Dormer Academy

Nickkie nodded some, "I think I would rather be in your regular class, I don't know many people here, and it would be good for me to get to know some more people." she said, though she realized that they were going to be older than her. She could only hope they didn't look down on her because of her age. "I am not strong, so I will have to use a short sword, though as I grow I would like to learn all the different styles." she said with a nod and a smile, she wanted to learn.
*Mac crosses his arms over his chest as he watches Liza bounce away* You speak as if she's a typical child, I admit there are times when she may seem that way but she's not, she's a goddess and a princess and the majority of the time she carries herself better then you and I put together. Liza never has such outburst with someone she loves, she's to afraid of losing that love...Then again she's being surrounded by other kids lately and it is possible that their influence can affect even Liza and she forget herself or is trying to test her limits..seeing how far she can go before we get mad at her? Perhaps I should recall Mara and have her shadow Liza again..*Rubbing the back of his head.* No, I think that would be an over reaction don't you? If you agree we'll just give her a little more rope and see what she does with it and if I need to I'll send for Mara.

(Get Alex tomorrow, I just got home from dinner with friends and I'm full so I need sleep. :P )
Riff thought about Evan's question a bit. His eyes focused on the ground as he tried to come up with an answer. "I guess I became a demon the same way anyone else would. I sort of sold my soul to her. Although that's not quite right either. It's a bit different. Hm . . . "

"To tell you the truth, I don't quite understand how it works. This magic thing . . . All I remember is forming a contract. There was this magic seal. She said some stuff in Latin. And then after swearing allegiance, I drank some of her blood. Before I knew it, I heard a howl and suddenly felt cold. I blacked out after that and when I woke up, both my master and I were terribly wounded and I had this crystal stuck in my arm."

"I'm sorry I can't really tell you any more. I wasn't allowed to watch Vash become a demon either so I don't have anything else to go by. However when they came back they were in the same conditions as my 'awakening'."

Riff found himself staring at the doorway as voices rose. The boy that had just come in was now yelling and degrading Kat who, according to the other boy that arrived, was his sister. His fist tightened as he watched the unsightly display. How could that boy say such things about his own sister?! At least he still had her by his side. If Vash were here, he'd probably punch that boy in the face. And honestly, Riff would probably let him.

Before Riff could say anything, it seemed like it was over. Adrian left and Kat looked like she had been in an actual fight with the way his words seemed to affect her. Head down like someone who had faced a humiliating defeat. Wanting to help her at least a little bit, Riff started after her as she left for the door. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he wasn't sure what sort of face to make. Should he smile or get angry? Should he try to dispel the things her brother had said or simply tell her that he was there if she needed comfort? "I . . . It's okay. You don't really have anything to apologize for. He was the one who went overboard. You shouldn't have to feel guilty because of him."

(I'll do Mel and Vash later.)
Izzy smiled and placed a hand on Nick's shoulder. "From what I've read in her files and been told by the others, she's a fast learner..." she told her husband, turning her smile on him. "I'm sure we can have her working her way around a sword in no time, and once you get get the hang of it-" Izzy gave Nick's shoulder a squeeze. "-we can start you in on my glass...although I'm not sure how someone your age would feel about working with a gun..."

((should Bucky go looking for Kat? or confront her brother again?))
"Macal...the fact that she's a goddess and a princess doesn't mean she's not still five," Faith remarked, shrugging. "She is. She does get frustrated sometimes when we won't let her have her way, and she has tried to get away with fudging the truth. She does blatantly ignore what we tell her to do on a regular basis. You really think she couldn't lose her temper one time like that? The fact that she IS a goddess and a princess means that we have to watch out for that."

"Don't get me wrong, I know she's pretty much the best kid ever created," she added hastily, glancing towards Liza's closed bedroom door. "But she's not completely perfect. And she's got our DNA, and we both aren't exactly Mr. and Mrs. Level Heads. So yeah, we should watch her, but give poor Mara a break...and don't you remember Mara was hired in the first place because Liza wasn't acting like a little angel?"

She smiled, then came forward to wind an arm around Macal's waist, playfully poking him in the chest. "Ease up, big guy. We're all right."


Katarina startled when Riff touched her, her head turning quickly. Seeing that it is Riff, the boy she doesn't really know, and hearing his kind words to her, she looks down again, briefly biting her lip as she nods. She can't quite agree with him; if her own brother, her twin, thinks this way of her, then how could anyone else think any different?

"Thanks," she said quietly. Then she stood there, unsure of whether she was being asked to stay, or whether she should leave while she was still ahead.

(either or, Iz, up to you)
*Mac nods at Faith, pulling her into his arms and hugging her.* Of course you're right, for right now I'll just have to watch and wait. By the way that isn't the only thing that came up today, I ran into Adrian and Bucky in the hall on my way back, the kid was about to make the biggest mistake of his life and throw blows with Teenwolf (yeah I know he's not a teen but I couldn't think of a funny name lol) Had to separate them before the new kid was ripped to pieces and scattered all over our shiny new walls. Anyway I sent the pup on his way and told the kid to meet me in my office in a few minutes, which I should be on my way to right now. I swear I just met the kid and I can already tell he's going to be a pain in the ass.

*Alex walks back over picking up his jacket and holsters before facing everyone else.* Sorry about that everyone...In case none of you heard, I'm Alex, not only am I a student here..sort of.. I'm an active field agent, so every now and then I may be called away for missions, however if any of you need me to help you or just talk you can feel free to find me, I promise I will not always threaten to shoot you between the eyes.*
"Teenwolf? Sheena got in a fight with someone?" Faith asked with some surprise, looking up at him even as her arm remained wound around him, before what he was actually implying clicked. "Ohh...that Bucky guy, you mean. You know he's not a teen, right? Actually, he's like, older than I am."

She poked his chest again, her dimples flickering into view as she drew back from him slightly, cocking her head to the side with interest. "What new kid? Not the ghost, right?" She mentally rifles through the newer male students; as there are not many of them, it doesn't take her much time to come up with a conclusion. "Ohhhh, that DeSanto kid! The twin! I don't know him as much as his sister, he sort of keeps to himself. Though I think he hangs around Evan some. You know, Memento girl? He was provoking Bucky?"

Another piece of the puzzle clicks together in her mind, and she shakes her head, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. "Oh, Little Miss Kitty Kat is getting herself into it, isn't she? She's going after Bucky, or something. Bet Arson Adrian got wind of that or something."

She walked over to Liza's doorway to let her know she could reemerge as she called out to Macal, "Teenage relationship drama...have fun with that!"

Opening the door for Liza, who immediately bounds over, she reaches out to yank one of her pigtails. "Since you're wanting to be such a good girl now to make up for earlier today, how about you go set the table?"


Adrian is already waiting outside Macal's office. No longer feeling anger, as Thanatos has drifted on to others, he finds it difficult to keep still. Shifting his weight back and forth, hands stuffed in his pockets, he glances repeatedly towards the hallway, waiting for his approach.

He was sure he was going to get in trouble for having threatened Bucky, who was a teacher, after all...and how could he have said those things to Katarina in front of everyone else, or at all? What had come over him to be so hurtful towards her? He could still remember the way she had looked at him, as though betrayed, stricken by the possibility that he of all people could hurt her as he had.

Uncomfortable, he exhaled as he waited for Macal. If he got in trouble, she might too though...or at least Bucky. Surely there was a law about him dating her, right?

Sheena: With Jirro

Kat: In gym
*Mac heads for the door, taken this time to head to his office not wanting to keep the kid waiting to long* If you got things here I'll go to this meeting and be back shortly, I'll try to calm this situation down before it becomes something bigger. *As he walks down the hall he realizes that it would be quicker to just teleport to his office but this kid needs to learn some patience, so he takes his time, stopping by the cafeteria grabbing a couple of cookies and some chocolate pudding, finally reaching his office, licking the spoon of pudding when he sees the kid.* Good you're here, lets head inside. *He opens his office and walks in and sits behind his desk* So want to tell me what the hell all that drama was about with that instructor and think about this before you speak he is an Instructor here at this Academy.
Macal is eating a pudding cup.

Somehow this seems the strangest thing that Adrian can recall seeing in days, and this is a school where strange is rather the norm. He blinks, looking with some surprise at the rather tall, broad-chested man eating pudding like his five-year-old child, and refrains from commenting; after all, this is his mentor, and one of the heads of the school, and it's probably best not to indicate that he finds any behavior of his odd.

"Well," he cleared his throat, finding this all fairly embarrassing to talk about now that it was all past. "You see...Mr. twin sister, she, she sort of...she has some...problems, I guess you could say. She tends to...well, the guys she picks...never mind that. The point is, she's...she and Bucky, that guy that teaches with Izzy...they're dating, or...romantic together. And when I found out...well, he's older, and he's a teacher, and's just not right. So angry with him. Sometimes when I'm mad...I really have a hard time controlling my powers. That's what I'm here get help with that."
{Jirro makes a face at Izabella reaching for Nick} Why would you want to learn something so barbaric as a gun? I never understood what was so great about those things, so so distasteful. {Holding his sword in front of Nick} This is a weapon of a real warrior. With skill, grace and precision that this weapon allows me to lay waste to any that get in it's path. As a BlackBlood it's not our way to use any weapon but the sword. {He sighs looking at Izabella} But my wife likes her shiny guns, so an exception was made for her. {Jirro studies the young girl.} Given your size I think a Sabre would fit you best, we'll try that tomorrow.

{He finally decides it's time for him and Sheena to get going} We should be on our way, if we get a move on it we can be there in a couple of hours. 
(I think someone asked if their character would be a blackblood, the key thing that separates them from regular vampires is blackbloods still have their souls, if your character has her soul then she fits.)
Evan wasn't completely sure what to do once everything had died down. She kept a close eye on Kat, thankful that Riff had the good sense to at least go forward and comfort her. Clearing her throat, she took a tentative step forward, wondering if a change in the topic would even be helpful at this point. She knew full well that if someone, a family member especially, had said such hurtful things to her it would be difficult for her to bounce back at all.

"Look, uhm..." She smiled weakly, "If you still want to lift, I can spot you. My upper body isn't the greatest, but as long as you don't lift some insane amount of weight, I can help." Darting a brief glance over to Riff, she added, "Maybe he can spot your for the bigger weights."

She hesitated for a moment, moving to put her hands in her pockets onto to realize that there were no pockets in her gym clothes. "You okay?"
Nick looked up at Izzy, tilting her head as she listened, she was a quick learner, she always enjoyed learning new things, she held her teddy bear to her chest as she listened, then nodded, "Sure, once I get a little more used to the new lessons I will be willing to add more on." she said with a smile.

Nick looked at Jirro with her large sapphire eyes, and then smiled some, "I know a sword is more graceful, and I do wish to learn to use one, but in today's times... you get less strange looks for carrying a gun than you do a sword." she said simply, she slowly brought Donnie up a little so she could rest her head on the bear's head. "I want to be able to protect myself, with whatever is laying around. Weather that be a sword, a gun, a stick, or just my fists." she said quietly, she wanted to get to a point where she didn't have to rely on others to protect her.
"Guns are all right," Sheena shrugs, glad to be able to have this opinion now; she had once been rather frightened of them to the extent she didn't like to look at them, let alone touch them, due to a bad experience with one. "But he's right, swords are way better. Swords and knives...and claws and teeth!"

She slashes her fingers through the air playfully, making a mock growling noise at Izzy before lowering them again. "Yeah, you coming? Or you taking Nick somewhere? I texted Alex but I guess he's busy."


When Evan too expresses kindness, Katarina continues to gnaw her inner cheeks, fighting the strengthening urge she is feeling to do something to cause herself a slightly less minor degree of pain. She turns to face her after a few moments of pysching herself up to do so, recognizing how hard the girl is trying to be nice to her. She doesn't understand it- Evan and Riff hardly know her, and why would they want to be nice after what her own brother said?

"I...thanks," she said eventually, deciding to try to push aside her thoughts of her lack of understanding and to simply accept, though she doubts she'll be able to focus very well now to improve. "Okay."

Slowly she walks back to the bench, not looking at Evan, and almost doesnt' hear her question. Then she has to try to think of a correct answer that sounds even remotely plausible, and even so she is sure it doesn't.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."


"Did you see my sorry note on the wall, Mama? Did you, did you?" Liza continues to pester Faith, tugging lightly at a strand of her mother's hair from where she remained perched on her hip. Of course, Faith had; even shrinked and framed, as Macal had done, it was hard to miss, and she nods.

"Yep, I see, looks like you put a lot of work into it. We appreciate that, but it's a lot better if you dont' have to say sorry in the first place, right?"

"Uh huh, I know, and I"ll never, never do it again...are you sure you see? 'Cause Daddy made it all little now. I don't even know if you see it right."

"Pip, trust me, I see it right," Faith said wryly, setting her back down and giving her a playful spank on the bottom. "But I think you're gonna go to bed early tonight anyway. Seems like the right thing to do when you gotta make a sorry card."

"Awwww, Mama, I said sorry a lot though!"

Adrian: With Macal
Izzy just laughed and rolled her eyes. "Bullets are faster then blades love, at least when I'm behind the trigger..." she winked playfully at her husband before shrugging, smiling down at Nick. "You'll learn a lot from Jirro, I promise, and if he scares you at all, well just remember that he's nothing but a big ol' softie at heart..."

She knows her comment will get back at his remark on her guns. "And I promise, you'll lean everything you need to keep yourself safe, that's why we're all here..."

Looking over at her cousin, her eyes narrow in curiosity. "Where are we going?"

((Bucky was supposed to run into someone on his way back to Kat, I forget who :/ ))
{Jirro grins this time allowing his fangs to show.} Do you really think your bullets are faster then my sword? I could cut them all down in the blink of an eye. *He starts to walk away with Sheena, giving a nod to both Nick and Izabella* You can become very strong Nick as long as you don't give into your fears, because fear can lead to anger and fighting with anger will lose your life. Come along Sheena we should hurry if we're to make up for lost time. {Without waiting he just disappears, he didn't teleport or anything he just starts running, doing what Sheena suggested and using their speed to cross the forest in a matter of minutes instead of hours. It's not long before they can smell the river and hear the giant falls they're headed towards.}
Evan took her place at the front end of the bench and wrapped her hands around the center of the bar, holding it lightly, ready to tense up and catch or move the weight if she needed to. It still shocked her that Adrian, who had seemed perfectly nice earlier, managed to say the kind of things he'd said to Kat. Not just that he said them, though, but that he said them in front of other people. Sure, he'd made it clear that he had difficulty controlling his anger, but...

Come to think of it, she'd been fairly out of line herself. Not only had she inserted herself into an argument between siblings, but she had been more than ready to say the hell with everyone else and leave had the gym gone up in flames. She even blamed Adrian and the others before any sort of damage was even done. Her thoughts shifted back to the tantrum she had thrown in her room, when she'd tossed her camera and suddenly, she hoped that she didn't break it.

"How many reps are you going to do?" She asked Kat finally, remembering that there was a reason she was standing there, managing to shake herself from her own thoughts. She leaned slightly over the girl, taking the proper stance needed for spotting. "And uhm... just let me know if you need me to move the bar, okay?"
"Yeah, Nick, he's a TEDDY BEAR," Sheena teased the little girl about Jirro, grinning as she repeated what she had earlier called him. "Soft and cuddly..."

Looking over to her cousin, she answers, "Some huge waterfall place Jirro knows about that I so gotta scale. You in? You can take Nick back fast and meet up with us, it would be cool if you could come. Just none of that kissy kissy huggy huggy stuff, this is supposed to be my lesson," she added with a smirk, cutting her eyes towards them equally.

She regarded Izzy hopefully, wishing that she would say yes. She hasn't hardly had time to see her cousin since she returned, and she would like to be able to be closer to her than they are. This would be a good chance to be around her some more.

When Jirro takes off, Sheena blinks, then laughs, looking back at Izzy and Nick. "Guess you'll have to catch up if you wanna come...see you there, maybe!" Then she takes off running, shifting halfway into her Lycan form to increase her speed. Within minutes she has successfully tracked Jirro's scent and appears beside him, shifting back into her human form.

"Patient, huh?"


Katarina nods again in response to Evan's question, barely hearing her. It takes her a few moments to realize that she is waiting for a response, and she has to struggle to think back enough to remember what she said.

"I guess...ten," she said, blushing again, because she knows for most people here that would be a ridiculously low number. "Then...maybe more later...or try something else...I don't know."

As she wraps her fingers around the bar, then lifts it, pressing it down to her chest, then up, she tries to focus on what she is doing, but her mind keeps drifting back to Adrian. What if he told Bucky what he had said in front of them, and Bucky didn't like her anymore? What if he was really, REALLY upset with her? She and Alexander didn't fight very often, and when they did, Alexander was usually more irritated or concerned than truly angry. But to Katarina, he had sounded like he hated her.

She realizes her arms are shaking, even though it's only her fourth rep, and she abruptly positions the bar back on its stands, lowering her arms and closing her eyes. Maybe this is not the best decision to do this now, after all.

"Sorry," she stammered. "I guess...maybe not now."

(who wants anger attacked next? And Izzy, you weren't supposed to run into anyone in particular, it's up to you what Bucky does)
Nick tilted her head as she listened to what each person was saying, she slowly looked up at Izzy, "I don't scare easily." she said, she smiled some, "I'm sure that I will learn what I need to here." she said with a small nod, then she blinked and looked at Jirro, "Keeping a clear mind is always important, which is why I meditate." she said, she knew that a clear mind would help you to concentrate on more important matters, which is why she managed what she had with her powers without training. She blinked as Jirro suddenly vanished, there was no way that her eyes could keep up with his movements because of how fast he was.

Nick blinked as Sheena talked about where they were going, it seemed like she didn't know much about it, but it sounded nice. She held Donnie to her chest, having the feeling that she was going to be left behind, she closed her sapphire eyes, waiting to find out what Izzy would choose.


Ezra found himself wandering the halls, he didn't have any classes yet, in fact he still had to fill out the paper work and get registered, though he had no idea where to go for that stuff, he figured that he should probably ask someone. Though it seemed like most of the people gave him odd looks since he was a ghost. Ezra sighed some, then noticed someone walking toward him, he tilted his head and smiled, "Hello, do you think you could help me? I need to see about filling out paperwork and I'm not very sure where to go." he said, of course he had no idea that he wouldn't know where to go either.

(Nick possibly could, she might get angry (though probably not actually say anything yet) if she gets left behind, but that's up to Izzy too. On if Izzy will decide to go with Sheena and Jirro)
*Macal takes a deep breath before he talks.* Look Adrian, having two daughters I can understand you wanting to protect yours sister, they are precious and the last thing you want is for your sister to be hurt but son you have to understand that some mistakes are meant to be made and the experience gained from it necessary for her to grow. I'm not saying ignore not to try to protect your sister but interfering in her relationships does nothing but endear the person in her life and blind them even more so they stay with a person out of spite and not because she's actually attracted to the person...In other words you're defeating yourself..Do you understand what I'm saying, unless your sister is being abused or something like that, you'll be better letting the relationship take it's natural course. It's not your job to police your sister's life...However dealing with a teacher dating one of the students here at this academy is my job and I promise you I will look into it and I can promise you something will be done about this. *He presses the comm badge on his chest* Faith..Izabella I need you both in my office as soon as possible. You're dismissed Adrian consider this just a first time meeting between a student and mentor and leave it at that.

*Alex left the gym just as Sheena called him, he didn't understand why he was so angry..He actually threaten to shoot that kid in the head. He shakes off the feeling of confusion and answers his comm.* Hey, Sheena, it's been a weird day for me I think I'm heading back to my quarters for a nap then to my lab for a bit, so I'll pass on the training but how about you swing by the lab when you're done...Have fun with Jirro but not more fun then with me...As if that is possible. *He laughs then pauses for a moment.* Love ya, be safe.
Getting the text from Alex just as she approaches the waterfall with Jirro, Sheena takes out her vibrating phone and reads his response, smirking down at her screen.

"Lazyass...I know what it really is, he's just still got a weird thing about heights, is all," she mutters to herself as she pecks out a response reading "w/e, scaredy cat...yeah I'll come by, later." Then, turning back to Jirro, she lifts her chin in the direction of the roar of falling water she can hear without yet seeing it.

"So how do I do this thing, exactly? Climb a waterfall?"


Adrian nods slowly when Macal is finished talking, taking in another slow breath, and almost manages a smile. At least Macal had listened to him, unlike Katarina and the kids in the gym, and seemed to agree with him....and at least he was looking into it, and maybe could stop her.

"Thanks...I' m sorry," he said again as he stood, slowly moving towards the door. "I'll really try not to get that mad again, I know I shouldn't. And...I know Katarina's a big girl and everything, just...she's my sister, you know? I don't want her hurt. She's had enough of're going to talk to Bucky about it then?"

Realizing he might be overstepping his boundaries, he shakes his head quickly. "Sorry, sorry, probably not my business...thanks..."

As he walks down the hallway, he is not looking where he is going- so when he almost runs straight through Ezra, this is a rather big shock. He jumps back, his eyes bulging, and then blinks several more times, looking all around himself- has he gone completely crazy?


When Faith gets her husband's message, she had been in the process of trying to get Liza somewhat ready for a bath. Scowling down at her comm badge, she shakes her head, frustrated, as she replies.

"Seriously, now? What am I supposed to do with Liza? What's wrong now?"

Said child went darting through the living room as she finished the sentence, clad only in her underwear and giggling as she attempted and failed at a lopsided cartwheel. Looking down at her, Faith sighed, then stood, pointing towards her bedroom.

"You're in luck, no bath tonight....Casey!"

Liza's white laborador retriever, who often doubled as her body guard and nanny in a pinch, came as Faith called him, looking up at Faith quizzically as she instructed him. "Right, watch Liza, alright? If she runs off, go with her and make sure she's okay, let one of us know if she's getting in trouble. Liza, you go put some clothes on."

As she heads towards Macal's office, Liza throws on a loose white nightgown and immediately darts towards the doorway with Casey on her trail. "I'm gonna go do some weight stuff!" she announces, her earlier guilt and sadness now forgotten in her exhilaration of being alone and left to do as she pleases. As she runs down the hallway, turning in the opposite direction of her mother, Casey trots after her.
(Ah what the hell I need some comic relief :P )

*In the weight room as Liza comes in Ty and Z are in there messing around, Ty laying on a bench struggling to push up a 40 pound weight, his legs are kicking and his faces is turning colors as he huffs trying to lift the weight off his chest. His twin brother Z, standing over him covering his mouth with one hand, holding down the bar with one finger, yelling at his brother.* Come on Ty push it! No pain no gain! Stop being a girly puppy. *Z continues to laugh as he doubles the gravity on the weight bar again 5 times the gravity of Earth, to anyone else this would be horrifying to see but to these two morons it's funny. When Z sees Liza he darts towards her ignoring his brother's situation.* HEY LIZA, YOU WANT TO DO WEIGHTS WITH US! TY STOP BEING STUPID AND COME SAY HI! *Ty's legs still kicking and his face turning a deep shade of purple now.* He was making fun of me, he said I had stringy arms but since we're twins that means he has stringy arms too but it's not even true though right?

*Macal waits for Faith and Izzy in his office, thinking about how awkward this talk is going to be, he doesn't have much space to talk, even tho neither Alex or Sheena are teachers, he's still allowing his barely legal daughter to sleep in a man's quarters, when it's clearly against the rules for students to spend the night, he only justifies this by both their ages and they both are full Agents, unless other student's here, at any given time they could be sent on a life or death mission.*
Evan counts out the reps quietly as Katarina lifts them. She notices her arms start to shake and her eye turns more watchful, worrying that she might finally be having some sort of delayed reaction to what had happened. When Kat starts to put the barbell back into place, she guides it and takes a step back to give the other girl some room, eyebrows furrowing in confusion at her apology.

"There's nothing to be sorry for," She tells her and links her fingers together, stretching them above her head. Her elbows pop loudly and she manages a small grimace at the noise and sensation before letting them fall back to their sides. "If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it."

Once again, she tries and fails to slip her hands into the pockets that don't exist and instead just winds up running her palms along the outsides of her thighs awkwardly. "Listen... it's probably not my place to say anything, but uhm... what Adrian said to you was way out of line."
(um...since you didn't say that anyone else was in the room, Macal, and Evan didn't acknowledge the three little hyper kids running around, I'll assume it's a second weight room. Maybe one with greater weights for stronger individuals. Again, let me know if you want to be rage-demoned, or just do it yourself as you like)

Tyrant and Zeus, otherwise commonly known as Ty and Z, are generally Macal's dogs; however, being mystical beings of great strength and power, from the same kingdom he himself had come from, they have the ability to turn into human little boys in front of Liza at will, to keep her company. It was likely that they were originally intended to amuse her enough to keep her out of trouble, but actually, they were much more likely to encourage her into greater mishaps.

Seeing them in the second weight room, the one with heavier, more solid equipment and larger weights intended for the strength-gifted students and staff, Liza beams, making a beeline towards them. "Hi guys! I wanna do weights too. I did them earlier but it was easy so I should do more I come your face is that funny color, Ty? It's purple. I like purple. It's one of my favorite colors ever except for red and blue and pink and green and orange. Plus also I like black 'cause my mama wears that a lot...."

She peers closely at both their arms, looking satisfied as she announces, "Nope, you don't neither got strings for arms. They are just normal arms is all."


As Faith enters Macal's office without knocking, she sits on his desk and swings her feet back and forth lightly, turning to look at him quizzically. "What? I had to leave Liza back there and she may or may not be running around the school in her underwear at this point. What's going on?"


Katarina remains sitting on the bench, her shoulders slumped, her chin directed towards her chest so her hair half obscures her features. When Evan talks to her, she looks up suddenly, trying to smile, but her lips stick. This is the second person who has said as much, that Adrian is out of line, but it's very difficult for her to believe when she herself feels there is some truth to what he's said.

Adrian has always been gentle with her, not wanting to hurt her feelings...what if he just finally said what they both knew?

"I don't know," she said quietly, shrugging. "You don't know a lot about might...some of it's probably true."

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