Dragon Riders

Elias suddenly sighs and starts running forward, in the direction Skylar and Eros ran off in hoping to catch up with them. Tatsuo quickly catches on to his idea and cuts him off, "Where are you going?" Elias rolls his eyes and starts walking around him but Tatsuo moves so he cannot. He clenches his fists and glares "I'm going after them." "No you're not, you cannot go after her." The dragon speaks sternly, holding back anger. "Yes i am. Now get out of my way." Elias snaps. Tatsuo sighs at him. "I am not going to move, you cannot go after her. Leave her be." He then lays down, circling his rider so he can't go after her. "I can and I will." Elias looks at him with a deadly expression and starts walking over so he might get around and after her. He didn't know why but he wanted to be sure she was ok, he didn't like the fact that she was upset because of him. Tatsuo growls lowly, stands and uses his head to knock his rider over then stands over him so he cannot rise. "I will not allow you to go after that girl and ruin yourself." Elias pushes him off and stands. Tatsuo continues, quieter this time. "You must admit that you have been acting strangely since you met her." He looks away and sighs, running his hand through his hair, upset. "All right! I know I was but I don't know why!" He groans and punches the tree closest to him causing it to crack and break then sink down and sit next to the broken stump. Tatsuo simply watches him levelly then walks over and nudges him onto his back and take off to the sky with him. The rider grabs onto his dragon so as not to fall and looks at him in confusion, "Where are we going now?" Tatsuo turns and adjust his flight path according to the path he is following, "We are going after her of course." Elias becomes shocked at this. "What? I thought you said you wouldn't let me go after Skylar." The dragon shrugs slightly, "I needed you to admit that you were in fact acting strangely around her."
Eros sighed slightly and closed his eyes. 'Skylar its too late to go back now so you must push forward and try to move on. Stop pouting and get up.' She looked at Eros and she had stopped crying but her eyes were still puffy. "So unsympathetic..."she gives a sad laugh, "but I know you're right...I wish I could do that with out breaking down every now and then." She lets out a deep sigh. Eros allows her to calm down and turns his head to the skies.
Star tilted her head to the earth, unfortunatley the clouds covered the view. "Lotus...you think we are far enough? Or do you think we should go back?" Lotus gave a loud growl at the idea of going back. Was she crazy!? They slayer could kill him if he got the chance! Star gave a long sigh and comanded her dragon to fly below to the clouds, to get a better understanding of where they flew to. Now being able to see the ground, she didnt reconize any of it! "Lotus where are we? Down boy." When she finally reach the ground, it just seemed like they had been following the plains, now she was out in the middle, unable to see any forest line, all she could see was tall, emerald green grass. "We are lost arnt we? Its better then being dead though, isnt boy?" Star gave her beautiful feathered dragon and hug before sitting in the feild. "You should rest a little, its ncie to have some preace and quite." Lotus gave her a nod and plopped onto the ground, folding his double wings and simply enjoying the light breeze and fresh air.
Tatsuo quickly catches Skylar and Eros' scent and flies toward them. They then circle the area a few times before they catch sight of the two and slowly descend to the ground. Tatsuo lands a bit into the forest and Elias jumps down from his back. Once he touches the ground however he freezes and doesn't move. Tatsu looks to his friend with worry "What is wrong? All you alright?" Elias nods but still doesn't take a step. He turns to the dragon in deep thought. "What is troubling you, Elias?" The wise creature asks. "I-I... don't know what to say. How am I supposed to explain why we followed her?" For years, Elias has never needed to worry about what to say to someone for he never cared enough what others thought of him and no one would ask. They would simply assume he had his reasons and it was best not to ask for he would just snap at them that it wasn't their business in the first place. But now, now she would ask and he would need to answer without looking like a fool for following a girl who clearly needed to think deeper into the forest when he should be on his way to the meeting grounds. "Just tell the girl that you didn't want her to end up any more lost than she already was when we found her because you don't want to be the reason a small girl like she gets lost in a large forrest." Elias nods slowly, a plan devising in his head but he still doubted it wouldn't sound idiotic. He sighs and faces ahead of him, where Skylar and Eros were. "All right..." He says, unwilling to go. He briefly thought of simply leaving now and hoping she would find her way eventually but knew he couldn't, they probably already knew he was there because they saw them land and leaving now would look strange. He then clears his thought and strides forward to them with Tatsuo trailing slowly behind. He may have brought him here but that didn't mean he approved of his rider's actions.
Eros saw them descend and watched as they drew near, he sighed and flicked his tail lazily signifying to Skylar that she should get on his back. Skylar looked confused at their appearance but hopped onto Eros' back. "Why did you come after us?" She was still quiet but her voice rang clear. Eros was ready to leave if necessary, but Skylar tapped Eros on his neck telling him not to move yet.
Elias lazily flicks his hair to the side, out of his eyes and walks over, seemingly uncaring and shrugs, "I didn't want you to end up any more lost than you already were when we found you 'cus I don't want to be the reason you gets lost in a forrest. If something happened, I don't want your blood on my hands." He stands in a relaxed position and crosses his arms watching her as if he didn't really want to be there but was because his morals got in the way.
Skylar sighs and looks down, "Sorry...I would hate to do that to you. Honestly though..." she looks up and twitches her nose (like a rabbit :D ) "I may be horribly coordinated, but dying due to it.." She chuckled lightly and rolled her eyes as if the idea was silly. "that is ridiculous." However happy she seemed to be now she remained on Eros' back in a stiff position. "Besides, Eros would have to go down before there was a chance of me getting hurt. I swear he is overprotective." Eros merely rolls his eyes as in saying 'I wonder why?'
He gives a short laugh at Eros but shows no other emotion and shrugs as if he didn't care, he was there anyway so whatever. "You could still get even more lost, that probably would not end well for you two." Tatsuo lays down behind him, expecting they be there for a little while.
Skylar nodded, "I suppose so." Eros slowly sat down again but Skylar still remained on his back unsure if she should drop down. However she eventually swings downs and sits down next to Eros. She is leaning against him and how she looks even smaller.
Skylar raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Pray tell, what is so funny? Are you mocking my height still?" She stands up (helps somewhat) and looks at him. "How is it that amusing??" She seems confused at how it is still funny to him.
Skylar tries to be upset at the comment but ends up laughing. "That...is...a...LIE!!" She has a hard time getting the sentence out due to laughing so hard. "Little kids are smaller than me!"
Skylar has calmed down a bit, "How do they not count? and hey! Plants can be shorter than me too!" She is trying to not crack up again but is slowly failing.
"Not everyone is overwhelmingly tall. Okay? I am one who isn't." Skylar sticks her tongue out childishly and Eros chuckles lightly at her antics.
Eros chortles at this and Skylar shoots him a half-hearted glare. "Okay, okay. I'm 'overwhelmingly short'. Anything else I would not be aware of?" She smiles cheekily.
"Hm..." Elias pretends to be deep in thought and puts his hand to his chin in a thoughtful way. He shrugs and looks back at her, "I can't think of anything at the moment but when I do, I'll be sure to tell you." He walks over and pats her on the head like one would do to a child.
"How patronizing..." she shakes her hair and fixes it after he had touched it. "Do you tend to be this sarcastic?" She raises an her eyebrow while lightly smiling.
Skylar looks at him with a childish pout, "Oh lucky me...why do you keep touching my hair??" She once again fixes her hair and leaves her hands on it so he can't ruin it.
Skylar rolls her eyes and slaps his hand away. "Meanie." She sticks her tongue out at him. "I am not messing with you at all."

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