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Dice OOC and Join thread - Servants of Dawn 5e

I appreciate the thought. I’m still happy to DM and play with you all :)
If you ever change your mind and want to learn a new game, let me know. I've been told I'm a pretty good teacher.
Quick question before I type up the character sheet for my loxodon, would a half drow be off that table?

  • Screenshot_20240607_162223_Pinterest.jpgName: Nakoa
    Race: Loxodon
    Background: Soldier
    Age: 61 years (biologically equivalent to 22)
    Alignment: Neutral good
    Height: 8ft
    Size: Medium

    Str: 16
    Dex: 9
    Con: 10 +2
    Int: 14
    Wis: 15 +1
    Cha: 12

    Class: Barbarian, Path of the Totem Warrior (Bear)
    Level: 1
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: -1

    Hit Points: 12
    Hit Dice: 1d12
    Armor Class: 14
    Passive Perception:
    Active Perception:

    Movement: 30ft

    Spells: None

    Warhammer: 1d8 + 2 (1d10 + 2) Damage -- Martial Melee, Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10), Reach: 5ft
    Handaxe: 1d6 + 2 Damage -- Simple Melee, Slashing, Light, Thrown, Reach: 5ft, Range: 20ft/60ft
    Handaxe: 1d6 + 2 Damage -- Simple Melee, Slashing, Light, Thrown, Reach: 5ft, Range: 20ft/60ft

    Breastplate: 14 + 2 AC

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Sour Diesel Sour Diesel : Would Fletcher have traveled through the area the fort is located and know something about the safest route?

Survival check:12+5=17
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Fletcher would recall an old fallen archway in his travels that would lead them to the fort. The journey would be treacherous, as he avoided that road for a reason. It was all hills and loose falling rocks.
The backstory is laid out before you. As are the stats. Your sheet isn’t ready
Yeah, but what are the rules as far as our personal character's backstory? Are we allowed to make up where they come from? My character has a soldier background, is there any army or military faction that he would have studied under or been a part of?
The rules are no vampire or drow races, or anything from the underdark for that matter. Everything else is up to your creation.
Okay, that's all I was needing to know, the boundaries of what we can do as far as creation. You mentioned the Blight happened generations ago. How long roughly would that have been? I only ask because Loxodons have a lifespan of 500 years roughly. I'm not certain if any of his family or tribe would have been around to see those events happen or not.
I’ll say the Loxodon are not native to Paladina and only know of the blight after the fact
Okay, so I'm thinking having Nakoa and the Loxodons come from across the sea on a different continent. Would they have heard of Servants of Dawn? Or at least Nakoa?

  • View attachment 1166690Name: Nakoa
    Race: Loxodon
    Background: Soldier
    Age: 61 years (biologically equivalent to 22)
    Alignment: Neutral good
    Height: 8ft
    Size: Medium

    Str: 16
    Dex: 9
    Con: 10 +2
    Int: 14
    Wis: 15 +1
    Cha: 12

    Class: Barbarian, Path of the Totem Warrior (Bear)
    Level: 1
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: -1

    Hit Points: 12
    Hit Dice: 1d12
    Armor Class: 14
    Passive Perception:
    Active Perception:

    Movement: 30ft

    Spells: None

    Warhammer: 1d8 + 2 (1d10 + 2) Damage -- Martial Melee, Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10), Reach: 5ft
    Handaxe: 1d6 + 2 Damage -- Simple Melee, Slashing, Light, Thrown, Reach: 5ft, Range: 20ft/60ft
    Handaxe: 1d6 + 2 Damage -- Simple Melee, Slashing, Light, Thrown, Reach: 5ft, Range: 20ft/60ft

    Breastplate: 14 + 2 AC

Approved! Cool character concept 👍 thankfully we haven’t left the tavern yet so you can still jump in

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