Dormer Academy

*Mac goes silent for a few moments finally he looks at Faith.* Look, I'm not going to stand here and deny what you believe to be your feelings but for the sake of those girls we need to go back to the dining hall and at least pretend to enjoy ourselves, Liza may not really understand what's going on by I'm sure Sheena does. These are the types of moments we think about them and not ourselves, after today if you want I will help you figure out what to do next. So please Faith take a moment to gather your thoughts then come back with me. *He pulls her close to hug her.* We can figure out what all this means but I have to say there isn't a bone in your body that hates Izabella enough to want her dead..I believe that with all my heart.

*Alex didn't really know if he was invited to the brunch for Faith and Izzy, but he got dress in a suit and tie anyway and came down, he didn't really know what to get her for mother's day but settled on some ear studs that he added a few hi-tech gimmicks like a concealed comm and a few other things. When he reached the dining hall seeing only Sheena and Liza sitting there alone, he walks over to Sheena smiling and kisses her on the cheek.* I didn't know if it was ok for me to come to this but I figured I would give Faith her present and if I have to I can leave afterwards. *He grabs a chair from another table and places it between her and Liza and sits down.* So what's on the menu today?
Listening to what Ezra is sharing with her, Katarina manages another small smile and even glances back at him several times, looking in the direction of his eyes. Her posture gradually relaxes as they approach the cafeteria, and she even finds herself interested in what he has to say.

"Another ghost...what was he like? Was he the kind who is mean, or...haunts people?"

She hears the implication he is stating by telling her that it's better to be alive. Does he know just looking at her that she thinks of death or dying sometimes, that sometimes she even wishes for it or thinks it would be better than her life? If he did when he hardly knew her at all, that was mortifying.

"I guess being a ghost is different than just being dead, though," is what she says finally as they reach the cafeteria doors. "Do I have to open it for you? The door?"


"I didn't tell Sheena, Macal," Faith says stiffly in response to him. "She might know that we're fighting but she won't know why or what happened, because I didn't tell anyone. Except you. Not that this did a lot of good, obviously."

She knows she shouldn't continue to fight in front of Faye; it was shameful that she had even allowed the girl to hear and see as much as she had, that she would have to be reprimanded by a fifteen-year-old. But the fact remained that she felt that Macal was still, even now, dismissing what had happened and how she felt about it, even how Izzy probably felt about it, and what it might mean. His words about her sounding "weak and pathetic" still smarted, and she remained stiff in his embrace, not returning it as he told her to think of Sheena and Liza.

"I am thinking of Liza and Sheena," she replied. "I'm thinking I don't want to stake them in the chest the next time Liza draws clowns on the wall or Sheena acts like the smartass she is. I'm also thinking I don't care how stupid or pathetic or weak you think this is, it's real and it's a problem and if you won't deal with it I'll damn well figure it out myself."

Nevertheless, she gives a very short nod in response to his asking her to return to them. "I'll almost guarantee you that Izzy wont' be there. Whatever."


"Sure it's okay, your family too...just don't call her Mom, she might sock you," Sheena tells him with a smile as she kisses Alex back in return, gesturing for him to sit beside her. "You can read, Super Genius Boy, why don't you tell Liza yourself?"

"I can read, too," Liza announced, opening her menu with a flourish and making a big show of pointing out words. "That said "the." Plus also I can read that word, it says "a." And that one right there, it says egg, and that one I can read them real good. See?"

When she gets distracted looking for more words she can read, Sheena leans close to Alex's ear, whispering under her breath. "Faith and my dad are fighting. She just walked out and he went after her. I don't know what happened but she's upset and pissed with him or something."
Mel shrugged it off when both Faith and Faye told her to go get herself fixed up. It's not like this hurt. Nor was she going to die from just that. Though she did understand how her current appearance was not exactly one she could stay in. It drew too much unwanted attention. Letting out a soft sigh, she started down the hall to find Vash. She honestly had no idea where that boy could be at this hour.

Luckily, she didn't have to look for long, as after fifteen minutes of aimless walking and the screaming of pretty much every kid she passed, she saw the white haired demon heading toward her. When he saw her though, he seemed to freeze in place, standing there with his jaw dropped like an idiot. "M-Mel?! What happened?!"

"I forgot to account for idiots in my plans." "Idiots?" "Yeah. Although it would do any good to consider them when planning something anyway." "Uh . . . and why not?" "Idiots always go above and beyond the plan. But enough of that. Can you fix me? And how long will it take?"

Vash's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the damage Mel had taken. It looked really bad and yet she seemed to act as if it was nothing. Honestly, she could be even more reckless than him sometimes. "Well, I already have replacements for most of you, but I'll have to sculpt onto your head to fix your face. Maybe an hour or two?"

Mel wanted to scowl at the answer. That wasn't soon enough for her. But she supposed she couldn't exactly expect him to be able to have her good as new when she just blew herself up. Plus the extra time would give her more time to think. "Fine. Let's just go." "Okay?"
"Well, he wasn't the nicest person, he didn't really haunt any certain person, though he would occasionally move things to frighten people. He thought it was funny. I guess he was just trying to make the best of this situation." he said with a small shrug. Ezra smiled some at her, he really had no idea that she thought about death, he was just answering her question since she asked what it was like to be dead, and to him, alive was better.

"Well, if I was just dead, I wouldn't be here... so, it is different. Oh, you don't have to open the door for me... I can just go through it, or I could open it, but it's really not as easy for me as it is for a living person." he said with a smile.
{Jirro pulls back for a second then grabs Izabella and holds her against his chest.} You're so full of it Bella, the only one that is to blame for Esme's death are long dead themselves, you are not to blame for the plotting of others to do us harm. Mitsumi is still out there safe with Akira and when it's safe for their return they will come back to us. Do not doubt her love for you and her desire to be with you ever. As for our marriage, I'll admit there have been hard times for us and there will be more ahead, but as sure as my heart beats you know that I'm forever bound to you and only you. I will not give up on what we have. No matter how harsh you wish to speak to me. {He kisses her on the lips then pulls back} I will let you sleep, perhaps you'll feel like joining me for lunch after you get a few more hours of sleep. Izabella I really hope you have lost complete faith in us and yourself but even if you have I haven't I promise you I haven't.
((sorry Serenity! Things have been kind of hectic with medical stuff lately. I didn't mean to leave you hanging.))

Evan's smile was a little more genuine the second time around and she shrugged lightly. She enjoyed talking to the girl, which was surprising given the age gap, but Nickkie seemed to be a lot more savvy than she would appear. Having abandoned the thought of finishing her breakfast, she opted to just sit back and talk, deciding that maybe a little conversation would blot out the memory of her dream.

"Yeah," She mumbled in response to the girl's answer. "I guess so. Do you... I mean, do you want to talk about it or anything? Like, I'm not great at giving advice, but I'm a decent listener." It occurred to her that Nick was still standing and she nodded toward one of the empty chairs at her table. "You can have a seat if you want."
"Oh," Katarina blushes as Ezra corrects her, and she continues ahead of him, only half listening to what he is telling her. She sees Nickkie and Evan already seated in the cafeteria, and Sheena, Liza, and Alex are at another large table as well, but she isn't sure where to go herself, or whether Ezra will hover awkwardly as she eats. She glances back at him, asking, "Does it make you feel weird to watch people eat when you can't? I can't, right? Do you get...well, jealous or something?"

She starts to walk forward, looking away from Evan; the other girl might pity her, after what had happened before, and she didn't want her to feel obligated to talk to her if she didn't feel like it. But Sheena is watching her and speaks up to Alex under her breath.

"That's Katarina DeSanto. Should we ask her to sit with us? Or do you think they'll just want family if they come back?"
*Mac takes her hand* Faith you know me and you know if I thought you were a danger to them I would stop you like before when that bitch Rika took control over your body, it hurt me so much to keep you away from Liza and Sheena during that ordeal but I did it and I'll do it again to protect them and you. I'm just asking for us to get through today and together we can sit down and figure out what to do, worst case I will send Izzy and Jirro away and remove the problem all together. Now please just smile for the sake of the girls and lets go back.

*Alex reaches over and holds Sheena's hand* She sometimes seems like a mother to me but you're right I would never say that to her face cause she'd probably kick my ass. *He grins at Liza then leans in and whispers in Sheena's ear.* What do you think they're fighting about? I hope it's nothing serious cause they're sort of the keystones in this place you know what I mean? If people see them not getting along, this place could become chaotic. *When he's done whispering he signals a waitress to come over and orders a glass of orange juice.* So Liza, if I get my guitar you want to sing a song for you momma? I bet she'd like that.
"That awesome person Rika? Tell me that was sarcasm," Faith muttered, but this time she does allow Macal to hold her hand. Exhaling, she turns her eyes up towards him and shakes her head. "Don't send them away, this is their home and their school now too. I'll go back, okay? But we have to talk about this, we have to do something about it, and you HAVE to take it seriously and not just blow me off like I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I won't let you treat me like I'm a child who doesn't understand when you weren't even there."

Turning back to Faye, she nods and gives her a somewhat tired smile. "Thanks for the reality check, Faye. Sorry for ignoring you earlier."


"She's not that much older than're an old mannnnn," Sheena drawled, grinning and poking Alex in the side as he talks to Liza. "Old, ancient man you. There's probably hair growing out your ears already."

Liza takes the juice and drinks it, spilling a little down her chin as she nods and smiles for Alex. "Uh huh. I can do that. I can sing Happy Birthday only it's not her birthday so it would be Happy Mother's Day I think. I would make up the words and everything. Plus also I know Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, plus also I know "Oops I did it again." Only I don't even know what they did again that they gotta oops over."

Sheena's eyes widened at this remark, and she burst out laughing as Liza looks at her, indignant. "What? I don't know. Do you know, Sheena Legs?"

"They fight all the time, it's not usually that bad," Sheena whispers back to Alex rather than answer Liza, shrugging. "It should be okay..."

Her eyes shift again to Katarina and Ezra. Katarina is going through the food line now as she asks again, "Would they want other people to sit with us or not, you think? I sort of feel bad for her but you know how Macal is about family stuff."
(It's fine. I hope things are going to be okay though o-o; )

Nick sat down when a seat was offered, she held Donnie in her arms, closing her sapphire eyes. "Well... I don't really have much to talk about, I feel like today is a fairly useless day. Then again, I never met my parents, they left me at an orphanage when I was just a baby." she said quietly, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Evan. "I used to hope to find my mother some day, but I gave up on that a long time ago, now I just want answers. It's hard... not even knowing what you are." she said. She wasn't really looking for advice, just explaining why she didn't care for the day at all. The most it ever did was make her feel lonely since she never knew her mother, and angry that she had been abandoned.


Ezra followed her into the cafeteria, "No, I can't eat, it is something I miss, but I wouldn't exactly say I get jealous. As for watching it doesn't really seem weird to me since I can't do much anyway, but if you think it will make you feel strange having someone watching you eat, even if we are talking during the time, then I can wait for you outside the cafeteria." he said with a smile.
(Yeah, Faye's suprisingly good at the whole sorting out arguments thing xD Raina doesn't have the kindness that's needed with it and Chameleon doesn't have the whole 'getting-angry-enough-to-make-the-other-people-shut-up' thing xD Faye has both :P , Oh and Macal/Faith, if you're confused, the reason it said 'awesome person' is because when you type b*tch without the star it turns it into awesome person, so Macal meant b*tch xD )

Faye, still standing there, flits her eyes between Faith and Macal, hmm, they seem to be making up, sorta. Well, she figures it's the best she can do for now, and at least they aren't shouting anymore. Why are they talking about getting back to the girls? What's so important they need to go hang out with them right now?

She looks up at Faith with a jump, somewhat startled from her thoughts as the older woman addresses her with a thanks and even apologizes for ignoring her earlier, she gives her a slow smile as the initial fear in her eyes from being scared earlier when Faith spoke vanishes. She'd been more easy to scare lately than ever; Raina had jokingly referred to her as a frightened deer the other day when Faye jumped at someone asking her for the time.

"Ah it's okay," She said with a small grin, "Someone needed to make you two stop shouting, and hey, at least Raina didn't find you before I did, she would have just gotten mad and jumped into the argument with you." She then frowns lightly, her eyes becoming distant as she seems to be in thought, "Speaking of Rai, she usually comes and checks on me every morning, but I haven't seen her at all yet today?" She shakes her head to try and clear herself of the confusion before turning her attention back to the couple, "Anyway, at least you've both calmed down, hey, why is it so important you go and see the girls anyway? Is it one of their birthd---" She stops her own sentence, understanding crossing her face as she groaned lightly, "Ugh, I almost forgot, it's that damn awful holiday again isn't it?" How could she have forgotten in her anger that it was Mother's Day? She hated this holiday. "Oh greeat, so that's why I haven't seen Rai yet?" She looked at them both, "Uhm, I should probably go and find her before she gets upset and kills somebody, although she hasn't done that in ages, but still, I should make sure she's okay!"

She turns to leave before giving them a final glance, "You sure you're both okay?"

It was so weird hearing that sentence leave her mouth, she was so used to having it be said to her by now. She did hate it when Raina asked if she was okay, because even though she would tell Raina she was fine, she knew the answer was that she wasn't okay, and she wasn't sure she ever would be again.
Useless day... what? Clearly, she was missing something important, otherwise why would someone be commenting on it, talking about mothers, and - oh. Now she got it. Evan remembered seeing it on the calendar, but was today Mother's Day? The dream reared it's ugly head with a solid punch to the gut and she took a drink of her juice to try to collect herself again.

"I uhm... I don't remember my parents, either. Or anything about them, really." She paused for a moment, picking at the carton of her juice absently. "I know my mom had a blue dress, but that's pretty much it." Evan managed another small, halfhearted smile and shrugged. "So I get it. The not knowing, I mean."
"No, I don't mind watching me, I mean," Katarina told Ezra before getting in line for her food, giving him a small smile as she shook her head. "It's okay. I'm not really all that hungry anyway, so you probably won't be watching me for long."

As she went through the line, selecting her food and drink and then swiping her student ID, she stood slightly apart from the cashier station, her eyes scanning to find Ezra in the crowd. She saw Sheena, Liza, and Alex sitting a few feet away from where she was standing and noted that Sheena was looking back at her, her head tilted close to Alex as though she were whispering. Katarina blushed, wondering with some unease if she was talking about her. Had she heard what Mel said earlier? Was she thinking the same?

Liza, finished with her juice, swings her legs back and forth impatiently in her chair. "It's my mama's day. How come she's not even here? It can't be Mother's day without a mama. That's just not right," she informs Sheena and Alex, unaware that she is speaking to two people who are motherless as she says this. "She oughtta come back I think."


Detention...well, Adrian thought to himself as he made his way slowly through the halls to the said location in the basement, one thing had come out of this. At least if he was in detention on Mother's Day, he wouldn't have to look at the happy students whose mothers came to visit. He could avoid that much torture.

Still, he was ashamed of himself as he walked, hands stuffed in pockets, head lowered not to meet anyone's eyes. Mel was definitely out of line, talking to Katarina like she had. But Faith was right, he was losing control way too much lately. And now Katarina would have to spend the whole day alone without him there to defend her, or else...what if she was going straight to Bucky? He might have engineered her being alone with him all day and he couldnt' do anything about it.

Stupid, stupid.


"Yeah, sorry you had to hear that. Good thing Raina wasn't here," Faith exhales as she looks back at Faye, frowning slightly. There's an emotion in the girl's eyes she's not sure of, but it almost looks like fear. But that was silly. Faye wasn't afraid of either of them, or else she wouldn't yell at them as she had and correct them. Afraid of her own memories of a similar blow up in the past? Afraid they'd be mad at her? Or was Faith totally misinterpreting?

"No, haven't seen Raina...but it would probably be a good idea for someone to," she tells Faye. "Let me know if there's a problem with her, okay?"

She forces a smile for Faye's sake when the girl asks her again if she's okay. "Five by five. Go find Raina, all right?"
I fell to understand why Mother's Day offends so many people, Faye I've met your mother and she was wonderful, instead of being bitter you should honor her, rejoice in the time you had with her, granted it may have been short you still had one that loved you with all she had..Trust me I understand losing ones mother when very young *Even tho he had almost an entire century with his mother before she died it still seems to short of a time for him.* Faith I'm going back now please join me when you can. *He leans down and kisses her on the cheek. leaving a small blue box in the palm of her hand inside there is a heart shaped locket with a compressed super nova contained inside it.* I'd prefer you open that in front of everyone, but it's up to you. *He walks towards the direction the dining room and rejoins everyone, he smiles when he sees Alex sitting at the table.* Hey kid, glad you made it I was considering sending a search party out for you.

*Alex watches Liza smiling at her line of questioning.* You really don't hold anything back do you Liza? You just speak your mind, I like that, just don't aim that sharp wit at me, I don't think I can handle it...Now you want to see a trick? *He holds up his wrist and types on his bracer a few moments later his guitar case appears next to him.* Pretty cool huh? I've set up point to point transporters all over the place, not ready for live testing or long distances yet but I've only been messing with the ideal for 18 hours plus I never even read a single thing of transport systems in my life..I've couldn't have just copied Stark's Data but that's no fun. Anyway when you momma gets back you can sing for her. *When Macal sits back down Alex smiles at him relieved that he's not intruding, Sheena was right he is like family at least to the 3 people sitting there, who knows how Faith will react to him there, he hopes it's the same as the other* I wasn't sure I was in invited so I took a chance and crashed. *Just then he notices Kat looking at him and Sheena, and smiles and waves at her.*
“Are you serious?!” Izzy sits up angrily, pushing the covers roughly away from her and glares at her husband. “You’re going to leave me alone again…on today of all days? I swear Jirro…” she glares at him, running a hand through her hair, pushing it away from her face so she could look him over fully. After everything she had just been through the night before, after all they had been through…shaking her head she pulled a pillow onto her lap as she continued shooting daggers in her husband’s direction.

“-all you’ve been doing the past few days, no weeks…has been ignoring me, or just leaving me by myself…you never once stopped to see how that was affecting me…if I ever wanted that. Why the f**k would I want to be alone right now…you’re supposed to…supposed to…”

Growling loudly, she trails off, not sure of how to speak her mind without making things between them worse. She gets off from the bed, mumbling curses, and goes over to her closest, pulling things from it, a small pile of clothes piling up on the floor.

“We’re going to that stupid lunch thing…and then you and I are coming back here…and having a lot of make-up sex…” she turns, finally cracking a small smile despite still being upset with him. “Because I’m getting really tired of not feeling connected to you…” she holds up a hand. “-and no, feeding from you isn’t going to fix that…”

Dropping the leather pants she gripped in her hands, she went over and leaned down to kiss Jirro, who still sat on the bed, before going to change. A few minutes later, she returns, looking more like herself, in black leather pants, with boots that came up mid calf, and a long red shirt.

"Come isn't really a day to be cooped up in here, besides it seems like Mac did go out of his way for this lunch thingy..." she held out her hand for Jirro. "Let's go save face...besides, I need to fix things with Faith...I have to..."


Bucky was wandering the hallways, heading in the direction of the luncheon. He knew he hadn’t exactly gotten a formal invite, but it was being held in the cafeteria, and was hoping he’d see Kat there. It had been a few days since their late-night date, and even though he felt like it had gone pretty well, he hadn’t seen her since. Knowing today would be rough for her, he figured he’d at least make an appearance to show he cared, and if Katarina didn’t want him there, then he’d leave.

Humming softly to himself, he rounded the corner before the cafeteria and felt himself being picked up and slammed into the opposite wall.

“The hell?!”

Growling, he shot up from the floor, his eyes glowing golden, canines already extending, when he heard laughter and whipped around angrily. The snarl on his face wavered slightly, his eyes widening and he dropped his defensive posture, staring at the dark haired woman that stood across from him, one hand on her hip.



“Down boy…” chuckling softly, Mistmui Mochizuki gave her head a tiny shake, her long dark hair falling behind her shoulders. Motioning to his fangs, she mimicked his expression, showing him her own, more vamp-iric in appearance and leaned back against the wall.

Bucky gave his head a tiny shake, wondering if someone was playing a trick on him. She looked like Mitsumi. and her scent was definitely that of his best friend's youngest daughter. He hadn't seen her since Esme's funeral. But that was months ago, and Izzy had told him that she had been missing...


"Wh-where have you been? Your mother...your parents...they've been so worried..."

"Yes, I could tell by all the search parties and blood hounds out, wait..." There was a faint hint of hurt mixed in with her sarcasm as her arms go to cross over her chest. Looking behind him towards the cafeteria, Mitsy rolls her shoulders back, biting down on her lower lip. "Are they...are they in there..."

"She thought that you were dead..."

Snorting softly, Mitsy shook her head. "I was off on assignment...I tried to find her after I got news of her and my father's release from HardTime's clutches, but I couldn't...finally was able to track her down to is this a school for the all pretending to be those X-men or something?"

She goes to move past Bucky and into the cafeteria, but his hand shoots out and he grabs her wrist tightly. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Everyone in there...well we all thought the worst..."

Growling softly, her eyes start to shift to black and she yanks her hand back from him. "They're my family Bastian..." she knew he hated when she called him by his full name. "Not yours..."

"Besides, it's Mother's Day..."

Ignoring the sounds of protest that he made, Mitsumi shoved past Bucky and into the room, instantly regretting her actions. This was crazy, and not a single face here seemed familiar. She started to back away when she caught a familiar scent and looked around widely, her eyes finally landing on her cousin. She sat at one of the tables, chatting with a blonde boy, who Mitsy instantly recognized as Alex.

"Sheena..." Grinning widely, she moved further into the room, finally charging at her and grabbed her cousin from behind, hugging her tightly.
{Jirro looked confused before responding} Are you suddenly Bi-Polar Izabella, you only moments ago told me to go find Alex and go riding and I rather clearly explained that I wanted to do that with you, in fact every attempt I've come up with to spend the day with you, you rather strongly rejected, you even pushed me away when I offered myself so you can feed and recover. And I wasn't leaving you, I was going into the other room to read and let you sleep a bit longer since you have no intention of getting out of bed today. Am I suppose to just sit in a corner while you continue to shut me out? I've done nothing but try today. {He starting to get angry and suddenly stands up} On second thought since you're already angry at me for god knows what reason, I think I will go for a walk, suddenly the searing sun is more comfort then my own bed. {He grabs his sunglasses off the dresser and slams down his phone and leaves.} Enjoy your day, perhaps without me here you will.

(Mitsy back, maybe later I will bring in Akira, need to figure out where he's been if he didn't return with Mitsy. Or maybe he was just delayed and planned on meeting her later.)
(Uhhhhh...Macal, I think you're getting Faye's mum confused with Raina's? Faye and Raina don't have the same mum, just the same dad, and Faye's mum was a bit of a b*tch. She neglected Faye in every way possible, barely spoke to her unless she really, really had to and showed obvious favouritsm towards Myra. So yeah, I'm gonna pretend Macal didn't say that or else the school would get burnt down)

Faye titled her head curiously at Faith as she says 'five by five' did that mean she was okay? Faye hadn't a clue what it meant, but she shrugged anyway, seeing Faith's smile and gave her back one, "Okay! Have fun and stuff!" She then bolted from the room like the little whirwind she was and headed off to find Raina.

It wasn't long before the sounds of bullets being fired caught her heightened senses attention and she sped to peer through the glass in the door to see none other than Raina firing bullets at the set-up targets in the room. Well, at least it wasn't real people she was firing at, that would have caused some problems. Faye pushed open the door and popped inside, "Hey Rai!" She called out, just to make sure she wouldn't be shot at, and Raina stopped her furious firing to glance back over her shoulder and offer her little sister a small smile. She slings the gun back over her back again and turns to Faye, enveloping her in a hug.

"Hey little sis, you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, where were you this morning?" Raina pulls back from the hug then with a teasing smirk as she prods Faye's nose, "Ooh, look who's getting clingy now, geez Girl, can't I go and shoot a few defenseless targets through the brain without having to call you first?" Raina was mimicking a grouchy male's voice, causing Faye to splutter out some laughter, "That's not what I meant! I just want you to pay more attention to me, and buy me flowers and chocolate 'cause I'm a whiny little baby!" Faye was now putting on a high-pitched, annoyed girl's voice and Raina cracked a grin, "Aw man, since when did we become an arguing couple?" Faye shrugged, "You started it." "Don't I always?" Faye gave her a grin in reply and Raina slung her arm around Faye's shoulder, using the leverage to effectively pull her from the room.

"Come on, let's go get some food, and sorry I didn't come to see you this morning, I just needed to let off some steam..." Her voice trailed at the end, as though she decided not to say what she was about to say, and Faye shrugged, "It's's because it's Mother's day right?" Raina nodded almost numbly, "I'm sor--" "It's not your fault, so don't even dare to apologize, you hear me?" Raina cut her off, a bit of anger in her tone. She hated it when people apologized for things that they hadn't done. "Okay," "Can we just pretend this is a normal day?" Raina asked quietly, and Faye was still getting used to how open Raina had become around her, showing that she, the great badass on campus Raina, could be weak at times. Faye nodded, giving her a slight smile, "Of course! Come on, I'm starvinggg" Raina chuckled and dropped her arm from around Faye just as they entered the dining room just to prod her cheek lightly, "Well then you best get some food before those chubby cheeks of yours start to cave in," "My cheeks are not chubby!" "Are too!" "Are not!" "Aree toooo!" Raina was smirking wickedly now, enjoying teasing her younger sibling as Faye 'pffted' angrily and crossed her arms, "Meany," "I know you are, but what am I?"

(I've noticed people are getting a tad confused with just how Raina and Faye are related, so here's a little family tree I made to clear up any confusion:
P.S Would it be weird to change Raina's eye colour to blue? The only reason it was black was because it was Fire's rule to make the vamps all have black eyes, and the actress who plays Rai has blue eyes herself)
(lol yeah, you met Raina’s mom, not Faye’s, they have different moms…also, Jirro, I have to agree. I honestly wouldn’t blame her if Izzy left Jirro at this point…after what she did to Faith, after she’s upset, with both her kids missing, on mother’s day, AND she offers him sex? Really?! Lol you guys, wow :P

On topic of Akira. That’s up to you but that might sort of complicate things…()

Faith let Macal kiss her, exhaling and briefly closing her eyes as she looks down at the box in her hands. She looks up again as he walks away, her feelings towards him then a tangle of confusion.

It was clear from Faye’s exit that she believed Faith’s reply, though anyone who closely knew her would understand “five by five” to mean not “good” or “okay,” as Faith wants people to interpret it as, but rather as her coded way of saying “things suck but I won’t tell you that.” She watches Faye leave too, her eyes slowly drifting back to the box in her hand, and she rubs her thumb over it. Five more minutes to herself, and then she’d go back to the cafeteria.


“No,” Liza says, confused by Alex’s comment. “I don’t got a sharp wit to aim at you. Is that like a knife or something? ‘Cause I got a sword, those are better.”

Both she and Sheena look up as Macal approaches, neither failing to notice that Faith isn’t with him. Liza jumps up and tugs at her father’s shirt hem, looking up at him with impatience as she says, “How come Mama isn’t back? It’s a day for mamas and she’s not even here. That is silly I think.”

“Is something going on?” Sheena asks, keeping her tone casual even as she closely watches Macal’s face.

She notices Alex wave at Katarina and rolls her eyes, realizing that as usual, he is tuning her out or only half listening and didn’t seem to hear the question she had asked about asking Katarina to sit with them. Whatever…the girl was heading towards a table near the entranceway to sit anyway, looking over her shoulder to see if Ezra was following, and so Sheena looked back towards her father.

Then she felt a sudden weight on her back and gasped, almost screaming aloud. She freezes as she makes out Mitsumi’s scent, clear and recognizable among everyone else’s, and realizes it is her voice she is hearing…no way. But Liza’s delighted scream of “MITSY MITSY!” behind her assures her that it is, and Sheena breaks out into a huge grin, turning to hug her back with all the ferocity she can muster.

“Mitsy! Oh god, what the hell are you doing here, where have you been?! Mitsy!”

She doesn’t want to let go of her as she squeezes her until she can feel her ribs strain against her, actually teary-eyed with happiness at seeing her. Although many people, including her father, are watching her, she gives Mitsumi a brief, nonsexual “love bite” of sorts on the shoulder before pulling back.

“God, I missed you.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Young-Angelina-Jolie-23.jpg.699f928c7c4554bda1c87404a43657f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Young-Angelina-Jolie-23.jpg.699f928c7c4554bda1c87404a43657f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

“Our mamas aren’t here,” Liza informed her, as though Mitsumi has been here every day and just walked up as though she had the day before too. “Are you gonna stay now?”

She has just asked this as Faith walks into the cafeteria. Pausing at the door as she sees Bucky, she nods her head, seeing Katarina just inside at her chosen table. “She’s sitting right there. You stalking her like a creeper or just ga-ga-ing where my husband won’t flip out?” she punctuates her words with a smile though as she continues on towards her family’s table. Seeing Mitsumi, with Sheena wrapped around her, she stops, blinks, and slightly recoils before quickening her steps to join them.

“Mama, you’re back!” Liza cheers, making more of a big deal over this than Mitsumi’s return, but Faith is looking at her niece alone.

“Whoa, no one told me it’s blast from the past day!” 
(lol yeah, you met Raina’s mom, not Faye’s, they have different moms…also, Jirro, I have to agree. I honestly wouldn’t blame her if Izzy left Jirro at this point…after what she did to Faith, after she’s upset, with both her kids missing, on mother’s day, AND she offers him sex? Really?! Lol you guys, wow :P

On topic of Akira. That’s up to you but that might sort of complicate things…()

Faith let Macal kiss her, exhaling and briefly closing her eyes as she looks down at the box in her hands. She looks up again as he walks away, her feelings towards him then a tangle of confusion.

It was clear from Faye’s exit that she believed Faith’s reply, though anyone who closely knew her would understand “five by five” to mean not “good” or “okay,” as Faith wants people to interpret it as, but rather as her coded way of saying “things suck but I won’t tell you that.” She watches Faye leave too, her eyes slowly drifting back to the box in her hand, and she rubs her thumb over it. Five more minutes to herself, and then she’d go back to the cafeteria.


“No,” Liza says, confused by Alex’s comment. “I don’t got a sharp wit to aim at you. Is that like a knife or something? ‘Cause I got a sword, those are better.”

Both she and Sheena look up as Macal approaches, neither failing to notice that Faith isn’t with him. Liza jumps up and tugs at her father’s shirt hem, looking up at him with impatience as she says, “How come Mama isn’t back? It’s a day for mamas and she’s not even here. That is silly I think.”

“Is something going on?” Sheena asks, keeping her tone casual even as she closely watches Macal’s face.

She notices Alex wave at Katarina and rolls her eyes, realizing that as usual, he is tuning her out or only half listening and didn’t seem to hear the question she had asked about asking Katarina to sit with them. Whatever…the girl was heading towards a table near the entranceway to sit anyway, looking over her shoulder to see if Ezra was following, and so Sheena looked back towards her father.

Then she felt a sudden weight on her back and gasped, almost screaming aloud. She freezes as she makes out Mitsumi’s scent, clear and recognizable among everyone else’s, and realizes it is her voice she is hearing…no way. But Liza’s delighted scream of “MITSY MITSY!” behind her assures her that it is, and Sheena breaks out into a huge grin, turning to hug her back with all the ferocity she can muster.

“Mitsy! Oh god, what the hell are you doing here, where have you been?! Mitsy!”

She doesn’t want to let go of her as she squeezes her until she can feel her ribs strain against her, actually teary-eyed with happiness at seeing her. Although many people, including her father, are watching her, she gives Mitsumi a brief, nonsexual “love bite” of sorts on the shoulder before pulling back.

“God, I missed you.”

“Our mamas aren’t here,” Liza informed her, as though Mitsumi has been here every day and just walked up as though she had the day before too. “Are you gonna stay now?”

She has just asked this as Faith walks into the cafeteria. Pausing at the door as she sees Bucky, she nods her head, seeing Katarina just inside at her chosen table. “She’s sitting right there. You stalking her like a creeper or just ga-ga-ing where my husband won’t flip out?” she punctuates her words with a smile though as she continues on towards her family’s table. Seeing Mitsumi, with Sheena wrapped around her, she stops, blinks, and slightly recoils before quickening her steps to join them.

“Mama, you’re back!” Liza cheers, making more of a big deal over this than Mitsumi’s return, but Faith is looking at her niece alone.

“Whoa, no one told me it’s blast from the past day!”

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(Didn't know that they had different moms, my bad..might be a guy thing but I'm gonna side with Jirro..Bitches be crazy :P ..And that is a lot to respond to so if I mess up sorry)

*Alex, really didn't notice Sheena's question, not because of Kat or Liza distracting him, he had other things on his mind, something he needed to ask Sheena later when they were alone. But he tries to seem like he's paying some attention to everyone around him, but his attention only comes back into focus when Liza mentions her sword and delivers an awkward responds to her.* Don't run with it you'll hurt yourself. *That made no sense at all but it was to late, lucky for him Mitsy and Sheena made that whole scene which he hopes will distract Liza and everyone from his awkward respond...At first he smiles seeing Misty and Sheena together hugging, he's happy to see them together again but as he watches them he looks around and behind Mitsy but not Akira.* Mitsy it's real good to see you again..Where is Akira? You got him dragging behind somewhere carrying your giant purse...Or maybe he's doing his whole ninja thing and gonna jump out at me, he knows I hate that.*He continues looking about even checks under the table, before he realizes his best friend isn't here.* He's not with you huh? Well it's still great to see you again.

(Ok deep breath)

*Mac leans down and scoops Liza up into his arms and puts on his best "Everything is alright smile" and sits back at the table* She's coming Princess, she was talking to a student but she's coming. *addressing Sheena* Everything is good, Faith just had to break up a little fight down the hall, but everything is good..Thankyou all for not eating without us, how about we order some food. *Mac is actually facing the door when Mitsy and Bucky come in, he starts to say something but when he sees her stalking towards Sheena ready to pounce he just sits back and smiles. Their reunion almost brings a tear to his eye. (Gods of War don't cry :P ) He waits for them to take a breath before speaking to Mitsy.* Welcome back kid, I'm glad to see you again..But don't think you're getting paid for all those days you were gone. *He winks at her to show he's kidding..When Alex goes on about Akira, it's like watching a puppy missing his brother or sister, he knew him and Akira were really close, and despite Akira being much older then Alex due to the fact he's a BlackBlood, they still had a lot in common..Ok maybe not a lot, one being a Genius, that picks up knowledge or the most complex secrets of science and the universe like a sponge, the other being a decades old ninja who happens to be a Black Blood..Still they made it work....Mac leans over towards Alex* Hey I'm sure Akira is fine, he's probably off doing something Ninja or something cool like that. *Truth is something Mac doesn't want to admit to anyone..He lost track of them..All of them. Mitsy, Akira, Jirro and Izzy, Mac is a man that tracked a person through hell. He used to be able to brag that he's the greatest tracker in the Universe, hell he tracked a soul across the universe. But somehow despite his powers and skills..Even with his resources with S.H.I.E.L.D he somehow lost them all, if they hadn't come back he doubts he could have ever found them...Turning his attention back to Sheena and Mitsy.* Join us Mitsy...See There's Faith right there now we can enjoy a meal together. *He waves at Bucky* HEY PUP COME OVER HERE AND JOIN US...BRING YOUR FRIEND! Might as well push some of these tables together.
((B*****s be crazy? Seriously??? I'm sorry, but I think you are both wrong. For one, Izabella has been through a lot. First, her oldest daughter was murdered, then she and her husband both get taken by HardTime and Marie, tortured for months, and almost killed, Izzy loses her memory...and when she finally gets it back, and her husband returns, he basically ignores her and dodges talking about anything serious. Then, because there's this whole anger demon thingy going on, she and Faith (who she considers to be a sister) have an all out, which I'm sorry was NOT a b***h fight, it was an all out fight for blood. They weren't scratching at eachother or trying to pull eachother's hair...fangs and claws were out and FAITH staked her. Faith tried to KILL her...and you guys act like they're over reacting, that it was nothing? Two best friends, severely hurt each other (regardless of them being immortal) it's the principle of the fact. Then Jirro, once again walks out on Izzy. yeah, she said one things first about not wanting to go out, and then changed her mind, but she even said it was to save face, that she had to fix things with Faith...and he just leaves her, AGAIN! Izzy is at her breaking point right now, she's practically losing it, and now all she has is a messed up relationship with her best friend, and a husband who ignores her...I'm not so sure if she's going to continue to stick around if this is how it's going to be))
(what she said. And...Faith is not immortal. As a repeated reminder. Conversation to be continued, I will post for my characters once it's over) 
"I will not neither hurt myself!" Liza protests, drawing herself up as tall as she can. She seems offended at the very implication. "I'm not a baby. I'm strong and big and I run with swords all the time. I don't never hurt myself. Just sometimes I accidentally cut things up is all and I didn't even mean to. But not me."

Still grinning, Sheena stays partly attached to Mitsumi as she looks back at Alex, taking a moment to really hear what he just asked. When she looks back at Mitsumi, she is wondering about Akira too, but she doesn't ask. She partly fears what the answer might be. Whether they broke up or something darker has happened to Akira, Sheena doesn't want to hear about it now, not when she's still so happy about Mitsumi being back.

"Alex, back off, let her sit down and like, see people before you do the question thing," she tells him. She gestures for Mitsumi to sit beside her. "You can't stay away this long again, puppy." She grins, knowing that in Mitsumi's eyes, SHE is the real puppy.

Faith smiles genuinely at Mitsumi, happy to see her after all this time, and glad to see Sheena looking to happy too. She nudges Sheena, grinning at her teasingly as she says "You gonna hog her to yourself the rest of the day? Move it, Stringbean," before she hugs Mitsumi herself. "Welcome back. You, uh...looking for your mom, or..."

She lets it hang, not eager to look for Izzy herself, and quickly turns to Liza, taking her from Macal and hugging her. "Yep, I"m back, Pip. It's five by five."

Sheena notices this remark and looks at her quickly, understanding its meaning, but says nothing, not then. Liza, though, just smiles.

"I can add five plus five. It is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10!"

Katarina's attention was distracted by all this commotion by the Cord table and at first she doesn't see Bucky standing in the doorway. But when Macal calls out to him, she looks first at Macal, then towards the direction he had been indicating, and seeing Bucky, smiles. He seems to be indicating her as well to join them, and Katarina meets Bucky's eyes, questioning.
Nick smiled some at Evan, though there was a slight tinge of unhappiness to it, "Well, that's more than I know. Though for me it isn't just not knowing my parents. This day reminds me that since I don't know who my parents are or were, I'm not sure which on that one, I don't know what I am. I do know that I am not human, or... not entirely human... but I just don't know what I am outside of that fact. It is frustrating, but... I guess part of me has come to accept that I may never know what I am." she said. She slowly looked down at Donnie, the only thing her parents left her other than a first and middle name before leaving her at the orphanage, maybe it was their way of saying that they did love her, they just couldn't keep her.

"So, a blue dress?" she asked, pulling herself out of her thoughts to look up at Evan. "I like blue." she said with a smile, though she preferred a pale blue, unlike the dark sapphire of her eyes. "I am glad that you at least have that. It is better than nothing. Hold onto that memory." she said, meaning that she should cherish it. She blinked and looked up at the big table because of the sudden happy yelling and slowly tilted her head.


Ezra followed Kat to the table, figuring that she would rather decide where she wanted to sit. He did notice Sheena and Alex sitting at a big table, but he figured that he could talk to them later. He was at least trying to help Kat cheer up, even though he didn't know what the problem was. He sat at the table with her. "So, after this a walk, is there anything else you want to do?" he asked, he heard Mac calling out to someone and did notice as Kat looked toward the guy standing in the doorway, he didn't say anything, though if she wanted to go and spend time with the other guy, then that was fine, he was only trying to cheer her up, and if spending time with the guy in the doorway would make her happy, then he wouldn't tell her not to go to him.
(I feel like I'm watching the warm ups for a custody battle.)

It was silent in Mel's room as she sat by the window, eyes closed and perfectly still. Vash was next to her, surfing the internet on her laptop while fanning her simultaneously. He had already sculpted her new face and given her a new eye. Now he was fanning her until the paint dried. The only sound he could hear came from his fingers hitting the keys of the computer and the occasional pop up ad. Mel was being quiet to the point where he suspected that she was sleeping.The lack of sound only made this time seem to go on forever. Was she dry yet? He didn't risk touching her and messing it up. Making him have to start all over again.

He continued to scroll through the forums of a particular site they always kept tabs on. It was sort of like craigslist, only for killing people. People who wanted a certain someone dead would post a thread with the level of danger and the payment amount of the information. The victim information wasn't given until someone replied with intent of taking the job and even then it was in private messages. However the case was a little different in Mel's case. People always posted her information when they wanted to kill her. The princess of Lucifer was something of a household name in underground society, with her bounty being so high and no one being able to succeed so far. So far, there were no one asking for her head now.

It was a little strange though, how modern bounty hunting was getting. Assassins could even post a profile on this site with their success record and general fee. It was just weird. Looking through these people like he was on facebook.

"Hm." "What?" Vash looked over to Mel. So she wasn't asleep. She was just sitting there. Wasn't it difficult for her to just sit still there? Maybe it was easier for her since she had no actual muscles or nerves. "Uh- It's just your bounty went up again. It's nearly five million now. You're only second to that Kony guy."

Mel grumbled. "Second, huh?" "Well, yeah. But at least your rank went up since they found that Osama guy." "Yeah. Now I'm the second most hated person on earth . . ." The meaning behind his words didn't hit Vash for a bit and when they finally did, he started to stammer. "N-n-not that you're as bad as these other guys. I mean sure you kill tons of people as if you have no heart but- N-not that you're heartless or anything! I-I-I'll just shut up."

Vash sat slumped over. God, that was so stupid he could almost hit himself. But he wouldn't. Because he was a lot stronger than he thought he was and it didn't end well last time. The air grew silent again as he mentally scolded himself for being an idiot, that is until Mel spoke up again.

"Vash, am I a good person?" There it was again. Lately, Mel has been asking the same sort of question a lot. Ever since they moved here, and even a bit before that. Vash had known her for a little over a year now and this behavior wasn't like her. "Mel, you know what I'm going to say. Yes, you are. You're easily one of the nicest people I know." Mel sighed at his answer and looked to the floor. "Leave me alone for now. That's an order."

Vash gave up. There was just no pleasing this girl. Hopping out of the chair, he headed for the door just to stop short of it. "If you need anything, just call. Okay?" "Whatever. Just go."


After leaving Mel, Vash felt rather hungry. Maybe he should head to the cafeteria. There was that whole Mother's Day brunch going on. That would be awkward . . . But the grumble of his stomach was telling him to screw awkward moments and just go eat.

Vash made his way to the cafeteria, ready for anything to fill his stomach. Yet before he walked through the doors he saw someone that made him forget his stomach pain. Riff. The blond demon looked as if he was about to enter the dining hall as well but was now staring at Vash as the white haired one was staring at him.

"Uh . . . hi?" "Hello." Talk about awkward. Vash was ready to face a room full of happy kids and their moms but he wasn't exactly ready for this. Before him was his ex-coworker. Even when they still worked together, they didn't have anything to talk about. What was he supposed to do now?

"Is she eating well?" "Huh? Who?" "Mel. Is she eating well?" Vash looked to the floor. Was he that worried about the girl who fired him for a misunderstanding? He looked up to Riff with a big smile on his face and hit the guy's back playfully. "What are you talking about? Dude, she's a doll now. She can't eat at all."

It took a while but Riff eventually smiled back at Vash. "Yeah. You're right. Silly me. Well, I must go now. Au revoir." Riff then disappeared down the hallway, leaving Vash a bit confused. " . . . Weren't you hungry? . . . "

Vash wasn't sure what happened exactly but the rumbling came back so he decided to go into the cafeteria. The place was sure crowded. Moms and kids everywhere. It almost made him miss his own mother. Trying his best to avoid any unnecessary chitchat with strangers, he filled his plate with just about anything and sat at an empty table near the edge of the room. He thought about Riff and Mel as he started eating. Both were acting really weird today. But it was probably a phase and would pass eventually. It would be best not to overthink anything.

He looked around the cafeteria, watching all the interactions going on. Reunions, laughter, gossip and so many more mundane activities. When he had first become a demon, he was ready to leave this sort of scenery. But who would've guessed he'd be right back here again. Still, it felt like he was looking at them through the glass . . . Ooh. Bacon.


Riff quickened his pace as he sped down the hallway. He had to get away. First he witnessed all those happy families in the cafeteria and then he saw Vash, the one Mel decided to keep by her side. He had to get away from it all. He just wanted to run away for a bit. And then his face met the wall.

Stopped by a force of stone and concrete, Riff fell back onto the floor. His nose hurt like crazy.A few drops of red appeared on the cuff on his white shirt. Oh great. He'd have to go soak this right away or it would leave a stain. Then he noticed it . . . the blood fro his nose wasn't exactly stopping. He brought his sleeve up to his face. Soaking his shirt would have to come later. Right now he needed the infirmary. He just hoped he remembered where that was.


The softness of the lush grass beneath her. The coolness of the slight breeze that brought the scent of the beginning of summer. The warm rays of the golden sun. Mel couldn't feel any of it. Right now there could be ants crawling all over her as she sat beneath one of the trees outside and she would never know. Not that she really cared. Normally she hated bugs but what could they do to her now? Though Vash might be a bit annoyed if she got her clothes dirty again.

She spotted another student just a little bit away from her. There was nothing remarkable about him, just another faceless side character no one would really notice. But today he was with his mother, who was hugging him and praising him as if he was the protagonist here. Though she supposed he was the main character of his own story. She watched as his mother gave him a hug, smiles on both their faces. " . . . It must be nice."

Mel had often found herself envying these sorts of scenes, which then added to her hatred of just about everything. Her hatred wasn't completely based off of envy though as some idiots mistakenly thought. She thought about the fight with that fire starter earlier, Adrian if Faith had gotten his name right. She thought about the bounty on her head and her rank among the world's most hated. That's right. She'd never get a scene like that. She was evil after all and that didn't seem like changing for a long time, if at all.

Well, enough of that pity party she thought. What could she do now? There were no classes today and nothing she had to do, really. She supposed she could sit there for a while. It was somewhat relaxing, if she didn't manage to run into any more idiots.
Izabella watches in disbelief as her husband, once again, abandons her in a time of need. She flinches when their front door slams and swallows hard, feeling the familiar burning sting as her eyes start to fill up with tears. But something inside her forces herself to stay in control, and after wiping at her eyes angrily, she takes in a few deep breaths and goes to get dressed.

It was like Theon all over again, the belittling, the way he never took her feelings seriously…how he talked down to her on being vunerable…only now it was ten times worse because it was Jirro doing it to her this time. The one person she never thought would ever hurt her in this way.

Growling softly, she finishes pulling up her boots and smoothes her hands down her blouse before leaning down to grab a bagged blood from the mini fridge. Making a face at the taste, she popped her fangs into the thick plastic, and drained the bag in seconds, surprised at how easily it had gotten to keep down the cold blood.

She was NOT bi-polar. How dare he say that of her. Didn’t he get what the day was doing to her. Her daughter was dead, and their other one had been MIA for months now…didn’t he get how hard it was for her to even function on a day for mother’s…when she had no present children to speak of? Grolwing again, she grabbed for her keys, and after a beat, tosses her phone onto the bed. If he wanted to try and reach her later, he’d have to track her down. Maybe she would crash at Bucky’s tonight, or Faith’s, if she had even forgiven her yet.

With one last look around the apartment, she closed the door and headed to the luncheon.


“Whoa, whoa!” Laughing, Mitsumi held up both hands. “Slow down with all the questions, I literally just got here like ten minutes ago…” Her love bite from Sheena tingles slightly and she rubs at her shoulder, unable to stop herself from grinning. Despite her months on the road on various assignments, it felt good to get a small stab at normalcy.

Keeping an arm around her cousin’s waist, she greets everyone in turn, leaning down to ruffle Liza’s hair, kissing Alex’s cheek, she even gives Mac one, having to really lean up to reach his face. Looking around, her eyes land on the approaching Faith and she grins, expecting to find her mother close behind.

But when she doesn’t see Izzy, her smile falters and for a moment, she worried if the information she had been given had been false, that her parents weren’t back after all…

“Faith…” she nods in greeting, and breathes a little easier when the other woman mentions her mom. Still ignoring the questions about Akira, Misty gives Sheena’s hip a squeeze before following her and dropping down into the seat besides her. Looking around, she watches as Bucky finally enters the room, heading towards a dark haired girl at another table. So the wolf-boy finally found himself someone? Good, good for him…

She gets a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach when she sees Liza with Faith and clears her throat, looking a bit sheepish. “So ah…where exactly are my parents…I figured they’d be at this thing…”


If that man called him ‘puppy’ one more blasted time….Rolling his shoulders back, Bucky merely nodded at Macal’s invite and returned his attention on Katarina. Seeing her smile at him, made him feel better and after running a hand through his hair, he headed in, walking straight for her table.

“Did you…want to go join them, or ah…” he looked around, unsure of how she was dealing with the day’s festivities.

“We could go someplace else if this is too hard…”

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