Dormer Academy

(I don't know, Jirro, but Adrian is Macal's. We don't have a lot of male students, I assume Macal is Alex's too. Maybe he's Ezra's? and what is OTP?)

Even before Raina explained, Faith knew that something she had said or asked had been wrong. It was obvious in the way that Faye physically tensed and fell silent, her cheerful expression disappearing immediately. Faith was not accustomed to seeing Faye look at her in such a way; the girl's emotions had always been close to the surface, but she had mostly observed her as cheerful and exuberant, or else furious. What she saw in Faye's expression now was an expression she had seen in her own sister's over the past few months more often than Sheena was aware of, and she immediately recognized it for what it was. Grief. Faye was grieving, and she was not surprised when Raina spoke for her.

Hearing her speak of Myra, Faith's own expression stiffened, and she shook her head slowly, genuine sadness for Myra's sake as well as for Faye's pressing against her chest. She had taught Myra, though not to the extent of Faye and Raina, and she had always felt sympathy for the shy, insecure young girl, a girl whose sisters had informed her had experienced considerable abuse. For her to be dead now after such a short and difficult life was incredibly unfair, and terrible for her sister.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, still shaking her head, even as she fought to suppress the anger stirring within her as well. This was the reason she had left that school, a school where despite her own best efforts and those of Macal, she had been unable to keep her daughter, her sister, and the other students safe. "That's...that's really f****ed up, Faye. I'm sorry."

She doesn't touch either girl, not knowing how they would react, but she does take a step closer to them. Letting a moment pass in silence, she then changes the subject. " girls wanting to be admitted in here then?"

(also, guys, feel free to decide when, where, and how your own characters are affected by Thanatos/rage demon, don't feel like you have to wait for me to prod you)
Riff began scratching the back of his head again. He thought about what to say exactly. He didn't really have a problem telling people what he was and how he got to become a demon. He was proud of his lineage. But Mel had always been very cautious giving out information about herself, or at least the really personal stuff, and this did have to do with her sort of.

"Well, it can't hurt to tell you. I'm a demon. Or at least I'm a demon now. I was human until I was about 15 years old." Unlike Vash who had been changed to demons as soon as he began following Mel, Riff wasn't allowed to form the contract until after two years of following her. At first, she wouldn't tell him why but after a few persuasive words and the three beers he had snuck into the juice of his, at the time, twelve year old, master, she told him that it was because she didn't want him to die from a code break. Apparently, her first servant had died when his demonic power became too much for him to handle and she felt it was her fault for giving it to him in the first place.

For a year after that Riff was content with being human but an incident occurred and it became evident that if he was to follow her, he needed more power.

"As for powers, it might be easier to show you." He stripped off his vest and button down shirt, and out of reflex made sure to fold them before placing them neatly on the ground. He stared at the neat squares placed on the floor before him. He had really spent a long time taking care of Mel and Vash, didn't he? Well, whatever.

He stood up straight, the three bullet wound scars easily visible on his left shoulder. Not that he cared. It was something of a badge of honor, from when he stood up to his father, the sick bastard. After a few seconds, the air began to chill slightly and snow white scales began to form on his body. First over his chest and then spreading to the rest of his torso, back and arms. He looked up from the floor at Kat and Evan (possibly, depends on what she's doing). "Well, this is my first power. It doesn't exactly have a name yet. But these scales are very durable and protects me from most attacks. There are still some gaps in the defense but it's good enough as it is, I think. I mean, I haven't died yet so it's effective."

After he finished talking the scales had already begun to melt until they had all disappeared. He quickly redressed but left the top two buttons of his shirt undone. Through the opening, a black choker, which he did not remove or even touch when showing his scales to the others. There was a pale blue rectangular gem hanging from it.

To show his next power, Riff held up his fist. The temperature began to drop again as a slight breeze blew by. He opened his hand again to reveal a flower made of ice. "Voila. Pour vous mademoiselles." As he extended his hand to hand them the flower though, a stronger breeze blew by and the room got even colder. From the flower, vines of ice began to form and crawl up his arm at an alarming rate.

Riff immediately threw the blossom onto the floor and stomped it out. The room returned to normal and the vines that formed shattered. "I'm terribly sorry for that. I've been a bit depressed lately and I guess it was more than just a bit. It won't happen again." The blond was rather embarrassed. Letting his emotions take the best of him like that. It wasn't professional at all.

He looked up at the girls. "Well, now you know what I can do, or at least most of what I can do." He brought his hand up to the collar of his shirt, pulling both sides together to conceal the choker. If he couldn't handle something as simple as a flower, there was absolutely no way he was going to show them his demonic form. Not that he would anyway. It was too dangerous. Not that he was particularly powerful. No, it's just that in that form, he lost all common sense and after what happened with the first fight against Mel, it was apparent that it took quite a bit to subdue him when he was like that.

"I hope I'm not being rude here but would it be okay if I ask what you can do? Or what you are? Seeing as you know about me and all."

Then a new scent came to his nose. Another familiar smell but one he didn't know the source of. His eyes turned to the door to see a boy there trying to leave. "Pardon? Did you want to use the gym too? Sorry if we're stopping you but there is a lot of room here."


Mel shrugged at Faith's comment. "It's not like I told him to turn into a dog. I was actually thinking of a sled." "And I'm not completely naked. See?" Vash turned around and raised his little puppy bum to show the dark green boxers that had somehow shrunk with him.

As Faith told Mel that the staff would handle Lilith should the angel misbehave, the doll looked to the floor in disgust. "Unless I take care of her with my own two hands, it'll mean nothing. I met her today, if you have to know. She threatened Vash and then laughed in my face because I was following your stupid rules. And frankly, I don't blame her. Everything she's done, she's gotten away with so far. Might as well say she's unbeatable now. I don't ever see her outside this stupid school and I can't touch her until she commits murder or something. So you could say, it's not going so well between us."

Then Faith seemed to see something. Both Mel and Vash followed her line of vision to see Faye and Raina. As the two began speaking with Faith, Mel didn't exactly feel like paying attention. She was thinking of whether or not she could just leave already. She had better things to do now. Looking down at her hand, she noticed some faint cracking in the porcelain. "Vash," she said softly, "can you take care of this tonight?" The puppy looked at cracks. It didn't seem like anything serious. It was an easy patch job. "Yeah. It'll just take half an hour."

Then Faye greeted Mel, making the doll look up and look at the ginger headed girl. "Oh, yeah. Whatever." She wasn't mad at Faye though she still wasn't on Mel's good side. Although Mel's list of liked people had four people on it. Two of which were dead. Faye wasn't ranked high on Mel's hate list though, which could be seen as something. Faye was already forgiven from the whole Lil situation. After all, she was one of the people who apologized immediately. Not like Flower who said absolutely nothing for two months or Nick and Deathwish who had the gall to say that it was Mel's fault in the first place for having an attitude problem. God, it felt good to leave that cesspool of an academy.

When Faith pointed out that the dog was Vash, the demon raised a metal paw. "'Sup? Haven't seen you in a while."

Then the conversation took a turn to a more personal subject. Myra was dead apparently. Neither Vash nor Mel knew who this Myra was but depending on the mood, it was probably Faye's family. Vash lowered his paw and looked to the ground. He knew what it was like to lose family, having lost Maria just a year ago. What's worse was that he was supposed to protect her but couldn't. No matter how hard he fought, he just wasn't strong enough. His little sister's death made Vash felt angry, sad, and weak. Luckily, he had Mel who slaughtered his entire village for him, for Maria. If it weren't for the comfort she had given him without ever meaning to or knowing it, he'd probably still be back in his hometown, living life like a zombie. He hoped Faye could find someone to support her too.

Mel, however, didn't really give a damn about Faye losing a sister. She wasn't sure why the mood suddenly got gloomy. So what if Myra was dead. It wasn't exactly the first time someone lost a loved one. Mel had seen this type of story countless times before. She had even lost her own brother a long time ago. She got through it just fine and on her own. She may have wanted someone to help her when she was younger but that feeling disappeared quickly when it became obvious no one wanted to help her. Soon, she didn't need to rely on anyone for support or at least no one she was conscious of. Besides, Faye should be glad that Myra died or at least relieved. The world was an ugly place. Myra got lucky. She got to leave it before it got even worse.

Well this got kind of awkward. Could she leave yet?

(Sorry if Mel seems a bit mean thinking this. It's not on purpose. It's just the way her thinking works after living the way she has.)
Katarina blinked, taking a step back from Riff and closer to Evan unconsciously as she bit her lower lip, trying to process what he's just told her. She has never thought about demons as being real, even within the context of the school, and now she stares at him with stunned silence, blinking again as she struggles with her thoughts as to this. Demons were evil, weren't they? Why would Faith let people who were evil come into the school and walk around freely?

And yet he was so polite. Weren't demons supposed to be...well, mean?

She watches his display of his powers with a mix of jealousy and impressed feelings, wishing yet again that she herself had something, anything about her that was equally remarkable to everyone else in the place. She suspects she is probably blushing again when she replies to him, "Um...I'm not...I'm not anything...I'm just human. I can't...I can't really do anything."

This seems an inadequate explanation, and so she tries to further explain, now looking down at the ground, "My brother is a firestarter, though....and we didn't really have anywhere to go, so...Faith was nice, and she let me..."

She trails off, then is quickly distracted by Riff addressing someone at the door. Turning, she sees Adrian backing away and quickly calls out to him, relieved to see a familiar face. Adrian could spot her, and he would never make fun of her or look down on her for not being as strong or skilled. Smiling, she calls out to him, beckoning.

"Hey, Adri," she called, slipping into the nickname she often called him, as he himself often called her Rina. "Will you come help me?"

She thought she saw a strange look come over him, almost a grimace, before he slowly stepped into the room, nodding towards Riff and Evan in greeting. "Yeah, uh, okay."


Faith knew that letting Lil into the school was a bad idea.

It had been her first instinct and was still a strong impulse for her to this day to refuse to allow Lil to attend. But then again, how could she justify keeping her out if Lil was following rules, not actually harming anyone currently that Faith could prove, and given that she met all qualifications for the sort of students Faith hoped to provide a place for? If Lil wanted and was willing to work and learn, and keep Faith's rules as well, then how could she keep her out simply because she suspected she would be or cause trouble? This was a place for second chances, and if there was any possibility that Lil would take hers, she had to provide it.

But as her attention was diverted from Raina and Faye to Mel now, she is somewhat grateful for her shifting the focus of the conversation as she answers her. "How did she threaten Vash? What did she say, exactly?"
(Uh, OTP means One True Pairing, basically your favourite couple/non-couple but you think they should be together. So, in TVD mine is sorta Klaroline xD I know they aren't dating, but they definitely feel something for each other. My second pairing is probably Delena. Oh, and if Jirro doesn't have many people to mentor he can mentor Chameleon if he wants? I haven't brought him in yet as I'm waiting for Rai and Faye to get sorted out first with rooms and such. Oh Jirro, Izabella? You mentioned earlier about Black Bloods? I'm just curious as to whether or not my character Raina would be classed as one? She does have emotions, and she can have kids, oh, and she can fight the hunger if she feels like it. So would she be a Black Blood in this world?)

Raina watched as Faith reacted to the news. Raina couldn't bear to look at Faye just yet, so she instead noticed Faith's stiffening expression, the way she shook her head almost as if disbelieving it. No, that wasn't it, she believed them, it was something else. Was it..was it anger? She spoke her apologies, something that was supposed to be a condolence for the one who had lost, but Raina hated it when people apologized for something they had no part in. Why was she sorry? It wasn't like she was the one who snapped Myra's neck now was it? Maybe she was apologizing for not being there. But if Faith were there, could she have stopped Kol in time? No. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be Raina. She should have put her Father down years ago, in his most fragile state, when he was sleeping. Or passed out from the alcohol he insisted on drowning himself in. Why hadn't she? It must have been because she was so terrified of him when she was younger.

Faith tries to change the subject and Raina holds back a sigh of relief, at least she wasn't going to talk about it any more. The vampire opens her mouth to answer, but then Faith seems preoccupied with talking to Mel and the metal puppy Vash, so Raina shrugs and walks over to the still-silent Faye. She knows the two of them have to stick around until Faith shows them to their rooms or whatever, gives them a schedule or something along those lines, so she figures they'll just wait until Faith's done with Mel and Vash.

Standing beside Faye now, she pokes her lightly in the head. Her sister looks to her then, and the vacancy in her eyes slowly dissipates as Raina continues to prod her in the forehead, "Earth to Faye, hello, anyone there?" Faye blinks at her then rolls her eyes, trying to push her hands away, "Geez Rai, cut it out!" She doesn't snap at her older sister, she was becomingly increasingly used to Raina's way of thinking, and knows that her sensitivity moments didn't last for all too long. Raina smirked at her, "Yay! You're back!" Another prod, "Stop it Rai!!" Faye scowls at her, but a small smile is threatening the corners of her lips, and it is then she realises that Faith had apologized to her, that Vash had said something to her earlier and that Faith is now asking Mel something. So she turns to look at the three and gives Vash a small nod, trying to push away her dark thoughts as she focuses instead on talking to the metal dog, he had said something about not seeing her? She gave him a small grin, though her eyes lacked the brightness that had always been there at the old Academy, "Yeah, me and Rai have been travelling for the past...umm, how many months?" She glances to Raina with the question and the vampire shrugs, "I dunno." Faye looks back to Vash, "It was loads of fun, we went to Spain, Italy and then Russia." She seems lost in thought for a moment before speaking again, "Russia definitely has the best nightclubs! And the best vodka, plus Rai can speak Russian, so it was easier to talk to people and stuff..." She pauses again, "I don't remember most of it though, Rai said I was sick on this boy one time, but she told me it was alright because he was being a jerk anyway." She pouts lightly then, "I really wanted to go to a nightclub in Paris, but Rai wouldn't take me there." "There was no way in hell I was taking you to Paris Faye." "Aw why not?" "Because it sucks over there anyway, the clubs are pathetic." Faye turns back to Vash, "So what have you been up lately anyway?"

Raina watches as Faye interacts with Vash, a small smirk on her face to see that Faye seems to have snapped out of her darkened day dream state again, if only for a while. She turns back to look at Faith and Mel, and, because she's Raina, and rude, she speaks even if they are in the middle of a conversation, "So yeah, when you're done playing concerned headteacher, can me and Faye have our room numbers or whatever the hell else we need."
((KLAROLINE FOR EVERRRRRRR...haha, I'm such a nerd on this, sorries. Hated that Tyler was in this past episode -__- so excited for next week though cuz it's ALL Klaus and Elijah (another 'crush') can't wait!))
(Sorry for not posting sooner, my brain was very fuzzy over the weekend. I don't feel sick, so maybe it's just stress catching up and making me go kind of blank? Anyway~ I have no idea what show you guys are talking about xD Seeing as I have no TV <.< )

Nick looked up at her and smiled, "Thank you, most people think that it's strange because it's silver, or they think that someone has been dying my hair. I remember the owners of the orphanage having to stumble over themselves, trying to explain that my hair has always been this color." she said with a small laugh. The owners of the orphanage hadn't really treated her badly, though they were more eager to show off the 'normal' children since Nick had proven to keep coming back. Nick blinked, "I remind you of someone?" she asked, she slowly tilted her head, wondering who it might be, but then she thought it might not have been a good idea to ask, so she just shook her head and continued to walk with her.

Nick closed her eyes when Izzy yelled, she never did care too much for loud noises, but she didn't bother to say anything about it, she smiled again when Izzy said that they just had to wait now. It didn't take long at all before Sheena came running toward them, Nick raised her hand in a wave, and then really realized that her arms were still tired, but she knew that she wanted to learn this, and she would push herself. When Jirro came toward them she watched and listened, knowing that he was going to be the one that would be teaching her, if he wanted. "Hello, my name is Nickkie, though I prefer Nick. I would offer a last name, but I don't have one." she said with a shrug and a smile, she took his hand and shook it, though her hand would be tiny compared to his. "I was wondering if you would be willing to take me on as a student and teach me to wield the sword?" she asked as she looked up at him with her dark sapphire eyes.
Faith notices Raina's subtle prodding of Faye, how she gets her to snap out of the semi-fugue state she appeared to have sunk herself into, and she smiles slightly to herself. This was just further evidence to her of Raina's genuinely caring pieces, somewhere beneath all the external armor of her nastiness. She watches their interaction and is relieved when Faye begins to talk again, to show even the smallest signs of life, and rolls her eyes at her when she talks about partying in foreign countries.

"Yeah, well, got news for you both, no vodka and/or vomiting on strangers in this school, got it? Might make me a hypocrite since I did the same as a kid, or whatever, but I'm too old and responsible now to care. Or the very least I'm not getting my ass fined because all the teeny-boppers here can't hold their beer. So no drinking on school grounds at least."

Turning to Raina, she nods. "Yep, you'll be in the wing 17, fourth floor, that's available, I think. As for scheduling, we can figure that out a little later, I've actually got somewhere to be right now." This addressed to Mel and Vash too. "So yeah, welcome back, and all that, you can go up to the front lobby and speak to the lady there to get your keys, fill out papers and whatever. Tell her...tell her that you, Faye, will have Izabella Mochizuki as your mentor, and Raina, I'm yours, got it?"
(Yay! Another Klaroline Fan! :D I'm glad you're one, since most people aren't very supportive of Klaroline O.o Tyler was in the past episode? Ooohh, I think, 'cause I'm in England, I get the episodes one later than you? So like, I've just watched American Gothic, and I'm assuming the last one you watched was Pictures of You? Damn, I wish I got them an episode earlier Dx)

Faye pouts lightly as Faith tells them there is to be no drinking at the school, which Faye has seemed to be doing a lot of lately. She however wrinkles her nose at the mention of beer, "Eww, I didn't drink that stuff, tastes like cat vomit." Raina raises an amused eyebrow, "And how would you know what cat vomit tastes like Faye?" After all she receives is a death glare Raina carries on with a smirk, "Plus, you did have beer, a lot of it" "What? When?" "Uhh....'round about the same time you threw up on that dude." "Pssh, bet my puke tasted like cat vomit to him then."

Raina rolls her eyes at that and her attention is taken back to Faith as she speaks. Raina is rather disappointed that Faith responded to her question without even trying to tell her off for suggesting she was only pretending to be concerned, and her annoyance is evidently shown by the scowl on her face. She bet the slayer did notice as well, but knowing her she was just pretending she didn't - just to piss Raina off.

Faye was listening to Faith talk as well, and unlike Raina - who was mostly thinking about how Faith was annoying her and how she planned to annoy Faith later on - she was actually taking in the information said to them and she nodded as a response. Izabella Mochizuki? Faye hoped she was nice. She opened her mouth to ask who Izabella was...only to be cut off by an angry Raina. "Wait what? Why do you have to be my mentor? Why can't you be Faye's?!? I don't need a mentor, I'm just here for Faye's sake!"

Faye held back a sigh as she glanced to Raina. If this was her reaction at seeing Faith, how the heck was she gonna handle seeing Macal and Liza again?
((I use Klaus as my avatar for my male character in this thread and I use Caroline as my Ophelia character in one of my threads. I love those two! and sorry for the spoilers :/ ))

((at a brain freeze, dealing with some personal BS at the moment, I'll try to get my post in by tonight))
*Macal finally made it back to the quarters, he has a few minutes before he meet Adrian in his office, When he sees the work on the walls, he has to step back outside the quarters and make sure the suite number was right. Realizing it is he comes back in side rubbing his temples* Liza come out here and please explain what is on the walls. *He tries to read it but he can't..Macal a god, who can speak every dialect on the planet, and hundreds of thousands outside this planet, solar system, universe and even dimension...However for the life of him he can't understand any of what is on the walls.*

*Alex making his way through the halls, now with his face buried in a data pad, working of calculations for the experiment that may help Ezra, he looks up as Adrian is stomping through the hall (not stomping I know lol) He can see the guy is pissed so of course being like his mentor Macal he decides to mess with him.* Hey didn't anyone tell you that if you make a mean face like that for too long it will freeze like that..Way did it already happen?? OH MY GOD THE HORROR! Don't worry life goes on we can get you a hockey mask and move to a lake and you can stalk murder teenagers having sex at summer camp and don't worry even if they get you in the end we'll make sure you get a contract so there is at least 6 more sequels. *He stands there smirking at the younger student, then holds up his data pad to him.* Want to play some Angry Birds?
Faith rolls her eyes again and hides a smirk when the girls continue to talk about Faye's drinking over the summer. Sheena had had a short- VERY short- spell where she was drinking herself into hangovers not so very long ago, though when she thought back to it, it seemed a very long time indeed. Faith remembered it all too well and how much fun they'd both had with that. If Faye was going to go that route, she was going to have to deal with the consequences herself over it.

When Raina starts to protest Faith's assignment, Faith is, as she observed, unruffled, though rather than pretending, as Raina thinks she is, she truly isn't bothered by her. She's honestly quite glad to see her and Faye again, and used enough to her ways to be able to deflect most of it.

"Everyone here has a mentor, soooo too bad, so sad, I know you're rarin' and ready to be my bestest new student all over again," she teased, grinning across at Raina before starting to turn away from her. "And I'm not Faye's because I want her with Izzy and you with me, and now that I run the school I kinda get my way more than I used to. So, mentoree-girl, see you around."

With that she walked away, speaking to Macal again in her head. "So what's up then? Where are you?"


Liza has returned to her bedroom as she waits for her parents to return; when she hears her father call out to her, she tiptoes to her doorway, poking only her head and her teddy bear's head out to look at him as she asks him hopefully, "It's my sorry note, Daddy. Do you like it? Are you still mad? 'Cause I could get Mr. Stick to come in and read it too probably."


From the doorway where Alex is standing, Adrian jumps slightly, then turns to stare at him, unsure of how to take him. He glances back at his sister, who frowns at him too, confused and unsure of how to take Alex's behavior. Finally Adrian says stiffly, "I'm not...angry."

Was he? He didn't think he was, anymore. He looks again at the data pad in his hands, then back at Katarina, who is still waiting for him to spot her. "You're...Alex?"
*Mac leans down and pats her on the head* No one is mad at you Liza, I understand you had a rough training session with Master Stick...Something happened afterwards..Do you remember what you did? Why you did it? And remember you're not in trouble I promise. *To prove this point he looks at the drawing on the wall, holding his hands out in front of him he slowly closing them as he does it the drawings shrink so that it no longer fills the entire wall, once it's smaller a nice frame appears around it.* See Princess not mad, and I know you're a good girl. So can you tell me what happens.

*Alex pushes his hair off his eyes and smiles* Yeah Alex Sage, You're Adrian and your sister Kat? I think that's what you call her, you're both first year students. In case no one did it. Welcome to the Academy, where you will learn to be the perfect warriors or we'll grind your bones for bread. *He laughs a little* So what's up with you? I'm not empath or telepath but I know when someone has a something heavy on their mind...It's the S.H.I.E.L.D training they teach us to read people body language so we can tell when someone is lying ...So tell me what's going on as your senior it's my duty to help you out.
Riff smiled as Kat told him that she was human. She seemed a bit embarrassed by it though. He wondered why? It wasn't such a bad thing in being human. Was there? After all, there were a lot worse things you could be. She could've been a goblin or a troll or one of those sparkly vampires from that cruddy book series. Thank God those were fictional creatures.

"Miss Katarina, there is no shame in being a human or not having supernatural abilities. I know someone who would rather be like you than to have the abilities she's been dealt. Plus my coworker and I were once human as well. It's just that our . . . circumstances required for us to be able to do more than we were able."

"And as for not being able to do anything, I'm sure that isn't true. You just haven't found what you can do yet. My master always says that you can get power one of two ways. Either you're born with it or you get it . . . beat . . . into . . . you . . . Actually, I don't think that second one is one we should try on you just yet . . . Or anyone really . . . Maybe you should be talking to an actual teacher about this . . . I'm sorry. I just don't think I'm in any position to advise you on what to do."

Then Kat told him about her brother's powers and how the two of them came to the academy. A pyrokinetic. Riff had known one at the previous school they went to. And then there was the late Cobra he never met. But then again, elemental manipulation was a fairly known power. It shouldn't surprise him that there were at least a few in the world. Kat's story about having nowhere to go hit a little close to home for him. It was sort of the same as his story after all, but there was really no need to tell her that.

As Kat also called the boy in, Riff gave a light wave. "It's nice to meet you." Kat had called the guy Adri but Riff was somewhat sure that it wasn't his name, or at least not his full name. Either way, "Adri" was probably not something Riff himself should address this stranger. Still, it seemed like this Adri was busy talking to someone else Riff didn't recognize other than his scent.


Mel crossed her arms as Faith began asking for details. Why did she have to tell her? It's not like anyone was going to do anything about it. She let out a soft sigh though. She still had no reason to keep it secret, did she? "She told me she was going to put me through a hellish pain. And when I told her that I couldn't feel pain anymore . . . She said Vash still could. It may not sound like much but I know when someone is threatening me. So until this whole thing is dealt with I need to know where he is at all times." Her fingers began digging into her arms, getting tighter until a sharp crack was heard. The middle finger of her right hand had fallen onto the floor, rolling a bit before stopping at Vash's paws. "Well this is awkward. That was my favorite one."

Faye then began talking about their travels and raved about Russia. Vash cringed his nose when the redhead began talking about the vodka though. He had tried some before. It tasted awful like rubbing alcohol. He was glad that they've been doing well, but it wasn't exactly easy listening to two underaged girls talking about their adventures that seemed to only consist of alcohol and night clubs. With all the crap on tv lately, this conversation seemed to remind him of that "Jersey Shore" show only without the oompa loompas. "Ah, Mother Russia, huh? ? ?????, ??? ??? ?????? ???." (I hear it's nice there. (According to

Mel looked to Vash with a bit of astonishment. "You speak Russian?" "Only a bit. We had some Russian visitors in my hometown once so I had to learn a bit to prevent confusion. Only a bit though. I learned how to say 'Hello', 'I'm underaged', 'The bathroom is over there', 'I think you've had enough' and 'Don't touch my sister you sick @#$%'." "Huh . . . Okay . . . None of that seems useful."

The conversation then steered toward alcohol and the rules that applied to it. Not that Vash or Mel needed to know them. They didn't drink or at least learned not to. Both of them were lightweights. Last time Vash drank, he woke up with a splitting headache from Mel drop kicking him during his drunken rampage the night before. Mel especially was weak against alcohol according to Riff. However when Vash asked the butler what happens when she got drunk, the blond just laughed to himself. But that only made the demon more curious and after many failed attempts to spike her drinks, Vash still had no clue what happens.

Now it looked like Faith had to go somewhere, telling them that she would have to reschedule these conversation. "Vash, let's go. You have to reattach my finger. Bye." Vash waved his front paw. "Bye Faith, Faye, cranky chick next to Faye. See you la-GAH!" Mid-sentence, Mel had given a hard yank on the leash and was now dragging Vash away again.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9aaaa87_DormerAcademystuff_0002.jpg.d6ae961cceff8ac8564619a175fbf554.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9aaaa87_DormerAcademystuff_0002.jpg.d6ae961cceff8ac8564619a175fbf554.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Mel's current appearance . . . Just wanted to post it . . . No real reason behind it. :P )

Raina just finds herself becoming even more annoyed as Faith shows utterly NO annoyance at Raina's words. Had she lost her touch? She used to be able to rifle up the slayer pretty easily back at the Academy. At least, she remembered it being that way. Gosh, the amount of times she found herself with a stake threatening to pierce her heart was too many to count. But now the only response she was getting was light teasing? Damn. She needed to work on her b*tch attitude.

But as Faith walked away Raina found herself almost trembling in anger, how is that she got so worked up and Faith barely even glared at her - wait no, she didn't glare at her at all. She was about to storm after Faith and slam her into a wall when she noticed Russian had been spoken. She glanced to Vash with half-curiousity and nodded, understanding his words, "Так и есть. Слишком много пьяных извращенцев же." (It is. Too many drunk perverts though. (According to Google Translate xD ))

The metal dog thing was then abruptly dragged away by the doll - who Faye had informed her a while ago was actually that Mel chick. And she almost bristled at Vash's words, almost. She guessed she didn't mind being 'cranky chick' though she would have preferred something a little more intimidating than 'cranky' Then again, she wasn't being particularly intimidating just then. Something else she needed to work on.

Faye then spun around to beam at Raina with a smile, "Hey! It seems like you and Faith are getting along better," Without giving her big sister time to respond Faye grabbed her arm and began to pull her away much like Mel had done with Vash, "Come on! We need to go get our keys so we can check out our rooms!" Raina was barely able to growl out a protest before Faye used her combined vamp and key-holder speed to take them to the front lobby.

"Faye! Slow the hell down!"

(Sorry it's so short, gotta get to college xD )
"I like how you made my picture nice, Daddy," Liza said solemnly, moving over to Macal and wrapping her arms around his leg, sitting on his foot to do so. She puts her cheek against his shin, her bear sticking out from beneath her arm at an awkward angle as she speaks against his leg.

"Uh huh, I remember. He gave me nasty candy after he made me work real hard to get it, and it was gross and I got mad and I shot fire out at him. I didn't even mean to, I think. You're not mad? Is Mr. Stick mad? He said I'd get punished if I did and I did it anyway." She looks up at him with her brow puckered, concerned over this. "Do I gotta give up my bear now?"

"Okayyyy then," Faith smirks in response to Mel's and Vash's exchange, watching Mel jerk Vash away. "I guess you got that covered then..."

She is concerned about what she heard about Lil though as she walks away. If this is true, then Lil does seem to be plotting ill will, which Faith could not allow her to go through with. Seems like it's Lil she needs to be keeping an eye on now, Lil she needs to talk with, and possibly, if necessary, find a way to boot out.

Faith, not hearing from Macal again, shrugs and heads back to their living quarters, figuring she'd check there first and get her cell phone to call him if he wasn't there. As she eases the door open, she sees first Liza's message on the wall, and her eyebrows shoot up immediately as she turns to her daughter, who is still sitting on Macal's foot.

"Okayyyyy Liza, what did you do?"


Katarina blinks at Alex again, still unsure of how to take him, her hand resting on the weight but not lifting it as she gives him a rather uncertain smile. "Um, yeah. I guess a lot of people do call me Kat."

Her eyes shift to Adrian as Alex describes him as having something on his mind, and she looks at him more closely, frowning. She thought as much herself, and reaches to touch her brother's arm, frowning at him.

"He's right, Adri, you look sort of...I don't know, strange. Are you all right?"

When his sister touched him, Adrian jumped, then quickly pulled his arm away, taking a step away from her. She doesn't fail to notice that he still isn't meeting her eyes.

"Yeah, Kat, I'm fine. I'm fine, not that it's any of your business if I wasn't, really," he directed his second sentence to Alex, his tone a little terse as he turned back to his sister. "So, what, you want me to watch you or something? Do you even know how much is safe for you to lift? And how are you going to lift with a jacket on, anyway, it will get in your way."

Katarina flushes as he asks her this, uncomfortable by his continued tense tone as well as the words themselves. Just after they all learned that she was human, even after Riff's kind words, her brother was now making it obvious that he thought her incapable. Not to mention that he was asking her to take off her jacket when he knew, KNEW why she wouldn't want to do so with other people around.

"Faith has showed me, I know," she said softly, not meeting his eyes, but she does reach for his arm and lightly dig her nails into his skin. "And I'm okay. I don't need to take it off. Just watch me, okay?"

She flushes again when Riff mentions having powers "beat" into her and without thinking, mutters to herself more than to him, "If that were the case, I would have already earned powers like fifteen years ago..."

Then, realizing what she had just said, she unconsciously grinds her teeth together, her gaze still directed down.

(Thought now would be a good chance to intro Chameleon before I get too far into the RP xD Plus. I'm at college right now with a huggeeeeee break and I gots nothing else to do - though really I should be doing homework I guess..meh, it can wait xD )

An hour or so later after their arrival at the Academy Faye and Raina are sitting inside Raina's room, they had gone to the front lobby, filled out some annoyingly boring forms, got their room numbers and keys and decided to hang out in Raina's room for a while. Raina had tried telling the lady there that this Izabella woman was her mentor as well - no way in hell she was going to willingly stand by and assign herself to be Faith's little lackey or whatever - but Faye had butted in with a small smirk and told the lady that Faith Cord was Raina's mentor. Damn, she still needed to get her back for that.

But, as of right now, Faye was currently helping Raina hide a ton of weapons in her room. Why? In case she gets attacked of course, duh, and she wasn't quite sure how Faith might feel about walking into Raina's room to see a pile of sharp weapons in the corner. So yeah, in Raina's mind, hiding them in places was the only other option. Plus, they were bored, they needed something to do.

"Over here?" Raina looked over to see Faye about to put a dagger behind a picture frame and tilted her head from her current position of shoving a gun under her mattress. "Hmmm..., nah, it would take too long to grab in a scuffle. Take out that end of the curtain pole there and put the dagger back in it's place, see look? Looks exactly the same, right?" Faye agreed with a nod, the dagger hilt did look just like the other end of the curtain pole, and no-one would have any reason to try and pull it out as they would think it was just the end of a curtain pole. "When did you learn how to do all this anyway?" Raina shrugged, "I was an assassin for a while, a pretty good one, so people would target me, I had to have some way of protecting myself if I was caught off guard." "Oh right." That makes....perfect sense?


Chameleon Hades looked up at the giant building, one hand in his pocket as the other brushed his black hair out of his blue eyes. This was going to be his new school? He hated his Mother so much. He was fine at the Fighting Academy; despite being extremely lonely ever since Raina up and left and took Faye with her, leaving behind only a measly note. Speaking of which, he clenched his fist inside his pocket and felt the soft paper material under his fingertips. He knew it was stupid, carrying it around like some sort of love sick puppy. But he did it anyway.

'Hey Leo, me and Faye are leaving for a while, not sure where we're going, or when we'll be back, just thought I'd let you know that you got the room to yourself now. Have a fun life, I guess' He glared at the ink words as though they were personally responsible before shoving the note back into his pocket. Did she care so little about him that she couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye in person? Was that all she had to say to him? They had frickin' kissed! Sure, it was only once, and she was kind of tispy, oh, and she hadn't spoken barely a word to him since - acting as though it never happened, but it was still a kiss! Didn't that mean anything? He didn't know why he was getting so worked up anyway. It wasn't a good idea for him to like anybody in that way anyway; who knows what his Mother or Uncle would do if they found out.

He sighed, as he reached for the handle, it didn't matter now anyway, she was gone, he'd probably never see her again, and the only job he had to do now was to appear to be the perfect student at this new Academy. So as he walked down the halls, looking out for anybody who he could ask for directions, he tried to shove all thoughts of the vampire from his mind and focus on finding someone to help him out.

(Feel free to approach Chameleon, anyone who's not doing anything xD )
((AHH, I'm so sorry I've been MIA for so long, this last week has been insane and I haven't been getting any notifications or anything :/ ))

Evan watched Riff and Katarina talk, nodding when it was necessary. A demon? At his display of power, she felt her eyes widen slightly, aware that Katarina had moved closer to her during. She almost wanted to reach forward and touch the scales that covered his body, but refrained, deciding that her curiosity was not worth offending someone who was clearly way more powerful than her.

When asked what she could do, she simply shrugged, "I'm mostly just a fast learner. It's complicated."

At Kat's admission of being human, she didn't see fit to really say anything, since it was obviously a sore spot for the girl. Really, Evan saw herself as human with just a little extra. She'd never thought much about it as far as she could remember or see in her diaries, but there was also something about her that helped her to break from the mundane. She couldn't imagine what it must feel like for Kat to be in a school full of people like this and be, well... normal.

She followed Kat's eyes to the door and continues to observe her interaction with her brother, silently noting, like the others have, that there was something not quite right about him. He seemed much more irritated now than he had over breakfast, and she recalled briefly his earlier comment about his anger and its relation to his abilities. Still, she managed a small wave at him, not wanting to get in between the two of them if an argument broke out. Especially when it wasn't really her place to do so.

Glancing over at Riff, she smiled weakly, "I don't want to be rude, but how did you become a demon, I guess? You said you were human before, right? How does that work?"
*Mac looked up from Liza when Faith finally appeared* Was traffic that bad, I thought you would be here earlier...Anyway Liza had a little episode during her lesson with Stick, I'll explain the details later but he was worried about her, he says she didn't seem herself. I've scanned her just before you got here and I can't pick anything up. So I'm thinking of just chalking this up to a little girl having a bad day..I mean it happens right?

*Alex tries not to be offended when Andrian turns his back on him and dismisses his concerns* You know kid that little tude of yours isn't gonna make you to many friends, You should do yourself a favor and lose it before word gets around. *He smiles at Kat* She knows what I'm talking about don't you Kat? I mean we don't sit around campfires holding hands singing folk songs but eventually training survival is going to depend on people risking themselves for each other...No one is going to risk their lives for someone they can't stand...We all can't be White Hats like Macal and Liza.
Adrian stiffens again when Alex speaks to him, feeling the first warning flickers of anger begin within him again at the other boy's addressing of him. He knows very well that if Alex is older than him at all, it's not by very much, so how could he stand there and call him "kid" like he was his teacher or something?

A muscle worked in his jaw as he gave a nod of acknowledgement to Evan's greeting, turning back to Katarina and saying to her a little more tersely than was necessary, "Well if you're going to, Kat, then come on. Get in position and everything."

Somewhat startled, she slowly lay down on the bench, gripping the bar and shifting her eyes to the side to make sure Adrian was standing over her. He was, but he was looking up at Alex, his anger intensifying as the boy continued to comment carelessly. Without his quite being aware of how rapidly it had grown, Adrian turned towards him, the familiar heat of his fire seething through his veins as he pointed a finger at Alex, his voice rising.

"I'm not a damn kid, so don't try to tell me what to do. Mind your own damn business, and don't make comments about things you don't understand."

"Adrian," Katarina breathed, her eyes widening as she saw the first small flare spark at his pointed finger, knowing that his fire was generally provoked only by rage, and not understanding what had just created such an intense reaction in him. " have to calm down-"

"Work the damn weights, Kat," he snapped back at her, "or are you too tired from whatever the hell you've been up to with EXTRACURRICULAR activities?"

The way he said the word had an ugly, derisive edge to it, and Katarina reddened, confused and hurt. She herself was not angry though, and so she did not feel the same pulsing, electrical sensation enveloping Adrian then.


"Bad day, huh?" Faith continued to regard Liza with some concern now as much as suspicion, coming closer to her and kneeling down. "What's going on, Liza? What happened?"

"I was bad, Mama," Liza announced, now transferring her arms to Faith's middle as she rested her chin on her chest, tilting her head to look up at her with wide eyes. "I did lightning at Mr. Stick 'cause he made me mad and I shouldn'ta done that. I said I was sorry and he said he's not mad but you're gonna be mad, aren't you?"

Faith frowned, assessing her, and then slowly ran a hand over Liza's head, smoothing down her pigtails as she shook her head. "No, Pip, not mad...just a little confused. You don't usually act like that. Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh huh except I feel bad about being bad," Liza nodded, her voice soft. "Real bad. I won't never be bad again."

Faith has to stop herself from snorting over that one. Liza's idea of bad isn't exactly all encompassing, and considering she's five, somewhat spoiled, and very curious, she will undoubtedly get into trouble by tomorrow.

"Well, that would be nice, but no one expects that, Liza." In her head, she thinks towards Macal, "You think that was it? A one time tantrum thing?"
When the voices in the gym start to rise, Evan turns to watch carefully, her eyebrows creeping downward. This is not going to end well, it can't. Not with the way Adrian is holding himself, or the way the guy with him seemed to be carrying himself - both primed for a fight that Evan wasn't ready to see break out. Not this close, at least. And not when one of the contestants could fry her to the bone without even trying.

She glances over at Riff, as though he may have some sort of idea as to what to do, but then Adrian is yelling again and she sucks in a deep breath, wondering what exactly she COULD do, if anything. There was the option of flagging down a teacher, but what if something happened before they got back? Would something happen anyway?

"Adrian," Evan calls out, eyes narrowing. It felt as though a cold finger had trailed its way up her spine and begins prodding at the base of her neck, especially when he doesn't seem to hear her or care that she's speaking.


It's seeing the flame at the end of his finger that does it. Because now it's her own ass on the line if he torches the gym. SHE will be the one covered in burns or hacking up black shit for days because of smoke inhalation, and he can't seem to just get it TOGETHER long enough to even get outside?!

"ADRIAN!" She finally barks, their conversation from that morning flying out the window in less than a second. Her fists clench and unclench rapidly at her sides, eyes darting around the gym for the fastest, most heat resistant escape in case the place goes up before they return to their target, narrowed and bright with anger. "Walk away and count to ten, jesus f***ing CHRIST!"
*Alex turns away from Adrian only so he can take off his jacket, revealing the twin shoulder holsters he's wearing, which he also takes off then turns back to Adrian.* If you don't wish to be called a kid, then don't act like one..Look at you on the verge of losing control of your powers, you have no focus no restraint, you lash out at everyone around you that only want to help you, you're yelling at your sister probably the only person in the world that gives a damn rather you live or die. *He can feel heat raising in the room but steps closer.* I used to be so much like you when I first met the Cords, so damn sure that I was so smart and strong that I didn't need anyone's help, that I'd look weak if someone was nice to me. I was such a brat, I had to be put in my place over and over again before it finally hit me..I wasn't cool or smart I certainly wasn't the bad ass I thought I was and I was completely alone..That was the worst part, I thought since I didn't have parents since I was 11 that I was used to being alone..Such bullshit I needed friends and my new extended family and finally I found a girl that loved me despite my flaws...See kid I wasn't strong back then but I am now...Since I'm gotten my shit straight, I've fought, rogue spies, terrorist, lycan/black blood hybrids, I've fought and kill just about every kind of scary monster that exist. So if you wish to risk your life and throw some fire at me go for it...I mean it if you're feeling froggy then jump! But think about it you'll only get one shot before I put a 50 caliber nanotip round between your eyes and you'll be dead before you hit the floor. If not I suggest you fix that tude and learn some god damn respect and gratitude for someone trying to take time to help you out. As an upper classman it's my job to assist new students but if you don't want it, you could have say no thank you or I respectfully decline...*He sighs pushing his hair out of his eyes again* Whatever good luck fitting in here, I'm sure there will be lines of people trying to be your friend...Kat I'm sorry you had to hear all of that but your brother is a bit of a tool and he's gonna get hurt if he pisses the wrong person off, this place has some hardcore and powerful beings that have learned their craft over a long time...And you first years need to avoid ticking them off.
{Jirro looked at Izabella then back to Nick and smiled} Well I am a teacher and I just happen to teach swordsmanship so I guess you're in luck. {He turns to Sheena and smiles at her} However today I'm unavailable I've promised this time to Sheena. If you like you can attend my regular class or arrange private lessons on the rare days I have available. Do you know what kind of sword you wish to learn how to wield, given your size I'm afraid there may not be to many options for you at the moment, unless you have monstrous strength like Liza does and can wield a sword twice your height.
(Macal, where's Macal? You always leave out at least one character in your posts :P )

Liza is still hanging onto Faith, looking at her anxiously for her reaction, and Faith picks her up absently, setting her on her hip and again smoothing a hand over her head as she talks to her.

"Liza, you know that you never, ever use your power against people unless they're trying to hurt you very badly, you understand that. You know you never use them against a teacher or another student unless we've asked you to do that in training. Do you understand you could badly hurt someone? That was very wrong of you, and I better not hear about it happening again."

"It won't, not never," Liza promised, nodding solemnly as her hand slip around her mother's neck. "Never never never. Plus also I won't yell and call them bad. Unless they're being really really bad and then I gotta 'cause I shouldn't tell lies."

Faith tries not to laugh at this, not wanting her to think that she's condoning her in any way, but her lips twitch as she sets her down. "Go clean your room, Liza."

As Liza heads off to her room, she turns to Macal, raising an eyebrow. "Well? I'm not seeing anything different about her. We both know we've spoiled her and she can have a temper sometimes...and she is five. Every five year old has tantrums now and then. Hers could just end up deadly."


Sheena waited for Jirro to wrap up his conversation with Nick, smiling down at the girl in a friendly fashion. She's used to seeing the child running around with Liza but hasn't actually spent a lot of time with her on her own; she seems gentle and sweet, a good influence on the wilder Liza, though.

"Do we need to get to the waterfall before dark, or will that be okay it it is?" she asks Jirro. "We could both see fine."


Katarina can barely catch her breath as she watches all that's going on, her eyes darting between each person in turn. The yelling Evan, her brother with his sparking fingertips and dark expression, the heat rising in the room that she knows indicates his losing control....and this Alex, this Alex who keeps pushing him, not seeming to understand that when Adrian is angry, it's best to take cover and get out of his way. She can feel her heart booming against her chest, her hands suddenly sweaty against the weight she is still touching, though no longer lying on her back, and she squeezes the bar hard, just to keep her hands from moving to dig her nails into her skin.

She doesn't often see Adrian this angry, and she doesn't entirely understand what set him off now. But his speaking to her like he has has shaken her up; usually Adrian is gentle with her, though sometimes exasperated, and it is extremely rare for him to outright insult her, especially in front of other people they barely know. Her head lowered, she tries to shake off what he had said to her...was he implying she was a slut?

"Adri," she says again, reaching out to touch his arm, but she snatches it away when she feels the heat of his skin even through his clothes, horrified. "Adri, you have to calm down-"

"Calm down?" he turned on her suddenly, now responding to her as harshly as he had the others. "That's some f****ing irony there, sis, you're the one running around like a b**** in heat."

Katarina's head rears back like she's been slapped, and stares at him, too astonished to cry. Meanwhile Adrian is hearing all that Alex has just said with each word only serving to increase his anger. His entire body is shaking with the building heat in his skin, and when he points a finger at him, this time a flame does emerge from its tips, though it is not focused in intensity and dies out before it reaches the other boy's body.

When he sees the flame emerge, this is enough to begin to calm him down again, the effects of the conduit presence he is still unaware of quickly dying down to a more manageable warmth and lingering anger that he can now control. Looking down at his hand, he feels his face lose some of its heat as well, and he grounds out a two word apology before walking out of the room, his back taut with anger. It isn't until he is well out of sight and away from Thanatos's presence that what he has done truly hits him, and he stops, shaken.

What the hell was wrong with him?

Remaining behind without him, Katarina's face too is taut with feeling, and she begins to sit up jerkily, sure that every person is staring at her. She meets no one's eyes as she starts towards the door. "I...I'm sorry..."

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