Dormer Academy

(Ah yeah thanks Jirro, it was me who asked, and yup, my character Raina definitely has a soul, so I'm gonna assume she counts as a Black Blood, and her sister Faye would be half-black blood probably as well then, because she has a soul as well, or it might just be the non-vampire half that keeps her soul intact? Ah, oh well. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but could Alex be mentored by your character? It's either that or Macal mentors him. Uhh, so I've sorta got the idea of this Dream-Walker guy, but how does it affect your characters?? Do they just go rage mode until they're out of it's range? And can it affect more than one person at a time?)

Chameleon, after wandering the school unsuccessfully for about half an hour - really? No-one had decided to walk around the corridors during that time? Or maybe he was just unintentionally avoiding them without knowing it... - found himself at a door which seemed to have people inside - judging from the hyperactive shouts and fast paced conversation. He sighed and grabbed the handle, turning it and pushing it open. He was hoping that there would be someone inside who could help him find his way to this lobby place or whatever.

Of course, he wasn't expecting to see three little kids running around - one of which included a VERY familiar pig-tailed little a nightgown.

"Uh...Liza?" The shifter cocked his head to the side, staring at her with confusion all over his features, "What...what are you doing here?" Of course, seeing little Liza only reminded Chameleon of the one girl he was desperately trying to forget - so, yeah, that didn't really help. But still, he tried to push past the memories of Raina's lips on his and focused on the small girl instead.

"Are you a student here? Hey, if you are, mind helping me find my way to the headteacher or something? I really need to get my keys and put my stuff away in my room." He waved the small bag in his hand, obviously he didn't have many personal belongings. He then seemed to remember the two other boys in the room - twins? - and gave them a polite greeting nod.
Katarina's willingness to just accept the cruel things Adrian had shouted at her, while not surprising, was still a little alarming to Evan. How could she just take something like that without saying anything? Weren't siblings supposed to bicker? Didn't she want to fight back, defend herself? Evan did understand that Adrian's power might have frightened Kat into keeping silent, not making too much of a fuss with Adrian there, but something about it still bothered her.

"Even if he is right, which I really doubt that he is," she began, her eyes trained on the girl on the bench, "that doesn't give him the right to say it. It's none of his business what you do, with who, or how often. Yeah, he's your brother, but you're your own person too, you know? At the very least, he could have talked to you about it in private, instead of doing it in front of people and embarrassing you like that. It's not fair to you."

She raises a hand to scratch at the back of her neck, where a few baby hairs had come loose from her ponytail and tickled the flesh there. "It's probably not my business." She said after a small pause, "This might just be something between the two of you, but I just think... I don't know, I don't think you deserved that."
Ezra blinked as the person he had spoken to went off to a different room, well, maybe he wasn't going to be seen by everyone at the academy. Suddenly someone almost walked through him, the guy jumped back and stared at him as if he thought that he was going crazy, the look was quite comical, but Ezra managed to keep himself from laughing with effort. "It's alright... I am here." he said with a smile, "I'm just your friend neighborhood ghost. The name's Ezra Defrank." he said, though he didn't hold his hand out.
(Yeah there are multiple workout rooms since this is a place with people of all kinds of powers a normal gym or weigh room could be destroyed if they weren't configured to handle the powers of the students.)

*Mac leans back in his chair and looks up at Faith who always amazes him how she can lighten his mood doing the simplest things like sitting on his desk and kicking her feet.* I was going to wait for Izzy but she can play catch up, besides once you hear what this is about you might agree that we need to both be on the same page before we talk to Izzy...So I talked to Adrian to find out what was causing off the drama...Seems he's upset because he believes his sister is seeing someone that he thinks is bad for her..Normally unless it was an abusive relationship I wouldn't get involve but he thinks the person she's seeing is a teacher...Bucky...So here is the thing let's forget that she's a what 17 and he's in his 20's...Lets just forget that part...He's an instructor and she's a student and that is all kinds of messed up..If what Adrian is saying is true. I have no proof of any of this just the boy's word...And that is the word of a boy that is way to damn jealous of anyone giving his sister some attention....So what is our next move?
(Where are Zeus and Tyrant? Lol)

Hearing Chameleon's voice, Liza turns her head as if she has expected him to come all along, though she actually hasn't seen him in some time. Lifting her hand in a wave, she greets him with her customary cheer.

"Hi Chameleon! You gonna work out with us? You don't got strings for arms neither so you can probably do good at it."

She gestures casually to Zeus and Tyrant bickering behind her as if there is nothing remarkable about either their squabbling or their clearly supernatural strength. "These are my friends. They are dogs sometimes. Plus also they fight a lot."

At his question, she looks at him as if he is just a little on the slow side, shrugging her shoulders and climbing on top of one of the weight machines simultaneously as she answers. "I live here. My mama and my daddy are the bosses here. Plus also my aunt Izzy and my uncle Jirro. We own this place, I think. Do you wanna see my mama?"


Neighborhood ghost? Somehow, this possibility of a fellow...was this guy a student?...hadn't occurred to Adrian. Still, he gives a quick smile, starting to extend his hand, then realizes that the guy can't shake it and withdraws it, giving an awkward laugh.

"Oh, right...I guess that doesn't work out for you too well? I'm Adrian DeSanto."

He looks at Ezra more closely, still somewhat thrown by his presence, and shakes his head. "So not a hallucination...guess that's a relief. Um...what do you mean neighborhood, exactly? Do you live in town or're not a student, are you?"


Not his business...not right...not fair to her...something she didn't deserve. Each word that Evan says to her hits Katarina a little harder, makes it a little more difficult for her to keep her feelings at bay, and she finds herself chewing harder on the inside of her cheeks, her head down so the girl cannot look her in the eye. How can she stand here and say this when she doesn't know her at all? Why does it even matter to her?

Tears come to her eyes before she can stop them, and Katarina stands quickly, blinking, hoping that Evan and Riff do not see as she heads towards the door, calling out over her shoulder, "I...thanks, I...have somewhere I need to go..."


"Adrian caused drama? DeSanto? Shit, what'd he do, set some kid's hair on fire?" Faith sighed, her leg swinging at a slightly faster tempo as she rolled her eyes upward towards the ceiling. "Great job with your mentoree so far, dude," she teased lightly, giving Macal's shoulder a playful push. "Isn't he one of yours?"

When Macal goes on to explain that Adrian is upset over Katarina and Bucky's involvement, the extent of which she isn't sure about, she sighs again, turning to face him more fully. "Yeah, well, I can't blame a guy for being all up in arms over his sister, especially given how the two of them used to live. With those asshole parents of theirs and losing their sister and all, and the way Kat is, I can see why he's got an issue with it. But honestly? Bucky's not really Kat's teacher, he's more like Izzy's assistant than assigned to teach Kat specifically. And she just turned eighteen. Not a lot we can do about it, or should, you know? Really not our business."

She shrugged again, adding, "And yeah, it's true. Heard it from Kitty Kat herself."
{Jirro didn't answer Sheena about the way he just took off, instead he walks to the edge of the river, kicking off his boots, then pulling his shirt off and laying it on the shore line, His back, shoulders and chest now covered with scars that for some reason no matter how much he feeds will never heal, just another reminder of the control Hardtime had over him when he was being held against his will and forced to kill for him. Lastly he pulls off his sun glasses and sets them down next to his boots, stepping into the water despite being a river.} Follow me and be careful the current will get stronger. {Even with his power it's a difficult swim to the base of the falls, he has to used his hidden hand to push the water coming down away from them so they can enter a cave at the base of. Once inside the cave he looks up at the rocky side of the falls} It's safe down here the water flows over this spot giving us some clearance about 40 feet up the water hits the rocks again and you'll have to fight it if you want to climb. The higher you go the more water will be against the rocks and you. {He steps back into the water drawing his sword and moves into a stance and slices at the water falls the force from his swing parts the water for a few seconds.} Climbing will be a good experience but it will hardly make you any good with a sword. {He slices again this time the result is slightly longer} Forcing yourself to do something that defies the natural flow of things is admirable but forcing nature to do something that defies itself is power that is worth obtaining.

{He turns and faces her and with one hand barely swinging at the falls it parts the water but this time it takes a full 20 seconds for the water to return to normal} It's not the force of my blade that makes the water defy it's own nature. It's the force of my will. So climb and enjoy yourself I know you enjoy high places but if you wish to learn the sword then come into the water with me and slice the falls. {It occurs to him that Sheena doesn't have a sword so he holds out Esmerelda to her.} Here, you are now one of two people I would ever let touch her. Now practice.
Chameleon simply blinks at Liza as she babbles on in her usual manner, when she mentions his lack of 'stringy arms' he gives her a quizzical look, "Uh....thanks? I think?" He has no idea how Raina keeps up with this girl. Ouch. There she was again. Always popping into his mind like she owned the place; why couldn't he just stop thinking about her? It was just a stupid little kiss!

He comes back to earth as he hears Liza say that the two twin boys are actually dogs? Wait, what? Eh, he guessed he shouldn't be too freaked out, considering he could turn into a dog right now if he felt like it, or a cat, or a elephant. Yeah, he probably shouldn't though, breaking a weight room on your first day probably isn't the best way to start the school year; or what's left of it.

He doesn't seem to acknowledge the fact that the two boys squabbling behind Liza obviously have incredible strength to be doing what they're doing; it just breezes over his head. He instead watches Liza as she casually informs him that Macal and Faith own the school, along with some people called Izzy and Jirro.

He tries to take that information in without gaping at her, he really shouldn't be surprised to be honest, he knew Macal was a freakin' god, and he was pretty sure Faith was somehow a goddess too, so them owning a school really wouldn't be that hard to believe.

"Uh, sure, where is she?" He responded to her question slowly; maybe talking to Faith would be best, she could show him where to get his keys and stuff. He just hoped she wouldn't ask him about Raina or anything.
"How come you wear sunglasses when it's practically night?" Sheena asked as Jirro removed them, interested. "You trying to be like a celebrity or something?"

She snickered at this joke, but her smile drops when Jirro removes his shirt and she sees the scars marking his body, her mouth straightening into a solemn line. It's not something they've talked about, and she knows he likely doesn't want to; still, it seems like it would be wrong of her not to bring it up, with them so visible in front of her.

"Jirro...your...what happened with was really bad, wasn't it?" she said quietly. "It seems like it was really awful."

As she follows him to the cave at the base of the falls, her anticipatory adrenaline is reaching a new high, and she begins to smile to herself again, her heart beating fast in her chest. She had already been trying to think of how exactly she would get herself up the falls, but when Jirro hands her his sword, she stares at it, hardly able to believe it. She's never even dreamed of touching his sword before.

"You...I can use that?" she asked incredulously. "Whoa...thank you!"

She holds it carefully as she starts at the base, giving an experimental swing into the water and grinning when it parts for her easily. Beginning to climb carefully, balancing with her feet and one hand and using the sword with her left, she starts her trek upward.


"Hm, I don't actually know that," Liza said in response to Chameleon's question, tilting her head. "My daddy had to talk to her alone and I couldn't even go. I think maybe 'cause I was real bad today and they're gonna talk about me. They said I'm not gonna get in trouble but maybe they changed their minds I think."

Still, she doesn't seem overly concerned with this as she flips herself rightside up, then dismounts, running over to the twins and thumping them both. "You didn't say hi to Chameleon! He is my friend. Only he don't change colors and stick out his tongue."
Ezra watched him hold his hand out and then pull it away, "Still getting used to it, actually. I've only been dead six months." he said matter of factly, "Though... I've already met some people here that seem interested in helping me, that Alex guy wants to study me. I'm a little wary of that, but if he does, he might be able to create something that will allow me to touch things." he said with a smile.

"Nope, not a hallucination, just a regular old ghost." he said, then he tilted his head as Adrian asked about the 'neighborhood' part of what he said. Ezra blinked slowly, then shrugged some, "Well, I did talk to Faith about joining the school today, I haven't done the paperwork, not being able to hold a pen makes that difficult, but apparently I'm accepted unless they find they can't teach me anything." he said, then he frowned some, "As for the Neighborhood thing.... it's a quote... Didn't you ever watch Spider-Man? 'Just another service from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.' That's what the real quote is. He would sometimes leave it on a note after helping someone. Me, I'm just using it 'cause I think it's funny to confuse people." he said with a smile
"Perhaps next time..." Izzy murmers softly, watching as her husband suddenly runs off. It was bothering her how they barely seemed to talk. Looking at her cousin she prompts her to go. "I'll see you both at dinner...I should be heading back for my classes...and you missy..." She looked down at Nick and grinned. "I should be getting you back as well, see if you can find Liza and the others...I'm sure there might be some wooden swords in one of the training rooms, you two could practice sparring or something, I'm sure she'd love to help..."

After leading her back to the main campus, Izzy excuses herself and goes to teach her next class. It goes by in a blur and before she knows it, her students have already left. Her earlier rage from before still plays at the surface as her thoughts turn to Jirro, hating the lingering feeling that he's been hiding something from her...was there someone else? Could there be? Were the events that took place back with HardTime and Marie so damaging that just looking at her brought them all back?

Her rage turned and shifted into fear, then paranoia, and without even realizing it, she had started running, up past the main campus and back to their apartment, the door shaking as it slammed behind her. Flashes of her torture played against her closed lids like a sick, twisted movie and she shook her head frantically, willing the images to go away. She didn't even realize she was stripping out her clothes, and had changed into a sports bra and some sweats when she suddenly blinks and see the punching bag swinging before her eyes.

She caught the punching bag, her fingers digging into the red leather as it swung back at her. The chain holding it up in the ceiling, gave an almost protesting wail, as if threatening to break. She must have been going at this for hours now, having locked herself in their training room, with no intention of leaving it anytime soon. Izzy ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. She didn't remember starting this...

As her hand dropped back down to her side, after wiping at her brow, her bangs matted down with sweat- her eyes fell on her now bruised and bleeding knuckles. It caused her to sigh loudly, as she knew she would hear about it later. She should have worn gloves...or at least wrapped her hands up...but hadn't she just been teaching?

The pain wasn't that fact it was down to a low sting each time her knuckles met the bag. Just a small reminder of the pain she had been feeling inside, the reason why she had locked herself up in this room to begin with. She started up again, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she continued her heavy assault on the bag. A jab here...a hook there...pretty soon she had a pretty good rythem going, having blocked everything out until there was nothing but the sound of her flesh hitting the leather.

The punches started coming faster, harder...there was blood on the bag which caused her punches to slide just a bit. She still pushed on. She was afraid to stop, afraid to death that if she stopped now, she would break down and crash...and she just couldn't have that. She needed to be strong. And not just for herself...but she needed to be strong, to put on a brave face for everyone else.

Her breathing was heavy now, her heart hammering away in her chest, threatening to burst. No longer was the sound that she heard her punching, but the roaring of her blood pounding in her veins. She continued to hit the bag, as if with each hit she could some how push all of her pain, her grief and her guilt into if she could somehow hurt if her continued assault would make everything just go away...make everything just stop...And it did...

With a loud, frustrated cry, she hit the punching bag hard one last time. There was a groaing noise, followed by a snap and the large leather bag fell, rolling along the floor until it stopped at her feet.

As she went to kick at her, her legs finally gave out, after hours of having stood there on them, her body having been so tense. She reached out, catching herself, her palms slamming on the cold floor. Another cry escape her lips, a soft whimper as pain shot up both arms. The pain brought her back to reality, and she stayed there, on all fours, just staring at the ground, as her breathing slowed back down to what would be considered normal.

The combined scent of blood and sweat was finally starting to get to her...she needed to get out of this room...

Her feet felt like rubber as she dragged herself down the hallway, one hand sliding along the wall. it felt like she was touching sandpaper as she pulled her tanktop off, her bra quickly following, and she dropped them in a pile, standing there in the master bathroom doorway.

She didn't even glace at her reflection in the mirror as she leaned over into the shower, turning the hot water on full blast. She winced again softly as she pushed her sweats down, stepping out of them, and kicked them to the side. She ran her hands through her sweat matted hair, and closed the glass door to the shower, as she stepped under the running stream.

The water slowly started to sooth her aching muscles, and she closed her eyes, running both hands through her hair as the water continued to rain down on her. It pooled around her feet, slowly sliding towards the drain, a pink tinge to it as the water washed clean away all the bloor from her broken hands. Her body still shook though, all the rage building up beneath the pain. The punching bag had just been a temporary distraction. And suddenly...she stopped caring about being strong...

With a heartbreaking cry, she slammed her palms against the tiles in the shower. Little ceramic shards fell about her feet as she continued to scream, not caring if anyone heard her in her grief, not caring at all...she just continued to beat at the walls until there was nothing left to beat...

Fresh tears fell from her stinging eyes, as she slowly sunk to the floor, a tiny whimper escaping her lips following by sobs. She drew her knees up to her chest and cried. The shower continued to beat down on her, the water mixing with her tears and the blood from her freshly cut hands as it slid down her arms and legs. But she didn't care...

She just needed this cry.....

((always wondered if I'd be able to use that old note again, seemed to fit in just fine at this point, makes up for my small posts the last few weeks :P ))
Evan almost instantly regretted saying what she had to Kat when she saw how her posture had changed at hearing her words. God, she could be such an idiot! Her eyes stayed trained on the other girl, looking for any signs of... she didn't know. But when she stood up and walked out, muttering something about needing to be somewhere else, Evan took a deep breath and bit down hard on her lip.

Of course this is what would happen. She shouldn't have inserted herself into the fight like that, when it was clearly none of her business. Adrian hadn't set anything on fire, nobody was physically hurt, so why did she have to do that?! Why couldn't she have just kept her damn mouth shut?

A small, frustrated growl burned at the back of her throat and she raked her fingers along the top of her head, stopping when she got to her hairtye, ready to start looking up more stunt videos online to burn off the fresh rush of anger that had started balling itself back up in her chest. Maybe she could find somebody to spar with, or some room that wasn't hers to destroy. That might get her in trouble, though. Turning on her heels, she looked over at Riff and raised her eyebrows.

"I crossed a line, didn't I?"
*The twins are very shy around other people, Liza is actually the only person that has ever seen them in their human form, not even Macal has, it's a trick they do with people's perception of them, Liza sees them as little boys but everyone else only see them in their hound form. So when Liza comes over to the twins they look human to her but Chameleon sees two giant white German Sheppard's . shying in the corner of the room. Snapping at each other playfully.*

*Mac sits silently listening to Faith's point and pauses a moment.* If this hadn't almost ended in violence, I would have to agree with you that it's none of our business but it did and Andrian is a kid so I can almost excuse his behavior but instructor or not Bucky's questionable at least...I have the feeling that if I hadn't walked by those walls would be scorched and bloody. Besides I've told the kid I'd look into this and I will not lie to him. So it comes down to this, you and Izzy can speak with him or I can. And although we can't forbid him from seeing that girl I hardly think we should encourage it by not speaking to him about it. In fact it might be the better part of valor if we tell them to confine their relationship to off Academy Grounds at least until her brother learns to accept their relationship..It's hardly fair but it's probably the safe bet....At least this is how I see things. *He yawns and stretches his arms above his head.* Well that's just my opinion, I may be the founder of this place but in the end it's your Academy and your final decision.
"Study you?" Adrian blinked, surprised. It had never occurred to him that ghosts existed, let alone that people could study them. But then, Alex, from what he knew of him, seemed pretty much a whiz at figuring out the strange and impossible, so if anyone could, he could. "That's...interesting...I guess that would be cool for you then?"

As a new through struck him, he added, "Hey, maybe they can resurrect you or something...apparently a lot of people here have died before, I are a good ghost, right? Not don't look like an evil spirit..."

He shrugged somewhat self-consciously, giving a sheepish smile. "Probably, I haven't seen Spiderman. I haven't...we never really had TV all that regularly, Kat and me. My sister."

Not wanting to talk about her so soon after the incidents of the day, he changes the subject. "So, do ghosts get bedrooms?"


Head down, bangs partly hanging in her eyes, Katarina hurried from the room, her shoulders hunched inward, her hands cupping her elbows as she walked with small, quick strides down the hallway and towards the girls' quarters that her room is contained within. She considers going into her own room but then passes it by, continuing on to the public toilet, tub, and shower areas, where she locks herself into a stall, sits on a toilet, and drops her head into her hands. She is shaking slightly, again biting down on her inner cheeks as she breaths in quick inhalations, struggling not to let tears escape.

She knows she's somewhat promiscuous, or has been in the past. Her parents made this clear to her in the names they called her, and her brother has talked to her about his concerns a couple of times before. She knows that others often see her as weak or needy, and she herself feels the same. But Adrian saying that to her, saying it where others could hear...this she's having a hard time being able to accept. This shakes her up more than if anyone else in the world could have said it, because Adrian is supposed to be on her side.

It was so hard, sitting there where no one could see, for her to keep from standing up and searching for something sharp to scrape against her skin, or at the very least to bang her wrist or arm against the metal holder of the paper towel roll. In the end it was not self control but rather fleeing the solitude entirely that kept her from doing so. As Katarina stood so suddenly she nearly tripped, going out into the main area of the bathroom and then out the door, she is still thinking very hard of how it would feel better, just for a second, even, to do something to hurt herself. Even if it did prove Adrian right.


"You guys are not even being polite, I think," Liza scolded Tyrant and Zeus as she turned to them, shaking her head at them along with her index finger. "I talked to Chameleon so you should too. He's a big boy but he's nice. His girlfriend is too but she don't want no one to know that. She pretends she's not but she is. We're sisters. And you know what, I haven't got to see her in a long time...Chameleon? Is Raina here?" she asks hopefully, turning back towards him and tugging at his arm. "Can you tell her that I miss her and I love her and I hope she's not being bad no more 'cause she really isn't? Can you tell her to come see me and I can give her a hug and we can play?"


Frowning, Faith nods slowly, not entirely pleased with Macal's suggestion, but she has to admit he has a point. If Adrian is getting violent over this, it's true that he's the student, the one still learning control. Bucky should already have it, as a teacher, enough to practice discretion. And Faith has her own thoughts about Katarina and her involvement with men, particularly older ones.

"No, I get what you mean," she said finally. "Look, I'll talk to Izzy about it, and we can decide who has a chat with him...but I'm not gonna outright forbid anything, Macal, they're both over eighteen here. Kitty might still be a child in all reality but she's reached the magical adult age...and while we're at it, I mean, come on, how fair would that look if you forbid her at age eighteen to date someone when you let your own eighteen-year-old daughter sleep with a boy every night? Granted, Sheena's way more mature than she is, and been way more tested and all the rest, but still. Looks like playing favorites."

She shrugs again. "I'll call Iz now." Flipping out her cell phone, she rang her number, waiting for her response.

Sheena: With Jirro

(I recognized that right away, Izzy, can she still put her hair in a ponytail? :P )
You're right about Sheena and Alex but unlike Bucky and Kat, those two have fought together, bled together been in so many life or death situations at such a young age, how can I allow them to risk their lives then deny them from taking comfort in each other? It's not fair and some might say it isn't right but it is what it is. Besides I've seen their future and they are devoted to each other as much as we are to each other or Jirro and Izzy are...Anyway like I said this is your call in the end I'll stand by what you decide. However I don't want Bucky and Adrian fighting in the halls anymore, I think if things get to bad, they should take it to the dojo and duke it out.

*Alex was walking back to his quarters, when he can hear Liza's voice as he comes around the corner, he sees her in the corner lecturing two large dogs, he remembers belonging to Macal and the back of some guy's head he sort of knows. Stepping into the door he knocks on the wall.* Liza,what's going on? You look like you're suppose to be in bed. *He notices the night gown* Sooo I bet I should probably pretend like I didn't see you here. *He makes his way around to see the face of the guy in the room.* Hey I remember you from the old academy, do you go here now..Oh god please tell me Raina isn't here with you, she's not exactly on the best of terms with me and Sheena.
"That much is true, and I'm definitely not saying that Alex and Sheena should have to stay know they'd just go outside or whatever if we told them that, or Sheena would roll her eyes and laugh at me," Faith concedes, smirking at the very thought of attempting to tell her she could no longer stay with Alex when it was Faith herself who had prodded and pushed her into trusting him enough to let herself love him. "Keep in mind though, Bucky and Kitty have known each other for like, what, two days? It's not like they're doing it in every corner...I hope," she adds with some doubt, not certain with Katarina in the picture to think about.

"Trust me, I'm not gonna let Adrian walk around shooting flames at everyone, that's just not gonna happen...and Bucky can keep his fur down too. Look, I'm calling Iz and we'll see...if she'd pick up the phone," she rolled her eyes again as it continued to ring. "Where is she anyway?"


"I am not neither supposed to be in bed," Liza announces; Casey is still watching her from the doorway and gives a faint bark of greeting to Alex as he enters the room. "I was supposed to take a bath but Mama said put on clothes plus also I think she forgot, so yay for me."

She perks up more when Alex mentions Raina, turning back to Chameleon. "I hope she is here 'cause she's on good terms with me, I think. 'Cause we're sisters and we love each other and stuff. So I really really hope she's here so I can give her a hug and we can play weights and do too see me, Alex, 'cause your eyeballs were looking at me."
( . . . Wow . . . I didn't think I was gone that long until I saw all this . . . )

Riff was rather content that Katarina had decided to stay and train. As Evan helped the girl with the weights, Riff decided he should probably do the same, seeing as he had come here to improve his strength to begin with. Taking a couple of dumbbells, he began his own training. He tuned out the girls' conversation, believing that it wasn't nice to eavesdrop on others.

But then Kat got up and left. And now Evan was asking if she had crossed a line. Not really listening, he couldn't really answer her. A bit confused and embarrassed, he looked toward the ground as questions began flooding his head. What had they said? What words could've made Kat leave like that? Was Kat sad? Or mad? Now he was really starting to wish he had listened in on their conversation.

He tried his best to calculate some sort of answer. Vash always asked him for advice. Sometimes Mel did as well. What was it about him that made people think he had answers? He was an ex-delinquent who went to jail for attacking his own father with a baseball bat. He traveled the globe with a serial killer and even killed quite a few people himself. He couldn't even get a girl to stop ignoring him over a misunderstanding. He wasn't exactly a model citizen or someone who could understand girls in the slightest.

Eventually he was able to look at her though he still didn't have an answer. "Well, to be honest, I wasn't paying attention so I have no idea what happened. But I'm sure you didn't mean to cross any lines if you did. It's really hard to tell since the lines are set by each person so there isn't some guide book that can tell you how to avoid them all. Sometimes there are things we just don't want to or can't hear, even if they seem normal to everyone else." Riff let out a sigh as his eyes fell to the floor again. God, this was complicated.

"Do you think we should go after her?"
(and because I completely forgot character Macal's birthday yesterday...and uh, Faith called Izzy, Izzy...)

Faith rolled her eyes as Izzy's phone continued to ring, holding it apart from her absently. "She always does this, ring ring ring...I swear, I think sometimes she forgets how to even operate them and just like walks around wandering what that song that keeps playing in her head is doing up there....oh well, more time for us."

Sliding across the desk and sending several papers scattering as she does so, she launches herself into Macal's lap, straddling him so she is facing him as she slides one hand up his neck around the back of his head. Smiling so her dimples come into view, she leans forward to kiss him thoroughly first on the lips, then up the jaw and on his earlobe, giving a light nip before pulling back.

"You thought you got away with it, no such luck. Happy birthday, baby. Liza didn't remember yet but it's gonna dawn on her sooner or later, and you know the glitter fest and melting, scorched birthday cake will be around the corner."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/249714_1764816476620_1125380092_31595347_1923208_n.jpg.33399ccc071c91cf5dabb196ba8359d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/249714_1764816476620_1125380092_31595347_1923208_n.jpg.33399ccc071c91cf5dabb196ba8359d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nick had a small frown on her face as she watched Sheena and Jirro run off, she looked up at Izzy, managing a small smile for her, but inside her thoughts were anything but happy. She couldn't believe that she was being left on her own again, being told to go and find something to do. She walked with Izzy back to the school then watched as she walked off on her own.

Nickkie held Donnie to her thin chest, still frowning, why was it that people always left her alone? All she wanted was for someone to be there for her that would actually care and not just act like they cared until it was no longer convenient. Everyone left her, even her own parents, so obviously she was never wanted and probably never would be wanted, and that just wasn't something that the young girl wanted to accept. She frowned and then started walking off, hoping to find a training room, she wanted to try to take her mind off of this, but she didn't even know what really caused it.

As she walked into the training room she noticed the girl, Evan, from earlier, and someone that she didn't know. She stopped, slowly tilting her head, she still had a frown on her face, but now she was already starting to calm down, being alone was something that she should have been used to by now, and she should have understood that people had better things to do than to hang around a child that wasn't even theirs, she couldn't help wondering why she had even gotten angry over it, she normally wasn't a very angry person, so this was strange for her. "Hello.." she said to the two people in the room as she started to walk into the room.


Ezra nodded a little, "Yeah, he wants to study me, apparently most of the people here haven't even seen a ghost, so, I guess I'm a bit of a rare thing around here." he said with a shrug, he didn't really want to be studied, but if it would help him to be able to touch things again, then it would be worth it to go through all of the things that Alex would put him through. "Yeah, it would be great to be able to touch things again, and not have to worry about concentrating to even be able to touch something, but I do like walking through walls." he said with a smile.

As Adrian mentioned him being resurrected, he shrugged a little, "I don't know... if he did manage that then I'd want to go home... and with how my mother reacted to my attempts to reach her before I left home it might not be a good thing. I think I almost drove her insane before, and me coming home alive would be way too much of a shock for her." he said with a small frown, then he blinked as Adrian asked if he was a good ghost. "Well... I haven't really done anything, and what I did to my mother was unintentional and once I realized what it was doing to her I left instantly... so I guess that means that I'm good... or at least that I'm not bad."

"You didn't have TV?" he asked as he tilted his head, though he did go out and do things with his parents they still all enjoyed watching shows on the TV, so this was a little shocking to him, though he knew that everyone was different and he mentally scolded himself for thinking that everyone had a life like he had, he knew better than that. "Well, maybe if you get the chance you can watch it sometime, it was fun." he said with a nod, then he tilted his head, "You have a sister?" he asked.

Before Ezra could ask anything else about Adrian's sister or say anything else Adrian was changing the subject. "Oh... well, Faith said that since I didn't have any personal items and I don't sleep I don't need one... But I would like to have one... it would be great to have a place to go when I want to be alone, apparently even wandering in the woods doesn't allow you to be alone here." he said quietly.
*Mac wraps his arms around Faith and kisses her back* I honestly didn't think it was a big deal, after all I've had over 12,202 of them but I am looking forward to the half burnt half raw cake and the glue and glitter covered card from Liza. *He stands up still holding her in his arms her feet clearly not touching the ground.* We should head back, aren't we suppose to have dinner with Jirro and Izzy in a bit? We can talk to her about Bucky then. *Pats her on the butt as he lets her slide down* This will be a short dinner right, I want to unwrap my present alone. And lets just say we'll both be real happy that I paid those contractors for sound-proofing our bedroom.

*Alex can't really argue with Liza's logic as smart he is, Liza could overload his mind if he actually tried to figure her out.* Ummm ok but I think your mom and dad would still want me to take you back to your quarters and stay with you till someone comes back. *He looks at the hounds in the room.* All of us should go, it's late Liza I'm sure you're not suppose to be wandering the halls..Even with you guardian.
(Sheena is waterfall climbing with Jirro pretty late...oooh she's in trouble, forgot her dad's birthday. Also, if anyone wants to find Kat, feel free. Sheena: still with Jirro)

"I'm pretty sure Sheena took off with Jirro somewhere...I'm gonna make sure she feels bad for forgetting tomorrow," Faith smirked, wrapping her legs around Macal's waist to support herself before he lets her down. "We can go change and get Liza and swing by their place though, go get Izzy. She's been alone too much anyway lately, she needs to come have some burnt birthday cake with us."

As she lands on her feet, tilting up her head to look up nearly a foot into his eyes, she gives a mischievous smile, eyebrows arched. "Oh, you're gonna love your present all usual. Better get changed fast or we might get distracted and start on it early."


"Awwww you are no fun at all, Alex," Liza grumbled, wrinkling her nose at him and huffing, but she did jump down and come to him, looking over her shoulder at Zeus and Ty. Casey is waiting patiently for her as she calls back to them.

"Don't fight no more, silly billy goo goos. Just come back home and play with me. Except maybe you shouldn't 'cause Mama and Daddy might remember bath time and then you gotta get a bath too I bet."


"Huh," Adrian mused, taking in everything Ezra is telling him with some continued surprise. "Wow."

That is really all he has to say about the matter, and he shakes his head again, giving him a weak smile. "Yeah, I have a sister...a twin...Kat."

It was hard for him not to add that he had two sisters, still seemed almost impossible to him that Alice had died, that he had been the cause of her death. Sometimes he woke expecting to hear or see her, and when the truth crashed into him all over again he could barely get through the day.

"That's pretty cool...I guess I don't have to worry about heaven or hell or whatever then, since it seems like hardly anyone stays dead..."

A new thought strikes him then, and his eyes widen, his chest constricting with sudden hope as he looks up at Ezra, trying to keep his tone casual. "Uh. Ezra. ever see a little girl? About seven years old...brown hair, blue eyes...bangs...a ghost...her would be Alice..."
((Serenity_Black: well now I feel like a jerk :P ))

It felt like hours had passed, the hot water beating down on her had started to run ice cold, but Izzy barely felt it as it pelted down against her back. Goosebumps had broken out across her skin, and her hands which held her knees to her chest, shook each time she took in a breath.

In the distance, she could hear her cellphone vibrating against the kitchen table where she had tossed it, but by the time she had dragged her body back up into a standing position, it had stopped. Shutting the water off, she blindly reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself, her feet forming small puddles as she stepped out from the shower and onto the tiled floor. Her wounds had healed, her actions almost forgotten, although she knew she'd have a lot of explaining to do when Jirro returned and found the shower in ruins. Evenif she did clean up the broken pieces from the wall, there'd still be that ugly hole with the piping exposed and there was no way she could fix that herself.

Slowly making her way through the apartment, she felt a cool breeze on the back of her neck and she instantly missed her long hair as she shivered. Finding her phone, she saw that there was a missed call from Faith and sent her a quick text, apologizing and asking what was up. She couldn't bring herself to call, knowing her voice might give herself away and instead, went in search of some clean clothes. She wasn't sure when Jirro would be returning and how much time she had until dinner with the Cords, she she dressed quickly in a tight fitting black tee and light blue skinny jeans with the holes in the knees. Her palms still looked a little rough, but she knew the markings would be gone by the time anyone saw her.


Bucky found himself wandering the grounds outside of the main campus, after his little...'confrontation' with Katarina's brother. The Lycan's blood still boiled slightly as the memory lingered in his mind, so without even thinking twice about it, he found himself turning towards the woods, shedding clothing as he went and took off running, landing on all fours in an instant, his black and brown fur glistening in the sunlight that peeked from between the trees.

It felt good to run, he hadn't done it in days now, not since his first night here. Izabella had taken him out to show him around, and that alone had been wonderful. He couldn't recall the last time he had been able to do that with his Pack-sister, and it had felt amazing being able to run alongside her, giving chase, then going off to hunt some game further off on the grounds...

Now he was alone, and instead of running for the fun of it, he was doing so to get away from it all. He couldn't belive how close he had come before to pushing things further with that boy, how he had let himself get taunted like that, spoken down to, by what...a child?

Stopping himself, Bucky paused, his head tilting sideways as he took in the scents and sights from the woods. There he went again, calling Adrian a child. He was Katarina's twin, so what did that make her? And if Bucky did in fact have these strong feelings for her, then what did that in turn make him?

Huffing, he gave himself a tiny shake, his fur puffing out slightly and flicked his tail, starting back down the path he had come down on. It would have been a funny sight to see, a wolf sulking, but he hardly thought twice about it.

He had to find her...had to find Kat, sit her down, talk to her about what her brother had told him. Tell her how her past didn't matter, what she had done to herself...Bucky growled, his claws digging into the dirt and he snapped his canines in the air angrily. He still couldn't believe that Adrian would betray his sister like that. He had had no business telling Bucky all of those secrets. How would she be able to open up to him now, she would probably just worry about Bucky judging her, but he wouldn't...he can't...

Maybe he was falling for her...

Finding his clothes, he shifted back and headed back to the main campus. 
((Must have posted at the same time, Bucky is heading back to look for Kat))
Giving Macal a returning light spank to get him going, Faith walked towards the door and held it for him. As she waited for him to walk through, then fell in place beside him, she is thinking back to past birthdays of his and how they had celebrated. Initially just the two of them, then with Liza, then with Sheena, and now with Izzy and Jirro as well. Of course, what he doesn't know is that she has recruited many students to pop out and loudly sing happy birthday, with more than a few props.

Just thinking about this, she grins, quickening her steps towards their living quarters. Checking her phone and seeing that Izzy had answered, she punches in a quick response before going inside. Liza is already back, having been dropped off by Alex, and she is not in the least thrilled to hear that it was Faith's intention to eat her burnt cake and put her to bed before going off for dinner. Dressed in a white party dress, she stomps her feet, pouting.

"Mama! I made a card and I wanna come 'cause I like parties!!!"


Bucky was the last person that she should see, Katarina knew. Yet almost immediately after she left the bathroom, there he was, right in front of her- again.

Immediately shame, mild panic, and guilt surge through her, twisting her stomach into pained knots, and she directed her gaze to the ground, noticeably hunching as she tried to think of what to do, what to say. Certainly Adrian had talked to him, and there was no telling what he thought now. She couldn't be rude and act like she never saw him...what was she supposed to do?

She bit down on her tongue, fighting her urge to run, her arms prickling with her nerves in a way that did not at all help her dilemma.
He wasn't expecting to run into her so fast, but as he rounded the corner, Bucky found himself face to face with Katarina. He had to fight back the sudden urge to hold her and instead, took a step back, coughing as he rubbed the back of his neck. he shifted his weight uncomfortably and just stared at her silently for a minute. He wasn't sure if Adrian had told her what had happened, or how much she knew. Hell, he wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to speak with him ever again, he had after all, come pretty close to attacking her kin...that was pretty much a deal breaker with most people...

Swallowing hard, he forced himself to not think about what had gone down and offers her a small, almost sad smile. "I...I was just coming to find you...we...I think you and I should talk..."

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