Dormer Academy

((taking Ophelia out of this, and I'm not sure how the whole demon things works so I'm just going to wing it...))

So they ended up skipping both Jirro's next class, as well as her won, but as Izzy exited the suite and started heading back onto the main campus, she felt nothing short of refreshed, both her hunger for blood, as well as her husband thoroughly satisfied.

Slipping silently through the hallway, she caught whiff of her latest charge's scent, and realizing that she hadn't really been doing her best as the child's mentor she turns in Nick's direction, quickening her stride so that she can catch up to the child.

As she moves through the hallway, she's suddenly overcome with a wave of irritation, wondering to herself why she always had to chase after these kids. She was the adult, their teacher...why didn't they just show some respect and come find her when they needed guidance for a change. She had her own daughter to worry about, not that she even bothered to check in with her parents anymore. Why did she, a legend among her kind have to go chasing about immature brats?

Her hands had clenched into fists at her sides, and as she continued down the hallway, her anger only grew. She had spent a year of her life being tortured, and this is how Faith and Macal felt she should rehabilitae herself? In a school, with herself and a bunch of other freaks, mingled in with some humans who were no better off then being someone's dinner had thje old ways never changed....

These thoughts continued, until she reached a certain point in the campus, nearing Nick's destination. They grew less as she turned a corner, and the anger started fading, b eing replaced with confusion. She could see her charge up ahead, having words with a human student she hadn't met yet. Swallowing hard, she tried to shake off the last of her feelings, wondering if the rush from her husband's blood had gotten to her and forces a wide smile on her face as she clears her throat so that she doesn't startle the girls with her approach.

"Hello Nikki..." she pauses and looks over at the human. "-and girl I don't know..." she teases gently and holds out her hand to her. "I don't think I've had you in any of my classes yet, I'm Izabella Mochizuki...I teach weapons here....guns mostly..."

Turning her attention back to Nick, she continues to smile, despite being bothered by her earlier actions. "How are you doing Nick? I'm sorry for not checking in with you sooner..."

((I'll do Bucky in my next post))
When Evan heard someone clearing their throat behind them, she peered over her shoulder and looked up at the woman approaching. She wasn't really expecting to be acknowledged, having heard that the woman was there for Nick, but when she offered her hand and name - Izabella Mochizuki... she'd have to remember that - Evan gladly extends her own hand with a smile as she shakes hers.

"I'm Evan, it's nice to meet you." She said simply. "Faith's my adviser." But then the woman was talking to Nick and she waved politely at the girl beside her and rose to her feet, figuring it would be best to give Nick some time with Izabella, who had clearly been seeking her out.

As she started back into the building, Evan pulled her hair over one shoulder absently, deciding to just go back to her room to crank out her video diary and just get it out of the way. She toyed briefly with the idea of going into the cafeteria to get something for dinner as she walked past it, though she wasn't hungry. Interestingly enough, though, she felt the same chill she had earlier as she'd left with Adrian, this time, the shudder resonating down each of her vertebrae.

What the hell? How is it that that was the only spot in the building that had any sort of draft, really? Evan crossed her arms together and rubbed her hands along them to create enough friction to warm them up briefly, speed walking to her room.

She opened the door and withdrew the flip camera she'd been provided with when she started attending the school and propped it up so that she would be able to see herself, sitting down in her desk chair. Now in front of it, Evan fussed with her hair for a moment absently, trying to clear her mind enough to think about that day's events enough to talk about them without sounding like a rambling idiot.

It must have been a solid three minutes that she just sat in front of the camera, the glare of the red dot making her leg jiggle. Bringing a hand up to scratch her nose, she allowed her hand to drop into her lap a little harder than she would have normally and sucked in a deep breath. "This is getting really old." She began simply, barely conscious of the venom in her voice. "I don't want to do this everyday, you know? I'm sick of all of these stupid f***ing post-it notes clogging up all of my wall space. I was just talking to someone outside... and she asked me how I got here."

Evan broke off into a bitter laugh and sat back, rocking back in her desk chair, "And guess who couldn't remember! I sat there like a goddamn idiot because I couldn't remember how I got here, or who approached me or why and just..." She was losing resolve rapidly and rubbed her forehead. "Whatever." She spat, "I made a friend today, I guess."

Reaching forward, she grabbed the camera, turned it off and tossed it back onto her desk, too angry to face the stupid thing for any longer. Not like any of it would matter in a few weeks anyway. She could date it and describe it when she uploaded it later, in the meantime, she needed to go to the gym and burn some of it off.
*Mac unable to get a satisfying workout in decides to go get a bite to eat instead, heading to the cafeteria, again on his way through the halls he feels that slight blip on his radar, once he can just shrug off but twice is something that peaks his interest but again he can't seem to lock in on it, despite his reservations he enters the cafeteria. He notices Sheena and Alex sitting with Ezra, Faith's new student..The ghost. After getting himself some pudding he walks over to the couple and stands in front of them.* What's up you two don't you have another class today? Because if you're not busy I'm sure I can think of a few things for you to do today, like mucking out the stables or perhaps doing updates on all the Academy's computers. 
*Alex quickly shakes his head* No sir I was going to head to my next class after I get myself something to eat, I was in such a hurry to get myself to class good and early today I failed to get myself something to eat and you know what they say you have to feed the brain. Oh it won't function at it's peak.
{Jirro also left feeling pretty satisfied, it's been a long time since he was close to his wife like that. Still it didn't take long for his mind to wander again on how screw up his life has gotten. The more he walked through the hall the anger in him built up, the idea that he was forced to do the bidding of a monster like Hardtime was making his blood boil. Not since he was under the control of Sho did he feel such anger about what he was forced to do, all the innocent lives he ruined or taken all because he was to weak and stupid to break their control and now there was a chance he was still under HardTime's control and he doesn't even know it. He doesn't even notice that his fangs are down and his eyes are pitch black as he's passing students he's hissing and growling at them. By the time he reaches the door to leave the building all that anger suddenly disappeared, his features returned to normal and he's confused to why he was so angry, he's just happy that he didn't hurt anyone.}

(I hope that's ok Faith, I'm really sleepy so I did the best I could)
Nickkie didn't seem to notice or care how Evan spoke, at least in here she had others that would talk to her instead of avoiding and ignoring her. She smiled a little a Evan, "I'm Nickkie, though I prefer Nick." she said, still smiling, when Evan asked about being taught to meditate she tilted her head, "The idea of it is easy, but being able to do it all depends on being able to clear your mind. Maybe next time I see you I can try to teach you." she said, she had a small frown on her face, thinking about it. Nick had never taught anyone how to do anything, so she wasn't sure she would be able to explain how to do it.

Nick bit her lip as Evan asked what she could do, "Well, I can control the air, I can control water... my fire is still very erratic, so I'm a little wary or practicing that. I can heal... using energy from the earth, but that's even more erratic than fire, and seems to only happen when there is great need..." she said, she didn't know if she could do anything else, though she figured that if there were other abilities that she would find them as time went on. "Oh, I was wondering... have you heard of something that can't lie?" she asked, she was trying to figure out what she was, though she didn't want to mention her weakness to iron to anyone, so she would ask about the lying.

Nick looked up as Izabella walked up to them, she stood, picking Donnie up in one arm as she used her other hand to dust her dress off from where she had been sitting. "Hello, Izabella Mochizuki." she said, trying the name out to see how it felt, she knew who she was and had seen her a few times, but she hadn't really spoken with her much, having spent the time just trying to get used to the place and where things were since coming here. She noticed Evan leaving and frowned very slightly, realizing that she wasn't going to get an answer, but then she smiled and waved to Evan as she left, "Have a good rest of the day." she said to her, she wouldn't mind talking with her again sometime if she got the chance.

She returned her gaze to Izzy and smiled, "I'm adjusting quite well, actually." she said with a nod. "I play with Liza when I have the time, I try to make it to classes on time, I asked Faith to teach me how to fight, and she said she would, so I will finally get to learn to defend myself without using my abilities, and later... maybe I can use my abilities while fighting, learning to mix them with the fighting..." she said, then she shrugged, she blinked as she noticed something was different about her from the last time she saw her, "You cut your hair..." she said matter of factly. Then she smiled at her, "I like it, I think it suits you, it frames your face nicely." she said with a nod.


Ezra blinked as Mac walked up to them, he stayed where he was, listening as he talked to them about classes, or them mucking out the stables, or updating computers. He glanced at Alex and Sheena tilting his head, Alex quickly told Mac the reason that they were there, though Ezra couldn't eat, so he was just there to be there. Ezra sat there in silence, allowing himself to be ignored, if Mac wanted to say something to him, then he would, there was no reason to butt into the conversation they were already having.
Sheena grinned, then giggled aloud as she watched the other students still lingering in the cafeteria react to Ezra's entrance. Holding Alex's wrist, she pulls him towards the line for food, giving a small wave towards Ezra.

"Find us an empty table. Something tells me you're gonna be able to clear them all out fast enough, so that wont' be such a hard job."

As they return with food on trays, going to sit, Sheena sees Macal heading towards them and smiles, anticipating the teasing greeting that she's sure will come. She can't recall too many days that Macal's first words to her weren't some sort of joke or light-hearted statement of some kind. When he suggests alternate ways for them to keep busy other than class, Sheena rolls her eyes, not taking him seriously.

"Yeah, right. I'll go hook up with Jirro in a little while, I already had one class without eating." Gesturing behind her towards where Ezra appears to be hovering, not seeming to want to break into the conversation, she adds, "This is Ezra, Dad. He's new. Ezra, this is Macal Cord."


Flushed with celebration at her newest victory, Liza unwraps the candy and pops it in her mouth, trying to break it immediately with her teeth. "That isn't my bestest flavor," she informs Stick as she crunches it, shaking her head at him. "But it's okay I guess. Can we do Snickers next time? 'Cause I can win even better with Snickers I think."

Then, as though to make up for her boasting, she moves in and hugs his leg, looking up at him. "It's okay you didn't win though Mr. Stick. I was just too good, I think. Do we got more to play or am I gonna go play with someone else now?"


Having finished with Katarina and the other students, and having sent Katarina off on her way, Faith pulls her hair back in a loose ponytail before heading outside for a quick run. It was not a necessary part of her training for herself, as she naturally had good endurance and physical fitness, but it didn't hurt anything, and it had become part of her routine more for relaxation than anything else. As Macal had observed, she wasn't one to meditate; she was most calm and centered when in motion, and this was the closest she would get to it.

As she passed the cafeteria, an odd, not quite painful, but certainly unpleasant thrill ran through her, and her distracted, faintly amused thoughts of Katarina, Bucky, and Izzy began to take on a more irritable turn, then abruptly became quite angry. Without realizing what exactly had changed, she could feel her skin flushing, every muscle tensing up, and her steps quickened to a rapid stride.

Who the hell did that girl think she was, coming in here and sticking herself in between Faith's friend and her family when Izzy was already having more than enough to deal with? What did she want, was she trying to get herself pregnant and bring even more drama down on their heads? The girl was nothing but a tease, a trouble-making little skank. And that Bucky, what the hell was he doing with a girl practically half his age, couldn't be keep his d*ck in his pants instead of waggling it all around town? And Izzy. What the hell was going on with her, what was with that scene in her room? She had practically pushed Faith away. After all Faith had done for her, bringing her here with her family, giving her a job, giving her everything...Faith had always tried much harder for her than Izzy did for Faith, she had never given up on her, never turned her back on her, and here she was throwing it in her face. So she was tortured, so the hell what, so she had lost a child, so what? Faith had been in the same place, just about, and SHE hadn't been like this, SHE-

The thoughts faltered, then left almost entirely once she was two halls away, and Faith blinked, confused, then somewhat concerned, before shrugging it off. "Damn, PMS much?" she muttered to herself before continuing on her way.


Adrian didn't know where Bucky was, but he intended to find him, find him and his sister both and show them exactly what they both were, exactly what they both deserved. He would find him and tell him exactly what he thought of him, exactly what he was to use his sister, exactly what she was to let him. He would smack him around, make him see what it was like to not have such a perfect little smile to show young girls. He would force Katarina back, make her know what it was to be hurt, to know how he would end up hurting her. He would-

When his thoughts sputtered, much like Faith's had, then gradually lessened in intensity, Adrian was not as thrown by them as Faith was, nor did they entirely leave. Instead, his breathing calmed somewhat, and he lost focus on his mission to find Bucky. Still, his anger simmered as he headed outside, just missing seeing Katarina pass by in the hallway opposite his.


This was definitely the right place to be.

The longer he stayed within the hallway, and the more students passed by him, the more of a charge it was, the more energy surged through him, and the more Thanatos was certain. He had found his new home.

It was exhilarating, these short bursts of energy from those passing by, what could be analagous of a snack upon their anger. But the more he sampled individual emotions, the more he wanted to feast, and he began to drift his way down the closest hallway, jumping briefly between student to student, testing, deciding.
*Stick now fully recovered his footing stands there looking very defeated at Liza, then suddenly smiles patting the top of her head* Very well done Princess, you took advantage of an old man, your parents would be so proud of you. *taking another piece of candy out of his pocket and popping it into his mouth.* What's the matter don't you like candied eel? It was one of your father's favorites when he was a child, I happen to think it's the best kind of candy that and jellied squid. (Now you see where Mac gets his weird favor combinations from, he was pretty much raised by Stick and Tsai even tho his father was still alive at the time.)

*Mac Thumps Alex on the forehead.* Are you being a bad influence on my daughter again Alex. *He grins at Sheena* Of course not I must have those roles reversed, the two of you seem to be a bit inseparably, I'm glad to see that you're both taking different classes, it shows me that you're serious about your education and even more it shows me that you're still to separate people and not attached at the hip, Which of course means you're growing up. *He leans forward and kisses the top of his daughter's head before turning his attention to Ezra, stepping towards him and extending his hand to him, watching for his reaction* It's nice to meet you Ezra. *Again looking at his extended hand and to Ezra waiting.* Come on take my hand son. *His eyes start to glow with tiny bolts of lighting.* You don't think it's possible to shake my hand do you? Well you'd be surprise what a God of War can do. *Mac smiles at the young man* In fact there are many of us here that can help you, I hope to be seeing you in one of my classes soon.

*Alex after rubbing his forehead and hoping it doesn't bruise, speaks up* Ezra is going to let me study him, I was thinking if I knew more about his condition I could make something of a tangible or phase tech that will allow him to interact with stuff, maybe even give him all 5 of his senses back, It would be a serious breakthrough if I could. My main theory so far is that as ghost maybe his atoms are at such an accelerated state it makes it impossible for him to touch things but maybe if I slow them down and keep them stable he would be solid again. See here is the math. *He really did just do Quantum physics on a napkin in the few moment's he's been sitting there, while they were talking. Of course Mac looks at it and his head starts to hurt* It's pretty simple but of course it's still just my primary theory.
Evan changed into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, braiding her hair back in preparation to go to the gym. Scooping her computer, which she'd earned money for during her time fighting, though could not recall it, she began her walk toward the gym. It wasn't that she needed to train, but more or less blow off steam, having not quite fully recovered from the mini-tantrum she had throne while making her video diary.

As she stepped into the gym, she booted her computer up and went straight to youtube, looking up any sort of aggressive floor routines that she could use to propel herself around it. Finally stopping on one, she kept her eyes trained on the gymnast as she watched it, the first time more of a primer than any actual learning. She could almost feel the rapid saccades of her eyes as they took in the changes in the girls musculature as she moved around, tumbling, flipping and doing all other kinds of acrobatics.

The second watch was much more effective, now focusing on the actual movements of what she was doing, how she managed to move and contort her body like she was as though forming a how-to guide in her own head. Clearing her throat, she set the computer aside and set off at a run, springing off of her feet, hands raised straight above her head as she caught herself and threw herself into several flips, her body remaining an almost perfectly straight line as she stuck the first landing.

The routine, though advanced came as easily as a somersault might to someone else, and by the time she finished moving through it several times, she hunched forward, her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath, muscles quivering slightly. She did feel better, though, the irritation having left her body somewhere on the floor. Evan still had a significant amount of energy, though, she could easily load up on other videos - combat, maybe dance, whatever she wanted, if she wanted to.

She could stay here all night.
Liza doesn't know what eel is, but she has a vague idea of what squid is. Eyes popping, she immediately starts spitting out what remains of the candy in her mouth, continuing to spit repeatedly even after it is already on the floor.

"That was mean and nasty, Mr. Stick! I don't even think I like you today!" she yelped, glowering.

It was then that a faint current buzzed through her, sudden, unexpected, and intense; it felt to Liza a slight bit like the feeling she sometimes got when controlling lightning or creating it, and she reacted on instinct as the indignation she had felt suddenly increased, becoming heated rage. She put both hands up without any further thought and shot bolts of lightning towards Stick, her pigtails standing out on end as she yelled, "You don't never do that to me again, you are mean!"

(lol Liza could seriously get dangerous with this, if she did that to someone like Kat, Kat would be dead)


"Hey, we were never attached at the hip," Sheena protested, rolling her eyes at Macal before slipping at sly grin in Alex's direction. "His hips are way too bony for that, they'd probably puncture a hole in me eventually."

This is a joke borrowed straight from Faith, as she often mocks Sheena's tall, thin form, but she grins at herself anyway, accepting her father's kiss and then reaching to touch Alex's forehead, having seen him rub it. "Like his head, see?"

Her eyes glaze over as Alex begins to talk about things she doesn't understand, and she makes a show of finishing her food and then standing with an exaggerated yawn. "Yeah, okay, Brainyboy, I don't really get it but I can, like, nod or something. I'm gonna go find Jirro and see if he's up for giving me some pointers, see you later?"

By the time she leaves the cafeteria Thanatos has drifted out of the hallway and she experiences no jolt or surge of emotional upheaval from him. She heads for Jirro's office first, intending to check first their, then his usual training areas for him.
Ezra watched the exchange in silence, it was obvious that they were close, when Sheena introduced him, he took another look at Macal, remembering what Alex had said about him. "Hello, Mr. Cord." he said, not really too sure about the proper way to greet a god. When Macal held out his hand for Ezra to shake it, he couldn't help staring at his hand, he didn't think that he would be able to shake hands with him, though at Macal's urging he did reach out and shake his hand, a look of surprise crossing his face as he actually was able to shake his hand. "Oh, what do you teach?" he asked.

The look of surprise faded as he looked at Alex, he really didn't want to be studied, but maybe Alex would be able to help him, and even if he couldn't help him, then maybe Alex studying him would reveal something interesting. Ezra was hoping that something would come up that would make Faith see that he could be of use to the school, even if that meant he had to be studied. "Yeah... We'll just pretend that I understood all of that." he said with a nod, by the confused look on his face, it was clear that he really didn't understand it at all. He blinked and watched Sheena head away, he wanted to meet Jirro, but he wasn't sure if he should go with her, or stay to talk with Macal, surely he could meet Jirro some other time.
"Please, call me Izzy..." she urged the child, flinching slightly at the use of her full name. There were only a select few who could get away with calling her Izabella still, and aside from family and old Pack members, ta=hat number was pretty low.

Listening to Nikki speak, she smiled softly and nodded. "That's very good, the sooner we can a better understanding of our abilities, the better we are, and I'm glad to hear that you're getting along so well with Liza, I think you two will become good friends..."

Still shaking off her earlier feelings of anger, her eyes widen in slight surprise and then appreciation when her charge brings up her hair cut and smiles widely, one hand going up subconsciously to touch at the short ends. "Oh, thank you...I...I needed a change..."

"Do you have another class soon? I'll walk you to it..."

((sorry so short, just waking up, long work week. Back to working the 5 days and it's taking it's tole :/ ))
Riff had once again found himself with nothing to do. He wondered if this was what stay at home mothers felt when all their kids leave home. No one to cook for or take care of. This was certainly boring. If this was what they felt, then Riff hoped they would find some sort of hobbies or whatever to do. But then again, his situation was more like a housekeeper being fired for insulting the wife rather than a mom with an empty nest.

In the end, he supposed it would be better to do some training than to idly twiddle his fingers. As he headed off toward the gym, he thought about what was the best course of action to do. Among the team, his defense and durability was second to none. His speed wasn't anything exceptional, especially compared to Mel or any being born with enhanced speed but it wasn't his biggest issue. His most prominent problem was his strength. To be blunt: he was weak. That's why Vash had always been in charge of the heavier luggage and why Riff was usually the one to stand at the sidelines as the medic. He provided decent shields but had never been able to fully fight a strong enemy. The best he could do was put up shields and wait for the enemy to wear down.So yes, he would have to work on strength first.

Still wearing the rest of his suit, he dropped his black jacket and tie off in his room because obviously training in the full butler suit would just be silly. (And yet a button down shirt, dress pants and a vest isn't . . . ) As he entered the gym, he spotted a girl there already, doing a rather complicated gymnastics routine. After she finished, he began clapping his hands. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something but that was quite something. You're rather talented, aren't you?"
*Stick leaps backwards spinning his staff in front of him to block the lighting frowns at Liza* Liza! that is no way to behave just because you didn't like the candy! Now calm yourself before you make me angry. *His eyes flash and he holds his staff out in front of him in a defensive stance.* Do not fire anymore lighting at me child or you will be punished!

*Alex took this chance to sneak out while Mac was talking to Ezra, making his way through the halls. At first he was thinking of finding Sheena and sneaking off but instead he finds himself coming across Izzy and another student. Again since he's intending on skipping classes for the rest of the day he tries his best to sneak pass her, even engaging his stealth on his suit, pressing himself against the wall trying to not make a noise so she won't stop him.*
But Liza is still revved up, small electrical currents from both the the foreign being flowing through her and the lightning itself sparking through her body, and she appears to be emitting small sparks of lightning without even realizing or consciously attempting to control it. Continuing to glower at Stick, she points a finger at him again, small burst of heat and energy coming from its tip, her hair still standing out on end and waving slightly from the electricity within her as she yells back at him again.

"You are being mean! Don't you look at me mad and say you're gonna punish me, you were the one being mean to me!"

She shoots another bolt of lightning towards him, but as she does so Adrian is walking just outside the door. Thanatos, as strong of a conductor as Liza makes for him, is diverted, for this is twice now that this particular anger source has has passed, and he abruptly latches onto him, immediately increasing his anger once more instead. With her anger suddenly drained, Liza blinks, even staggering slightly with the sudden plummet of adrenaline and electricity within her, and she looks first at her pointing finger, then over at Stick and the scorch marks on the wall, with her eyes widening.

"Uh oh...I didn't mean to do that Mr. Stick. Are you mad at me? That was an accident I think."


Katarina tries to tell herself, as she leaves her conversation with Faith, that she's not looking for Bucky right now. Not really...she doesn't have to see him again, not right away. Does she? Or would that be okay? Would that be too desperate? But is she that desperate? Would Bucky care if she was?

In the end she decides to try to make Faith proud of her for at least the next hour and to stay away from him, and to be productive in the process. Heading into the gym, she plans to try to work out using some of the exercises that Faith has taught her before, though she knows that it is probably wiser to wait until someone is there to watch her and make sure she's doing them right.

There is another girl there, one that Katarina knows by sight but hasn't officially met, and a boy as well. They appear to be having a conversation, so she lingers outside the doorway, unsure of whether it would be okay to intrude.


Faith has another hour before her last class of the day, unless someone asks for individual lessons of some kind, and she knows that Liza is with Stick, that Macal is otherwise occupied. She could, of course, do some sort of administrative work, but although a necessary evil, the idea was so unappealing that she dismissed it outright. Instead, she decided to see if she could find either Lil or Mel, and check on the status of their rivalry. Honestly she was rather surprised one or the other wasn't dead already, and it was probably best if she tried to figure out the reasons for the sudden silence on that front.

(Yeah Izzy, I want Bucky to find Adrian if you could. Recap for the characters I didn't post for on this post: Adrian: Just walked past Liza's room, got a huge anger boost

Sheena: Is looking for Jirro)
"Alright, Izzy then. Though, if I have to call you Izzy, then you have to call me Nick." Nick said with a nod, she would remember that. She smiled some at her with a nod, "I know mostly what I can do, but the problem is getting to it and controlling it. Air and water I can manage.... it's fire and earth that I have trouble with, though, earth is healing for me, so that only works if there is need and can't be practiced. That's why I meditate, maybe I can learn more, or at least keep a calm mind." she said, she hugged Donnie to her chest as she continued to look up at Izzy. "I'm glad I get along with her as well, I didn't really get to play much with the other children when I was at the orphanage, they didn't want me to join them in their games, and would end up just throwing rocks at me if I tried." she said, so having Liza around was a good thing for her, she finally had someone that she could be a child around, even though she didn't really act too much like a child anyway.

Nick watched as Izzy lifted her hand to her hair, she tilted her head, she smiled again, "Change is a good thing, as long as it's not a lot of changes at once." she said with a nod. When Izzy asked if she had anymore classes she shook her head, "Though I would like to pick up another one... I'm learning how to fight from Faith, and doing strength training, but... I want to learn something else, though I'm not sure what." she said with a small shrug.
*Stick finally relaxes his stance, studying Liza, he felt something from her for a brief moment while she was attacking, he's positive she wasn't acting like herself, even when really upset, Liza has never just flat out attacked someone, especially someone she considered to be her elder. His face softens and he smiles at her, stepping towards her and putting his hand on the top of her head, to reassure he's not made but also to see if he feels any kind of evil on her, unlike Macal his senses are as sharp when it comes to detecting an evil presence but there doesn't seem to be one coming from Liza, maybe she just had a tantrum.* That's enough for today Liza perhaps you should return to your quarters and wait for your parents to come home. *As he's speaking to her he reaches out to Macal's mind* We need to talk as soon as possible.* Mac still talking to Ezra, speaks back to Stick* Meet me on the Northwest training grounds.* Now speaking directly to Ezra* Can you excuse me I have someone I have to go speak to.
{Jirro didn't really have any place he really needed to be and he really hasn't seen the entire campus so wandering the halls and the grounds seemed like something to do until it was time to meet Izabella to have dinner with the Cords. Most the students he may nod or smile to but not really stopping to talk to them unless they talk to him first. But when he sees Sheena seeing how they are related through Izabella he knows that it's the proper thing to do and greet her} Good afternoon Sheena, I'm sorry we haven't talked much since I've returned but I've been not really myself. But please if you ever need something please find me.

(This sucks I feel like my brain is fried)
Liza lingers even after Stick has asked her to leave, her brow furrowed, her lips puckering slightly as she gazes up at Stick with wide eyes. Reaching out to take hold of his sleeve, she tugs on it lightly, repeating her question.

"Are you mad? How am I gonna get punished? You said I was gonna get punished. I'm sorry. I didn't even do that 'cause I wasn't even thinking, I think. I'm not mad no more. Are you gonna tell Mama and Daddy? They're gonna be mad at me. I might get my toys taken away again like when I went to hell."

At this thought she clutches her bear tighter beneath her arm, as though he might be provoked to snatch it away from her at the mention. "I'll be good now. I'll go to my room and be good even though it's boring there. I really, really will. Okay?"

She teleports away quickly before he can grab her bear, settling into her "boring" room, which has entirely too many toys and stuffed animals for anyone her age to legitimately be able to call it boring. In her room she earnestly decides to go the full route with this and laboriously begins to print out an apology note on a piece of paper with a pink marker, starting it off with "Im sory i dint meen to be bad mstr stik u mad me mad is all" on it.


"Oh, hey! I was looking for you, actually," Sheena tells him, coming up alongside him and beginning to follow after him. "I was gonna see if you were training today at all or if you had time to work with me alone?"

This is partly true, and she partly wants to spend some time around him, to be able to ask him about Izzy and how she's doing without actually having to ask Izzy. But as she looks him over, she frowns, beginning to feel some concern over how he looks himself.

"You look way tired, Jirro. You okay?"

Katarina: with Riff and Evan in gym

Adrian: Looking for Bucky

Faith: Looking for Mel and/or Lil
Izzy smiled warmly. "Nick it is then...and you're very lucky to have Faith teaching you how to fight, it's very important to know how defend yourself, and she's one of the best fighters I'll learn a lot with her..."

"Well..." she started again. "Are you interested in learning the proper use of any weapons? It's another thing that is good to know for later down the road...I'm teaching a class on guns, and my husband is doing one with might enjoy that..." Her hands went up to play with her hair again, but she quickly caught herself and forced them back down at her sides. "He was actually my might enjoy his class..."


Bucky couldn't remember where Faith was teaching her class, or when Katarina had even said it was going to let out. But the Wolf was bored so he found himself wandering down the halls of the main campus, hoping to catch either of the women's scent so he'd know where to wait. He was hoping he could spend more time with Kat that day before retiring for the evening. If he could he'd spend all night with her as well, nothing crazy like that...but just talking, maybe she'd even let him cook for her...he did like cooking...

As his wandering continued, he couldn't fight off the stupid grin on his face. It had been there for most of the day, and even with Izzy's teasing, had refused to go away. In a way, he was starting to enjoy it. There was just something about this girl...this human. He hadn't felt this way in a very long time...

Up ahead, he spots a familiar face and waves, puzzled by the look on Kat's brother's face. Adrian looked rather upset about something and for a moment, Bucky felt a stab of concern wondering if something could have happened to his sister. As the boy drew closer, he stopped walking and waited for him.

"Is everything alright there?" he asked him.

((lame, I know sorry...brain is frazzled with all these posts I have to get in))
Hearing Bucky's voice before he quite sees him, every muscle of Adrian's body tenses, and he turns toward him with jerky movements, looking him straight in the eye and jabbing a finger towards him even before he speaks. Adrian pulls himself up to his full height, a muscle twitching in his jaw as he looks the other man up and down, searching for the slightest signs of dishevelment. An unzipped fly, untucked shirt, a hickey on his skin, lipstick smudges on his face...he is looking and though he sees nothing, that does nothing to calm his anger towards him. The man is so slick, has been with so many other girls, he's even careful to erase the evidence of it, he has that much experience to remember to do so!

"No, nothing's all right, BUCKY," he spat, coming close to him, close enough to invade his personal space; his posture is threatening as well. "I don't think it's all right for 30 year old men to put their hands all over my sister. So tell me, did you at least use protection when you f****** her or are you willing to screw her over more ways than one?"
Bucky backs away a few steps, blinking in surprise and looks at the boy as if he has three heads. "E-excuse me?

When Adrian steps into his space, the smile finally falters and he finds himself having to hold in a growl. If there was something this kid needed to know, it was not to corner a Wolf, especially in a threatening manner. Taking in a deep breath, he held his body up at his full height and looked down at Adrian slightly, his eyes narrowing, his lips pulling up into a snarl.

((<----- angry!))

"First of all...boy...I'm not thirty years old...and last I checked, your sister was more then capable enough of making her own decisions...she doesn;t need an overbearing, controlling brother hanging abouts in her shadow all the may be blood Adrian, but you don't won her..." hos voice was deadly calm, despite his eyes having shifted, glowing golden and feral.

"And second....not that it is even any of your damn business...but I just started to get to know your sister today...we kissed...that was all...if you think that I would even do something like that..." he growls again and shakes his head. "You may be the same age, but you are more of a child then she is!"
"Not thirty, huh? What is it then, thirty-one? Forty?" Adrian's voice rose slightly, and his fists flexed at his sides. He could feel the heat of his fire coiling in his stomach, slowly spreading up his arms and building towards his fingers, and he flexed his hands again, taking another step towards Bucky.

"Capable of making her own decisions?! Do you know what kind of decisions my sister makes for herself when left to her own devices, or influenced by people like YOU?! The kind of decisions Katarina likes to make on her OWN involve chasing after anything with facial hair, letting them do whatever the hell they want with her as long as they tell her she's pretty while they're doing it, slicing up her arms with sharp objects, and provoking drunk a*sholes into beating up on her, getting a name for herself as a s*ut, is that the kind of decisions you think I should let her make on her own?!"

He would know later that what he is saying about her is a betrayal towards her, that it will upset her greatly if she knows that he told anyone those things, let alone a man she is interested in, but Adrian cannot stop himself. His mouth keeps coming, the fire building up even further in his veins.

"You just called her a child, and yet you're KISSING her. What the hell does that make you, Mr. Pedobear?"
He could feel his own rage boiling up and threatening to spill over the more this kid continued to talk. Bucky had to force himself not to give in and beat him against the wall, but the Wolf inside him was starting to call for blood. taking in a few deep breaths of his own, he willed himself to step back, to get Adrian out and away from his face. Even though he had no real claim over Kat, he could feel himself getting more and more upset as her own brother continued to reveal what should have been secrets she could have told Bucky herself if and when she was ever ready. He himself, had no right to judge someone of their past, when his own was far from perfect.

"I think..." he started slowly, his eyes narrowing further as he glared. "-that you need to stand down...what you're accusing me of, makes little to no sense at all...your sister has been in her classes all day, I have been teaching my own...when would we have even had the time to do what you're so keen of accusing me of..."

He shakes his head. "I have no time for this...I suggest you return to where you should be and think about how rushed you were to betray your won sister's dignity..." he hoped his words would sink in, but Adrian seems to upset to even care.
"In classes all day? Then how come every time I see either one of you, you're all over each other? How come I can't walk down the hall without bumping into you two attached at the hip- and other body parts? Not to mention, it doesn't take more than a few minutes in between class to get things over with, and you look like the type who wouldn't last long!" Adrian blusters, not backing off from Bucky at all.

He can tell that the other man is getting angry as well, can see him controlling himself nevertheless, and this piques his anger further. How can he stand there so calmly when he knows what he's been doing with Kat, how can he stand there calmly when Adrian is calling him out on it? He doesn't care at all, does he? He stands there and lies to his face and doesn't blink an eye!

"Betray her dignity? How the hell can I do that when you're the one rubbing it into the ground and she offers it up to you oh so freely, just like the rest of her? Look here, BUCKY, if you lay a hand on her again, if I see you anywhere near her, I'll make you both regret it!"

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