Dormer Academy

((a little spat??? Dude, they broke eachother's bones and Faith shoved a piece of wood into Izzy's chest...this wasn't like some b***h fight, they were trying to seriously hurt eachother....))
It was true that Faith's ribs were already almost healed and her face was as well, but that was not the point, nor were her own injuries what was bothering her. It was the fact that she had seriously, truly wanted to hurt Izzy...wanted to kill her. Her own sister, as she called her, a woman she loved dearly...she had genuinely wanted to kill her. And Izzy, she knew, had wanted to kill her too.

Either one of them could be seriously injured. Hell, they had been; it was merely their accelerated healing that had helped along with that. What if a student had seen? What if a student had gotten in the way and gotten hurt because of their lack of control? This was serious, very much so...and he called this a little spat?

He was making a joke of this. He thought this was FUNNY.

She sat for a few more seconds as this sank in, and then stood abruptly, knowing that she was concerning Liza and Sheena, that they would not understand, but unable to bring herself to care. To them she muttered an apology and an excuse about having something to take care of; to Macal she said nothing as she left the room.


Adrian blinked, somewhat thrown when Mel removed her arm and held it out to him, but it wasn't enough deter him for more than a few seconds. Squaring his jaw, he took her arm and threw it, hoping it would smash against the wall permanently as he raised his voice at her.

"You don't know a damn thing about my sister or what she's been through, so you keep your mouth shut before I break your lips too. You know, it would be really damn easy for me to break every single part of you, and you really seem to be gunning for it."

His hands are shaking, small flares of light already emitting off his fingertips even as he struggles to control it.
Now Mel was getting irritated. This insolent whelp was actually trying to lecture her?! Telling her to hold her tongue simply because his sister couldn't handle it? Because she has been through a troublesome past? Now, normally Mel would see this protective nature to be rather noble and endearing, but that opinion was shattered just like the arm he threw. It seemed as if the boy thought he was entitled to what he wanted because he had a few boohoos in the past. As if Mel had no idea what pain felt like. No, his behavior was nearly as irritating as those she despised most.

She felt her irritation turn into anger and then into killing intent. Though it wasn't so serious that she actually planned to kill him, she wasn't going to just up and ignore this. She stuffed the hole in her torso with the sleeve of her dress, leaving her hand free to rest on the the button on her wrist that would reveal a blade concealed in her right arm. It wasn't that big, only 18 inches in length and 3 inches across at its widest point, but it would be enough against this person. Judging by his arrogance and the fact that he had no idea who she was, he was probably inexperienced, or at least less experienced than she was. One arm probably wouldn't be enough to kill him, but she should be able to stand her ground.

"You're right. I don't know a damn thing about her and I don't plan to. But I do know that this world isn't filled with @#$ing unicorns and candy castles. Everyone has sh*t they go through, with no one wishing to protect them unconditionally. Rape. Murder. Abuse. Corruption. It's @#$ing everywhere. And you expect me to pity your sister when there have got to be at least a hundred other girls just like her?! FYI, spoiling her like that isn't helping her! It is our own duty to learn to stand up for ourselves and kick some ass. So @#$% you and what you think. I'll do and say whatever the hell I want."
She had a knife. She had a knife out of some sort of...weird her arm, and she was going to take it out, she was going to use it against him. This little DOLL PERSON was going to stab him with a knife, after calling his sister trash, and she thought Adrian would let this by. She actually thought he would let her get away with it.

As she continued to bluster about the state of the world and how she didn't pity his sister, how he was spoiling Katarina- Katarina, who had lived in an abandoned motel without running water with him, who had been abused along with him for as long as he could remember by their parents- HER spoiled? Katarina who had never been handed anything in life but this chance to be here, in this school- a school which so far seemed to just be full of people who continued to attack her?

The longer she stood there and sneered up at him, so assured she knew exactly what she was talking about, so callous to him and to his twin, the more fury he felt; even in the best of times Adrian would have been angry, but now, in the newly charged environment of the halls, he could not contain himself. Letting out a wordless cry, he thrust both hands up at her and aimed flames directly towards her, intending to burn her where she stood.


"Mama? Mama, where are you going? It's your party," Liza said with concern when Faith got up, and she started to get up to go after her too. But Sheena, having seen the whispered exchanges between her father and her sister, and the look on Faith's face before she stood, has an idea despite her confusion as to the details that something is going on, and she quickly shakes her head at Liza, snagging her arm.

"No, Liza, stay here, and...we can keep planning stuff for Faith here where she won't hear. I'm sure she'll be right back."

But she looks at Macal, mouthing where Liza won't see, "What's going on?"


Faith hadn't had any idea where she was going or what she intended to do when she would get there; her only thought was that she couldn't be in public around her daughter and sister, around Macal and others, not when she couldn't predict her own behavior or fully control her emotions. Not when she was upset with Macal, and not after what had happened last night.

As she walked with quick steps down the hallways, not paying attention to where she was going, she was dimly aware of Adrian and Mel standing across from each other in the distance. Normally this would ring alarm bells, given Adrian's temper and Mel's provocative nature, but she hardly noticed them this time.

Until the fire shot out across the hallway.

Faith's eyes nearly popped, and she sprinted the rest of the way to them, tackling Adrian around the waist and throwing him to the ground. Holding him down beneath her, she nearly screams, "What the hell, stop it, what are you doing?"


Head down, arms folded tightly over her stomach, Katarina walked rapidly, tears still standing in her eyes as she walked without watching where she was going, much as Faith had. She doesn't see the transparent form until she almost collides with it, and then she screams, jumping backward with her eyes opening wide, a few tears escaping in spite of her previous efforts. Staring at Ezra, she takes a few moments to recognize him.


Unconsciously she scratches one hand, hard, over her forearm beneath her sleeve, her fingers snaking beneath it.
Mel was surprised by the flames heading toward her. Shit, a pyro. With her body cavity filled with explosive clay, she couldn't exactly afford to be hit by any fire or sparks. She jumped up and shoved her blade in between two stones in the wall to hold her up. She had barely avoided the flames, irritated because she knew she could've jumped higher in her old body. This one was just too clunky. But she should be glad she at least avoided it, or so she thought. Due to the loss of her sense of touch, Mel didn't notice that the left sleeve of her dress was on fire.

She was really angry now. It felt like being on the road again. People attacking her out of nowhere. Wasn't this place supposed to be different, like that other school promised? Wasn't she promised a fresh start? Didn't she deserve some peace? No. This place was like every other and it was her fault for foolishly believing the pretty words of others again. "You c*cksucking wanker! I may have had my powers stolen from me but I'm still enough to kill you!" She prepared a counterstrike when Faith came and tackled the fire starter and asked what was going on.

Mel took her blade out of the wall and slid back to the floor. "We're fighting. Wasn't that obvious?" she said in a matter of fact sort of way. It was pretty obvious from anyone's point of view. And though a little pissed that the battle was interrupted, Mel was able to calm down again. Enough to finally notice the flaming fabric heading straight for the hole in her torso. She tried to cut it off but was too late and the flame reached the clay and a small explosion occurred, sending pieces of porcelain out like shrapnel.

Luckily it was a very small explosion and there didn't seem to be much damage to the hallway or pedestrians other than a few cracks in some windows and floor. For a while things were silent. "You little twat." Mel sat up looking like something out of a child's nightmares. A good chunk of the left side of her face and torso was gone. Her glass eye fell onto the floor, leaving a dark and empty socket. The porcelain of her left leg stripped away to reveal a thin metal rod that acted as something of a skeletal system. Parts of her clothes, wings and hair were still in fire but the flames were slowly smoldering.

She looked at Faith and Adrian, mostly Adrian, with her good eye. "Now look what you've done. Though I suppose I should thank you. Now I know I need higher grade explosives."
Faye after a good half an hour of semi-sulking in her room decided that it was past the usual time that Raina would come up and check on her - a habit the vampire had seemed to adopt lately - and thought maybe she should get up and go find something to do.

She wasn't going to let the fact that it was Mother's day keep her down. No, she hated this day, but at least now she didn't have to 'celebrate' it anymore.

So with that thought in mind she got up, dressed herself and made herself presentable before leaving her room. Instead of heading to check up on Raina she carried on down the hall. She didn't need to be around Raina every second of the day; she could still look after herself.

She was planning to head to one of the training rooms maybe when she smelt fire, even feeling the pull towards it as it was her own element, and she sped over to the scene. Was someone else around here a fire starter too? She found herself standing in the middle of a scene, Mel was standing to the side, slightly on fire and looking like she had just been blown up, and Faith was pinning some guy to the floor, and the guy looked angry.

She turned her attention first to Mel and before any more explosions could occur she held out a hand and sucked all the fire away from Mel and let it flow freely into her own hand so that it vanished, there, the fire was gone now. "What happened?..." She blinked at Mel's broken appearance, it looked like half of her body was gone. "Uh, do you want me to go and find Vash or Riff for you?" She had an inkling that either one of the boys could fix Mel, and she wasn't sure if the doll could make it to them without falling apart.

She then turned to look at Faith and Adrian, "Uh Faith, are you okay here?" She then let her eyes drop to Adrian, even though she was still speaking to Faith, "Don't tell me you got yourself another fire starter? Missed me so much that you replaced me?" She gave her a grin, her teasing evident in her tone.
Ezra hadn't been paying any attention himself, and only noticed Katatina was there when she almost walked into him and then screamed. He looked up, a look of complete shock on his face, he noticed the tears on her cheeks and wondered what was wrong. "Come on... I'm not that scary..." he said jokingly, trying to smile, but his own thoughts managed to keep that smile away, instead he took a closer look at her and frowned some. "What's wrong?" he asked with genuine concern. He didn't know her well, but that didn't mean that he couldn't try to find out what was wrong and possibly try cheering her up.


Nickkie was finishing up her food in the cafeteria, she had Donnie sitting near her on the table, sometimes she felt out of place being so young in a school that was mostly those older than her, but she knew that this was probably the best place for her, so she would remain here. She stood and went to get rid of her tray and the plate that she had been eating off of, then she noticed Evan, she slowly walked to her and waved. "Hi, Evan." she said, she didn't want to be in the way, but she didn't really want to be alone either.
There was so much for Faith to take in right then that she couldn't at first form words. Still holding Adrian down, though he was not fighting back against her or trying to get up, nor was he shooting flames any longer, she looked between Mel's badly damaged form to her hollow porcelain body, displaying holes now, then to the scorched walls behind her, then back to Mel again. She could feel Adrian breathing heavily beneath her and it crossed her mind that it probably wasn't the most proper thing in the world for her to be lying on top of her male student, but it wasn't exactly a big concern for her then. Mel had just made a comment about explosives, and this was what took the cake.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It is way too early in the morning for us to even start this shit," she said bluntly, holding up one hand that had been formerly pinning Adrian down and shaking her head. "Okay. Okay, Mel...why the HELL are there BOMBS inside your body? That's...that's just a no. That's not going to happen...what the the...okay, Mel, whatever you need to do to get yourself...fixed...I don't know if Liza could fix a...doll, this isn't exactly a human body with human genetic material and all that, not sure she could work with that...not sure our nurses and doctors here could either, honestly. Could Vash or Riff? Whatever you need...go do it. If you need help, I'll get someone to escort you..."

"ADRIAN," and her voice is much harsher now as she backs off him slowly, but keeps hold of his arms. "How many times in the past two days? You have to get control and it has to happen now. I'm not accepting this any longer. If you do this again you're going to find yourself put in some kind of lockdown, and as of now you have detention for the next three weeks. If I have to, I'll find a way to bind your ability all the times that we're not together practicing for control. I don't care what she did-" her voice rose as Adrian's mouth opened- "If she wasn't threatening someone's life, I don't care."

When Faye comes up and starts teasing, Faith is not in the mood at all. She just shakes her head at her, her jaw set as she finally releases Adrian. "It's under control, Faye."


Katarina took a slow breath in, then released it, her arms still tightly hugging against her chest as she shook her head, eyes downcast. Ezra was speaking gently to her, even teasing her, but she couldn't feel any better for it. If anything, it brought her closer to losing control to have someone talk to her nicely.

Maybe he hadn't heard yet; he was new, after all. But he would soon enough, and how quickly would he too look at her the same way?

"Nothing," she whispered, shaking her head. "I'm just...nothing."
(It was actually Faye with Faith, not Raina xD )

Raina knew she couldn't just lie here all day. Yeah, it was Mother's day, yeah it hurt like a b*tch to know she wouldn't be able to see her own Mother today, but the hurt was getting to the point where she needed to get up and do something, something violent.

Within less than three minutes she was dressed in a black tank top, black shorts and black combat boots, her hair was pulled back into a long high ponytail and she hid a few weapons on her person before grabbing a gun and slinging it over her back.

She headed to the training room, that annoying thing that people called a conscience telling her that killing real, alive people was wrong and would upset Faye and Liza, and found one with shooting targets in it to practice on. Without wasting any time she pulled the gun off her back, put it infront of her and aimed at the set up targets, firing off round after round of bullets, hitting the targets dead on center.

At least the sounds of the machine and the adrenaline pumping through her was keeping her distracted from thoughts of what today was.
Evan had been so caught up in her thoughts, in trying to remember as much as she could about the dream that she almost hadn't heard Nick when she approached. She nearly flinched when she heard her and caught the girl out of the corner of her eye and looked over, her entire upper body turning to face the girl, eyebrows still slightly furrowed in thought. Quickly, Evan tried to fix her face and managed a small, if not a little forced, smile.

"Hey Nickkie," She said softly and took a bite of toast, which had gone cold. Grimacing slightly she put it back on her plate and sat back. "How's your morning going so far?"
*Mac smiles at his girls and excuses himself from the table.* I'll be right back, I'm just gonna go check on her then we can start to enjoy our day as soon as we come back. Liza no running off, cause I'm coming right back. *He steps away from the table and teleports to Faith's location, just as she finished yelling at Adrian. Instead of stepping on her toes, he hangs back not saying anything to any of the students involve, he just looks around at the damage done to the walls. He coughs to make sure Faith knows he's there then calmly speaks into her mind.* Can you tell me why you're mad at me and whatever it is I did, was it really right for you to walk out on the girls like that...Be pissed at me for whatever I did but don't do that to Liza and Sheena. Faith that isn't fair to them. *He starts to walk away* They're waiting for us to return so we can enjoy our day. For their sake even if you're pissed at me you should come back.
"Everyone keeps leaving," Liza comments, playing with her spoon and sending it clattering to the floor. She picks it up, then starts to use it to pretend to feed her teddy bear as she looks over at Sheena. "They're so silly. It's a party. You don't leave parties 'cause they're fun. Plus also you might not get cake."

"I don't know that we're having cake, Liza, it's morning and it's not anyone's birthday," Sheena tells her, but she too is distracted, watching Macal leave. It bothers her that Faith doesn't seem happy...something has to be going on. Did she and Macal fight? When? They had seemed okay last night...


"Adrian, go straight to detention, and know I'm going to be checking to make sure you did," Faith says as she senses Macal come up behind her, not turning to look back at him. She watches to be sure that the boy is heading off in the direction she ordered, and still aware that Mel and Faye are nearby, she continues to face away from him, struggling to keep her face neutral for the sake of the students. She doesn't dare look at him as she responds in her mind back.

"What would you have done if I did that to Sheena, Macal? If I staked her through the chest, broke her bones, and told her terrible things about herself that weren't even true, just because I wanted to hurt her? What would you think then...and don't tell me you would call it a spat. I wanted to kill her, Macal. I could have. My sister, and I could have killed her."

(by the way Macal, no, Faith isn't immortal...she's just a Slayer in this, not a goddess. Remember, they got that stripped when Sheena was kidnapped by the autobots, they never got that back)
You constantly tell me not to interfere with your battles, that doing so makes you look weak, now you're saying I should have, so which is it Faith? Also do you really think Jirro and I would have let you two fight to the death, if either of us saw any intent of a lethal blow we would have stopped you. Faith you are a warrior and a Queen besides being my wife, I trusted you to know when you were going to far. So are you trying to tell me that trust is misplaced, that I should interfere in all your decisions and fights, treat you like some rookie or child? I don't think you'd like me very much if I did that. By the way I'm pretty sure that wasn't all you and Izzy and I needed to be sure.
Faith can't stand here in front of her students and continue to have this conversation, not even if it isn't aloud. She can't let them see her face or the fact that she's getting upset, and she certainly can't let them know what she did to Izzy last night. She starts to walk away, distractedly calling over her shoulder to Mel again to go get herself fixed before catching up to Macal. Grabbing his arm, she pulls him into the first empty room she sees and proceeds to almost explode on him, agitated as much from her own frustration and fear of her actions than of anger towards him, though this is very real as well.

"I didn't ask you to interfere with anything, Macal, that's what you're assuming now because I bothered to bring it up to you that it even happened! I didn't ask you to interfere, and you didn't, and you couldn't anyway now because it's over! But the fact is that it happened! I stuck a stake in my sister's heart. I broke her bones. She broke my bones. I didn't know it was coming and I did it anyway, and I wanted to. I enjoyed it, Macal. I enjoyed watching this happen to her. I WANTED TO KILL HER, so don't stand there and tell me there was no intent of a lethal blow, when I KNOW that I wanted to kill her!"

She is finding herself to be breathing faster than usual now, blinking rapidly as she grits her teeth, turning away from him. Through her teeth she says, "I know how I felt and what I was thinking, Macal, and NO, I don't want you to treat me like a child and I'm not asking you to. I want you to not shrug me off like I'm...being overdramatic over an argument. I STUCK A STAKE IN IZZY'S CHEST. WHAT THE F*** WOULD YOU DO IF I DID THAT TO SHEENA OR LIZA? What if I did that to a student? It's serious, Macal, this is serious, and it would be good if you would understand that instead of acting like I'm being moody over having a few words!"
*He grabs her by the shoulders* DAMMIT FAITH YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KILL IZZY!..Think about it even in a rage you would know that staking does not work on Izzy and Jirro, they aren't that kind of vampire..And even if you didn't realize it wouldn't have killed her I still don't believe you would really try to kill her..And Faith I know just like me you would take your own life before trying to hurt Liza or Sheena. Even just now students on each side of you trying to used deadly force you kept your head...Now calm down and listen to me, think about this people have been blowing up all over the academy, not just the hot heads, some of the most level-headed people have lost their shit lately.
"I wanted to kill her," Faith maintains, her eyes lowered at first, but then she lifts them to Macal, her voice soft, but sincere, her eyes shadowed with feeling. "I wanted to kill her. A stake was all I had on me at the time. If I had anything else, I would have used it."

She breathes in slowly, her chest rising and falling as she releases it, and now there is a faint sheen of tears in her eyes as she looks up at him, even fear as she says more softly, "Macal, I would think I would do the same for Izzy. If I could do that and not have control, or not pull back enough to take control, I know I could do that to them. How can I run this school and talk to kids about being in control and not being violent when I could do that to my own sister? You don't know. You weren't there, you weren't in my head or my heart. Don't try to make this less than it was, and don't try to excuse it. I did it, and whatever you think it was a big f***ing deal."
*He releases her then steps back so she can clearly see his face and how pissed he is.* You sound weak and pathetic, two things I know aren't you, so stop this self-doubt bullshit. You're stronger then that, you've discovered something that is bothering you, so what do you do? Back down and let it take control or figure out what the hell you can do to take care of it. You're strong and good and there are only a few things in world that would make you go hard after Izzy. She was attacking someone you love, a spell, threat of death to Liza or Sheena or some kind of Rika body snatching voodoo shit. Now once you eliminate the impossible all you are left with is the possible. Think Faith, what was really motivating you to attack Izzy.
"THIS ISN'T SELF-DOUBT, MACAL!" Faith screamed, and she punctuated her words by hitting him in the shoulder with her fist as hard as she could swing it. "This is KNOWING something. I KNOW what I felt and what I thought, I'm not doubting it for a second because I KNOW. You don't want to believe it, fine, but I KNOW HOW I FELT. If you think I'm so f***ing weak why the hell are you even here, why would you even want to be married to someone you look down on as weak and pathetic? I'm trying to tell you about a real problem that really happened and you're going to look at me like I'm some dramatic teenager making shit up? I know what motivated me to attack her, it was because she said some awful things to me, about my dad and everyone leaving me, no one liking me, calling me Faithy to get to me, complete bs like that, and it pissed me off, it hurt my feelings, THAT WAS ALL IT TOOK, Macal! There was no death threat, no threat to anyone else, no spell, it was just me being pissed off and hurt, that was all it took. THAT WAS ALL. Don't stand there and think you know when YOU WEREN'T THERE. "
Faye as she is so coldly brushed off by Faith feels a small jab in the gut at the obvious implication that Faith doesn't need Faye's help, and that by the older woman's annoyed tone she clearly just thinks that Faye helping would just make the situation worse. Didn't it always? Whenever Faye tried to help anybody it just went wrong, I mean, she tried to help Lil and look how that ended! The only person she had ever helped properly was Myra, and where was she now? Dead and gone.

Faye was so absorbed in her own hatred and anger with herself for being so damn useless that she only noticed Macal's appearance when Faith dragged him away, it was then that she felt some sort of anger towards herself beginning to be directed at Faith instead, Faith who had just so coldly told her that she didn't need her help, Faith who had left the academy after promising to help Raina with Kol, Faith who if she had stuck around, then maybe Myra would still be here too. It was Faith's fault that Faye felt like this, that she felt so digusted with herself that she had tried to seriously harm herself.

She looked to Mel then, "Sorry Mel, I gotta go take care of something, I'm sure Vash can help you anyway." She then bolted off after Faith, intending to shout at her about how unfair she was being, about how she had just abandoned her and Raina back at the old Academy. But as she reached the location Faith had gone off to, she could hear shouting from behind the door, and, with her anger fading she stayed still and listened.

It was Faith and Macal shouting at each other, both sounding furious to Faye's ears, and they had been shouting for quite a while now. Were they going to kill each other or something? She got the general gist of the conversation, despite not knowing who the hell Izzy was, and decided that their shouting was becoming too loud now to put up with.

With an annoyed grunt she roughly yanked open the door and glared at them both, "Will you two shut the hell up!?!?!" She waved an arm behind her to emphasize her point before stepping into the room and shutting the door angrily behind her, "If you don't stop shouting then soon the whole damn school will know what's going on!!" She turned to Macal angrily, pointing at him to emphasize her point, "You! You need to open your damn ears and listen to Faith long enough to understand that no matter what you think, she still hurt someone she cares about, and that it was SERIOUS! It doesn't matter if this Izzy woman is fine now, you need to know that what happened upset Faith and that she just needs you to not treat it like some playground kiddy fight!" She then turned to Faith, just as angry, "And you! I get that what happened hurt you, and you're worried that it might happen again, or that you could do the same to Sheena or someone else, but you also need to calm the hell down for just a moment and understand that what Macal is trying to say is that it's not like you to attack someone just because they were being hurtful to you, and that maybe there is something else going on here! Other people all over the school have been attacking each other too right? Well maybe that means that it's not just you, that there is some sort of spell on the school, or someone manipulating people into being mean!"

She let out an annoyed puff of air then, having just scolded the two adults like she was their parent, and crossed her arms as she glanced between them both, "Considering you're both extremely smart people you sure are dumb nuts sometimes. And if you're still pissed off then at least go take this argument outside before one of the little kids hears you and gets upset or scared."

(Sorry for making Faye interfere, I just think that if you let them Faith and Macal would argue for an eternity about this, and I'm bored xD )
Ezra watched her, slowly tilting his head, "It doesn't look like nothing, something obviously bothered you." he said, then he shrugged, "But it's fine. I understand you not wanting to talk to a stranger about something that could upset you so much." he said with a small smile, he also realized that this day was just upsetting anyway for some people, just because of the holiday attached to it.

"Okay... so, when I was alive... I would eat something sweet sometimes to help cheer me up. Have you eaten yet? Maybe the pancakes have a cafeteria." he said, then stopped and blinked, "Err.... I mean... maybe the cafeteria has some pancakes... Or I would walk, a walk outside, looking at the scenery..." he said, he was trying to give her some advice, or at least trying to get her to smile as he got his words mixed up.


"It could be better. Today certainly seems to be a good day to get lost in thought over things that you don't want to think of." she said, meaning her own thoughts this morning, as well as the fact that she noticed Evan seemed to be deep in thought as well, judging by the way she reacted to Nick walking up and jolting her out of it.
(lol thanks Faye, nicely put in perspective)

When the door swung open, Faith turned on her heels quickly, expecting Izzy herself or maybe Jirro to be on the other side, ready to confront her. But it's only Faye, Faye who she had barely taken notice of earlier and had not even realized she was leaving behind. As Faye launches into her own fierce tongue-lashing of them, Faith finds herself deflating somewhat, her anger at Macal withering as she takes several deep breaths, calming herself. She steps back, soemwhat ashamed that a fifteen year old pyrokinetic student would have to point all this out to her.

"She's right," she said finally, taking another deep breath. "You're being an ass," she said pointedly to Macal, "but she's right...something is up. Something isn't right...and we have to figure out what's going on. I guess....I guess I should talk to Izzy."

(I'll do Kat when I come back, have to go)
{Jirro shakes his head no at her saying he can go with Alex instead of her} No Izabella, I want to spend the day with you but if you want some quiet time alone I can just go to the other room until you feel better, but that is as far as I'm going, I will not leave without you at my side today so forget about that. {taking her hand in his} We need to stop holding all these things from each other, I know this now, I've been hiding things from you and it's done nothing but cause you pain. But you've been doing the same. Why is it that two people that trust each other with their lives and souls are hiding things from each other? We need to start talking to each other again.
Katarina's lips did twitch slightly as Ezra continues to talk to her. She recognizes that he is trying to make her smile, and that he probably did so deliberately, but she appreciates the effort all the same. Nodding, releasing a slow breath out, she steps towards him.

"I'm not really hungry, but...pancakes might be good. Maybe we can walk afterward."

Hopefully that Mel wouldn't be there. Did dolls eat anyway?

She starts to walk, looking to see that Ezra is floating after her, and then after a few moments asks, "Ezra...what is it like for you? Being here? Being...dead? Do you have friends, or...did you listen when you died, about what people said about you? What did they say?"

She has imagined her own death many times over, and only recently would the scene she envisions make her hesitate to want it to happen. She doesn't want to die, but until recently Katarina has believed that few would mind if she did.
"You want to talk?" Izzy's voice sounds bitter and her eyes narrow as she pulls her hand back from her husbands. "Okay fine...let's talk about how it's my fault that our oldest daughter is dead...that our other one clearly doesn't want to be found...or about how my first marriage was a failure, and this one just seems to be going downhill.."

Her eyes narrow as she basically repeats all that Faith had said about everything being her fault the night before during their fight.

"Or maybe we should talk about how last night my best friend tried to kill me..." she sits up straighter, pulling the collar of her sleep shirt aside, revealing the small, silvery circle of a healed scar directly above her heart.
Ezra nodded some, "The sugar might help some." he said with a small smile. He walked with her, not really expecting the questions, "Oh... um... Well, it was lonely at first, because no one saw me... I managed to only find one ghost, and he was a bit of an as*hole." he said with a shrug, really coming to the school was the best thing for him, now if he could just stay.

"I found that dying really showed me who my real friends were in life. There were those that had actually cared for me and were genuinely sad that I was gone, then there were those that only took the chance to talk about me, and some of it wasn't exactly nice." he said, he frowned a little, it wasn't exactly the happiest of conversations. "As for being dead.... it isn't the best thing, I can't touch things without having to concentrate very hard, people that don't already know about the supernatural can't even see me. Trust me, being alive is much better."

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