Dormer Academy

"Ewww, Dad, don't talk in air quotes about doing things where I can see," Sheena scrunches her nose at him, raking her hands through her hair in an effort to keep it from her face, but it just falls back again. "Or I'm gonna start making quotes about me and Alex doing things too....and I do NOT smell like a wet puppy, don't be a jerk!"

She brushed past them and headed towards her own bedroom, which is rarely slept in these days, intending to rummage for a towel and something drier to wear as she calls over her shoulder, "Raina is back and in a super special mood like usual, so enjoy."

"She's all yours...I had her earlier...and I gotta get Izzy," Faith cut and run as well, heading down the hallway towards Izzy's wing before Macal could say anything about it. As she comes to Jirro's and Izzy's door, she knocks, then bangs loudly and repeatedly, calling out, "Helllooooo she who doesn't answer phones, helloooooo, time to goooooooo nowwwwww!"
(Happy birthday Macal.

()*:・゚*:・゚ * )

Riff smiled at Nick as she and Evan both went to do their own things. But it soon faded when he heard some people passing in the hallway. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the door before turning to the girls with the relaxed smile back on his face. "Well, I apologize but it seems to be getting late. I should go then. Adieu." He walked normally until he had made it past the door. After that he started running down the hall. Soon he caught up to her. Lilith.

And it seemed like she spotted him as well, seeing as she stopped walking and turned around. "Well. Fancy meeting you here. Now what could one of Mel's dogs possibly be talking to me?" she said with heavy sarcasm. "I'm not handing over this body like that. It's just too much fun watching her squirm. Besides I earned this."

"You cheated. And soon Mel will kill you and claim her body back." Riff's sudden outburst only made the angel laugh. "You don't know? Well of course you don't. Your master has already kicked you to the curb like unwanted trash." At this point, Lilith began walking toward the butler. "Mel isn't going to do anything. That little weakling has suddenly decided to play the honor student and follow the rules here. And unless I go and kill another student, she can't touch me. Pathetic, isn't she? You should join forces with me instead."

Lil had planned to pass the demon but in the blink of an eye, he had her pinned to the wall, his hand gripped firmly around her neck. The usual relaxed look on his face was replaced with one filled with anger, a face befitting of a demon. It was an expression few ever saw. Vash himself had only seen Riff get angry once and was determined not to see it again. "You are a fool who creates slaves to do your dirty work. A coward and incompetent, incapable of doing anything on your own. Someone like you doesn't even deserve the deepest pits of Hell. So don't you go calling my master pathetic when you can't even hope to measure up to a worm."

Lilith tried to remove his hand from her throat, but couldn't do anything as it began to tighten. She did manage to say one more phrase with the few gasps of breath she had left. "You wouldn't hurt your precious master's body, would you?"

This sentence only seemed to make Riff angrier as his hand tightened even more, cutting off Lil's air supply. His glare strengthened and only seemed more intimidating as he pulled his face close to hers. "I will never hurt my master. But you are not her." He then threw her on the ground and walked away. Mel should be the one to finish her off and he wasn't going to take that away from her.

Lil sat on the ground gasping for air. Her hand went up to her neck. She could even feel the bruises left behind by Riff. What was wrong with those servant guys? Why couldn't she manipulate them as easily as she could with the other guys? Was following a murderer that great? It was starting to piss her off.


Mel looked up at Chameleon and although she couldn't show it on her face, the disgust she felt was easily heard through her voice. "Great. Another one of you. It was bad enough with the Mt. Olympus family but now we've got the wonder siblings and the lizard king." The doll turned her head away from the shapeshifter's hand. "I don't need your help." Like with Raina and Faye, Mel didn't have anything personal against Leon. However, he was one of the types of people Mel hated most. Always so calm, Mel hated anyone who always stayed cool and collected no matter what. Those were typically the type of people who hid things or were just plain heartless. (Not saying that Leon's either. Just Mel's prejudice.)

Vash then came round the corner, properly dressed this time. When he spotted Leon, he pointed at him. "Hey. It's you. You're . . . you're . . . Nope. I don't know." His eyes drifted to Mel, who held her arms up to him. "Vash. Up. Now." He did as she said and hoisted her onto his back. "Should we get your leg?" "No, we can make another." "Okay."

The demon looked at the shifter. "No offense or anything dude. But why are you even here? Weren't you doing fine at that other school?" Now Vash didn't know Chameleon at all, not even the fact that he was royalty. Mel wasn't one to spread secrets. But Vash did know that the guy seemed to have it all together. He didn't get involved with fights. He didn't get bullied. He didn't seem to have any problems. Unlike Mel who had to get away from that place due to bullying and disappointment, Leon seemed to be doing fine. So why was he here and not there? (Not implying that there's some deep secret or motive or whatever.)

(I just realized. How would Thanatos affect my characters? I mean 3 out of 4 have short tempers and they all go all out when angry. Mel, Lil and Riff have no qualms with killing and Vash is all for starting fights . . . Well, I supposed the whole destroying relationships thing (Although Mel's already hit that mark as well . . .) Oh well, I need to think on this.)
Raina is less than impressed when she realises not only did Sheena seem fine with being sworn at AND called a pup, but she's also covered in disgusting, smelly, sweat. Which has somewhat got onto Raina. Just, perfect. "What am I doing here? Apparently running into sweaty, smelly pups with the hair of a jungle beast." She snaps this comment out just before Faith pulls open the door, and she half wishes she had been hit by it so she'd have an excuse to either attack someone or leave, like, now.

She unsuccessfully tries to hide the sour look on her face as she responds to Faith, "Come where? You guys going to Narnia or something? 'Cause I totally don't want to run into talking beavers or shit like that." She then adds on as an afterthought, "I didn't come here for anything, I'm looking for some popcorn for Faye and happened to run into Sweaty Sheena over here."

And then there was four, as Macal had also decided to appear in the doorway. This didn't piss her off as much as Sheena and Faith's appearances though, as Macal she could tolerate, he sort of was even amusing, slightly. When Sheena speaks, Raina turns to raise an eyebrow at her, she goes to ask her something, but as she brushes past - commenting on Raina's mood, damn lycan - Raina instead looks to Macal and asks him the question instead, just as Faith speeds off, "Since when did Lycan girl start calling you Dad? And where are you guys actually going, gonna go save the world or something?"


Chameleon retracted his hand as it was so obviously not going to be accepted, he wasn't that miffed though, he didn't really care if she took it or not. He brushed away the 'another one of you' comment, not getting the link between the 'wonder siblings' and Raina. He just thought it was Mel being Mel. The king comment stung a bit, firstly, he didn't even want to be a royal, and secondly, he wasn't the damn king yet. If he was, things would be a hell of a lot different in his Kingdom. Things sucked the way they were now. Barely any 'outsiders' - namely non-shape shifters - were allowed in, and their whole kingdom seemed to be stuck back in the medieval era or something except they did talk normally. The suckiest thing of all was that everyone listened to his stupid Mother and Uncle no matter what - they were all too scared to stand up to them. None of the other races messed with the shape-shifter kingdom though, since they were their own separate little island. They were left alone.

But back to reality, Mel had just rejected help from him and he simply shrugged, shoving his hands back into his pockets. He noticed Vash come around the corner and let his eyes move to take in the pointing boy. He didn't seem to recognize him, but Chameleon only remembered him from seeing him around with Mel and Riff anyway, they hadn't actually really spoke properly before.

He watched the two interact silently, stopping himself from smiling at them, he could see how close they were, despite Mel's cold front, she was just like Raina. (Not implying she is, it's just Leo's messed up thinking at the moment) Damn. He needed to smack himself over the head with a pole until he forgot about that girl, she was in his thoughts almost all the time lately, and it was really getting to him.

He snapped his eyes back to look at the pair, extinguishing his thoughts as he realised Vash was asking him why he was even here. "Weren't you doing fine at that other school?" His eyes hit the floor as he held back a violent growl. "Yeah, I was." Ouch. He needed to get that bite out of his voice. He sounded positively venomous then. He mentally shook himself before letting his eyes go back to Vash and Mel as he gave them a half-smile, "Sorry," He apologized for his momentary lapse in temper as though it was a habit for him to do so before the smile fell and he shrugged, "I was doing fine at the other school, but my Mother and Uncle decided to send me here instead, I am I guess." He didn't need to ask why they were here; it was obvious why they left.

(It's fine, Leon does hide stuff so Mel is right xD He's like the master when it comes to hiding secrets and such. P.S That wasn't Thanatos, Chameleon has his own hidden dark side)
The first time Raina snapped at her, Sheena had been too focused on her surprise to see her at all for the "pup" comment to register. The second time, however, she hears it loud and clear, and she stiffens, drawing herself up to her full height as she turns to glare in Raina's direction, one hand moving to her hip as she angles herself towards her.

"First off, I'm older than you are, or at least the same age, so who are you to call me a pup, Fangy? Second off, this is WATER, not SWEAT, and I don't SMELL, I was climbing a WATERFALL, which I'd like to see you try."

Faith is already heading off by the time Raina directs a question towards her, but Sheena is there to answer. Still glaring at her, she informs her, "I called him dad since I decided to. He is my dad, so what the hell do you care, what's it matter to you...jealous?"

She smirks, hoping this hit a mark, before adding, "It's his birthday, we're going out...did you want something because it looks like Faith headed off the other way. To get my cousin...damn, imagine that, calling my cousin my cousin too?!"

It was true that Sheena had only recently started to call Macal Dad, so she was a bit sensitive to this being pointed out.
Raina hides her inner smirk as Sheena turns back around to start an argument simply because she doesn't want to let the slightly older girl know that Raina herself is absolutely itching for a fight, for conflict of some sort, as though she needs it to survive, so despite the dad comment stinging a bit she gives Sheena back a cold smirk, her black eyes glinting with mischief as she speaks back almost playfully.

"I could climb a waterfall in my sleep, little Lycan, they aren't all that hard to climb up" She restrains herself from sticking out her tongue at this childish comment, "And I call you pup because I can." She scrunches her nose slightly then, "And yeah, you still smell, wet dog smell maybe?" She tilts her head with this 'innocent' question.

The dad comment does sting, quite a bit actually, since Macal is everything Raina had ever wished for in a Dad, and since her own Dad hadn't exactly been the best of parents, in fact it hurts enough for Raina's eyes to darken and she snaps back without thinking, a cold edge to her voice, "But he's not actually your Dad Sheena, you know that right? I mean, from what I've heard your Dad was almost as messed up as mine, so I can't blame you for wanting a replacement, but you shouldn't run around pretending that you have a family when you don't." These last words are said with a sharp tone, eyes narrowed as though she is judging Sheena; though this is far from the truth.

She's jealous. Just like Sheena said. She's jealous that Sheena gets to call Macal her Dad, jealous that Sheena also now has a cousin, and her sisters Faith and Liza, heck, she's even got a boyfriend. Raina would NEVER admit it, but Sheena has everything she's ever wanted; a real family, not a broken one consisting of only two.

Raina then seems to actually hear Sheena's words and she manages to break herself from her ice reviere to glance at Macal, "Oh, happy birthday BFG." She is trying to honestly mean her words, but her eyes are empty and voice sounding forced. Why the hell does she feel bad about what she just said to Sheena? She's Raina! She never feels bad about being a b*tch! So why now? She turns to leave now,

"Well then, enjoy your cutesy family dinner," She can't hide the bitterness in her voice there, she would love to go and celebrate Macal's birthday with them, as weird as it sounds, to just let go and maybe have a bit of fun, even if it was with people she could pretend not to dislike for the night, but after what she just said to Sheena, and after what she could say depending on the Lycan's next words, there's no way in hell she could go with them.

(Ah, just in case you don't know, BFG = Big Friendly Giant, from the book BFG by Roald Dahl xD , Oh Faith, when's Sheena's birthday? I'm curious. Rai's is January 18th)
((HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile 2: ))

((Is Raina the black blood?))

Izzy was still in her bedroom looking for something to wear when she heard the pounding on the front door, followed by Faith's voice. Letting out a low sigh, she adjusted the hold she had on the towel still wrapped around her body and went to answer it, taking her time. She pauses for a moment, to look over her healing knuckles and decides that they weren't all too noticeable and figures Faith won't question it even if they were.

"I'm not ready yet Bella..." she said in a huff as she pulled the door open, arching an eyebrow at her friend. "And I have no idea where my husband is either..."

She looks a little worn down as she steps aside to let Faith in, her lips dry and the only proof that she had been crying were the dried streaks running down her cheeks. She turns to go back to her closet, motioning for her to follow. "I just need to get dressed...find some mascara or something..." This is mumbled as she reenters her bedroom and fishes through a few hangers, finally settling on a black strapless cocktail dress ad some pumps. Unfazed by her friend's presence, and knowing that she had probably seen her naked before, she drops the towel and slips the dress on, adjusting it so that it lays perfectly and turns back to Faith.

"You called everything okay? Or was it just about the dinner tonight?"


Bucky felt himself breathing easier when he saw the smile appear on Kat's face and felt his own smile widen at the sight of it. He started. to say something when she suddenly kissed him. He could feel the urgency behind the kiss, and as his arms came to circle her waist, he had to remind himself that they were standing in the middle of a hallway, and he still had to patch things up with both her brother and Macal. He didn't want things going to far before any of that.

He kisses her back, but only for a moment, before gently pulling back. One hand comes up to brush some hair behind her ear and he smiles softly down at her.

"Have you eaten yet? Iz and her husband have a dinner tonight, so I was going to be eating alone...but maybe you could join me for dinner...if you'd like to that is..."
(cool, my birthday is Jan 19! Sheena's is April 19...happy birthday real person Macal and character Alex!)

Sheena bristles further as soon as Raina starts to talk. She knows damn well Raina would have struggled with that waterfall, if she could have managed at all, and there she is talking crap, calling her LITTLE when she clearly was taller than her and a little bit older too. She did NOT smell either, she knew she didn't, she just looked bad right now, but it was because she was WET, not because she SMELLED or was sweaty!

And then came Raina's barbs about Macal. Her slyly stated words hit Sheena hard, hurting worse than she wanted them to or wanted Raina to see, but she knew that the pain they sent through her showed in her face before she could try to replace it with her equally felt anger. She didn't know that Raina was jealous in actuality. All she knew was that Raina was pointing out her own private occasional fears, that she didn't have a "real" family, that her own "true" family had seen something so deeply wrong and unworthy in her they had not wanted her at all. That she could never be Macal's "true" daughter, not when she wasn't Faith's daughter too, not when she wasn't his blood and didn't share his name...not like Liza. That he could never love her as much as Liza.

It didn't take long for the anger she was already feeling to be sensed by Thanatos as he drifted back within the hallways of the schools, for him to seek her out and latch on eagerly, immediately amplifying its intensity. With a sharp warning snarl, Sheena shifted into her Lycan form, launching herself at Raina with claws out, teeth bared, snapping at her throat with every intention of causing her serious physical harm.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/imagesCA4MPOEL.jpg.a8ba42bca22694825b3306614aee6191.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/imagesCA4MPOEL.jpg.a8ba42bca22694825b3306614aee6191.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
"Just dinner...but we're gonna have to talk," Faith frowned as she followed Izzy inside the door. She walks with her to stand in the doorway of her bedroom as Izzy dresses, not having missed the tear tracks on her cheeks, and leans against the doorway lightly as she waits for her.

"You don't need makeup, shit, you know you're hot however you go out...could go in YOUR birthday suit for all I cared," she teased, grinning, before adding, "though Sheena might have a cow over that. Your husband should be coming back soon 'cause she was with him, and he just got back."

She paused, then, lowering her voice, says, "You've been crying. Something's up, and don't lie over it. It's me. What's wrong?"


Katarina has barely eaten all day, as a matter of fact. It doesn't cross her mind that she generally eats with Adrian, that he will question her absence. After what he said to her, she doesn't really mind if he's left sitting alone. She nods breathlessly, her hand gripping Bucky's wrist as she sucks in a slow breath, her heart still beating very quickly, her cheeks tinged pink now with enjoyment rather than embarrassment remaining from the kiss.

"Yes...I'd like to."

She loves the feel of his fingers in her hair, barely brushing her ear. It's almost enough for her to be able to forget how much Bucky must know about her now, or what he would think if he really understood. She smiles up at him, then slides her fingers into his.

Feeling her body stiffen, Izzy stops what she's doing and looks at Faith, barely skipping a beat. "I got shampoo in my eyes earlier..." The lie came easy, then again she had gotten used to lying about her true feelings since her memories had returned. How many times did she wake up in the night screaming, telling Jirro it was just harmless nightmares, one that she couldn't remember upon waking, when in fact it was her reliving the several months of Hell she had been through every single night since her return. The lies just came easier and easier these days, and no one thought twice...and if they did, well no one seemed to care enough to ask.

Swallowing hard, she could feel a tiny stab of anger but fought to keep it back as she slipped on her shoes and went in search of her make-up bag. "Well, we don't all have your flawless beauty, now do we?" There was a hint of disdain in her tone, and a hand came up to brush along her latest scar, a thin jagged silvery looking one that went down almost the entire left side of her face, thanks to the Cambridge b***h. Luckily it was hardly noticeable under some foundation, but the silver lined whip had made sure that she'd always know it was there.

Grunting softly as she spread the creame across her skin, she eyed her friend through the mirror. 'Is this what we had to talk about?" One perfect eyebrow arched and she rubbed her hands with a napkin, pulling out a tube of mascara and fussed with the top before running the brush along her lashes, the black making the gold in her eyes pop a bit more.


"Excellent, we can go back to my apartment then..." He gives her a gentle squeeze, turning in that direction then freezes suddenly, letting out a soft groan. "Actually..."

Frowning, he turns to look at Kat. "Would it bother you greatly if I suggested that we wait to be alone together? I mean, on grounds in one thing...but my place..." He pauses, giving her hand a squeeze again so that she knows he's just being sincere. "I'm still not sure if a relationship between the two of us would be...approved-" he makes a face. "-and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and give you any problems..."

Grunting again, he looks around. "Where could we go, that's away from here...but public..."
{Making his way to the hall where his and Izabella's quarter, as soon as he enters he can hear his wife and Faith talking and announces himself.} I'M BACK, forgive me for being late. the training with Sheena took longer then expected but she's shows promise. {Entering the bedroom and gives a nod to Faith.} Good evening Faith, did you come looking for us because my poor timing is making us late? {He makes his way to the closet where the safe he keeps Esmerelda in when he's not carrying it and locks her away. Grabbing a black suit and steps out of the closet and that's when he finally notices Izabella, tossing the suit on the bed he steps towards her, mesmerized by how beautiful she is. He reaches out and touches her face and smiles at her.} You look so beautiful, you take my breath away Izabella. {He just stares at her for what seems like forever, finally snaps out of it when the hint of salt from tears hits him.} Are you ok, you've been crying, tell me what is wrong? {He barely waits for an answer before he spins and ask Faith} Why was she crying, did something happened when I was away?

(Happy belated birthday Mac)

(Yes I believe Raina would be considered a Black Blood)
Raina has already turned her back by this point, only able to take two steps before she hears Sheena's snarl, she turns just her head to look back, excepting some sharp words from the angered girl.

Instead she gets sharp teeth.

Her eyes widen momentarily, not having expected the girl to shift, and she is knocked to the floor by the snapping Lycan, she is however able to stop her throat from being torn out by holding out her arms and keeping the crazed wolf at arms length, her claws are digging into her painfully though, so she hisses back with her own fangs coming out and pulls up her feet to kick Sheena off, "What the f*ck Sheena?"

Raina's dagger is now in her hand, as it is instinct for her to pull it out when in danger, and rather than charging head on at the Lycan she keeps her eyes locked to her. Rather than thinking of her anger towards Sheena at just attacking her like that, or the pain in her arms from where Sheena's claws had got her, she is currently thinking of Faye. She can't let herself get injured or worse, or else who knows how Faye would cope.

"This dagger is edged with f*cking silver Sheena, so I suggest you back the hell off." Yeah, during her and Faye's time away Raina had picked herself up a new little weapon as there was a hell of a lot of Lycans in Russia.
Faith's eyebrows rose as she stared at Izzy skeptically. "Right, Iz. You who has been in who even knows how many battles and torture scenarios...cried enough to leave tearstains over getting shampoo in your eyes? You are such an awful liar, seriously."

She rolls her eyes, not distracted by Izzy's remark about her "flawless beauty," and waits for her as she begins to apply makeup, moving closer to her, close enough to be able to lay a hand gently on her back. She expects it to tense as she says to her quietly, "Lupa, for real. I'm sort of worried about you. We both know you're different now. You never seem really happy."

She looked up as Jirro enters, disappointed that for the second time she's tried to talk to Izzy alone, he had to walk in on it. The man had awful timing. She gives him a smile anyway as she slowly removes her hand from Izzy's back. "Hey. Sheena did good, then? She looked like a drowned rat when I saw her."

When he asked about Izzy's tears, she sighed, rolling her eyes again and gesturing towards her. "You tell me, she's telling me it was SHAMPOO."


Katarina had not thought about it in that way. It was true that if someone saw her emerging from Bucky's place, it could be more trouble than it was worth, and she didn't want that, not if he truly did like her. She didn't want him to be harassed because of her.

She thought, then said softly, "We could just go towards the woods...I'm not afraid, even if it is getting late. Or...outside the school grounds, maybe...just find a bench to sit at or a coffee house, or something. I don't care, really."

She just wants to be with him, to keep holding his hand in hers, feeling his skin against hers.


The knife does little to deter Sheena. She merely snarls, then feints towards Raina, acting as though she is going to circle her from behind and snapping at her hair, attempting to rip it from her skull, before then heading directly towards the hand that holds her knife, biting at the forearm in an attempt to both get her to drop it and to harm her. She wouldn't care in the moment if she bit through a serious artery; she cannot remember the last time she felt so angry, and especially in her Lycan form, with the Thanatos influence, she has very little control.
When Sheena seems to ignore the weapon and feints towards her, Raina snarls in annoyance, why the heck was Sheena being so damn aggressive? She's said way worse to the Lycan girl before and not got this much of a response!

She manages to dodge Sheena's snapping at her hair, cursing herself for not putting it up yet, but as Sheena's sharp teeth latch onto her arm painfully she lets out a furious hiss of pain, dropping the knife only to catch it in her other arm, "F*ck being careful!" She says with a violent growl and jabs the knife straight towards the side of Sheena's face, hoping that her attack will get the beast off of her arm and seriously hurt her in the process, though, if it goes through Sheena's skull that might not be so good.

She doesn't want to see Liza cry because she killed her sister. She's already had enough of people crying for their lost sisters.

While mid-jab Raina lifts her leg to kick Sheena violently in the side, hoping to send her into the nearby wall.

(No idea what time it is over in America, but happy birthday Macal if it is still your birthday! And happy belated birthday if it's the day after! :D )
Sheena ducks her head to the side, avoiding the knife hitting her face by inches, but she does not move fast enough to skirt the kick Raina aims at her. She stumbles back a few steps and almost falls, but then starts forward towards her again, no less angry. Who the hell does she think she is to try to hurt her, to keep her from hurting her when she deserves it? Who is Raina to tell her she has no family and no real father when Raina herself doesn't? Who is Raina to throw that in her face?

She snarls again as she leaps towards her, but as she does so the door suddenly opens, revealing Liza standing behind it. The little girl is in her nightgown, her hair tousled, and she rubs her eyes, holding her bear in one hand as she blinks between them, sleepy. All tiredness leaves the second she sees that Sheena is jumping into the air to attack, that Raina is there just a few feet away with a knife, and she yells, putting out both hands instinctively and sending huge gusts of wind to knock them both against opposite walls.

"YOU ARE BEING BAD SHEENA LEGS AND RAINBOW! You stop that right now! You woked me up and you are making me mad and I'm supposed to be good!"

As Sheena slumps to the floor, a little dazed, her anger is fading, and she is left somewhat stunned by her own reaction. As she begins to shift back, breathing heavily, Liza turns to Raina, still scowling slighly, then smiles.

"Hi Raina. You are back so yay. But you are being mean."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/38473_141071099250153_100000417906023_299485_8272507_n.jpg.7fb9e1e2d0cc2051e4cfb1a006696cf1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/38473_141071099250153_100000417906023_299485_8272507_n.jpg.7fb9e1e2d0cc2051e4cfb1a006696cf1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raina is so focused on kicking Sheena's ass that she doesn't notice the door fling open, nor does she notice Liza until she is suddenly flung against the wall, bashing her head slightly. She sits there dazed for a moment, knife still surprisingly clutched in her hand, and it isn't until Liza is speaking directly to her that she comes back to Earth.

She blinks at her for a moment, noticing she is in her nightgown, before a small scowl grows on her face, "I'm not being mean! She attacked me first! And I even gave her a chance to calm the hell down before I got annoyed and tried to violently pierce her skull!"

Despite her scowl and almost-yelling, she is genuine happy to see Liza, and after her little outburst a smile crosses her face and the knife is gone back into hiding as she flashes over to the little girl and uncharacteristically pulls her into a hug, "I sorta missed you, just to let you know." She whispers this into the little girl's ear, the closest thing she can get to being sentimental. She then pulls back and gives her another smile, until it slowly turns into an annoyed frown.

"Wait..did you just call me Rainbow?"
"You were too being mean. You had a knife and you were gonna get Sheena Legs with it and that's bad and mean," Liza contradicted, shaking her head at her, one hand on her hip. "It is too so don't even do that again."

When she hugs Liza, though, Liza hugs her back, snuggling into her as she starts to smile, forgiving her. "I missed you too. 'Cause you're my other big sister and you were gone and that was sad. You shouldn't never do that no more. You coulda come with us. Do that next time, okay?"

Pulling back from her, she nods matter of factly in response to her question about the nickname. "Uh huh. 'Cause it's like Raina. And rainbows are pretty."

Sheena is slowly getting to her feet, embarrassed and defensive now over her attack, and still stunned by the force of it. She had not thought that she would be capable of letting Raina provoke her so strongly, and she blinks, looking down at her hands, tasting Raina's blood in her mouth, and wants to spit it out. Why had she lost control like that?

"I shouldn't have attacked you," she said finally. "I...I'm gonna go...get cleaned up."
*Macal sighs, getting frustrated with the petty way both Sheena and Raina behave, he's about to step in and separate them when Liza shows up. Of course his method wasn't going to be strong words and hugs, a mild bolt of lighting started to build up on his fingers but he lets it fade when Liza steps between them.* I swear you two never change, this whole rivalry is getting real old, Sheena you know my rules about fighting, if you want to fight you settle it in the dojo...Raina don't ever draw a weapon on my daughter again, I will not have such behavior in the halls of this sacred place. Now both of you apologize to each other, then Liza and finally to me. *His eyes glow and the hall shakes proving his point that he's had enough.* I SAID APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW! I'll be waiting inside for two mature young warriors to join me inside and we can talk and reunite..Or you can stand out here in the hall...Your choice!
Katarina: With Bucky

Adrian: In his dorm

Faith: With Izzy and Jirro

Sheena lowers her head, hating the obvious anger and disapproval in Macal's tone, and avoids his eyes as she further gathers herself, taking in several more steadying breaths before looking up. She can't stand it when she disappoints him like this, because it disappoints her as well. She wants him to see her as strong and mature and moral, someone who is becoming an adult, not a hotheaded child who flies off the handle at people and attacks them. And Raina, of all people? She had thought she had steeled herself off for anything Raina could throw her way. What she had said was no worse than anything she'd said before, and yet Sheena hadn't handled it well at all.

"I"m sorry," she said to Raina briefly but with some sincerity before turning to Liza and Macal, saying the same to them. "It won't happen again."

"Good 'cause you were being bad," Liza informs her, before smiling and taking her hand, squeezing it. "That's okay Sheena Legs. I was bad today too but I said sorry so it's okay now....hey how come you're all wet? Can I go 'cause I'm up now and I'm not even sleepy."
*Back inside Mac goes to a chair in the living room and sits down.* Liza you're mother probably won't like it but guess the chances of you going back to bed is pretty slim now, so why don't you go get dress, Sheena you should go get a shower and change clothes, this dinner was suppose to be just Faith, myself and the Mochizukis but what the hell it's my birthday so if all of you want to come along it's fine with me..Of course you know Faith may overrule me. So Raina I guess I should tell you Welcome to this new..what we thought a drama free academy. I didn't think I'd see you again, you sort of dropped off the map and you didn't really want to be found, of course that didn't stop me from sending my scouts out looking for you.
((sorry guys, crazy day out with one of my coworkers from the studio, at my other job now so I'll do my replies as soon as I get home in the am. Sorry again))
Sheena is somewhat annoyed because it sounds to her like Macal is inviting Raina to dinner as well, but she supposes after her behavior, she doesn't have the right to complain about anything. Exhaling, she disappears through the door, Liza nearly running her over in her eagerness to follow. She can hear Liza tearing apart her closet in search of clothes to wear, and she runs out within a few minutes in a dress that has the sash drooping in the back, untied, and her Mary Janes on her feet unbuckled as well. Nevertheless she grins at Raina.

"I'm ready. Did you hug Mama when you saw her? Did she say welcome back Raina?"

Sheena is more slow to emerge, finally coming out dry and in a fresh shirt and pants, though her hair is only somewhat neater despite being dry. She has made the effort to comb it but it still looks somewhat wild, as usual. She steels herself to ignore a Raina comment as she comes to stand behind Macal, telling herself several times that what Raina had said didn't matter. He had called her his daughter, to Raina, no less. That was how he felt and that was what mattered.
Raina stops herself from letting her eyes water as Liza speaks to her, telling her that she missed her, that she was her sister and she really, really has to hold it back with Liza's next words, even repeating them her head. You coulda come with us. Do that next time, okay? She can't speak for a moment, for fear of her voice wobbling. Oh, I wish it was that simple Liza.

She finally manages to give the girl a half-smile, "It's not just me Liza, I had to look after Faye." But oh how much she wished she could have gone with them. Sheena then speaks, and Raina glances to her with cold eyes, her bleeding arm is still stinging painfully so she is obviously not in the best of moods with the girl.

She opens her mouth to speak, but then Macal is talking, and Raina just seems to remember his presence as he tells her not to ever draw a knife to his 'daughter' ever again. Now. Now she is getting angry. Then he does his whole 'scary-shake-the-walls' act which doesn't scare Raina, it just pisses her off even more.

Then Sheena apologizes, and Liza says something too, but Raina is looking down in anger, fists clenched and shaking. Why the F*CK should she apologize? SHEENA HAD ATTACKED HER! And she had even told her to stop before she actually had to physically defend herself! And who the hell does Macal think he is to tell her to apologize? He's not her f*king dad!

Apparently, everything is fine now, as Macal sits down and begins to ever so casually inform Raina of sh*t she couldn't care less about. She is about to explode in anger, and even raises her head to look at him with furious eyes, mouth opening to scream about how unfair he was being when she was just defending herself...until she hears his last words. Her mouth shuts abruptly and her eyes lose their anger as she just stares at him dumbfounded for a moment.

"You sent people to look for me?" The tone is not accusing, not angry at all, it is disbelieving, with a hint of insecurity and underlying happiness. She can't hear anything besides his next response, and she's not even caring about the blood steadily dripping down her arm from Sheena's attack on her.

He cared enough to look for her?
*Mac looks up at Sheena and Liza and smiles* There are my two beautiful girls, we just need to wait for Faith and we'll be on our way. *Turning his intention back to Raina.* You sound surprised that I would do that, why wouldn't I despite the drama that you bring to the party you became very important to all of us, we care about you and your sister. But to be honest with you my earlier statement wasn't completely correct. I said I sent scouts to look for you..I've sent them to look after you, there were quite a few threats around you last time I saw you.Truth is I've never lost you..I did however give you the space you seemed to want, I was hoping you would use that time to figure out exactly what you want in life. *He holds out his hand and the sword he gave her but then took away and buried into the ground back at the other academy appears in his hand, he lays it over his lap.* I was hoping you would decide that you were worthy of this again and would come for it. So Raina what's it gonna be? Do you have a future or are you willing to live in the past? Surrounded by the darkness of your own hate and anger? All you need to do is trust me and I'll show you a future of great things. You asked me earlier if we were off to save the world again? So I ask you if we were..would you join us?
“I’m not different…” the word came out in a hiss almost, as Izzy continued to glare at her reflection.

Satisfied that the scar was hidden well enough, she turns to face her friend and feels herself shrugging. “Things are just…complicated right now…being around all these kids, all you happy people…I thought I could handle it but maybe…” she paused and shrugged again.

“-maybe I don’t fit in with you guys anymore…”

She opened her mouth to say more when Jirro suddenly entered the room. Forcing a smile on her face, she notices Faith stepping back as her husband comes over to greet her, barely being able to return the kiss before he’s already pulling away from her, fussing about her crying earlier. The Hybrid has to force herself not to roll her eyes and lets out a tiny sigh.

“It’s nothing…seriously, my eyes just teared up, it happens…drop it…” She could feel herself growing more annoyed and one hand has clenched into a fist at her side, shaking slightly, a small growl passing through her lips.

“Look,” she turns on Jirro “-you’re just wasting more time and making us even more late with all this talking so could you just stop it and get ready already?” Izzy has never snapped at Jirro like this before, and now she does roll her eyes as she goes to sit on the bed, fussing with her pumps.


"Oh that's right...there's nothing really around here is there?" Frowning, Bucky chewed on his lower lip in thoight, before breaking out in a huge grin. "I got it!"

Leaning down, he kisses her again, this time on the tip of her nose before straightening up and leading her down the hallway. "Go back to your room, go change...nothing fancy love, something that'll keep you warm, jeans...sweatshirt..." he shrugged and scratched at the back of his neck. "I'm going to go hijack us some dinner from the Mochizuki place, then meet me back here in like..." He checked his watch then shrugged. "Screw it, just meet me at their apartment when you're ready...take your time..."

He starts heading towards the dorms with her. "We can go and have a picnic on the grounds...after I take you for a ride around this place on my bike?" He grins down at her. "Sound good?"
"Oh is Faye here too?!" Liza claps her hands, giving another excited hop as she smiles up at Raina. "This is wicked! It's gonna be so much fun again!"

Sheena opens her mouth to ask when has it ever been fun with Raina around, but then closes it reluctantly. Not the time or place for sarcasm. As she listens to Macal talking with Raina, her eyes shifting between his and hers, she is still, listening with interest for Raina's reply. Only Macal seems capable, and occasionally Faith, of talking her down and bringing out a softer side...okay, maybe Liza too. So it's just Sheena who sucks at it.


Faith's eyes darken as she continues to regard Izzy, deeply bothered by her words. She comes forward, reaching for her, as she starts to say, "That's bullshit, Izzy. You always belong with us. You're family. Do you have any idea how much I missed you? Hell, I wanted you back so badly it hurt, you can ask Macal if I said that or not. Don't ever say you don't belong. I don't care how different you are, we are your home. It's about people, not places."

She continues to frown as Izzy snaps at Jirro, then turns silently, no longer in any sort of mood for celebrating but not saying as such. As they rejoin the others, she takes Macal's arm and tries to smile at him before they go. "I see Liza's up," she observed. "Whatever...only one birthday a year. Let's go."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_mlvfzqXCZ61qlv4kto1_500.jpg.68915cbc6afdcd97e8d74f6240b3e01e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/tumblr_mlvfzqXCZ61qlv4kto1_500.jpg.68915cbc6afdcd97e8d74f6240b3e01e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sound good? Katarina had never been offered such an elaborate date in her life. As simple as it was, Bucky's plan sounded amazing to her, simply because no guy had ever gone to the trouble to plan anything beyond a movie or a makeout session with her before. She smiled up at him, slowly detaching, and promises, "I'll be quick, I will."

It takes her more time than she had anticipated to pick out an outfit, though. Warm, he had said, and she certainly wanted to cover her arms, but she wanted to look nice too. She reapplied makeup and rebrushed her hair, and in the end settled on a long-sleeved v-neck shirt in purple and a jacket as well as jeans she thought flattered her best. She is still smiling as she meets him outside the Mochizuki apartment, forgetting even to look around to see if they or anyone else is watching for her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/MV5BMjAzMTI5NzkxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjkzNjU0MQ@@._V1._SX450_SY254_.jpg.816012243f62176e45c96ea2f16fee54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/MV5BMjAzMTI5NzkxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjkzNjU0MQ@@._V1._SX450_SY254_.jpg.816012243f62176e45c96ea2f16fee54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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