Dormer Academy

His eyebrows pull together, not quite sure what to expect when she instructs him to watch. She draws the knife, no big deal, most people around here do in some shape or form, that wasn't what concerned him until she slid it across her skin. Blood run down her arm. He jumps out of his seat, the chair sprawling on the floor. He grabs the hand with the knife, his expression between shock and horror, "Cora! Are you in--"

'Wait,' she says. And somehow that makes him stop. His eyes are trained on the gash, ready to act on a seconds notice. Her mind is calm, she knows what she is dining and knows what will happen. He then watches as the wound heals itself almost immediately. He watches as the gash turns to a line, first red, then pink, then blends back to her normal skin tone. "Amazing," he breathes. "I've never seen such an advanced healing ability, at the least I've seen cases that take a day or two to fully heal. Nothing like this. You could give Logan a run for his money." He was joking now, he added a lighthearted laugh. His hand was still covering hers, Josh quickly removed it. "Jeez, you scared th hell out of me." He meant to be angry but a grin came out instead.

He took a deep breath. His chair rightened and scooted itself behind him so he could sit again. "Uh, yeah. 'Bellow-kov'. Pretty sure baklovah is a pastry." He chuckled a bit, imagining Emma as his girlfriend was amusing. "And no, she is definitely not my girlfriend, I don't really have one anyways. She teaches some kind of tactical combat-survival kind of class. Not really sure. But she's a shifter as well."

Joshua felt a presence behind him, then listened as Faith's voice introduced herself. Josh turned to greet her, "Faith, that's my fault. Figured I'd give her a look around, get something in our stomachs before we settled into mindless paperwork," Josh gave his melting smile, one he used to ease tense situations. He also didn't really know what the procedure was for introducing new students, but he prefered more coluorful explanations.

((I'm so sorry, I thought I posted this before I left for work. I come back and find it stil in the reply box!))
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(Damn, I missed a lot. The one day I'm not here. Okay, mega fast forwarding!!! Go! So if this seems a bit rushed, it is. Feel free to intervene at any point during this.)

The first thing Mel saw, coming up the path, was Remmington on the ground in panic mode. Glaring at the crowd, now separated into two groups, she placed her hands on her hips. "Who upset Remmington? Seriously, you guys couldn't even behave yourselves for an hour?" She calmed down when it seemed like the bear was okay, now playfully rolling on his back. "Whatever. I just came to say that the grave is dug up so we can bury Riff now. So if you'd like to speak to the corpse one last time, follow me."

Mel led them to the mansion on the second level, riding on Remmington's back along with anyone else who wanted to. She made sure to tell everyone to go directly to the garden with so much as looking at the large house. In the back garden, among the various wildflowers, were six graves, one of which empty. Only the last two had headstones. The others had poorly constructed wooden crosses made from tying branches and twigs together. Each had a small bunch of flowers, placed there just today.

The funeral went by quietly. Riff's coffin was placed into the whole with no speech about life or philosophy or recounting of the deceased life. The guests were allowed to say their final words to the man lying in the hole. Vash stepped forward and knelt by the hole. "I'll make sure to take care of her." Staring down at the coffin, the demon's eyes started to water. The tears he couldn't shed before flowed down his face like waterfalls. It finally sunk in that Riff was not coming back. He went behind a nearby peach tree to allow himself to cry it all out.

Mel made no move to comfort Vash. In fact, she didn't move at all. Standing at a distance, she stared at the grave with blank eyes. She had already cried enough earlier and now had none to shed, or at least not in front of these people. She waited for the others to finish their last words before allowing Remmington to fill the hole.

Things seemed to be going well and it seemed to be finishing up nicely. That is until a gun fired off and a bullet hit the ground by Mel's feet. Mel turned to the direction it came from with a death glare. Who the Hell had the balls to invade her home and interrupt the funeral, granted it was ending but still. There was a cloaked figure standing on the roof of the mansion, holding a strange looking rifle. The stranger aimed at the crowd and fired off a few more rounds.

Vash rushed in front of Mel and stuck out his hand to create a magnetic field, deflecting some of the rifle rounds. Remmington stepped forward and opened his mouth, a dark ball of shadows formed and was fired at the assailant. The figure made no attempt to move. Instead he opened his mouth and . . . ate the attack?

Vash then tried throwing an old fallen tree in the yard at the man. Again, he made no attempt to move, as a scythe's blade emerged from the end of the strange gun and a pole from the other end. Swinging his weapon, the man sliced the tree in half. The stranger laughed but soon fell when lengths of barbed wire sprouted from between the shingles and wrapped around his legs, throwing him down hard.

The man reached for his weapon, only for it to get kicked away by Mel, who grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up. She was about to yell at him for interrupting the funeral when his hood fell back. Mel let go and fell back. Her eyes wide and her face pale, she only managed to whisper, "Maer?"

Vash was confused at what Mel had said. She had told him that Maer was her dead brother. His grave was the first in the line of graves in the garden. This man couldn't be him. But it didn't look like Mel would listen to logic now as she was frozen on the ground. So he decided to take charge for a bit. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

The man brushed off bits of grass from his cloak. Glaring at Vash and just about everyone else, he spat out, "I'm Jagger. And I live here."

(Late. Sleepy. I'll do the rest tomorrow.)
((redid my post))

Cora sat calmly in her seat as she healed, watching as the concern in Josh's eyes changed to awe and felt herself relaxing finally. Maybe she'd open up to him more. It felt nice bring able to impress someone like that.

He didn't have a girlfriend? She couldn't help but find that a little hard to believe, and there was a bit of nervousness in his tone when he set her straight. She was just finishing scraping off the food from her plate when the older woman with the dark hair approached them. She felt a tiny twinge of...well, something at the interruption, she had been hoping to learn more about this Joshua guy, teacher or not.

"Oh uh, hey...I'm Cora...Cora Graeves...I'm a new student ah..." She looked over at Josh, feeling a bit nervous, even as he explained things to her.

Even though this woman, Faith, only appeared to be a few years older then her, she seemed pretty itimidating, especially if she was the head of this whole place. " Mr. Bernard was just showing me around the mess hall...sorry I was really hungry..." She was babbling, pretty much repeating Josh's words. It was something Cora tended to do when she was nervous. "But no...I haven't been admitted in yet or anything..." Her cheeks were flamming again and she knew that her eyes had gone golden. Looking down at her plate, she dropped the fork against the empty plastic and played with one of the rings on her hands, feeling very sheepish
River swung his arms backward and forwards, much like a cheeky child with a wide grin to match. "Nope, not hungry, I don't eat clothes when I'm hungry." He rolled his eyes and gave him a stupid look, "that's a bit silly, really." There was an unspoken duh in the air as River circled the guy. "And you're buying me stuff because I want you too... and you don't look like the kind of guy who would refuse.. I bet you're a bit of a pushover, right? Right?" River paused and his face held a look of confusion, "I'm not being a bully, am I? That would suck on my first daaaay." While River spoke, he absentmindedly rubbed his wrist and inwardly noted about his strength; not that it bothered or even hurt him; River didn't feel pain in the same way as other people which was why he wasn't afraid to leap off of buildings - he wasn't held back by the fear of blinding, horrifying pain since no such fear existed for River.

River was brought out of musing by a hand that emerged into his line of sight, "and my name's Chameleon, but you can call me Leon or Leo if that's too much of a mouthful." He offered a goofy smile and high-fived the outstretched limb, "I'll call you Lee. The others are still a bit of a mouthful." A ticking of a nearby clock resonated within the hallway, River looked up at Chameleon's blue eyes and tilted his head side-to-side in time with the ticking. "Actually you could help with something..." In a flash, the boy jumped, grabbed Chameleon's hand and dragged him to the window seat and sat him down and then River laid out on the floor with his feet in the air and grinned at the older boy. "Let's talk gossip, what's the big news around here? I gotta keep up-to-date with these things and I need to know if I have to watch my back." River would do that anyway - it was his instinct and that was especially heightened around students/ teachers who also had super powers much like himself.

Not that he had to worry about dying, since he couldn't; River wasn't going to let himself be taken advantage of. He twiddled with his broken sleeve and continued, "is there anyone you think I should stay away from?" He was smiling like an innocent angel. In fact, River wasn't asking to save his own hiney, he wanted to know so that he could bother them in the near future and hopefully get a good fight out of it... not to mention the amusement from pissing them off. If he could, River would have been wearing a devious smile.
{Akira looked at her with disbelief even after by pure instinct he drains his bag it still doesn't seem real to him} How is this possible? Vampires don't have souls, I can feel my heart beating, I can hear your heart beating. {That hits him rather hard.} Wait I can hear your heart beating, without even being close to you I can hear it. {Shaking his head and laughing} Well even if I do believe that much, which I'm not really sure I do, I suppose you're gonna tell me the rest is through that I'm some sort of ninja and a spy? Also why are you being so nice to me? And why do I feel like despite all these insane things I fee like I can trust you? {He looks around and starts seeing momentos and things that seem vaguely filmillar to him, sniffing the air around him, picking up the scents of Jirro and Izabella.} Who lives here? I think I know them. {Although Jirro didn't sire Akira and they are no longer student and master Jirro is imprinted on Akira as if he was his sire and the pull of Jirro is starting to affect him.}

{Meanwhile back in the safehouse Jirro also senses his former student is nearby and suddenly stands.} AKIRA! Akira is nearby we have to go back Izabella! Something is wrong and he needs me. {It pains Jirro that he hasn't been able to sense his former student's presence he always just thought it was due to his training and his current mission that he was hiding himself but now he's suddenly out in the open.} We have to go back now, I don't care about what anyone will think about it!
Riesa - in a typical childlike fashion - only stuck her tongue out at Emma when she told her the feeling was mutual, but said nothing else as she walked hand in hand with Aries. Both Aries and Riesa were surprisingly quiet as they were lead around, taking it all in, Emma started talking again then, and both teens looked up at her silently, their gazes empty as they clutched each other's hands.

She stopped outside a room, holding keys in her hand, and the twins still looked at her impassively as she asked her final question. It was silent for a few moments before Riesa let out a sigh and, still holding Aries's hand, flopped her head onto his shoulder, "Geez lady, you sure do ask a lot of questions." Aries smirked then, "And I haven't complained yet, just Ri has, and that's basically her default mode anyway." "I thought my default mode was annoying?" "That too." Riesa elbowed him in the ribs for that and he grunted, giving her a small glare before looking back to Emma semi-seriously, "I don't regret enrolling here, but then again we've been here for less than a hour; that might change. What you have to offer is great, way better than anything we street dwellers could dream of having." He answered with a stoic tone, but his answers were honest. Riesa piped in then, "And I've made it pretty clear I DON'T want to be here, I regret enrolling already and we were totally fine where we were! There's nothing here that we need and I'm just waiting for Aries to fall asleep so I can kidnap him and get us out of here!"

Aries rolled his eyes, "Nothing?" "Mhm. Nothing." "Riesa. They have beds." Riesa bit her bottom lip before looking away stubbornly, "Fine. I'll give it a try." Aries nodded and looked back to Emma, "We agreed to come here mainly because of that, if you must know. We've been living on the streets since we were eleven years old, meaning that we also dropped out of school at eleven years old, and that it's been a good six years since we've had a steady roof above our heads and the guarantee of actually eating at least once a day without having to kill someone to get it." He tilted his head with that last statement, brown eyes staring right back into Emma's own two orbs; as though he was assessing her in some way.

"We agreed because it's beneficial to us. Now can we see our room please?"


To say Chameleon was confused and a bit bewildered would be an understatement. Most of what the guy was saying was going in one of Leo's ears and coming out the other. All he knew was that he was being circled - though he didn't mind much, he knew he could defend himself if it came down to it. And now he was being called a pushover and he merely mentally shrugged; he wasn't a push over as such, it's just that it didn't really bother him to do stuff or help people unless it inconvenienced him in some way.

Chameleon tilted his head with a grin as the guy came up with an entirely new nickname and he shrugged, "Sure, that's fine too." He liked how he ignored the given choices and came up with his own. That's what Raina did too, come to think of it. He had offered Leon and she said Leo. Damn. He needed to stop thinking of her; it surely wasn't healthy.

But then Chameleon was being pulled over to the window - effectively snapping him out of his thoughts - and he blinked in bemusement at the shorter boy who laid down promptly and grinned at him. Chameleon smirked lightly before pulling one leg up and propping it against the other casually. He shrugged as he regarded the other carefully, he wasn't sure if the boy was asking just to be safe or not, but he had a small nagging that he might be asking for another reason entirely. From how the guy had acted so far towards Chameleon, he didn't seem all that worried about 'keeping safe'

But still, he'd answer anyway, "Well, I've not been here long myself, so I'm not that sure. Apparently there's some invisible rage demon running around making everyone lose their cool and start trying to kill each other, uhm, a guy just died," He shrugged, "Can't think of anything else at the moment." He fell silent for a moment, "As for who you should avoid. Everyone. I think almost everyone in this place will kill you if you piss them off. Uhh, Raina, black hair, black eyes, vampire, yeah, I'd recommend not annoying her. Mel as well, she's got black hair, looks young-ish, usually has this guy following her around, she's not too friendly either. Dunno who else, guess you'll have to find out."


Raina and Faye followed silently as Mel and Riff lead them to the graves; Faye still mad at Raina therefore the pyro was walking beside Katarina instead. Raina said nothing during the whole ceremony, just stood silently and wondered who the other graves were for.

Faye was a bit more emotional, trying not to cry, and when it was her turn she stepped up to the grave and looked down, "Riff.." She started quietly, low enough that the others may not be able to hear, "I'm so sorry for being such an idiot back at the old Academy. The whole time I was talking to you and telling you that you deserved better than Mel. I was wrong, so wrong. And I understand that now. I'm sorry it took so long." A tear fell from her face and she quickly wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, sniffling lightly, "I-I know you died protecting Mel, because of how much she meant to you, and I just want to say that it makes you one of the best people I knew Riff. You were always nice to me, nice to everyone, and it's so unfair that good people like you have to be taken from us so early on." She wiped her face again, and nodded at the grave with a twinkle in her eyes, "Thank you Riff, for showing me that it's not always black and white, that good people can be bad and that bad people can be good. I know you're up in heaven now, because that's where all the good ones go, and I hope they're treating you well up there." She smiled lightly, "I'm sure they are though. Goodbye Riff." She then stepped away from the coffin without another word, didn't look at anyone and walked a distance away before turning to face the coffin again and waiting silently until everyone else was also done.

But then a bullet was sounded, and Faye mentally growled. Could they not go five minutes without more death following them? She had no time to think on this any longer as there was suddenly someone pushing into her and she toppled to the ground. She blinked to see Raina in front of her protectively, having pushed her out of the line of fire, and her anger shrunk slightly. The two watched Mel and Vash fight, and both were confused at Mel's reaction to seeing the face under the hood. Did she know him?

His name was Jagger. He lived here apparently. Raina stepped forward also now, ready to attack or defend if needs be as she stared at him with a mix of caution and threat. "How long have you lived here? Because honestly, it looks like this place suffered from an apocalypse. Usually people don't survive those types of things."
*When Mel and Vash came back Alex came down from his spot where he was keeping watch, for a moment he was starting to second guess himself about this being dangerous, he started to relax and followed the group to the site of the grave that was dug for Riff. He didn't know the guy that well so he didn't step forward to say anything besides in this group him speaking probably wouldn't be very welcome, not even by Sheena, so he stood behind her, still scanning the area with the limited function of his visor. Things were ending when the first shot rang out, it hit by Mel but that didn't matter to Alex, he moved in front of Sheena, hoping he was moving in the right direction to shield her body with his own, doesn't really matter to him that chances are whoever was shooting probably wasn't using silver rounds or anything that could actually kill Sheena, still the thought of her getting hit or hurt was unbearable for him to think about even tho she is far more durable then he is even with his body armor on...He spots the figure out the corner of his eye and starts to spin bring the barrel of his rifle to bear on it center mass but before he can even level the barrel more shots rang out and then Mel made her move..There was no wasted motion or energy in her attack, she was far less sloppy from those days at the old academy before he could even let out his breath to fire the person was subdued and on his back. Alex spinned around checking on Sheena to make sure she wasn't hit. Of course she wasn't and he was relieved. He suddenly had the urged to say something stupid like. "Still think I'm paranoid?" Of course he didn't because it would do him no good to piss Sheena off anymore then she was at him. Instead he just looks her over again and says.* I'm glad you're ok...Anyone hit?
"It's all right, hey, I'm glad someone's taking some initiative," Faith said to Josh, giving him a quick smile before turning her attention back to the girl- Cora, she had said. The girl seemed very nervous, and Faith couldn't tell if this had been the case before she came up to them as well, or if the girl was already inclined that way in personality or for some reason she couldn't determine.

Giving her a smile as well, she assured her, "It's fine, eat what you want and then come to the front lobby to get settled, get you a room. So what's your ability then, and how did you find out about the school and come this way? Did someone drop you off or did you make it on your own."


The funeral had been very uncomfortable for Katarina. Although she hadn't known Riff very well, she found herself surprisingly emotional, gripping Bucky's hand and staying near Faye as well as she fought back tears. The funeral, and the emotions behind it, reminded her of her sister Alice's death, and the funeral she had not been able to attend. She was thinking not of Riff or Mel but of Alice throughout the ceremony, and at one point she cried silently, one hand against her mouth as she tried to keep back her emotion.

Sheena too had been uncomfortable, thinking back to her sister Evangeline's death by her own hand and the funeral she had been unable to have for her. She had not stood close enough to Alex to be touching him, but she had remained quiet and somber as it went on.

Until the rather violent intrusion. A hooded stranger, who announced himself as Jagger, broke in, firing bullets that barely missed several, seeming to be focused in on he announced himself, Sheena broke into action, yelling for the others to get down and for Bucky to cover Katarina with his body, due to his own Lycan healing rate, which would equal her own and leave it more difficult for them to be seriously injured. Ignoring Alex's jab to her, even though she knew it was not the bear who was teh danger but rather someone no one had anticipated, she began to shift into her Lycan form, prepared to attack and defend if needed.
Ignoring most of the questions being shot her way, Mitsumi leaned back against the back of the couch, never taking her eyes off of Akira as she balanced her body against the edge of the furniture. "My parents..." she mutteed softly when he questioned who lived there. "Jirro and Izabella Mochizuki...they're Black Bloods you and and my father are pretty close...he's trained you, helped you become the person that you are...were..."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Mitsy looked down at her feet and shrugged. "I think he thought of you as like the son he never had or something...when they come back-" She had to stop herself from using the word 'if' "-I'm sure he might have a better insight on how to help you..."

It was bothering her that she didn't know what to do, or how to act around him. What she wanted, was to fling her arms around him and never let go...but this man, he wasn't her Akira.


Bucky didn't need to be told twice. The second the first shot had fired, his body had been over Kat's, knocking her to the ground. He wrapped his arms around her, keeping their connection close so he could shield her better. Growling softly, he fought back the urge to shift, his body shaking. Hearing Sheena further off and the others, he tried to turn his body more away from the range of fire and felt a bullet just graze his shoulder. Snarling, he peered up, hoping to get a better view at their attacker.

He saw the man finally fall, but didn't understand how until he caught the glinting of the wire around his feet. Getting up slowly, he helped Kat to her feet, still keeping her behind him and growled again as he watched Vash and Mel approach their fallen attacker. When Raina spoke up, Bucky tried to tune in, still focusing on keeping the human girl safe.


"Akira?" Izzy shook her head, feeling confused. "Of course he's back...I mean Mitsumi is, didn't he come with her?" She realized then that during the commotion she had,'t even realized that the other Black Blood hadn't been there, and stands as well, looking around the safe house.

"Alright,'s getting darker now anyways...I'm sure we could slip in with no one seeing..." Grabbing her jacket, she slipped it on quickly and waited for Jirro before moving out into the night, keeping close at his side as they rushed back to the Academy.

It was pretty quiet when they reached the teacher's building, and after swiping her key card, she guided her husband inside, taking the elevator to their floor. "I can sens them both..." she told Jirro. "They're at our place..."


So many questions. Cora felt her cheeks flame again and tried to force herself to sit up starighter. It was weird, she didn't sense any animal or Shifter's blood in this woman, but she came off as an Alpha of some sorts and it made Cora feel like she wasn't welcome for a moment. Realizing that Faith was only being friendly and doing her job though, the werepanther got a hold of herself and looked up, smiling slightly.

"I'm a Shifter...well a werepanther to be more exact. I came here on my own after hearing a few supernaturals on a trip of mine talking about this place...seemed like the place for me. I've been wanting to get back to school..."
Joshua picked apart the rest of the chicken from the bone and finished off his orange, popping slices into him mouth. He felt good, warm, his stomach was full, he was ready to go. Josh saw that Cora was finished up as well. He stood up and shouldered his pack once again while their dirty dishes stacked and drifted over to the bin.

Josh shrugged at the word 'Initiative', he was just being neighborly, friendly. But as many people as they took into the Academy, they couldn't give them all a personalized welcome like this one.

"In the meantime, I don't have anywhere I need to be, I shall escort Cora down to the office, Faith." He said, facing his superior, offering a smile. He turned to Cora, "Once all the pencil lifting is finished, perhaps I can give her a tour of the Academy,"
(Mel's gotten less sloppy? Pfft, I'm not sure Mel even met Alex in the old academy.)

Jagger had been allowed to sit up, but was restrained by Vash's chains. His emerald eyes scanned the people gathered there. 8 people . . . and a bear . . . It was the first time since he took on this vessel that he had even seen living people. There had been corpses. A lot of corpses. But this was the first group of people in a long time. He scanned through the crowd again, this time paying attention to their faces and trying to find them in his vessel's memories. At first, none of them registered as familiar. But then he saw Mel. Her face had certainly aged over the years. However, her eyes, those pupiless orbs of blue certainly only belonged to one person. His eyes widened for a brief second.

He might've said something if Raina hadn't asked him something first. And lucky for him she did because it allowed him to look away from Mel to eye the Black Blood. "I've been living here for over nine years, Sweetheart. And living here may look a bit tough for you but it's not that difficult. So, why don't you get off my land." Well, it wasn't that easy either but this place did have natural resources he had been able to live off of.

"Buddy, this land belongs to Mel. So you're the one trespassing. Not us." Vash made the chains tighten, earning him a glare from Jagger. "Watch it, idiot! If you know what's good for you." His green eyes turned red. Vash was a bit taken aback by the color change but calmed himself enough to make the chains tighten again. "Realize where you are. Do you seriously think you can take us all on? Mel, what should we do with him?"

Mel had spent the entire time staring at Jagger. Other than the streak of white hair mingling among the brown and the fact that this man was much older, he bore an uncanny resemblance to her deceased brother. She had been in a reminiscent trance until Vash had knocked her out of it with his question. She jumped a bit out of surprise, but it only took a few seconds to figure out the basics of what just went on.

"Let him go." "What?! But Mel, he-" She quickly turned to glare at him. "That is an order, Vash!" The demon started trembling as his hand rose up to make the chains undo themselves, not out of any sense of fear but rather his futile attempts of resisting his master's absolute command power. Swearing under his breath, he took his chains back and turned his back to the group also muttering about how he couldn't believe it.

Mel picked up the red and black scythe Jagger had been using before which collapsed to a smaller bladeless form about half an arm's length. Still holding it, Mel looked toward Sheena, Bucky and Alex. "Can we take him to the academy with us? He shouldn't be any problem if I confiscate this, right?"
(Alex thinks everyone is a bit sloppy compare to anyone with his kind of training, remember to him everyone there is still just a student where he's an actual field agent..Yeah he's becoming a bit arrogant. lol)

*Since Sheena seems to be ignoring both his effort to protect her and his concern for her afterwards he focus on the attacker and stepping up by Vash who seems to be well in control for the moment..He kind of snickers when Jagger calls Raina sweetheart* Raina a sweetheart? Clearly he must have hit his head, you cut that girl and she'll bleed lemon juice. So clearly since Mel was your primary target, what's your deal did she steal your cookie or something? * Mel request to Alex didn't need to be asked twice, he was really curious about what they can get out of this guy and why exactly his attack was directed at Mel only,Alex pulls out a set of handcuffs, they were different looking instead of a chain linking them together there was two powerful electro-magnets.*I think Mel that's a good idea and we should move now, in case he's not alone, Vash I'm sure you could have kept him like that for a long time with those chains of yours *He's not really happy that he was let go.* but if he's coming back on my plane, we need to secure him, we don't need to be over an ocean and then he decides he wants to finish what he started. *Alex stepped in front of Jagger to put the cuffs on him.* I'm warning you now if you resist these people behind me will tear you to sheds before you can blink, so I suggest you behave yourself. *After putting the cuffs on (unless he resist) He back up again and presses a button on his bracer, the cuffs slam together and tighten.* He should be good to go but since we don't know anything about this guy or what he can do we should keep a close eye on him.
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Werepanther? Faith has never heard of such a thing, but she knows what a werewolf and a panther is, so figures it's a cross between. Interesting...another shifter. She shrugs, accepting the girl's words, and gives her another quick smile before nodding to Joshua.

"Yeah, you do that. Anyway, Cora, he'll get you a room and explain some more of the rules of the place, and we'll hopefully start classes up again within a few days. There's been some issues going on we have to deal with first. So welcome, ask anyone if you have questions."


To Katarina, still watching the exchange between the more powerful students with widened eyes, Mel's request to bring this person- Jagger- back to the castle seemed like a really bad idea. Taking this person, who had seemed so strange and violent and clearly had a grudge against Mel, back on the plane with them, so close to them, thousands of feet up in the air?

She didn't voice this aloud, since others seemed to be going along with it. But she did tug at Bucky's arm, saying softly, "I don't know about this. Why would they take him back?"

Sheena, still in her Lycan form, paced around, eyes darting between everyone as she tried to make sure that no one was being hurt, prepared to defend or attack as needed. As the situation seemed to get itself under control, and Mel made her orders, she shifted back into her human form, coming to stand in front of Jagger as he was cuffed. But she was speaking to Mel.

"Uh, who is this guy and why is he trying to kill you exactly? And why do you want to take a guy who tried to kill you back with you?"
He stood patiently, listening to the light exchange when something in Faith's words made him freeze. 'A few days? Issues?' He spoke directly into her head keeping a blank expression, he didnt want disturb or alarm Cora, 'Faith, what is going on?'

"Looks like everything is set. Mrs Cord, you are a busy woman, so we will leave to your way." It was time for him to leave. He didnt know how sensitive the situation was, but it would be best to keep to private conversations just in case. Cora was new and nervous, and the last thing they needed to so was freak her, or any other studunt in the dinning hall, out. He exchanged a look with Faith, they could continue on the conversation mentally, even as he took Cora out to the hallway and down to the office.
*Mac didn't stay long to watch Liza, satisfied that she was enjoying herself, he turned and started walking down the hall again, he passed a number of students and teachers before he reached the doors leading outside, he continued to walk until he the large fountains in the middle of the garden. Suddenly he spins around his peacekeeper appears in his hands, the tips of the barrels stop right at the temple of his worst nightmare, a grinning HardTime. Mac rolls his eyes and slips the guns back into his holsters on his side.* Geesh I thought it was someone dangerous behind me stalking around. *HardTime just smiles* Oh come on Mac, you know I'm the only one that can get your blood boiling, just admit it you missed me, I know you've been thinking about me. *Mac's eyes glow as his hand reaches out and grabs HT's collar* Oh I have been thinking about you! How I'm gonna pull your spine out through your nose and beat you to death with it! Now release Jirro RIGHT NOW OH YOU'RE KNOW THE MEANING OF ETERNAL AGONY! *HardTime just laughs* Oh come now Mac have you lost your touch? Look at me..Really look at me. *Mac focuses his eyes onto HardTime, and realizes this isn't really HardTime, then lets him go.* How the hell did you get your dirty little hands on an LMD? *The now fake HardTime just laughs* Oh Mac I have my ways, besides I'm not quite ready for a true face to face with you but trust me I'll come soon and as for your little vampire buddies, I've had so much fun with them and Marie really enjoyed cutting on the bitch...The little brat vamp was a bit of a bore so we didn't really do much to him besides wiping out his entire life..But hey fun is fun....Oh hey Mac was it really smart of powering these little tinker toys with powerful reacters that could blow an 20 entire city blocks? I'm just asking because while we're been talking I've been overloading this one's core, I know it won't hurt you but imagine your little students glowing in the dark for the next 500 years. Oh there was this safety thingie inside that I'm sure you could have shut it off remotely but I didn't think it would be any fun if did that. *Mac wasted no time and grabbed the LMD and teleports with it into space and lets it blow up. When he returns to the academy a S.H.I.E.L.D agent runs up to him in a panic.* Sir we have reports of dozens of LMD's in place in London, Paris, Sidney, Baltimore, San Francisco Dayton, and Seoul exploding..The death toll so far is in the thousands. *Mac reads the reports* Active all hazmat teams to those locations, do everything in our power to make this right. *Mac waits for the agent to leave with his orders before he sinks to his knees, slamming his fist into the ground over and over.* DAMMIT YOUR BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU! You played me and I fell for it...My arrogance just killed thousands!
{Jirro and Izabella have no problems evading the security guards and slipping into their place unseen, when he gets inside he can see Mitsumi and Akira sitting on the couch, sensing something is off about him he doesn't rush up to the couple and grab them both and hug them instead he quietly enters.} Mitsumi is everything alright?

{Akira looked up at the man and woman that just walked in, he recogizes them from the photos and their scents, these are Mitsumi's parents, he stood up in front of Jirro, his presence was powerful as well as his wife's, if they're were these so called powerful vampires or BlackBloods these two must be two of the most powerful if he can feel their power just being in the room with them. Akira extended his hand to Jirro.} Hello, I'm Akira {He says his own name as if he's still unsure of it. Jirro takes his hand and shakes but then looks to Mitsumi for some kind of explanation} Can someone explain what's going on?

(Sorry this post stinks I just did a long shift and I'm exhausted.)
Emma tipped her head to the side, surveying the two and their answer. She had known the twins in close quarters for little more than a week. The question itself was not for her, but as a test. Emilia was pleased to find that they understood the time to be serious and what the Academy meant for them and every other deprived student that was admitted into these walls.

She need say nothing. The answer was sufficient enough. Emilia nodded, handed them the key to the door then turned on her heal and walked back down the hall the way she came.

Going anywhere in the castle was a journey, the place was so expansive. Even at her brisk place it took her a few minutes if walking, turning down hallways, and ascending stairs to reach the alcove that held the door to her apartment. She pulled a keychain from the pocket of her traveling jacket and picked out the key from the ring. She unlocked it and placed her hand on the heavy oaken door, the wood grew warm and it swung open under her touch. It was a precautionary measure, she didnt know who, if anyone, held a skeleton key, but Emma wasn't one to take chances on such things. She didnt own very many things, but her privacy was enough to keep safe.

Emma shut the door behind her. She stood there for a moment, she closed her eyes and breathed in a heavy sigh, taking in the familiar scent of sage and fresh linens. It was stale. Good. She smelled no trace of fresh scent. The place was dark, the wooden blinds closed, the curtains drawn, the lights off. She opened her eyes, her pupils slivers that dilated wide, filling her gray eyes almost black. Emma stepped across the threshold, her booted feet making no sound on the hardwood floor. Emilia laid her pack on the dining table along with her clipboard with her report. She hung her jacket on the tall back's of one of the dining chairs.

She walked around her apartment, assessing the condition of things, the white curtains hung untouched over the windows. Her finger trailed along the windowsill, gathering two months worth of dusk. She nodded to herself. All doors were closed as she left them. In the small kitchen connected to the dinning room, Emma opened the fridge finding it cleaned out of perishable food. She was glad she did so, having not know just how long she would be gone on her trip. She moved to the bathroom. Running her hand in the basin of the sink and the opening under the tap she found them both dry, along with the shower head and the drain below it. Emma entered her study, found her papers untouched, her desk chair left in the same position she left it the last time she stood from it. She checked this room more thoroughly than the others. She had precious documents in here, not particularly convicting, but something average eyes should look upon on a day to day basis. She touched her watch, entered her command a wave of blue light crossed over the room from floor to ceiling, picking up for traces of life since its last sweep, the day she left. It came back with no finger prints, footprints, smudges, not a leave of paper out of place. Emma backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She continued down the hallway to her bedroom.

She laid a hand on the door, easing it open she found it empty of anything particularly remarkable. The heavy white feather duvet smoothed over the queen sized bed. Emma sat on the ottoman and removed her boots once again. She sighed once more, this time letting out the breath she didn't know she was holding. The house was empty, as it should. There had been no one living here since her departure two months ago. And there wouldn't be the next time she left.

She was alone. The silence loud in her ears.

Emma ran her hands over her face. Finally she stood and entered the master bath off of her bedroom. She flicked on the light, her eyes returning to normal, then started the shower and locked the door behind her, she didn't take well to "surprises" unlike any cheesy horror film,she had weapons more devastating than any knife or axe.

While waiting for the water to warm, she brushed her teeth and pulled a towel out of the cabinet. She stripped, catching a glimpse of her many scars in the mirror before she stepped under the hot water. Emma's shower lasted a good long thirty minutes. When she was finished she felt refreshed and whole again. She toweled off then wrapped herself in a long white robe. It was good to be home again.

Emilia walked through her apartment again, flicking on lights as she went. Something caught her eye. There was a gray Manila folder on the floor as though it was pushed underneath her door. Emma lifted an eyebrow. She stooped down and picked up the packet and walked into the dining room and set it on the table. In the kitchen she grabbed a glass, went back to the dining room, opened a small decorative cabinet and pulled out a crystal bottle. She filled the glass partially with the amber contents before picking up the folder once more and going out onto her balcony and sitting down on a wooden lounge chair. There she leafed through the folder, occasionally taking a drink, her expression serene.
(Faith can't typically have mental conversations with people, it's not one of her abilities. She only can with Macal because it's his ability to be able to project to people at will. She herself cannot have a conversation unless she is linked with the person somehow, Macal is her person and they have a mental link due to their relationship and his ability, but she would not be able to "think back" at Josh).

"You mean you haven't actually heard or noticed?" Faith's eyebrows raised at Joshua's comment. "I can't believe thirty teenyboppers haven't filled you in yet...okay, so we need to have a conversation soon as you get Cora settled, okay? Give me a call or text, I'll be around."

She waited until he was out of sight, then texted him, "Somethings in the castle, people r being affected, even staff, some...demonic presence or something, idk? its weird, everyone is flipping out getting p'o'd, even Liza which really means its scary."


Sure, Faith had asked him to go train, but the truth was, none of the students seemed to be doing anything productive today, and after maybe fifteen minutes of half hearted efforts, Adrian wasn't feeling it. Leaving the training room, he walked outside the academy front entrance, noticing several groups of students arguing heatedly and speeding up his pace to avoid them. Maybe he should be trying to calm them down, but he knew his own history, and he was much more likely to get drawn into violence.

But as he came towards a side clearing of the grounds, he saw Macal Cord in the distance, hitting the ground with his fist and yelling. Adrian stopped, concerned and a little surprised. Was he being affected now too? If a god of war was affected by something that made him rage, well, this could be really, really bad.

For once grateful that Katarina had indeed gone, he stepped forward slowly, watching him.


In spite of everything, Liza was having a good day.

She was completely in charge here, as she often was not allowed to be, with fifteen children following her orders- even those that were older than her. Right now, since she was playing Follow the Leader, they all had to do EXACTLY as she said, and for Liza, this was very, very exciting.

"OKAY! Now we gotta dance in a circle with our friends...our fluffy friends, but our people friends too," she announced, grabbing up her bear and twirling around so wildly she knocked into the little boy next to her, sending them both to the floor in peals of laughter. "And then we gotta hug! And the cafeteria to get lots of ice cream plus grilled cheese plus I think some cereal!!! FRUITY PEBBLES, FOLLOW THE LEADER!"

And a stream of children, all squealing and laughing, ran down the halls for the cafeteria.
((Fine by me then))

As he walked with Cora a message popped up on his communicator, he scanned it quickly and replied back in her head, he didn't like messaging, thinking was quicker and there was a nearly zero percent margin for error or miscommunication. 'Sure I've noticed, but kids are kids. Doesn't take much to work them up, figured it was some kind of drama. Didn't think it was actually serious this time. But that does sound serious. Do you have any leads, what have you been doing to counteract it? There's something else too...'

Joshua scanned around the minds around him, letting down his shield and picking out thoughts. 'A fight?' He kept searching, trying to pinpoint an original source, gossip wasn't a very reliable source, but gossip always has its origins. 'A death. A demon? It was servant to one of the students.' He searched for the students but couldn't find them, 'They left the Academy?' He was putting pieces together quickly. There was a reason he was a lead interrogator in his last career. One thing always lead to another. There weren't many puzzles he couldn't crack. And figuring with the recent death and all those who actually know the story are absent, they must be burying the deceased.
"That was sarcasm, blondie. Or does your hair effect your intelligence. And I wasn't trying to kill that girl exclusively. I was trying to kill all of you, trespassers. She just happened to be closest to my position at the time." (Plus I was trying to get a lot done in a single post and didn't want to bunny anyone.) He thought about escaping when Mel had Vash release him but the girl asked if he could be brought back to their school. This was his chance. Finally, after nine years he could finally leave this place. And once they were at this school, he could sneak out when no one was looking.

However . . . He turned his eyes to look at Mel again. This girl would be at the school, wouldn't she? He shook his head to clear his thoughts, not resisting the cuffs Alex put on him. Although he did smirk with Alex's little warning. They had no idea what he was capable of. And it wasn't like he could die. At least not truly.

When Alex mentioned people ripping Jagger apart, Mel stepped up. "Restraining him is one thing but no one is going to lay a hand on him! Not unless you wish the same done to you." She wouldn't, couldn't, let anyone hurt Jagger. Even if she wasn't sure of who he was, he still reminded her of her big brother. And she wasn't going to make the same mistakes again. Not with Riff gone as well.

Then Sheena began asking her questions. Who was Jagger to Mel and why would she want someone who just tried to take her life in the school. Mel immediately pointed to Faye. "She tried to kill me too, but she gets to go prancing around the school. Besides, he already said he wasn't going after me specifically." Her confidence then seemed to fade as she looked to the ground, rubbing her arm slowly. Why did she want to bring Jagger along? She couldn't exactly say that she wanted Jagger there because he looked like her dead brother. That having him there might ease her guilt over murdering Maer years ago. "I have my reasons," she said softly. "Besides doesn't your school have a pretty much open acceptance policy? I mean, you guys let Lilith in and look at where it's got us."

Vash spent the entire time grumbling beneath his breath, glaring at this Jagger guy. Who was he? And why was Mel going out of her way to bring him back with them? As far as he could tell, Vash didn't like this guy? And he supposed he wasn't in any shape to say anything but what sort of name was Jagger? It sounded pretty gross.
*Alex didn't much like being threaten by Mel over a guy that just shot at her but shrugged it off.* Who is accepted into the Academy is not up to any of us, I'm sure the Cords have their reasons for everyone that is allowed to go there. No matter what they decide on this guy, there is no way he's gonna be free to move around once we take him back, I plan on turning him over to the security team as soon as we step off the plane. Because we would have to be complete fools to let him have full access to all those innocent students, until after we know exactly how and what he is. If you can't deal with those conditions Mel you can start walking back because I'm not going to fly him back to our home and set him free. *Alex looks the guy over and smirks at the comment on his inteligence.* That's pretty funny..Blonde and Inteligence jokes..Haven't heard those before...Now can we get the hell out of here so I can get some sleep?

(I'll post for Mac later tonight)
(That is rather arrogant of Alex, some of the characters here have had better training than him as well xD I know for sure that Chameleon has anyway. Heh, Vash getting jealous? xD (P.S I totally ship Vel or whatever you wanna call it.)

Raina clenched her fists as she was called Sweetheart. Sweetheart. She hated that word. It was always one of the 'pet' names whispered into her ear lustfully by one of those disgusting creeps. She stepped forward, intending on an attack, but a familiar hand on her arm made her pause in her tracks and turn her head to glare at Faye, she opened her mouth to snap at her angrily but the understanding and pleading in her eyes caused Raina to shut her mouth and merely settle for shrugging her sister's arm off.

It also helped that Vash spoke up against the new boy, that calmed Raina that extra bit. Raina watched carefully as they interacted, and was observant enough to spot the sudden eye colour change, she didn't react much beyond furrowing her brows in slight-confusion, but she made a mental note to watch out for him. He could just be a shifter trying to scare them. Or, he could be something more. It was hard to tell. She looked at Mel curiously as the girl demanded Jagger be let go - she also noticed Faye stepped closer to her when this was ordered.

Faye on the other hand was a little bit shocked. Mel wanted to bring this guy back? Why? Did she know him? Thinking back on it, she had seemed to know him by her reaction to seeing him, even if he didn't know her...amnesia perhaps? Raina remained silent up until Alex spoke to Jagger, and she rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "I bleed blood idiot." But she said nothing more than that in response and watched silently with her eyes slightly narrowed. She did however smirk and have to hold back a laugh when Jagger outright insulted Alex, despite calling her sweetheart, maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all.

Faye held back a flinch when Mel pointed at her as a response and reminded everyone of how Faye had tried to kill her. She still felt awful about that, about letting Lil trick her so easily, and she didn't say anything in response, but it was clear on her face that she had just gotten a sudden wave of guilt. Raina noticed, of course, and she shrugged, speaking up in an attempt to lighten Faye's mood, "Eh, everyone at that damn school has tried to kill each other at one point. I mean, I've tried to kill Sheena a few times, and Faith as well, oh, and when me and Faye first met I think we tried to kill each other, right Faye?" She gave her sister a crooked smirk and Faye's expression brightened considerably before she rolled her eyes, "Mhm. You even asked me why I wasn't dead yet when I survived your attack."

When Alex tried to be all 'in charge' again and even threatened not to take Mel back if she didn't listen to his 'orders' Raina outright 'pffted' and spoke up with a smirk, "Well, if Mel has a problem with your 'conditions' Alex, then I'll just call Chameleon to come and get us to fly us back. Just to piss you off and because I can." Faye however tilted her head innocently and looked at Alex, "Our home?" Despite her innocent look, her words had a definite bite to them, "And where exactly is that Alex?" She said nothing more than that, but her eyes had narrowed and took on a darker tone, waiting for him to give her an answer to a question that had none.


Aries took the key, then simply glanced to his twin and shrugged at the fact that Emma had just walked away without another word. He turnt and stuck the key into the lock, twisting it twice before it clicked and he pushed it open. Both twins literally held their breath as the door opened, and the first reaction came from Riesa. She let out a loud shriek and propelled herself across the room, landing on one of the twin comfy beds, she then laid down and moved her arms back and forth, making bed angels. "ARI IT'S SO SOFT AND COMFY WHY THE HECK DID WE WAIT SO LONG TO GET ONE OF THESE!?!?!" She then jumped up and began to run around the room excitedly as Aries slowly headed over to the bed, "Look Ari! A sink," Pause. Turning of a tap. Sounds of water. "And it works!" An excited giggle before another shout, "Look! We have a freakin' mini fridge to put our midnight snacks in! A MINI FRIDGE ARIES!" More mad dashes across the room as Riesa continued to shout about all the small things that seemed like necessities to most but were luxuries to the two street kids-turned-teen. By this point, Aries had reached the bed and he lowered himself onto it slowly, eyes closing as he let himself flop back onto it, a content smile stretching across his face.

Has long has it been since he last laid on a mattress like this? Granted there were times the two had enough money to stay at a motel, but it was never a good enough one that the springs of the lumpy bedding didn't poke into their backs at night or that the bed itself didn't feel as hard as a rock.

He let out a small gasp as a weight landed on him, but he peeked open his eyes and calmed when he saw it was merely Riesa flopped across him, grinning up at him happily. "Hey," She spoke almost dumbly, and he grinned back down at her, reaching his gloved hand out to ruffle her hair, "Hey." She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes from her spot of laying across his body, her head on his chest and her legs tangled with his. She tilted her head to look at the lonely bed across the room and scoffed lightly, "Why'd they even bother giving us two beds? Don't they know we're just gonna share this one?" Aries chuckled, his head ruffling having turned into stroking his sister's hair, "Probably not Ri, most normal teenage siblings don't tend to share a bed" She shrugged in response, closing her eyes again, "Guess we're not normal then." Aries smirked, but also closed his eyes, his hand now just resting on Riesa's upper back, "I guess not."
*Mac stops hitting the ground but it's to late there is already a large hole, after taking a deep breath he stands up getting his thoughts together before he presses his badge and calls up to Titan* This is an executive order, terminate all LMDs in the field and decommission the ones that are offline, it doesn't matter what their covers were the entire program has been compromised. *He turns and sees Adrian slowly moving towards him, he can't help but feel a shame of how he must have looked to the boy.* Hey I guess you saw that? *He darts his eyes at the hole.* I'm sorry that's not something I'm to proud of, I don't usually let things get under my skin like that...Anyway aren't you suppose to be with the smaller students watching movies? *Trying to change the subject off his moment of weakness.*

*Alex just looked at Raina* Look, this is how things are gonna be if he comes back, until Faith or Macal clear him to move about, he has to be turned over to security, it would be incredibly stupid for us to not take precautions..Look I know what you think about me and personally I feel the same about you but this has nothing to do with any of that, it's about being responsible. And Faye my home for right now is that academy, it's yours too if you want it to be. But feel free to call your friend if you wish to wait for him or we can just be sensible about this so we can go home.
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Seeing Joshua's message pop up, Faith answered back quickly, not as clearly as she might have in person. "Yeah idk some demon thing maybe? Seems to be some kind of presence/aura affecting, idk. Its serious tho people could die or lose it, i mean staff was so a bunch of kids? ttyl about it bc this is pretty bad plus all the other stuff."

It dawned on her that Emma too may be unaware, so she forwarded her messages to Joshua to her as well, then decided to just go to see her face to face. Trying to remember where Emma had been headed, she began to walk the halls the woman usually occupied searching for her.


Again, this seemed to be a conversation that Katarina was not to take part in. She looked between the others, then back up at Bucky and over to Faye, seeing what their input was, while keeping her own opinion quiet. She still wasn't sure she wanted to be near this guy, but then, Faye, Raina, Sheena, and Mel were pretty scary in their own ways and hadn't killed her yet.

Sheena's eyebrows rose when Mel repeated her request to have Jagger taken back, without giving her reasons of why. Wondering to herself if the woman was somehow involved with him romantically, or if he was a relative or a long lost friend or something, she crossed her arms over her chest, not questioning her aloud but making her reluctance clear.

"Whatever, it's on your heads then, not mine, whatever happens...and keep him far away from Katarina."

It was true that the majority of the students at the school had had little spells of being homicidal or violent, Sheena herself included. But this guy they knew nothing about, or at least, no one but Mel did, and who could really trust Mel?

"Let's just go," she muttered, not wanting to agree with Alex, but weary of the entire situation. "Just ignore him, guys. Let's do what we gotta do."


"No," Adrian shook his head, his eyes still on the hole in the ground as he replied to Macal's question. "Faith said it was okay for me to go. So I did."

He paused, lifting his eyes to Macal's face, and took a slow step towards him. "Is it the same thing that did it to you just all over, and so angry you couldn't hold it in? Like you can't control it?"
*Mac shook his head at Adrian* No kid it's not like that, I'm mad at myself for making a mistake and lots of innocent people suffered because of it..I'm not mad or in a rage at anyone else..Placing his hand on his shoulder.* Don't worry about me trust me if I lost control the entire planet would know about.*

Ignore me? Really it's like that now. *Alex has had enough and starts to walk away from the group. If Sheena hated him that much then perhaps all those things she said in the cafeteria she really meant, when they get back, she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.*

(Can we move this along, they can't even leave because Mel has to open the portal)

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