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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Eagle started walking as he answered her. "I'm all right. Sore. Very sore, but I'll be okay." He walked through the trees until getting to the lake. He saw Niruth and Huoyan sleeping next to each other and chuckled. "Well they made up quickly," he muttered to Lilith. He looked for Max, but didn't see him anywhere. "Do you see Max or Craig?"

@Cheselth @Hoki
The scarlet fighter nodded "Sure, I'll follow yyou guys back. I could use break." He said as he accepted the offer and used the rag that Lilith give him in order to clean the blood around his forehead

(Sry short posts)
Lilith smiled as she followed Eagle and walked next to the scarlet hunter to watch his movements, still a little skeptical of him. She looked where Eagle was looking towards and smiled. "Nice to know that they're getting along. At least I don't have to worry about the forest catching fire while I fight now." She laughed to herself a bit and made her way over to the river, limping a bit. She's going to clean herself off a bit, but of course she's not gonna take a full on bath until she knows she's alone.

Razor followed the small group back into the clearing and huffed a bit if smoke, pretending to fly by flapping his wings a bit.
The Man in scarlet was the first to arrive to the river and he quickly jog towards it before dropping to his knees at the edge of the river. He scoops the water with his hands and washes his face, clearing the blood away. He flinched as the water came in contact with his wounds, causing a a slight sting pain. He felt more relaxed now and was pretty tired from traveling a long distance.. Just to fail to catch the Black Arrow. He stood up from the river and begin to equip one of his daggers. There's quite a number of fishes in the river. He could use a good meal now. He ignored the others as of moment, although they would notice him at the banks of the river.

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-Magnus watched the group leaning on a tree, he viewed their auras, seeing the distrust in him and despise a bit, he scratched his chin upon seeing this and sighed, stepping forwards, grabbing a bag from beside the tree and lugging it quickly over his back and turned to the group-

"I seem to have gotten a bad impression...i have an odd feeling im viewed as a hindrance...i suppose that is to be expected being the person i am...anyways off topic...seems ill leave you to survive...seeming you dont want any of the help i can provide..."

-he scratched his chin pondering grimly as he said that looking to them and leaning agaisnt a tree, wondering if they wanted to respond to him, although this was the first time someone spoke to him without hostility...no wait...they did approach him with hostility truly at first....maybe they really didn't trust him, that was to be expected, but he didn't have tome for this, he sighed again and looked to the red coated man, seeing he was awake, he seemed cautious against the tree, his aura search continuing after he spoke, until he got a response, he wouldn't move-
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Eagle turned to Lilith and nodded. "I just hope that we there won't be another storm tonight. I don't have any money for an inn, and I wouldn't really want to leave Niruth." Eagle yawned amd put his hands behind his head with a wince. He didn't put them down though. The new muscle tissue had to stretch out or else he'd always be stiff, something not particularly helpful with flying. "So... What was Magnus talking about earlier? What's a keeper?" Eagle hadn't mentioned this in front of the stranger because if he knew Magnus would blab about it. He wanted to hear it from Lilith. That is if she was willing to tell him at all.

Lilith looked at Eagle, barely noticing the wince. Then he asked a question she knew the answer to, but didn't know how to answer without giving herself away a little. "Well... Keepers are what created everything... There's Whisper, creator of breath, air and skies. Sentient, creator of life itself. Quake, creator of ground and everything to do with it. Demise, creator of the underworld. Finally there's Bedlam, the one who created the other keepers." She didn't go all into the lore, but she was afraid that Eagle might suspect something off about her. She began to wash her face now.
The scarlet fighter decided its time he introduce himself to the two. He walked up to them, avoiding his gaze at Razor as.. he was a little afraid to admit rather have a slight fear of the majestic beasts. Strangely, he felt fine towards dragonkin. "It's time I should introduce myself. My name is Az-rel Runehill. I am a traveller..Well, not to many people, they would think of me as a vigilante." He said as he hold and twirl around his bizarre weapon but away from both of them.

"How are you both holding up? You guys had a rough fight with the Black Arrow." He added as he noticed that both of them are tired and were previously injured. He was a little surprised that they managed to hold him off. People like them would have been slaughtered in minutes. Maybe they're more skillful than he had previously thought if there wasn't even as much as a serious injury tonight.. Or perhaps the Black Arrow was not in the killing mood. He noticed Magnus as welll but he didn't ask any questionse.

@Cheselth @AEchelon
Jarak was in a dream, his unconciousness had shifted into sleep. The dream was placed in a dark cave, with red crystals on the walls. There were also cravings, probably about all of the Keepers. Suddenly a dark spirit appeared in front of him, staring. It muttered words, but they were silent and unrecognisable. Suddenu the spirit seemed angry and forced him to attack the paintings, destroying the cave one wall by one. The possessed dragonkin even had a firey power, the flames were almost black.

Jarak opened his eyes slowly, looking at the worrying Arkthes. The dragon started smiling when he was okay, at least mostly. "I had a strange dream again... Screw my imagination," he muttered sleepily. Ark nodded slowly, then made a slight growl when she saw new people at the river or lake, some of them were complete strangers. Jarak shrugged and signaled Ark to come, so they both walked towards the group... okay, Ark walked, but the dragonkin limped.

@Cheselth @AEchelon @Giga @2904eagle
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-Magnus would let them chat it around, he would grab his bag and look back to them- "...D*** it Aether...i could really use some help now...dont call me then to just abandon me..." -he muttered before lowing a bit red from Ki, he started to walk away again, walking in the opposite direction to the group towards the Forrest, he pondered what he did wrong and more, he was just doing what he was told, he scowled himself a little- "Welp...im heading to grillbeys...could really do with a drink about now..." -he muttered as he started to head off, bag over shoulder-
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steve woke up, to a smoldering ash scent that surrounds his camp, he got up and groaned as he stood up slowly "let's see... havent hunted a dark elf in a while huh..." he said. he grabbed his sword and his crossbow and heads out "time to hunt me some grey skinned freaks..."
Eagle nodded at Lilith's explanation, but he already knew all of that from Niruth. He wondered why Magnus had mentioned them around Lilith, though. He dropped it though; Lilith obviously was avoiding his inquiry. Instead, he turned to the scarlet fighter as he spoke. Az-rel... something about that name felt familiar to Eagle, but he knew that he had never met the man before in his life. "Az-rel, thank you for saving us. I'm Eagle Grozs. I think we're all mostly okay."

@Cheselth @Giga

He looked over to see Jarak limping over, Ark by his side. "Hey Jarak, you look awful. Like someone took a day-old fish and woke you up by stuffing bits of it into your mouth." Eagle shuddered but also snickered at the image. He wasn't lying though, Jarak looked absolutely dreadful and probably not in the best mood. Though, when was he ever? Eagle shifted his attention to Arkthes. His joking exprestion dropped from his face upon seeing her torn wing. "Arkthes, what happened to your wing?" He asked in alarm.


(@2904eagle EYYYYYYYY undertale reference xD *many thumbs up*)
He gave a genuine smile. "My pleasure. Forgive me but I can't help but overhearing that you guys are planning to look for a settlement to take a break?" He said while placing his double-bladed staff on his back and stretches his back. "There's a settlement, couple of miles northeast of here. It's a dragonkin settlement. Personally, I've never been there, but its my next stop.. Hopefully they're welcoming enough" he shrugged as he went back to the river to fill his water container.

@Cheselth @AEchelon
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he walks out with his weapons in his back, hours of searching only to no avail... until he found a group of 3 walking and talking. he set his crossbow to snipe mode and loaded an iron tip crossbow, he aimed but as he aimed, he stepped a twig making a noticable sound "uh oh..." he said @Giga
"Dragonkins?" Jarak asked with a surprised tone, when the red-suited person mentioned a place. He then looked at Eagle. "Very funny. I just got a knife in the leg," he replied, crossing his arms. "Just a knife? Hrmh... and I got thrown around underwater by a water dragon. Can't fly now, great," she said as she replied to Eagle too. "Who is that red clothed stranger?" she asked telepathically from him.

He looked around and noticed the dragonkin. He smiled and bow down, showing a bit of a respect to the dragonkin. He knew that they were prideful warriors and would like nothing more than respect. Also that the fact, being enemies with a dragonkin isn't going to make his day. "Yes, a dragonkin settlement. I am not sure what's it called but I know it's two miles from here, northeast from here. Perhaps you know of this settlement? And my name is Az-Rel. I am a long-distance traveller" He said as he wanted to offer to shake his .. erhm.. claws. But before he could do that, he heard something. "Did you--" Without even finishing his sentence, he quickly equip his steel-bladed staff and did a quick and swift backflip while spinning that steel metal of death as he landed, a few yards in front of the intruder with the crossbow. He landed with a thud and immediately look up and sees a heavily-fortified armored intruder with a vicious-looking crossbow which he knows could mean the difference between life and death. As soon as he landed, he quickly went for him and continue spinning and twirling his steel bladed staff rapidly in order to deflect any bolts that will soon be shot. @MidnightStar89 @Salex
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Giga said:
He looked around and noticed the dragonkin. He smiled and bow down, showing a bit of a respect to the dragonkin. He knew that they were prideful warriors and would like nothing more than respect. Also that the fact, being enemies with a dragonkin isn't going to make his day. "Yes, a dragonkin settlement. I am not sure what's it called but I know it's two miles from here, northeast from here. Perhaps you know of this settlement? And my name is Az-Rel. I am a long-distance traveller" He said as he wanted to offer to shake his .. erhm.. claws. But before he could do that, he heard something. "Did you--" Without even finishing his sentence, he quickly equip his steel-bladed staff and did a quick and swift backflip while spinning that steel metal of death as he landed, a few yards in front of the intruder with the crossbow. He landed with a thud and immediately look up and sees a heavily-fortified armored intruder with a vicious-looking crossbow which he knows could mean the difference between life and death. As soon as he landed, he quickly went for him and continue spinning and twirling his steel bladed staff rapidly in order to deflect any bolts that will soon be shot. @MidnightStar89 @Salex
he shot his iron tipped crossbow straight to the incoming person rushing to him, since his crossbow was in sniper mode the bolt shot 10 times for powerful and it hit the blade, the bolt broke but so did the blade. "*********" he said as he reloaded a bolt magazine and turned to rapid fire mode (messier shots but high rate of fire mode basically) @Giga
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The impact was so powerful, he actually was pushed backwards from the shot. He knew the bolt was damaged horribly and was easily deflected. But his signature bladed staff had paid the price. It almost broke off, leaving a huge metal dent and left the edges jagged. If he wasn't in such a dire situation, he would almost leak a tear as this was his most valuable weapon, gifted to him from an expert iron smith for saving his daughter against terrible beasts. He looked up with rage, he knew that the vicious crossbow the intruder is holding is more than just an ordinary crossbow. He needs to get up close and personal with him in order to stop him from firing another shot. He quickly took out his pair of daggers and holds them with a martial-arts style, dropping the useless bladed staff in the process.. He knew that these daggers would withstand a larger impact and would most likely not break. He quickly step up his game as he leaps off into the air, his scarlet armor shining under the sky as he performs a flip kick. @Salex
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Giga said:
The impact was so powerful, he actually was pushed backwards from the shot. He knew the bolt was damaged horribly and was easily deflected. But his signature bladed staff had paid the price. It almost broke off, leaving a huge metal dent and left the edges jagged. If he wasn't in such a dire situation, he would almost leak a tear as this was his most valuable weapon, gifted to him from an expert iron smith for saving his daughter against terrible beasts. He looked up with rage, he knew that the vicious crossbow the intruder is holding is more than just an ordinary crossbow. He needs to get up close and personal with him in order to stop him from firing another shot. He quickly took out his pair of daggers and holds them with a martial-arts style, dropping the useless bladed staff in the process.. He knew that these daggers would withstand a larger impact and would most likely not break. He quickly step up his game as he leaps off into the air, his scarlet armor shining under the sky as he performs a flip kick. @Salex
"GOTCHA!" he said, he got where he wanted him to be, he proceeded to shot half of the magazine shooting 10 bolts rapidly to the flying hunter and holds his sword in his holster in case if it gets close and personal
He expected the amount of bolts coming at him. But not that many. While the first few shots he had deflected with his powerful daggers, the other shots he had shifted his limb and head position as they were coming right at him. Unfortunately, two bolts caught in the right shoulder and lower right leg. He immediately yelled in pain. Whoever this person is, he may be as the dangerous as the Black Arrow whom he was previously fighting. If only we'd team like last time again,' he thought. He remembered some of the times he and the Black Arrow were partners. They were an unstoppable duo. However, that times long gone. As he failed his flip kick due to the shots he had receive, he landed with a thud on the grassy floor. But he did not stop there, he immediately threw one of the daggers, in an attempt to hit the intruder in the leg and hopes that others would come and help him.

@anyone @Salex @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon
Giga said:
He expected the amount of bolts coming at him. But not that many. While the first few shots he had deflected with his powerful daggers, the other shots he had shifted his limb and head position as they were coming right at him. Unfortunately, two bolts caught in the right shoulder and lower right leg. He immediately yelled in pain. Whoever this person is, he may be as the dangerous as the Black Arrow whom he was previously fighting. If only we'd team like last time again,' he thought. He remembered some of the times he and the Black Arrow were partners. They were an unstoppable duo. However, that times long gone. As he failed his flip kick due to the shots he had receive, he landed with a thud on the grassy floor. But he did not stop there, he immediately threw one of the daggers, in an attempt to hit the intruder in the leg and hopes that others would come and help him.
@anyone @Salex @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon
the dagger hit his abdominal region, the armor prevented it from going too deep but he was stabbed, he didnt react to it, didnt even speak and just pulled out the dagger from his abdomen and threw it too the ground in an attempt to make his enemies cower in fear but inside his head he is screaming from pain which he hides. he then proceeds to aim the crossbow inches from the hunter's head @Giga
This is where his close combat techniques kicked in. Despite having an injuries to his right leg and right shoulder (He had worse injuries before) he, immediately grab the intruder's arm and leap off the ground in attempt to head-lock the intruder with his legs. If successful, he could threaten to snap the man's neck with a simple leg movement but only if he could do it swiftly and in time.
Giga said:
This is where his close combat techniques kicked in. Despite having an injuries to his right leg and right shoulder (He had worse injuries before) he, immediately grab the intruder's arm and leap off the ground in attempt to head-lock the intruder with his legs. If successful, he could threaten to snap the man's neck with a simple leg movement but only if he could do it swiftly and in time.
he had predicted it would come down to hand to hand combat, without warning he stabbed him in the leg with a bolt from his crossbow and kicked him away to get free from the head lock
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