Dormer Academy

Nick smiled at Izzy, "Trust me, I know. The best I could do right now is blow someone back with a strong gust of wind, and run away. I want to protect myself, not have to rely on others to save me." she said, she wanted to be a strong and independent person, even though she already was pretty independent, she wanted to be able to take care of herself. She tilted her head some as she realized that thinking like that was sort of pushed onto her by the fact that she was abandoned so many times, then she figured that it was probably a good way to be, at least if she didn't have to rely on others she wouldn't be let down so badly.

"I think swords first... though, I will be interested in learning to handle guns as well, especially since carrying a sword will probably get you strange looks, a gun would be easier to hide and is something that most people are used to seeing now days." she said with a nod. She noticed as Izzy started to touch her shortened hair, "It takes a lot of getting used to, I guess?" she asked, she hadn't had her hair cut in a very long time, resulting in the long braided pigtails that she had, she reached up and pulled one over her shoulder, looking at her long silver hair, "I don't think I would want to cut my hair." she said.


Ezra noticed as Alex left, though he continued to talk with Macal, soon after Macal said that he had to leave as well. Ezra nodded, "Alright, have a good rest of the day then." he said, then he looked around, wondering what he would do now, seeing as it was his first day and that he had no classes yet since he hadn't been assigned any. He shrugged some and decided to at least leave the cafeteria since he couldn't eat anyway. He walked off through the door and started heading down the hallway.
(Macal is Adrian's mentor right?)

*Mac on his way to meet Stick, when he rounds the corner and comes across the tail end of Adrian and Bucky's argument right as Adrian threatens Bucky, stepping towards them both he coughs to let them both know he's there.* Gentlemen? What's seems to be the problem here? And don't try to tell me there isn't one considering I just heard a student threaten an instructor. So how about you both go your separate ways and I'll forget I saw this or I could hit you both with about 50 thousand volts. *His eyes glowing* In the future gentlemen if you wish to settle disputes we don't do that in the hallway we settle them them in the dojo. *He looks at Bucky* Take off Pup, I'm sure there is work for you to be doing. *Then he looks at Adrian* You in my office 2 hours!
(yes he is- is he going to Stick before Adrian?)

Adrian is so focused on Bucky and every move he makes, every shift of his facial features, that he doesn't hear Macal approach until he is right behind them. He turns his head towards him only with reluctance, not wanting to take his eyes off Bucky, but when he does so, his focus diverted even temporarily, he feels his anger flicker, then begin to fade almost entirely. Somewhat confused, he shrugs this off as some degree of shame comes over him. Slowly he nods to Macal.

"Uh...two hours...okay?"

He has a feeling he's about to get a rather long talking to, if not punishment. Without speaking to Bucky, he turns and walks off, his posture considerably less certain of itself now.
As Riff spoke to the gymnast girl, a new but somewhat familiar scent wafted by his nose. He had experienced the scent a few times within the halls or in class but had yet to meet the source of it. His eyes went to the door to see a girl there, one he didn't recognize. Why was she waiting outside? Was she waiting for the girl he was speaking to? Or perhaps she wanted to use the gym as well?

Anyway, Riff turned to her with a soft smile on his face. "You don't have to wait outside, you know. You can come in. It isn't exactly a private room. If you are waiting for your friend, I'm sorry for keeping her. And if you wish to use the gym, then feel free to. There's plenty of room here."


Her last encounter with Mel had left Lilith in a particularly good mood. Practically skipping down the hallway, the angel couldn't wipe the arrogant smirk off her face, or at least it was her face now. She felt like she was on top of the world. She had beat Mel. She really beat Mel. She had the b*tch's body, her powers and still had a good chunk of the students wrapped around her finger.

Mortals are so stupid. Lilith had convinced them to attack a, for the most part, innocent girl and stole her body, yet most of her "followers" still considered her the good guy, the victim. Sure, some of them left the group, confused and conflicted over what was the truth, but she still had a decent number under her control. And none of the ones who left seemed like they wanted to help Mel anyway. Well, other than Faith and possibly that Liza girl, but who cared. Lil didn't have to worry about them. Not when she had a bunch of human shields willing to protect one of God's angels. She probably had Mel's pretty little face to thank for that. Like how Snow White probably seduced the huntsman to spare her, if Mel had been hideous, it may have been difficult to manipulate the students, especially the boys.

But fortunately she wasn't and Lil had a few willing meat shields. Faith and Liza surely wouldn't attack innocent bystanders just to get to her. Mel might've but the little doll was doing her best to be a good little girl and follow the rules. This was priceless. Now Mel couldn't attack her unless Lilith did something "bad" which apparently was nothing short of cold blooded murder. Just. Amazing. And now the angel could see the pitiful look of defeat on the doll's face every day for as long as she wanted.

Spotting one of said shields, Lil quickly replaced the smile on her face with a sad face. Upon seeing this and not knowing that she had seen him first, the boy pulled her to the side as she passed. "Aw, what's wrong? You look sad." Lilith buried her face into his chest. "It's nothing. I'm just . . . scared. Mel really wants to kill me. I . . . I just don't know if I'll be able to defend myself when she attacks. I don't want to hurt her but she doesn't seem like she's willing to repent."

The boy held Lil close with a tight hug. "Don't worry. If she tries anything, I'll protect you, okay?" Lilith returned the hug. "Thank you. I feel much better now." The student left and the angel couldn't help but snicker to herself. Too easy.


By the time Vash had found his way out of the forest, it was already dark out. Exhausted from everything that mother nature decided to throw at him, he collapsed onto the ground. He really needed to invest in a GPS system or something. This was just getting ridiculous.

"Busy day?" Vash looked up to see Mel looking back down at him, her arms crossed. "Uh . . . hi Mel?" "Why did you skip class?" "Well, I got lost and . . . and . . . You skipped class too!" "But I'm stronger than you. And I never gave you permission to play hookey."

Vash opened his mouth to say something but promptly closed it. For whatever reason, Mel seemed to be in a particular bad mood right now and a single wrong word could land him at the bottom of the lake tied to a crocodile or something. It'd be best not to try to defend himself. Instead, he stood up and brushed the dirt off of his clothes. "Did something happen?"

Mel looked to the ground as her fists clenched. "I saw Lilith today." She had said enough. Vash knew now that he definitely shouldn't poke further into this. And he probably shouldn't tell Mel about what he saw when he had met up with Lil in the woods . . . As he tried to think of a way to change the subject, he saw that Mel was now staring at him.

"Vash, from now on you are to always stay by my side other than bathroom trips and bedtime. You got it? I don't need you getting lost when I need you." Vash turned around as quick as he could, covering his reddening face. It was probably a delusion on his part . . . Okay, it was most definitely a delusion on his part, but right then Mel sounded as if she kind of . . . liked him. It was too cute. Or at least it seemed so until she clamped a collar around his neck when he wasn't looking.

One quick yank and Vash fell flat on his back, now being dragged along by the four foot possessed doll. The leather cut into his neck and he tried to tell Mel to stop while simultaneous pulling at the collar to allow him room to breathe. But his cries went ignored since it was virtually impossible for Mel not to hear him. This went on for about ten minutes before Vash had finally figured to turn the skin of his neck and back to metal. Now he was just trying to enjoy the free ride as his master dragged him through the hallway like a child pulling a sled.

(I don't care if Faith finds Mel or Lil so you can decide.)
{Jirro didn't realize what he was dealing with internally was starting to surface but he couldn't confess that to Sheena} I'm fine Sheena, thank you for asking tho. Of course I can arrange sometime for a private class if you're interested in fact I think I'll head to the forest there is a waterfall I like to use for training. I think you would enjoy training there it's quite high and I remember you like heights don't you? Are you sure you don't want to bring Alex and train like we used to do back at The Gates?

{He moves towards the door holding it open for her to go through it, perhaps some training with her will settle his nerves}

(sorry it's a short post, not much for him to say, perhaps I should make a second character for longer post.)
Katarina blushed when Riff addressed her, lowering her head, and then took in a slow breath, lifting her head again and stepping forward hesitantly. He sounded nice, and she gave him a tentative smile as she went to stand by one of the weight machines.

"Oh. Um, no, I'm not waiting, it's okay...I was just going to come in here."

She gives a small, somewhat embarrassed nod to the girl, but doesn't yet start working out. She feels like they'll both be watching her now if she does and that she will further embarrass herself with it. As she has no powers whatsoever, she's sure they would both be considerable unimpressed by her efforts.


Faith wasn't always the most observant person in the world, but even she could hardly miss the sight of one of her students dragging another student down the hallway by a leash, like a dog on a chain. Her eyes almost popping, she hurries to head them off, stopping in the middle of the hall so they would have to try to maneuver a way around her to continue. Hands on her hips, she stares at them, recognizing Vash and Mel immediately and somewhat unsurprised now that she sees who exactly is involved.

"Uh, obvious question of what the hell you're doing aside, I'm pretty sure there's a rule about dragging people around by their throats here. Well, actually that's probably not in the rule book per say...if we actually even have one of those...never mind, point is, stop it already, the guy isn't a friggin' dog, and if Liza saw you, you don't even want to know what kind of ideas it would give her to try out."


Sheena's eyes brighten at this suggestion, and she smiles widely, already anticipating this as a rather exciting event. She can't get enough of heights as it is, and water is another of her favorite pasttimes. She nods enthusiastically, barely hearing his comment about Alex in her excitement.

"Yeah, sure! Can we go now? I mean he can come if he, NOW?"
((sorry! I never got any notifications that there were posts for this))

The applause put a small jump in Evan and she turned around, still breathing heavily to see a man wearing a button down and dress pants. Her eyebrows raised at the sight of him... was he going to use the gym dressed like that? Because that seemed a little impractical to her.

"You're not interrupting." She said finally, bringing the back of her hand across her forehead to wipe away the sweat, "Gym's big enough for more than one person." She managed a small smile when he threw out the question of her talent, figuring it was rhetorical and just shrugged. She'd had to explain and think about her memory too many times that day to want to get into it again, especially so soon after the weird mood swing. "I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new?"

When Katarina made her entrance, she gave her a small smile and waved, "Hey, come join the party!"
*After Mac talks to Bucky and Adrian he makes his way to the grounds to meet Master Stick, who's already waiting for him.* Macal, you sure took your sweet time getting here. *Stick huffs at him but Mac only smiles and stands in front of him.* Sorry I had an incident to deal with on my way here, now what's all of this about? *Stick starts to pace around Macal, he's visibly disturbed* During a lesson with Liza, something came over the child, she became angry and attacked me out. *At Mac's face loses all color* Oh my god Master I'm so so sorry I swear I will punish her for this she will never do something like that again. *Stick stops walking and slams his staff into the ground.* BE QUIET AND LISTEN TO ME!...I don't blame the child and I don't think she needs to be punished...I've been the child's teacher long enough to know my student and something came over her, I'm not sure what it was and it was only for a few moments but *Stick looks away for a moment* Perhaps it was just a bad day for her maybe I misinterpret the situation. I still request she doesn't get punished for this. *Mac also pauses and thinks about it, he has been feeling something..a presence but nothing he could narrow down, it's a fleeting feeling that he's been disregarding all day long.* Ok Master, for you I will not punish her but I have to inform Faith about her behavior...But if you must know I've been having a feeling all day that something is off. *Stick feels a little better that Liza won't be punished and the fact that Mac is also feeling like something is wrong* Thank you for listening to me about this. I may be your former teacher but she is your daughter and no parent wants to hear about their child misbehaving. I'll return to the Citadel and do some digging and return tomorrow. *He grabs his staff and vanishes. Mac starts to walk back to the building that his quarters are in, speaking to Faith's mind.* Meet me in our quarters as soon as you can we have to talk.
At this continued extending of welcome towards her, Katarina, still flushing, nodded, and began to fiddle with the machine, adding weights onto it and then sitting, but not yet thrusting the bars forward to work out her upper body. She is still sort of hoping they won't remain in the room, or at least will get busy and not watch her.

The girl looks familiar, though she doesn't know her name. She does know Riff's, having heard Faith mention it, and she says to him shyly, "You're Riff, right? I'm Katarina."


Still standing in the hallway with Mel and Vash, waiting for them to respond to her, Faith, hearing Macal speak within her thoughts, gives a small jump, not having been expected it, and then nods, although she knows he can't see her or "hear" her in that way without giving a reply back to him. She is curious but not overly concerned, not paying attention to the urgency in his tone. After all they had just talked about the school's functioning and agreed nothing terribly pressing was going on as of now, and everyone seemed to be somewhat on the side of okay, in general. It would be just like him to be dragging her away for some private time.


Back in her room, Liza is already growing restless with her confinement, waiting for someone to come home and punish her. Although she has been instructed not to do so, she decides the best way to express her apology is to write yet another note, this one on the wall of the living room, and she gets to work, setting out several stuffed animals to observe her as she begins to work laboriously on printing her apology as large as she can.

Sheena: With Jirro

Adrian: Walking away from Bucky
{Jirro gives her a weak smile} Sure we can head there but it's not an easy place to get to. I really had no clue how much ground this academy covers, I actually found the place by accident when I got lost. {He tries not to laugh at his own misfortune but he does} Please don't tell anyone that I Jirro Mochizuki got lost in the woods. {He starts to walk along with her} Anyway it's a few hours away so are you sure you're up for this? You won't be back till very late, even with our speed. {As he walks with her he can't help noticing the confidence she seems to carry herself with now.} You've changed so much from that day we first met, back then I never thought you could be this close to me without panicking and fleeing, you've become comfortable being around Black Bloods.
"You got lost?" Sheena asks in surprises, giving a startled laugh as she glances over at him, still following close to him. There is an ease and energy to her steps as she keeps up with him, frequently glancing to make sure he is keeping up and that she is not leaving him behind. "You're supposed to have all these super senses, how do you get LOST?"

She shook her head in response to his question about being sure, shrugging one shoulder as well as she continued to walk. "That's no big deal, I'm ready for a workout. We can always run later, you know. I hear I run pretty fast."

When he compliments her on her confidence and her gains, she shoots another glance back at him, her smile self-conscious now, but also proud as she fixes her gaze ahead again. "Well, thanks, I guess. I mean, I had to get used to you FangFaces somehow, my own cousin's one. I've had to do worse than stick around with you bloodbreaths lately," she said in a teasing tone, but although she sounds light, her thoughts are flickering back to Evangeline and her recent death. "There are scarier things."
((LOL seriously, stop calling Bucky pup! It's fine with the girls, but he's a guy, that's just rude :P ))

Bucky was about to respond to Adrian's threat with one of his own when another man's scent filled the air and his nostrils twitched, sensing Macal's arrival. He forced himself to stand down, dropping his hands to his sides, and then hid them behind his back to hide the fists he had started to form.

"Just a misunderstanding is won't happen again..." he muttered, still glaring at Adrian. His body stiffens at being called 'pup' and he has to hold in a growl before it could escape his lips. turning on one heel, he mummbles an excuse and heads back towards his apartment, figuring he could try and find Katarina later.


Izzy smiles widely and holds out her hand to the girl. "Come, you and I will go find my husband and talk to him about getting you in one of his classes..."

Leading her down the hall, Izzy laughs softly when Nick says she'd never cut her hair and shakes her head. "I honestly hadn't planned just sorta happened..."

((sorry so short, kinda stuck, plus i stopped getting notifs for this thread for some reason -_- ))
Nick smiled at Izzy and took her hand, "I'm sure the class won't be easy, but I hope that I can have fun as well." she said, she did enjoy learning new things, and even though Faith's lesson this morning had been hard on her since she wasn't used to lifting so much weight, but she would get better with time, and she knew that it would help her out. She wasn't sure how she would use the sword fighting, but she was sure that either having the skill would be helpful, or learning more discipline would be.

Nick looked up at Izzy as she laughed and tilted her head, "Well, I just like my hair... I don't see a reason in getting rid of something that I like." she said with a nod. She had been called strange by others because of how she looked, she was small for her age, with very pale skin, and very dark eyes, which was not how it usually went, and while most fair children had blond hair, she actually had silver hair as if she was an old woman instead of a young child. Even though the way she looked was one of the reasons that she was picked on she just couldn't see changing it, then she blinked, seeming a little older, "Though, I will eventually have to cut it, I can't have it trailing on the ground when I walk." she said, she knew there were other reasons, but that was the most simple one to voice.
The great building in front of them seemed eerily quiet as they watched it. Two girls, one taller than the other, stood side by side, hand in hand. They were sisters, if only half, but still sisters. Even though one had the brightest shade of ginger hair and the other the darkest pitch black. The smaller one looked at the building door with her amber eyes worriedly, nervously biting her bottom lip.

"I'm not so sure about this Rai..." A tentative voice spoke out as the two girls looked up upon the Academy they were supposed to be attending for the next god-knows how many years, hopefully not too many, Raina thought with a bitter look. She hated schools, always had, always will. She was only here for Faye. She took a glance at the brightly-haired shorter girl with her own midnight coloured eyes. She had been through too much lately. Myra's death had hit her half-sister hard, just like it was expected to, how were you supposed to react when your big sister was murdered by your own Dad? Were you supposed to smile and say, 'Oh gee Dad, thanks for that, she was really pissing me off!' No. You weren't. You were supposed to cry, you were supposed to sob, and scream and then - in Raina's mind anyway - brutally murder the bast*rd. Faye had done all that, and then she had shut down. Seeing her little sister so empty, so lifeless, well it had scared the sh*t out of Raina. So she had done the only thing she could think of. She had taken her away from it all. They hadn't said goodbye to anyone except Nick and Chameleon - Faye said goodbye to Nick in the form of a break -up and Raina had written a measly note to the shifter boy. She wasn't good at goodbyes.

So her and Faye had spent the past however many months doing what reckless teenagers do best - using fake ID's to get stupidly drunk and have a hell of a good time doing so. But now it was time for Raina to face the facts. Faye needed help. When she wasn't partying her feelings away, Raina would find her sister sitting there staring blankly into space like she was gone, somewhere else. She hoped this Academy could change that. It was supposed to be a place for the troubled right?

"Rai?" Raina was snapped out of her monologuing thoughts by a hand being waved in her face, she blinked to see Faye staring at her worriedly, "You okay?" Raina rolled her black eyes at her sister, "Pssh, shouldn't I be asking you that question? You're the one suggesting we turn back around when it took us so damn long to get here in the first place." Faye scowled at her then, snapping back angrily, "I just think it's a stupid idea to go to another damn school when so much cr*p happened at the last one we were at!" Raina's eyes softened momentarily then; she understood. Faye didn't want to lose another sister, not when Raina was all she had left, and boy could Rai relate. She wasn't about to let her last family member get taken away from her either. "Look," She placed her hands on Faye's shoulders, looking her in the eyes, "I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? Now we're going to walk through those doors, together, and I promise you that eventually we'll come back out of them, together, alright?" Faye frowned at her, but a twinkle was forming in her eyes before a half-hearted grin came across her face, "Eventually? You couldn't have done any better than 'eventually'?" "Hey! It's the first word I thought of alright? And who the hell knows how long we'll be stuck in there for!"

Faye shrugged and began to head towards the building, pushing open the doors as Raina followed behind her. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around? "Yeah, I guess so..." Faye paused in her walking, then glanced back, "Uh, any idea where we're going?" Raina shrugged, coming to stand beside her, "Dunno. Apparently we're supposed to go meet the Head." Faye continued walking, turning corners, "Oh right, what's her name?" Raina shrugged again, "....You forgot her name?" As they turned another corner, both girls seemed oblivious to the fact that there were three people now a few steps infront of them as they paused to talk - one of whom was being dragged by a leash, "Pssh, not my fault she had such a boring name, began with an F something..." "Geez Rai, now we're gonna have to wander around 'till we find her!" "Why do we have to find the damn head anyway? Can't we just introduce ourselves to the school? Hey look, there's a wall, and another, oh look a plant pot! The end!" Faye opened her mouth to retort snappily when Raina frowned at someone ahead of them, Faye glanced to see who she was looking at.

"Uh Rai?" "Yeah?" "Is that Faith?" "....Looks like it."

(Izabella, um, please pardon me if I fan girl over Bucky a bit, but now that I know he sounds like Klaus - who I do fan-girl over xD - I just keep reading his posts in Klaus's voice xD Oh and Faith, thanks for letting me join :) And with the whole mentor thing, I really don't mind who my characters get, maybe Faye with Izzy, Raina with Faith and Chameleon with Macal? Whoever doesn't mind mentoring them I guess?)
Riff smiled at Katarina. "Nice to meet you, Miss Katarina. That's a lovely name. I'm not sure how you would know mine though. I guess when you are involved in a large fight among students, you can't really stay unnoticed." He scratched the back of his head nervously. The fight wasn't exactly a secret among everyone here. Though when a large number of students gang up on three for the sake of "expelling evil from the academy", it isn't exactly boring. Still, it was a bit embarassing. Especially considering how they kind of lost. Their defeat was due to a dirty trick but still.

He turned to Evan now after hearing her ask if he was new. "Um . . . yes and no. I've been here with my master and coworker for a little over two months now. It's not exactly new but I wouldn't say I've been here very long either. It is a large school though and there are many people I have yet to meet although you could say quite a number 'introduced' themselves to us a few days after we had gotten here."


Mel and Vash were a bit puzzled when Faith seemed to be reacting to some silent voices. The two exchanged glances. "Well, they do say the mind is the first to go."

Soon Faith was back, sort of, and Mel took another look at Vash, sprawled on his back. "He looks more like a sled to me. And it's my business how I treat my servants. This," she said while holding up the leash, "is the only way I can make sure he won't go getting himself in trouble. Or meeting people he shouldn't." She didn't care what other people said about her methods. In her mind, Mel was protecting Vash. She had to make sure that if he did cross paths with Lilith, that she was there as well.

"But I suppose you're right. This is not a very inconspicuous sight, is it? Vash." "Yeah. Got it." The white haired demon's skin turned a pale silver color. Then he appeared to melt into an ambiguous blob. With a few tugs here and there, he then assumed the form of a small Maltese puppy. His 'fur' however still maintained the silver shine of chrome, a weakness in his metal bending abilities but it did the job. Now it just looked like Mel was dragging along a toy puppy.

"I assume this is better? Now was there some business you had with me? If there is none then we'll leave."
Adrian stares after Bucky's retreating back, slowly relaxing his hands at his sides. Even with Macal there watching him, he feels a flickering continuance of his anger that makes him think of following after Bucky, taking advantage of him now that his back is turned, making use of this vulnerability. He couldn't stop him from shooting a flame straight at him, when he wasn't even looking.

But Macal IS watching, and this is hardly more than a thought before embarrassment covers over anger. Avoiding Macal's eyes, Adrian mutters, "I guess...never mind...and I'll go." He too tries to slip past Macal to walk away. Maybe he should go for a run, or work out, get out some of his aggression.


Katarina's lips curved slightly as Riff complimented her name. She isn't used to people calling her "Miss" and thinks it sounds strange, though nice, and she responds to him a little more openly now.

"Um, sort around...who you are and everything."

She pauses, then adds, "I don't know a lot about you really are you, exactly? I mean...sorry, I didn't mean that in a rude way, what are your powers?"


Her attention refocused back to Mel and Vash now, Faith watches Mel's transformations of Vash with her eyebrows still raised, shifting her weight fully to one hip. She couldn't say she much understood either Mel nor her servants, but then again, the guy wasn't exactly protesting.

"Did you ask him if he MINDED being inanimate objects or walking around naked on four legs, even with a fur coat?" she asked mildly. "Or is he too scared of you to be able to say if he was?"

She didn't give them much of a chance to answer. "Whatever. Look, Mel, you guys both know that if Lil did anything to actively hurt either of you I'd deal with it, or any of the other teachers here would. You don't have to get drastic here, why don't you let the guy be person-shaped for a while? And yeah, I did have some business, I was going to ask you what's going on with you and Lil lately-"

But she cut her own self off as she saw both Faye and Raina, staring at her across the hallway. As Faith turns towards them, somehow less surprised than she might have expected, she allowed herself a small smile before directing thoughts towards Macal, hoping he would pick up on them as he often did. "So your prodigal relative wannabe and her sister are arrange for this?"

Liza: In room

Sheena: With Jirro
Scarier then me? {Jirro growls at Sheena playfully showing his fangs to her.} I seem to recall you breaking land speed records trying to run away from me. By the way it's hardly that strange that I gotten lost, this place is massive and I've only been here a few weeks. It's Izabella that has the keen nose for things like that. {He pauses for a moment} Perhaps you should go get a change of clothing, in cause what you're wearing becomes damage or wet. I'll be happy to wait for you right here and if you happen to come across your boyfriend you may invite him if that is your desire. {He's carrying Esmeralda in his hand near Sheena, being careful not to bump or scratch the scabbard she's resting in.}

(Did you want Izabella to run into Jirro and Sheena before they head out?)
((is anyone else having issues with getting their notifs?))

There was a funny feeling in the pit of Izzy's stomach as she felt Nick take her hand, and if she looked down fast enough she could have sworn that it was a younger Esme clutching at her hand and not a student. The Hybrid paused for a moment and gave her head a tony shake, the image quickly fading. No, her daughter was dead, long gone...she couldn't keep doing this to herself.

"Your hair is very pretty..." she smiled down at Nick and gave her hand a tiny squeeze. "In fact, you remind me of someone..."

Forcing herself to keep walking on, she stopped just when Jirro's sent led them outside. She could see the woods off in the distance, and her cousin's scent mingled with his. "They must be training..." she murmered to herself. "Hold on Nick..."

She yells out to her husband and Sheena, knowing they'll hear her and looks back down at the girl smiling. "And now we wait..."
Faye and Raina are still quite openly staring at Faith as she turns to give them a small smile and it seems Faye is the first to react out of the two as she smiles brightly and rushes over to Faith, stopping just short of giving the older woman a hug. "Faith! What are you doing here? Are you one of the teachers or something?" Faye liked Faith, so it was only natural she was happy to see her here, after their initial...disagreement at the old Academy - which ended in a rather full out verbal fight in the middle of one of Faith's classes - Faye had gotten some training from Faith and realised she thought the teacher was pretty cool to be honest. She spoke her mind, that's probably what Faye liked best about her, she hated it when people wouldn't tell her something because they thought she couldn't handle it, or just because they were trying to get on Faye's good side. Faith from the start had been straight with Faye, telling her that she needed to sort out her temper - which ultimately controls her fire power - before it got out of hand. Yeah, so she was glad to see Faith here, as much as she wanted to leave the old Academy behind, it was nice to see a friendly face.

Raina on the other hand couldn't be more displeased. She had left that damn Academy behind for a reason! Of course the main thing was just to get Faye away from the place where her sister was killed, but she had her own motives too of course. She wanted to leave them behind. Chameleon, Faith, Macal, even Liza. Raina still wasn't comfortable with the idea of being close to people, to having friends and people who cared about you. She didn't mind Faye, but that's because they were sisters, they only had each other. But really?!? Why Faith of all people? Why did Faith have to be their new Headteacher?!? Yeah, Raina had remembered that stupid name now. She damn well wished she hadn't. She was definitely scowling at the slayer now, "Uh, maybe you were right Faye, we should go. Like, now." Raina turned to leave but Faye had grabbed her by the arm and roughly pulled her back, "Oh no you don't! You're the one who was just giving me a lecture about how we're not turning back now after coming such a long way!" Raina glared lightly at her, "Yeah well going back to Russia sounds fine to me now!" Faye, seemingly ignoring that comment but still holding on tightly to Raina's arm so she couldn't escape, turned back to Faith with a grin, "Hey! Did you know Rai can speak fluent Russian? Isn't that cool! I asked her to teach me, but she said it's pretty hard to learn it.."

Raina was scowling like a child who had just been told they weren't allowed to get that shiny new toy in the shop now, she then glanced at Faith, and her scowl slowly turned into her trademark smirk, "So, teacher, trainer, mother, vampire slayer, sister, goddess and now a headteacher too?" She tilted her head, "Geez Faith, you sure got a lot to deal with."

It was then that Faye noticed Mel, dragging along...a metal puppy? She frowned, "Uh....hey Mel..didn't see you there...what's with the metal dog?" Faye knew Mel probably still didn't like her very much - she had been tricked by Lil into helping her 'defeat' Mel after all, but in light of recent events Faye found that she just really didn't care about that anymore, in all honesty Faye didn't care about very much anymore. At least Mel was still alive. She felt herself wandering into her own depressed little thoughts again, and she knew that when she did that her eyes went all glassy and empty, but she couldn't seem to stop herself from thinking about Myra. What would it be like if she had got there in time? Could she have saved her? She was always too late.

(Izabella Mochizuki: Nope, mine are fine, uhh, at the top of the page it should say either 'watch thread' or 'unwatch thread' Maybe that's it? It should say 'unwatch', otherwise it means you're not following it or something? And yes, Joseph Morgan is just, too hot for his own good. Ooh, I need to ask, what's your OTP for TVD?)
(I'm not...)

Sheena rolls her eyes back at Jirro, returning his smile. "Yeah, well, now you're just like a big stuffed animal, all fluffy and soft...what's scary about that?"

Shrugging in response to his suggestion to change her clothes, she replies, "I don't need to, I don't care about what I wear or if it gets messed up, so whatever. But I can let Alex know we're leaving."

Taking out her cell phone, she punched in a quick text letting him know what was going on, then looked up, smelling Izzy and Nick nearby before she heard her cousin call out. "Obviously Izzy's she coming too?" Raising her voice, she called out to her, "Hey! We're coming!" before darting ahead of Nick, her long hair slapping the back of her shoulders.

Coming up on her, she sees Nick with her and stops, giving her a smile of greeting. "Hey. Izzy, we're going to some waterfall place, you wanna come?"


"Hey, Faye," Faith smiled back at her, raising her hand in a wave, and then, continuing forward, she did put her arms around the girl in a brief but genuine hug. "Teacher, yeah, but got a promotion on that front even if it was from my own self. Head of the school now, me and Macal."

She and her family had left before the fiasco with Myra's murder, no longer feeling safe or satisfied within that academy given its lack of safety measures, and so she knows nothing of Myra's death.

She smirks towards Raina, remembering her and her grudges all too well. Although the girl was clearly not nearly as "evil" or "badass" as she liked to make herself out to be, and in fact reminded Faith very much of her younger self, she always had gone out of her way to try to make herself look as morally terrible as possible in front of Faith. Faith was rather tempted to hug her too, just to make her pissed off, but she restrained herself, instead simply nodding towards her.

"Don't forget, I'm a wife too, Rebel Russian Raina. To what do I owe this honor? You run out of other people to play badass with and come back to me to start from square one?"

Indicating Mel and the dog to answer Faye, her lips twisted upward slightly as she said, "Oh, you guys have met. That's just Vash, apparently."

Turning back to Raina, she asked with genuine desire to know, "So how've you guys been? I hope the school didn't go downhill after we left, I sort of tried not to pay any attention to what was going it, like, still standing, or is that kind of a lost cause by now? I guess Myra's here too?"

In her head to Macal again, she added, "Yeah that conversation of ours, it might be a while yet in coming."


In their living quarters, Liza has now finished with her huge apology on the wall and is now working hard to make a "meal" to continue her amends. She has decided to make cookies, but this is not a task that is going well. The goopy mess she is calling "dough" consists mostly of milk and eggs which were badly stirred, smoke is coming out the oven door, and batter is smeared all around the cabinets and counters. She stands in front of the oven frowning, batter smeared over her face and in her pigtails, as she waits.

"These don't smell right."


Adrian hears the voices inside the gym before he approaches the door, and as he comes to stand in the doorway and sees Evan, Riff, and his sister inside, his cheeks flush, and he quickly looks away from her, hoping that she didn't see him. How was he supposed to go in there as though nothing had happened, after his confrontation with Bucky? How could he look her in the eye after what he had said about her? And why in the world had he said it about her in the first place, why had the words just kept coming regardless of whether he wanted them to?

He tried to back away quickly, before anyone would see him, especially her.

Katarina: in gym
{Jirro waited for Sheena to answer him when he hear his name being called, he turns and sees Izabella with a little girl and starts walking towards them, eventually stepping in front of them both.} Hello, Since I will not have another class today, I was just about to take Sheena to the great falls I found, it's a great place to practice slicing. {He leans forward and gives his wife a kiss on the cheek trying to behave rather reserved in front of either younger girls.} Hello, I'm Jirro Mochizuki, may I ask your name. {He smiles at the young girl, at Izabella's side making sure not to show his fangs so not to scare her and extending his hand with his sword in it at first but realizes that and switches to his free hand.}
Faye beams as Faith even goes as far to hug her - she had assumed, that, a bit like Rai, the older woman wasn't all that into hugs and all that touchy-feely stuff, so it was nice to get a hug from her. Her attention is drawn back to Faith at her words, and she gives her a smile, a rather feeble one as her thoughts had just been brought back from Myra yet again, but a smile all the same. "Head of the school? Woh, that's awesome." She stops herself from mentioning that maybe, hopefully when Faith is the one in charge that people will stop being killed all the time. But she stops herself just in time.

Raina's smirk falls as Faith teases her back, and her scowl is back just as fiercely. Rebel Russian Raina? That was a nickname she hoped would die quickly; at least before Liza heard about it anyway. And what was that about 'playing badass'? She wasn't playing! Why didn't people understand that? She completely blanked out what Faith said about Mel and Vash - she still was too peed off to have noticed them yet, or at least cared that they were even there - and has just managed to think of a sarcastic retort for Faith when the Slayer turns and speaks to her once more. She's completely prepared to answer her questions with a dry comment...that is until she mentions Myra.

Out of the corner of her eye she notices Faye's body stiffen slightly - a gesture unseen if you weren't looking for it - and Raina falls silent, although she does manage to give Faith a particular venomous look. Dammit, just when Faye was starting to smile properly again. Faye glances up from looking at the metal dog - who is apparently Vash - to look not at Faith but to the side of her. She opens her mouth to speak, her eyes closed off and empty, before she shuts it again. She can't do it. She can't say it out loud. So in a pleading gesture she looks to Raina.

Raina watches as Faye tries to speak, then when her little sister looks to her with distressed eyes she nods, then stares directly at Faith. "Myra's...dead." She pauses in the middle of her sentence, struggling to find a nicer way to say it, but gives up in the end and just comes out with it. Faye is looking at the floor, not at Raina, so she can't see her expression. She carries on, "It was a little while after you left, now that I think about it. Remember our oh-so-sweet daddy Kol? Yeah, he was the one who did it. The damn bast*rd, he broke into her room, then once we had him cornered the coward knew it was over and..." She trails off, glancing to Faye before she starts another sentence, looking back at Faith. "We managed to kill him in the end, hopefully he stays dead this time around."

Faye still hasn't spoken, and Raina looks at her worriedly. Was it even the right choice to bring her here? Did she honestly think an Academy could help fix a girl who had just lost her sister? She didn't know to be honest, she just remembered what it felt like when she lost Mabel, and how much she wished she had had someone, anyone who had stepped up and tried to help her out. But since she had no-one, she needed to make sure Faye did.

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