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One x One Dosage of Death


Forever Wandering
Subject Tag:






Eye Color:

Hair Color:



History: [From before joining the lab]

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Araynia Livingston]








123 lbs.

[Eye Color]

A unique shade between hazel and honey that appears like a sunset sapphire color.

Depending on what ability she has consumed it can change in shade.

[Hair Color]

Light brown hair with a hint of blonde within the hair that allows it a shiny appearance on some regions of the hair.


Despite her slim build, Nia has lean and sturdy muscles.

She does not have the stocky build of a body-builder but rather the shape of a dancer with a slim torso but strong upper body strength along with fit legs.

Her slim feet allow for her movements to be silent and quick which complements her slim fingers to grasp things with a firm but gentle grip.

Nia has more of a flat chest but that does not bother her since it allows her to squeeze through the smallest places and does not grant any enemy an advantage over her.

Most of the time you will see Nia with her hair up since it gets in her way.

The length of her hair reaches down to the middle of her back which bothers her but it provides her a big coat of fur for when she shapeshifts into animals.


Nia trusts no one, sadly even the other test subjects around her. She is a strategic observer. Rash actions and reckless outbursts are not her thing. To the scientists she is an obedient test subject that never disobeys them despite what they do to her. But what they don't realize is that she notes everything they do and stores it inside of her cold hatred that only the test subjects sense. She holds a frightening aura around her when she is alone like a stalking lion. Patiently she waits for the right moment to strike. Most of the test subjects look to her when they need help because despite her cold presence she is actually very kind-hearted. Most call her a truffle, hard on the outside-soft on the inside. She snaps at her nickname but then there is a glint of humor in her eyes. Nia is the mother-figure for most of the test subjects. She is willing to help out others but does not want help from others. She enjoys independence and lives in it, trust and dependency are not her thing. Hypocrisy is what you can say she is since she is cold to the scientists but not to the test subjects, she is willing to help anyone and gain the trust of others but she does not want help from others and does not trust others.

Nia is fair to all never upholding one subject to another which makes her very popular when it comes to disputes. She will sit and listen to the disagreements of others to help settle out a solution. This is a side she does not show to the scientists. Really Nia ever shows her true-self to one test subject, her only true friend, the test subject that has been with her through all. When she is around him Nia is a girl, emotional, loving, sweet, humorous, desperate, frustrated, confused, and all the complicated emotions of an average teenager. Nia nearly trusts him but not yet, her head does not trust him in the least but she does not realize that her heart does. When it is just Nia and the other test subject is when she breaks down from the strong, cold facade she holds for the test subjects and scientists. Nia believes in strength through belief which is why she desires to be a role-model for all subjects and gain the trust of the scientists, but at some points she herself cannot believe that she is capable of anything.

Nia is known for comforting others but no one knows how to comfort Nia. She hates creating relationships with other because she fears loss and abandonment. Never does she express strong emotions to others but rather surface feelings. Nia will laugh with others and joke around but never does she truly share her deepest feelings to anyone.

Forever she sits in a room of darkness, hoping one day she can break free.


Nia can hardly remember what the outside world looks like. She was turned into the RECON lab when she was three since her parents abandoned her and the orphanage they dropped her off was full. Overpopulation of the city caused many children to be sent to RECON labs. But she was only one of many children to have survived the dreadful deaths of tests she was sent to the main quarters of RECON labs. There she was tested upon more. The scientists don't know why but Nia has adapted to almost all the abilities they have granted her, earning her a spot as one of the veteran test subjects. They put her through physical, mental, and emotional training everyday never stopping for any excuses made from her. The first time Nia tried telling them that her stomach hurt they gave her a pill that rose the temperature inside of her causing her to throw up blood. She nearly died that day but then she felt herself adapting to the heat and the stomach pain went away. The pain and torture she went through though was not worth it. That was the most extreme test they gave her. Nia grew afraid of them at first but soon she saw them experimenting on babies and young children. Not wanting others to go through the same pain she experienced Nia decided to one day destroy RECON, but she knew that day was going to be a long time. She made that vow five years ago. Now Nia is hoping to master the biggest test that RECON had placed upon her.


Nia says that she does not like anybody but there is this one person...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpeg.5934099a03bbac5d220cf5e1f4d5a910.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpeg.5934099a03bbac5d220cf5e1f4d5a910.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Subject Tag}









5ft 9in



{Eye Color}


Hair Color:



Avon is surprisingly strong despite his size. For the rare few that have seen him without his shirt one (one) then Avon has the muscle mass of person that goes to the gym every day.

From first sight this is not obvious because of Avon's dress style. No matter what is happening he usually wears a shirt two sizes too big and long track pants. The overcoat he wears frequently also helps to his his muscle mass. This gives him an edge at the start of any fight vs someone that doesn't know his true strength, the element of surprise if you will. There is no living human in the facility that has seen what is under the cloths, he never takes them off nor does he ever roll up his sleeves or pants leg. Many people have theorized that underneath there is nothing to see. That his body is invisible save for his hands and head.

Avon is surprising flexible too. Though it's not surprising to anyone that really looks at him closely as he seems to always be doing stretches if nothing else is going on.

His legs are significantly more worked on then the rest of his body followed by his left arm. While aesthetically both arms look the same his left arm is significantly stronger than his right. In a fight Avon tends to use his right arm unless cornered, then we with switch and use his left and if he is still in a box then he begins using his legs.


Avon is the one you see in the lunch hall sitting in the way corner alone. Usually he doesn't seek out social interaction but will not detest it if someone wants to chat with him. While he may come off as cruel and unusual he really does have a soft side that doesn't take much to open up. He cares nothing for his physical safety but when it comes to someone else's safety he would throw down his life without a second thought. There hasn't been someone in the facility that Avon has yet to but heads with, he just isn't really peoples person although he tries to be. Avon is not an analytical type, sure he is a quick thinker but analyzing isn't his thing; he is more of a ride the flow kind of guy. Because of this Avon is extremely adaptable to most situations and have become good at thinking on his feet. His feet seem to be the only place he can think sometimes. Usually he doesn't think of what kind of long term effects his actions may have and that leads him to be very rash. While he is good at being rash (if his rashness gets him into a touch situation he can usually get out of it with a lot of quick thinking) that is most likely to be his downfall; either by the hands of the testers or the tested. If there is one thing Avon hates the most it is pride, whether deserved or not all forms of pride tick Avon off, some more then others. To the scientists Avon is the second or third best subject, many say that's because long ago Avon stopped fighting it and he gave in to the scientists. Avon didn't give up, he just stopped resisting. Everytime they test on him he fights to keep his mental state intact, he fights to love another day, he just stopped running away from the tests. Long ago someone special told him to stop running and this is him doing just that. Over many years Avon has developed an "unbreakable will" if you will, this makes him annoyingly tenacious in just about everything he does. Since the only humans he has ever interacted with are from the facility he can be quite awkward around people. The most awkward part about him is that he doesn't even know he is being awkward.

He has a soft spot for whales


((Asking for a lot now are we))

Ever since Avon could remember he has been in this facility. Even when he thinks back as far as he can he can't muster up any memories other than the ones he has made in this facility. The fact that he was able to live till 18 is a mystery to even him. The farthest he can remember is waking up in a brightly lit room one day. He was strapped to a table as a man spoke to him, he held a syringe and had think glasses. "Hello test subject AV-0N. Congratulations on being one of the survivors of the first batch of candidates. The future will be molded by your hands, take pride in that." The man injected the fluid into Avon and that was the beginning of it all for him.

Avon for the next 18 years saw people come and go. He didn't know why he was alive when everyone around him was dying. All of his friends either bit the dust went insane or a little bit of both. By the time he was 14 he lost all hope, then he met her. The girl who named him, the girl who gave him purpose. Her name was Megaera. As her gift to Avon she took his tag and gave him a real name. She was also the one who told him to stop running, before she died that is.

Now at 18 Avon is still living as usual in the facility recalling the memories he doesn't want to remember.




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