding in his arms.

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