Dormer Academy

Bucky was quick as well. Everyone seemed to be gone by the time he reached Jirro and Izabella's place. Raising their fridge, he quickly pulled together some sandwiches and salads, using whatever leftovers he could find, and once it was all packed up, headed to the back room where he had been crashing until his place was ready.


(I love Joseph Morgan's new tattoo, had to post this, Bucky'll have the same tattoo as well as a few more..)

He was still changing when he sensed Kat outside the front door and went to greet her. Forgetting that he was shirtless, he pulled the door open, grinning widely. "Hello Katarina...come in, I'm almost all set.." Excusing himself after a quick kiss on her cheek, he grabbed a black long sleeved shirt and his leather jacket and retruned to her her side, heading back into the hallway with her, their food under one arm, his other going to settle around her waist as he guided her outisde to the garage where he kept his bike.

There were two helmets waiting ontop of the Ducati and he turned to smile at her as he grabbed his, holding out the spare to her. "You've been on one of these before right?" Making sure their food pack was secure, he waited for her reaction.


((I'll let J get in nother post before I do Iz again :D ))
{Jirro knows things are tense between them but the way she's speaking and acting towards him is a bit to much for him to deal with after the day he's had. Instead he grabs his suit off the bed, goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind him, after a shower and changing he comes back out, he makes little eye contact with Izabella or Faith before leaving the room.} I'll wait for you in the hall, excuse me. {He completely leaves the apartment and stands in the hall and waits. As soon as Izabella and Faith exit they walk to the Cord's quarters, Jirro walks over to Macal, reaching into his pocket and pulls out a small green box, with a cricket in it.} Happy Birthday Macal, In my country crickets are good luck when someone gives someone one it's because they wish only good things to happen to them. {He shakes Macal's hand before finding a seat in the corner of the room away from everyone else.}
((I'm assuming that Raina is still at the Cord's so I'm just gonna go ahead and kinda use that to piss Izzy off...she's probably going to think that the Cords are trying to replace Mitsumi or something, and get pissed that they didn't even tell her there was another one of her kind around))

Izzy is able to sense that she's upset her husband, but instead of rushing to apologize, she stays stoned faced, barely flinching at the way he ignores her as he exits the room. As they head to the Cord's place, her body moves stiffly, stone faced as she glares at his back, starting to go over in her head how childish Jirro is behaving.

He's the one who's been hiding things from her, LYING to her everytime she asked what was wrong. He was the one who had barely even touched her since being reunited, sometimes not even speaking, yet he has the NERVE to get upset, the one time she steps out of line around him. It didn't take long for her earlier burst of anger from that afternoon to resurface, and start to get poked at by Thanatos. It started as irritation, the blossomed to absolute annoyance as they finally reach the party. Stepping inside, and taking in all the familiar scents of her family, she almost didn't realize that there was another Black Blood in the room and barely glanced in Raina's direction as she moves past everyone to get to Macal.

"Happy Birthday big guy..." Her smile is semi-forced, and she only gives him a brief, half-hearted hug and a peck on the cheek before quickly pulling away. Seeing that Sheena and Liza are here as well, she merely nods in their direction, and moves to the opposite side of the room from where Jirro sat. Turning, she eyed this new kid, and without a logic explanation, her rage starts to build up at the mere sight of her.

How could they do this to her? Bringing in another Black Blood, to what? To flaunt around her?! Was this there way of replacing Mitsumi? Did they even care that she still had no idea where her daughter even was? Had they even bothered to f*****g try to even help them look for her? or Akira? he was a part of this family too! And where the hell did Faith get off, Miss "Oh I care so much" not even telling her about this? Making sure it was even okay with Izzy and Jirro for this kid to even be here. Was she a rogue? A trained Black Blood? How did they know she wasn't a spy, an old ally of the Clocks, here to finish their work?!

The more Izzy continued to look at Raina, the angrier she got, until finally, her hand shot out on it's own accord, leaving a nice sized hole in the wall where she stood. Blinking rapidly as she watched bits of plaster fall to the floor, her knuckles covered in white powder, she quickly exits the room, mumbling an excuse about feeling sick and rushes for the door.

Nick worked out for a while in the gym, then she grabbed Donnie and left after putting everything back the way it was, she went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, she decided that she didn't want to eat it inside, so she took the sandwiches with her, she walked outside slowly and looked up at the darkening sky, she sat down in the grass, closing her sapphire eyes to enjoy the scent and the sounds of everything around her. A small smile appeared on her face, she sat Donnie down beside her and slowly began unwrapping one of her sandwiches and took a big bite of it.
((sorry I haven't been around as much lately. Now that finals are over, I should be posting more regularly again.))

Following all of the drama in the gym, Evan was far from any kind of mood to be around people. She managed a few more routines that she'd found, both gymnastics and a few parkour instruction videos that she practiced in her own space, allowing Nick room to work out and do her own thing. By the time she finished, her breath came out labored, cheeks flushed with exertion and shirt damp with sweat.

Smelling herself briefly, she was thankful that she didn't stink just yet and decided to pack up and go back to her room for a shower. Muscles shaky and a little sore, she tucked her computer under her arm and left the gym. Only stopping to get a drink of water at a fountain, Evan made her way into her room, deposited her computer on her bed and went straight to the shower.

The warm water felt good on her muscles, and for a while, she just laid down on the floor and let the water beat down on her sore limbs. After several minutes, though, she decided that it would be best to get herself clean and get out... maybe get some dinner, but she wasn't exactly hungry, either. Washing off quickly, she changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top and sat down to make sure she hadn't busted her camera.

Where had that anger even come from? Sure, she would get annoyed every once in a while, but as far as she could remember - granted, that didn't say much, she never really got angry like that. There was a small crack on the flip cam, but it turned on fine and didn't seem to have any serious bugs inside of it, so she turned it off and jotted down what she'd done in the gym on a post-it note, dating it and sticking it somewhere she would see it for later.

Katarina noticed the tattoo on Bucky's shoulder as he opened the door. Blinking at first to see him shirtless, she can't help but to look him over, admiring his chest muscles and his abdomen before saying shyly, "I like your tattoo...I would like to get some, some day."

She feels her cheeks warm as he circles his arm around her, and she leans into him, wrapping her arm around his waist as well as he leads her out to his cycle. She has hardly expected this, though, and she blinks, looking between it and him with some surprise before stretching out a hand to touch it lightly.

"We're riding this? Wow..." Somehow she should have known he would be the type to have this. "I never rode one before..." She smiled then, looking up at him, and waited for him to get on so she could slide behind him. It would be so cool to ride with her arms around him, hair blowing in the breeze...


(they're going OUT to dinner, so everyone just know they're going to a restaurant)

Sheena notices that Izzy barely acknowledges her or Liza and frowns, somewhat upset herself. Between Jirro getting angry for no reason she could understand and yelling about Macal, and now Izzy practically ignoring her, she is not feeling very friendly towards either of them. What was their problem? No one had done anything to them as far as she knew.

She glanced at Faith as though to ask her what was going on, but Faith seemed distracted too, her eyes often shifting to Izzy as though she were watching her. As they sit, Sheena has decided to ignore them both and talk mostly with Liza when Izzy suddenly punches the wall and rushes out. Staring at her, the irritation she feels flares, and she stands, calling out after her in a hissing whisper, "What the HELL is your problem?"

She's not yet quite enraged, but she has the potential to be. Beside her, Liza too stands, though she is not angry, and points, saying quite loudly, "Daddy, Mama, Aunt Izzy hurted the wall! That was bad! Did she hurt her hand? Is she gonna get time out?"

Faith ignores them both, getting up without a word towards the others as her own temper begins to flare up. Thanatos latches on, and as she catches up and then overtakes Izzy, blocking her, she grabs her roughly, raising her voice and getting in her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Izabella? This is Macal's birthday and you think it's cool to make us late doing whatever the hell you were doing in your room all that time, then coming along and acting like a spoiled child throwing a fit without even telling us what the hell your deal is? You're supposed to be the damn grown up, you're supposed to be a ROLE MODEL, and you're throwing fits like a little teenage punk? Get the hell over yourself! You aren't the only one who's gone through shit, you know, get over it!"
(Hmmm, sexy top-less Joseph! That tattoo is so cool!)

Raina doesn't realise she is holding her breath as Macal continues to talk about how he hadn't actually sent them to look for her, but to look after her. And..she's important to them? Surely he's mistaken. Why would any of them care about her? She was messed up, in every possible way, broken beyond repair and she knew she wasn't worthy of them; she would just f*ck it up like she does everything else.

She is still in her disbelieving, self-hating state when Macal suddenly brings out the sword he had once given her, so of course she isn't in control of her 'mask' right now and her eyes widen in confusion and shock. She let her eyes snap up to meet Macal's wise, calm-looking ones as he spoke to her about the future. A future? Did Raina have a future? Her eyebrows furrow in confusion, she'd never thought about having a future, if she was honest, she never really thought about what next week would bring. She supposed lately the future for her had just been making sure Faye was safe; nothing else.

Trust me. Raina's eyes hit the floor at that. Trust me. Could she? Could she trust Macal? She had only ever truly trusted two people in her life; her parents, one of which had died because of her and the other who had abused Raina to the point of breakage. Could she trust Macal? A man who had enough power to kill her with a click of his fingers?

"Would you join us?" She looks back up to Macal with these words, it takes a long long while for her to answer, and she is still not having answered him as Faith returns with two new people; a man and a woman, and Liza is there too in a pretty little dress, Sheena is there, seemingly waiting for Raina to answer as well, and she feels her throat constrict in her...nervousness? Yeah, it's nervousness.

She hates this, being so exposed, she can swear she feels so many eyes on her, seeing through her carefully constructed mask, seeing her emotions that she always tried to pretend not to have. She clenches and unclenches her fists. She can still feel eyes on her, and then there is a smashing noise and she looks up to see the unnamed woman had punched through the wall in anger. Was Raina being here upsetting her? That thought gave Raina a nice kick in the gut, and she didn't even notice Faith chase after the woman who had stumbled out with a fake excuse about feeling sick. Raina reminds herself to come back to reality...but which one? The fake one she has built for herself? Or this new one Macal may or may not be offering her?

For Raina, it is a fight or flight moment right now. Flight being the option of sneering at Macal's offer and running away like the coward she is, and Fight being the option to stay here, to maybe even show Macal some sort of kindness and maybe, just maybe give herself a chance to be part of something.

She is about to choose flight, about to scorn Macal and burst out of the door, and you can see it in her tense posture, but then, there's the smallest of nudges at her mind, the smallest of voices, one very familiar to her. "Now Rai-Rai, I know it's sad but me and Mummy have to go back up to Heaven, don't worry it's nice up there! Please don't be sad Rai, and you gotta promise me something, alright? You have to promise me that you'll try and be good and make friends with those people I met before, okay? You know, Macal and Liza, that Faith woman, all of them! If you don't do it soon you're gonna lose your chance, and then you might be alone and with no-one to protect you, and that would make me and Mummy sad. And don't even dare try and tell us you don't need protecting, because we're not stupid! Goodbye Rai-Rai, we love you." That her been most likely her last goodbye to her little sister Mabel; the last and only as she had no chance to at her death.

She stepped forward then and instead of taking the sword from Macal she did something no-one in the room would have expected. She hugged him. It was possibly only lasting for about three seconds, if that, but it gave her enough time to whisper in his ear, "I'd join you. I want a future Macal." She pulled back almost immediately after saying those words, hoping she was doing a good job of hiding her embarrassment at hugging him; most likely not.

Her arm isn't bleeding as badly now, but there is dried blood there and she stares down at it, trying to change the topic swiftly as she raises her injured arm and peers at it, "Geez Sheena, did you have to bite so hard? I think you hit an artery or something." She pulls her arm closer to her face before shrugging and dropping it back to the side. Her eyes widened suddenly as she thought of something, "Aw no, if I go back like this then Faye's gonna freak out and think I'm dying or something!" It wasn't an overreaction, ever since Myra's death Faye had been extremely worried and overprotective of Raina, even if Raina went back with a paper cut Faye would most likely get upset.

She turned to Macal then, "Hey, do you mind if I use your bathroom to wash this off?" She motioned to her bloodied arm. "I don't want Faye to get all overprotective mummy on me or something." She rolled her eyes to try and make it seem more like it was a nuisance rather than just her worrying about Faye getting upset.
In her mind, Mel smiled a little, even if it didn't show physically, when Chameleon's voice grew angry. But it faded again when it reverted to its usual tone. He was getting a little bit easier to look at than before. It was only a flash of it but it was there. Emotion. At least he showed some. Unlike the princess from the old academy, who continued to calmly paint her own self pity to Mel as the doll openly insulted her friends and family. Mel couldn't trust that girl. She was heartless. Or at least in Mel's eyes, she was.

When the shifter apologized for his tone of voice, Mel pointed at him with her uninjured hand. "Don't be. That was a very nice tone you had there. Much better than your usual one. I don't like talking to robots. They're eyesores."

From her last words, Vash began to think of their last day at the other academy. How Mel had been invited to a party celebrating the very "eyesore" that had condemned her to her death. He wasn't there to hear what the girl had told the doll specifically, but he did notice how Mel began acting rather strange since then. The most notable behavior would have to be asking Vash if he thought she was a good person only to brush off his answer if he told her that he thought she was. But it was strange. She had never bothered to even think about what "side" she was on, often laughing at the subject whenever brought up by an opponent. It was obvious that the conversation hurt Mel deeply and so that's why Vash decided to bring her out of there and into a new academy for yet another fresh start. Well, that and the fact that Mel was also already plotting to murder the princess and the vampires for insulting her.

Vash also took note of Leon's angry voice. It seemed he must've liked the old school. Why would his mom and uncle move him here? "Yeah. It must suck having to transfer to a new school so suddenly. But it's not like being a completely new student. You have a bunch of people you already know here, like the Cords, Faye and the cranky chick." He had also wanted to say that Leon also knew Mel, Vash and Riff, but with the current circumstances and the trio's extreme unpopularity among the other students, it might've been better if the shifter didn't associate with them.
Liza, of course, is thrilled at Raina’s choice. She beams, clapping her hands, and gives a little hop and a cheer as she watches Raina hug Macal.

“Yay! That was a good choice, Raina. Mama and Daddy talk about those all the time, and making good decisions and stuff. Which is boring but you gotta do that if you wanna be good. I’m really really glad you’re gonna be good. Plus also it is nice to give hugs and say sorry. And now you can come with us and have fun. And eat my cake. It’s only burnt up a little bit but maybe it tastes okay even if it smells bad.”

Looking over to Raina’s still bleeding arm, Liza frowns, concerned, then goes over to touch it, taking it into both hands. “I’ll help you! I’ll heal it all up.” And this is exactly what she does as she concentrates on pouring her healing abilities into it, looking up at Sheena reproachfully. “That was so bad, Sheena Legs. You didn’t give her a hug when you said you were sorry. You oughtta, I think.”

“I think Raina probably prefers I didn’t, Liza,” Sheena mutters, but she does look embarrassed when she really examines how much Raina is bleeding. She self-consciously runs a hand over her mouth, again wondering what, exactly, had gotten into her. With Izzy gone and Thanatos following her and Faith where they had separated, she no longer feels angry towards Izzy, and is in fact concerned, wondering what was eating at her. Looking at Macal uncertainly, she asks, “Are we waiting on them, or should we go ahead without them?”


(this is going to take place the next day, I guess, Macal and guys, if you want to skip the dinner scene and sort of end with Faith and Izzy’s fight ending and assume they all went out and came back and go to the next day, that’s fine. If you guys still want to go through with it, that’s fine too, I just wanted to do a little post for Mother’s Day)

Mother’s Day had never been anything special for Adrian before, or anything even worth acknowledging. Most of the time, when he and Katarina and Alice, too, at the time, had lived at home with their parents, their mother, Della DeSanto, had been unaware of the date when the holiday even rolled around, and they got off the hook with having to acknowledge it. Adrian would have refused to do so anyway, though he had watched with a weary sadness as first his twin, then his little sister too tried, year after year, to make their mother happy, win her approval of them, when it was an impossible task.

No matter what any of them did or tried to do, especially Katarina, Della and Darren DeSanto would never be happy with them. They would always find some fault or false hidden motive behind it, criticizing or yelling until they got angry and snapped back, in Adrian’s case, ran and hid, in Alice’s, or started to cry, in Katarina’s. Then whatever reaction their children showed, they would use this as an excuse to mete out punishment, usually in the form of a beating.

If Adrian had to give his mother a gift, what he would have chosen was enough alcohol to put her unconscious for the rest of the day. That would be what would truly make her happy, and all her children as well.

Katarina had always had starry-eyed ideas about trying with their mother, about how maybe this year would be the one where she would be sober and touched by her efforts at making a cake or a card, buying her flowers or whatever was her thoughts for that year. But it had never worked. Each time their mother would mock the card or call it a lie, shove aside the flowers and ask her if she stole them, tell her that the cake smelled or looked ugly, or even ignore her entirely and pretend she never saw any of it at all. It would end with Adrian getting angry at her, Katarina getting upset and trying to hide it, and the entire family having had a huge fight by the end of the day. The past couple of years Katarina had finally stopped trying, but then there had been Alice, with her attempts at making cards that Della would ignore or mock the spelling of, and Katarina would still tell him how guilty she felt for doing nothing.

This was the first year that they were nowhere near their parents, and yet it was the only thing on Adrian’s mind. And it pissed him off.

He wasn’t even around them anymore. They had failed him and his sisters in every possible way, and they were lucky he had allowed them to live at all after what they had done to them, that he hadn’t killed they, accidentally or on purpose, in his anger with them. Yet still he couldn’t get through this stupid holiday without thinking about them at all.

He was seventeen years old, a man, really. He didn’t need a mother, or a father either. So why couldn’t he just shut them out of his mind?

When his sister came knocking on his door, he knew before he got up to open it that Katarina was having the same problem. Even as he slid and arm around her and guided her to sit with him on his bed, though, he had to be careful to take slow breaths and monitor his temperature, because if he got angry that she was sad or upset, he might accidentally hurt her too.


Katarina had always felt like more than of a loser than usual on Mother’s Day.

Other girls she would hear talking about what they were doing with their mothers, what they were getting them or where they were going with them, the meals they would eat with them or the plans they had. Sure, some of them might roll their eyes or act like it was a pain or an obligation they didn’t want or need, but they were doing it anyway. They had a mother who wanted and accepted it, who didn’t seem, for the most part, to mind being their mother at all.

Katarina did not. For as long as she could remember, her mother had made it clear to her that she and her brother, and now her sister too, had ruined her life, that were she able to make the choice again, she never would have had them at all.

Katarina had tried for as long as she could remember to make her mother happy. She had tried to do well in school and not get in trouble, but this had never seemed to work out; she couldn’t seem to focus on schoolwork, no matter how hard she tried, and she had always been a C student, sometimes even a D student when she was having a particularly bad time. She didn’t cause problems in school, but sometimes she was bullied or picked on, and then that would force Adrian to get into trouble defending her. She tried to make herself pretty and help around the house, to do things to show her mother that she wanted her to be happy with her, but it never worked. The best she could hope for was to be ignored. The more usual response was mocking or name-calling, hitting or pinching, all which she was expected to endure with no comment and no tears. Usually, Katarina could not manage both simultaneously.

And now here she was, in a new school, with a new situation, and Faith Cord had promised her that as long as she remained within this school as her student, she would never have to be around her parents again. Faith had offered even that she and her husband could track down her parents and “deal” with them, though she had never explained exactly what she meant by that, and though Katarina had refused, she knew that Faith would do it, if she told her yes. So why was it, when she had the support of someone like Faith, when Faith now believed in her and went out of her way to let her know she saw something worthy in her, that all Katarina could think of on Mother’s Day was that she still somehow missed her mother, that she still wished that her mother would just somehow, magically be different? That somehow she would have tracked them down and come to the school, just to tell them both that she did love them after all?

Thinking about it was enough to make Katarina’s limbs itch, actually twitching with her unhappiness and her desire to do something physical to ease the emotional pain she was feeling. In the end she found herself knocking on her brother’s door, knowing that even if Adrian was angry at her, even if he too thought that everything their parents had ever said about her was true, he would understand this like no one else could.

They didn’t mention their fight the day before. Adrian took her into his room, closed the door behind him, and sat with her quietly on his bed, an arm loosely around her. As Katarina leaned her head against his shoulder, whispering quietly, “I miss them, Adri. I don’t know why I still miss them,” he just nodded, understanding that it was not their parents that she really missed, but their ideas of what they should have been. And with this understanding he was able to say truthfully, “Yeah, Rina. I miss them too.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/7345662_ori.jpg.c91d303f96702c5200fa03e8312f7cc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/7345662_ori.jpg.c91d303f96702c5200fa03e8312f7cc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (okay that's not the actor I picked for Adrian, but there's another pics of this guy with Kat actress I might change he's hot)


If she looked at it broadly, Sheena was luckier than most girls. She had more mother figures than most, that was for sure. She had her own mother, who she knew even without having met her for over fifteen years since her death had loved her deeply, would have given her life to protect her. She had Faith’s adoptive mother, Diana Dormer, who Sheena had been fortunate enough to meet and grow to love several times, despite the fact that the woman had been dead for over a decade as well. And she had Faith herself, who, though Sheena could never think of as her mother, was her “sister” and her guardian and had sometimes stepped into a mother-like role for Sheena, when Sheena absolutely needed it. There had been many women in Sheena’s life who loved her and who Sheena loved and admired too.

Somehow, though, it wasn’t the same. Diana, being dead and only able to return for brief, limited times, never came for Mother’s Day, and Sheena knew that Diana was not her mother, or any relation to her that she could put a word to; she was Faith’s mother, Liza’s grandmother, but no tangible word had been put towards their understanding of each other. Faith was Liza’s mother, not hers, and though Sheena deeply loved and appreciated everything she had done for her, hanging out with Faith would always be like hanging out with a sister, and could not be the same. Macal, of course, was Sheena’s father now, and she was very lucky to have him and the ability to call him her father, but inevitably, mother’s day would bring thoughts of her own biological mother, and a wistfulness towards what she could never have with her now, what had been doomed from the day Sheena’s mother met her father.

She didn’t hate her biological father anymore. He had been a pathetic coward of a man with no happiness in his life, and he had brought out his deep unhappiness against both his wives and daughters, causing the deaths of all four of them; only Sheena had been able to rise again to live on. Sheena even still had some strange, strained love for him, in her way, but it was her mother who she really felt a desire to know and learn about.

Everything would be different, she was sure, if her mother was still alive. She would never have met Faith and the others and found herself another family, this was true, and Sheena could not imagine this. But when she thought sometimes about what choice she would make, between always having known her mother and never having her other family, some days she was not sure what she would decide.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/angelina_jolie13.jpg.afea33fe318fb8a6a5a9ea32ee278ebc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/angelina_jolie13.jpg.afea33fe318fb8a6a5a9ea32ee278ebc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (if Stella was still alive, obviously)


Faith wasn’t a huge fan of Mother’s Day. Growing up, her own mother, Diane, had been enough of a mess by the time Faith was old enough to recognize the holiday that more often than not, she had been more irritated by any efforts on Faith’s part to acknowledge it. Some years it was different; sometimes Diane would make over Faith and hug and kiss her until Faith was somewhat bemused and uncomfortable, while other times she would push her away and tell her to leave her alone, get sarcastic or hit her, or tell her harshly to go to her DADDY in a way that made Faith immediately wonder how much her mother knew of what happened between her and her father, when they were alone, and if she was mad at her for it.

It only got worse as Faith grew older, and by the time she was thirteen, her mother was dead. Even now Faith struggled to understand her mother and what might have driven her to behave towards her as she had; she was a mother herself now, and she knew, as bratty and difficult a child as she had undoubtedly been at times, she could not imagine treating her own daughter in the same way that her mother had often treated her. For years she had hated her mother in part, loved and desperately wanted her approval simultaneously, and she had privately blamed herself for her mother’s treatment, thinking that if she had been different or better, she would not have deserved it.

She knew better now, but still, her first reaction on Mother’s Day was to get reflective in a way that Faith was irritated by, not one to much enjoy introspection.

If it hadn’t been for Diana, Faith might not have had any clue how a good mother should be to her daughter. It was because of Diana that Faith had known for the first time what it was to have a real parent who really did give unconditional, unhurtful love, and though it had been a very short time she had been able to experience this, it had been enough. As much as she had struggled and failed and made very serious mistakes for the years after Diana’s death, she had always had in the back of her mind the understanding of what it was like to be loved, and though some of her worst decisions had been chosen due to her desperate seeking of this kind of love from someone, in the end, it had brought her to where she was now, able to have and function well within a family of her own.

Faith was sure that if she had not known and been loved by Diana, however briefly, she could not possibly have figured out how to be a mother to Liza. And anyone who had been there when she first struggled to slip into that role knew damn well it had been hard enough as it was.

So when she woke up Mother’s Day morning to Liza cartwheeling into her bed, shouting “HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!” and launching herself directly onto her stomach, her arms practically choking her around her neck, she was able to sit up and close her arms around her daughter, hugging her close. And later when Liza dragged her by the wrist into the living room to proudly present her with weedy-looking flowers, a card dripping glitter and glue onto the table, and the worst-looking concoction of icing and batter that she called a “cake” Faith had ever seen, Faith was able to smile, accept the hug and snickering wink that Sheena offered her, and genuinely enjoy it.

So this was what being a mother was. She did have one thing over Di on this one…she would never have to watch Liza sneak out the window to meet up with boys. It was more than enough to have one kid sister pulling teenage pranks to think about, she didn’t even want to imagine how much bad a kid who was her own direct DNA clone would be.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/228213_212382658785663_100000417906023_731634_7245569_n.jpg.678f40ae575ac317d105e93c5a6f5a96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/228213_212382658785663_100000417906023_731634_7245569_n.jpg.678f40ae575ac317d105e93c5a6f5a96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nickkie finished eating and then she made her way back to her room, she took a shower, then she dressed for bed and curled up with Donnie, holding the bear gently as she slowly fell asleep. In the morning she got up and dressed for the day, not even seeming to realize that it was mother's day. The young girl had never had a mother to bother celebrating with, the few times that she had actually been adopted and with a family during Mother's day she hadn't even bothered, not accepting the woman to be her mother.

The only time that she had been happy with being adopted had been her time with Kep, and even then she didn't have a mother figure since Kep was single and was raising her alone. There were a few times even now that she wished she had been able to go with Kep wherever he had run off to, and though she was very unhappy about being abandoned again she couldn't seem to really dislike him. He had been the best adopted parent she had in her life, so she couldn't even really hold it against him. Instead of worrying about what could have been and what might have been she decided that she would just live her life. If she found a family that would love her and accept her for her strange self, then that was great, but if she didn't... well, she would just have to learn to survive on her own, which was why she wanted to learn how to fight.

Nick grabbed Donnie from the bed and left her room with her head held high, she wasn't planning to just let the fact that her mother had abandoned her get her down, she had a life to live and she didn't have to be unhappy during it. She started walking toward the cafeteria, hoping to get something good to eat.


Ezra was quite aware of what the day was, unlike Nickkie. He knew it was Mother's day, and knew that this wasn't a good day back home. He couldn't help but worry about how his mother was taking going through this day for the first time after his death, knowing that her only child was now gone (as far as she knew), it was probably enough to drive most people out of their minds. He could only hope that his mother would make it through the day.

Ezra walked through the halls with his head down, seeming to be quieter than the day before, it seemed as if thoughts of home had really gotten to him, the idea that his mother was probably in mental pain because of what day it was wasn't a very happy thought for him.
*Mac was never one to do things small when it comes to celebrating days like Mother's Day and Birthdays. Today he got up early going to his private meditation chamber where he stayed thinking about his own mother and the woman that helped raised him when she died Tsai, he can feel the warmth of them around him when he thinks about them and it brings a smile to his face. After he finishes meditating, he heads off to the shower and changes into a grey suit then he heads down to the dining room for the Staff usually it's filled with all the teachers and support staff that work here at the Academy, no students allowed they have their own..But today the room is reserved and people are busy running around setting things up for Mother's Day Brunch. He stands and oversees every little detail and when they are finally done, he sends someone to retrieve his family and the Mochizuki clan to come join him. He knows he should be there when Faith wakes up but he's sure she'll understand why he wasn't there.
{Things were still tense between Jirro and Izabella after the other night but he was determined to get pass all that, however today he knew would be a difficult day for his wife, after all one daughter is dead and the other is missing, so when Macal's messenger comes knocking Jirro quietly dismisses him and informs him that he will ask his wife if she's up to going to brunch but not to hold his breath and to thank Macal for the invite. He returns to bed bringing Izabella a cup of coffee and a black block that has been decorated with ivory and jade on the outside of it. Inside there are two custom handguns and in between them is a necklace with a diamond representing each of their girls. Sitting both on the bedside table so that smell of the coffee might wake her and the first thing she sees is the box. But he gets bored waiting for her to wake up and uses his hidden hand to nudge the bed a few times looking away and acting innocent.} Oh are you awake? You know you could have slept longer if you wanted to. {Trying to look innocent as if he had nothing to do with her waking up.} Macal has arranged a brunch for you and Faith but I said you may or may not be feeling up to the task of attending. If you want you can stay in bed and I could make you something and bring it back to you, then we could spend the day in bed or maybe go for a walk there are places here that I've haven't been yet and we could explore together. So my love what is your desire?,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46471029,d.aWc&fp=2d6ee30faa158434&biw=1366&bih=681&imgrc=WjGVJIqmc-o3WM:;Eyw3GOVnYW6hPM;;;550;413
(Heather, I was thinking you and I can finish Izzy and Faith's fight through inbox if you like and post it after the fact here)

Liza had made certain that Faith wasn't going to sleep in today, that was for sure. Sheena had helped Liza to get ready for the day, Faith saw once awake, freeing Faith to just focus on herself, and she gave Sheena's shoulder a light squeeze of appreciation before getting up and joining them to walk towards whatever "super big surprise," as Liza described it, Macal had set for her.

She knew that Izzy would likely be included with this, as the other half of the other founding couple in charge of the school, and a mother as well, though neither of her daughters would be here with her today. It would be difficult today to know how to react around her, in front of others and during a day like this. Undoubtedly Izzy would be sad or angry, and after their confrontation yesterday, Faith herself didn't know how to feel. They had said some terrible things to each other, and she wasn't sure how to carry forward with today.

Liza clinging to her hand and chattering her ears off, she walked with her and Sheena towards the staff dining room, thinking as well of her other students. Most of them no longer had contact with their family, let alone their mothers, or else they wouldn't be present at school. This might be a difficult day for them, and she would have to watch for problems.
(Ha, I was sooo confused when I saw all the Mother's day posts. I was like, Mother's day? Didn't that happen a few months ago? Then I realised it was Mothers Day over in America xD So yeah, I'll make Rai and the others join in :D )

Chameleon chuckled lightly as Mel pointed at him, scolding him like he was a child, he nodded lightly, a small grin tugging at his lips enough to show, "Alright then, I'll try my best not to be a robot." Chameleon sort of knew that was a promise that was going to be hard to keep - he'd been raised to hide his emotions, it was more of a built-in reflex rather than a conscious choice.

Chameleon turned his attention to Vash then as he spoke and shrugged lightly, "Yeah I guess so, and hey, I know you three as well, Riff is here too right?" He gave them a small nod, "Well, I should probably leave you two to sort out that leg then, it was nice seeing you again," Usually it was just a formality to say that, but he did genuinely mean it this time, and he hoped he showed it through his tone, he was glad that the three were alright. After what had happened at the old school it was good to know they were still themselves.

Chameleon walked away then, leaving them to their own devices, and reaching his room he sat down on his bed and let out a small sigh. It was only then that his brain seemed to catch up with Vash's words and he frowned. Faye's here? Wait...cranky chick? Well now he was thoroughly confused. If Faye was here, doesn't that mean Raina was too?


Mothers day. Raina was never, ever in a good mood on this day. She used to hate it even more than she did now, simply for the fact that Kol used to taunt her, used to tease her and mock the fact that Raina's own Mother was dead, because of his actions. But even now, waking up knowing that even though Kol wasn't around to hurt her anymore with the cold harsh truth, it was still there. Her Mother was dead, never coming back, and oh how she wished she could spend this day with her. Back when she still had the chance, she was too young to actually do anything for her Mother properly. She'd make her a card maybe, with too much glitter and so much glue that it was sticky to the touch. Yet, her Mother would always smile, give her a hug and tell her it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

She missed her so much, especially on this day, that it hurt. She hated having to see all those other ignorant assh*les run around parading their Mothers about and buying them flowers and lunches and showering them with affections. Just because she knew she couldn't do the same for her Mother. She glanced to her clock and let out an irritated sigh as she rolled over in her bed to face the wall; maybe she could just hibernate the day away.


Mother's day never meant much of anything to Faye. Sure it had been celebrated in her house, Myra would always make a big effort, even when they were kids Myra would be always trying her best to make a card, or a cake, or even breakfast in bed. Myra's dad would always go out and buy a gift from each of the girls, and all Faye could remember thinking as the gift 'from her' was handed over was that she didn't get that for her Mum. Why did they even deserve a day dedicated to them anyway? Faye's Mother hadn't deserved it. As she grew older, she became more and more hating of Mother's day, she used to get so annoyed when she watched her Mum hug and thank Myra for the new pair of earrings, she didn't deserve it. Why should Faye get her Mother a present when she never bothered to even notice Faye was in the room half the time? Why get her a present when she couldn't even bring herself to give Faye eye contact for more than three seconds at a time?

She remembered the last Mothers Day present she had ever given her Mother before her death was coming home extremely drunk at around midnight only to break a window and scream to her Mother that she hated her and she didn't deserve her own day. She still didn't regret that.


Chameleon hated Mothers day. He knew she would either call him or visit him today. Probably the latter, which would just suck. He knew he should consider himself lucky, that he still had a Mother to visit him, he knew more than half the kids at this school would die for this chance. But he just wished she was dead already.

Mothers day was just a lame excuse for his b*tch of a parent to run around demanding that he be even more a puppet for her than he already was. On Mothers day he had to actually pretend that he 'loved' his Mother, and he had to get her gifts and show her affection. It made him sick. He could barely stand to look at the woman most of the time, knowing what she had done, knowing just how sick and twisted she really was, and hating how well she hid it all. He remembered last Mother's day, Felicity had come to visit him at the old Academy, and he still remembered how she had just slapped him straight across the face as Raina came barging in. He still loved the look on her face at being caught abusing her son, and he loved it even more when Raina was rude to her. At least someone besides him could see through his Mother's facade.

He really wished his Mother would just die already.
(Hm . . . I've mysteriously acquired the craving to start a fight all of a sudden . . . Also, cool. Dante's Ebony and Ivory. They're practically useless in the newest game though.)

Riff had a small picnic set up by the shores of the lake near the academy. Opposite him was a picture of his late mother, frame leaning gently on a large stone. Next to it, in a tall vase, were a bunch of lilacs, her favorite flowers. And on the small blanket, he set out a loaf of bread he had baked that morning and a jar of the apricot jam she always loved. "Mama, la collation d'aujourd'hui est brioche. Bonne fête des Mères. Je suis désolé. Ce n'est pas beaucoup." (According to google translate: "Mama, today's snack is brioche. Happy Mother's Day. I'm sorry. It's not much.)

This was the ritual that he had done every Mother's Day for the past five years. Normally, Mel would take him back to her estate, where they had buried his mother, so that he could give her the snack directly. But this year, with all that had happened and with Mel ignoring him, there was no trip back to England so this would have to do. At first, this holiday was painful for him since he felt he was to blame for her death, but as time went on he began to accept her fate. She was certainly in heaven now and was probably much happier than on earth, always looking out the window, hoping that today was the day her love came for her.

He couldn't do anything for her then, but now he could at least smile for her. Smile so that she knew he was doing just fine down her and that she should be enjoying herself now.


This wasn't Vash's first Mother's Day without his mom. She had died of pneumonia a long time ago so he was pretty much used to it. He did miss celebrating it when she was still alive though. Because his family never had much money, his sister and he would only have a handful of common flowers they picked off the side of the road and a small card written in pencil on the back of a discarded flyer to give their mom. And yet, year after year, she would act as if they had just offered her the world. She had even kept all the cards in a wooden box along with all their father's mementos. A box which was buried with her.

Anyway, this day was just like any other for him, except that it was a Sunday which should meant a day of rest for him. For some odd reason, Mel had wandered off and left him alone, even though just last night she made a fuss about how he should stay by her side. To the point where she had him on a leash. Girls and their mood swings. So confusing. Oh well.

Enjoying the spring breeze, he laid back onto the grass. The tree he was under kept most of him in shade with the usual twinkles of light escaping its leaves and landing on his face. It was so pretty. He just wanted to stay there forever. Honestly, with all the training and learning and dealing with Mel's special brand of crazy, he was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. Thinking on it, he should probably be learning to control his latest powers . . . Nah. He was sleepy. A small nap shouldn't hurt, right? He decided to close his eyes for a bit and just enjoy this day a bit.


Mel's glass blue eyes scanned the ground from her position on the roof of one of the towers of the castle where the academy occupied. She remained silent while watching everyone scamper about like insects or headless chickens. How carefree they all seemed.

Mother's Day had never meant anything to Mel. Neither did Father's Day or any holidays really. She never had the chance to celebrate anything, but Mother and Father's Day were a bit different. She had never met her parents before or at least she wasn't aware of it. After Bloody Christmas, she had tried to find them but there were quite a few corpses whose faces were unrecognizable once she was done with them. And among the ones who kept their faces, she couldn't find her own in them. She did eventually find the portraits of two people who had similar features to hers in the mansion where she was kept. Edmund and Lorelei Lecarde, siblings. It was really no wonder why everything was screwed for her if that was her lineage.

She didn't really care for the people who tossed her aside to be used as a stress reliever. She had probably killed them that night along with everyone else. Still, it was . . . interesting watching everyone make a big deal of this day. Some were frantic, brimming with excitement as they prepared their gifts. Others were sluggish, probably having no one to celebrate with. Some were . . . just weird . . .

Getting tired of watching them, her eyes drifted to her hand. Last night, Vash was able to fix the middle finger and her leg. They looked as good as new. No cracks or bumps. Honestly, his talent in art amazed her. Especially since she couldn't even draw a bunny.

Still, it's as if they never broke. Well, other than the little surprise she stuffed herself with before Vash mended her. Nothing too serious or volatile. Just a bit of a back up plan should she not be able to handle Lilith. If she couldn't win . . . Well, she sure as hell wasn't going to lose either.

Feeling done with her current location, Mel grabbed the edge of the tiled roof and swung back into the hall through the window she had used before. Now she should probably find something to get rid of this new boredom in her.
((Faith Eliza Cord, sounds good to me...should we just skip Kat and Bucky's date too then? Just say it went well?))

Izzy was already on the verge of waking, when she heard the knock at the door. She could smell the messenger from the bedroom, and her Hybrid hearing was able to pick up the just of the conversation. Mother's Day....f**k, that was today? Shifting in the bed, she rolled herself deeper into the covers and pressed her head more against her pillows to muffle out the voices coming from the other room, breathing easier when she senses Jirro returning to their room. She keeps her eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep, as she hears him move about the room.

She didn't want to deal with today, maybe, if she pretended to be asleep long enough, she'd eventually fall back into that dreamless state, and she could just sleep this entire stupid day away. Mother's Day...why would anyone in their right mind think that she of all people would want to celebrate this dumb human holiday...her own mother had been slaughtered beofre her eyes when she was just a kid, her eldest daughter had been killed by her so-called family, and her youngest was still out there...missing...

Izzy didn't feel very much like a mother...not after everything...she was a failure...and no one was going to be able to convince her otherwise.

When the bed shifted, she knew it was her husband's doing, and couldn't help but feel the corners of her mouth twitch upwards slightly as she sat up slowly, tossing her pillow at him. She was still a little embarrassed for her actions the night before, and her argument with Faith hadn't ended so well, so it was nice to see at least one person in her life didn't fully hate her guts. She had apologized for snapping at him after they had gotten home that night, and hoped he had believed her. Above everyone else, Jirro was the one who mattered the most to her. And now, she needed him more then ever.

Izzy flinched when Jirro mentions the Mother's Day brunch and frantically shakes her head. "Can we just....please, can we just stay here...please?" Her eyes have watered over slightly and her lower lip trembles. She catches it between her teeth and forces herself not to break down in front of him. Instead, she quickly changes the subject and turns her attention to the black box, making sounds of appreciation as she looks over the guns and puts the necklace on. 'I love it..." Crawling across the bed to her husband, she kisses Jirro softly, letting herself lean against his body.

After a moment or two of silence, she sighs softly and flops back down against the comforter, taking Jirro with her. Sliding her body against his, she pulls at the fabric of his shirt. "I...I'm not sure what I want to do today...could we just start with breakfast? Go from there?" The thought of going anywhere outside of their apartment today troubles her but she's not about to voice this to her husband. She couldn't explain it, but for some reason, out there in the halls and campus, she let her anger get the best of her...the safest place she had felt all week was right there besides Jirro.
  1. Faith ignores them both, getting up without a word towards the others as her own temper begins to flare up. Thanatos latches on, and as she catches up and then overtakes Izzy, blocking her, she grabs her roughly, raising her voice and getting in her face.

    "What the hell is wrong with you, Izabella? This is Macal's birthday and you think it's cool to make us late doing whatever the hell you were doing in your room all that time, then coming along and acting like a spoiled child throwing a fit without even telling us what the hell your deal is? You're supposed to be the damn grown up, you're supposed to be a ROLE MODEL, and you're throwing fits like a little teenage punk? Get the hell over yourself! You aren't the only one who's gone through shit, you know, get over it!"

    Izzy didn't know which set her off more, the use of her full first name, which Faith knew she hated, or the way her so called "best friend" had grabbed at her. Snarling loudly, she grabbed at the other woman's hand and roughly yanked it away from herself which such force that she pushed Faith's body into the opposite wall away from her.

    "Don't f*****g touch me like that..." she spat out, her eyes glowing slightly as they started to shift from golden, and then to black. Her rage was building up, threatening to boil over. How dare she try and pass judgement on her. She had no idea what hell she had been though. She didn't know, she didn't understand what it was like to lose a child, to go around with that constant guilt...

    Inches away from her friend's face, she growled softly, tongue flicking against smooth canines which had lowered in her anger. She didn't once stop to think about how this wasn't like her at all. She and Faith had had their share of arguments, sure, but not to the point where it got physical and she vamped. All Izzy could focus on was that this once-human had insulted her, and she had to pay.

    "F**k off Faithy..." the Hybrid smirked. "You should go back to your husband's party, like the good little dotting wife that you are..."

    Izabella Mochizuki,Today at 7:43 PMReport

  2. Izzy had thrown her against a wall. Izzy was swearing at her, her eyes gone black...Izzy was directly in her face, practically spitting on her. Fangs drawn out, threatening her, trying to physically intimidate her...her, Faith. Izzy was going VAMP on her?

    And then to top it all off...she was calling her Faithy. Izzy knew how much Faith detested being called Faithy. It had been her father's name for her, then Angelus's name for her, and Caroline Altena's name for her one ever called her Faithy who she could look back at without bitterness and pain. No one ever called her Faithy and got away with it, and Izzy was no exception.

    Baring her teeth at her in a snarl that resembled that of an animal, of Izzy herself, Faith growled back at her, her voice rising, "No one f***ing calls me Faithy, Izabella. Especially you."

    She punctuated her last sentence with a right hook to Izzy's face, wanting and hoping for blood to spurt. She put most of her strength into it, enjoying the satisfying noise of the blow that resulted, and prepared herself for a returning strike, ready to block or defend herself.




  3. She saw the fist coming towards her face and didn't have enough time to react, so instead she stood there as flesh met flesh and she could feel the bridge of her nose crack as Faith knuckles broke bone. The sent of her own blood filled Izzy's senses and she grinned, feeling it start to drip down her upper lip, catching a drop of it with her tongue before wiping away the rest roughly with the back of her arm.

    "Awww...did I strike a nerve...that's right, I forgot your daddy issues were more f****d them mine..."

    With the slightest bit of telling movement, Izzy lashed out, grabbing the back of Faith's head and slammed her against the wall, returning the punch to the face before jumping back.

    "You know, I've really had it with your shit Faithy..." she made sure to draw the name out more then necessary. "This whole mightier then wonder all of your friends have left you...or died...hell, do you honestly think if I hadn't lost my memories that I'd be here...why the f**k would I lower myself like that? Hmmm?" Not giving her time to recover, her leg shot out, kicking the other woman in the ribs, smiling when she heard a few crack.

    "That why you brought in a new black blood? Didn't have me fanning over ya anymore, so you figured you'd grab this one? Start her out while she was young? have to brainwash people into liking you that it? Faithy?"



  4. Faith's head bounced off the wall even as she tried to brace herself, her ears ringing not from pain so much as from her reeling reaction to what Izzy is saying. Gritting her teeth, clinching her jaw, she swings out at her wildly, seizing a fistful of her hair and yanking hard, snapping Izzy's head down as she does so and uppercutting her to the eye. Her ribs are aching, a heated stitch of pain settling through, her head throbbing already, but she fights back, lashing out at her with fists and feet both, wanting to hit and hurt any part of her she can.

    The only time Izzy has ever said anything like this to her was when Rikarah was possessing her...but she's not now, Faith is sure of it. For Izzy, her friend, the woman she called her sister, to stand there and tell her she only came to her because she had no memory, that she was lowering herself...talking about her daddy issues, about her friends leaving...brainwashing people into liking her...

    It was like hearing all the voices she'd heard all her life, all put together to come out through Izzy, just as they always had before. Telling her she was worthless, nothing, unloved and unwanted, that nothing she ever did would be good enough. She was Faithy to them all, and she never, EVER thought she would be Faithy to Izzy too.

    "You're nothing but a f***in traitor," she hissed at Izzy as she swung out at her with some force, driving her elbow into her ear. "You blame everything that ever happened in your life on everyone else and YOU are the common factor of it all! Your daughter dies, your other daughter ditches you and hates your guts, and you don't see parallels, you can't take care of your own cousin who's YOUR responsibility because you might have to get your hands dirty and open up your stone cold heart to someone other than your own reflection! Your daddy hated you, your mom died rather than stick around protecting you, your sister too, and your first husband, what the hell do you think is the common thread here, it's YOU! Who the hell are you to talk about people liking you...they all hate you, they all leave you too! AND DON'T YOU CALL ME FAITHY!"

    Without another thought she had a stake whipped out from her belt loop and pressed against Izzy's heart, her chest heaving, her hands steady as she held its sharpened tip to Izzy's chest. She looked her dead on in the eyes, then raised her hand high, bringing it straight into Izzy's heart.

    And then, as her stake pierces her chest, for the first time, her anger falters. As she looks at Izzy, feeling her body beneath her, it begins to dawn on her what she is doing and who she is doing it to, and her rage gives way to horror. Standing quickly, throwing the stake away from her, she scrambles back from her, shaking her head in denial.

    "I...Izzy. I'm...sorry...what..."




  5. Faith's words about it all being her fault hit home, barely blocking the blows as her anger starts turning inwards on herself and she can no longer bring herself to fight back. God, was Faith right? Was everything her fault with this?

    Izzy feels herself being pushed back, her body hitting the cold floor hard as Faith lands on top of her. Each hit is a dull throb, a sting really and she no longer fights back, not even noticing the stake, just focusing on each blow, thinking how they aren't hurting her enough. How she was a failure, how Faith was right. She had killed her own daughters...her mother...failed her whole family, especially Sheena...she was worthless...the more angry Izzy got with herself, the more she stopped caring if her best friend killed her now.

    She looked up into Faith's cold, almost dead eyes and didn't even flinch at the hatred she saw there. This was what she wanted.

    The wood pierces her chest and she shouts out, the pain causing her to break free from her thoughts. Her previous self-rage vanishes, replaced by fear as she scrambles back against the floor, holding at her chest as blood pushes past her fingers. Her back against the wall, she looks around frantically, wondering how it had all gotten that far and tries to force herself to get control of her breathing, forcing her body to start healing herself. The stake hadn't hit her heart, and luckily she wasn't a vampire so the wood wouldn't effect her, it was just going to hurt like a b***h in the morning.

    "D-don't....don't come near me..." her lips tremble when she speaks, holding up one bloodied hand as Faith comes at her with concern in her eyes. She had to get away from this place, couldn't let anyone see her like this.



  6. Oh shit, she was bleeding so much...she hadn't killed her, had she? What if she got infected? She was Black Blood, Izzy would survive...she would heal. She had to heal...maybe she should get Liza to come heal, Liza couldn't see her, what the hell would Liza think? What would Sheena think, Macal, Jirro...oh god...

    "Izzy, I'm sorry," Faith repeated, her voice shaking almost as badly as her hands as she wipes them repeatedly over her thighs, certain she can feel Izzy's blood on them. "I didn't mean...this was just..."

    She doesn't finish her sentence, coming forward quickly. "Izzy, we have to look at this...let me help you, please. I didn't...I didn't mean any of it. Let me help you."




  7. New

    ((Flashback from when she killed that DA or whatever he was back in Sunnydale?))

    "Don't. Touch. Me."

    Izzy pushed back against the wall, pushing her body along it until she was in a standing position. Her body felt tight, chest throbbing, and the scent from her own blood was making her dizzy.

    Breathing hard, her head fell back and she closed her eyes for a moment, breathing hard as she felt the familiar burning sensation as her injury started to heal itself, skin stitching itself back together. It would take awhile to fully heal, but at least she wouldn't lose too much blood...

    A tiny gasp escaped her at the quick jolt of pain as her heart started to beat more rapidly until it was back to it's normal pace ans when her eyes opened again, they were back to their normal feral gold. Looking around, she finally focused on Faith's face, seeing the fear in her eyes and let out a tiny sigh. "I...I'm fine...just...keep back, alright...I don't know why..." she trailed off, waving a bloody hand in the direction of where their fight had been, "-why all of that happened...but it did...and..."

    Swallowing hard, she pushed back from the wall, her legs wobbling a bit as she got her footing. Shaking her head, she turned and started back in the direction of her apartment.


  8. New

    Faith let Izzy go, realizing that her breathing has quickened until she is nearly hyperventilating, that her hands are still shaking. The throbbing in her head has subsided and she knows distantly that if she has a concussion, it is mild and will heal quickly. The ribs are more irritating but she ignores them as well, not even checking for blood.

    She just staked her best friend. She broke her nose, threw her around, said the worst things she could think had this happened?

    She can't let Liza or Sheena see her like this. But how will she manage not to?

    After a few moments she finally went to one of the closets where she kept spare clothing for new kids who were in need, slipping into a new shirt somewhat painfully and rejoining the others. She didn't say a word to Macal about it, despite her healing ribs and somewhat battered state, and as she went with Liza and Sheena the next morning to her mother's day brunch, she finds it difficult to continue to go along with it. She had rebuffed Macal from talking about what had happened last night, even when they were alone in their bed together, but now she forces smiles when the girls are looking, then waits for a moment when they are distracted to pull him aside.

    "I staked Izzy last night, Macal."


    Katarina seems to calm after about fifteen minutes of sitting with him, and Adrian gently eases away from her, giving her back a light pat before getting to his feet. Turning to her and offering his hand, he asked her, "You want to take a walk or something, see what everyone else is up to?"

    "Okay," she agreed, trying for a smile, and she let him pull her up, not immediately letting go of his hand. Looking down at her, Adrian took a deep breath before starting his much delayed apology.

    "Look, Rina, I'm sorry for how I was yesterday. I was worried, and I said some really harsh things. I didn't mean it."

    "It's okay," she said after a pause, catching her teeth between her lower lip. "It's okay."

    As they started down the hallway together, she looks up to see Mel, thinking she looks familiar but not remembering her name. Katarina glances at Adrian before greeting her hesitantly. "Hi."
(I bet Jirro and Mac would just stand there in the door way, smoking cigars and watch this like a Vegas prize fight. lol)

{Jirro slides into bed wrapping himself around Izabella, burying his face in her neck, kissing it} Of course we can do whatever you like Bella. As for breakfast in bed I think I can take care of that for you right now. {He lifts his head exposing his neck to her.} I'm sure after your fight with Faith you could use a pick me up. Izabella, that wasn't like you yesterday, I've seen you angry before and that was almost bloodlust for Faith, you didn't even fight like yourself, you're usually more calculated and deliberate about your attacks, what I saw yesterday was rather sloppy. {He pauses for a second} Before you think I'm talking down to you wait. After the fight did you remember what set you off in the first place? I only ask because yesterday I lost it in front of Sheena and I do not understand why. All I remember was I wanted to rip Mac's throat out and then the feeling passed. I guess I could just imaged the whole thing. Well I'll be quiet and let you feed. Then we should get out of here, I mean it lets go for a ride. We can take the motorcycles out and just ride till the sunsets.
As though her dreams were perfectly cued up with the holidays, Evan rolled over in her bed, still clinging to the image of the smiling woman in the blue dress. It would probably be impossible to know whether or not this was actually her mother, but a part of her really hoped that it was... that she was able to cling to at least SOMETHING from her past that wasn't pulled out of diary entries, video entries, or pictures she had taken.

While she didn't know that it was Mother's Day, Evan still woke with that pit in her stomach. She didn't have anyone to call family, or anyone to even consider her family, for that matter. Clearly, she had been forgettable enough to be left wherever it was that she'd been left. Evan was alone, and this was a realization that she hated waking up with. It made getting out of bed that much more difficult for, though she did finally manage it.

Tugging on a pair of sweats and a clean shirt, Evan slipped her feet into a pair of flip flops, brushed her teeth, and, with little to no other ceremony, slogged to the cafeteria to get something to eat. She barely noticed the other people in the room as she moved through the line to get the food that she wasn't really hungry for. A plate of eggs and toast and bacon now in her hands, Evan found an empty table and took a seat, spearing the yolk of the egg with her fork.

Her mind kept returning to the woman in the dress. It was never a full dream, but just a woman who maybe looked a little like her, turning to face Evan with a bowl of cereal. She always smiled and said something to her that Evan couldn't make out, as though she were listening to her underwater, but part of her just knew that whatever she was saying was especially for Evan. Didn't matter now though, did it? Because she was here, and she didn't know the woman, or even know if she had a mother and why did she have to dwell on this anyway?!

This was stupid. Evan picked up a piece of bacon, dipped it into the yolk that was now spreading slowly over her plate, and bite it off, chewing slowly. Even the chatter around her, something she usually would have welcomed, seemed to grate on her nerves just then, but she was far too miserable to bother trying to take her food elsewhere or block it out.
((They'd just stand their as their wives tried to KILL each other??? I doubt that))

Eyeing her husband's neck, she felt her stomach lurch, not in hunger but in disgust and quickly hid her face against his chest. "I...I'm not hungry..." she gasped out. The idea of drinking his blood after the way she had treated him the night before made her sick, and she took in a few deep breaths to calm herself, holding onto the front of his shirt, her nails digging into the fabric.

Shaking her head, Izzy thought back on to what had caused her to flip out the night before and sighed loudly. "It had happened earlier during the day too..." she said softly. "-I had gotten angry for no reason, but it quickly passed, but last night...I saw that new black blood child they didn't tell us about and I just...lost it...I don't even remember how Faith and I got into the hallway...then she staked me..."

Looking up at Jirro, she shrugged. "I...I really don't want to go anywhere today...I'm sorry...but you can go for a ride if you wanted, take Alex or Sheena....not like I have anything to celebrate today really..." she couldn't help the bitterness in her tone.

((thinking it might be time to bring Mitsumi back into the fold, I'll probably make a character sheet for her just in case))
Mel was a bit . . . confused when some girl randomly greeted her. At first she though the girl meant someone else but there wasn't anyone behind her. Looking at the girl's face and the face of the boy next to her, she . . . had no idea who these people were. Maybe she mistook Mel as someone else? But was there even another doll in this place? Maybe there was a girl that happened to look like her. She crossed her arms in irritation, not a fan of socialization one bit.

"Sorry, do I even know you? I don't make a habit of interacting with trash." Mel probably didn't mean anything personal by that . . . Probably. This sort of response had become something of second nature to her and she probably would have said it to anyone simply due to force of habit. Still, she didn't really feel the need to even give them a response. Ignoring them would've been ideal.
(I would friggin hope they don't stand back amused as their wives say horrible things to eat other, stab each other, and break each other's bones...otherwise you're both sadists)

This comment, for Katarina, who did not in fact know Mel nearly well enough to understand her personality, was like a punch to the face. After the remarks from her own brother yesterday, and her own fairly steady self-loathing even in the best of times, a remark like this from a girl who didn't even know her was enough to be devastating.

If this girl who didn't know her called her trash and didn't even want to talk to her, then that must mean that everyone knew and thought of her that way, even if they were too nice to say. That must mean that they all talked about her behind her back and mocked and laughed at her, thinking her pathetic and feeling sorry for her at best, hating her at worst, and how could she blame them? Her own brother had said the same.

Katarina looked down, trying not to let Mel see the tears that filled her eyes, and as she turned, quickly walking away, Adrian turned to face her, calling after her.

"Kat! Kat, hey, wait!"

But he didn't go after her. Instead he pivoted back to Mel sharply, seizing her arm and squeezing hard. How dare she speak to her like that, how dare she even look at his sister like that...she would pay for this!

"You ever speak to my sister like that again and I will break you one limb at a time!"
(You're both right they wouldn't just stand there and smoke cigars while they fought..They be betting on it..Both are freaking immortal and don't forget Mac and Jirro would be pissed if Faith and Izzy stepped in if they were fighting.)

*Mac smiles as the women in his life show up, standing behind the chair he pulled out for Faith and waited for her to sit, he leans in and whispers in her ear.* You don't look to worst for wear after your little spat with Izzy. *He kisses her on the cheek before helping Liza and Sheena to their seats before sitting himself, a waiter comes over right away and places drinks down for everyone..Juice with a wee bit of a kick for the adults and regular juice for the girls.* Promise not to stake anyone today ok
(Yeah . . . Kat probably shouldn't hang around Mel . . . like ever. We don't want the poor girl killing herself over what Mel deems as normal conversation.)

Mel merely watched as Kat ran off crying, not really sure why. The doll has had much worse told to her and yet she was able to get over most of it. What she said wasn't even that bad. Nonetheless the girl was now crying and out of site. Oh well. At least she was able to avoid awkward small talk. Or she thought so before the boy that was with the girl from before grabbed onto her arm and was now threatening her for her language.

The doll couldn't help but chuckle. After her experience, his words sounded like nothing more than a puppy barking at a wolf. It was hardly threatening at all. Especially since she could no longer feel pain in this form. Using her free hand, she yanked the arm he had right out of its socket. "If you want that arm so bad, then keep it. I can always get Vash to make me another."

Mel used her leftover hand to block off the hole that had been left behind by the arm in Adrian's hand. Some of the explosive clay in her body cavity was beginning to leak through and she was trying to stop the flow. If she had known that Adrian was a pyrokinetic, she probably would've told him that there was a little in the arm he held as well, not very much, just a little but still. But she didn't know so she didn't say anything. Not that there was enough there to really do anything more dangerous than a mere sparkler.

She looked at Adrian without much concern. "If that much was enough to send her crying, then she should really learn to man up. The world is a cruel place after all. There will be many who will say much worse. If she stays like that, there's no way she'll be able to survive."

(Probably shouldn't start a fight with a fire starter when Mel is filled with low grade explosives . . . Oh well. She's sure not going to apologize.)

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