Dormer Academy

(Macal, post for Alex?! Jirro for Akira?! And yes, I will post shortly)

Faith's eyes shift quickly to Jirro as he confesses his own loss of control. Sheena hadn't told her about this, and she wants to know exactly what happened, but now does not seem the time or place. Sheena will be back with Alex shortly enough, hopefully, with Alex, and she says as much as she nods slightly in response to him. As she listens to the options Macal proposes, she bridges her temples slightly with two fingers, considering, before nodding again.

"Sounds like something to start with, Macal. We all need to keep a closer eye, discourage kids from being alone together without adults present...even though it's obvious we're as affected as they are, at least we can probably pull out of it faster than hormone riddled kids. Increased healers should be here too, and we do need to be at least somewhat honest with the kids about what's going on. Weapons...those need to be more firmly guarded and restricted now until further notice, moreso than they already are. Until we know whether it's just the academy grounds that are affected, we should also restrict students being able to go off campus and outsiders being able to come in."

She meets the eyes of Izzy and Macal both, wanting to apologize personally and hoping her eyes convey this, but it's not appropriate in a staff meeting to do so. "If Sheena and Alex don't get here soon, one of us needs to fill them in before the student assembly, as well as Bucky; he should be here too."


Worried at Alex's lack of response, Sheena knocked again on his door, then tried to ease it open. "Alex? I'm sorry for the things I was...I'm coming in, okay?"


"What happened, Kat?" Adrian pressed as his sister tried to pull both him and Bucky down the hall, his eyes wide as he reached to take her arm as well. "All those people, and some of them were hurt...was there a fight?"

"I...I don't know," she started, hesitant. "We should leave...people was sort of scary, Adrian-"

"Were YOU fighting?" he demanded to Bucky, an edge to his tone as he finally acknowledged him.


Back in her bedroom again, Liza alternated between pouting and moping as she waited for her family to return. It seemed very unfair to her that she had to wait back in her room with Zeus and Tyrant like she wasn't a big girl when all of them got to. It was like she was being punished when they said it wasn't even her fault she was so bad.

"I don't like it," she informed her guardian dogs, giving a little stomp for emphasis. "They are mean to do that, I think. Not as mean as they were back there. But still mean...they oughtta be nicer, I think. 'Cause I just wanna help and be good and that's all."
Nick frowned some as she heard the announcement that all students were supposed to go to their rooms, the idea of being told to stay in one place for an undetermined amount of time didn't seem like a fun time to her, though she figured that it would be best to go on and do what she was told. She walked toward her room slowly, holding Donnie to her chest with her thin arms, it seemed as if this was a very strange Mother's Day, she had never seen a fight as big as that one, and she wasn't sure that she really wanted to see it again, it didn't seem right to her that everyone had suddenly started fighting for no reason, there had to be something going on and she could only wonder what it was until she was told.

She opened the door to her room and slowly walked inside, she didn't bother closing the door as she walked to the bed and sat down, setting Donnie beside her. She looked around the room with her sapphire eyes, it was quite bare, considering that Donnie was the only thing that she had with her when she came here, they made sure that she had clothes, but other than that, she hadn't really bothered with getting anything to decorate the room. She had no pictures of anyone since there wasn't anyone in her life other than those that were here. She did like it here though, there weren't as many people who looked at her as if there was something wrong with her, she had gained a few shocked looks because of her intelligence, but other than that, people weren't as surprised or repulsed by her as they had been when she was around normal people.


Ezra tilted his head at the announcement, then looked at Riff, he shrugged some, "Well, I wasn't actually given a room, so I guess I should just find somewhere out of the way to be..." he said as he tilted his head. He wondered what had happened that would make them send everyone to their rooms, it had to have been something bad, and he could only hope that everyone was alright.
*Alex finish stuffing somethings into a backpack and headed for the door just as Sheena is coming in, they almost bump into each other. He looks at her directly but is seems distracted and in a hurry to get out the door.* need something? I'm a little busy in fact I'm on my way out sooooo..What do you need? *He's not even thinking about what she said to him earlier he needs to get to base and grab a shuttle so he can get to Japan and start tracking Akira down. it doesn't even occur to him that he made seem dismissive to her.* Wait did you say meeting..No I don't have time for that I have to get out of here..I'll take a raincheck on the meeting or you can just tell me about it another day. *Slinging his backpack over his shoulder he starts to pat himself to make sure he has his wallet and keys and moves out into the hall and starts walking in the opposite direction of the meeting.*

*Mac nods at Faith and moves to open the door so they can all go join the assembly* Right lets do this because the sooner we fill in the students the sooner we can get to work..Oh yeah and we really need to check on Liza soon, it's her vs 3 supernatural hounds with thousands and thousands of years of experience and combat between them...They don't stand a chance against a 5 year old little girl that really wants to get her way.
"Please...please don't fight," Katarina almost begged, her eyes darting between her brother and her...what was Bucky to her, exactly? A friend? A date? Could he be her boyfriend yet, when they had known each other such a short time?

Whatever he was to her, he mattered to her, and she didn't want to see him angry or hurt. One hand on each man's arm, Katarina turned her head, looking from one to the other as she continued, "There's been too much fighting and too many people upset and hurt already. Just...please don't, okay? Please get along? For me?"

Adrian is still looking at Bucky with suspicion, but he exhales, his chest deflating, and gives his twin an awkward pat on the shoulder. "Okay...maybe we should just go to this assembly thing and see what all this is about then, okay?"

He pauses, then, as they are beginning to walk away, says with some difficulty, "Rina, sorry for how I've been. I know I...I haven't been acting like I should. Sorry....I'll really try to be better."


"No kidding...there's a lot of people I need to talk to, and Liza's top of the list," Faith exhales as she breaks apart from the small circle of staff members that has formed, walking beside Macal towards the outdoor area where they had instructed the students to gather. "Her, Sheena, Alex, most of the students, Izzy, Jirro, Mitsy...and you."

She hesitates, then lays a hand in the crook of Macal's arm as they continue to walk. "The things I said. They just came out, Macal. If we need to talk about them later..."

She left this hanging, unsure still of how he was responding to what had happened.


Liza, meanwhile, was quickly growing impatient with her captivity. She starts to huff and pace, arms crossed over her chest as she vents aloud to Zeus and Tyrant, who are following her on her heels, guarding her from going off in any direction that even looks like she might escape.

"They said all students gotta go to this meeting. So I think that means me, probably. So I should go see. 'Cause that would still make me a good girl and not even bad, I think."

When the dogs growl and shake their heads, bumping her lightly, Liza scowls again, rolling her eyes to the ceiling.

"People are so mean to me!"


As Alex almost collides into her, Sheena backs up, recovering quickly from her surprise to see that Alex appears to be in a hurry...but he has a backpack. He looks like he's planning to go on some kind of he leaving the school? Leaving her? Did she really upset him that much in what she said?

Her heart beginning to quicken in its beats, Sheena grabs his arm, cutting him off as she tries to get out of him what's going on. "Alex! You're leaving, where are you going? You have to go to the meeting, it's mandatory, they wanted us to be there for the staff meeting! Something's going on, everyone was attacking, it wasn't just me...there's something in the school! Alex, the things I said...I'm sorry, something just came over me, and...that's not why you're leaving, is it?"
{Jirro hung back as people start to leave the meeting, moving in front of Mitsumi's path before she can exit. He grabs he and pulls her into a tight hug, pressing his forehead to hers.* I've missed you so very much but I knew I just knew you were alive and would survive, you have so much of your mother inside of you I just knew that somehow someday you would return to us. I want you to know I never stop thinking of you or loving you. {A small tear rolls down his cheek} We'll talk more later,I know you must have words for me and your mother but I feel I've embarrassed you enough for one day. {He moves to the side so she can pass} I'm very proud of you Mitsumi.
A muscle in Bucky's jaw twitches slightly when Adrian gets in his face about fighting. Where had he been, when the fight had broken out, when Bucky had been the one keeping his sister safe? If it wasn't for the gentle touch of Kat's hand on his arm, he would have growled in response and tossed the child across the hall. He was done tip toeing around him. He didn't need his permission to have feelings for and to care about his sister.

"We should get you back to your rooms, get you away from whatever is causing all of this..." his voice is gruff, and he only looks at Katarina when he speaks. "Let the others figure out what's going on here...all that matters is your safety..." he finally looks over at Adrian, but only briefly. "-both of yours..."


Mitsumi's body stiffens in her father's hold and she doesn't return the hug. Still bothered by what she has come home to, and unsure about what's going on between her parents, she remains unmoving until he releases her, taking a step back and smooths her hands down the front of her shirt.

"I have no words for either of you..." her electric blue eyes narrow slightly, the gold around them shifting to black for an instant. She turns her head just as Izzy comes up besides her and pulls away before her mother can reach for her. "You have both been back...for months now...and no word...nothing...did either of you bother to look? For me, for Akira?" Shaking her head, her arms cross over her chest. "I returned for Sheena...for Liza, and Alex..."

Without another word, she heads down in the hallway, searching for her cousin. Izzy turns to look at her husband. She opens her mouth to speak, one hand reaching out to touch him, but it drops limply to her side. She's still hurt from his earlier actions, and shaking her own head, she goes and follows Faith.
Faith, sensing Izzy behind her, as well as Mitsumi, turns to them both, knowing they too are owed an apology. She tries to smile but her lips stick slightly to her teeth, and her eyes are serious as she reaches a hand back to lightly touch first Mitsumi, than Izzy, even as she continues to walk. She looks both in the eyes in turn.

"What I said. Please just forget it. Mitsy...I'm glad you're back, and I know Sheena is thrilled, whatever she said. Izzy...what happened before with us, I'll do whatever it takes to try to make sure it never happens again. Not with us, right? We're more than this. Aren't we."

It wasn't a question, nor an order; she seemed to be stating this and yet simultaneously asking if Izzy also believes it, hoping that she does, as they come towards the front of the school and begin to exit out onto the lawn where the other students are gathered.


Katarina is still gripping both Adrian and Bucky's arms as she looks up at Bucky, nodding, trusting what he is saying to her. She sighs, pressing a little closer against his arm, wanting to outright wrap her arms around him and burrow in where she will feel safe, but she doesn't, at least not then.

"Okay...will you...Bas, will you stay with me a while? In my room?"

"Bas?" Adrian's eyebrows raise, and Katarina turns to him.

"You can stay too, Adri. Just, please don't fight. I really....really just don't want to deal with people fighting."

Adrian's eyes shifted to Bucky, then to his sister's hand on his arm, and for a moment Katarina was afraid that he would ignore her and do exactly as he pleased. But instead he took in a deep breath and backed away, nodding stiffly.

"Okay. If that's what you want, Rina...okay."

He followed them as Katarina began to lead Bucky towards her quarters, looking back over her shoulder to her twin.
Raina and Faye had first headed back to Raina's room and Faye had fussed over her for a while about her injuries, in fact, Raina was just reaching for some bandages when Faye had pushed her back and just healed her herself with her powers - ignoring Raina's complaints about straining herself. She was fine.

But now the sisters were gathered with all the other students for this assembly thing, Raina looking bored as hell with her arms crossed and eyes ready to roll, and Faye looking anxious and curious at the same time. The latter was bouncing on her feet nervously, eyes searching the crowd for someone - most likely Faith or Macal as they would tell her what was happening - and Raina groaned lightly.

"Faye, will you please stop bouncing like a f*cking rabbit? It's annoying," Faye sent an apologetic look to her sister, "Sorry, I'm just nervous." "About what? It's probably just going to be Faith and Macal telling us a bunch of sh*t we already know. Like that there's some sort of weird mojo magic in the school making us mess up, or they'll be telling us that we 'can't do this and we can't do that' until this mess is figured out, probably both. Either way, whatever they'll say is most likely going to piss me off." An eye roll from Faye, "Everything pisses you off." Raina gave her sister a side-smirk, "Pretty much."

"When the hell is this thing gonna start?"


Chameleon had only been here a day and he was already ready to jump off the top of the school building.

But, since that would cause a bit of a scene, he was here instead, standing amongst the students waiting for this assembly to get started. He still couldn't help his eyes drifting over to look at Raina occasionally though, who would have thought she would have been here too? He was certain she'd still be partying it up in Russia or wherever it was she and Faye went.

He held back a sigh and glanced around. When was this thing going to start already?
Riff thought about Ezra's little predicament. No room. That did seem like a problem. Did ghosts even need a room? Did they sleep or go to the bathroom? Still, Riff supposed everyone needed a place to stay, even if it was just a place to float about in their free time. "You know, I don't have a room mate yet. And I don't have too many things so there is plenty of space. You could stay in my room until you get all sorted out. But first, we should probably head to the assembly. It must be important if it's last minute like this."

Riff headed outside to the area where the students were gathering. He spotted Mel in the back corner but there was no sign of Vash. The boy was probably late. The two made eye contact for a brief moment and Riff waved slightly. But Mel simply turned her head away and continued ignoring him. A bit down, the blond decided to sit somewhere close to the middle of the mass of students, away from his former master. He turned around to see if Ezra was finding his way around well enough. But in hindsight, it was probably unnecessary, seeing as he was an intangible spirit.
*Mac paused just before he was in view of the students and waited for the others, they should all be seen at the same time also he had a question.* So which one of us should address them or should we one by one say something to them..Something to reassure everyone..As if after telling them we don't know what the hell happened to everyone they can be reassured. *He pauses again* If this doesn't go right they may all leave...So I guess we're damned either way.

*Alex stops for a second keeping his back to Sheena* We can talk about that later..Right now I need to get a shuttle to Japan..Don't you understand I think I've found him..I've found Akira..Well I'm about 77.429 percent sure I've found him but it's the most of a lead I've had on him in months. I have to go get him back, I have to tell him that we're all here waiting for him..So I don't have time for some stupid meeting right now..And I don't have time to deal with what you...Look we'll talk when I get back I promise. *He starts walking way fast* Sheena we're ok I promise.
"Akira?" Sheena sputtered, confused. She sped up her own walking, catching up with Alex and grabbing his arm as she kept in pace with him. "How the hell did you find AKIRA, how and why did you find Akira? And even if you did, why are you going to him, unless he's in trouble? Leave him where he is, obviously he didn't want to come back if he didn't come with Mitsy! Alex, there's something happening here, why are you running off to Akira when you need to be here? We aren't all waiting for him! No one has been waiting for him at all, even Mitsy's not WAITING for him, she came back by herself! You're just using this as an excuse to cut and run because you're mad at me, or because you're afraid that...whatever this is...will get at you too! This isn't a stupid meeting, this is important, people can get killed here while you're running off after Akira, and maybe you could have helped it not happen!"

She stops, stung, when he says he doesn't have time to deal with her, and draws back from him, hurt now, but angry as well. She folds her arms over her chest as she calls after him.

"You don't have time to deal with me? You don't have time to deal with your girlfriend when I just had something take over me- AGAIN? You don't have time for me, when maybe I could have killed someone or I might get killed, but you have time to travel across the world for Akira who left us over a year ago and hasn't said a word to any of us since? Don't give me any shit about him being in trouble and needing you, he never needed you. He's like a hundred years old, don't kid yourself, Alex. Maybe we're okay to YOU, but if you go after Akira right now, because you don't have TIME for me, you're not okay with me."

She started to stalk towards the lawn where the meeting was, running into the trio of Bucky, Adrian, and Katarina on the way and barely taking time to call out to them, "You have to go to the front lawn, Faith will be pissed if you don't."

Once outside, she weaves her way through the crowd to Mitsumi, sliding her arm through hers and whispering. "I'm sorry, Mitsy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it....but look, Alex is leaving to look for Akira, what the hell is the story with him?"


"Just gonna have to wing it," Faith muttered back to Macal as they approached the group gathered. "That's all we really can do."

Clearing her throat, she stepped forward and spoke up, calling out over everyone else's conversations. "All right, guys. Anyone with eyes and ears either saw or has heard by now about what happened in teh cafeteria. I'm thinking things like this have happened more and more lately, and all of you have probably heard or seen something like it. I don't have to tell you guys that something's going on here. I don't know what it is yet, but we will find it, and we will work to make it stop. For now, if anyone sees or hears about any other violent incidents that seem...excessive...please let someone on staff know. If it's someone on staff who's doing it, please tell another staff member. We won't let this continue. Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis to see how it should be handled, but right now it seems that punishment may not be an appropriate response...for one thing, that would make me a huge hypocrite, since I'd have to kick my own self out of the school," she let herself smile slightly before growing serious again. "But this isn't a time where you can decide to go along with the...force, or whatever it is, and use it to excuse deliberate violence or aggression. Any further incidents will be tried to be prevented and dealt with if they occur. We're sweeping the school and taking extra security measures, and for tomorrow at least there are no classes. No one can leave campus without permission or go onto it without permission either, and that includes staff. Please feel like you can come and talk to me or any other staff you feel comfortable talking to about anything you see here."

She looks to Macal, Izzy, and Jirro, waiting to see if anyone has anything to add before she continues.

Sheena, whispering to Mitsumi, says, "Yeah Alex's ass is grass, he didn't come here, and he's leaving without permission. What is going on?"
*Alex wanted to stop and explain himself to Sheena, to tell her why he needed to do this, maybe she could understand it if he explained himself better. Akira was his best friend and despite what anyone may think his reason for not returning with Mitsumi he still wanted to find out for himself. With all that trouble with Hardtime taking Jirro and Izzy as powerful as their were, he could have done something even worst to Akira. True he should stay and talk to Sheena about what happened but he has a limited window here it will be hard enough to pick up his trail once he's on the ground and the more time wasted will make that even harder. This was hard for him, he knew she was thinking he was picking Akira over her and he kind of was but it was something that needed to be done because no one else seemed to be interested in doing it. He walked out the front of the Academy, into the garage where his motorcycle was parked, he pulled out and drove down the driveway and stopped at the gates which were electronically locked, because of the campus lockdown but locks to a person like Alex with his skills is no more then a suggestion to not go any further, it takes him moments to wirelessly access the lock and open the gates. In the Distance he can hear Faith speaking about not leaving and all that stuff, But he pulls out anyway his bike screaming down the road. In his mind he's hoping that if and when he finds Akira that they both have someplace to return to that feelings that were hurt won't remain that way when he shows everyone the results of him leaving..If not he'll just deal with the fallout when it happens.*

*Mac stands right behind Faith, trying to show as much support for her as he can, he listens to her all the while his eyes surveying the crowd, looking for any signs of doubt or fear, those are people that can be taken aside and reassured personally later on. When Faith finish speaking and asked the staff if they had anything to add, he shook his head no. She had said all that needed to be said, besides in his state of mind right now if he spoke it would come off more like Marshal Law to the students instead of a simple precaution for the next few days. So he held his tongue, Faith had matters well in hand and he didn't want anyone to think he didn't trust her instincts about this matter or her leadership. In the crowd he sees Sheena but no Alex, he wonders where the kid is why he didn't come to this.*
{Jirro stood there completely horrified, the look in his daughter's eyes was hateful, if every he thought he failed his family before it was confirmed now, it was the worst pain he's felt since the lost of Esme and then Izabella's look was to much for him dropping him to his knees clutching his chest where his heart is, never has he felt so alone and all and all he knew this was his own doing, He justified himself staying away from his daughter because he didn't trust himself anymore, the hooks of HardTime and what he made him do still haunts him and the thought that he could have been turned against his own blood was something he never wanted to risk. He always intended on sitting down with someone and figuring out what exactly happened to him and if there was any long lasting affects or even control over him that could make him attack his own family, the sort of sick shit Hardtime would make him do.

After a few moments he pulls himself together and joins the others, he stands with Macal instead of Izabella, thinking that neither her or Mitsumi want anything to do with him now and he couldn't blame them. He stood there listening his fist tightening so hard it his fingernails dig into the skin drawing blood. When Faith is done talking he has nothing to say, he waits till students are dismissed before he turns away and starts to walk towards the woods it's not long before he's out of the direct sunlight and into the shadows of the trees and disappears into them.}
Faith notices when Sheena joins the crowd, coming up alongside Mitsumi, and sees that Alex isn't with her. She frowns, not liking this observation; first the guy wasn't at the meeting for the staff, now he's not at the meeting for students? If he's sulking in his room over what Sheena said to him, Faith would have a strong urge to personally kick his ass, whether or not she was supposed to be a refraining-from-violence example.

As she waits to see whether any children or staff have questions, she continues to watch Sheena with Mitsumi, seeing that the girl looks both angry and distressed, no doubt over whatever had happened between her and Alex. Faith hoped she hadn't hurt him, they didn't need any more of that.

As Sheena had passed them, telling them they had to go to the front lawn, Katarina had stopped, torn, as she looked between the girl's retreating back and the two men with her. She didn't want to go to some assembly, or to be around a crowd of people, but she didn't want Faith to be upset with her either, especially after she saw how angry Faith had been in the cafeteria.

"I guess we should go," she said without enthusiasm, pulling at Bucky's arm. "Come on, then, Bas."
Nickkie tilted her head as she waited, when it was time for her to go to the assembly she grabbed up Donnie and hopped off of her bed. She was a student, despite her young age, so she figured that meant that she had to be there too. She walked outside and to the gathered students, she frowned as she looked around, finding herself in the back, she slowly started to work her way forward. She wanted to be able to see as well as hear, though with how short she was that would be hard unless she was right up front. She finally made it up front and listened to the announcement, she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her, she actually looked forward to starting her lessons, and this was just another delay to her. Though she did realize how serious it was, she had been in the cafeteria when everything happened, she clutched Donnie to her chest and frowned as she remembered it, wondering what could have caused that.


Ezra didn't actually need a room, though it would be helpful to have a place to go in these situations. He smiled some as Riff offered to let him use his room since he had no roommate, "Thank you, that would be very helpful. Last thing I want is to get in trouble for not going to a room I don't have." he said with a small laugh. He nodded a little as Riff said that they should head to the assembly and followed him there. He tilted his head a little as he noticed Riff wave to a doll that seemed to be alive, he couldn't help raising his eyebrow as she turned away. He figured there was probably something going on there, and wasn't sure that asking would be a good idea.
*Full 9 hours after he left the Academy, Alex's shuttle lands at a private airstrip in Osaka Japan, it's commonly used by other agencies doing operations in this area so it was easy to arrange for clearance and for him to come in with his weapons. After landing and securing the cockpit, he moves to the back of the shuttle to the cargobay where his parked motorcycle is waiting on a ramp to be lowered to the ground. Alex checks his data one more time before leaving the shuttle riding towards the city to the street where the ATM camera that picked up Akira's image. Of course he knows Akira wouldn't still be standing there but according to his data Akira has passed this camera at least 4 other times, so this is as good of place as any to stake out for a bit. spotting a ramen shop across the street he parks his bike and decides to stake out the spot from there.*

*Macal follows behind Faith, also stopping when they reach Sheena* Where is Alex, I thought you were suppose to bring him with you? *Spotting Jirro taking off into the woods.* Ok where the hell is he going? We're suppose to be figuring all of this out together. Sheena go get Alex and bring him back to our Quarters..Mitsy..Izzy one of you get Jirro! This is not the time for all this drama people so can we please till we get to the bottom of this just try to work together! Now I have to go check on Liza and make sure she's not opening portals or disarming nuclear warheads, weaponizing stuffed animals.
Turning to face Macal, Sheena unconsciously tenses her jaw, looking between him and Faith as she shakes her head, letting her bangs partly fall in front of her eyes.

"I can't get him. He left. He just took off because he thinks he knows where Akira is, somehow, so instead of staying here and helping which would actually make sense, he just took off after Akira, who doesn't even WANT him to go get him and didn't even come back with Mitsumi in the first place. Basically, he's picking Akira over everyone else even though Akira dumped HIM."

Looking to Mitsy, she adds, "What is with everyone just taking off and leaving all the time, what is WITH that?"

Faith hears what Sheena is saying and makes a face at her, slightly pissed off about Alex leaving but not willing to deal with it now. Shaking her head, she says to her and anyone else nearby, "That's his issue then. Let him go, I doubt he's going to be any use anyway if that's how it's gonna be...Macal, you're checking on Liza? Okay, I'll stay here with the kids, make some rounds, answer questions, keep people from dying for a while...but we need to talk later. And us too, Sheena."

She squeezed Sheena's shoulder quickly before beginning to walk along the kids (feel free to approach her, guys).

Meanwhile, Liza, in her room, has decided to take apart everything that could be used as a weapon, just in case, as she has explained to her dogs and stuffed animals, she gets bad again and lashes out with them. Consequently hundreds of items are strewn over the floor, and she is standing by the trash can, puzzling how to make it all fit.

"I need a lot more trash cans I think."
Mitsumi watches as Bucky leaves with his human, and ignores the looks her mother keeps giving her, instead, focusing on her cousin besides her. "I have no idea why people keep leaving..." she mutters, wrapping an arm around her waist, keeping her close. "To be honest, I had no idea where Akira was...we were both sent off on separate assignments...the last time I saw him was a few months ago...not a word since really..." She shrugs and quiets down as Faith and Macal approach them. She looks up when Macal makes a comment about Jirro, her eyes going dark once more.

"I'm not chasing after him..." her chin juts out in the direction her father had gone, and she goes silent again, biting down on the inside of her cheek. "I'm going to go get settled in my room..." Giving Sheena a squeeze, she turns and heads off.

((Not really sure what to do with Bucky or Iz atm))
(okay, well...every time you don't make Bucky do something...that leaves my two characters standing around twiddling their I'm just going to have to assume he took off then. Again, whoever needs something to do, approach Faith, people. First come first served.)

Bucky is being still and silent, and Katarina glances at him with some worry, unable to tell what he is thinking or feeling after hearing this speech. Is he worried that he will become violent, like the people they saw? Is he worried that Adrian will, and that he will have to stop him? Or that Katarina will?

The thought of Katarina becoming violent was laughable to her. She couldn't hurt any of these people unless she shot them in the face or blew them up with a bazooka, and she wasn't exactly walking around equipped with either. But Bucky was Lycan...and Adrian had a temper even without the influence of...whatever this thing was that Faith was talking about. It was a scary thought, and suddenly she didn't feel very safe beside either of them.

Scanning the faces in the crowd and seeing Evan only a few feet away from her, she mumbled something to the boys and started to move towards her, remembering her earlier kindness to her. Adrian calls after her, but she pretends not to hear as she comes up alongside the other girl.

"This is all so strange," she tells her after touching her arm to get her attention. "Scary..."

Looking at Bucky, Adrian takes a deep breath and tries to smile, to force himself to be nice, even as his eyes shift frequently to watch his sister. "Okay. So we got off on the wrong foot. I can't say I like you very much and I know my sister doesn't need to be with you. But. If...there's something here making things worse...we should both try to be...civil, anyway."

Sheena took some comfort in her cousin's hug, but when Mitsumi too heads off, underscoring her comment about people leaving, her eyes darken, and her shoulders slump. She wants to go after her cousin and talk with her more, but she doubts that Mitsumi will welcome her intrusion. Still, after hesitating a few moments, she catches up with her, taking hold of her arm.

"Can I come with you?"

Faith notices the girls' exit and starts to call out to them, wanting them to remain within sight, but instead shakes her head slightly, letting them go. They hadn't seen each other in a year, and they undoubtedly had plenty of issues to work through. Her eyes shift towards Izzy but she says nothing to her, noticing how the woman is hanging back. It seems to her the Mochizukis will be very little help with any of this, if Jirro running off, Mitsumi retreating to her room, and Izzy just standing there is anything to judge by, and again she feels a stir of anger that she quickly squashes down. She wont' let this control her.
Nickkie frowned, she slowly tilted her head as she wondered what would happen next and what she would be doing, she didn't want to spend the time locked away in her room, that seemed like a lonely and boring way to spend the time. She tilted her head as she noticed that Faith was moving through the crowd and fought her way toward her with some difficulty. When she made it to Faith she looked up at her with her dark sapphire eyes, a look of seriousness on her young face and her teddy bear still clutched in her thin arms, "What can I do to help?" she asked, completely seriously. "I know I'm not the strongest person here, and there's still things I don't know, but if there's anything I can do, I want to help." she said.
Bucky's eyes narrow as he watches Kat wander off, wanting to call out to her to come back but he knows that that isn't his place. Crossing his arms over his chest, his nostrils twitch slightly when her brother moves closer to him and his jaw clenches, expecting to be told off again.

When Adrian is done speaking, he tilts his head to the side, looking down at the younger man and takes in a deep breath. "Fine...civil it is then..." Not excusing himself, he goes after Katarina, coming up besides her as she walks with the other girl, one who he hadn't met yet. "excuse me..." he apologizes to them both, one arm slipping around Kat's waist. "You told me you'd stay close..."


Scanning the crowd, Izzy's looks once more to where her husband had run off to before finally taking in a deep breath, rounding her shoulder back. If he wanted to continue to ignore her and run away for their problems, then that was on him, and him alone. Izzy wasn't going to do it anymore. She couldn't...not with everything else going on. She was tired of chasing someone who wouldn't stop running...

Sometimes she wondered if he even still loved her...

Looking around once more, she sees her daughter and Sheena off in the distance before she spots Faith and after thinking it over, decides to heads her way, still wanting to apologize for the other night. Coming up behind her, she swallows hard before reaching out, gently tapping on her best friend's shoulder. "Can we...can we please go talk?"


Mitsumi spins around, looking a bit confused and surprised at Sheena's question and smiles sheepishly. "Um yeah...sure...I just..." she waves a hand in the other's direction and shrugs. "I needed to get away from all exactly the homecoming I was really expecting..." She shrugs again and waits for her cousin to fall in step with her before heading back down the hallway, in search of a room to stay in.

"So...Alex ran off after Akira...did he say where he had found him?"
As Nickkie approached her, Faith looked down at her, seeing her seriousness, badly underscored by the bear in her arms. It reminds her of Liza, and she smiles down at her, somewhat sad. A little girl like Nickkie shouldn't have to see all this or be exposed to the flaws of everyone else. She should be the one being protected. It was Faith's job to protect her,and here she was asking to help?

"What you can do is watch out for people who look especially mad, like I said, and let me or someone else know about it who can help," she told the girl, reaching down to pat her shoulder. "Thank you, Nickkie. I really appreciate your help."

When Izzy taps her, she turns, then, exhaling, searching her friend's eyes, glances back over the rest of the crowd of students. They seem to be breaking up, resuming activities to some extent, and so she nods, leading Izzy enough to the side so they are relatively private, but still within eyesight of the students just in case something else does happen she needs to interfere with. After all, her husband, Jirro, Sheena, Alex, and Mitsy have all taken off, and it's not like she has much backup.

"What do you want to talk about?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_mnonavoLgU1rlyqfdo7_500.jpg.de54fcd261c3f481dbc22f8efd5429ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_mnonavoLgU1rlyqfdo7_500.jpg.de54fcd261c3f481dbc22f8efd5429ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Why don't we just go to Alex's room?" Sheena suggests; she knows that Liza is back in her family's living area, and she doesn't want a thousand questions from her. "It's not like HE is gonna be using it."

As she heads in that direction, muttering something about it being filthy and stinky, she looks back at Mitsumi, her jaw clinching as she shakes her head. "He didn't say anything. He was practically pissing himself to take off though...I think it's an excuse. He doesn't want to be around me, so he's leaving. I didn't mean most of what I said to him but he'll hold a grudge forever."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/09041991-jolie-tru-opening-05.jpg.21e87f0c9f5b56cfe8368da0226a152f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/09041991-jolie-tru-opening-05.jpg.21e87f0c9f5b56cfe8368da0226a152f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


As Bucky walks away, following Katarina and touching her again as he joins her and Evan, it takes all Bucky has not to start a fight. He can't even let her go off without following, he can't leave her alone for TWO SECONDS?

Adrian takes a deep breath, releases it, and then deliberately walks towards Faye and Raina, to distract himself if nothing else. Clearly being around Bucky isn't going to help him with control.

Katarina looked up as Bucky came behind her and put his arm around her, surprised, but somewhat pleased that he had followed. She touches his wrist as she looks back to Evan.

"This is Bas- I mean...Bucky. Bucky, this is Evan."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_meafqj7u1Y1rdr2suo2_250.jpg.a21074d6ecc49c49d62d92911ebd03dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_meafqj7u1Y1rdr2suo2_250.jpg.a21074d6ecc49c49d62d92911ebd03dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Covering his head with his torn and tattered coat just Akira walks along the street, making his usual rounds and doing the only think he knows how to do to survive begging for money, his shoes worn to pieces with the heels gone, his shirt also full of tears and holes. He sits on the ground a few feet from the corner ATM machine he lowers his head and waits for someone passing by to take pity on him, maybe today he'll make enough to buy a bowl of ramen or at least some broth.

He had been sitting for a few hours when it started to rain, the street basically cleared when it started, today will not be his day to get enough to eat. He starts to get to his feet when he hears them, it's a conversation coming from the alley across the street, it sounded like a group of thugs cornered some girl down there. Stupid girl he thinks to himself and not his problem. He starts to walk away when he hears the click of a knife and then a rip, the girl's screams are drowned out by thunder, again he thinks it's not his problem. It's not until the faint hint of blood hits him. He doesn't know why the smell is drawing him across the street and into the alley. He stands there hidden by the shadows until the sky fills with lighting giving everyone a brief glimpse of him but it's enough to get their attention.

Akira's eyes lock on the small cut on the girls neck, the blood dripping down to her shoulder, he licks his lips as he deeply inhales the smell of her blood. The group of men wast no time coming at him, shouting at him, calling him a bum and scum, Akira stood there not moving his eyes still locked on the blood, he doesn't even flinch when one of the men stab him in the shoulder, he just starts walking towards the girl, the guy pulls his knife out and stabs Akira again the other men in the alley rush him hitting and kicking him but it doesn't stop Akira from reaching the girl. He leans over her his eyes shifted black and his fangs were showing, the girl now more afraid of him then the men who are still attacking him from behind now kicking and stabbing at him. Akira inhales her scent one more time before his eyes return to normal and his fangs retract, he reaches out his hand taking the girl by the shoulders and helping her to her feet. He turns with her and starts to walk out the alley with her, the men finally realizing someting is up with this guy start to back away but not able to take their eyes off of Akira's back.

At the edge of the alley Akira lets go of the girl and starts to back away and turns his back on her} Run home Miss, be more careful next time. {Akira starts to walk back into the alley his eyes and fangs again showing his Black Blood side, The men try to run but they soon remember why they picked this alley for their crimes, there was only one way in or out and Akira was blocking it.

The girl started running like she was told she's barely a feet feet from the alley when she can hear the men screaming and then go silent. She doesn't know why but she goes back to the edge of the alley and peeks around the corner, it's dark but there is a flash of lighting that lights up the alley and for a brief second she sees the man that saved her leaning over one of the men that was trying to hurt her, being thrown around like a rag doll, his body looked totally broken and his friends also on the ground looked just as bad. The girl screamed out of her mind gets up and runs right pass the ramen shop screaming until she no longer in site.}
*Alex had been watching and listen from a watcher bug he had set to follow Akira, waited for the girl to clear out before he drew his weapon and entered the dark alley, right away his visor lowered over his eyes turning the dark alley to as bright as day, he held his weapon out in front of him, he looked directly at Akira, he was in full blown vamp mode right now, his eyes move to the men Akira took out, Alex's visor giving him their vitals, all suffering from multiple fractures but no blood lost, Alex sighs with relief and lowered his weapon, he didn't kill anyone or feed on them, its a good sign. Stepping further into the alley, Alex smiles at his friend* Akira?? Do you know how much damn trouble it was to find you? Why haven't you contacted me, I am still your commanding officer despite you being old as hell! *He takes another step towards Akira, sliding his gun away.* Come on buddy it's time to go home, Mitsumi is back and so are the others.

*Mac stood there his eyes went wide when Sheena told him what Alex did. He has to admit to himself at first he's pissed but it's the words of Faith and Sheena that makes him realized he can't fault the kid and feels he should at least try to get everyone to understand Alex's actions even if they don't like them. * Look Alex is no kid, the fact of the matter is he's not only a legal adult now but he's an agent and officer of S.H.I.E.L.D, if he found Akira it's his duty to recover him and debrief him, both Akira and Mitsumi have been off the reservation for far to long with not communications, I know for a fact that Alex has never stopped looking for either of them. *He looks at Sheena* I don't have a say in how you handle him leaving personally but when he returns I don't think there should be any kind of fallout on his status here, by all rights he doesn't have to be here. I get the feeling the only reason that kid is still here is because of you little one. Understand this, we should all understand what he's doing..Faith you have done and would do the same thing for Buffy or Katie..or Izzy, I would do the same for Logan, Jirro and Nicholas...Sheena I bet you would burn down the heavens if it meant you could see Mitsy..Be pissed at him if you want but try to understand him too...Akira and Alex are best friends..hell I'll even say brothers..I know how the kid feels. Well I'm off to spend some well deserved time with a tiny little princess and her army of stuffed animals. *He steps away and looks at Jirro's direction, easily seeing him through the miles of thick forest* I know you're in pain brother but don't loose yourself in that pain. *He turns to Izzy* I think it's time I tell you what's really going on with your husband but not here not right now. Come by our place later tonight. *He vanishes and reappears outside the door to the Cord's quarters, gathering his thoughts and putting on a smile before going inside to see Liza who was probably not happy with being left alone.* LIZA, WHERE ARE YOU MOUSE? I'm in the mood for a grill cheese and some ice cream!
Sheena hears what Macal before she catches up with Mitsy, but it does little to change her feelings or her mood towards Alex. Whatever Macal says, whatever he thinks, he wasn't there when she and Alex had their conversation, so how could he possibly know what was on Alex's mind? He hadn't seen the way Alex barely looked at her or spoke to her, he hadn't heard him say that he didn't have time for her. He didn't know what he was talking about, and Sheena wasn't about to just take him at his word and let Alex off the hook for this, not over something this important.

To Faith, what stuck out most about what Macal said, before she and Izzy walked away, was the comment about telling Izzy what was "really" going on with Jirro. To her, it seemed obvious what was going on with Jirro; he was badly affected by the...whatever was in this school, and it was making him act like an ass towards Izzy and flee his responsibilities as a teacher. That was what mattered to her, and if Macal knew something more, then she didn't really appreciate not having been informed earlier.

As she walked away with Izzy, she exhaled, mentioning this as well. "Have there been problems with you and Jirro for a while, or is this new?"


"DADDY!" Liza bellowed as she flung herself full bodily at Macal, hugging his upper legs as she hung from them with all her weight, face tilted up towards him. "You guys were gone so long and I wanna know what is going on and the mean dogs wouldn't let me leave and all my stuffed animals stopped listening to me after a while and I already ate a bunch of ice cream so is no one mean no more?"

Releasing him, she started skipping around the living room, clearly on high adrenaline. "Where's mama and Sheena Legs and Aunt Izzy and Uncle Jirro and Alex and Rainbow and everyone?"

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