Dormer Academy

Faye can feel another person approaching her, and she is still too busy being consumed by her self-hating thoughts to have to deal with another security guard, but before she can push the idiot away she is suddenly enveloped in a tight hug, her breath stills in her throat and she notices with disgust that she is still sobbing lightly.

She barely hears Faith words' over the pounding of her own head, she is standing up now, she notes, but her grip on Faith is still surprisingly tight and most of Faith's words are wasted on her, but she hears the part about having to go, and she seems to be shocked out her thoughts as she looks at Faith with wide eyed innocence, "What? Go? Go where?" It is clear Faye is still in some sort of state of shock, for she is not thinking clearly at all, and she shakes her head. "No, I..why do I have to go? I promise I won't try and hurt anyone, please don't make me leave."

In her poor mental state, to her it sounds like Faith is trying to get her to leave the Academy, kicking her out for being such an idiot, and telling her she needs to leave Raina, since she must have hurt her so badly. But she didn't want to go.
(Just a note about Vash's current situation: The crystal used to seal and nullify Vash's demonic form is breaking, meaning that just talking to him isn't going to work. You'd need to undo the transformation for him to regain his consciousness. Blessed silver (has to be pure silver that has been blessed by a legit priest or someone of some kind), holy water, sacred wood and just about anything you'd use in an exorcism, other than prayers and chants, would work well, depending on how you use it and how much you use. So, if someone could just stab him with something, that would be great.)

Words were pretty much wasted on Vash right now. There was no common sense in his mind, no fear. Just rage. In fact, Raina's words had the opposite effect on the demon. How dare she casually talk about Mel like that? This girl didn't know her at all. And her little sister, Faye was even involved in the attack back at their old school. This wasn't about the two sisters fighting anymore. He hated always having to move from place to place because no one was willing to accept them. And he hated how the very people who hurt them, the ones who didn't even ask for their side of the story, were right @#$%ing there. Mel might've forgiven them but Vash didn't want to.

"Rage!" he screamed, swinging his wing in Raina's direction. Its "feathers" extended so that they hit the floor beneath her, piercing the stone tiles before retracting back. His vision became foggy as the last shreds of Vash drifted out of his mind.

It was about this time that Macal's lightning attack came. Now if Vash had been of sound mind, ,he might've been able to redirect the lightning, using some other metal as a lightning rod. But he wasn't, and with his metallic wings, the attack was incredibly effective. The jolt through his heart stunned the demon enough to make him lose his grip on the rafter and fall to the floor. But as soon as he hit the stone, he was up again and this time he was practically seeing red.

Cawing yet again, Vash spread his wings, searching for the source of the attack but ready to attack any and everything that crossed his path.

(So . . . if someone could stab him now with the materials mentioned above, that would be great . . .)


Riff smiled slightly at Ezra's answer. He didn't know what it was like to be completely invisible but he did know what it was like when someone just didn't notice you, having lived with his mother. He loved his mother and it wasn't like she neglected him or anything. She made sure he was fed and stuff. But it was a little difficult talking to her when her eyes just looked past him and out the window. No matter what he did, he just couldn't get her to really look at him.

Still, it was nothing like this boy was going through. It was one thing to be ignored. It was another to be physically invisible to everyone you know. "It must've been lonely. But welcome to the academy."

Soon the two reached the infirmary and after a short talk with the nurse on duty, Riff got his handful of tissues as well as the usual instructions for dealing with a nosebleed. Walking back into the hallway, the blond looked back at Ezra. "I haven't been here long, but if you have any questions, I would be willing to listen."


Mel was neither impressed nor frightened by what Chameleon said. His mom was going to send assassins? That wasn't a very original or smart move. Maybe if the woman knew who Mel was, she wouldn't have chosen such a stupid plan of action. But then again, what brain did she even have inside that ugly head of hers?

"I'll be fine. I don't fear lions led by a sheep*. If I did need your help, I would rather die first, lizard boy. I don't do tag teams." Mel was a firm believer of fighting solo and prided herself on how she had never needed to fight 2 on 1 with an opponent. Besides, any hack job assassin sent by that idiotic hag would certainly be easy to deal with. Mel had, after all, spent her the last ten years dealing with people after her life. In the beginning, all she could do was run and hide, but now she was capable of getting rid of them herself and had the "souvenirs" to prove it. Mel and her own army of sheep could easily take down whatever that crone had to throw at her.

As the sky darkened and a bolt of lightning struck the castle, Mel couldn't help but hear the commotion that seemed to be going on in the direction of the dining hall. What the hell was going on there? Did the idiots finally break loose and begin an all out war over who got the last waffle? The sense of something out of place coupled with a lot of curiosity began nagging at her to check it out. And so she started walking off in that direction, not bothering to let the shifter know her intentions or even saying good bye. He could be following her for all she knew, she just had to find out what was going on.

(*It's a reference to a quote supposedly said by Alexander the Great. "I don't fear an army of lions, led by a sheep. I fear an army of sheep, led by a lion." Pretty much, Mel believes that Felicity is a weak woman and it doesn't matter if she gathers the strongest people in the world. She will be a weak leader. Just what Mel thinks. Also, I wonder what would happen if Raina was hired to kill Mel. Would she be able to do it? When Faye wants to get along with her? I know Mel will attack anyone that attacks her without mercy or hesitation. But it might be funny. Here are these two girls bent on killing eachother . . . and it's perfectly normal for them. What with Mel and Raina's histories and all. It'd have to happen off school grounds though or they'd get a good scolding about it.)
(Oh, I like that quote :3 And hmm, it would be interesting, but Raina only every assassinated people because her Father told her to, and she was scared of him, and since's he's dead now I don't know how it would come about that she is hired to kill Mel, but I do know she'd still possibly accept regardless of Faye's wanting to be friends with Mel xD She's a bit mean like that. I'm not against the idea, it sounds like fun actually :P )

Raina is getting annoyed now. She can hear Faye in the background, sobbing, and it is breaking her heart to sit and just listen to her break down, but she knows she can't go see her until she's got Vash out of 'rage' mode, since he could easily go attack Faye in her currently weak state. Plus, it's her self-proclaimed mission right now, and Raina isn't the type to back down in the middle of her mission just because things are getting tough.

She leapt back as he striked at her with those weird wing things, narrowly missing her thanks to her jump and instead striking the floor. Right. NOW she was frickin' pissed off. But then before she could leap at the demon bird boy lightning struck - she'd need to thank Macal for that later - and he crashed to the floor.

Well. At least they were playing on the same level now. It seemed that Macal's attack had just enraged the beast instead of subduing it though, as Vash then let out a demon-bird like caw and Raina could see the fight in his eyes. Damn. Why did she always have to deal with sh*t like crazed bird boys? Deciding that words were useless, and she was honestly just too pissed off right now to bother with them, she pulled out the pure silver dagger she had used earlier on Sheena - the one that had apparently been blessed by some priest dude in Russia; she always wondered why the price was so high - and ran at Vash. Doing her best to dodge whatever attacks he threw at her, she pretended she was going to punch his face, but then changed attacks at the last moment and stabbed the blessed silver dagger straight into his gut.

Yeah, she was a b*tch, whatever, but if this broke bird boy's trance she was sure he could heal himself or some junk like that.


Chameleon titled his head at the strange quote, mentally humming thoughtfully to himself. I don't fear lions led by a sheep. That's pretty cool. He liked Mel's way of thinking, it was odd in it's own way, quite often rude - but then again, Chameleon had fallen for a girl who had tried to kill him at least four times, so it was clear he didn't care about things like being rude - but almost always pretty insightful.

He simply shrugged at her harsh words, not put off by the nickname, "Alright then," Hopefully his Mother would have forgotten the whole thing by the time she got home anyway. ...Probably not though, Mel did call her old, and ugly, and stupid. Yeah, she wouldn't forget.

He wasn't quite sure whether to start up a conversation with Mel though, but it seemed his choice was made for him when she began walking away. But when his eyes landed on the castle, noticing the darkening sky and did he hear thunder earlier?, he quickly realised something was up and began to follow Mel silently.

What the hell was going on in there?
"I'm not making you leave this one is leaving this place,"Faith tried to assure Faye as she continued to steer her out of the cafeteria. "I don't think it was your fault. You're stuck here as long as you want to stay, kiddo."

Guiding her back to the others in the hallway, she looked towards Raina, hoping that her sister would take over for her, before doubling back to the cafeteria to check on the Vash situation. It seemed that Macal had affected him somewhat, but not enough, and he was still very dangerous to them all. What was she supposed to do about this? Why had she not taken her weapons with her today of all days? Then again, who expected something like this on Mother's Day morning?

Faith started to pick up one of the tables, intending to throw it at him, but Raina preempted her, stabbing him with some sort of dagger. Now this was just great...he would either hurt Raina, or she would end up killing him. Running forward, Faith seized her arm.

"Get back, Raina! Go join the other students now, go help your sister!"
(Well, it seems I didn't have to worry about the lack of holy objects . . . odd.)

When Raina's dagger pierced his abdomen, Vash screamed as a huge surge of pain went through his body. Falling back onto the floor, his body began convulsing as he felt like his blood was on fire. Black wings soon became arms again and his eyes and teeth returned to their original state.

As he slowly regained his senses, he looked around the cafeteria desperately trying to piece together what had just happened and why his stomach hurt so much. He couldn't remember a thing and didn't know why the dining hall was in such a mess. Burnt furniture. Broken glass. Even the floor was damaged. What happened? When he caught sight of a black feather on the floor before him, his eyes widened. He didn't . . . did he?

He then took note of the dagger in his stomach. Silver . . . So it did happen. Although it hurt, he held the knife in place. He didn't want to go demon again, especially with this many people around. Using a table, or at least the remains of one, to get on his feet, Vash tried to make his way toward the doors of the dining hall. But he was already losing a lot of blood from his wound and after three steps, his vision got blurry and he fell to the floor yet again.

This was the first thing Mel saw as she reached the door to the dining hall. Not the damage done to the room itself. Not the injured or scared students and parents. Just the image of Vash falling, clutching his side while bleeding. Avoiding everything, she made her way to the demon, only to step on his back and wipe his blood from the bottom of her shoe. "Get up, Vash. And clean this mess."

Vash twitched before sitting up, hand still placed on the dagger to prevent it from falling out. He wore his usual goofy grin but his face was paler than usual. "Ehehe, sorry about that."

Mel noticed the prominent crack in the crystal of his choker and swore under her breath. In her current condition, she couldn't repair it or even heal him. Who dared to hurt him like that? Which of these God awful a**holes dared to break her things? Whoever it is must've had a death wish and Mel would be oh so happy to comply. The doll looked around and saw Raina as being the closest one, consequently labeling her as the attacker. She stared at the vampire with empty eyes before pointing to her face. "If you damage my property again. I will skin you alive and use it as a flag, you eyesore*."

(*Yeah . . . Raina just leveled up to eyesore level seeing as she nearly killed Vash.)
(Mac is a Paladin, his aura is holy, some demons come anywhere near him have been known to explode or vaporize, stronger ones find it hard to be near him and would either coward or flee.It also increases morale of those around him. It's not a power I use often on PCs out of fear of godmodding. So it's up to you if Vash is affected or if Raina handled the situation. again it's not a power I use on Player Characters..For right now I'm just going to assume Vash isn't in Mac's sight till you decide something..Also Liza and Raina also have holy swords.)

*Mac moved around the room from student to student, either doing like Liza and healing or helping them get clear of the room before he calls in a cleaning team to start to make it look like none of this ever happened, at least physically. Not long after he makes the call he finally catches up with Faith and Raina, not long after she puts Vash down and just as Mel declares her threat. He steps up behind Mel placing his hand on her shoulder.* Did you not hear me little one? I said enough! There will be no more fighting today period! Anymore hostile acts by anyone will result in their removal from this Academy. *He kneels down and attempts to heal Vash but can't because of his demonic essence.* I can not heal this boy, despite it being suppressed now his demonic side won't allow holy healing. I'll have some medics take him to the infirmary. *He stands up and looks Mel in the eyes* Understand me clearly Mel, we do not judge students alignment here, good or evil these grounds are neutral, that is why all are welcome here but I will not stand for any vendettas, those that engage in such acts will have to deal with me personally, which will mean the protections of this academy will no longer be offered to them and good or evil. *His eyes glow to make sure she gets his point* Good or Evil I will show no mercy! So I will pretend I did not hear that little threat towards Raina now you're dismissed. *Waving over medics to pick up Vash and take him to the infirmary. Finally turning back to Faith and Raina* We need an emergency staff meeting Faith, we need to decide what to do about this, perhaps we could wipe everyone's memory of today? Although no promise that will last for very long and there is a very big chance there stronger minds will completely resist it without a intense session from a like an Omega Class Telepath. (like a Prof. X type of telepath) Or we can spin this...After all this is a school for combat, we can just say it was a training session that we were fully in control the entire time and that no one was in any actual danger. What do you think, which route should we go or do you have something else in mind?
Mel listened to all Macal had to say while fighting the urge to just yell at him until he went deaf or something. This was the "god"? This is all the "almighty god" had to say?! Disgusting. Disgusting. DISGUSTING! Mel had always hated God and all that had to do with religion and heaven. She had considered not judging Macal by the same standard since he wasn't the particular God or religion she hated, but he was certainly not doing himself any favors with his preacher-like lecture and threats. Glowing eyes? A neat parlor trick but hardly intimidating. Her own eyes could drive humans insane and control demons.

After he finished, Mel had some things to say herself. Her voice sounded as if she was spitting the words through gritted teeth though there was no indication on her immobile face. "No good and evil here? You've got to be @#$%ing kidding me! No matter how 'neutral' you claim to be, everyone makes decisions based on alignments, whether they've got them correct or not. There is an angel strutting around this school in my body and with my powers after stealing them from me by stabbing me in the back . . . literally. Yet she's faced no repercussions and I'm even forbidden from touching her. Meanwhile I, the demon princess, haven't even done anything yet and you're already opened the door to kick me out?! You're telling me I don't even get the right to become angry?! You're telling me that's neutral?"

"What? Am I supposed to sit by and watch as he dies?! Am I shrug it off as an unavoidable accident while I bury him?! I bet if your little princess or wife was the one who got stabbed in the stomach, you would've blown the attacker's head off before they could even blink, you hypocritical b*st*rd! I don't give a flying @#$% about your little threats. I'm not going to sit around and watch the only people I care about be picked off like mosquitoes. Maybe you should just kill me now? Gain another medal to hang on your refrigerator by ridding the world of yet another evil."

"Don't touch him with your filthy hands, you insignificant insects!" she screamed as medics tried to carry Vash away. Unfortunately, the frightened staff dropped Vash right on his stomach, pushing the dagger deeper into him, if the groans were any indication. "He's my servant. I will take care of him. You guys might just poison him and tell me it was something you couldn't fix." She hoisted the demon onto her back and started to drag him away, stopping after a few steps to address the war god once more.

"Oh, and thank you so very much," she said sarcastically. "Thanks for teaching me that all of you gods are nothing more than disgusting eyesores." And with those being her final words, she walked out of the dining hall, leaving a thin trail of blood behind her.

(So . . . It kinda looks like Mac got upgraded to eyesore level too . . . Uh . . . anyone else wish to be unreasonably or reasonably hated?)
Faith barely has the emotional energy to even listen to Mel and Macal's exchange, let alone to step in between them. Nevertheless, she tries to address them both before Mel stalks off.

"Macal, let's hold off on the suspensions and expulsions until we know what's going on here, people can't control themselves so...that might not be fair. At least, it seems that way. I mean, what if you're next, you gonna kick yourself out too?"

She sighs, moving to catch up with Mel before ultimately letting her go. "Mel, he's not getting kicked out. No one thinks you're evil or that Vash is. If you need to go to the infirmary, please do, or...we can find Riff to fix you."

Returning to Macal, she sees that Liza is still healing people, her face puckered with anxiety and fear, and that Sheena seems very shaken, clutching the blanket around her shoulders and refusing to meet anyone's eyes. She too avoids looking at Macal straight on as she says, "Yeah, staff meeting, ten minutes. Izzy...can you please get Jirro...we need the other teachers too."

She pauses, then says to Izzy, "I'm sorry. Both you and Mitsumi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

Turning to Macal, she says more quietly, "I am."
*Mac just about had today with all the drama, he was about to put Mel over his knee and teach her how to respect people but Faith reached her before he can even spin around, plus his security chief walked up to him with a full report of the status of all the students involve so he could sign off good no lethal wounds..minus Vash but once that blade is removed he'll proably recover quickly, unless he's a complete and utter wuss of a demon servant. * For now I want this place on lockdown, no students allowed out of their quarters. *He stops himself and thinks about that order.* Scratch that standdown for now till we decide what to do.

Ok maybe expelling her is a bit heavy handed but that little spoiled brat needs an adjustment before, she snaps at the wrong person. Anyway are any of you hurt? Do you need healing *Looks at Raina then Faith actually checking her for injuries, running his hand over any she has healing them.* Raina, When the Mochizukis came I made sure to manufacture the tonic they used to control their hunger and help accelerate healing, check in at the infirmary and they should take care of you.

*Finally he kneels by Sheena, it's as if he didn't hear any of her rant at him before but he did it's just this isn't the time or place to deal with that and smiles at her* How are you doing Little One, are you hurt anywhere? Do you need me to heal you? *It just hit him that Alex is no where around and he starts to ask her if she seen him but doesn't when he remembers what she said to him and decides it may be better if they give each other a few hours of space, perhaps cool down a bit.
"Macal....her servant was badly wounded and she walked in on the middle of it, just...let it go for now, okay?" Faith said quietly, knowing that after what she'd said, he likely wasn't going to be in any kind of mood to listen to anything she had to say that was contrary to what he said, but nevertheless not willing to stir up even more bad feelings between students and staff. She briefly closes her eyes as he heals her, feeling her skin close together where Sheena had ripped it open. She hadn't even felt any pain as she went between the other students trying to pull things together again, and now when she looks down at herself, she sees the blood staining her shirt.

Liza comes running over to her then, eyes huge, and throws herself at Faith. "Mama! Mama you got blood!"

"I'm five- I'm okay," Faith corrected herself, picking Liza up and hugging her, careful to hold her on her side that wasn't bloody. Liza buried her face in her neck, mumbling at full speed.

"I was bad, I said mean stuff and I didn't even mean it I don't think. Everyone was being so mean and bad and yelling and hurting and I wanted to make them just shut up and be good already but they wouldn't. And I was gonna be bad too. I'm sorry. I shouldn't oughtta do that no more."

"I know you didn't mean it," Faith rubbed her back absently, her gaze looking past her daughter to the others as they continued to bring things back into control. She saw Katarina down the hallway with Bucky, still pale, gripping him hard enough to hurt most, and tried to smile at the girl; there was no telling what she was thinking of all this. At least Bucky was with her.

And then she saw Adrian come up behind her, his expression incredulous, his voice loud enough for Faith to hear as he asked what the hell had happened, and Faith sighed, just praying this wouldn't be a round two of violence.

Sheena looked up at Macal blankly, blinking, and then shook her head after a few moments. "No, I'm...I'm not hurt." She paused, then said in a small voice, not meeting his eyes, "I'm sorry. For...saying those things. And losing control like that."
Raina watched as Vash slowly changed back, shoving Faith away from her, "Calm down! I'm handling it!" Then Vash was getting up, trying to leave, and Raina narrowed her eyes at him, damn, was he keeping the dagger? She loved that thing. She watched as the demon collapsed, and she was considering going over and taking back her dagger when Mel suddenly appeared and told Vash to get up and clean up the mess. Woh. She's nice, isn't she? Raina told her inner self to calm it with the sarcasm, but when Mel turned to her and threatened her, Raina held back her own growl and told her inner voice to let lose.

"Well then tell your property not to turn into a demon bird and start attacking everyone and I won't f*ckin' have to." She couldn't stop the snarky comment from slipping out, and didn't care to, but it seemed before Mel could respond Macal was suddenly there, telling the doll off.

Raina was pretty used to Macal's long 'I-am-a-god-you-will-listen-to-me' speeches by now, and was getting pretty good at tuning them out, but she did listen in at the end bit. She scoffed at them lightly, "Why don't you just try telling the truth? Just because you're supposed to be all powerful head teachers doesn't mean you two can't f*ck up sometimes as well." She smirked at the end of her sentence, hoping it would irk them a bit.

But apparently Mel wasn't as used to Macal's speeches, as she began speaking furiously towards the man. Raina just watched silently; she wasn't really at that bothered by Mel's threat, she had heard worse before anyway, and had worse done to her. She watches the doll girl leave with her demon buddy and then turns to watch Faith and Macal, a staff meeting? Aw damn, they were totally going to ignore her and lie weren't they? She growled lightly under her breath, "I swear, if you idiots try any mind-wiping sh*t on me I will freak out."

Macal is then telling her about something to heal herself and she nods, half listening, "Yeah sure, I'll grab some later." She then watches as Liza barrels in, and this seems to bring her back to her own little sister problem, her eyes frantically search the room before she spots Faye near the door, closed in on herself. "Aw sh*t!" She speeds over the girl and before Faye can complain Raina pulls her into a tight hug. She can feel Faye pushing at her and can hear the sobs in her little sister's voice, "! Let..let go of me! I migh-might hurt you." Raina pulled back from the hug then, holding Faye's shoulder firmly as she stares at her, noticing that Faye is indeed crying, "You're not going to hurt me." She managed to pull off a half-smirk, "And even if you tried you couldn't, I'd so kick your ass." But even this didn't seem to cheer up Faye as she shook her head in despair, " don't get it Rai! I mean..back then..I..those things I said," She paused, looking up at her sister with wide worried eyes as she hissed out, "They KNOW Raina. They heard me say it!" It doesn't take an idiot to catch on that Faye is talking about her confession at trying to commit suicide. "An-And now they're all gonna think I'm a pathetic little loser and they're right, I can't even control myself enough to stop myself from hurting you an--" Faye is abruptly cut off from her panicked rambles as she is hugged tightly again, "Ah geez." Raina's voice is soft as she speaks, "You're such a handful Red." Faye's sobbing starts to slow at the use of Raina's nickname for her, "Look. You couldn't control yourself because it wasn't you back there, and don't even try to correct me, just shut up and listen alright?" A slow nod from Faye and Raina continued, "It's obvious that someone's messing with us - not just me and you but everyone so far that's been getting this ragey moments - so don't you dare try and tell me that it's your fault alright? And like I said, I'm fine, you barely even scratched me." This is a bit of an understatement, as Raina is clearly hurt, but Faye keeps her mouth shut as instructed, "Lastly, you are NOT a pathetic little loser, you ever tell me that again and I will chuck your make-up kit into the river. And if anyone ever thinks that about you or says something like that to you then they'll have me to deal with and I've been pretty p*ssy since I stopped biting humans." Raina lets go now of Faye and gives her a once over with her eyes, "Looks like I did you more damage than you did me anyway."

Faye, after that long speech, has stopped crying and manages to give Raina a half-smile, "I'm fine Mother." She teases her big sister lightly and Raina rolls her eyes, "Whatever, can you heal yourself?" A nod from Faye and the halfie closes her eyes, letting a pink glow go over her body before her wounds are fully healed. Raina nods in approval before turning to face the Cords, she is about to ask them if she can join this 'staff meeting' to make sure they don't make any stupid mistakes when a familiar face cuts her off. "What the hell are you doing here?" Chameleon is standing there, having followed Mel, and had stood silently as he watched Raina comfort Faye. But now she had seen him and he stammered lightly, "Uh...I go here?" "What?!?!" Raina had sped in front of him now, glaring at him, "Are you stalking me or something Leo?" "Why would I do that? And no, I'm not. My Uncle and Mother decided to send me here instead of that old Academy." "Eh? You mean that b*tch who slapped you?" Chameleon's eyes narrowed, annoyed that she had just carelessly thrown that information out, then again, it was Raina, what did he expect? "Yeah, her." Raina shrugged, "Alright, just stay outta my way." "Pssh, we both know that's nearly impossible." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means you always end up showing up wherever I go." "Hey! You're the one who followed me here!" "I did NOT follow you here! I told you that already!" "Argh! You're so damn annoying!" "WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP AND KISS ALREADY?!?!?" Both arguers stopped at that moment, their faces inches away from where they had been so mad at each other, and both turned to look at Faye with stunned expressions, Chameleon with a light blush on his cheeks, speaking at the same time, "Wh-what?" Faye shrugged, smirking at them, "It works when they say it in the movies." Raina rolled her eyes and stomped over to her little sister, grabbing her arm, "Come on, we're leaving!" "Aww but Rai! You two look so cute together!" "Shut it!"
Ezra smiled some, he didn't care for not being seen, though he didn't get too upset about it, at least he didn't now that it wasn't happening anymore. "It was, but that was why I came here as soon as I found out about this place."

He followed Riff, making a note of where things were as he walked with him, he waited patiently while Riff talked with the nurse and grabbed some tissues. "The main thing I'm wondering about is the type of classes I should be taking, since this is supposed to be a fighting academy, and I have trouble touching things, it makes things a bit harder on me." he said with a small chuckle, he figured that he would either figure out how to fit in at the school, or he would be asked to leave, only time would tell. Though he did hope he wasn't asked to leave.


Nickkie watched as Evan walked away once they were out in the hall, she didn't follow her since she was curious about what was going on. Though she tried to keep her distance, after a while it was obvious that everything was over and she walked to the door slowly, opening it and walking into the cafeteria. She looked around with her sapphire eyes, a slight frown on her face as she looked at the damage to the room, as well as those that remained inside.
*Back in his room Alex, now calm and focus is trying to put Sheena out of his mind and instead concentrating of the fact that Mitsumi is back and seems to be ok but there is no sign of Akira, technically both Mitsumi and Akira were under his command and he was responsible for their well-being and actions, he has to admit to himself that he dropped the ball on that one. Sitting down at his computer he logs into the communication's network running through every channel that that he and his team have used in the past, including any emergency ones that may have been used, even checking the logs going back months for anything, he comes up with nothing, this little laptop doesn't have the power he needs to do what he needs to do. He closes his laptop and pushes away from the desk, rubbing his eyes. *Well looks like I have no choice but to use that. *Walking to his door and locking it so no one will come in and disturb him while he's using his powers. Recently Alex discovered he was a mutant with the power to manipulate electronic components and computers, even the ability to create things from useless or broken ones. But his most useful power is also his least controllable. Connecting his mind via wireless to computer networks, of course the few times he's tried it, he almost fried his entire brain.

Standing in the middle of the room, he closes his eyes for a moment, when he opens them again his eyes are solid blue, suddenly before his is hundreds of screens and communications, each one explands into dozens of other screens, eventually thousands of pieces of data flying pass him going faster and faster and somehow he's able to keep up with it all. He scans it for any keywords that could lead him to where Akira is. (Akira, Twin Swords, Ninja, Vampire/BlackBlood) All this data in front of him and yet he can't find a single trace of his friend.* What the hell Akira, even you can't be that good to hide from me this well. *It's not long before his head starts hurting...really hurting he's about at his limit but he keeps going, until finally a hit, a small atm camera in Osaka Japan, it's blurry but it's better then nothing. * GOTHCA! *Alex starts to laugh and celebrate when it's brain shuts down breaking the link and he collapses to the floor.*

(ok bro is up to you to bring him in now.)
“Okay,” Faith tries again to gain control of the situation in the hallway, Liza still clinging to her, Sheena standing nearby, as she turns her head to take in all the other children still scattered about in the chaos taking place around her. “Okay, we have to get this together…GUYS!” she shouted above everyone, drawing a brief quiet before continuing, “We’re having a school assembly at 11, mandatory attendance for all. Until then all of you avoid the cafeteria, we’ll have it…outside, on the main lawn. Tomorrow’s classes postponed for now. You,” she walked forward a few steps to grab one of the teachers who was helping, “Can you go make an announcement over the intercom to let the other kids know? Make sure it connects to the outside grounds speakers too, thanks.”

“Those of you who aren’t having injuries tended to or who aren’t going to the infirmary, go to your living quarters and stay there until the assembly,” she continued to tell the other kids in the hall. “We’re gonna figure this out, don’t worry. But if you see someone else lose it or feel like you’re gonna, let someone on staff know.”

“You’re not hurt, right, Sheena?” she asked her, and when Sheena shook her head, she held Liza out to her. “Take her back to her room and…and get Zeus and Tyrant, DOG Zeus and Tyrant, not the kids, to stay with her and watch her. Casey too. Then I want you and Alex to come back to the staff meeting with us. You’ve been training some of the kids too, you’re eighteen, I guess you’re right on the one thing you said, you’re not a kid and we’ll probably need your help with this.”

“Okay,” Sheena swallowed, ignoring Liza’s instant protests that she wanted to stay with Faith, tightening her grip on the little girl. “Okay…Faith? I’m really…I’m sorry-“

“I’m not worrying about it. Not an issue right now,” Faith told her, exhaling, then reached to awkwardly pat her shoulder. “But I’m sorry too. We’ll talk later.”

She kissed Liza’s head and then sent them off, waiting to make sure the others were following her instructions before leaving for the main conference room, expecting the rest of the staff to join her as the announcement was made over the intercom. She saw that the DeSanto twins were still at the end of the hallway, appearing stricken, that Adrian was now grasping Katarina’s free arm, but she ignored it; if there was another fight now, let someone else deal with it.
As the announcement rolled through the speakers, Evan paused in the hallway to listen. She'd have to write it down as soon as she got to her room. She spotted the DeSantos and offered a brief wave as she walked past, adrenaline still thumping through her veins and she watched them a little more closely, remembering what had happened between them in the gym, but since it didn't appear as though they were about to start fighting again, her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.

Evan stuffed her hands into her pockets and continued walking. More than anything, she was irritated at what felt like everything. Her dreams, the Cords and their fighting, the way everyone in the hall seemed to just fixate on it the way they had. Some of those people looked like they were hurt BADLY and everyone just seemed fascinated with it, with talking about how the staff had lost their minds and attacked each other, some of them actually looked like they were laughing!

She didn't want to go to her room. She didn't want to just sit in there by herself and think about everything that had happened, but orders were orders and Evan wasn't exactly itching to see what Faith would do if she caught her outside of her room when she'd locked down the campus.

As she stepped into her door, she glanced briefly at the empty bed on the other side of the room and walked to her desk, writing down the time of the assembly and a reminder that classes were cancelled. Evan let out a breath and ran her palms along the sides of her thighs before pacing around her room. With no roommate to talk to, or, well... anyone, really, her energy had nowhere to go. She stopped her pacing after a few minutes and opened the door to her dorm, propping it open with her desk chair as an invitation to anyone who would want to walk in and keep her company.
*Mac reached over and rubbed Liza's head then leaned over and kissed her cheek.* You be good and stay with the hounds, they'll keep you company till we get back....And Liza no one is upset with you I promise, this has just been a bad day for everyone. *Mentally connecting to his hounds Zeus and Tyrant.* Do not let her out of your sight for any reason, I'm depending on you both.*Waves to her as Sheena and her leaves* Hurry back with Alex, Sheena...Faith is right, you and Alex's input is just as important as anyone else. *Catching sight of Adrian as he turns to look at Faith and Raina, He speaks under his breath to Faith.* Oh for god sakes, he better not start anything, I'm in no mood for anymore disorderly behavior....We need to get on with this meeting so we can start to figure out just what the hell just happened to everyone. That was like a battlefield, I'm still amazed no one died. It was true chaos...*Pauses for a second* OH HELL! Chaos! If this is that bastard HardTime doing his whole chaos game...I'm gonna take his damn head..AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME YOU SICK DEGENERATE BASTARD!! I'LL TAKE YOU HEAD AND USED IT AS A PLANTER! *Suddenly realizes he must sound crazy shouting at the air like that..Even if Faith knows who he's talking about.* Umm sorry about that but you have to admit this has all the signs of his twisted mind.
Riff brought a hand to his chin as he thought about Ezra's predicament. "Well, the Mochizukis' weaponry classes are probably out of the question. And I still don't know what it is that Mr. Cord teaches exactly, if at all. Mrs. Cord's class works with power development along with standard self defense, so maybe you could start there. I'm afraid I don't know if it will help you gain the ability to hold something though."

Then the announcement for a mandatory assembly came on, calling every student and staff member outside. It was certainly short notice. Did something happen? If something did, they were bound to tell him at the assembly so it was probably nothing to think into. "Should we go then?" he said to the spirit. "Do you need help finding your way out?"


An hour after Mel had gotten Vash to his room, she fell back onto his bed, a bit tired. Today just seemed to be getting better and better she thought while rolling her eyes. First the confrontation with that fire starting idiot. Then meeting that hideous hag Chameleon called his mother. And finally Vash's near death experience just a while ago.

What sucked the most was that Vash's choker was broken. The crystal had cracked so it lost its ability to completely seal his demonic form and it didn't take a genius to know the chaos that would follow should Mel allow Vash to fly around campus as a rage fueled demonic crow demon. The doll looked over to her servant. They had to take extra precautions to keep him sealed. She had already moved his furniture around and drew a Devil's trap* on both the floor and ceiling. Vash, his stomach wound now bandaged up, had to sit in the middle of the drawn symbol, with silver chains around his wrists and neck to make sure his powers were completely sealed. All that was left was holy water, a lot of it. Luckily there was a church closeby, a fifteen minute's walk from here. They probably wouldn't mind if she asked for some. Church people and their sickening fake generosity loved to give out cheap stuff like that.

When the announcement for the mandatory assembly, Mel swore. Without his crystal fixed, Vash couldn't leave the circle, much less the room. She'd have to explain this to some staff member later and if they gave her trouble, she could always let him go like they apparently want.

"Vash, I'm going to the stupid assembly. Don't move, okay?" Vash gave a small salute while still lying on the floor, hurt and exhausted. "Yeah. Whatever. I know the drill." The doll gave a small sigh before leaving. Hopefully this thing wouldn't take too long and she could go get the holy water.

She quickly found her way to the area where students had already began to gather and made her way to the very back of the crowd. This better be quick.

(*Devil's trap - a mystical symbol used to immobilize and control demons; once within a circle, a demon cannot walk past its boundaries and can't use their powers until the lines have been compromised)
(I do believe you need faith for holy water to work..or not)

*Alex slowly coming too, rubbing his head he looked at his alarm clock on his desk and realized he's been out like a light on the floor for 3 hours. He barely manages to his feet, when he feels himself about to hurl chunks and he rushes to the bathroom and starts to throwup into the toilet. He feels like someone was playing Whack a mole with his head with sledgehammer. Stumbling into his shower running only cold water his head finally starting to clear up. And he remembers what he was doing when he passed out.* Akira! *He rushes to the closet and pulls out a bag and starts packing it.* This better not be a wild goose chase buddy!

(Dude WTH???)
"I'll be good, Daddy," Liza promises earnestly, widening her eyes. "I'll be very very good. Plus also I will be nice. You won't even believe how nice I"ll be, I think."

She continues to tell Sheena all her plans of how nice she's going to be now, many which involve detailed descriptions of the cupcakes she plans to make and the glittery cards she'll decorate, as the older girl carries her back towards their living quarters and into her bedroom. Making sure that the guardian dogs are in place and distracting Liza the best that anyone can, Sheena starts to head back to the conference room that her sister and father had said they would be in, but then stops, remembering that they had wanted her to get Alex too. Her cheeks flush with her shame and embarrassment at the prospect, remembering all the harsh things she had said to him, and for a second she simply stops moving, dreading having to look at him again. But she makes herself continue forward to knock on his door in his living quarters.

"Alex? Are you there?" She can smell him and knows that he is, but he may be avoiding her. "It's Sheena...Alex, I'm sorry. I didn't...I'm sorry. They...Faith and my dad want you to come to a meeting with them."


Faith simply stared at Macal after his outburst, eyebrows raising slightly, before she shook her head. "How would HardTime be able to affect our feelings without actually hanging around to do anything? That's not really his style to be that subtle, generally he likes to leave a calling card in the way of major death tolls. And by the way I hope you yelling like that wasn't the first sign of anger because if it is, you need to get your ass out of here right now and calm down before this starts all over again."

Starting towards the conference room, she stops, seeing Adrian standing near Bucky and Katarina, and exhales, addressing them each abruptly. "Bucky, thought I told you to get your girl or whatever she is out of this mess. Kat, thanks for not losing your head in there, I'm sorry you had to see me like that. Adrian, I told you to go to detention and I did mean it...but now I want you in the assembly and sitting nowhere near Bucky when it starts up."

She looked behind her to see if Macal was following and barely waited for him and most of the other staff to join her before saying in her general blunt fashion, "So there's a huge problem and we have to figure out what it is before we all kill each other. ASAP."
(Meeting with Izzy and Macal and Faith and hopefully Jirro. And Jirro Mochizuki, you need to post soon or else we'll have to deal with your characters ourselves, because you are almost three weeks and many pages behind.)
(I'm very sorry for not posting for so long, I've been working upstate and haven't been able to get on. Mac we can do the Akira/Alex thing inbox. Faith and Izzy I just need a few hours sleep and I'll post when I wake up. Again I'm sorry for the hold up.) 
{Jirro joined everyone for the staff meeting, it was hard for him to care what Faith or Mac had to stay when all he could do is stare at his daughter. His chest swelled as he looked at her, right there was proof that the Blood of the Sage was strong. His daughter was there in front of him after being away for months on her own, surviving she was ok no thanks to him. Jirro couldn't help but think of himself as a failure to his family, not being able to protect them is in his mind his greatest sin. Finally he speaks up and confesses that he too has had a lack of control of his temper.} Whatever is going on here must be solved soon, I've felt a lost of control of my senses back when I was training with Sheena. My anger came out of no where when I was meditating something I do to clear my mind. It was quite sudden when my thoughts turned to what myself and my family has endured over the past year and then my mind was in a rage and soon after my anger grew out of my control. I was lucky Sheena was there to calm me. Losing control of my thoughts is not something I wish to experience again.

We in this room are far to powerful to not be in full control of ourselves. It takes incredible amounts of Will Power to fight my internal urge to feed on a human being, I do not wish to risk that ever! Lowering myself to a mere vampire dog! {The disgust in those words are clear for everyone to see} I rather be destroyed before I lower myself in such a way.

(Sorry if it's not very good. Short on time and I didn't ignore other post there was just so much I couldn't not cover it all in my limited time. I will respond to Bloody Moon ASAP.)
Mitsumi stayed quiet during the meeting, keeping her back close to the wall. Her cheek was still bleeding from the fight and every so often she would make a sound of disgust as she wiped at it, rubbing the blood along her pants. She stayed away from her parents, taking note of the distance between them, instead focusing on Faith and Macal as the meeting was called to order, and merely flinched when her father spoke about being destroyed and acting like a common vampire.

Izzy's gaze ticked between her daughter and husband. Her body still shook, thinking about her actions from the past few days. She didn't enjoy the thought of being controlled, attacking her friends and family.

"The sooner we figure out what's going on the better...and the sooner we kill what ever is causing it..." she trailed off, her meaning clear.
*Mac glares in the direction of Jirro, he wants to say something about him losing his temper around Sheena, wanting to know more details but decides to put that on the back burner for now. He doesn't want to take the chance of tempers heating up again. Instead he focuses on what can be done for right now.* I can have Psi-ops come down with some equipment and start scanning for anything out of place. I don't think it will make the students feel safe if I have an increase of security officers, so I can have my sweepers and if the Mochizukis would agree some of their ninja to work with them in the shadows to intervene if anymore students get hostile. In the mean time, we should take precautions when it comes to training with weapons and live ammo. Last thing we need is some pissed off kid with a high powered rifle running around. I would suggest we switch them to harden foam blades and Simmunition instead of the real things. That is all I can do on my end till we find whatever it is doing this to us.

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