Dragon Riders

He nods his head to the east. "That was the direction we had been going. Does that seem like the same direction you were going before?" He asks, situating himself on Tatsuo who simply stands there, eying his rider and Skylar curiously.
Nick came back looking for Vanessa. He wasn't surprised to see Flower in a fight. He looked around and then smiled putting his arm around Vanessa's neck. "Figured it out yet? Or show I spell it out for you?" He said and then smirks at her.
Bella watched as Flower ran to attack Gray, at about the same time Gray cast some magic spell. She didn't know exactly what it was, having never seen it before. Where had he learned all this? It certainly wasn't something that everyone- or anyone, for that matter- in the Aqua Clan knew. Flower said that she wanted to be left alone, and that it was her fight and no one else's. Bella watched the others in the group to see what their reactions would be, but surprisingly they all seemed cool and collected about it, like it was something that was perfectly normal.
Vanessa's blush which seemed to be ever-present when Nick is around, returned and she continuously glanced at him then at the ground or anywhere else out of embarrassment. "Um, w-what? What are talking about?"
Nick looks at Flower and Gray. He sighed. "Oh nevermind..." He said and then looked at her. "So Vanessa....where have you been?" He asked and then smiled charmingly at her. He bent down being taller then her and tried to get her to look at him. He blinks and then rubs his head. "Odd how you don't like to look at me."
She meets his eyes for a moment then quickly looks away when Her blush deepens 2 shades darker, "Um, we all went to scout out new land, you know, because we were going to leave?" She speaks kind of nervously and continues to stare at the ground the whole time.
Nick chuckles. "Ah now I see why." He said and then pulled away. "Well should have invited me...I think Shadow is getting tired of....well...being my shadow." He said looking at his shadow that had two red dragon eyes in it. He looks at Venessa and then held out his hand. "Want to go for a ride with me?" He asked smiling charmingly at her.

Deathwish found it amazing he wasn't the least bit conserned about Flower fighting the dragon slayer. He rolls his eyes and then looked at Flower. She asked no one to help her but still....Gray had the same look that he did....and gray means it. He looks at Nick and then walks over. 'If i were you Nick....I'd back off." He said and then put his hands into his pockets. Nick of course ignores him.
Vanessa bites her lip and thinks for a moment. "Um..." She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks up at him from the corner of her eye then smiles a little bit, nodding. "O-ok. Sure."
Nick smirks at Deathwish. Deathwish just smacks him behind his head. Nick glares and then watches as Shadow slowly reappears behind Nick. He was exackly how a shadow looked. Just eyes and dark wings but completely smooth and covered in a blanket of darkness. Nick gets up on Shadow first. He looks at Vanessa and then held out his arm to help her up. "Well then come along." He said and then smirked to himself. He could tell Deathwish wanted to kill him, knowing he'd move on to another girl later.
Vanessa's eye widen a bit at Shadow's form then quickly snaps out of it when Nick holds his arm out to help her up. She gladly takes it and climbs onto Shadow, biting her lip nervously, a habit she had once tried and failed to quit so she gave up on the attempt. She was unused to guys giving her attention such as this, in her clan they would occasionally talk to her but otherwise they didn't bother with the 'Girl With Her Head In The Clouds' as so many addressed her as, but not to her face of course.
Nick looks at her and then smiles. "Oh and...I'd hold on." He said as Shadow zoomed off quickly. He was faster then normal dragons because his form could shift and change. He looked at Vanessa and then looked at Shadow having him go faster, twisting and turning. The large black dragon flew down into the forest avoiding the trees.
She jerks back at first, stifling a shriek from shock then quickly grabs onto him so she won't fall off. While any normal girl would be terrified right now at the speed they were going at and the path Shadow chose to take- going close to the trees and twisting- she simply laughed from joy at the feeling of the wind rushing past her and the feeling of the large beast soaring through the sky. This was one of the best feelings in the world to her. "This is so awesome!" She screamed as they shot across the sky, not letting go of the boy in front of her.
Nick looks back at her. "Glad you like it...Shadow....let's show her what our clan is good at shall we?" He asked and Shadow took a sharp turn and then dove straight into a lake of water. Shadows surrounded them keeping the water out. Nick sighed and looked at the water above. "Deathwish's dragon can to the same thing but it think it's cooler this way. The outside water could be seen but it was dim. He looked back at Venessa and then chuckles loving that she was clinging to him.
Her eyes widen in fear when they dive straight for the water and she lets out a small shriek, gasping when the water never touches them. She slowly loosens her hold on him, staring around them at the water in amazement. "This is so cool... My Sogno can do something similar to this, except with flames." She mumbled, dazed. She had never been able to see the water like this before, since there were no bodies of water near her clan considering they were the Ignis and fire and water don't usually go together very well.
Nick leans back slightly. "Yeah....my clan just loves water...hense the name." he said and then looked at Shadow. "Well done boy." He said and then patted shadow. He looks up watching the fish swim away and smiles relaxing. He seemed so comfortable here and was showing another side of him other then his flirting side. He looks at her and then smiles. "Well I thought it would be nice to show you." He said and then looked around.
She looks over and smiles at him. "Thank you." She leans over and hugs him then pulls back, and looks at the water and fish surrounding them. It was so peaceful down here, like you could simply float here for hours on end happily.
Nick looks around and then watches Shadow move through the gap of air like a fish. He blinked. "I'm still trying to figure out how she does that without touching the water." He said and then looked at Vanessa. He smiles a little and then watches as Shadow swims to the surface and stays so they're just below the surface. Nick reaches up and puts his hand flat on the water like it was glass. He smiles at her. "Beautiful....like you." He said and then winked at her. (oh well...that didn't last long.)
She blushes and quickly hides behind her hair so it can't be seen. "Thanks..." She mumbles, looking down and away in embarrassment. She wondered why he complements her so much and can so easily make her blush, no one has been able to before.. it was probably just because she hasn't known him all her life like the boys in her clan.
Nick chuckles and then looks back at Shadow. 'When ever you want to go back is fine with me." He said and then looked back at her with a charming smile. He turned around on Shadow and laid down on Shadow's neck his arms crossed under his head. He looks at her and then looks back up as Shadow went deeper into the lake.
She bit her lip, thinking, she knew she should get back soon of Sogno will worry- they are rarely apart, if ever. But she didn't want to leave, not yet at least. Nick seemed so at peace here and so did she. She decided to wait a little while longer before going back. She turns to looks at him for a moment then asks, "So what's your story? How did you get here with the rest of us?"
Skylar closes her eyes for a few seconds and then nods her head. "I'm pretty sure." She sighs softly and looks up at Elias. She tilts her head in curiosity. "Walking or flying?"
He glances at Tatsuo, who is laying down, tiredly. "How about we walk and give our dragons a break for now?" He says and jumps off of Tatsuo's back and landing smoothly on the ground while simultaneously pulling his pack onto his back.
Skylar nods and stands up on Eros' back and jumps off landing lightly. "Sounds good." She smiles a bit. "I think Eros shouldn't have to put up with me right now anyways." She says this while walking backwards and chuckling at Eros' childish glare. 'Not very nice Sky....' She merely chuckles and turns around and keeps walking forward.
Elias watches her interaction with her dragon curiously. Tatsuo sees him watching the girl and her dragon and rolls his eyes at his rider. Whatever has gotten into him with this new girl, he had better snap out of it or soon things might get a little out of control...

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