Dormer Academy

It made a strange sort of sense that something was making people violent. Evan herself had felt a strange kind of rage occasionally, though she certainly hadn't lost control outright the way she'd seen Adrian and the Cords. What the hell was going on? Did the staff have any idea what it was and just decided not to tell them?

When Faith finished her speech, Evan hung back as people filtered out of the room and worried at her lip, trying to decide whether or not to approach Faith to talk about the things she had seen and felt. But Nick had beaten her to the punch and she ran a hand through her hair, deciding that it would probably be best to wait and gather her thoughts anyway.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Kat approaching and smiled, lifting her hand to wave at the other girl and started slightly at the sight of a hand going around her arm. Kat seemed to be okay with it, though, and introduced them.

Lifting her hand, Evan smiled and waved at the man, noticing that he was a little older, but that Kat seemed to be comfortable around him. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Her smile faltered slightly and she let out a nervous chuckle, "I don't know how this works, really, should I shake your hand?"

"N-no..." Izzy blinked az bit rapidly, feeling as though Macal had slapped her with his words. All this time, she had thought it had been something with her, that she was making it all up with how her husband had been acting, but to find out that that Jirro had shared what had been going on with another, and not her...the thought shook her to her core. Swallowing hard, she forced a smile on her face and shook her head, giving Faith a sheepish shrug. "Marital stuff I guess..."

Deep down, she knew their time in HardTime's prison had changed them both. She couldn't get a dent night's sleep without being haunted by night terrors, waking up every night in a pool of sweat, most of the time, finding the bed empty besides her. It had bothered her, on the nights she woke up screaming, when her husband never rushed to her side, but she knew he had his own demons to face.

Maybe this experience had done nothing more then pushed the two apart...

"I...I just wanted to apologize..." Izzy wets her bottom lip with her tongue and ducks her head slightly as she falls into step with her best friend. "For everything....even if it wasn't me...what I said, what I did....I'm really sorry Bella..." Finally looking at Faith. "-I don't want to lose everyone again..."

"Can we just find this thing? Whatever it is making us all wacky and whatnot? Can we just find we can kill it?"



Mitsumi follows her cousin to Alex's room, thinking over what Macal had said, her lips pressed in a thin line. She stays quiet even as they enter the room, and once the door is closed, she collapses against it, pulling her knees to her chest and releases a huge sigh. That whole situation in the cafeteria had drained her, and the skin along her arms still peeled from where she had been burned.

"I don't get men..." she finally mutters, angrily picking at a piece of her burned skin, noting how it had just missed destroying her tattoo. "Yours runs off...mine runs dad clearly runs off...did you know they didn't even bother to tell me they were back? My unit was still scoping out different hell dimensions for them, and they were here....drinking fucking coffee..." Her left foot shoots out suddenly, kicking at the wall, her steel toed boots, leaving a decent sized hole.

"I thought I'd be happy to see them...but all I wanted to do was punch them both in their face...I could have died...searching all of HardTime's old holding cells...we lost people...and they were f*****g here, this whole time!"

The hybrid's eyes have gone solid black, then shift to golden as she sits there, staring at the whole her foot has made., taking in deep, shaking breaths, her chest visibly rising and falling with each breath.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I missed you...hell, even Alex...I wouldn't be there right now...after everything I did for those two...hell, I came here from the damned future, and stayed! I gave up everything..." There's a lump in her throat, as she starts thinking of the life she had had with her former boyfriend, had they stayed together. But meeting Akira had changed all that, she had given up so much for him too, and she couldn't even find him.

"but Alex could!" she says, wildly, ignoring the fact that her thoughts on Akira hadn't been spoken aloud. "I'm stuck here, pissed at my parents, and your boyfriend is off, halfway around the world, looking for my guy......" she trails off, jumping up suddenly, and grabs her cousin by her shoulders, hard.

"We should go....we should go after them...where did you say they were? Japan? You've never been there....we should just steal a jet...and go!"



Bucky smiles at the other girl. "It's actually Bastian, but all me friends call me Bucky..." . he chuckled at the other girl's question and nodded as he held out a hand to her, still keeping a grip on Kat's waist. With everything going on, he felt better knowing she was safest at his side. Although her brother did seem to have tricks of his own, his powers were nothing compared to Bucky's speed if the time called for it where he needed to get his girl away.

He blinked, realizing he had just considered Katarina to be his, knowing the two had yet to have any real time to discuss their relationship. It was true that he cared for her deeply, which was strange for him, considering she was human, but he had given up on fighting it.

"Maybe we should get you girls back to your rooms, where it's seems the adults are trying to figure out what's up and how to stop it. Best not to get in their way..."

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It wasn't okay, what Faith had done to Izzy, what Izzy had done to Faith, but Faith was beginning now, at least, to think that maybe it wasn't entirely their fault, and that they at least hadn't entirely chosen to behave as they had. Even if there were pieces of truth to what they had said, at least to some of the feelings behind it, they had to make it right now, before anything else happened to make it worse. Faith made herself smile at Izzy, nodding as she exhaled, accepting what she said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry too. It shouldn't have happened, either of us...we can't let it happen again. I love you way too much for that, even if you are a violent little brat."

She said the last part jokingly, giving her a real smile then, and then, pausing to see whether Izzy would let her, tried to hug her. "I'm not going anywhere. Can't speak for the itchy footed men around here, but I don't cut and run on my people, you know? You're not losing me, and I damn well better not lose you. I just now learned to tell you and Sheena apart."

This was teasing too, and she gave a faint laugh before concluding, "We'll figure this out. We always do, right?"


Sheena's eyes widen as she takes in Mitsumi's rant, none of this having occurred to her. She hadn't thought it possible that Mitsumi would actually not even know where her parents were. If Sheena knew where they were, why couldn't they tell their own daughter? Didn't they want to contact her after everything that had happened?

"You didn't know they were here? But why would they do that? Did you guys fight or something? Still...that's awful, Mitsy. They just let you go on thinking they might be dead?"

As Mitsumi grabs her, proposing that they go after the boys, Sheena blinks, tensing automatically beneath the older girl's hands. Mitsumi is clearly fired up over this, but Sheena can't summon up her passion. Slowly, uncomfortably, she shakes her head.

"No. I won't chase after Alex. He wants to go, he can do it on his own. He said he doesn't have time to DEAL with me, so maybe I don't have time to deal with him either. He can come back, or he can go off with Akira, whatever...but I'm staying here. Faith needs me here, and I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of chasing him like I can't stand for him to leave me or something."


Watching Evan and Bucky make their introductions, Katarina nods in response to his suggestion about going back to their rooms. She has barely even started her day and already she's had more than enough excitement.

"Yeah...I don't think you're allowed to go to them, really, but people break that a lot, so I guess it will be okay. Evan? Do you want to, or are you hanging out here? I mean...I guess, if you wanted to...I could show you mine, or something."

Subtly she entwines her fingers with Bucky's, noticing how closely he remains to her, and her cheeks warm slightly. They hadn't actually talked about what they were doing together, and Katarina couldn't say she was sure, but...he definitely acted like maybe he thought they were together, anyway.
Nickkie smiled some and nodded as she listened to Faith, she had hoped that she could possibly do more than that, but she could see where doing more could just cause more problems. So, she would wait and watch, then warn others if things started to happen, as long as she didn't get pulled into it. She had noticed that everything escalated quickly in the cafeteria, it was scary just how quickly things got out of control there, and she figured any situation might have the potential to get that out of control. "I'll do that then." she said with a smile, then she tilted her head some as she was being thanked for offering her help. "I just hope that I can actually help." she said.

She watched as Izzy walked up and tapped Faith on the shoulder, she looked up at the other woman with her dark sapphire eyes that were very serious, she nodded to both of them, almost her way of showing that she would respect that they needed to talk, and then she turned to walk away before they had the chance to leave. She held Donnie close to her, slowly looking down at the bear, she knew that someday she would have to stop carrying it with her everywhere, but some small part of her still held out a strange hope that someone would recognize the bear, would tell her who she was and what she was.

She frowned some, knowing that it was a foolish and childish hope, but it just wouldn't leave her, almost as if she wasn't ready to let go of it yet. She was still a child, and some part of her knew that even though a greater part struggled against the little girl that she really was, wanted her to be something different, adult and serious instead of the light hearted child that she should be. She shook her head and pushed the thoughts away as she turned those dark sapphire eyes to the people that still surrounded her, she hoped that nothing would happen, but she would be watching at least, she would wait a while before heading back to her room.
Mel watched with an unwavering stare as Faith tried to brief the students in on the situation at hand. So a force was making people violent? She thought back to Vash who had been able to break his seal. Now Vash had never been able to do this before. How exactly did he get enough power to crack the crystal? Vash did get stronger with anger but what could've angered him to that extent. Could this force Faith was talking about have something to do with it?

According to Faith, it could make people fight eachother. But that doesn't answer the whole anger issue. Vash wasn't short tempered either. Impulsive and stupid, yes, but not short tempered. None of this was making sense! She'd have to get the story from Vash when she got back.

She gave a quick glance to Raina's direction. Was it this force that compelled the overgrown mosquito to stab Vash like that? Well, it didn't matter. Forced or not, it didn't change the fact that it happened. And Mel was not about to give such an eyesore the benefit of the doubt.

Instead of racking her brain any more with this, Mel made a beeline for the front gates of the school. If there were going to be more security measures, she'd need to hurry and get the holy water for the demon chained in his room. She'd have to alert Faith about Vash's condition later.


Riff was concerned by the end of Faith's speech. This entity or whatever it is seemed very dangerous. It was especially hazardous within a school setting filled with students who had the power to kill eachother. The blonde thought back to the last few days. Was there any instance where this force could've affected him? The only violence he remembered was his little scuffle with Lilith. But it wasn't like anything made him do that, right? He had been angry but completely sane. Wasn't he?

Clearing his head, he looked to Ezra. "This doesn't really look good, does it? In this sort of place, it could even spell disaster."


Lilith had sat in the middle of the crowd, not paying attention to what Faith was saying. What should it matter to her if a couple of kids want to duke it out. It actually sounded entertaining. Increased security may make it harder for her to move around though but then again, everything she needed was within the school walls. And if it wasn't, she could easily summon it to her. Unlike Mel, Lilith actually had an eye for art, making her summoning ability rather easy to use. At least for inanimate objects, she still couldn't get the hang of calling forth living things.

As the crowd began to disperse, Lilith got up as well to leave but stopped as she caught sight of a familiar head of red hair. Smiling, Lil walked up behind Faye and Raina. "Well, if it isn't little Red and Snow White. What are you doing here? Did you miss me that much?" she said in a joking tone. Lilith could still remember the pure deliciousness of Faye's misery when the redhead had figured out that she had helped the angel attack an innocent girl. Well, Mel wasn't exactly innocent but still.
Faith doesn't notice Mel leaving the school grounds, which is fortunate for Mel. After her having specifically said for no one to leave without permission, this could have been a rather ugly scene. She is too focused on Izzy then, and so Mel gets away with this little errand.

Adrian, who has approached Raina and Faye earlier than Lil has, looks up, frowning slightly, as she approaches. He doesn't know Lil very well, but he does know that she is supposed to be evil or something, and that she is apparently in Mel's body and was the one to put Mel in a doll body. However, judging off the way Mel had behaved earlier towards Katarina and how quickly she had made him angry, he wasn't sure that Mel's judgment on Lil being so bad could be believed. Surely she wouldn't be allowed to be at the school if she were really so bad, right?

Mel was probably wrong, or lying. And anyway, Lil hadn't done anything to him or Katarina yet. There was no reason not to be civil to her, anyway.

"Lil, right? For Lilith? Hello," he greeted her with a nod. "I'm Adrian DeSanto."
{Akira's eye looks at the gun first, right away he thinks this guy is some kind of policeman, he relaxes his stances and slowly raise his hands. The man talks and acts like he knows him, something about taking him back and he's been looking for him, When Akira sees the gun go down, he realizes he's not in danger but he looks around him seeing what he's done to these men and hears their moans from pain.} I'm sorry but I don't know you do I? If these are your friends I'm sorry they were attacking some woman and they left me no choice but to defend myself and her.

{Akira, starts to walk pass Alex it's not until he's a few feet from him when he catches Alex's scent and stops looks at him.} You got any spare change so I can buy myself something to eat? It's been slow tonight because of the rain, I didn't make much, so can you spare a bit, so I can buy myself some broth?
Do you know me? Come on Akira that's not funny so stop messing around and what's with the hobo outfit, are you working some kind of mission that you didn't run by me first...Not that you could have since you're ass has been MIA for a year. *Alex looks at him with his visor, all his biometrics are confirmed this is Akira.* Tell you what I'll spring for more then broth if you come with me and let me ask you a few questions, I may has some answers for you.. I promise you I'll buy you all you can eat.

*Mac leans down and picks up Liza bouncing her in his arms* Well I'm straving and I could ice every carton of ice cream we have and since I've been having a really crazy day I could really use some Liza Time to cheer me up, so what do you say movies and ice cream in our very own couch fort, you can bring your friends and they can watch with us. *Pulls her close and hugs her for a really long time.* I really really needed a hug from my little Mouse.
Lilith hadn't seen Adrian at first, mainly since her attention had been on Faye, so the voice surprised her a little bit. Even more since she had no idea how this stranger could've known her name. Still, out of reflex, she flashed him an angelic smile. "Hi Adrian." She brought a hand up to her face, tilting her head slightly. "Well, this is sort of embarrassing but how do you know my name? I'm not nearly great enough to be well known. It's nice to meet you though."

Playing with her hair a bit, she studied Adrian a bit. Could she use him? Well, she wouldn't know unless she knew what his abilities were. At least he wasn't bad looking, in fact, he was fairly cute. Meeting his eyes with her own pupil-less blue orbs, she flashed him yet another smile. "So, this thing Faith was talking about. It seems dangerous, doesn't it? What would happen if it could get the entire school to fight eachother? It'd be so tragic, wouldn't it?" Lilith frowned but on the inside, she was in utter ecstasy at the thought of it. She had watched wars and genocide over the years, getting off with the sight of land turning red. It wasn't becoming of an angel, but she did love a good fight. Especially if she was the one causing it.
Liza is definitely open to Macal's suggestion. Her scowl fades after a few moments, and she hugs him back readily enough, nuzzling her cheek into his and slinging one arm around his neck as she comfortably arranges herself onto his lap.

"Okay. With chocolate sauce, our ice cream oughtta be. Plus also sprinkles and cream that got a whipping. And gummy bears. That is the way you gotta eat ice cream, I think."

Her head resting against his chest, she raises her eyes up to him, her brow furrowing. "Are people still being mad and mean out there? How come they're doing that anyway?"


Yeah, Lil does seem nice enough, Adrian thinks to himself as the girl greets him rather sweetly, even seeming embarrassed that he would know her name. She's very pretty too- though, he reminds himself, it's Mel's face he's looking at, really, not Lil's. Still, even so, it's hard to believe looking and talking to Lil that she might really be as bad as everyone seems to say.

A little embarrassed himself at his response, he clears his throat, his eyes shifting away as he answers. "Uh, things kind of get around in this school. Like names, and...stories, and all. It's nice to meet you too though."

Lilith seems very concerned about the force that Faith had talked about, and this further reassures Adrian. No one who was evil would worry about people fighting or getting hurt, would they? Mel had to have been lying or exaggerating.

"I really hope that doesn't happen," he said to her, exhaling, and after a moment's pause, he admitted, "I'm kind of worried about that too, though. I mean...I'm a pyro, so...I sort of have a problem with control even when I'm just normally angry, let alone if this gets ahold of me. I've already...done and said some really bad things."
*Mac smiles at Liza and pats the top of her head* Not at the moment, it looks like everyone is behaving themselves..Still there are a lot of hurt feelings out there and to be honest Mouse I don't really know why people are being mean to each other but we're working on finding out. What really has me worried is that dummy Alex taking off like he did, granted I get what he's doing...trying to find Akira but Sheena's right, he was needed here..Man things are never simple anymore, I should send someone to recover him but I may do more harm then good, he'll think I don't trust him and as your mother reminds me, when I show up and take over situations I tend to step on people's egos and I don't want people dependent on me so much that they don't want to do things on their own. *He looks down at Liza again and smacks himself in the forehead.* I'm sorry Mouse, I'm ranting to a 5 year old, there is something seriously wrong with me for boring you with all this stuff. So lets go, you make the fort and I'll make the ice cream with chocolate, sprinkles, and gummy bears for you and me to share while we watch the 3 stooges.
Ezra tilted his head as he listened to what Faith was saying, he frowned as he thought about how dangerous it could be, though as far as he knew there wouldn't be any danger to him, since he was already dead, but the other students didn't deserve to be put through all of this. He slowly looked at Riff as he began talking, he shook his head slowly, "No, it isn't good.." he said, then he sighed some, "It seems like the best we can hope for is for things to be resolved quickly... and for people not to get hurt." he said, though he had the feeling that the last one would be difficult because of how many powerful people were around.
((writer's block so this will be short, just didn't want to hold anyone up))

"Yeah...I guess so..." Pulling herself up a bit straighter, Izzy glances once more in the direction that Jirro had gone in before letting her shoulders drop and looks around the room.

"I'm...I'm glad that Mitsumi is back...Sheena looked really happy to see her..." Izzy smiles lightly, then remember the way her daughter had looked at her causes her smile to falter. "I...I think I'm going to go do some rounds...make sure students are going back to their dorms..." She looks over at Faith and shrugs, almost weakly. "I might as well try to go and be useful here right?"


Mitsumi frowns and looks her couin over, noticing how much she had grown up in the past year.

"Are you two...are you and Alex okay? Last time I was around you guys I figured wedding bells weren't too far off..." she teased gently, recalling how she and Akira had just been engaged before being split apart in search for her parents.


((I'll wait to post for Bucky))
Liza frowns at her father as he continues to ramble aloud to her, her brow furrowing more deeply as he goes on. She doesn't understand everything that he is saying, of course, but she gets that he's upset and worried, which does little to reassure her.

"Alex is gone? Where did he go? How come he's gone? Is he gonna come back? Is it 'cause he's mad at Sheena Legs? And what did you say about Akira 'cause I haven't seen that guy in a long time. Ten years I think. Or maybe a month. I don't even know what you're talking about but it sounds bad."

She tugs on his collar, ignoring his attempt to change the subject. "I want you to talk to me like I'm a big girl 'cause I am. How come Alex went away? I can go find him I think."


"Yeah...she is...I think if she didn't have Alex, and there wasn't that pesky fact that they were cousins, Sheena would be all over Mitsy to be her girl," Faith tried for a smile, only one dimple showing with the effort. "But hey, they're only, like, second cousins so that's actually legal, I think...better not give her any ideas."

She sees Izzy flinch and wonders what she's thinking, stepping a little closer. " really haven't talked to Mitsy all the time she's been gone? Why?"

But it seems that Izzy doesn't want to talk about this, so she nods reluctantly as the woman tries to extract herself. " know where I am if you want to talk later."


Sheena exhales, her eyes skipping away from Mitsumi briefly before she responds. She seems to be searching within herself for her own answers in the brief space of time before she speaks.

"I don't know, Mitsy. I mean, I thought we were. But...I don't know, I feel like he sort of thinks I'll never really be good enough for him, like I have to keep proving myself to him...but at the same time I feel like he thinks he'll never measure up to me too, and never match up to me. It's crazy. It's almost like he'd rather pick Akira and have a bromance or something. I really don't even know anymore. But the wedding don't have to worry about me picking out a white dress any time soon, that's for sure, and not just because I don't do dresses."

She paused again before asking, "What happened with you and Akira?"
*Mac smiles at Liza once more* How about I tell you the G-rated version of things? You know the big company I work for here on Earth right? Well Alex works for me, meaning I'm his boss..Well Alex is Akira's boss...technically I'm still both their boss..But Akira is also Alex's only real friend..Yes I know Sheena is his girlfriend but Akira is like, you and your favorite teddy bear, you kind of get what I'm saying..Well besides being his friend Alex as his boss is suppose to look out for Akira and if Akira goes missing Alex is suppose to do whatever he can to find him..However I wish he could have waited before leaving so things around here were more stable...But I have no right to be mad at him for doing his duty as Akira's boss and his friend. I just don't think anyone else around here will understand that..Alex works real hard to prove himself everyday, to me, to Sheena and to himself. For awhile it was hard for him to even come to terms with he'll always be chasing after Sheena, for one she'll keep becoming more and more powerful as her lycan powers and her slayer powers develop, not to mention she'll start to age much slower then him..As he become older she'll still look and feel young, even with his new powers he's still a human..Of course this could be said for all of us...Alex is a mortal surrounded by people that will look and feel young long after he's gone..That can make even the strongest willed person feel kind of weak and pathetic...Make them in a hurry to make their mark on the world before their gone so people will remember them. That's why he does so many things, the research, the music, and his work on missions, he's trying to make a mark on a world that he will someday fade away from. *Grins at Liza* So did I talk so much you're gonna fall asleep on me?

*He lets her think about all of this while he reaches out to everyone's mind (Faith,Sheena, Raina, Izzy, Mitsumi, Jirro,)* I've decide not to wait to tell you what's been going on...I'm sorry Jirro but I have to expand a few things before things get even more out of hand..Izzy, Mitsumi you want to know why Jirro is being so distant? It's because, he's afraid. In the year he was with HardTime, Jirro killed for him, he fed on humans..Yes I know it's something we all know he would never do but he did. But believe me it didn't come easy to him, he was conditioned over months to become something that would have given Sho nightmares...But the real reason he's afraid is because HardTime still has a soul chain on him. (Soul Chain in our world is a link that transcends time and space giving control over a person's body and soul, as long as the person that cast the chain lives the chain can't be broken unless by that person and the person under the power of the chain can not die, even if he tries to take his own life...Hardtime being immortal means Jirro could never break the chain or take his own life or have his life taken) Jirro, I think you should tell the rest of the story, cause if you don't I will and I feel it's better if it comes from you.

(Seriously don't leave me hanging dude, need to push through this part quickly)
"True," Riff said in reply to Ezra. "I do know that there are some people here that can be a bit quick to violence, but if it's possible that everyone here could be affected, then it's not going to end well." By now, many of the other students had gone back to their regular routines with an exception of few. Scanning through the crowd, he caught sight of Faye and Raina. More familiar faces from their old school? Strange. He didn't know the reason they were there but then again, he didn't speak with Faye much, especially after that incident with Lilith. Maybe he should speak to her again.

But then he caught sight of Lilith and his calm gaze became a glare. She was speaking to Kat's brother. "What the @#$ is she doing here?" he mumbled under his breath. Remembering what Faith said, he calmed himself down and turned to Ezra. "So, is there anything you need to see? Or know? Do you need to sign up for Mrs. Cord's class? Though you do have some time since class is cancelled tomorrow."


Lilith bit her lip when Adrian told her that he had heard of her through rumors and such. She wasn't exactly surprised. Her fight with Mel, mostly its conclusion, had been big news at the old Academy. That coupled with how there were so many faces that practically transferred here from there meant that word was bound to spread at an alarming rate. However, like with many others, it didn't seem like Adrian knew about her particular alignment, which was good news for her. After all, people were much more likely to listen to an angel than a demon, even if Mel wasn't really one.

Noticing Adrian's shifting eyes, Lil smiled to herself. Aw, cute, a rather innocent type. Those tended to be rather easy to manipulate. Others simply had no idea what she was doing, often misinterpreting it as something harmless. Of course there were exceptions to that, but what could it hurt to try. Moving so that she was in front of him, she looked up at him rather innocently. "Hm? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

She then turned around, looking as if she was embarrassed, to check for the nonexistent debris on her face. After "making sure" that nothing was there, she turned back to Adrian with a smile. "A fire starter, huh? I can control wind myself. We might make a good team. I can fan your flames to , you know, make them hotter? Maybe I can help with your training. I may not look it but I do have a lot of experience."
Liza tilts her head, regarding Macal with a thoughtful frown as she tries to process his rather long-winded speech. To her it all seems very simple- everyone should just be friends and be together and get along. Shrugging, she tugs on Macal's sleeve. "I got an idea, Daddy. How about I just go find Akira and Alex and I teleport them here and I say "Guess what you're here now and you gotta stay and help and be friends and nice." I think that's a good idea Daddy and it saves a whole lotta time too, probably. You guys oughtta ask me before you do silly stuff like that."

Sheena, sitting with Mitsumi, tenses as Macal speaks into her mind, her eyes shifting quickly to her cousin as she takes in her reaction. She has only heard from Faith of what a soul chain is but she knows it's far from pleasant. It shocks her to hear of Jirro eating humans. Does that make him evil now, or in need of the redemption that Faith and Sheena themselves had had to struggle towards? Was that why he had lost it around her, when she was climbing the waterfall? What if all that was going on now was because of Jirro, because his damaged soul had brought evil into the academy?

Faith seems to be having the same thought. As she is preparing to part from Izzy and hears her husband's voice in her head, she too goes still, her eyes moving to take in her friend's face. Surely Izzy would feel shock and betrayal to hear this, as much towards Jirro as HardTime himself. Her husband had not told her any of this, but instead let his FRIEND tell her...her husband had not talked to her first, and she had found out the same time that Faith, her daughter, and even her younger cousin had. Faith had no doubt that she would be very displeased, and Faith herself struggled with the implications.

Jirro killing humans...what did this mean for Jirro? How could he be teaching children in this school if he had done so recently and not said a word to her? How could he if he still had a soul chain, or had recently, and wasn't fully recovered?

Because she could only speak into Macal's mind, and not Jirro's, she replied to him, "Tell Jirro that as soon as he's done doing whatever the hell he's doing I need to talk to him ASAP. There's no way in hell he's teaching children in this school if that's true, and I can't believe either one of you saw fit to tell me or his WIFE about this! F*** Macal, there are human children in this school, what the f*** would you have done if HardTime ordered Jirro to kill one of them for him?! What if he still does?! What the hell is wrong with you not telling me that?"


Adrian blinked as Lil asked if there was something on her face, then flushed, quickly shaking her head. "No, no, of course, not, just, uh...never mind."

Still blushing, he visibly brightened when she suggested working with him to "fan his flames." This was the first time another student had offered any such help, and as much difficulty as he had controlling himself, the offer was very welcome.

"Wow, really? That would be cool. Yeah, sure, Lil, I'd like that."

The others had to be wrong about this girl. She was as nice to him as anyone around here.
Hearing Macal's voice echoing through her mind causes Izabella body to go stiff, and after hearing what her husband had been forced to do, the hybrid feels her canines lengthen and a growl escapes her, her whole body vibrating with the force from it. The drinking of human blood was not only forbidden with their kind, but the penalty was death in most cases, and the fact that her husband had kept this from her...the fact that she had to find out from someone else...

The Hybrid's body continues to shake and a hand lashes out, grabbing onto her friend for support. Her fingers dig into Faith's arm, and her knuckles pop slightly. " need to get me outside...NOW!" She looks into her best friend's eyes, her own glowing golden and feral. There is nothing Black Blood about her anger, this is pure Lycan anger and if she didn't get outside soon, she would shift in front of all these people, including the remaining students. It had been months since her last shift, so Izzy wasn't even sure how well she'd be able to control her wolf side.

Not waiting for Faith, she takes off running, shoving past everyone and dashes down the hallway, following the familiar scent of the outdoors until she found an exit and landed in the grass on all fours, her clothing shredding as she takes off into the trees, her white fur glistening between the limbs.


Mitsumi had been getting ready to tell her cousin about her relationship with the other Black blood when Mac's voice interupts her thoughts. She stays in silence as she listens in about her father and the soul chain, flinching slightly at the idea of her father being forced to drink human blood. She knew it was forbidden, but she also knew how intoxicating and addicting it could be even after a single drop...

After Macal's voice fades from her mind, she releases a deep breath.

"Well...well that was...unexpected..."

Getting up, Mitsy runs a hand through her hair and looks sideways at her cousin. "I...I can't believe he didn't tell me...I mean..." shaking her head, she paces slightly.

"Did I ever tell you about Nathan? You remember him right, Nate Derosa, that human I had dated before Akira, the one who..." Her voice catches and she swallows hard, giving herself another tiny shake. "Do you remember that fight...with those big robot way, way back...remember how I almost died?"

Mitsy plays with a strand of her hair. "The bagged wasn't working...and Nate was freaking out and he...he made me drink...from him..." Biting down on her lower lip, her cheeks flamed slightly. "-and ever since then...I can still remember the taste...the smell...I can still sometimes even feel...him..." Mitsumi looks at Sheena and shrugs. "There's a reason why we don't feed from humans...and if Da-if Jirro was forced to feed on more then one...we could be in serious trouble..."
{Jirro's jaw drops with the betrayal of his trust from Macal, he screams back at him through his own mind} CURSE YOU MACAL! THIS WASN'T YOUR SECRET TO TELL! {He clinches his fist and strikes out hitting a nearby tree turning it into splinters afterwards he falls to his knees. Gathering his thoughts} I resisted him, I resisted him with all the power in my blood, I told him I would die before I would feed or kill a human, I tried many times to take my own life but his curse wouldn't let me die. To everyone else it may have only been a year that I was missing but what you don't know is for me it was almost an entire century and again I resisted but after a decade of being tortured and not allowed to feed, my resistance faded. That is when he had his real fun. He waited till my body was weaken, my hunger at it's peak until I was no more then a foul beast that would do anything to survive. So everyday he would come to me with a victim and tell me. "Your pain will end if you submit." Again I resisted even though it felt like my body was eating itself but I couldn't do it for much longer, eventually the hunger and he won, I fed and I killed so I could stop hurting But he only allowed me just enough to substain myself so I would continue to serve him. In my rage and hunger I never saw faces it wasn't until my senses finally returned to me what I've done but by then it was to late.

Izzabella I never said anything because I'm ashamed that he broke me, he turned me into an animal..Mitsumi I didn't come for you because I was afraid that he could still control me and make me hurt you. I've failed you both and I've betrayed everything I believed in. If wasn't cursed like this I would have ended my life and retained my honor. Instead I'm waiting for him to start his twisted games again.
The first words that come to Faith's mind when she sees her friend's canines emerge is something along the lines of "Oh sh*t," only much less coherent. When Izzy growls, then seizes her arm hard enough to bruise, Faith immediately grabs onto her shoulder with one hand, her jaw with the other, trying to force her to look her in the eye as she talks loudly over her. She doesn't know whether Izzy is reacting to only what she has heard, which is enough for sure to anger her, or if whatever is going on in the academy is affecting her too, but either way it could be very bad.

"Izzy, get it together...calm down. Come with me and-"

But Izzy is yelling over her, then taking off with no further input, as Adrian and Katarina both stare, blinking in some astonishment in Adrian's case, fear in Katarina's as she unconsciously presses back against Bucky to watch her go. Faith hesitates, trying to decide whether or not to go after her, and ultimately comes to the conclusion that she is better off letting her work off anger on her own. Her own anger is increasing as she calls out to Macal mentally, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! You tell Jirro right now that he's not to set foot on these grounds again until this is fixed or whatever it takes, I mean it, I don't want to see his face here!"


Mitsumi is taking this rather better than Sheena had expected. Still, she watches her warily, concerned but also still bracing herself for her to blow, as her cousin paces, musing aloud. As Mitsumi begins to describe drinking human blood, Sheena stills. She remembers this, or having been told of this, and it had disturbed her at the time and disturbs her still now. Slowly she stands, coming around to follow her and gently takes hold of her arm as she replies.

"Mitsy...I'm sorry. That really sounds awful...but your dad, I he safe? To be here? Or...I mean, maybe you should talk to him? Or maybe we should just...I don't even know what to think, this is crazy."
*Mac speaking only to Faith's mind now* If you're asking me to turn my back on my friend and send him out alone so that he can dwell on the things he's done...I can not, in fact I refuse. Despite all that we all know right now, Jirro has posed no threat to anyone. And considering what has been going on here in the past few days I believe he poses no more threat then anyone else. Faith do no ask me to turn my back on him..I'm begging you not to make me chose between you and my friend when you no there is no chance I will ever pick anyone over you. This is Jirro we're talking about, the only real friend I have left in this world. Just give me some time to figure this out and if need be I will restrain Jirro if and ever he becomes a threat to anyone....I think I deserve a chance to fix this.
(I'm a bit confused . . . Is Adrian with Kat who is with Bucky who is with Faith and the others? Should Lil see them too? . . . I hate writer's block . . .)

Mel kicked the door to Vash's room in, carrying two buckets of holy water. The priest was sure cooperative with giving her this . . . Or maybe he was just shocked to see a living doll. Probably the latter of the two, since he did greet her with a crucifix to the head chanting prayers for an exorcism . . . It took a little longer than she would've liked to calm the man down enough to even ask for the water.

Walking toward the center of the room, she let the buckets fall with a loud thud next to Vash who was sleeping or at least had been. Vash clutched his side after waking with a jump. "Oh God, Mel. Why? I think I opened my stitches."

"No time for sleep now, Vash." The doll plopped herself onto the demon's bed, legs crossed and hands placed on the topmost knee. "I need to know exactly what happened in the dining hall today. Why is your crystal broken? Why did that goth wannabe stab you?"

Sitting up, Vash rubbed the back of his head, trying to gather his memories of that morning. "I . . . I'm not too sure myself. Faye and Raina were fighting. I tried to stop them, but I was mad. I wanted them to kill eachother. I . . . remembered the fight back at the old academy."

"Vash. That's ancient history." "I know that! I just . . . I still didn't want to forgive them, you know. But I got madder and then I sort of blacked out a bit. Next thing I knew, I had a knife in my stomach and there were black metal feathers on the floor."

Vash let out a sigh before allowing himself to fall back onto the floor. Mel took the story in without much thought. After all, Faith had already given her a basic idea of what happened during the assembly. So some unknown force was capable of making Vash angry enough to break his seal. She didn't like the sound of it. No one could play with her toys except her, especially not some faceless voodoo sh*t.
(Adrian is separate from Kat, he is with Raina, Faye, Lil. But Kat is in the hallway with Bucky and Evan too, within sight. By the way, Primal says she is without internet for some time, so I suppose everyone should ignore Evan for now and move on without her)

Katarina, still unsettled to be standing in the hallway where so much violence has taken place, tugs lightly on Bucky's arm, twisting around slightly from the circle of his arm to look up at him. Glancing down towards where her brother is standing with three other girls in the hallway, she gives him a slight smile, as though to encourage him to continue keeping his temper.

"Bas, let's go to my room, okay? I mean, if that's okay with you."

She smiles again at Evan, quickly but sincerely. "I'll see you later, I guess."

Down the hallway, Adrian notices her exit with Bucky and frowns, his hands automatically clinching. He fights the urge to follow them and deliberately turns his attention again to Lil as he asks, "What do you know about him? That...Bucky guy, I mean."


Liza cannot hear Macal talking to Faith or Faith talking to Macal, but she notices the tension in her father's face and posture and frowns, unsure of his sudden shift in attitude. Slipping out of the room, she returns toting her teddy bear in her arms and thrusts it at him for him to take.

"Here Daddy. You look sad. I think you oughtta hug him," she announced as she sidled up to him, slipping her own arms around his waist.

Faith herself goes rigid as she hears Macal's reply, the anger that was already present coursing through her in a harsh wave that she only barely manages to control. Recognizing the possibilities of the danger that existed if she were to give in, she takes several deep breaths, despite the fact that she is standing in full view of several students, and closes her eyes, tightly pressing her palms against them as she answers back in a very strained manner.

"Macal, you don't deserve anything and you know it. I didn't deserve for you to hide something like this from me and the students he could have killed damn well don't either. You can't control shit with him and you know it, he's under HardTime's orders, HARDTIME, that is not just some stupid little twit telling him to do something that he can just go about whistling his merry way telling them where to get off at! You betrayed his entire family by not saying anything, you betrayed him because he knows damn well better than that and NEEDED you to act as a friend and stop him, you betrayed me and my trust of you and your ability as a teacher here, and you betrayed every student here. Don't tell me about what you deserve. I'm not asking you to turn your back on him, but you're absolutely f***ing wrong when you tell me that you would never turn your back on me over him. You did the second you let him keep that little secret about how he could slaughter the whole school at any minute with no control. He poses a HUGE threat, we're just lucky he didn't act on it, he lost it in front of YOUR OWN DAUGHTER and you're gonna just tell me to let it go? No way, Macal. Maybe you value his pride over dozens of children's lives, but I can't say that I do. This is my school when it comes down to it, and until this is fixed and not a second before, he has to go. I'm not budging on that."
*Mac remains calm although he feels like screaming at her* Faith not more then 38 hours ago you yourself tried to stake his wife and you can't even explain to yourself why you did it, today all hell broke loose and again you were in the middle of it, I have not seen Jirro make one threatening move towards anyone. Trust me after staking his wife, he damn well had reason to attack. Do not speak to me about betrayal, keeping someone's secret is not a betrayal and don't speak to me like a child as if I don't understand the dangers of keeping his secret, you don't know the weight such a secret bared on my shoulders, if so our discussions about Sheena's sister was a betrayal, you do remember the conversations about dealing with Eve if Sheena was not up to the task. I've betrayed no one accept Jirro for telling his secret, the fact of how you're reacting proves that I was right keeping this secret. We're doing exactly what HardTime wants, destroying us from within separating us from those we care about the most..Tell me this how do we know Izzy also isn't under his control after all she was also taken by HardTime..However this academy is yours to run how you see fit,*He opens his mind to all the people from before.* Ask you wish, Faith, Jirro Mochizuki shall be removed from the grounds and not allowed back. As I said if given the choice between you and my friend I will pick you..Just remember this here I can make sure if HardTime does order Jirro to do something I can intervene, worst case keep the damage to a minimum. However if I can not keep Jirro in sight I can not allow him out amount mortals. Jirro will be taken to the Vault and held there until he is deemed no longer a threat...Jirro, I'm sorry I have no choice, If I can not monitor you I can not be sure you're not a threat to mortals, I will have a security team secure you and escort you away, please don't resist them my friend I have no choice.

*He looks down at Liza's bear and pulls him to his chest, he tries to smile at her but barely manages it* Yeah Mouse, I really could but right now I have to go to work. *He stands up handing her the bear back and starts to head for the door, as he moves his clothes shift to his armor, his sword materializes on his back.* Liza I want you to find Sheena and teleport to her and stay with her till, your mother or I come for you. *He closes his eyes for a moment to locate Jirro's aura and teleports to him, giving himself time to reach him before the security team does.*

"Yeah, and when I tried to stake his wife, YOU were the one who refused to take it seriously!" Faith blurted aloud, unable to contain herself from doing so, even as several still near her looked over at her curiously. Noting their stares, she took in another breath, then quickly left the hallway calling out instructions to continue to regain order to the few staff members that were left among the students. Striding down the halls, she entered an empty training room and shut the door behind her, free to use its space to mentally and occasionally audibly continue arguing with Macal with more privacy.

"I told you it was a problem and you laughed it off and called it a little cat fight, basically, so don't you dare throw that in my face and make it out like I'm as dangerous as he is when you obviously are no longer able to have a clear head about who is and isn't a danger! You had to have a fifteen-year-old child tell you that it was a problem before you were willing to believe that it was, and now you act like I'm the hypocrite? As for Jirro not making a threatening move, did you ever think that maybe HardTime just hasn't had him do it YET? How the hell will you be able to stop anything, you didn't stop his outburst with Sheena and you didn't stop what happened today with this...thing in the school, how do you know HardTime isn't behind that too? How do you know he didn't force Jirro to summon up something that's making everyone explode? I can't believe you would knowingly and deliberately put all these kids at risk over someone who has no control of himself at ALL, not just in a certain area or under certain circumstances, but at ALL! Don't start comparing this to Evangeline either, that is NOTHING like it, she was a sixteen-year-old vampire kid with no power except for how she could emotionally influence Sheena, almost any kid in this school could have taken her down if we were actually in a school at the time that would crack down on those things! Don't tell me that me being PISSED AS F*** at you over basically lying to my face about this means you were right to keep it a secret, so what, you think that if I'm angry with you IT MEANS YOU'RE RIGHT TO LIE? What the f***, Macal, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

She throws a set of weights against the wall, leaving a rather significant hole as she continues to confront him in a less than calm fashion. "I don't know if Izzy is controlled by HardTime or not but I trust that she wouldn't be SELFISH enough to hide it if she was, and if she told me she was I sure as hell wouldn't lie to you about it!"

As Macal announces to Jirro that he's being put into a vault, Faith bolts upright again, almost screaming at him now. "Don't you dare put that on me, Macal Cord! You have a damn choice, I didn't say sh*t to you about putting him in the vault! If you choose to do that, that is YOUR choice, all I said was he can't teach at this school for as long as he's like this, which is COMMON SENSE! How the hell do you think he'll take away whatever is wrong with him by being locked in a vault! Oh my god, what, are you controlled by HardTime too that you would be this stupid? What is wrong with you?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_6.jpg.3d3942cacfa7cc675e3eb4ad0fa8d01c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_6.jpg.3d3942cacfa7cc675e3eb4ad0fa8d01c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_6.jpg.3d3942cacfa7cc675e3eb4ad0fa8d01c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_6.jpg.3d3942cacfa7cc675e3eb4ad0fa8d01c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Liza is still frowning as she takes the bear from her father, not understanding his change in mood. "Daddy you said Three Stooges and ice cream. I heard you. And now you're running away. How come? I wanna come too. Are you gonna fight? I can fight!"

As he tells her to go to Sheena, Liza huffs, considering teleporting after him, but instead obeys, landing directly in Sheena's lap. Sheena herself is still somewhat shocked by what she's just heard from Macal, and when Liza appears, she jumps and gasps, staring at her as Liza launches into a dialogue.

"Daddy is being weird and sad. He didn't even do what he said he would and he didn't hug my bear. He said I gotta stay here with you. Can we go see how come people are being weird?"


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